Consecration to St. Joseph (Day 17). Livestream

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in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit amen remember almost chase spouse of the Virgin Mary that never was it known that anyone who fled to thy protection implored thy help or sought thy intercession was left unaided inspired by this confidence I fly unto you my spiritual father and beg your protection o foster father of the Redeemer despise not my petitions but in your goodness hear and answer me amen Heavenly Father on this 17th day of our consecration to Saint Joseph we once again asked you to take us into the most chaste heart of st. Joseph to reveal that wonders the dignity the virtues the greatness of this man who has been designated to be our spiritual father we pray also that in today's wonder that we would stand in all of these great relics that you have left for us so that we can grow in our piety and in our devotion and as always we ask this through Christ our Lord amen in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit amen okay I hope everybody's doing well not a whole lot to cover from yesterday just a few things and the notes and reading through the comments and by the way the comments are getting longer and longer so it's taking me longer and longer to get to them and a lot of people do ask tons of questions and there's some things I just can't get to I'm like Google man you know there's just a ton of some questions that I could spend hours answering you know but I just guys I just don't have the time for that kind of stuff it's something simple I'll try and give a response but if it gets really long and I got to write a you know dissertation on it it's like do me a favor just google it or you know something man I hope them don't take that the wrong way or think I'm being rude it's just I get a gazillion people trying to contact me every day on every kind of form of you know emails and phone calls and this thing and that thing and you know so I hope you understand there but I do my best I do and I do read through the common I do so in reading through the ones yesterday unfortunately somebody was making some really foul comments so really nasty I don't play that game man so I don't even dialogue with that I just delete block you gone you know I don't mess with that stuff and it was foul it was really really sad you know God is merciful I'm amazed because if you talk about those kind of things to my mom or dad if you said those kind of things with my mom or dad oh man those are fighting words man you know it so God is so merciful and it happened the other day to somebody a different person says something extremely foul about Saint Joseph and I had to delete that now as I go through the comments you know I checked him after every session but I don't check them really after that like I don't go and look at the newest ones that come up after this is done after you know I spend some time I usually spend about 20 minutes or so going through the comments so if you see if you are on it again or something or if you see if you if you are aware of something on there that's fouled it's somebody posted send me a private message and let me know the name or whatever it is and I'll get to it because I don't I try not to have that stuff on because it's not it's disturbing you know it shouldn't be that way but people find out about what I'm doing and you know it happens so all right and then the last one like I said there wasn't a lot of things to address some people have asked me father when is the book gonna be available in this language or that language well we're right now we only have five contracts signed for translations so they're being done right now but it's gonna take time and we want to do it in other languages so if you know somebody in an official Catholic press not just your friend Larry you know who wants to translate the book no offense to any dude watching the name Larry but you know it can't just be a random person who's gonna just you know go freestyle on my book you've got it it's got to go through an official press there's got to be contract sign because everything is copyright it's got to be a good translation not to somebody winging it because this theological it's got to be accurate so if you know somebody in your language in a Catholic press contact me and I'll you know we'll get in touch with them and we'll try and work it out see if it's possible be great so the languages that were it's being translated into right now are Spanish French polish Croatian and Slovakian so those are the five right now that we have actual signed contracts so it's in the process now when will those be done and available probably not until at least September Corona buyers has messed up timelines and all of this and it looked like we had a deal with an Italian group but it fell through because of the stinking coronavirus and you know a lot of the presses just got that had to pull back and they already had other things on their table so they were like well father you were kind of new and so we didn't we didn't we're not going to get to yours finances are tough and such so but those are the five that we got right now Spanish French polish Croatian in Slovakian they're being done and sometime later this year they'll be available the ones that I would love to see I'd love to see all of it so you know whatever wherever you're from in