Consecration to St. Joseph (Day 15). Livestream

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in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit amen glorious st. Joseph spouse of the Virgin Mary we beseech you to the Heart of Jesus Christ grant to us your fatherly protection o you whose power reaches all our necessities and who knows how to make possible the most impossible things open your fatherly eyes to the needs of your children in the confusion and pain which press upon us we have recourse to you with confidence deign to take beneath your charitable guidance this important and difficult affair the cause of our worries and make that its happy outcome serve for the glory of God and the good of his devoted servants amen Heavenly Father we come to you on this day 15 of our consecration to Saint Joseph wanting to draw closer to the head of the Holy Family and wanting to know about the more about the wonders associated with st. Joseph especially about the home that Jesus Mary and Joseph lived in in Nazareth and is now in another place in the world father once again bring us deeper and to st. Joseph so that we can know and love him more so that ultimately we can come to Jesus and through Jesus come to you our Heavenly Father in the name of the Father and of the son of the Holy Spirit amen okay everybody hope everybody is doing well and these crazy times that we live in so just keep praying keep praying for all the stuff that's going on in the world and yeah just need a lot of peace a lot of prayer these days okay so just a few things from the notes from yesterday some people are asking me because I mentioned it yesterday about the year of st. Joseph well my friends good news and bad news there um so where I didn't begin with this I'm not going to go into all the descriptions right now of how to do it you can on your own you can write it your Bishop I did this for a year I plugged it so hard on social media for a solid year not that I'm burned out from doing it but um I did it hard I even formulated a letter which I still have for people it was a template that you could just fill it in with your Bishop's name and then your signature and send it to him I did all that and I plugged it hard for a year on social media I totally wish that more people have paid attention to that now I know some of you are interested right now because you you know you weren't aware of it it's almost a moot point right now to even attempt it because I I got I hope to get seven diocese in the United States to do it so there's seven diocese in the United States right now that are celebrating a year of st. Joseph which is awesome which is fantastic I wrote the Pope last year and it was translated into Spanish it was hand-delivered to him by a bishop from Argentina I have the pictures of it they opened it they talked about it it didn't happen my heart was broken that but it is what it is currently the church is celebrating another type of year yeah so anyway so pray about that there's a lot that I could say but I won't on the after we do the consecration so on the consecration ends on June 21st Father's Day on June 22nd I'm going to do one more follow-up at the same time just talking about things that you can do after the consecration to keep the fire going trying to help your own diocese get that your st. Joseph will be part of that so I'm going to save that for June 22nd the day after our consecration for those who want I'll post that letter that you can use as a template because right now I I buried it somewhere on the file I'd have to dig it up and I got a lot of things going on right now guys so I just can't be doing this constantly so I plugged it for a year solid I did I applied work so hard to get this spread and seven diocese did it so praise the Lord most of the other ones I think filed it in the round file and paid zero attention to it which is a tragedy which is a tragedy but maybe there will be a future Pope or something that will happen that we could see this so okay so that's that today by the way is the first Wednesday of the month which is very exciting mom because this is a day a special day when we can honor st. Joseph's now again I talked about that later in the book and I'll tell you more about that when the time comes but just like we have First Fridays we have first Saturday's I believe that heaven is also wanting us to acknowledge st. Joseph on the first Wednesday of the month so that's what today is so it's a special day dedicated to st. Joseph all right my friend so that's it from yesterday's notes which is good short short and sweet okay so let's go to day 15 which in the litany of st. Joseph's we hear the title head of the Holy Family pray for us I start out with a quote from st. Peter Julie Newmar he says Jesus and Mary not only bent their wills to Joseph for he was head of the Holy Family but they lovingly surrendered their hearts to him as well now this is important because you know today man old man everybody is so politically correct and so triggered you know that you know a term like this head of the Holy Family you're gonna get feminists like marching in the streets you know just totally upset thinking that you know we're declaring that men are better than women and all this other kind of nonsense that's not what it means at all you know it's not meant to be that immense to signify that a man is better than a woman you know man is head of the family that's designated by God that's not father Callaway's saying that that's not some it's God established it this way and we're all made in the image and likeness of God we're all equal before him men are meant to be the head of the family women are meant to be the heart you can't have a family without either you know I mean they're both essential and in the heart I mean that's that's just as essential as the head you know but if people think that the head terminology is just oh it's it's signifying that women are second-class no it's not no it's not at all you need a head and a heart and I think a lot of people maybe are turned off by that terminology because they maybe have been wounded by a male figure in their life maybe a father figure who's been an ogre and he's been just a mean man a nasty man an immoral man and that's that's unfortunate that's wrong and my heart goes out to anyone who has suffered from something like that in their life because that was an abuse of fatherhood and that authority and then headship what we're talking about here is servant leadership what we're talking about here is that a man is meant in that role of being the head of being willing to sacrifice to to serve to protect to defend because men are just physically constituted more powerful than women physically okay I mean the world fights that today especially with this androgynous culture that we're trying to create where you know men are signing up for women's sports and people allow this