Help Thou My Unbelief | Carlton Pearson

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hey everybody hearing a little bit of IEP yeah [Music] I come here I come [Music] Julie [Music] you know with all the change I've made over the last several years I never lose my value or appreciation or sincere reverence for the transcendent moments I had as a classical Pentecostal worship for all my life for generations even though some people say I'm off and I'm a heretic and I'm an end time false prophet I don't really pay that much digital's kind of terms I used to use them to I know what I know I know what I believe I know why I believe it I know what I feel I know what I experience not just outside but what I feel about me remember life starts and stops with how you experience yourself how you believe in what you believe about you and how that manifests in your life this is 2018 I believe is the year manifestation and things are already manifesting in very powerful words I talked about if you heard me talk on New Year's Eve or that message around that time this is a little year of exposure more exposure for the next little bit we're gonna learn a lot about ourselves there gonna be a lot of purging a lot of a lot of remedial healing and cleansing and I'm going through this body talks right now this Daniels fast but it's not just physical detoxification it's also emotional and and psychological and in some way religious detox and tucks it just means poison the things that are unhealthy to the soul unhealthy to the mind and I'm growing up I'm approaching my 65th birthday and that that's important to me of the many many burdens because it's basically says I'm a well done adult not just you know for many many years I won with this young you know rising apostle this young preacher this young evangelist ain't nobody saying that no more every once in a while going to a place of business even with this great and the person will say well what can I do these young man and I say say that again you could keep saying that you know cuz that's that sounds good and when I think about an F it feels good but I know that I'm mom but I have more behind me than in front of me but the greatest days I think are in front of me as far as substantive impact upon the planet I want to say something for a minute there's so much to talk about tonight so much in the news as you know I'm a news buff I watch it constantly we know that President Trump said something stupid again today but it shows who he is and I'm not I'm not really upset about him things anything he says or does we know him now I'm concerned only about his followers his base because he's always feeding his base and they take what he feeds them that's critical that's a concern because most of those are are conservative faith-based people people that I have spent 50 years of my life hanging out with pastoring and serving working with and walking with and obviously there's there's some grief in me around all of that because I see that there's a lot of racism and misogyny there's no growth it's not the Christ character in many of them in their appraisals and they're holding on they're his BAE's they're asking does his base like this I'm telling you Christians and evangelicals you're about to be scrutinized at a level you've never been in scrutiny is gonna be hard to feel Christian colleges in the near future in religious institutions because nobody's gonna be associated with the Evangelist evangelicals they're not gonna want that on their portfolio they're not gonna want to say they graduated from the beloved or are you like I did and many many people are pros product still probably always mean to a certain extent but then I have to explain what that means because these stigma of being conservative is being associated with stupidity and ignoring Christ or Christian principles so I want to talk about cognitive dissonance which is something I'm experiencing personally and have for many many years many people that I respect ministers particularly bishops leaders of movements and pastors of churches and founders people have ordained or consecrated to the bishopric or ordained and installed in pastors deacons elders leaders cognitive dissonance is the state of having inconsistent thoughts or beliefs or attitude especially as relating to behavioral decisions and attitude changes the there's an inconsistency going on in the mind of many people sort of a schizophrenia thinking to to the different ways or the scripture says a double minded person is unstable doubt a doubting or devil once deal you BT the others deal you be l e a doubting person as a person who doubles back and forth you have two different opinions how long stay are you gonna be haunt between this group says two different opinions we're struggling right now and many people are on the verge of nervous breakdowns I think Donald Trump is basically having a public nervous breakdown I think he's he's he's he's exploding publicly I think he's stressed out I think he's he's it's it's there signs of instability mental instability what you say just this recent book that came out he's pressure under that his son and son-in-law are possibly under indictment or gonna be indicted died indicted he's gonna have to to talk to the Congress and maybe a grand jury and he's not good on his feet he says the same thing his his vocabulary is very limited how did he ever get in the White House he got there because his base wanted change in this country they thought they were losing control and they wanted to gain control again the scripture says the earth is the Lord's the fullness thereof the whole world and all they that dwell hurry they're American Christians in particular think they owned the world they're supposed to first on America and then reached the world they think the term going into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature came from London from Britain from King James not King Jesus they think those are the words of the Anglo leader who himself was confused and frustrated its King James I think the 3rd of England and the 1st of London of Britain and he says mother is Mary Queen of Scots do they do the history he was he was a a homosexual a gay man and he had his first experience and I learned this when I was sitting in London or in Europe reading just reading that he had his first expense when he was around 12 he was so feminine they called him Queen James instead of King James now that's not an assault that's not a criticism it's an observation for all of you King James Version Bible toters and quarters who hate gays well the man that gave you that book with the Klan