Contributors of the Vast Mind (The Vast Mind Of Christ)

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hi everybody welcome to our tuesday service uh this is wildlife church and this is your uh tuesday message okay guys uh before i uh take off on the message i just want to uh remind you of a few things if you're watching me from sri lanka or if you're watching me from uh another part of the world i just want to you guys to remember that wildlife church is a church that really brings some practical doctrines to you so when i say practicals we like to teach the mechanics okay we like to go into the nitty gritties of of the science of how things work uh on the earth it's easy for someone to say believe in the lord if someone says uh believe in the lord or or have faith what does that really mean to believe you know and i struggled when i was in uh sort of a pentecostal charismatic church and uh that the pastors were were were so passionate and and they would say you got to believe and all things will happen for someone who believes and and i believe with all my heart but i didn't see certain things come to pass and i was wondering why that was and uh what i realized was that there is a reasonable explanation to what belief is that maybe we don't know and so literally what we try to do here is break down the semantics we try to break it down what does believe look like what uh what is the attitude of believing what is the emotional status of believing uh what would you uh what will um your mind feel like when you're believing what are the thoughts you'll be thinking if you're believing you know and so we try to bring sort of a a unified explanation on what that one loaded word believe me i'm just giving you an example okay so so when you're listening to us uh please do do wear a new cap and uh it's a cap of uh wanting to understand the technical mechanical way uh god works now that is very biblical because uh it really says in the bible on the last days the knowledge of the glory will fill the earth the knowledge okay so it's not just uh the inspiration okay but it's the knowledge it's the how to uh and just not the what is okay it's just the how-to uh that is coming to you so um so you would need to listen to us in a new sort of mindset now in saying that i want to remind our viewers that we will be in the usa uh at the end of this month and we're going to do the five-day program and i'll be in three places you can get all that on our websites where we'll be and all that but just before we go to the u.s we have um we have prepared a five day fast for you especially for you and for those of you who like fasting uh you can be excited if you don't like fasting uh my submission is try it out okay it is good for you we as a church have not fasted together for a long long time okay and it's my delight to be able to bring this five-day fast because if you're especially coming to one of the five-day programs in the usa then my recommendation is step into this fast and uh we'll be doing it very differently i've switched on to a ketogenic diet because of that my i am fat adapted and so you will see that we'll be fasting uh in different ways okay you can go on whatever you want and decide how you're going to fast but i'm also going to give some recommendations for those who are fat adapted on how to do a keto fast okay so it's going to be fun and uh it's not uh it's not laborious and it's not works and it's not toil okay it's gonna be a fun fast and i'll be with you guys uh explaining this for the day for the five days so we start on uh in two weeks time when was that mail the exact dates so it's from august 24th to the 28th of august uh is when we shall be fasting as a church okay so now that i'm done with the good news let's uh let's get into the word okay now today what i want to do is i want to break the word down for you i want to be able to really expl you know it has been a huge subject this everything that we have thought uh in the last couple of months has been massive and because of that i want to make i want to try and make it as simple as possible so if you're watching me and you're not following the vast mind series or you've been following the vast mind series and you're feeling like oh man this is it's hard for me to understand uh i just want you to know that hopefully today i will break it down for you uh in a way that you will be able to grasp it and some of you have been listening and listening and listening and you have not been able to really grasp it and so my my submission to you is that if you keep on listening and keep on listening and keep on listening uh something happens okay the word comes on you okay that's how consciousness happens so suddenly people are telling me i didn't understand what you were saying all this time but in the last couple of days i started understanding you better and that might be because you're pushing in and you were keen and the bible says for those who knock the door open and those who seek find okay so stay in that position of seeking while i open the word for you okay um it's important to understand to remind ourselves why we do these teachings okay we do distinctions uh because uh it has to be in the context of today's reality now if you understand uh what the world is going through today you know just in the last couple of days you know sri lanka the numbers of the pandemic and coronavirus has gone up and you know people are fearful and worried and concerned the pandemic has not got any better we are now nearly two years down this road and no one has the right solutions however sri lanka is getting a phenomenal vaccine drive in and i think that we will be able to uh sort of uh get over this situation quite fast because the government is really efficient in in getting the vaccine drive in now uh however uh vaccine or no vaccine whether you are you are you are sick or well uh i want you to know that the key to everything is faith the key is faith because even once you get vaccined uh you're susceptible you're open still you'll not find this found a proper solution yes mortality can can be reduced yes people uh don't get as sick