How To Deal With Death By Understanding The Soul

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do souls already have an agenda before they incarnate yes and if so when we're here and if we're awakened can we choose to live a different reality than one that we've prepared ourselves for the answer is yes to both questions when you ask do souls have an agenda before they come here it does not mean that you're gonna be a butcher a baker a candlestick maker but you're going to play first base of the New York Yankees our first chair violin for the Philharmonic Orchestra of Croatia it doesn't mean that see God is not a career counselor so the soul does not come here with an agenda in the sense of an occupation or even for that matter a specific activity that your supposed supposed to be doing if I said I said yes this faster the question about the souls agenda because all souls have the same agenda so yes you come here with an agenda already set because the agenda of all souls has been set at the outset if you please there is really no beginning and no end but you understand it said that at the at the moment that souls became souls you know the agenda was set and the agenda is identical for every soul in the universe the agenda is to announce and declare express and fulfill become an experience who you really are that's your agenda that's your agenda and that's your agenda and that's even your agenda but think of it in these terms just what happens [Laughter] but but that's the agenda so the agenda has been set now can we change the trajectory can we change the events can we change you know our life you know in midstream if it seems to be going in one direction and we've read the answer is yes because we always have free will free will is the natural inheritance and the natural state actually it's the natural state of who you are that is you are freedom personified because you aren't divinity personified and the definition of divinity in a single word is freedom that is that which is divine is free to express and experience itself any way that it chooses precisely because it is divine and there are no limitations of any kind no restrictions no requirements on the divine and because there are no restrictions and no requirements we would loosely define that as being ultimately free so we are free to be do and have whatever we choose because we are free to be do and have whatever we choose the answer to your second question is yes at any time you may change the trajectory of your life path and you may do so right now by telling me just to shut up I just wanted to explain this to my father as he was on his deathbed mm-hmm I wanted him to believe that his life didn't have to end that he could choose that he could choose to live if he wanted to and I know that he loved us so much but he did leave because he wanted to ladies and gentlemen nobody dies at a time or in a way that is not of their choosing I know that's a tough I know that's a tough one but nobody dies at a time or in a way that is not of their choosing such a thing would be impossible given who and what you are unless you deny your own divinity which you can do you can't not be that but you can not accept that you can't not be divine but you can decide decide that you're not divine it won't change anything except your experience of it see I I can't not be 6 feet tall I'm 6 feet tall I can't not be 6 feet I can't not have blue eyes I can pretend that on that blue eyes or imagine that they don't have blue eyes but I can't not have blue I could all blue eyes so you can't not be divined can't not be that but you can not think you're that you can think you're not that so with respect I would say to a person who's dying and I've had little experience ever heard of a woman named Elizabeth kubler-ross I worked on her staff for a couple of years and I worked around her for more than a couple of years about four or five years Elizabeth kubler-ross is more popularly known more widely known as the death and dying lady she wrote a book called on death and dying which sold a quadrillion copies and became the standard the gold standard about death and dying in the medical profession she was a doctor and a psychiatrist and I went to one of her retreats at one point when I was a younger man and I got was so impressed with her work in her life that I stood up at the end of the retreat I managed to get to her she was surrounded by people but I managed to get to her and I said I would do anything to work with you and she said be careful what you say young men she had a very heavy Swiss accent and a year later I was working on her staff because she challenged me she challenged me I'm telling you the story for a reason Elizabeth was very clear she wrote a book called on death and dying she was very clear about who we are and the whole death and dying process you got real clear about that and she would never say to a person who was this isn't to make you wrong but to help you understand yeah she would never say to a person who was about to leave you don't have to go if you don't want to because that would make them feel if they're going anyway like you know that they weren't able to do the magic to stay here what what she would say to a person who was terminally ill is do what you choose to do is this is your time to leave you will know it you will feel it it will be natural and normal to you let yourself slip out knowing that I'm okay with that knowing that I'm okay with that the best the greatest gift you can give to the dying is to let them know that you're okay that they're going then they can slip away not feeling like they're letting you down or somehow hurting you you see now it's no problem now because your dad understands all of this he's totally clear he was clear the instant that he'd moved over to the other side in that instant he was very clear and he understood the emotion that was moving through you as you said those things to him but in the future if any of you ever encounter or confront a dear beloved one who is near passing away - just say to them it's okay if you feel that now is your time to go I'm going to be all right I don't need anything from you or for you that you don't choose willingly let yourself go to where you want to go and that person can put their head back on the pillow and release and let go so the comfort for you now is to know that he actually got exactly what he was choosing and what he now knows is that you you simply didn't know that and at a conscious level he may not have known it as well we always don't know at a conscious level but at a supra-conscious level he was very clear or or you wouldn't have left so it's all okay that doesn't mean that you don't miss him that doesn't mean that you don't wish that he didn't go all of those things are true but it doesn't mean that he got his way and he's now so in flight and so enjoy it's so in the wonderment of the fullness of who he is and he comes here now in this moment to tell you that I know I'm not wrong about this and that my dear is why he brought you here that's why you came to this event to hear this directly to you do you understand who you are do you understand how you can touch people are you getting it are you seeing it this isn't about me this is about you see who you are and now you can touch other people in the most important moments of their life by simply is coming from your knowing of everything there's nothing you do not know I promise you
Channel: Soulvana
Views: 104,934
Rating: 4.901114 out of 5
Keywords: Soulvana, Mindvalley, spiritual growth, spirituality, the grieving process, coping with death, grief, grief stages, grief quotes, dealing with grief, good grief, complicated grief, steps of grief, grief and loss, death, life after death, how to deal with grief and loss of a loved one, loss, how to deal with death of a loved one, how to deal with grief, how to get over death, dealing with death, spiritual approach to death
Id: dKm9qHxexLw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 40sec (760 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 04 2019
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