games on it was gay what you gonna do with that it's like what I had to think when Versace was killed there's a special coming out about him and I used to wear his fine pin you know four or five six hundred ah for those Blazers back in the day when I was single I led many people to Christ in those Versace dress meat sort of me I stood on all the stages with those beautiful jackets on and led thousands to Christ my game at night well I didn't know his game till they killed him I wasn't thinking that way and I think well because my attitude was a little bit suspicious and slight I changed it I've changed so many attitudes I'm I'm so happy to discard the dissonance things has made me stop and rethink what I believe in why I why I believe it in the field of psychology a cognitive dissonance is is the mental discomfort when I know I think many of these conservative Christians who has put Trump in there are having a lot of mental discomfort and stress their young people in particular the children and grandchildren of this generation are gonna look back with shame and embarrassment and not going to want to be associated if some of these parents are going to be shocked you think it's normal to have teenagers go their own ways and do their little rebellious things you my children have done that just sort of extent but the kind of mass disorientation and this disenchantment and detachment that we're going to experience as a result of this it's gonna be it's gonna cause a lot of parents a lot of grief kids sitting up in those Sunday School classes those youth groups there's some of these powerful young preachers that are anointed and called of God that are excellent in the pulpit they have good command of the language they are good on their feet they have wit and humor and and revelation and inspiration and a lot of indoctrination our wrestling right now with a lot of the stuff they're saying they're getting bored with their own ministries over there seems to be a little hope some of them are still wanting to be the next Joel and the next Jake's are the next snow love the next Joyce I understand all that I lived in that world for so many years I've been to the tops of those different those different plateaus I know what it's like it's not all y'all think it is so in psychology cognitive dissonance is this mental discomfort this psychological stress experienced by a person who simultaneously holds two or more contradictory beliefs contradictory ideas two or more contradictory values this occurs or the occurrence of this cognitive dissonance is a consequence it's a result of a person performing an action that contradicts personal beliefs personal ideas personal values and also occurs when confronted with new information that contradicts these beliefs that contradicts the ideas that come to the information highway you know the internet cyberspace the cloud the iCloud the iPad the iPhone you know mine has if you look you can look at the back of my computer it has an apple with a bite out of it knowledge it's not them it's not good or evil that's the threat and it's the knowledge of a science of good and evil there is a science to go there's a science to evil and I'm not saying they're bad or good they are they're their negatives and positives they have their place in the universe you have you have bad bacteria and good bacteria badgers and good roof in your body everything relates everything relates and I'm learning that and there's a beautiful harmony and synthesis and synchronicity to all things that exists learning that and flowing with it I often say go with the flow and grow with the flow even when the flow becomes a flood keep growing keep expanding I'm feeling very good in a few days we leave for the Sundance Film Festival in Utah Paulsen Park City Utah - as a family my family's for the first time sit down and watch the full saw some of the shooting but they've now put it all together and the film about 90 minutes goals in the Netflix and will be released in theaters and Netflix on the same day sometime this spring between probably April and May we're looking to going to the cinema Circle Circle cinema here in Tulsa and this owner owns another theater in Oklahoma City they'll serve hors d'oeuvres and maybe champagne and we'll watch the movie together then I'll do Q&A I will go into several cities and do the same thing I'm thinking maybe 20 or 30 city tour whenever we can do that this this year but it'll be exciting I want to talk about I hope this movie inspires a conversation the people will begin to talk talk about what they believe why they believe it and how those beliefs add to or subtract from the quality of their eyes but we're gonna go there I get I think I'm gonna get to meet Robert Redford person he was originally going to play Oral Roberts and I mean he started the Sundance festival and he's there I'm told that I that I get the meeting and that he wants to meet me and of course Rob Robert Martin Sheen whom I've already met had a wonderful conversation he he plays Oral Roberts in the movie and I'm gonna meet Danny Glover for the first time though he played in the movie but I wasn't there the day he shot the witness former panel and do some Q&A I understand it's exciting I've never been to a film festival before I hope it goes to several of the others I wish it goes to khon kaen to something you would call a show but but more importantly it's not a movie movie as much as I'm excited is a movement of Creek of cultural creatives and spiritual progressives in and sacred humanists people who are ready to to rethink and redo and help create a new brand new world a brave and brand new world as Aldous Huxley said I read that book back when I was in high school I think I was stimulated by I remain of curious and excited about the possibilities of a new world so there's a blatant and subtle dishonesty that I've noticed within the Christian faith and within within the church world for Donald Trump to say today why and he's having a meeting with a bipartisan meeting in old office around immigration some of the senators wanted to protect immigrants in this country and Trump all of a sudden just blurts out in front of the group I think he thought would relate to what he was saying why do all these people from ship whole countries want to come to America they talk about Salvadorians and Africans and Asian's primarily but not exclusively why don't we have more people from Norway coming he'd been interviewing entertaining the ambassador from Norway to America so he had Norway you know angles intelligent smart money I guess but it was clearly a racist statement and the question