as before if you're on a vaccine but there has been many many cases with double vaccines that people have still got sick what is the difference between a person who gets sick with faith and a person who gets sick without faith that's the question that you need to ask uh if you get sick and you don't have faith what does that look like for you and so what we are trying to do here at broadway church is give you a practical response no matter whether you get sick or don't get sick to be able to uphold your faith because faith really works even your doctors will tell you so okay anyone who has a will to live a will to have strength a will to take the next step forward understanding of how to win okay anyone who has that attitude wins okay so that's what we are trying to uphold today and why am i explaining the vast mind of christ because the vast mind of christ gives you uh sort of a very clear understanding of how to navigate through these difficult times there are so many questions that people ask today like people ask like is god doing this is god punishing us people ask questions like um is this a curse so many misunderstandings of who god is and so the vast man of christ will first clear that for instance just to give you a simple explanation of why that is important when when you're whether you are a spiritual person or a religious person or not when you do get sick uh you ask a question and that question is why me okay everyone i mean i've seen atheists ask that question when they get sick and very sick and when they're doing really really uh poorly in their health and uh you know that is knocking on their door uh the question does come the victimization does enter in and the question does come why me why not someone else why so and so why is so and so still strong why is he so and so still alive and i'm hoping that if by any chance those questions are there it means that you lack faith and you will not be able to navigate your way through a pandemic or a timer sickness and disease because there's a deep condemnation because you don't know the mind and the heart of who god is and so i'm hoping that the vast mind of christ these teachings will be able to take away a responsibility from god and he'll put it back on us as humanity as a people as a community as a nation and as a global world that we will take responsibility and if we take responsibility then we ourselves can also fix it okay now why am i saying that is because i'm going to show you a few uh bible references that will of course uh if you are being in a pentecostal charismatic move or even maybe some sort of protestant move uh catholic move you might be might question uh the very bible itself because you've not heard it like this so i'm reading from the king james version i'm going to show you a few scriptures that it's going to give you a new paradigm of what you think the kingdom of heaven is okay just check this out check this out here i did matthew 13 jesus is speaking a parable in fact he says if you don't understand this parable you will not understand any parable so we need to get to this parable and so matthew 13 is people think it's just one parable but it's a long lot of parables okay and so i'm going to go into the last one of that parable and i'm going to go backwards all the way to the first and so i'll be giving you a commentary while i'm reading this to you so you understand but jesus of nazareth the son of david okay who we call lord and god is saying about the kingdom of heaven now watch this okay this is matthew 13 and in verse 47 so it's right at the end it's one of the last parables that he's giving okay he goes out he says like this he says again the kingdom of heaven is like a dragnet that that was cast into the sea and gathered some of every kind wow did you just see that there so unless you understand the vast mind of christ you will never understand the statement we read it but we don't get it now he's talking of heaven like be in sort of the understanding that we have now we say oh heaven is this nice place no no hold on that's not what he says he says the kingdom of heaven is like a dragnet that is cast into sea and gathers some of every kind wow isn't that cool we've got to take him for his word and then he says then he goes on and says and he drew this dragnet to show and there were good whistles and he threw away the bad you see so the kingdom of heaven is the full picture so that's good and then we're supposed to refine it and get the good from the bad but this is the king of heaven if he said the kingdom of earth is like this that's a different story he's not saying the kingdom of earth is like this he's not saying the earth is like this he's not saying your world is like this he's saying the kingdom of heaven is like this now that's mind-blowing okay and then he goes he ends this one saying have you not understood these things then he said to them therefore every scribe instructed concerning the kingdom of heaven is like a householder who brings out his treasure some things that are new and some things that are old i'm just going to just leave you uh to just ponder that for a moment he's talking about the kingdom of heaven now we have we were told when i went to sunday school and when i was told when i went to church i was told that heaven is this wonderful place okay and there are angels in heaven and that god resides on the throne in heaven and all these other things and yes there are aspects of that in the kingdom of heaven and i'm not saying no there is there is no such thing as that i'm saying there is an aspect of that but what you're not told is that it's like a dragnet that has every kind of thing think about that okay every kind of thing is there okay so once you understand that what he's trying to say it it is all the polarities are there okay there's a new there is o there's a black there's a white you are supposed to refine it now let me let me let me read one more scripture to you in my in in matthew 13 itself and uh explain again um jesus explaining the kingdom of heaven in another way this one blew me away this one is so confusing but i mean but we have to take it