the world you know that'd be great remember it's gotta be done officially because and I say that I emphasize that because sometimes I find out that people are translating this book or some of my other books and it's just um just dude doing it and I'm like bro it's copyrighted you can't be doing that you know it's got to be official it's got to be legit and it's got to be contract signed and that's safeguards the integrity of the work I want Saint Joseph to be known and loved and I want everyone to be consecrated to them but we got to make sure that it's all theologically precise and accurate and not just some pious dude god bless him who we know wants to just do it on his own and spread it in his particular country we just can't do it like that some of the languages that I've been asked recently about are the Italian there's a lot of Italians who want the book so if you know of a press please let me know don't just send me like a late and father here's an Italian press that ain't gonna help me at all man I know of them I you know Paulo line and all I'm sure I know them with just as well as you do I need a person and I need a contact email or phone number and you need to know them so don't just send me sister Mary you know in Uganda if you don't know sister Mary in Uganda right betting on Bay gonna do nothing so if you know an official Catholic press and a person that works there that you think would be interested hook me up set me up let's work it Italian Portuguese a ton of people are asking for this in Brazil because there's a lot of stuff going on with st. Joseph in Brazil some of its alleged and so you know I'm hands off with that stuff until you know really there's some kind of Dassin thing that shows some kind of approval there's some fascinating stuff going on in Brazil right now regarding st. Joseph I leave it all up to the authorities to make the decisions but we'll see but there is a lot of people asking for Portuguese so alright so I just want to share that let's get into today day 17 so we are more than halfway through now so this is the title and a litany Joseph most chaste pray for us so I start with a quote from st. Francis DeSales love st. Francis DeSales that guy did you ever realize he was so devoted to st. Joseph he really was he's incredible and there's a scholar in Pennsylvania father I forget his name at the moment but he's done a lot on st. Joseph's and the writings of st. Francis DeSales and I think he might teach it Villanova or maybe he doesn't teach there but maybe he resides there he's a member of their religious community the the there's something I can't remember man yeah my mind is just shot right now for some reason so I got the homily from st. Francis DeSales on st. Joseph's and it's it's awesome I wanted to put it in the book as well but it's pretty long and that would like I said there's so much I had to leave out of this book but his homily is is great so this comes from that nominally he says who can ever understand how great he Joseph had to be in this virtue of virginity who is destined by the Eternal Father to be the Guardian or rather the companion of Mary's virginity so once again you know he's a firm defender that st. Joseph was a virgin and of course being a virgin he would have been chaste so we made those distinctions earlier in a previous day the differences between chastity and celibacy some of us are called to celibacy like myself and others in religious life you know in the priesthood and there in the Roman Rite of the Catholic Church and but all are called to chastity which is to have that self mastery over your passions so that you don't live like an animal and everyone is called to that married people as well so here we see again that that superlative applied to st. Joseph st. Joseph most chaste and remember I've said this at several times only Mary and Joseph get that honor and that privilege nobody else no matter how holy right and like for example I love st. Philomena she's one of my favorite Saints and it breaks my heart that you know modernism crept in and he's tried to kind of diss her and get rid of her oh that disturbs me because that little girl for me is a little princess and she has helped me so much in my manhood you know to strive for purity of heart purity of body purity of mind and she has just been a hero for me st. Philomena as she was for Saint John Vianney hey if st. Philomena was good enough for st. John Vianney the patient saint of priests the man who terrified you know Satan and duked it out with demons at night lived on a stinky potato a day I think I think his advice you know me and go and ask st. Philomena you know to help me out I don't really care what the modernist say because that little girl is amazing she's a Wonder worker for God so why am I talking about that oh yes because um you know we we need this we need this this this understanding of only mary and joseph get that most so not even like say Philomena who is like the girl for purity you know or think about Saint Maria Goretti who was a order to protect her virginity not even for those great Saints and their great Saints and there's a ton of others not even they have that type privileges we don't invoke them as Philomena most chaste we don't say that we don't say you know Saint Maria Goretti most chaste we only say these things about Mary and Joseph even though the others are very chaste but we're talking about the most