is but all over the media how would this play among his face well we know his base are basically white Christians evangelical Christians Anya all but conservative Republicans and faith-based people who love God follow Jesus sure is going to we found out that some of the statistics show that the bulk of his a good portion of his evangelicals are not people who go to church every Sunday they're not prayer meeting and Bible study group they are evangelicals they'll go a few times a year maybe to a wedding or a funeral or high holy days or something Easter but they're not general the generally Church but but many of the churchgoers do support in half supporting and continue to even with all the lies they've counted just this week over 2000 inaccuracies or lies that this man has said publicly looking right into the camera talking right to the fake news person and his lies everybody out his cabinet knows his family they all know he lies and he he I think he believes his lies this is bringing a lot of distrust some of the cognitive dissonance many of the people who voted for him are thinking they made a mistake the numbers are dropping this is this president has the lowest approval rating of any president in recent history at this time or ever it's in bad shape he can't live with it to already stand it I think he's freaking out publicly but the church put him there what does that say about the church soon I'm gonna talk about a post-christian era or get a little bit tonight but one of the things I want to refer to is the great falling away because it dawned on me today I might be part of that I used to preach about the apostasy the the revolt I don't want to revolt I just want results I don't want revolution I want resolution I want some resolve I want to see more clearly high resolution high definition better accuracy of thought in mind I don't want these crazy raggedy inconsistencies that we've tolerated all these years with 2,000 years of entrenched indoctrination do we really believe this stuff I posted something today that's gotten a pretty good response but they play the play-acting and the role-playing that these and the dishonesty and the disingenuous Ness the pretension of many so-called believers they don't really believe they doubt more than they believe they're more fear than they have faith and they set up in church and go through the motions like clones and clowns yes if that sounds sacrilegious I mean for it to I think religion as we've known it needs to change our attitudes and beliefs and a God with an anger-management issue whose vengeful and angry and wrathful and holds grudges hell is not just punishment hell is hatred and to believe in a God that I've got would even concoct eternal torture flies in the face of a moral character or moral consciousness how can a loving God and what loving God would actually think of hell a spanking a whippin who was a Clarkson what's-her-name I care one of these singers from here Oklahoma she Kelly Clarkson recently talked about giving her child us thank you a lot of parents understand that she's they beat him and what with me you know we got beatings and all killers coming up in my culture nobody thought it was child abuse those it was a verbal of these attitudinal of these psychological abuse says and sexual abuse occurs in many communities around the world today around the the sadomasochistic idea of beating and hurting an innie but I understand spankings I think they're in there appropriate at times wondering what a child just really doesn't obey the other law rules that you make I'd rather expect my son than a police second billy club to his head you know if he disrespects Authority so there's a lot of things we need to do there's not a leadership that needs to be out there that isn't surprised these Republicans are probably gonna lose big time of this next midterm election because they won't speak up there over I think forty two or three Republican Congress persons senators or congressmen men and I have the left office are retiring and resigning they know it's gonna be an uphill journey Trump's not helping he's he's he's not an asset he's a he's the liability on the party the liability in this country I'm just saying it I don't hear very many preachers saying this but I'm not an environment preaches churches but there needs to be a public outcry and there has been many women are angry at their men and men general we have pinned the women down penetrated the women penalized the women put them in Penitentiary's with our penises I know that sounds rough but there's an image out there and they're coming after us they're not gonna put up with the chauvinism the testosterone Eagle driven antics of a brute male arrogance any longer and I can understand that there's there's there's some very serious issues out there and we need to be confronting them and some in some ways combating them no more playing Church no play-acting detoxing detoxifying ridding myself of my and my soul of emotional and psychological religious poisons and the emotional arsenic of unhealthy and inaccurate thinking and mind sets this whole Daniels fast I've enjoyed it a lot and again I love me my mom's been cooking neck bones a little bit and I'm struggling but I I like meat but I but I feel so much better of all officer loss of weight but I'm enjoying the fresh fruits and vegetables and and sometimes a mustard greens but eating less smaller portions getting more exercise meditating to medicate the original meditators meditated to get medication to deal with the human illness we call life this this the human disease or sexually transmitted disease or dis-ease that we call life so meditating shows you what herbs and things to use and what foods to eat we've been digging our graves with a fork and I have the book almost finished I'm sorry I haven't given it to you but it'll work all year long and I'll still get it to you there's so much happening so that's what this Daniels fast is all about and I haven't been able to give as much time to you on it but I think it's just basically a meatless vegetarian type diet a plant-based diet trying to encourage you to develop the habit of having at least predominantly plant-based you don't have to become Deacon or total vegetarian never have a Big Mac or never have a cheeseburger or never have a neck bone why don't you start by having maybe one meat a week or toothless or and start cutting back on sodium and sugar sugar sugars like a poison and I love me some sugar I mean I bake stuff and I'm eating sugars later did I miss it I want a piece of cake someday the pies and peach cobbler well I have my sister-in-law