Consecration to St. Joseph (Day 19). Livestream

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copy book in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit amen remember almost chaste spouse of the Virgin Mary that never wasn't known that anyone who fled to thy protection implored thy help or sought thy intercession was left unaided inspired by this confidence I fly unto you my spiritual father and beg your protection o foster father of the Redeemer despise not my petitions but in your goodness hear and answer me amen Heavenly Father on this day 19 of our consecration to Saint Joseph we come to you imploring your aid imploring your fatherhood over us pouring out your spirit upon us as we examine the courage in the heart of st. Joseph that he was a man of great courage courageous in every aspect of his life as he took care of our lady and of Jesus also we pray to come to a greater appreciation of the strength that he needed and that he gave in that great protection of his wife and of his son and instill that same courage and strength and men today and men who are married and in men who are priests and bishops we asked all of this through Christ our Lord amen in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit amen okay so first I've got that exciting news that I'm gonna go through slowly cuz I want to make sure that you hear it and hopefully it'll be posted probably tomorrow because remember after I do this I go through the comments comments and that takes me 20 to 30 minutes every day there's a follow-up and I read through the comments and by the way I you know I've noticed something I didn't notice this until maybe a week ago the comments that you're posting right now on YouTube anyway I'm not sure about the Facebook one or is it the other way around yeah I can't remember but I remember whatever is being posted live right now is actually not what I will see later on so if I want to see the live ones I have to go to a different area and look through those which I do now that I know about this I've known about it for a week or a little more than a week but I didn't know that at first they're set they're separate the live ones are not the same as when it's posted later and people are commenting on it there so I didn't know that all right here's some exciting stuff so what I'm gonna say to you right now I will be posted tomorrow on the Facebook I I can't post it on YouTube it's so be attentive right now to what I'm about to tell you okay Canada my friends in Canada great news told you yesterday I got an email from somebody up there a family that runs a Marion Center in the province of Ontario that their places actually it's funny it's actually not far away from Niagara Falls and that Buffalo area but it's in Canada but not far from there they run a Marion Center and they now are going to be distributing pretty much everything associated with consecration to st. Joseph in Canada so if you're a Canadian you don't have to buy it from the United States now you can buy this stuff in Canada and this is great so you can buy an individual book you can buy now this is where I'm gonna need to get up and you're gonna have to pardon me for stepping out of the screen maybe for a little bit here this is where they're also going to be be able to sell the canvas images the artwork now they taking all these images that I've been telling you about the contest that will do they're all going to be available and are available already in Canada in that awesome oh my gracious I'm so excited about this so but that's not it there's more so the book the art and the the prayer cards that we have now you know all that stuff Canadians don't have to order it from the United States you can get it in Canada now so let me give you that information and tell you about a special thing that they're doing which I'm it's like I'm so happy about all of this it's just I'm delighted because you know Saint Joseph is the patron saint of Canada I have that in my book we've already covered that mm-hmm or did we I remember but it's in the book anyway um so what a privilege you know Canada has that you have the largest shrine to Saint Joseph in the world the oratory of st. Joseph in Montreal and your entire country is you know he's the patron saint of your country what a blessing so to find out about this place I'm gonna give you their website I'm gonna spell it out for you so that there's no misunderstandings I'll say it and I'll spell it out it's sunrise Marian calm it's spelled s u n R is e ma r I am calm sunrise Marian calm go there and you'll find all the stuff that I just showed you now I'm going to give you phone numbers to in case I don't know well you thought that you wouldn't have the internet you will be watching me right now or a computer so but I'm going you some phone numbers too okay so if you want to call them now now today's Sunday at least in the United States and in Canada I wouldn't call them today I'm just telling you this right now that's what I'm gonna this is gonna be posted tomorrow on Facebook but I wanted to share this with you right now but I'm guessing if you call them right now nobody's gonna be there so the number is 1-888-438-6557 and that's awesome I'm gonna thank my friends this family who's doing I think that's exceptional now you probably can't do that online maybe there is I don't know I didn't see it the code you might want