chaste here and that's important because remember in that virginal marriage in that union of Joseph and Mary in that in that heart-to-heart union remember wasn't a bodily Union but their hearts were one and you know for a long time and rightly so many people have talked about the union of the two hearts or there been movements associated with the two hearts of Jesus and Mary so the Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart and that's beautiful stuff I mean that is great stuff it is helped so many people and it should be promoted and continue to be promoted but in light of all that we've been learning about st. Joseph and the development of this greater doctrinal stuff about him and an awareness of his greatness now when we have marriages and families in crisis when we have men who don't know how to be men I don't know what it means to be a man we need to bring in the most chaste heart of Joseph we need to bring it full circle now and get the three hearts here so the Sacred Heart the Immaculate Heart and the most chaste part of Joseph and you know this is this is gaining momentum this is gaining momentum so I don't have it here but I could have printed out and shown you some of my friends have done this some people that I don't know I see it on the internet every now and then people who are trying to draw images of the three hearts now you know and our Lord's generally is crowned and you might see like a drop of blood or something like that our ladies generally you know is pierced and you might also see a crown sometimes around it but it's generally pierced sometimes with seven swords sometimes just with one and the chaste heart of st. Joseph generally shows that that Lily because that Lily that he holds in that Jesus is holding in this image behind me signifies his purity that's what that Lily symbolizes whenever you see that Lily was Saint Joseph that's what it's symbolic of is his purity and that's what we need today so this is why me and many other people and later on we'll talk about the alleged apparitions of Our Lady of America and I will include the latest developments with that on that it just took place last month I think it was or a month before now we're in June I'll bring you up to speed on some things they're developed but nonetheless this is something that we we need to think about and I think that a lot of church leaders hopefully are thinking about this because there are certain places that do actually allow for a celebration of the most chaste heart of st. Joseph even though it's not official so you won't find it in liturgical books that you could buy at the daughters of st. Paul like you won't find those liturgical formulas the opening prayer you know the closing prayer that you know professor and I can't say you won't find it but certain places actually have special permission to celebrate it so there as far as I know one of the places that does is the oratory of saint joseph in montreal canada of course i mean that's his that's the biggest shrine dedicated to st. joseph in the world and so they seem to have that special privilege which is fantastic i think something like this is needed today and there's a lot of other people that think so as well because now that we've come to understand st. joseph we need to bring him in we need to close the gap of the Holy Family and talk about the three hearts who beat as one who act as one who their intentions are as one and that ultimately is what should be happening in the world with families yes they're individuals and they have their individual likes maybe st. Joseph he'll hit his choice of drink was different from our ladies fine right and taste there's no dis mutation there's no you know it's up to the individual when it comes to those things but when it comes to the greater things like you know morality and doing the holy will of God when a family has a United vision when their hearts are united what harmony what joy what holiness and so that's absolutely what we see in the Holy Family okay I was gonna read it to you but I think I just actually went through that so pray about that that maybe the church would someday have a liturgical feast able to be celebrated everywhere on the calendar and uh you know for example when we have the Sacred Heart generally right after that we have the Immaculate Heart wouldn't it be cool if right after that in an official way we had the most chaste heart liturgical feast able to be celebrated in every parish and diocese around the world that that would be amazing I think so that's you know just my thoughts I'm not the Pope I'm not the Magisterium I don't call the shots but somebody does so if one of you dudes is listening you know in Rome please you know pray about this man alright so let's see and another reason yes before we go into the wonder for today is because lust as I write here on page 45 lust is the predominant vice at work in the hearts of men today now sadly it's also really creeping up with women I mean we've got this pornographic stuff going on and you know it's a priest I can't tell you the contents of the confessions that I hear of course right that's a sacred seal thank the Lord but I can tell you that this is huge what we're dealing with here is this plague of pornography so huge that is even affecting many women today and in the past you wouldn't really Kenard just the the fairer sex as we say they're just better you know but now