we have to grapple with it we have to try and understand what he's saying we can't just take it from a pastor or someone who's who told us this is what it is you got to read for yourself it's in english and you need to see it because then you'll understand christ and you'll understand what i'm saying about the wise man this blows me away this one okay then he goes on in verse 44. he says again the kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field like okay we can get that but check this bar check this out which a man found and hid oh and for joy over and for joy oh wait he goes and sells all that he has and he buys the field that is so confusing but i'm reading to you from your bible from the english bible there's a man okay didn't you understand what he's trying to explain here he finds a treasure when he finds a treasure he goes and hides the treasure in a field now he gets so happy that he's found his treasure that he healed in a field and he knows where the treasure is and where the field is that he sells everything he has and he buys the whole field and that's what people don't want to do they want to buy the plot that has only the treasure they want to buy the square foot area of exactly where the treasure is they don't want whole feel because the whole field has other things just like he spoke about the dragnet the dragnet has every kind in it and then in that we have to go through it and only then take to good wow i hope you're understanding this that's a crazy story he buys the whole field not he finds a treasure he plants it he puts it in and then he buys the field think about that okay he's trying to say it's bigger than what you think it is yes it is being refined the good is being refined and you have a role to play in that and that's what i'm trying to expand because guys when bad things happen to us when good people get sick when the righteous die young we question god we don't understanding these parables without saying no it's the whole thing it's good it's bad it's pretty it's ugly it's black it's white it's up it's down the whole thing is what has been given to us that is a vast mind once you understand that you'll understand that in the vast mind of christ is all these things okay when i say christ please understand i'm not talking of jesus christ the man before jesus christ came as a man the christ the mind was already there the bible says that it was through that mind that the whole worlds were created there wasn't a man creating the worlds in the heavens before jesus turned up it was the mind of christ that was there and so the greeks call it the noose or the mind you know s the mind and soul or consciousness okay or the or the other word they call it is logos logos means the revelation was there first okay so it's the mind the revelation and then jesus came as a man a man didn't come from heaven and i just want to explain that to you a man didn't drop out of heaven like superman from a planet and then say oh i'm a man no that was not what happened okay a spirit embodied incarnated a man and a man emerged okay that had the spirit of god the mind of god that was creating the worlds before so you have to see it like this was mind that had everything in it the good the bad the right the wrong everything is in the vast mind and then a man called jesus walks and then he refines it and he takes the good and throws the bad out you see what he's doing you see he's finding he bites the whole field and he focuses only on the good you see what is happening but it's the vastness it doesn't forget every other kind everything is in it now i hope this explains this because then i'm just going backwards all the way to matthew 13 so you will see that the lord explains the mind or the heart and he explains the heart or the mind as a seed sown by a farmer into a land okay and he says the land is the heart of the mind okay and the seed is the revelation okay that is the the patterns the revelations are sown into the heart of the seed of man and i'm going to get to that now and so you'll unders you it's going to you'll understand it so he says so these things are sewn into the ground and so the ground is is like uh if a plant just understand if a plant is above ground then it's visible right so but if it is not above ground it's it is invisible and so he explains that these revelations that were planted are deep in the subconscious or deep in the unconscious deep in the spirit you cannot see it so that's the first thing that you need to understand when he talks about the unconscious subconscious okay and he explains that it's deep within you can't see it and that's why you must understand the metaphors when jesus is explaining it everything is a metaphor so he says that's why he's saying he said look god has planted it deep within you there are seeds deep within you there are patterns deep within you there is also other seeds remember the field okay there are other seeds of every other kind also deep within you and he explains this and in fact he explains it in the most union or psychological fashion you know because he explains it like he literally says that a man goes to sleep and then you see there's good seed and the adversary has planted bad seed so you understand what he's trying to explain so he says sleep is a sign of unconsciousness see sleep is a kind of subconsciousness sleep is when you every day get into the subconscious realm okay so he's trying to explain that these are deeply sown within humanity okay that's the important thing when you understand the parable of the soul so he's talking about the unconscious subconscious mind and in the unconscious subconscious mind there are different patterns and there are different cycles and different harvest times that are going to come forth and we are wondering we live our lives and are wondering whoa what's this season that i'm coming to it's a rough season it's a tough season i'm going through a tough time in my life what is that season oh that's one of those seeds that have been planted and it's now coming up now you can see it because the shoot has come up and you're seeing it you see and there's a harvest