Carlton Pearson preaches "2,000 Years of Hell" at All Souls Church

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[Applause] come Sunday as the movie come monday is the movement what you want wants you because what you want is you that's where Monday comes in Who am I on Monday after Sunday let's discover that let's recover that let's reclaim that together that's where I am the movie is fantastic my past 65 years are wonderful now I'm so excited about what's gonna happen exit I think you are too you want to know what's next movie for me what's next for you and those you love you might be the leader in fact you really are you can be come and sign up for come Monday org to become a part of this amazing movement that's global and we're here for people all over the country as well as all over the planet Pakistan India way down in South Africa people want to go to the next level this is next level living this is next level thinking this is next level being see you there the next great move of the Holy Spirit would be initiated by black people and that he was going to have a leading part [Music] I'm gonna talk on the theme which is the theme for the whole month we're talking about beyond hell and nobody probably can talk about it religiously anymore with any more depth than I can because I lived and breathed hell it was part of the it was an article of faith it was everything about Jesus Jesus is our fire escape and so down a back emergency stairwell in the prison or something like that if you we always were afraid of Hell and or of the God who created it and who had the power to send us there and we or I had the power to take that God off or to make that God angry and that God has obviously anger management issues and and the fear of that God has become profound to billions of people not just Christians but also another couple billion Islamic folk the other religions don't emphasize it the same way we do certainly Judaism doesn't but Judaism emphasizes the angry God not hell most Jews don't believe in Hell or in afterlife the word Sheol and the Hebrew is the word that suggests the graveyard or cemetery or death Hades means the place of the dead are the underground it comes not from Judaism it's not even a Jew a Hebrew word but it comes from other thoughts Greek and otherwise that believe that there are places it's the pluton or pluto's the farthest place from the Sun the last planet the word hell that's mistranslated in the King James Version in 16th century Kings English is hell but it's the word of is Gehenna Jesus never once use the word hell nobody used the word hell that's not a biblical term it is a biblical as it is a in lished terminology that has mistranslated the word Gehenna gay or it means gully or Gorge or Valley of Hinnom and it was it was the the town dump on the southeast side of the Old City of Jerusalem I've been there 12 times it is the place to which Jesus referred what he said the flame goes not out and the and that in the world I've not King James while the flame is out on the worm is dead because right now it's a part with palm trees and picnic benches that it's a beautiful place to go and many people visit there and it's been that way now for a long long time but the other hell to which Jesus was referring when he spoke to his disciples they would have understood the metaphor or the allegory or the example of the burning agony of being the the illusion of feeling separated from God but he didn't use Dante's Inferno from the 12th century he didn't know Dante and Dante lived in an area of Italy where they believed in various aspects of Hell that were frightening and he wrote it's called the Divine Comedy wasn't initially called that but it became a comedy because he has these different stages of Hell and the Catholic Church embraced that that particular Pope and it just spread through the entire religion and has reached all the way over here into America and has become a literal article of faith for fundamentalist and evangelicals we really believe in Hell there's a certain devotion to it for some reason people just need help I got to have some help and when I came out saying that ultimately in the finished work in Christian theology the finished tetelestai agree that means mission accomplished the finished work of the cross meant that the redemption of humankind had been accomplished so but but some people come up to me and said well I believe in the finished work but somebody somebody got to go to hell I'm over that's up from there from that mentality I have a list of people I'd like to go there too and one of them is you beacon you know so you this is there's a lot of us who have anger and resentments and and vengeance and our the Christian judeo-christian Bible says quotes God is saying vengeance is mine I will repay I am a jealous God but you bet can't be jealous he admitted in the third the 6th chapter of the first book of Genesis that he repented that he made us so and that he his spirit wouldn't always strive with us because we're mortals few chapters ahead he said everything I made is good villains it's all good then teach ever ladies that know I changed my mind I don't like humans their project ain't working for me I went out of this marriage and so he basically said I found Noah found favor we don't even know why but he found favor and so I'm gonna save Noah his wife and his sons and their wives eight people out of the however many were on the planet at that time I'm a drone every one of them and he did according to your Bibles if you have one he just drowned pregnant women old people weak people mentally challenged people physically challenged people and all the animals he basically just said forget it now for if you are biblical literalists and I know that most of you aren't but billions of people actually aren't they they ignore that story where God basically says either I made a mistake or I made a misstep and I don't like humans they're mortal they mess with my head no I ghost preaches 120 years you know the story getting nobody saved but his wife and kids I