called me Genesis older sister she want to know my recipe for peach cobbler and she there has been cooked it and loved it and and it put it in my mind again so I'm not saying that I don't like these things but I am disciplining my life because I want to live longer I want to add years to my life and life to my years so I can be around to help them in Woodbury that I believe I'm a call to with regard to the movement again it's not just a movie that I'm that I'm excited about on I'm excited about a movement beyond the movie before and besides it so religion particularly institutional organized religion is as most of us know we're there and have experienced it it's toxic it's purging needs to be purged out of us and it's happening by millions of people are not going to church anymore I'm not saying that's good or bad it's just what's there they're not interested some of the churches are a little bit more unique I speak often several times a year at spirit and truth in Atlanta with my friend and one of my spiritual sons in consciousness de porc very unique service that yes that praising worship and they lot of a single chant a Buddhist chant and Clarice does a responsive reading it's powerful every week it's spontaneous and fresh and new and for people who want a worship experience some people's worship experience is on a lake or a pond or watching swans are listening to their favorite jazz album land on their sofa on Sunday morning I understand all that I don't think people are gonna rush it and and and and and create traffic gems for worship services very much anymore the church will always exist I'll always be somebody going to the institution the organized Church but in general these big big months mausoleums are gonna be that empty you know how was how these big places of tens of thousands of seats gonna stay filled except a personality driven Church won't be purpose sure the denominations tend to be that way but local churches usually aren't so anyway I'm ready to get out of the infectious diseases of thought in mind there is the tree of the knowledge I want to talk beyond the toxicity of where he said I have that in in in in the book and I'll make it available to you because it's not just for the 21 days of this month this will work for you far beyond it I posted something today that I want to read to you and talk for the next 20-30 minutes I'm quoting this playwright and poet and brilliant thinker Joe a crook a crow Kombi he says people would far rather be handed an easy lie then search for a difficult truth especially if it suits their own purposes that that's trucked me today because I'm dealing with masses of people whom I love had I not been in public ministry for the last 47 years beginning with with Oral Roberts his television show but that I was a young evangelist I preached priests a lot in college all throughout college I preached all over the world to tens of thousands of people millions by television and radio I physically stood in front of as many as 250,000 one platform one stage in Africa and I preached the huge crowds around the world I've recorded I've I've done the church thing I've done the religious thing and I loved it I mean I loved it when I was traveling this world and and the continents of the world especially my single days and I came to Tulsa on weekends almost like a guest speaker and spoke at my church but I was going everywhere I was hosting for TV in their lives programmed to three hours and then I was doing some subsequent programs I've got a tip see I'd go to Seattle I was in Denver and Dallas and Atlanta and then I would go to London and way over to to Johannesburg South Africa I mean I had a blast and I loved what I was doing while I was doing that was my 20th century manifestation I'm in the 23rd century and I'm not doing the same things the same way anymore and I'm just as comfortable here as I was there but I feel more fulfilled here because my vision is expanded so when when I read this quote people would far rather be handed an easy lie than search for a difficult truth especially if it suits their own purposes that's a very powerful word because I'm dealing with a lot of people who actually have been believing a lie for decades and millennium a lot of the stuff we've been taught about God and the Bible are just inaccuracies and none of it can be proved proven I believe in transcendence I believe that the God that exists would be the God that manifests itself too into through and as you in so many ways that the closest of God you'll never really get is is self-actualization knowing who you are who yourself and soul is your creative intuitiveness your ability to produce what you want in life intentionally or unintentionally we create our own realities I'm trying to give you to do it intentionally do it deliberately do it on purpose with purpose know what you're creating know your abilities that were not just created beings were creative beings and creating beings right now so that's an important tool for you to master and it will take time for us to be aware of it and then to master but we're moving on so I'm excited in in this stage because I believe that a new wave is coming that we've really entered I've never I wasn't into to the zodiac or astrology and horoscopes and all that stuff and but now I'm studying the planets and I've met with people who are who considered them Goswami's Goswami's and they from India East Indian I was accidental town that I met with him because my wife and I went there to learn about healthy ways of eating healthier ways of eating and he's gonna give a lecture on plant-based foods but he wouldn't start the lecture until he let we let him go reading a little astrological chart so with nobody there with us I said what the heck he writ he he'd stopped it said oh my god he called the students or anything look you won't see that's very often this is this and cuz they look at the latitude and the longitude the time you were born and all that kind of stuff that I don't understand I have it all written out though that what he gave me I've seen him twice sentence sense not for reading but I've met him up with in Chicago we ain't together hug I love the man he said this isn't fortune-telling it's something my family has done for five hundred years it's a science and he begin to show me how they do things it was just mind-boggling but I made a lot of sense and he spoke a lot of truth that I've experienced this was ten years ago that I think I had the reading over twelve and he never didn't get to tell me about diet I had to studied that otherwise but I believe that there are times and that