time for it there's a cycle fight so he's trying to say every revelation there's there's good revelation in you but there's also bad revelation in you there is a wicked revelation in you and there is also kind revelation in you there is all it's all a part of the mind it's all there and this is called the vast mind and so interestingly he explains this in matthew 13 i mean i'm i don't want to go deep today but i don't think it's deep for me to tell you that he makes you a partner of he makes you a partner uh someone who can add to the algorithms of this mind let's put it like that so he says but they asked they asked him lord what are you talking about he says he said these these concepts these these logos these words are these logic these revelations are deep in us these revelations of fear and uh that have been passed down through generations and the revelations of poverty and the revelations of of strength and power and sickness and disease and then healing and all this is deeply in the unconscious mind he says yes he says but he's like they're like but lord what do we do about this what can what can we do about it well well he he explains it he says well they're both very similar they're both working together they're all deeply rooted in unconscious and they'll have different seasons at different times so you see he he's literally saying that it's there and it's going to start coming forth yeah and he says even when he starts growing together you won't be able to distinguish you'll be able to see you go in and out from the wheat you go to the tears and this is how it is and then he says amazing thing and i'm doing this message here now because i need to end up when i end up the vast man series and i ended up in america at five day program and i come back in sri lanka and preach it okay so when i end up with this you are going to realize okay he says well he says the good revelations and the bad revelations are like the sons of the creator the sons of god and the sons of the adversary he says you get to uh you get to create your history you get to put information into this vast mind you become a programmer yourself every individual who has come to the earth becomes a contributor into the vast mind he says these are the sons of light and the sons of the adversary he says some people will leave the world leaving their imprint of darkness and their cycles and their messages in every single person's mind literally he explains it like this i'll tell you again he says if you take a little piece of what is it called yeast he says you take east and you put the yeast in uh where there is bread and he says that that will contaminate everything and spread everything it's like he would take a little uh if you take a a a pure white pristine glass of water and he put ink in it it will start contaminating the whole ink literally he says the kingdom of heaven is like that it's like like east you put a little bit and it's in the same parable it's it's he says it in verse 38 and he apparently spoke to him again and kingdom of heaven is like 11 which a woman took and hid three measures of meal till it was all 11 you see he's trying to explain the dynamics he says if you put a little bit of anything good or bad it spreads very fast in this mind so there are people who are coming called santa light and the sons of god and sons of the adversary or whatever they're just people okay goat sheep whatever you want to call it they're just people okay he says that good people bad people all kinds of things coming to this whole kingdom and what happens is they put a little bit of lemon and when they put the lemon it spreads to everybody so there are people who leave this earth today okay we'll make an imprint on your unconscious subconscious mind yes he says every man becomes a co-author of the program yes every single human being becomes a co-author of the ever-growing subconscious unconscious ever evolving was mind of christ yes god doesn't say ladies and gentlemen that he doesn't any say anywhere uh that he's he doesn't change you understand that i mean god repents many many times you see this repentance is changing constantly okay his values don't change okay but the transformation is happening constantly and you become an author of it okay so that's in 1913 he says there are santa kingdom sons of god and each one has been planted each one plays a role each one is a contributor and you leave on the earth your imprint and your footprint and your impression and it spreads to everybody what you do on the earth right now the thoughts that you have the things that you do you are already contaminating the world if it's fear that you are in then everyone around you will be scared and that fear will spread to all everyone how do you think we go from a place of saying that milk is good for you in the 1980s and everyone says milk is good make it your drink now and then go to a place in that in 2000 uh 20 uh 20s saying milk is not so good for you think about that okay how do we go the science says that milk is good for you and suddenly say it's bad for you okay how do we go there it's because everyone becomes a contributor the more people believe it and the more people believe it and the more people believe it we are changing the imprint in this vast mind now that is why we have to be like good stewards like the ones who have a drag net and sorts the good out and from the bad that's what you're constantly doing in your life you're refining yourself so that you can leave a good imprint on the earth the vast mind is constantly changing and evolving and that mind is in you you have a massive mind it's not just limited to you it is connected to every single being is connected to every single person and that's the vast mind of christ it is in a wave form it's like water it's a it's that's what we talk about when you talk about the science of quantum it's it's spread out constantly it's like the ink in the water it spreads why the ink in the water spreads because it's in wave form it's not in particle form it's not like a solid object you see so it says it's in wave form the whole thing is in wave form if you put