got drunk too and he did and in the drunken stupor he evidently had some kind of incestuous relationship with his son that's the that that's what it's alludes to and and then that drunken to see God says you know what let's don't use water anymore the I don't like the 120 days the recession of water bloated babies bloated bodies cows sheep baboons serpent let's use fire the next time let's just burn the hell out of them next time that's in your Bible not quite that blames but he does say we're gonna use fire rejoice some of the rainbow because fire is next and between the sixth chapter of Genesis till the last book of the Bible which is the last book because nobody really is sure it should have been there revelation they are get about it it was in it it was out it came in about 40 years after the other ones maybe they put it in there and and and but anyway in that span of time he's now devised this whole lake of fire that that that burned next time thing that fire thing has now become a lake of fire that burns with fire and brimstone and all unity all unbelievers is gonna go to it all Hindus or Muslims or Jews everybody but my mom and him Voltaire said this those who can make you believe absurdities can make you believe or commit atrocities and he said again those who can make you believe absurdities absurdities can make you commit atrocities the one issue Carlson Pearson has had with the whole doctrine of of Christian theology has been the concept of the doctrine of hell because I had so many friends who were not my kind of Christian we grew up for seven years from age four to about ten in Southern California ten just five miles north of Tijuana border both of my friends in the small black community where a smoke was just a very small group we're all african-american one or two sounds but I had a seventh-day adventists a cross street one of my girlfriend Rebecca was with was seven day Adventists my friend Robert Garcia was was Jehovah's Witness neither of them were going to heaven as far as I and I knew the rest of my Hispanic friends were Catholics some of the blacks were Baptist but back to smoke wore red lipstick and stuff like so we didn't think they were going nobody was really going to heaven but the little Pentecostal church on the eastern Ridge that my uncle began several years earlier in a converted chicken coop where he has Sunday school and now it's called the Woodland Park Church of God in Christ hey get them hands up the intended but the conflict came Robert lived across the street from me just category and Rebecca live right next door and they were my friends not my only friends but they were close friends we all went to elementary school together and I always wondered about them because I my parents didn't actually tell me but the mentality was of our denomination that if you're not saved sanctified feel what the Holy Ghost baptized and even the Father Son the Holy Ghost in Jesus name you were going to hell and you need to speak in tongues and you mustn't smoke oh yeah and then there's the blood of Jesus that covered all your sins so when you brought up that way practice doesn't just make perfect practice tends to make permanent so when you think your God doesn't love Catholics because they pray to Mary or you just use the beads as do Muslims is the Moloch which is part of a Hindu century structure and in new thought if you or Buddhism if you if you don't believe like we believe and God hates you enough to torture you then why should I have any trouble shooting you dropping a bomb on you building walls to keep you out or putting your babies in cages with all your family values most pro-lifers Adama I'm also pro-life even though I'm pro-choice as well most pro-lifers are also profound pro-death errs big cap of a punishment I'm not against darn I heard I was I was I would have been there last night but by the time I ridiculously get me some tickets the best seats were gone had I known you had them I would have asked you to leave cuz I've been on the show before you ain't been on this show before now that was back of my in my conservatives is I was actually on this show I told him right out of the make up sure they asked me to basically produce the show what he wanted where do you want to go with this person I said I don't know Martin Luther King's birthday let's talk about black folks and how white folks was me he laughed I said you know the man everybody loves to hate but we also love you too there's something about you that's word you know he was he was Ava's way over here I just been with Frank Keating all that day the governor Oklahoma and I flew got out there just in time and met he vanya he on the vans on on that same stage we were all on the same show we've actually got it we've Mack Mike helped me find it on the internet or something last night and so I was thinking about Bill Maher and the things he said and and he's a little risque and he's edgy but I just love his bland blaring a practical approach to life in general he just says anything you went out you know if you have the little virgin ears you want to do like that because he uses words that we would have gone to hell for using or had to help beat out of it for using so I love the words where why are we here where do we come from mystery mystery life is a riddle and a mystery great song when I look to the hymnal these songs the lyrics of these songs are diverse there's so many profound observations and and and and inclinations in the writings of these songs and the Universal hymnal the you you him that was just amazing the things that that you write the words in this song which I thought were fantastic too so good Rick you really choose great stuff come come whoever you are however you are whatever you are that was a poem from Rumi in the 12th century around the time Dante was writing his poems and stuff Rumi who is a great Messiah for the the Sufis of Islam and the Sufis are like the edgy more extreme almost finical form of Islam like Cabala is the Pentecostal form of Judaism and oru is a Pentecostal form of Christianity