figures and symbols carry vibrations and that's why I love the numerology to a certain extent the Bible teaches about it show us a lot about days and numbers and times whether it's 12 or 7 or 3 or 21 or 40 tribes or 40 gays in the city and 40 years being a generation or whatever you so for the last 18 years or so I've been going through the deepest and most profound personal spiritual and theological transition of my son to be 65 years on the planet most of those years steeped in Christian Church ideals and ideologies and but I can I can I can no longer honestly say I believe in those ideas and ideologies or accept them as viable truths that I can that I can can that work for me they work on me but they don't work for me as much anymore they were powerful when they work with my belief system was there but I they ran out of juice it was well who sang that thrillers dog we just lost him guitar playing from st. Louis 3 was gone yeah I forgot his name buddy baby baby came you know I lost the the energy around it and I believe in my old language of the Holy Ghost moving to my next level of expression and experience and I believe that same spirit or energy or source or choice will move you so I couldn't I could not respect realistically scientifically or spiritually what I was believing I was being expanded so do we really believe our old religious formulas are they working for us and are they producing positive results in the modern world look at the effect of Christianity on it is the church participating in a giant hoax or perhaps even becoming that hoax is there any real hope for the institution we call the church is it supposed to exist much longer as it has or is it evolving or dissolving is it is it disintegrating disintegrating you got to watch it that institution the church seems to be living I heard I wrote something that John Shelby Spong one of my very dear friends II endorsed both my my publisher Simon Schuster books I called him every once in always had some a stroke and some many strokes in his in aspects of retirement now but a sweet sweet man he's tired he's weather the storm of the heat of the day people just went after him but he's traveled all over the world he's one of the most intelligent speakers and thinkers I know he came to me here to Tulsa when all my members have left impact my church out the balcony and everything was full buses were coming from everywhere mostly white people Episcopalians unity Unitarians non Pentecostal non evangelical non fundamentalist people came with a curiosity we had a choir sing he loved it but the church he says seems to be living well beyond its shelf life I don't expect this lasts much longer in fact this present election and the devil around Christians involvement engagement with this preacher this president is a sign and a wonder and I think it's a sign of the beginning of the end we have really seen what's lives inside evangelicals Minds shut the daca thing these precious young men and women that are productive there's over 900 of them I here or in my nine hundred thousand or something like that they come here with them from emmagan emmagan print immigrant parents who brought them here illegally but they were born here this is all they know they take pay tax that graduated from college taxes they are and he wants to present wants to kick them all out 200000 Salvadorians once all the Haitians kicked up mobile this guy's going crazy and his basis liking it he'll suck chopped America up what he really wants to do is get all the immigrants all the the Nationals out all the people of color out so gonna be make America white again I'd hate to say that but and that sounds racist and if it is it is I think his idea of making America great again just means make America hate again legally bullying mistreating the arrogance all these race-baiting what he call it them crimes of based on race I forgot to turn right now but it's it's it's their racial biases out there that energy has been unleashed in this country and levels we've never seen before it's route in recent years so and I think it's stimulated by Donald Trump and the church again I have to keep because I believe the church needs to be confronted or you need to realize your days are of effective relevance have just about run out I don't think an election will ever again be dominated another president will be put in the White House based on evangelical Christian fundamentalist conservative thinking this is the last straw and I think many of you know it in 30 years this country white people are going to be the minority in this country that's fine I've been the minority for years we we've done well you know what what bothers me is that the same group that social supports Trump hated Obama for the whole eight years he was in office the birther thing in Trump base in trouble I was living in Trump residences in Chicago for part of then tried my best I had a contra couldn't get out with the owner of the place of the counter we were living but he'd stuck with it the first time again American president he tries to diss discredit him the whole time that right there show me it was racism he can't wait to undo anything he did he's bringing up Hillary's name area he is I think he can't stand the fact that three million people voted against him or didn't vote for him and voted for Hillary won by the popular vote as the electoral colleges that put him in he wanted to win by everybody he can't stand the fact that I didn't have the biggest crowd and in the inaugural history on the Box this guy is is a picture of insanity and I don't want to harp on the thing but because I don't see any repentance in the churches mine I think I'm trying to tell you that the movement that is moving away from right-wing evangelical conservative Christianity is the new move of the century and of the Millennial millennium and it's powerful people are thinking differently so remember what you want wants you I ended by saying that there's something out there that if there's an itch that I can't scratch I have never had problems sleeping I don't lose sleep or lay awake with problems I never have I do lay awake with solutions I sometimes I can't sleep because my mind is racing towards some idea that I think is fantastic and when those periods come upon me I don't try to to sleep if I wake up in the middle the night in my mind is risen I get up and I ride you know I listen I meditate to put on music sometimes I go back and listen to my older sis of music online I've done that prayed and cried and smoking tons for hours it I get a I get a thump got a high of it a spiritual transcendence and a transformation