PROPHECY: Russia Will March Upon All of Europe - Fr. Mark Goring, CC

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praise be jesus christ with the recent invasion of russia into the ukraine a lot of catholics are speaking about a religious sister who died in 1961 and was beatified in 2011. and this is blessed elena aiello she's an italian sister who founded a community of sisters who who take care of orphan girls but she was also a mystic and a victim soul she had the stigmata now she had prophecies about a russian invasion i want to share these prophecies with you today but just highlight that her life is way more than simply a few prophecies again as a victim's soul she showed us the the great love of the lord especially in his suffering for us and so i don't want to downplay just the beautiful mystery of her life but she did have prophecies about the russian invasion so i'm going to read them to you today now these are um the catholic church says you know you take prophets seriously especially if they've been raised to the altars and especially if they're victim souls sharing in the sufferings of christ so we take their prophecies seriously but we don't take them too seriously sometimes they can get it wrong even if they're a saint and also prophecies you remember the prophet jonah he warned that nineveh would be destroyed but the people repented and so it was it was averted so so just because something is prophesied it doesn't mean that through our prayers there can't be a change and so having said that this is what the blessed mother allegedly um revealed to blessed elena she says no longer do men speak according to the true spirit of the gospel the immorality of the times has reached a peak but men do not listen to my motherly warnings so the world must soon be purified if we do not pray russia will march upon all of europe tremendous scourges are impending over the world and various nations are struck by epidemics famines great earthquakes terrific hurricanes with overflowing rivers and seas which bring ruin and death if the people do not recognize in these scourges of nature the warnings of divine mercy and do not return to god with truly christian living another terrible war will come from the east to the west russia with her secret armies will battle america will overrun europe the rhine river that's the river one of the rivers in germany the rhine river will be overflowing with corpses and blood reading from scripture the lord says to ezekiel i have appointed you as a watchman for the house of israel when you hear a word from my mouth you must warn them for me viva cristore
Channel: Fr. Mark Goring
Views: 223,420
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Id: bP38Kw66_bo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 39sec (219 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 02 2022
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