to call for that particular discount so if you order 50 books you can get 25% off for the Canadian orders that's awesome thank you my friends for doing that now I do want to let my friends know the people who run this operation that I was looking at the reviews you can do reviews on their thing it won't be part of our contest because I've already got three places I got a look on those last five days if I have to a fourth one it's just going to be out of control but you can do reviews and I looked at a review that was on there by a priest in Toronto so the owners of this store who are watching they told me they are with their family please go and look at your reviews because there's a priest named father Alexander MacDonald in Toronto that wants a hundred copies so I don't know if you know that dude but look him up in my ringy-ding because he's looking to get a hundred copies of the book and with this discount that you're now offering I think that priests would be very happy so I'm looking at reviews he's one of the two reviews that are there at the moment all right my friend so that's that thank you everybody who's not from Canada for listening to that but I I wanted to get the message out I'm excited about that okay here's where I've got something for everybody just making sure that I didn't miss anything and I didn't check this out guys check this out - Tom so excited so yesterday remember we were talking about these seven sorrows and the seven joys that was part of the wonder that we were reading through going through and I said as far as I know there's no images or at least I haven't seen any of st. Joseph's being shown with seven swords piercing his heart and we went through what those sorrows were the seven sorrows and the seven joys we went through those there in the book and then check it out last night I get an email from a lady in Argentina Alejandra who's watching maybe even right at the moment she might watch that later I'm not sure what time she watches it but she sent me a picture that's in a church in Argentina it was posted earlier on the consecration to st. Joseph's Facebook page but I am going to bring that up for you to show you guys because what I'm about to show you it may be the only one in the world I don't know I've never seen another one I gotta put the code in here and show you this because when I saw it I was like wow there it is never seen one before and here it is I'm gonna show it to you guys hope I do this right can you see that guys let me get the glare off of the Facebook peoples it's so hard to do this when it ok now you're looking at okay I hope I'm doing that right guys if I'm not I'm sorry I'm so bad at this stuff there we go I think that's good can you see that and I'll get you YouTube people in a second let me let me get the Facebook people a good shot of it can you see that it's amazing and it looks very old right and there see there's a glare of me there sorry guys I don't know there we go there we go that's a little better look at that look at that in that awesome I love discoveries like this I mean this is an Argentine and who knows maybe there are more around the world and again if you guys know stuff like this let me know I'm into this stuff this is so cool and if you're an artist look here's a model do one like this do something like this I mean imagine if we had a statue like this hey this is so cool so and the picture is up on the Facebook page so it's there for the YouTube people we don't have that ability but for the for the Facebook people I just thought that was so cool that I wanted to share it with you guys after what we were talking about yesterday little discoveries and yeah just for me I'm like a little kid in a candy store when I said she sent it to me I opened up the email and she told me there was the attachment and I was just like whoa I was like no way I mean there it is right there so and it's beautiful I mean it's old of course but there's something about the oldest of it that's actually stellar man I like it I you know I dig him and like all the little crinkles in it and stuff I think it's pretty cool okay so let's go to day 19 where for the litany of st. Joseph's we the title is Joseph's most courageous pray for us so I start off with a quote from Saint Brigid of Sweden another one of those mystics she so perfectly was he st. Joseph dead to the world and the flesh that he desired nothing but the things of heaven Wow so basically what she's saying is he had such courage that it didn't matter what happened to him it didn't matter how much he suffered it didn't matter what came his way rather advantageous or adverse he was focused on the things of God dead to the things of the world in the flesh man how we need stuff like that today because today we're just so mundane we're so secular were so wrapped up in you know Yolo he only live once that we don't think of heaven we don't think of eternity it's like he give the exact opposite with st. Joseph so like st. Joseph right he he was not only the the father of Jesus fulfilling that role given to him but also a disciple of Jesus and that required a lot of courage because it takes courage to be a disciple of Jesus and you know many are willing to follow Jesus and praise Him in song when it's pleasant but not many are willing to follow Jesus when it's difficult and filled with sorrow hardship pain because you know there's a lot