that's very very power become translucent I see myself and see through myself I experience myself at a different level and it's just it's absolutely powerful so I'm saying that that the institution that's lived beyond its shelf life is gonna be replace with something more spiritual more relevant more powerful more appealing and more practical and I don't have to find it we want it we'll find us it will locate us it knows where we are because what we want wants us what you want wants you so again Bishop Xiang's swung mine my cherished friend and mentor he's a retired Episcopal bishop well into his eighties no last time I talked with him on the phone he said I'm I'm tired of right they want him to keep writing a colony calling me he said I'm tired I just can't I said don't write another thing sir unless you're inspired you have given us so much we'll be chewing on this for the next several decades this man has deposited something in the earth and in a lot of souls like the younger men and women who got it I read his book why Christianity must change or die that's the first John Shelby Spong book I read I couldn't put it down and I'm still saying the same thing here's one called unbelievable and I read excerpts from unbelievable - today the church in large measure is dishonest he says I say it's disingenuous it lives and lies and denial the church does this is me talk and in deception just because everybody's doing or believing something doesn't mean it's right or that it's true in in spunks book he's he says I am a believer without the words to express that belief so I asked questions he says can i still be a fist is my only alternative to theism atheism or can I be a an atheist who is a theist now I didn't know he'd written that I've been saying there for a while I am a I am an atheist who is a theist I just don't believe in the God of the Bible Oh shocking that one is cryptic and and confused and conflicted that one is angry and vicious and vengeance and wrathful and more like Donald Trump I think that's why evangelicals have followed Donald Trump because he reminds them of the Father in heaven who creates storms according to the scriptures and sucks people up and has people dismembered and disemboweled and taken outside of the gates of the city and stoned to death a father killing his own son because of disobedience that God of the Bible is the one who repented a regretted that even made humanity said my spirit I gotta strive with you always he basically admitted that the earth project was a failure in his fate or anyone on the divorcing got one so you know you won't hear very many people out in fact I've never heard of I'd say those things but I read it myself and so again the cognitive isn't it's made me rise up the alarm went off and I didn't push the snooze button I woke up and then I got up and I think many people are going to do the same thing in fact really are doing so sprung ass has got a being even the Supreme Being or is God an experience in whom we live I love that God is an experienced and in some ways in expression but not a man you know in the sky with a scepter and a long beard long robe you know sandals and all that stuff making a list checking it twice gonna find out who's naughty or nice so that's why I say I'm part of the great falling away you know that I think spiritual progressives and cultural creatives and sacred humanists who-who gonna live outside the box and are willing to to be disturbed disrupted interrupted intercepted all that's happened in me I've been I've been disturbed my life my ministry was disturbed this movie is about that disturbance and but it's a beautiful portrayal of a I was the product of some or would have been my father who didn't want me to experience what I've experienced as far as losing my ministry and money and almost one house and most of my friends in my place he and I had worked so hard to get there together sometimes we didn't even realize we're working together but we were in a divine flow I loved him dearly I loved him today I was a protege of his he had asked me when I was 25 years to spend 10 years I was 35 to become president of the University of course I'm not the only one he told it to but he saw me as potential or saw my potential and it's still there and I still plan to impact the planet in a significant way and I don't say that it was bragging though over there against I believe it's I believed that kind of way since I was a child so I see now that that we're at least creating an opportunity for a new conversation in this country about our beliefs so the great falling away I'm beginning to see myself as part of that that modern and growing occurrence Wow part of the fall ago I used to denounce that as if it was the most demanding move on the planet again today in a meeting in the OL I was president Trump grew frustrated with Maker's when they floated restoring protections for for immigrants from Haiti in el sábado in Africa African countries as a bi-partisan immigration deal that's when he flew off the handle and said why do people from all these nations want to come to America he was frustrated and angry and he started cursing in the Oval Office using that kind of foul language in reference to African countries Haitians who wants to kick out of this country who came here after the earthquake to go back to the same country and 200,000 Salvadorans this guy's a maniac but his base who supposedly believers in Jesus are living the exact opposite a life and values contradictory antithesis of what Jesus would be doing in to universal Trump you know we don't know who he would vote for but we know we don't know would he believe you who wouldn't vote for in that trunk you know you would he'd boat for open first and I know I know oral voting for Obama he was gone the second time Obama ran but I talked to all about politics a lot he never publicly addressed it but I probably had a lot of conversations with him so no I don't I'm not shocked by what Trump did but I am disillusioned by what his followers do this is this is this is this is one of scores of times that that Trump has been been sworn in to since he's been sworn into office to publicly speak crazy stuff that showed what's living inside him but it also shows what's living inside the church the church is running from the inside religion institutional organized religion are so out of touch they're on the wrong side of history and of the Scriptures regarding Jesus I'm saying that as one who's been among you all my life church folk you can't argue I'm not some novice or some atheist from the outside some some quote/unquote liberal person that hates