nonsense and then the men totally toast all the women you know in the event and that everybody's upset and it's like dürer dude it's a dude it's not a woman okay so hello but everybody's triggered today everybody's like oh no we should allow this and then they get upset when you know all the boys win Cecilia's think we're so jacked up today and are thinking so there's there's there's certain roles that are meant to be played and both are essential both are important did the decisions that are made in a family are meant to be made jointly between a husband and the wife right it's a mutual thing but you need that headship you need that leadership to to protect to to serve to sacrifice to defend even physically if it's needed I guarantee you that every woman would be very happy to have a man who is willing to use his physical aspect to defend her and their children so that's the kind of stuff that we're talking about here and I want you to think about this because when we talk about st. Joseph being the head of the holy face Emily it's interesting that of those three members and I can't remember if I talked about this on one of the previous days or not so pardon me if I already did of the three members of the Holy Family Jesus Mary and Joseph Joseph is the least in the sense of I mean Jesus is God that's oh he's divine Mary's the Immaculate Conception so she's perfect as a creature can be she's not God but she's as perfect as a creature can be st. Joseph is in that Trinity of the Holy Family he's the least one and yet he was the head and and and Jesus and Mary weren't jockeying for position to try and say oh I'm so I'm so offended by your headship no they loved his leadership they loved it that that quote that I read Jesus and Mary not only bent their wills to Joseph for he was the head of the Holy Family but they lovingly surrendered their hearts to him as well because it's his leadership his headship is that sacrificial everything that he does he does for the good of those entrusted to his care Jesus and Mary so it's not an over he's not you know some caveman and that's what we need today that's the right understanding of what we mean by being a head of the family sadly that hasn't happened and probably that's why many people get triggered by this language but as I say at the beginning God isn't worried about political correctness he set it up this way and it's us who have messed it up but we've got to try and recover this we've got to try and get this understanding back in its right way God established the family and designated that father's be heads of their families and I talked about you know some of the things I already mentioned here briefly yeah so I'm not going to go into great detail about that I want to focus on the second reading today more than the section here but you know there's there's parts where people you know they really do they get upset about these things today because they they've lived out of an experience that's been the opposite and we've got this is why we need more men like Saint Joseph it's why we need more men who do have that servant-leadership and here's the thing guys studies have shown that when it's only the mother the wife that leads prayers in the family that's the religious one in the family which is great right I mean mother is the heart of the home but when it's only her that does it the I think it's something like there's a as a 30% or something like that chance that the children will persevere in that faith practice once they leave from under that roof 30 percent Wow that's pretty low because when the father who's the head isn't the one leading the children see that and it has an effect on them they know that well that was just mom's thing dad didn't do it so you know hmm take it or leave it once we leave from outside of their you know root underneath their roof whatever you know it's our decision to make and we'll get on with it that's sad statistics show that when it's the husband who leads the prayers in the family who's that takes the initiative to take the family to church or to confession it goes up to like almost eighty percent eighty percent that they will stay with the faith not leave stay with the face oh my goodness why because everybody intrinsically knows that when dad does something and and and puts a stamp on it it there's something really unique about that so it's only the mother who does it the studies show that you know it doesn't have as much staying power that's tragic but it's just the way that it is it's the way that God has set this thing up this is why it's important to remember who was it you know this is different where obviously because we're talking with the Holy Family but in the Holy Family who led the prayers it was Joseph it was the man of the family it was the head of the family it was the father and the husband who led the prayers that's a we need to think about stuff like this today because you know a lot of men they just leave it up to their wives and they say well she's into it you know she's more she's more churchy she's more religious so we'll just let her do it the effect that that has men upon your children is profound you need to step up your game you need to be a man and you need to be the one leading and it doesn't matter even if your wife is holier than you just like Mary was way holier than Joseph that's not the point that's not the point Joseph was the leader of that family in the prayers in the religious services are you are you doing it this is what we need to do guys because this is why a lot of this stuff has gone astray and we've we've so messed things up today that you know we need to recover these things in the proper sense please understand that that's what I'm saying I don't I'm not saying men are what should be overs and lording it over their wives not what I'm saying at all because the ultimate parallel here is Jesus and the church Jesus as the bridegroom is the head of the church his bride that's biblical not not father Cal we say in this it's it's in the scriptures okay so let's move into something very fascinating about the Holy Family the holy house of Loretto have you heard of this I was reading some of the comments before we got started and some of you had heard about it but many of you it seems had not and even one of you Cindy I think it was lived in Italy and said you didn't even know about it weren't able to experience it bummer but I'll have good news at the end of this little today's thing I'll tell you about something I'm doing next year all right so let's turn to page 180 in the hard copy for the Holy House of Loretto so I start with a great quote from st. Peter Canisius from the 16th century he says has anyone ever visited Loretto who is not seen with his own eyes and heard with his own ears the mighty works of God and felt them in his soul now what's he talking about they're visited Loretto what's it's all about well my friends