ink into it it just spreads throughout all the water the whole water gets contaminated with the one little drop of ink you understand that so that's what he's trying to explain to you so the kingdom of heaven gets contaminated by good by bad by everything else and we are supposed to refine it and if we live our life then we leave a better imprint so that water could be pristine again you see so i hope this is making some sense to you so that is the concept of the vast mind and that's what we're talking about the waveform and uh and the scientists today literally say that you are not a particle you are not objective reality you think that you are solid but if you actually understand your innate nature if you'll go back in into like they say quantum level smaller than atoms if you look at it you are actually like water you're like a wave you're spread out you can see yourself as a solid article simply because your eyes and your ears are very very restricted and very uh poor measurement tools but actually we are like jesus says it's like we are we are like a word and we're spreading out and we're going constantly and continuously expanding out whether it be good already it be bad remember he didn't say the kingdom of heaven is all good nowhere does he say it he didn't say the kingdom of heaven is all white or all all black he he doesn't eat from a tree of polarity this or that he says everything exists in it but we need to now refine it let me just give you let me take you back a bit and explain uh this uh in a in maybe a better way it's like god is beyond space and time just understand that so he created the heavens he's not in the heaven he's outside of time he's outside of space he created the heavens and the earth so he's out outside of it he's being outside we don't know what it is we don't know no one has ever seen god the bible says okay so he's beyond space and time and then to create space and time what he does is he creates the mind the noose which he calls the christ okay it is a consciousness it is a mind the news it's a consciousness that he creates and through that mind he creates everything else now that is the mind that came upon christ that mind came on the man jesus of nazareth it was a consciousness with a spirit that came upon him that mind which we call the son of god before the man jesus was there then mind created the universe the news the mind okay that mind came upon jesus of nazareth but in that mind is everything jesus as a man did that story of the dragnet and started refining between what was there the good patterns the bad patterns everything that was there because that has all of it in it and you as a man have the ability now from the wave function of everything what is like water contaminated the whole thing has different different i don't use the word contaminated because let me say mixed up everything is mixed up like a dragnet you have the ability to bring from that waveform into present reality what is good or what you choose through your nervous system through your eyes through your mouth to what you can feel you can bring out what is good and how you want the world to look like it's up to you but here's the interesting thing you have the power to leave an impression on this vast mind and like a drop of ink your life will spread throughout all in all and will spread to many many others as well so that is why we say what are you thinking if you think right you will create right but not only that you will then be able to pass on this very mind of justice righteousness love and goodness not even knowingly not consciously unknowingly to someone else and not someone else all of them our type of christianity that we preach at wildlife church is a christianity that teaches people to be the christ not jesus christ we're not trying to be jesus christ jesus christ is our lord and our savior but to be the christ and to respond to that call in ways that will promote justice peace and love not to be some religious group believing in something when you are that person at home in front of your husband in front of your wife in front of your mother your father your children you are that person that person of integrity it just spreads we are not those who go around knocking on people's doors and trying to evangelize people because the bible talks about you just be that person of integrity without hypocrisy and naturally the gospel spreads because it's like east if you have no fear the people around you have no fear if you are in calm the people around you are calm that's the gospel and that's the gospel that we preach and i want you all to know that you don't have to look like where where is kabhi getting his doctrines from you don't have to look far you don't have to look into buddhism or hinduism or any other religion to find out where i get my doctrines from you have to just go back trace yourself back to the most ancient type of christianity before the councils before the political contamination happened in 500 and 680 the church that was ancient the first 300 years of the church was the most glorious years of the church and anyone with any sense will know that the first 300 years of the church they had the right doctrines so i go back into the old ancient church fathers the desert fathers oregon mysterious the largest you don't have to look far go back to them and see the wonder of who jesus is and the vast man of christ i'm going to leave you there and i'll see you on sunday blessings
Channel: WOWLifeChurch
Views: 2,045
Rating: 4.8545456 out of 5
Keywords: kirby de lanerolle, depression, anxiety, transformation church, wow life, wowlife, wowlife church, prophet kirby, church of the east, Contributors of the Vast Mind, Contributors, The Vast Mind Of Christ, Vast Mind Of Christ, vast, mind, christ, mind of Christ, how to think like jesus, mental health, renewing your mind, you have the mind of christ, take every thought captive, thought life, biblical meditation
Id: opeypW28xCA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 20sec (2060 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 10 2021
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