of people sometimes that their understanding of following Jesus is just good alright glory you know okay we got the glory glory but there's a cross it's like the wedding ring that Jesus wore for you don't ask him to take it off and when he gives it to you where it doesn't mean it's gonna be pleasant you know I always love to tell people that they from venerable Fulton sheen where he says in marriage there are three rings the engagement ring the wedding ring and the suffering yep big time and that's part of that's that's how it works because you got to sacrifice yourself and you got to will the good of the other and that requires death to self and it's not easy and that's why when our following Christ we've got to be courageous we've got to be willing to do all the way and today boy you just don't see that a lot of times people got this prosperity gospel aspect well they're just into it for money or for whatever your things of the world and it's just like wow that's not what it's all about it's really not what it's all about it's about love persevering and fidelity and faithfulness whatever comes and good times and in bad in health and in sickness in riches in poverty but there's a lot of people that they don't see it that way and unfortunately they're seeing it in a warped way because Christianity at the center of it is the wisdom the glory and the Wonder the mystery of that beautiful cross okay so in different translations of the litany as I said there's different translations that that are available the title most courageous sometimes can be rendered most valiant or most strong the three titles have the same essential meaning st. Joseph was courageous and fearless he feared nothing other than offending God and exercised tremendous fortitude in his protection of Jesus and Mary what she also does and wants to do for you fortitude is a cardinal virtue that strengthens the will and gives a person courage and a firm resolve to do God's will even in the midst of great suffering the root word of courage is core meaning heart heart to be courageous is to love the good more than you fear evil and suffering now that's not I'll be the first one to say that that's not easy to do right when you're in a situation where you know that if you make a certain decision a courageous one you're gonna suffer for it that's not easy to do that's what you know why we need the Holy Spirit in our life and we need all of heaven you know in our life but the courageous man is stout hearted bold and brave in the midst of trials that st. Joseph was courageous no one can deny it took courage for st. Joseph to take his family into enemy territory Egypt he knew that he might need to defend his wife and child against physical assaults and he was willing to do see this is where a lot of people they might think oh wait a minute hmm are you sure about that well look I don't think that it ever happened but would it have been something that he would have what would have happened like for example there's a story recounted in the mystical writings of blessed and Catherine Emmerich that while they were in Egypt I think it was maybe on their way into Egypt the Holy Family was surrounded by robbers and bandits with bad intentions very bad intentions and nothing took place you know we don't we don't hear about any confrontation on a physical level but I would find it impossible to believe that if the bandits came to do any harm to marry you to Jesus Joseph would have manned up and done a little damage because you have a right to protect yourself you have a right to protect your family you have a right to protect your property see today everybody man thinks so differently about this they you know they everybody just thinks that no you can do whatever you want with anybody else's stuff at any that's not the case and so thank God you know this never he needed never needed to but I bet you he would have if it came to it because he's a man he's meant to be the Guardian the protector the pillar of what has been entrusted to him and see this is something that you know today you say this kind of stuff and people like oh that's toxic masculinity that ain't toxic masculinity that's just a dude being a dated okay so you know if if I were married and I'm not right to a woman but I'm married to the church if I were married and some robbers came to my house and they're trying to break in and do harm to my wife and to my children or you're gonna be meeting my little Frank called Smith & Wesson my friend okay because I've got a right to defend you know my kingdom you know but people today they just they don't see it that way and sometimes it's the hardest thing where the people who are defending themselves are the ones who get busted if the way you know we're totally flipped this stuff upside down anyway I'm going off on a little you know tangent here but I think you know I'm getting that it's like the world's getting crazy man okay so he knew that he might need to defend his wife and child against physical assaults and he was willing to do it if it came to that he had to be he was a man no man who is easily intimidated would embark on such a journey st. Joseph is intimidated by no one because he is close to that if God is with you who can be against you think st. Joseph wasn't fully aware you know of this with his loving God that that was able to you know make a virgin have a child God who