the Bible God and the church and brother I've been in and among you all my life I understand the lingo I understand the nomenclature I understand the culture and the society and the religiosity I understand the club rules the quick rules the clan rules of being a Christian understand what it is to repeat a mantra and to say a few scriptures and supposedly you're born again you know being awaken spiritually has nothing to do with saying a few words or repeating after me the immersion I'm gonna be on the soon that'll save nobody it doesn't transform anybody it doesn't transcend it doesn't translate it's just words I know many people who've confessed and profess those words who are monsters who are not free in any way some of them are preachers who lead people into those phrases come on can't we talked I've been there done that bought the t-shirt ain't dated back not my faith in a source of force that people call God just not the one that I believed it as a kid I actually find that one y'all thought he fired me I fired it that one's gone okay work with me or only no more didn't work it's too much of a monster now I couldn't have said this with my board of trustees and Board of Elders and Board of Bishops and they've all been ounce me they've all you know criminalize me so I can say whatever the forever I want to say I could answer to those people and I'm happy in that sounds arrogant but it I don't mean for to I mean it sound confident this is a new day and you can get by with stuff if Trump can get by with that foolishness I should be able to say what I'm saying it makes sense it makes sense to my soul it makes literal sense to my cells so I think I think Trump suffer severely from from Vicky was victim consciousness and he's very insecure and I only bring that out because that's what lives in the church victim consciousness insecurity distrust suspicion elitism entitlement arrogance we own America we're supposed to save the world we're God's chosen people when we say we're children that means everybody else isn't where the special people without the special mission I understand all that I said it I believed it I was sincere I misunderstood a lot of it and I'm rethinking it because it is it added to the variance and elitism and when you condescendingly win the lost and a lot of people in this country are losing their grip on the country that particularly evangelicals and they're freaking out 30 years from now probably less white people are gonna be the minority african-americans I call them American Africans Asian and arrogant Hispanic Americans Native Americans coming in here from all over the world and the white control is just about over and even the women's movement and new ones coming they're not gonna let men get by but the things we've done by with in the past this is not gonna work it's not working now women are gonna rise up there's gonna be a female president in my lifetime I think you should have been Hillary but did but i but I died but I'm glad Trump's there because he's exposing all these haters on the down low this is a very coming-out party for haters on the down low we're seeing them we now know what lives in the center of this country in the core of of this ethic and this athos in America there's a cleansing there's a purging occurring right now he is lanced a boil in the foul stench of all that pus that's been in there all these years is all over the land we sit in the news every day we sit in his face the cement is exploding in front of us and job I read something they were were dobson in Colorado Springs said that Trump is born again Trump ain't born again I don't know these guys are talking about him confessing Christ means nothing I know too many people that have like you guys who voted for him Yanni's and deliverance they say my I figure if I'd say but y'all my grandma you said they need saving she meant they need to be purified a lot of Christians in the old language need saving they ain't delivered messed up with religion and it's crippling and I know you look smuggling me oh poor poor poor poor brother carnies falling off the deep end he's influenced by demons he's reprobate he's the end time prophet in time false prophet and all that both of that language is fear-based stuff manipulative propaganda and propagandize and I've heard it for years it's kept people crippled for centuries but nobody's gonna be able to get away with it this time this thing is moving so powerfully in the earth nobody's gonna be able to escape it's like the the mudslides that happen in California today happening around 3 o'clock in the morning everybody was sleep there was warnings but and everybody heard the message they were sleeping among oh this is not a tornado hitting trailer parks this is floods and mud and slaw sludge hitting three and four million dollar homes ruining them forever ruining life some of those people will have nervous breakdowns they're suffering too that when I sit at the comfort of my home and watch television I mean yeah sometimes I get emotional and I cry watching what's happening I feel such pain for what's happening in people's lives but mud and sludge I everything's assigned to me floods tsunamis fires and water fire and water the fire signs the water signs of course I'm into to astrology more than I've ever been I'm studying and listening to planetary sounds the word pastor really is pastor it has to do with the pastor's with the Shepherds around the fields studying the stars in the sky years and and in English delicious of much Heinz 57 language its accommodation of a lot of words a lot of languages over the years and it's a language of associations so that we studied the Stars and the wise men follow the star supposedly if you believe all that sometimes it's accurate sometimes is in attic or some people have mystical experiences I believe in parallel universes and overlapping realities because I experienced them not just because somebody told me I'm using the terminology that I've read and heard about but the experience was before the terminology was there I've always had these and many people have these they the old folks whose that he had been around before who doesn't been here before they're talking about various aspects of reincarnation little children that seem to know something they're close when they get her to the they are the reality and they seem to grasp something now they're calling them indigo children Obama's the most noted one who's born in 1961 my wife's born in the same year she was born 61 there are they turned 56 or something this year my children are indigo I'm not so I'm live with all these strains thinking