and it is that's why we went there because we understood it come come whoever you are and wanderer we have room for Wanderers and Wanderers people who are not spiritually resolved who are not sure who have questions who are curious and are allowed to actually ask the questions answer the questions and then question the answers come come whoever you are wanderer worshipper lover of leaving leaving what leaving traditions leaving sacred cows leaving certain values that you thought were the virtue of your soul until you found they really weren't those of you who are trying to find a perfect Church hop it around first of all you're not gonna find one and if you do and join it it a go will be perfect no more so you in there ours is no caravan of the dis of despair come yet again come even Jesus had come unto me all ye who labor and are heavy-laden under the weight and the burden of religious legalism fear-based theologies a God who you're taught you but you never believed likes you most folk do not believe God likes them and most folk don't like themselves based on their belief in that girl talk to be somebody the traditional er ideology or concept of hell is a theology or ideology in concept of hatred not only a sin but billions of those who are considered sinners who would even conceive of eternal torment not not a couple of days a couple of years a couple of weeks forever one you want to pass the age as our sum of Southern Baptist friends and most of the compare fundamentals believe that the age of accountability is 12 one minute past 12 and your tail has headed to hell if you don't get your does until your tail I'm in just I met your story you on your way to hell and you sold you don't even know that you're maybe you never heard about Jesus but to beyond the age of accountability now forget that concept just think about a God who creates that kind of torture who teaches you to love your enemies and turn the other cheek but he reserves hell for you I'm gonna get up oh those atheists and agnostics those Scientologists in universalist those counseling piercing people or those backslidden Christians Oh they started with me and then they stopped oh my god make your life miserable I'm not gonna bless them make them poor in mind spirit and body let them get sick let them go through hell and then I'll take them and put it at another one eternally now I'm making i'ma dramatizing it but this is the faith we've had in this benevolent piety that God is so good and we're witnessing for Jesus here's the description of a cycle and I'm a little bit tight and because I've been kicked around for 15 years about inclusive consciousness now I see why I went through that it was valuable to me and virtuous I need to to just say look we got it wrong and we need to just stop playing around well what about the Bible the Bible they're by most fun don't even know what the word Bible means obviously you don't get got real quick-like what does it mean it means book it just basically means book it's a book we call ours holy and the Muslims call theirs holy and the the Bhagavad Gita's holy for Hindus and others all they're all sacred writings and I'm not saying I believe that I don't believe the Bible is the is the inspired Word of God as much as it is might be the inspired Word a man about God and some of that has expired what I mean but it's irrelevant though I teach from the scriptures I can teach the scripture it's like anybody else you can line me up I study biblical literature English Bible that was my major my minor was theology and historical studies and I've studied a whole lot more since leaving college than I did even past masters work or my masters I've studied in read and I read Anna and I've studied that book and I realize now that as a book that man wrote took 300 years to canonize it it wasn't it wasn't even mass-produced until 1400 years after Christ with the Gutenberg press and then 80 percent of the world's population was illiterate took 300 years of men no women sitting around tables drinking wine why would a kick in it and conversing in the theorizing and theologies theologians and scholars and historians and archaeologists and they came up with 300 years 300 years of men fussing fighting and some of them getting so angry they walked away from the table they never came back they never spoke to people around the table because a certain book was in there that they didn't want or wasn't in there that they wanted and they kept going through it and then all the time they're changing the languages tweaking the languages reinterpreting read translating we transliterating it went through 300 years of human beings fumbling around trying to find a code to appease an angry god or please the difficult one and it's created a world of psychotic people I know that sign sounds unkind but I told you that's I kind of just tell you that one out of five people that you meet in any given day are mentally ill go ahead count five broke down five five behind you five in front of you and if they count five is gonna be you so we all go through this a psychopath is the person suffering from chronic mental disorder with abnormal or violent social behavior now that could be Trump or God [Applause] that's a psychopath or sociopath is a person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behavior and a lack of conscience that could be Trump or God so they're very there's very I like a lot of my Christian upbringing my mother sir she's the most precious person on the planet isn't she she was brought up in a very strict strict strict Pentecostal home her great her grandfather half white man named lon Evans his daddy was white his mother was black his daddy his mother was raped repeatedly by the landowner where they stayed his name is Evans it's the only one of of Evans children who's black the the man from Ireland I think it's Ireland and Papa could pray and Papa had 26 children that we know of five by his first wife ten by his second and I don't know what about the 15 come from but they're all in there somewhere Helen hatred our brothers