with this crazy stuff in the world you know even a lot of women are succumbing to this pornographic filth not just being victims of it because I don't think a woman you know in their youth wakes up and says I want to be involved in this I think that a lot of it is abuse you know and and drugs and all kinds of stuff that you know many of them just go into it for the money or whatever and it's it's it's it's really a form of slavery on some level now I'll tell you something amazing sorry if I'm getting sidetracked here but I think it's inspiring you know how people pray in front of abortion clinics like a Planned Parenthood or whatever which is awesome right it's wonderful to do that at Franciscan University where I did my undergraduate degree there was a group and I'm pretty sure that they're still going when school is in of course there's a group of the young men who they will go and pray in front of strip clubs and that's hardcore ministry right there my friends because you know you don't look at those women oftentimes just being treated so poorly as just a piece of meat as just for the eyes of lustful men too and most of those guys who are going in there are either already intoxicated or on some substance and when those young guys are praying rosaries outside of a strip club they get assaulted verbally they get beer cans chucked at them I mean the stories that I've heard is like that is like the spiritual battle right there so if any of you are thinking about doing some other form of ministry like that where you go in front of a place that's really really bad and praying pray about that because um that's the battle lines are drawn right there so yes I was just inspired when I it was funny one day on campus and I'm going way back when I was an undergrad they have a kiosk you know it's talking about little so-and-so is coming to speak on campus and this event is happening Friday night and I saw the Playboy bunny ears I did man on a little 8 by 11 piece of paper nothing oh I gotta go over there rip this off somebody's you put no playboy penthouse type stuff I thought I was going to be a hero I went over there and I was about to you know see what's going on here and that they did that intentionally to get the attention of the guys so the guys would go up to it and be like wait oh wow people actually gonna print up Friday at 9:00 okay I can do that so then mainly create a way to you know to go about doing it so yes Ellis young Catholics on Franciscan University got blessing all right so um you know and though blessed today is ruining so much of family life destroying marriages and you know it's it's abortion they go hand in hand pornography and abortion go hand in it an unchaste heart and contraception and abortion they're linked together these things I was yeah you know I was listening who's I list oh yes it was a pre-season zealous priest who I love this dude he's been given some homilies lately he's up in Wisconsin oh my gracious pray for this dude he's awesome but he was saying that um you know we can eliminate everybody talks about getting rid of aids right and got all this research millions and trillions of dollars going in to get rid of aids noble cause of course right but aids you know his transmits a sexually transmitted disease I mean unless you get it from like a needle but ultimately the source is some immorality going on there right so we could get rid of it super quick and people just live chaste and people weren't doing you know the hanky-panky outside of marriage and and doing all this for negation and adultery if you're just you're sticking with the spouse that you married we could get rid of this but see people don't so we have the problem and meanwhile we got scientific organizations trying to get rid of and come up with ways to get rid of it when we could actually do this real quick if the whole world repented and live according to God's design we would get rid of AIDS Wow well that priest had been in hot and the homily I was like dang that makes a lot of sense in other words you know if everybody had a Joseph like heart a chaste heart now we're all sinners we all struggle you know we're you know yes we're all broken wounded but that's the fact jack you know I mean wow that when I heard that hum is I was like I never thought of that like that he's right okay so today let's go into this under because this remember I told you yesterday we're gonna find out about something super cool so for those of you have already read it it's on page 136 in the book you already know what I'm going to be talking about foot but you know I there aren't there does seem to be yet a lot of people who don't have the book because some people are commenting and I you know the way that you're saying things it's obviously you haven't read the readings or you don't have the book and all right that's fine get the book though at some point please you know try hard to get the written this one or the eversion so we're gonna talk about the Santo and meadow I love when you say it in Italian right I don't know if I'm emphasizing it too much but I could see in a tiny Santo an ad alright so this is what we're talking about here so I start off with the quote from st. Francis DeSales divine union between Our Lady and the glorious st. Joseph by means of this union that good of eternal Goods our Lord Himself belonged to Saint Joseph as well as to our lady how beautiful just those