human beings are kids of my wife that whole generation I'm a trained I become their student studying I'm learning from them I'm listening they know more about using and manipulating through the negotiating through the the this to cyberspace you mentioned somebody named to pick up the phone and Google and they know everything about quick they know about drugs my kids know about drugs most kids know about pot and and I'm trying to tell about the birds and the bees and they learned about the birds and the bees ten years before I tried to bring it up so what I know they know about drinking and seven I was naive I was sheltered I didn't I didn't experience a lot of stuff to well into my 30s I didn't even think about stuff that other kids my age I was busy fasting and praying the seeking God setting the scriptures and building ministry Church of traveling and preaching and crying in fasting and you know that was my whole life was gonna die doing that then I woke up one day I was I was more busy in the work of the log and I was the lord of the work I didn't really have a relationship with my own soul to my own self I had a relationship with my crowds and with the church and with the the bishops and leaders and elders and I loved them and I loved the relationship I had with but I didn't have a relationship with me I wasn't ignoring my own soul ignorant is not doesn't always mean to not know it means to not notice or not to make note of when I stopped when everything stopped and I lost everything and all the crowds moved away and I lost my property and everything I I had to take some deep hard reflective looks at my own self and boy I'm still doing that I've not stopped I've I'm learning so much about it and I feel really good so what's what's what's occurring and it's very powerful is ordained I believe by the will of God or the universe or the signs of the times of the signs in the skies or the the the planets aligned aligned for something powerful something very far-reaching are you ready for it keep listening I'm gonna keep talking I'm putting this on record I want it out you know when people when Harvard came to Tulsa and took my things away for perpetuity to to digitize it and it was collecting dust in and I was paying for a storage here didn't know what would happened to it when they said my friend John hi dr. Jonathan Watson who pastors the great campus Church there at Harvard he's writing a book I understand title making Pentecost pretty about my own journey can't wait to read it and but he has all that stuff he's looked through and studied and they've learned and it's in the Harvard Divinity School library so my children's children they'll always be connected to it that was part of the contract for me to gift it to them that school has like 49 billion dollars in its endowment so it's not hurting for money but I wanted to collect and then what Gina was working with the meetings she asked him what why do you want his stuff they said because he fits on a model he fits what we're looking for throughout the school they didn't break that down I'd like to know what they're thinking but at least it's there I'm the only Pentecostal preacher that I know of and I've got all the footage of all the Pentecostal Iowa Pentecostal preachers from the 20th century the Jake's and Blake's and aural and Bennie and Osbourne and John Osteen bishop nears beautiful son Juanita buying and then Jackie McGowan Ernestine Raines and Richard hinted and Evie hill I got all that stuff then preaching Fred price Jack Hayford iver Anna Thompkins she should pick it some of these people you don't know they're all there now they're all preserved and reserved in the library there I'm so thankful that's my contribution to them they couldn't give me a little some of it but they it was a gift and I'm just still to be a part of but then the movies coming I'm not dead yet that stuff usually didn't have somebody dial I keep looking at my clock I'm overtime no I believe I'm supposed to be that's why the detoxing and the cleansing and the purging of my mind and reading and thinking and exercising more and keeping my body in shape and and not digging my grave with my spoon and deciding that I'm gonna eat more healthy and organic things and clear out and clean out and do some I used to talk about colonic inge so much caramel in my church were you need to say you should name your ministry clean colon for Christ be cool you always then one time he say Jesus is cool you got so much fun over the years by the way he's married congratulations car but there's a lot of changes and shifts in the world when I was in Thailand I got a call sound of the club I was in town walking down the street in Thailand and I got a call from Sondra crouch hadn't heard from her since Andre memorial services so glad to hear from her I told her I'd come out and speak to her once Sunday I knew her dad and mom and they were deeply difference in fact one of the earliest revivals of my life I was still a teenager I preached at their church new gifts Saniya Christ Memorial in Pacoima California there's a new arising and a new awakening put your arms around you several let's close with some some of that I really like what do you have the same song this is an old song that I one of my favorite sounds when I was in the Church of God in Christ I need the old Lord every hour I need Thee it's a well-known song and him in the Christian Church overall and I still sing those songs all bless that's David Smith on the organ and keyboards he arranged the whole album for me [Music] you're my grandmother singing this my god Church in Woodland Park shake of the head and get that personally I need every hour [Music] can I meet oh yeah the old [Music] this is worshipful to me this is on the hour along with let it be change give it blunder and I singing thank you lord it's a wonderful world or Louie Armstrong singing I'm singing it but for those Oh bless God bless you God be you be strengthened with might by God's Spirit in your animals being loved you live you walk you work you make it happen I trust you I believe in you I celebrate you god bless you I can't do ya [Music] here I come good night [Music] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Carlton D Pearson
Views: 7,411
Rating: 4.7350993 out of 5
Keywords: Carlton Pearson, religion, buddhism, Hell life consciousness Self actualization New thought Multi faith Inter faith Hindu Sikh Chicago, Come Sunday
Id: 1tCdTSbtDSQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 15sec (3675 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 23 2018
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