from another mother you cannot separate hell or hate our concept of hell and if a frightened Papa and it frightened his children and it's Friday the grandchildren and great grand and we all were afraid of God and hell or maybe both of them they seemed to be working and we needed Jesus to protect us from both God and he'll talk to me somebody again if you brought up and this kind of this kind of background you suffered and many of you don't like things related to traditional church because you are suffering from church hurt there's a lot of angry I get thousands of emails from people who are hurting because they the church folk were mean whether they were married outside of wedlock or never married or single or gay whether they were they looked a little cigarette or joint or they went to clubs or they danced or they they wore the wrong wardrobe or they did something that they didn't come to church enough they didn't pay their office tithe and they didn't take communion enough they didn't baptize on the right name it's just a whole list of due doings and duties that they I feel violated by many folks are suffering primarily because this concept of a God who will torture you infinitely is always watching you and reading your mind and may one day come upon us scripture says as a thief in the night though thou shalt not steal he will come upon you as a thief in the night catch you with your work undone I've heard that all my life and I remember as a kid growing up why are these people so the I love these people but they was just weird they they this is a crazy thing it's this this this aspect of my doctrine is crazy it's like this is some crazy aspect shift edge ifts the the mindset is so so astounding it's very Friday absurdity is the idea or suggestion wildly isn't an idea or suggestion that's wildly unreasonable illogical inappropriate well that's when I say hell the concept is absurd atrocities are extremely wicked of cruel acts typically ones that involve physical violence and injuries and that hell isn't that the way the anger and the violence of the viciousness even Calvary which I've wept came I made my confession to Christ looking at a picture of the cross with Jesus honored the blood and my mother was sitting at the dining room table and I was sitting under the piano with a book called the portrait of Christ the rest of my five brothers and sisters were playing in the house I looked at that picture I saw Jesus on the cross I know I heard the story before but that night it bothered me I cried and I just saw the blood and I was just confused and I didn't know what the violence was all about his head was down but it looked like he opened his eyes and looked right at me and I was crying and but in a few minutes of my mom's notice I was crying she said what's the matter with you boy and I couldn't tell her I just showed her the picture and and she explained the story to me and and that that Jesus had died for all my sins I was about five years old I remember what that was and and she didn't ask me whether or not I wanted to get saved I that's the terms we use I just accepted him at that time and and I followed Christ I still follow Christ in conscious as I follow the teachings of Jesus I don't necessarily have to be called a Christian and I don't believe in Jesus because I'm afraid to go to hell I'm believing Jesus because what I did experience with him I like I just have an alarm up I'm a follower of Christ he is my example he went through the hell the religious folks put me through and put him through he went through the same kind of thing he went through the atrocities the the I was sitting behind Bernice King and theater in Atlanta and we watched what is it the Tim Taylor what is that the the The Passion of Christ and and the way Mel Gibson had the hooks in his skin and the way they stripped his flesh from his bones and and it was hideous and she was crying and I was too we could we could actually hear each other crying we went to eat afterward and talked about that if she's officially the one thing I I struggle with and I'm not quite where you are within gospel of inclusion but that movie touched me deeply and I just could never see Mahatma Gandhi who was my father's most pronounced influencer I couldn't imagine him in hell she said I can't put him in hell even though he was Hindu I said well you will eventually sort through that Bernice because you know you realize how I've seen and I've served the concept is why would it with our religion begins with a 12 or 13 year old girl being impregnated before she knew it and then we said to the Holy Ghost and that's what we teach that would basically be statutory rate to date only those would go to jail but Jesus was Mary was just about 12 or 13 and she's impregnated that's but all the religions have the gods seeking females it's like all the angels and the that fell out of heaven in the book of Genesis were males because all of them don't say nothing about women they're all male angels looking at pretty women and eventually marrying them and preach and creating according to the scripture Giants the Nephilim the anta kites Enoch means long-legged Hebrew so then right after that then God says my spirit will not always strive he's saw evidently hybrid entities I gotta stop I got so much it like a hybrid enemy I didn't get to the hell part hybrid entities having sexual intimacy with humans and and there was something about the sex thing according to that Bible that turned God off or ticked him off when he came down and said my spirit will not always strive with man he's mortal he's sensual he's sexual he's social he's spiritual I don't get it I get the spiritual part but the central essential part ain't for that's kind of eluded in that passage cuz rights to see read it y'all don't even hear but read the Bible as mind say read by ABBA it's in there she actually says that so it's like God is confused about his deity and our physiology our sexuality our sensuality our sociology our spirituality we're human deities so if you're part God in part men or human