little you know axioms little thoughts of piety from these Saints so what's up with the Santo NLO what is this or you know some people you know what I actually when I first was doing the research and by the way I didn't know about this I did not know about what I'm about to tell you until I did all this research nobody ever told me this I mean I didn't learn this in the seminary not this necessary something you know you're gonna go through systematic dogmatic theology and learn about this particular thing but seminary should I think should have a class on like piety or something or like cool things to know for when you're a priest and you can preach and tell your parish and stuff and this is certainly one of them so Santo I know it's not a person cuz Santo you know you can be a prefix before you know a saint and certain you know Romance languages so no it's not a person it's a thing and it means holy ring Santo I know it means holy ring what are we talking about here the wedding ring check this up the wedding ring that Saint Joseph gave to the Blessed Virgin Mary is still in existence mm-hmm it's housed in a gigantic gold and silver well reliquary and it's huge I mean it's a massive reliquary in the cathedral in the city of Perugia in Italy where's that it's about 14 miles from Assisi so many of you probably watching this right now you're like dang it I was in the CC too and I didn't go there remember the other day we were talking about Loretto and some of you were like I was in Italy and I never went now you're probably like I was in the CC for three days we didn't know well don't panic because it's actually very hard to see this particular relic and I'll tell you why in a minute but the fascinating thing about this particular relic is that for a long time many people didn't even know about it because it's only been in the Cathedral in Perugia since the 19th century so the 1800s before that and there's a book on this in Italian to my knowledge there's no book on this in English other languages I'm not sure but when I was in Italy last year I saw a book in Italian on it and it talks about the history of where it was prior to being in Perugia and it bounced around quite a bit from here you know there and all over the place and it even was outside of Italy you know for a time but it's been at the current location since the 19th century but because it did bounce around so many different places not even a lot of people in the church really seem to know about it so how did we the people in Perugia did obviously but how did we come to know about its location so that now you know tons of people know about it this is fascinating this is fascinating and this is what I mean by this is the cool stuff man that if you know it would be cool if they taught seminarians or gave them some kind of you know here read this you know for later you'll use it later in a homily or something people will be fascinated by it well remember that blessed and Catherine Emmerich that I keep mentioning this like super mystic you could call her I guess she had all these visions where in visions she saw things things that she never would even see in real life but she was mystically shown them in her visions and after her death many people went to actually find these locations of things and we've mentioned some of those already our lady's house and Ephesus and some other things I forget at the moment but this is another one so she had visions about this ring though she never saw it and never knew where it was but she wrote her spiritual director wrote down what she saw in her vision so I'm gonna read that to you because it's fascinating so on July 29th and August 3rd 1821 this is what she recorded I saw the Blessed Virgin --zz wedding ring it is neither of silver nor of gold nor of any other metal in his dark in color and iridescent it is not a thin narrow ring but rather thick and at least a finger broad I saw it smooth and yet as if covered with little regular triangles in which were letters on the inside was a flat surface the ring is engraved with something I saw it kept behind many locks in a beautiful church devout people about to be married take their wedding rings to touch it this is what she had her spiritual director write down about that particular vision the other one on August 3rd was this in the last few days I have seen much of the story of Mary's wedding ring but as the result of disturbances in pain I can no longer give a connected account of it today I saw a festival in a church in Italy where the wet wedding ring is to be found but see she didn't know exactly where in Italy it seemed to me to be hung up in a kind of monstrance which stood above the tabernacle there was a large altar there magnificently decorated once all deep into it through much silver work I saw many rings being held against the monstrance during the festival I saw Mary and Joe appearing in their wedding garments on each side of the ring as if Joseph were placing the ring on the Blessed Virgin finger at the same time I saw the ring shining and as if in movement and remember this is what was written down and then some years later she died never knowing exactly where in Italy it was and never seeing it herself like to be able to touch it you'll physic the physicality of it but the way that she's described it when people got to her writings and said let's go track this thing down she said Italy so let's do