was there with him and he knew it and he knew it okay now remember st. Joseph is our increase er so what our spiritual father had he wants us to have you know you can't give what you don't have so as our spiritual father he wants to help increase his courage in us because we are disciples of Jesus Christ so I say here do you remember the passage in scripture when Jesus came walking on the water to his disciples the disciples were terrified and Jesus had to calm their spirits and he said take courage in his I do not be afraid well what about you you're a disciple of Jesus Christ what are you afraid of are you afraid of losing your job now that's a real fear I don't deny that and I know a lot of people that are because today man everybody is triggered and if you say the wrong thing you can find yourself in a lawsuit and it is so difficult today you've got to walk on pins and needles and eggshells in the workplace lest you offend you know anybody and everybody it's just it's a really sad situation that we live in today and this is even true in the church you know this is this is a tragic situation we've got both secular and ecclesial where people are afraid to actually say the truth now we to do it with love with compassion with mercy without doubt without a doubt right but today people are afraid to just call a spade a spade because they're afraid that they're either going to lose their job their livelihood and who wants that to happen right because then you got to provide for your family if you've got children you got I mean it's a difficult situation I just heard the other day of a man who said the truth to somebody and he lost his job he was a schoolteacher and lost his job was at a Catholic school I mean man come on this is like so bad because everybody's just cya basically I hope you know what that means everybody's just trying to cover their hmm yep that's what it's come down to modern society how sad is that and this is the whole problem too with us priests I mean it's hard for us because you know we're sometimes we're worried what's gonna happen to me if I say this and this which is so true and everybody's thinking and everybody knows that the elephant in the room but if I say it and call it out am I gonna be going to priest camp first you know sensitivity training and reprogramming I mean I'm just saying that's what a lot of priests in the world are thinking this is the problem we have and we need to pray for courage for them for everybody now I'm not you know I'm not judging anybody here I don't know the particulars situations but there's a lot of this going on today and we've got to pray for courage we've got to pray for for people to desire the truth with great charity and love and compassion and all of that stuff of course of course of course but the truth needs to be said it needs to be known it needs to be champions it needs to be proclaimed and that's what st. Joseph did that's what all the saints have done many of them well because they did it they were thrown into a dungeon or if they were sent to you know psychological evaluation many Saints had stuff like that happen but that's where it comes down to what are we afraid of what are we fearing legitimate fears hey you got yours I got mine but it comes down to do we really want to be holy do we really want to follow in the path of Jesus Christ remember our God is a crucified Messiah he was rejected it was murdered and that that's that's our model that's the Messiah that we the crucified Lord the crucified Savior love poured out and so that you know I think that we need to we need to pray for everybody to have this courage to speak the truth not easy not easy because you might end up losing your job and that's a tragedy that is a tragedy sacrificing your good name and worldly honors that's something else that could happen st. Joseph sacrificed everything for a love of Jesus and Mary your spiritual father was a poor man and of no esteem in the world yet demons and sorcerers of Egypt were terrified of the courageous heart of st. Joseph Jesus himself learned courage from the example of st. Joseph remember a jesus said a son can only do and say what he sees his father doing and saying and so Jesus and his human nature and growing in his into his manhood would have seen all of these things exhibited in his father so that's why we need men of courage today that's why you know boys need to look to their father and girls too of course but you know I want to focus on the boys here for a moment they need to look to their father and see that he's he's a one who's willing to slay dragons and take on you know the the powers of darkness and the things that are attacking the good the true and the beautiful both in society and in the church this is why seminarians the ones that I know and the guys that I know it get roused up by watching old videotapes of somebody like Fulton sheen a guy who just speaks the truth it's why they get pumped up when they hear somebody you know a bishop today who is thundering the truth it's it's ass man it is a sweet solace of consolation when you hear somebody who's not caught up in complications and greatness and all kinds of you know it's very clear the true you you know you hear the Shepherd's voice you hear the ring of truth in it and it just your soul just like is so there it is you hear it I hear it it's so freeing but many are not don't have