can you bridge your divinity to your humanity and be okay wait look listen to me I'm almost finished we need to start all over again we have screwed this thing up we really got a lot of stuff crazy I'm 65 years old I spent the first 50 years of my life preaching what I believed was true and new probably wasn't figure that sentence out later and I'm 65 I survived cancer and I was told I might not make I never said that first time ever ever told that part of it but I went through it my dad and I went through it together I battled it I had some of the most humiliating experiences of my of my life and I did not share that with anybody not one human being it was too painful too embarrassing too humiliating and it was right after I had preached the gospel of inclusion and lost the conference in its shrunken it was just hell and I said to God if if I'm like they say I am leading millions to hell you're probably going to kill me with this and I will accept that if I'm that off but if you let me live and I survive this I will not think of death anymore the same way and I will not be cut off and then the world has opened up to me in the most amazing way the freedom is unbelievable the first the first two communities that reached out to me was the Jewish Federation here in Tulsa that's the first call I got the second call was from an O R u student former student who was gay and had an organization called ole are you out which which I'd never heard of I said what do you mean by out out of school he said no we are gay former oru students been gay but were former or sit and we're getting to get we meet and discuss our stories I said are you kidding me I said well what he said to you do you include us I said well I never even thought about excluding anybody but yes of course well will you will you meet with us I said absolutely was angry I said come on I'll sit on the Board of Regents I said why are you doing this you trying to hurt the university trying to hurt our image the image is that we're squeaky clean there's no there's no non-christians and and and and we were thinking that you can't be gay and be Christian I know so many gay Christians preachers teachers singers worshipable I know so many so many people in the church who smoke and drink and custom fuss and lust y'all know I'm - because you in the church here's my biggest freedom and I know I'm going to hit my biggest freedom that the hell that I got free from is I no longer consistently habitually intentionally judge the way I did not anybody not anybody when I saw my my mother's aunt at 97 years old saying the Bible say you got to give an account she was knitting and afraid to die she just said to me I just want to make it I remember going over pressing my face against hers it's the last time kissing her soft skin she's smells so clean and fresh she knew I loved her she waited 12 hours before she finally stopped breathing for me to get from DC to to San Diego and she was gone before I could get in out of the parking lot but I said I love you so much mama and you're gonna be all right I just want to make it in I said you'll make it in but I couldn't convince her from the worry the tension from believing that she might not make it but if she was married to a man she loved but did not like and want to cuss him out all the time and she wouldn't dare as simple as that she caught me because I'm out and I did do but we didn't believe in cousin we just believe in cursing putting a curse on you're going to hell so coming out of all I'm just sharing my heart is a whole lot more I've come out of all that shift and all that crazy aspect of thinking to a new freedom get those hands up right now everybody come on just lift him up and stretch there oh my god oh come one come all I think I can do this give somebody a nice little fist bump and say you you alright with your craziest of you all right I love you you're special you love by God if there really is a God of love then that God loves every one of us equally nothing will ever separate us from that love it's gonna be alright [Applause] come Sunday is the movie come Monday is the movement Sunday is named after the Sun Monday is named after the moon I call the moon the natural night night you don't have clear vision at night you have a little light in the sky that helps you find your place during the dark moments we want to help you deal with the day after the Sun when Monday hits and you got to go back to work and get back into the saddle and where the rubber really meets the roller we want to teach you how to just relax and chill remove the anxiety the stress stretch without stressing these are these are technologies that we offer you in this movement to advance and expand yourself and your soul to get past the depression and the anxiety that is often in our lives to have less depression and to know how to deal with lessening the pressure in life and everything again is consciousness how to advocate your self or fear or how to manage fear and manage pain we don't know how to completely eradicate it but we can manage it and we have to gain focus what we see and what we think about we bring about how we envision will you change the way you look at things as Wayne Dyer says the things you look at change all these are technologies human and emotional and devotional to help you be the best you to experience the best you because what you want wants you because what you want really is you sign up come Monday dot org and become a part of this amazing expansive movement that is happening all over the planet be one of the first of your friends to sign up I invite you you're on your way to enlightenment I want to meet you there in come Jesus [Music]
Channel: Carlton D Pearson
Views: 14,217
Rating: 4.5072465 out of 5
Keywords: Carlton Pearson, Come Sunday, Come Monday, hell, religion, All Souls Church, heretic, expanded consciousness
Id: dDWouJwcDzE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 35sec (2255 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 10 2018
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