some diggin and that's what they did and they found it in the Cathedral in Perugia in a gigantic not monstrous that's how she described it but what she described it looks like a monstrance you know a lot of reliquaries tend to be small if you have a like a first-class relic of something it can be rather small sometimes you get a little bigger ones this one is gigantic it's I don't know how big it is maybe three feet or something and it looks like a monstrance but it's actually a gigantic reliquary and the wedding ring is exactly as she described it it's thick and it's hanging and she saw this stuff on July 29th and August 3rd fascinating because the ring is only exposed now actually I just found this out after I published the book cuz I did a lot more digging after I published it because I wanted to try and go there myself but it seems like right now it's only exposed one day a year when she saw the ring and her visions it was exposed several days a year and the reason why I was exposed from July 29 to August 3rd was because many people make a pilgrimage to Assisi for the feast day on August 2nd called the indulgence of the courts yong-chol on the porch ankle has the the chapel when st. Francis had his no vision when God spoke to him and said rebuild my church the dude took it literally and start stacking up stones and recoding you know a church that's not what God meant obviously but he did that it's a beautiful little church and still there and there's an indulgence you can get when you go to that church Our Lady of the angel of the ports young Killa on August 2nd so many people go to Assisi therefore they go by way of Perugia to go to the Cathedral to see the ring and to touch because they're privileged to be able to do this if you're married or engaged you can touch your wedding ring to the ring you're allowed to do that you used to be able to do it for several days a year now only one day a year and I think it's July 31st is the day now that is amazing because she never went there she never saw it but it's exactly as she described it now I know that many of you are going to be like father why didn't you put the picture of the ring in your book well I I could have put up gazillion images in the book again I had to keep it short but for you good people I printed out a black and white image ok I'm not on a place where I'd like some super duper printer at the moment so I'm going to show it to you you can google it you can see it yourself in color and whatnot this is what it is ok hopefully I'm going to make sure both of YouTube and Facebook can see it I think I'm holding it right so what I'm showing you is the ring it's dangling from a little crown but that's just what they kind of extracted for this particular photo the gigantic monstrance looking reliquary that it's housed in it's what is what it's hanging from and it's huge this is what people once a year now can go and touch their reign to the the bishop himself exposes the ring the bishop does it of Perugia so isn't that amazing who knew who knew about this right I mean just think people knew about this kind of stuff maybe they were jumping on planes to go over there now by the way if you go if you want to go and see it you better plan it right and you better like make sure that that place is going to be open because see I was reading all this stuff in Italian cuz you can't find this information in English not with any certainty you've got people have gone there but sometimes you know if it's just a tourist there they're putting stuff on their blog and you're like hmm that doesn't sound right because they they don't exactly sound super Catholic or they're they're kind of fudging the facts here or something may sure if you go that it's going to be open it's going to be exposed because that would totally stink if you plan to go and the doors are shut and you know they're not going to be you know you're not going to lador hi I'm here I traveled around the world to see this they're gonna be like hey you know I'm taking my siesta brah they're not gonna open it up for you so make sure you plan it right so for example when I leave my co commits to Italy next year in February we're not going to be able to see it so it's got to be planned out well because only happens at the end of July so keep that in mind okay and make sure if you if you're getting the idea in your head right now all I want to go I want to go you better plan it out well you better make sure everything is lined up so that you do it because I I don't want you blaming father Callaway he said he said I'm to tell you he'll look into it if any of you you know know the Italian or know people there at the Cathedral you you're gonna be able to get everything set up and straight because sometimes things change you know like at least in the United States anyway we tend to be very systematic structured and we plan things out way ahead sometimes in other countries they don't as much as we do Germany probably would right they're very systematic they're very time but certain countries man you go on a pilgrimage or something and sometimes it's like oh it's under renovation it's not going to be open you know it's like what I saved them so much money to come on this trip and you tell me it's closed for renovation why don't you put that on your website well they you know they weren't particularly thinking about that or whatever I've had that kind of stuff happen