they're worried and rightly so I mean look I'll be honest with you I'm not you know I would never want to go to prison you know or be in some situation that's gonna cause me unbelievable hardship and difficulty but I pray I pray that I would have that courage to be able to do it I'm not saying that it's easy it's not I mean there are many examples also of Saints who who petered out hey st. Peter that's where that phrase comes from he petered up you know he mmm but eventually you know he got it he understood it and then he ended up himself you know being crucified upside down you know so I mean let's pray that we also though were we make mistakes that we would have this kind of courage because it is seriously lacking in the world today and in many instances even in the church and I I don't mean to scandalize you by saying that I'm pretty sure that you're aware of this we've got a real we got some serious problems today and on a daily basis I just get the sense that we're dealing with an era of revolution at the moment where there are forces of darkness there's a spiritual battle going on where we need we need prophets or not even I'm not talking about maybe at John the Baptist type thing although that wouldn't hurt we could use a couple thousand of them here and there but people just speaking the truth because when you don't this is how something goes on for so long that all of a sudden entire companies are find themselves not find themselves but they've gotten into a situation where it's very hard to get out of where one person you start supporting like Planned Parenthood and then when they have their board meetings all of a sudden somebody who is a Christian at that board meeting is is is afraid to stand up and say you know I'm uncomfortable with this I don't think that we should be doing this this is something else let them take care of themselves we don't to be throwing money at this organization this is not what we're about whole health care and young companies and so forth you find yourself in a situation where before long I mean that train is just going down the tracks man and this is where you know now that all of the stuff has gone on for so long it's gonna take supernatural courage to turn this ship around really and truly I felt comin was preaching here at the moment we got to get back on topic but yeah I think you know what I'm talking about and I'm saying this in light of the world situation things that are going on and just the the division it's everywhere the confusion it's all over the place man I can't go a single day without seeing something somewhere highlighting this just in neon lights in your face talking about this kind of stuff okay so let's get into the Wonder for today which is on page 113 now this is oh we're gonna see a great example of it actually yes indeed it's amazing how the Holy Spirit works like that hadn't really planned that out all right so today the title of this particular reading is Old Men don't walk to Egypt so we've already covered the whole thing about dumb st. joseph´s age whether he was old or young I favor a younger st. Joseph's Church doesn't have a definitive teaching on it but I favor a younger st. Joseph so you've heard of EWTN right so Eternal Word television network founded by the saintly Mother Angelica in 1981 oh what a feisty woman that was a woman of courage now if you heard her talk she was just a sweet sweet lady right such so witty so loving you know almost it felt like she was a grandma and a habit you know just a sweetheart of a lady but when push come to shove boo boo she shoved back and she spoke the truth and some people didn't like it but I remember man I remember I had my conversion to Catholicism and shortly after that I ended up joining you know my religious community and I went to World Youth Day in Denver Colorado in 1993 it was a great experience for me oh my it was just fantastic and I wasn't even aware when I was there that this had happened because I was like in a field with like a trillion people you know where you can hardly even walk and I don't even I wasn't at the Stations of the Cross that took place at World Youth Day in 1993 in Denver but evidently the organizers and the powers-that-be had a woman play Jesus in the live Stations of the Cross I didn't know that at the time I was clueless I was probably somewhere looking for a restroom you know because it was so many people but when Mother Angelica found out about that oh man she went dynamite she was like she went off you can still watch the video of that type in a Google thing on YouTube or something Mother Angelica Denver 1993 woman playing Jesus or some way that holy moley and she just it took courage to do what she did and she I mean the statements that she made were hard core I mean hard core oh man I love a feisty nun like that that's she's like another st. Teresa of ávila yeah her Catherine of Siena just you know there come some time some moments there unpleasant not like it was planned out but in response to something that is obviously not right she said the truth and she suffered greatly for it she was you know many people who began to turn away from her and think that she was some radical and some crazy but she wasn't she wasn't and you know for us today there's stuff going on it's even worse than that oh man you know and now that's not good but there's stuff today that's just Y axes it's not