'God is not a Christian' - Part 1 of 3

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there's a wonderful passage of scripture where the writer says be careful or be forget not to entertain strangers for some have entertained angels unaware what do you do with the strange experiences of life the strange encounters the strange conversations the strange thoughts the strange emotions what do you do with all these emotions the energy in motion in your life every strange encounter every strange relationship every strange person you meet is a message for you that's what angel means ankylosing Greek some have entertained angels unaware just this week you had a strange experience for some of you the last five minutes of an incredibly scary turn to turn to someone say how you dare and how your mom and am there don't don't dismiss them don't run away from them don't ignore them don't despise them savor the moment even a strange dream study it you missed so much of the sparkle of life by turning away strangers to entertain strangers I'm in a strange time in my life in almost every aspect of it stranges sometimes a struggle sometimes it's almost a strangle but don't dismiss it it is incredibly powerful pivotal transformation all souls strange yeah not just the church but all souls every soul in here every person in here is experiencing a strange moment what has made mine more easy for me and more palatable is that I embrace the moment and the momentum I didn't resist it or resent it I did for a little bit every once in a while I do now because I and but that's only because of my amnesia we somehow between the womb and the tomb forget that we agreed to come to this planet or plane of consciousness and in our forgetfulness we panic whatever you're going through you signed up for it whatever you're going through you entered covenant and caught and signed a contract with creation to be created in other words you're not a victim of circumstances you're not a victim of destiny you're not a victim of circumvent or over all of it but it's right here in consciousness turn to the person next to you say I am thrilled to be sitting next to you say you say you have no idea how honored you are to be sitting next to me I always like to tell people say would say if you knew how valuable I am and how powerful I am you'd pay me to let you sit next to me well I am Minh I'm without words to define the moment or to describe how precious and how powerful it is for me to stand at this sacred desk beside my friend my brother one of the most charming and intelligent and progressive and innovative and daring and courageous young ministers I know anywhere on the planet on 11 on a laminar he put his neck life in ministry on the line to bring in all these wild people including me Randy is so good to see you sitting there next to Pastor it's just a blessing for pastor David at the keyboards and all of you who are involved here from the new dimensions the whole family that has integrated into this wonderful you never you never soul Unni you know you need one verse version or versification of all you look at the person next to you looking at some aspect of yourself you know that there's a certain I know it looks funny using a roll my god what look what have I just invited it in my life I've come to the conclusion at all after all these years that there that the things we encounter are a result of our thinking speaking and believing that we are very powerful created entities and my topic is God is not a Christian God is not a Jew Muslim Hindu Buddhist Shintoist Gnostic what I'm saying by that is that God cannot be defined by or confined to any of those disciplines you can express yourself as a Christian or as an agnostic or as a Jew or Hindu or Muslim but you can't confine God to that expression and deprive others from their experience of God we call it theology Theo meaning God logos the logic of God what is your God logic we also get the word theory from that term they always because it's speculative no one can prove or disprove that God exists Psalm 14:1 says The Fool has said in his heart there is no God what does that mean the word in Hebrew means the wicked or weak cat wicker furniture comes from the smallest twigs that can be twisted and designed to create whatever you want to sit on or to look at doesn't mean that you're stupid it just means that the unconscious person has said in or her heart there is no ultimate reality or there is no ultimate intelligence there's no primal or primary cause because everybody in one way or another embraces their God self your mystical essential immortal immeasurable immutable self not the imposter not the impersonator but the essential the essence of your being as Deepak Chopra says we're not just human beings looking for spiritual experiences we are spirit having an earthly encounter spirit NUMA in greek breath all souls souls as nephesh in Hebrew it means animal the animal principle or the animal sentient the the your animation your movement your momentum your mind your mind Greek is tsuki psyche psychology psychic everyone is a is has psyche is a psychic or a sidekick everybody know you are a sidekick to your own psyche you're running around with yourself hanging out with yourself talking to yourself I saw several of you coming into different parking lot this morning talking to yourself and it wasn't a cellphone
Channel: All Souls Unitarian
Views: 27,597
Rating: 4.3548388 out of 5
Keywords: All, Souls, Unitarian, Church, Universalists, Universalism, Sunday, Service, Sermon, Diversity, Peace, God, Marlin, Lavahar, Carlton, Pearson, Christian
Id: 8EyeU7DDBHs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 20sec (620 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 08 2010
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