How To Make Decisions From Your Divinity

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divinity is the state of being you are divine you are an individual of divinity you are a singular ization of the singularity you are an individual expression of God that is the state of being we're talking about when you are clear who you are when you are clear that the answer to the first question Who am I is I am an expression of divinity I am in individuation of the divine then you have sudden suddenly something - how would I put it - aim for shoot for a target if you please that you're throwing the darts at and you get to say to yourself is what I'm saying now doing now being now how I'm acting now my highest expression my highest understanding of divinity if not why am i doing it saying it or being it why am i why am i doing that why am I saying that why am I being uh or to put it this way life's magic question this is life's magic question may want to have this question tattooed on your left wrist and whenever you are facing any dilemma at all any choice at all any decision at all about anything really may be a decision about what you're eating what you're putting on what you're wearing how you're doing your hair what you're saying where you're going who you're marrying who you're not marrying whatever the job you take whenever you face any decision whatsoever you can ask yourself life's magic question here it comes write it down what does this have to do with the agenda of my soul [Music] what does this have to do with the agenda of my soul I promise you I wouldn't be in the room if I wasn't clear what I'm doing has to do with the agenda of my soul I promise you I don't have any more patience with cocktail parties as an example or other meaningless functions or activities even though they may be fun but they don't have anything to do with the agenda of my soul except insofar as having fun and bringing joy into my life it's part of the agenda of my soul fair enough life isn't supposed to be serious and without any kind of fun but somehow or another there must be a direct connection between the choices I'm making in every golden moment of now and the agenda of my soul and the agenda of my soul is the same as the agenda of your soul you don't have an agenda that's different from mine I don't have an agenda that's different from yours we do not have eight billion individual agendas the agenda of the soul is the same for every living sentient being my understanding is that all sentient beings move into physical life with the exact same agenda and the agenda is to demonstrate to express to declare and to experience who we really are or if you please using other language to put God into physical form that divinity may know itself experientially and not just conceptually that our opportunity as sentient beings is to move the expression of divinity from conceptualization to experience it's one thing to conceive of myself as something it's another thing to express and experience myself as that at the example that I used and everyone you know we're all adults in the room that everyone can understand is human sexuality there was a time in my life when I when I was in my adolescence my my prepubescent years and the years immediately following when I knew myself to be a sexual being when I began to understand that that's what was true about me so I had a concept of myself as male and as a sexual male that is a male who had sexual feelings desires and proclivities and I knew that but I hadn't yet experienced or expressed it as part of my physical reality there was a huge difference between my concept about myself and my experience of myself you understand I use that example because everyone can relate well it's the same thing with spirituality we know who we are but we are not applying it it has not become a functional reality in our life I knew at 12 that I was a sexual being but it hadn't become a functional reality in my life so I have known myself as divine that is as an expression of divinity but I have not experienced that aspect of myself the function of life is to move from concept to experience in the expression of divinity in one sentence voila that's it why why not just get the guy get the girl get the car get the job why bother with that once you experience it even for a moment you'll understand why it's kind of like sexuality after you experience it for the first time you suddenly understand yes I've had my moments and you know what's interesting almost all of you have almost all of you have had at least one moment in your life and for many of you more than one where you felt for that moment or for that hour or for that day or that period of time now that's who I really am now that's what it feels for divinity to be flowing through me as me right here right now how many of you have ever had a Mon in your life when you just felt that you know you were just you know just unabashedly we just admitted to ourselves we don't go around bragging about it but inside of yourself you realize that's about as high at experience of Who I am but I'm never gonna have in this lifetime and Eve ever had experience like that of course of course and it's often when we do something with and for another when we find ourselves right as they say in the in the wit is there's a reason they used it phrase there's a reason that we use the phrase rising to the occasion he was just rising to the occasion and there have been times in your life when the chips were down if you please when it was all on the line when somebody needed something from you that you didn't even think you had to give or knew how to give but somehow or another you rose to the occasion and you became that and you offered that and you gave that and you were that and you step back from yourself again you didn't brag about it you didn't boast about it you didn't tell anyone else about it but you went to your room by yourself and you went yes yes I was there I was there for them whoa and once you know yourself as that all you want is more of it unless you don't it's up to you but yes I've experienced that and I've actually quantified it that is I've decided what it looks like for me what it feels like I've defined states of being that represent that for me and that therefore allow me to know when I've stepped into it again and when I've stepped into it again so I don't even have to wonder is this what it feels like I said what it's like I've actually become very clear now and with the clarity that I've come to I can actually go for that that is I can strive for I can step into it and strive for it specifically in any given moment of my life so can you all you have to do is decide what that looks like to you it's not a decision you make once and for all it's a decision you make and you can remake it and change your mind about it anytime you wish but once you make the decision for this moment now you will know what you're going for you will know what your objective is in every individual moment and you'll be able to measure the moment you'll be able to measure the moment it's a was I was I that was I that in this moment and if not why not what stopped me from being that in this moment now I got to tell you when you start stringing those moments together I mean stringing a lot of them together not just one every three or four years but one every three or four months or one every three or four weeks or one every three or four days or one every three or four minutes when you start stringing those moments together when you start stringing those moments together one after the other after the other after the other we're talking about a life that can touch millions you
Channel: Soulvana
Views: 157,503
Rating: 4.8995938 out of 5
Keywords: Soulvana, Mindvalley, spiritual growth, spirituality, neale donald walsch, universe, flow, power of intention, in the zone, let god let go, god, follow your heart, intuition, insights, instincts, spiritual decision making, mindvalley, divinity
Id: Y_P5AJSflw8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 22sec (742 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 09 2018
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