where sometimes in other countries you know they just don't know they don't plan it for the people who are coming from other countries the locals might know but so just keep all that stuff in mind okay all right someday I want to see it myself I don't know when that'll happen but someday I definitely I would love to see that ring it just blows my mind that it's still in existence today that's just fascinating to me okay I think that's all I've got for today I want to make sure that I'm not leaving anything out but I think I I lost my place here in the book I got too many cards in here now and so I think we're covered it okay so today is the day when we pray the litany of st. Joseph's in Latin so that is on page 234 so we will do the litany of st. Joseph's in Latin in nomine Patri said filii et Spiritu sancti amen carry a Eleison Kyrie Eleison Christe Eleison Christe Eleison Kyrie Eleison Kyrie Eleison Christe Elena's Christian audino's Potter de chelly stales miserere nobis filii Redentor Mundi Deus Miserere Novus spiritus sancti Deus Miserere nobis Santa Trinita who knows tales miserere nobis santa maria ora pro nobis sancto Yosef Ora pro nobis Feliz David in clica ora pro nobis lumen patriarch Arum ora pro nobis the a Janet reaches sponse Ora pro nobis Cousteau's foodie chamber genies Ora pro nobis fille de nutrition Ora pro nobis Christy defense or circulate ora pro nobis our maid familiar places Ora pro nobis Yosef nice to see me ora pro nobis Yosef caste see me Ora pro nobis Yosef prudent ECMA Ora pro nobis Yosef fortissimo Ora pro nobis Yosef obedient EC me Ora pro nobis Yosef Fedeli see me ora pro nobis speculum Patsy NCA Ora pro nobis Amato popper Tottie's Ora pro nobis exemplar OPP Khun Ora pro nobis domestic Evita Dacus Ora pro nobis Cousteau's virgin on Ora pro nobis familiar on coloman Ora pro nobis Salah Selassie amazing orem Ora pro nobis space agro consume Ora pro nobis for from Maury ancien Ora pro nobis Tarot demonym Ora pro nobis protector santalaceae Ora pro nobis a Newsday qui tollis peccata mundi arte nobis domine an aesthetic we tollis peccata mundi xod nobis domine an asterick qui tollis peccata mundi miserere nobis constitute a abdominal DOMA suea at principal omnis position s way or hemos Deus qui in any family providencia beyond two meals of Santissima janet reaches to responsible a Giri did not assess Preston qusomes would kwon protect Orem been available in Terris intercessor on Hobart Maruyama in chalice qui Vivi's Oregano's in secular cycle autumn amen Heavenly Father thank you for the most chaste heart of st. Joseph our spiritual father Heavenly Father Corps out your spirit upon us upon the leaders of the church upon husbands and wives and fathers and mothers upon priests bishops to be drawn closer to the chaste heart of st. Joseph to bring this full circle that we can realize the union of the Sacred Heart the Immaculate Heart and the most chaste heart of st. Joseph help us to recognize the great dignity of marriage we pray for married couples who are struggling for any difficulties that people are undergoing in their marriages in their family life that through the intercession of Saint Joseph there would be reconciliation they would be healing there would be forgiveness there would be mercy and there would be sacrificial love we ask this as always through Christ our Lord amen and may Almighty God bless you your families your loved ones especially praying for conversions the blessing of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit amen okay my friends don't leave today is the contest day where I'm just going over those again if you're already aware of it you can bail out you know just for all the newcomers so again on the last five days of the consecration I will be giving away 50 free items 10 copies of the book signed by me and I will mail those to you myself and then 10 copies of this canvas image and by the way I can sign the books but I cannot sign these because these ship from Massachusetts and I'm not in Massachusetts so I'm not able to do anything with these like signing it on the back or anything like that but they will be sent to you for sure so 10 of these I'll be giving away 10 of the st. Joseph's terror of demons which is the prior one that I had up a big one behind me now I have a different one but this is a beautiful image 10 of this one be Immaculata in the terror of demons which is my personal favorite I love that image I could stare at that all day and then 10 of the one that is behind me but this is the size you'll be getting st. Joseph terror of demons so the way to participate is to do a review of the book consecration to st. Joseph on Amazon and can be as short as one sentence doesn't have to be long just to put the review up and then you're automatically entered into the contest and on the last 5 days each day there will be 10 winners each day and I'll go through here with you just randomly ping a winner on Amazon and announce those and we'll get in touch and we'll ship the stuff out to you ok my friends so remember ETA odd yosef go to joseph god bless you all and we will see you tomorrow [Music]
Channel: Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC
Views: 21,402
Rating: 4.9286623 out of 5
Id: sb3RzGcLIsc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 47sec (2507 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 05 2020
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