good guys it's not good and so we need to pray to have a loving heart to have a merciful heart but also to have a courageous heart and not be afraid to say the truth because the truth is so lacking today in so many movements and so many organizations and so many things that are going on that when you speak it it's shocking to people because they're not used to it it's like do you know they're coming out of a dark cave and the light blinds them and and you know it you know that that analogy and so when they hear the truth sometimes they're greatly offended by it but that's okay that's okay because we're magnetically were theologically ontologically metaphysically drawn to the truth to the truth it stinks but just like a wound medicine on a wound it hurts but it's what heals you you get through the hurt that's all right and if people react by the way expect that I know it's not easy I I you know when somebody calls me out it's not easy nobody likes to be corrected but if you'd it's done in love which st. Joseph would have done in a loving way but he would have done it that's what all the saints do we have to remember that correcting the sinner is oh actually a work of mercy let's not forget that one because today there's a lot of Aaron C going on there's a lot of falsehoods being promoted and we have to be willing to speak the truth okay so let's get on with what I wanted to talk about here in the writing Mother Angelica she loves st. Joseph so much oh she really loved him and one time she was on you know she'd not only did television but radio as well that all continues she was doing the program and she was talking about st. Joseph and somebody called in and they asked her this question I'm just gonna read it to you they said Mother Angelica do you think that st. Joseph was old or young Mother Angelica answered with her classic wit responding well my dear that's a good question there is no official church teaching on whether or not st. Joseph was old or young but I prefer a young Joseph all I know sweetie is old men don't walk to Egypt brilliant you don't need a PhD to figure this out right so I mean this is just the wisdom of a saint woman and I do pray that she gets canonized someday because uh I never met her I wish I had had the opportunity I know many people who have and she was just she was something else well in light of what she was saying I've got a few factual things that here I want to share with you and they kind of put some things in perspective when it comes to the courage of st. Joseph the strength of st. Joseph the stamina of st. Joseph so from Bethlehem to Nazareth is 80 miles one way obviously so we're talking about a three days journey so sleeping out in the desert very hot during the day chilly at night uphill downhill around hills that is not an easy walk and then from Bethlehem to the border of Egypt is 40 miles now nobody believes that the Holy Family you know stepped over the border or power was designated at that time and set up camp right there they had to go to some kind of City actually something fascinating later on when we cover some of the apparitions of Saint Joseph we're gonna hear about one recently that happened in Egypt which all the people there in that particular town know that that's one of the places where the holy family lived so little little teaser there for something we're gonna we're gonna learn about later so they would have gone more than forty miles probably 80 miles plus into Egypt and then when they left Egypt from Egypt from from the border of Egypt to Nazareth is a hundred and twenty miles that is a seriously long walk right and then remember I think I mentioned it oh here just as a way of to understand this for those in the United States 120 miles New York City to Philadelphia is 92 miles so you would need to add another 30 miles that the Holy Family would have walked that is some serious walking and then in the in the book of Exodus it was required that three times a year all men needed to appear before the Lord in the temple in Jerusalem further various rituals and festivities three times a year remember from Bethlehem or from Nazareth to Bethlehem was eighty miles and it was pretty close to Jerusalem three times a year walking that that is so much walking as a matter of fact after I put the book out somebody told me they said father did you ever read that stuff the studies by that particular scholar who added up all of the walking that was needed by the Holy Family especially st. Joseph and Jesus because as men they are the ones who had to walk at Jerusalem three times a year did you ever see that father said no I'm unaware of that so they sent me some of the the quotes from the book and if you add up all of the mileage of the Holy Family but especially Joseph and Jesus that they would have walked let's just say for 25 years 25 years Joseph and Jesus would have walked basically 3/4 of the way around the planet seriously that is some serious walking and that also took a lot of courage because remember you know they didn't have you know a Days Inn or a Sheraton you know as they were walking these things many times like with the birth of our Savior they had to sleep out underneath the Stars there wasn't a place you know comfortable lodging for them and there were people with bad intentions there were robbers there were people who you know were waiting on some of these roads to take advantage of the people you know especially at night so this took courage for st. Joseph to be able to do these things for his family and he did them it didn't matter what was gonna happen to him he would have been there always at every moment for his wife and for his son and that's what we need today we need men of courage we need priests of courage we need bishops of courage to be willing to stand in the truth and to proclaim the truth whether it's it's going to be advantageous to you or not or not and sadly many times in this fallen world where a spiritual battle is being played out you are going to suffer for it and again that's not easy I'd be the first to tell you that but my friends let's pray for one another that we can have this kind of courage because it's so desperately needed today let's pray for one another our selves let's pray for others to have this let's pray for leaders to have this both secular and in the church to have this great urge this fortitude this being valiant being strong because we need it today I think more than ever okay my friends so that's oh no you know I had one last thing no you know what I'll tell you after I do the litany of st. Joseph's because it's a it's something that's not really related related to the to the topic at the moment okay so today we pray the litany of st. Joseph's in Latin remember we're alternating days so that is on page 234 in the hard copy okay in nomine Patris et filii at Spiritu sancti amen kiri a lace on Kure a lace on Christe Eleison Christe Eleison Kyrie Eleison Kyrie Eleison Christe Allah knows Chris day exiled eNOS Potter de chelly snails miserere nobis fili redemptor moon de Deus Miserere no bees Spiritu sancti Deus Miserere no bees Santa Trinita who knows Deus Miserere no bees santa maria ora pro nobis sancto Yosef Ora pro nobis Pro lays David inflictor ora pro nobis lumen pitcher karim ora pro nobis day janet reaches sponse ora pro nobis Cousteau's Giudice virgin YZ ora pro nobis fille de new to ca ora pro nobis Christe tensor said you lay Ora pro nobis our main familiar places Ora pro nobis Yosef Eustace ma Ora pro nobis yosef caste see me ora pro nobis Yosef prudent ECMA Ora pro nobis Yosef forty see me ora pro nobis Yosef o'biden TSM a ora pro nobis Yosef elec me ora pro nobis speculum fal'cie NCA Ora pro nobis Amato Pavarotti's ora pro nobis exemplar OPV comb ora pro nobis domestic AV today cous ora pro nobis Cousteau's virginal ora pro nobis familia RM coloman ora pro nobis salat SIA misery Orem Ora pro nobis space egg rotten sium ora pro nobis patron amore and soon ora pro nobis terror demonym ora pro nobis protector santalaceae ora pro nobis Agnus Dei qui tollis peccata mundi parts a nobis domine amused a qui tollis peccata mundi exalting nobis domine Auguste a qui tollis peccata mundi miserere nobis constitute a um dominum DOMA su a at pranchi pan on this possession is suing or Amos Deus Quian ineffably providencia by autumn Yosef Santissima Janet reaches to a sponsor elegiac did not assess Presta why sumus would cramp rhetoric banaram or in telus intercessor on Hobart Maria more in chillies with e-visa dragna's in secular saeculorum Arman Heavenly Father you filled the heart of st. Joseph with great courage to protect to defend to provide for his wife and his son help us to have this courage help us to be strong in our faith to live in the light and in the true help us to not be worried about what can happen to us but to know that you who can make a virgin's womb fruitful can be our provider will watch over us as our love and father help us to be like st. Joseph and being ones who live in this truth and are not afraid to proclaim it Heavenly Father in this world in which there is so much confusion division where there are so many things going on at the moment fill the hearts of your people with courage fill the bishops with courage fill us priest with courage though families with courage so that we can right these wrongs so that we can get back to the basics to living lives that are good true and beautiful we ask all of this through Christ our Lord amen and my friends may Almighty God bless you your families especially for conversions for those who are away from the faith the blessing of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit amen okay don't leave yet guys cuz I got I got a today's the contest day where I tell you again about the contest but before I do that I want to tell you about yet another poker match I know I'm like kind of overdosing on the programming stuff here but the reason again is remember pretty much the pilgrimages were canceled for this year because of the whole virus situation so many of them I'm almost doubling up next year because I had to fail on some of them and not you know want to be faithful to my obligations and everything and I love doing pilgrimages so I'm not going to the Holy Land next year that's what I wanted to mention I've been there many times and I love it now I'm telling you this if you want to go to the Holy Land go go you will not regret it it is amazing you know I have to say shame on me as a priest because for years I was going to places like Lourdes and Mexican we have Guadeloupe and Fatima and Poland and all these other places which I love but I was yeah just the Holy Land I don't know how pitiful that I would think that way I don't know why I thought that way I was just like I guess I was thinking I was gonna go there and die seriously I just thought yeah you go to Holy Land probably there's gonna be some uprising and I'm gonna get shot or something you know that's just silly me and then eventually I was like dude man up you know get some courage brother and so I did and I went to the Holy Land and let me tell you something that as they say it's the fifth gospel it is so that's like the mother of all pilgrimages really and now I've been there I think seven times so I love it it's amazing but I'm not going next year but if you go go don't worry you won't regret it it's it's an amazing Coker much so where I am going next year is Greece and Turkey turkey just to Ephesus you know but I've never been and I've been everywhere man I mean you name it I've been there and probably multiple times but I've never been to Greece and Turkey so finally I'm gonna do a pogrom it's to Greece in the footsteps of st. Paul which is gonna be so exciting because everybody who's done that particular pilgrimage tells me all Father it was amazing the things that we saw the history and then the cruise because we're going to do a three-day cruise as part of it through the Greek Isles and everything so if you're interested in this particular pilgrimage it's from June 11th to the 21st of next year 2021 of course June 11 2012 8 so here's some of the places that we're going to go and as I said I've never been to Greece so I may mispronounce these places and some of these places I don't even know what the significance is but because I just have a piece of paper here and all of it is there and I'll give you the website in a second we're gonna go to Thessalonica which obviously we know that Philip I that's in the scriptures of course Kabbalah not sure what that is kalambaka I don't know what that is sounds cool sounds like somebody eat baklava kalambaka Delphi that's yoga's famous Corinth hello Corinthians Athens yeah Kusadasi oh no Ephesus that's where Mary lived remember when after you know the the resurrection ascension of our Lord she went there with Saint John the Apostle and that's where our lady lived and that's where we're going to see her house which was discovered partly due to the those mystical insights of blessed and Catherine Emmerich so that's going to be awesome that's a bucket list for me personally Patmos also that's who st. John you know the book of Revelation Herrick Heraklion not sure what that is and then santorini costs everybody knows santorini that's like the the amalfi coast you know of greece it's beautiful it's got those blue you know top things and the sea looks so gorgeous so we're going to be going to all these places and then we're gonna do a three day cruise as well as part of it so that's from june 11th to the 21st next year so if you want to find out about that go to father Callaway calm you have to spell out the father part remember father Callaway calm so that's that pilgrimage and that's all with the programers I'm done doing a programming stuff on June 22nd I'll go over it all again as the the last final wrap-up after the day of concentration ok the contest up guys so remember because there are a lot of people who are just joining on right now and I'm so sorry cuz some people are like father I didn't know you were doing this and you're like one day 18 and I'm bummed out I'm like don't worry they've been recorded and you can you could you can watch it later or whatever so remember in the last five days of the consecration I'm going to give away fifty free items ten books which I sign and mail to you myself and then ten of each of these ten of these which I can't sign these these ship from Massachusetts and I don't live in Massachusetts so 10 of these 10 of the st. Joseph terror of demons this one I remember to show the Facebook I always forget because the phone is different than the gigantic laptop in front of me ten of these my favorite the Immaculata and the terror of demons and then ten of the other image called st. Joseph's Tarot demons this one too like right there yeah so how do you enter in the contest you just do a review one sentence is sufficient if you wanna do more that's fine on Amazon and there's three Amazon's that we can do I have to only allow for three because I could be sitting here doing Amazon Spain Amazon France Amazon feed you or something you know so it's just going to be Amazon United States and was on Canada and Amazon UK those three and I apologize to everybody else but it's just I got a limited or it's just gonna be crazy so do a review and you're entered and on those last five days I'll be going through on the iPad and just randomly boom you're a winner and writing it down and we'll get touch and you'll get those things to you and remember I'm going to post or it's going to be posted on the Facebook page tomorrow about that Canada stuff I mentioned at the beginning you can buy all the stuff in Canada now and you can get a special 25% discount on an order of 50 books okay alright remember each a odd yosef go to joseph god bless you my friends and we'll see you tomorrow [Music]
Channel: Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC
Views: 24,749
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9Cvi2f0vVcA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 4sec (3004 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 07 2020
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