the holiest house that is on the planet and will ever be on the planet is in Loretto Italy yeah you heard me right Loretto Italy what's up with that you would think wait a minute wouldn't you say that it was the home of the Holy Family that was in Nazareth oh yes for sure and that's what we're talking about but that house that the Holy Family lived in in Nazareth was there for 13 centuries and then all of a sudden on May 10th 1291 it disappeared now making this up guys this is verified by cultures and peoples and studies and all of this it just disappeared gone the people that were living in Nazareth at that time vouch for this they all of a sudden gone there was no construction crew that came in and dismantled it everybody would have been aware of this Nazareth you know was a very small place it was it was a country village basically gone and one moment disappeared what happened where did it go well the fascinating thing about this is that it made quite a few trips to to various locations until it finally rested and the town of Loretto Italy so I want to get into this by reading a passage that will introduce us into what happened so blessed and Catherine Emmerich remember that mystic that I've been quoting from with some frequency during these talks she had an experience of seeing what happened this is what she wrote down I have often envisioned witnessed the transporting of the Holy house to Loretto for a long time I could not believe it and yet I continued to see it I saw the holy house borne over the sea by seven angels it had no foundation but there was under it a shining surface of light on either side was something like a handle three angels carried it on one side and three on the other the seventh hovered in front of it a long train of light after him would angels took it removed it from Nazareth took it to several places which I'll tell you about and then ultimately took it to Loretto Italy why hi why would this happen and by the way there's people there called modernists you need to know about this so a little over 100 years ago there was all these really scholarly people who started to say that well you know a lot of these things that the Catholic Church talks about in their traditions and all this these are legends these are fairy tales old wives tales superstitious type of things and they start to debunk a lot of our traditions like saying for example that the the scapular was not given to st. Simon stock that the rosary was not given to Saint Dominic then most of these apparitions are not true that the holy house was not carried by angels but there was an Italian family named de Angelo or something like that right so they said it was the angel family that you know took it from Nazareth to Italy bunk bunk this is modernism thought this is this is crept in and they try and do away with so much that has already been affirmed by so many see so many popes and in official documents by the church Catholic Church ain't making this stuff up just no rolling dice let's let's make up some neat little stuff too you know and excite the people know this stuff actually happened actually happened and why would God send his angels by the way this is why Our Lady of Loretto look this up guys is the patroness of aviation seriously look uplook doing to Google after this talk and look up Our Lady of Loretto and you will see that you always see her you know with like in the air with angels and a house the church declared this because of what happened in the 13th century with the transportation or sometimes they call the translation not meaning like words but that's just how the it got translated funny a pun there um that's how they talk about it so why why not just leave it there in Nazareth I mean that why move it well here's the fascinating thing remember it was removed in 1291 by angels do you know what happened three years later in Nazareth Muslims came in and destroyed the town of Nazareth completely sacked it so had the holy the the home of the Holy Family been there in 1294 it would have been leveled but we're talking about here a relic of unparalleled dignity the the walls the ceiling where Jesus Mary and Joseph lived such a an incredible relic that God sent his holy angels to remove it and take it out before the Muslims came in and destroyed Nazareth and by the way if you go to nasara they have been there many times it's almost entirely Muslim I mean almost entirely so since 1294 it's just continue to grow and grow and grow and and you know actually in the Holy Land as a whole Christians are almost gone seriously the the amount of Christians that are still there and I mean by Christians I mean all of them whether it's Orthodox you know Coptic or Greek or Roman Rite or even you know small amounts of Protestants that are there I mean almost gone proportionately it's it's unbelievable what's what's been happening there really and truly it's it's shocking so crave pray for the Holy Land because I don't know how much longer that's gonna be able to last the the presence of Christians there so before the holy house was removed in 1291 certain people had gone there and visited like st. Helena you know the mother of Constantine she went there and she actually took a lot of relics from various places in the Holy Land you know back to Rome Saint Francis of Assisi remember he went to the to the Holy Land to try and convert the Muslims and he actually went to Nazareth and spent time there in prayer you know what's shocking this is gonna shock you too when I first heard this I thought somebody was lying to me I'm like no way dude do you know who the the Pope was after st. Peter do you know who the first pope was to go to the Holy Land after st. Peter this is a shocker man Paul the sixth what no Pope after Saint Peter went to the holy land until the pontificate of now st. Pope Paul the sixth like what was that sixty years ago or something like that what I don't know what maybe there's various reasons but man I would have been itching to go back to the Holy Land if how is the Pope right so I don't know what was going on there but that's a shocker when I when I when I heard that I mean look it up we verify it I've looked everywhere and it's been verified no Pope's and st. Peter went to the Holy Land until Paul the sixth many of you were alive during his pontificate so wow that's that's just amazing to me okay so first here's here's what happened when it disappeared from Nazareth and 1291 it was taken first by angels to Croatia now at that time it wasn't called Croatia it went by various different names and by the way I love Croatia if you've never been to Croatia oh what a beautiful place oh my goodness what a beautiful place the the the see that the Adriatic Sea the seafood is incredible and the people are just fantastic and they have you know Saints there the city of Dubrovnik what a place what a place so it was taken to Croatia and it was in Croatia for I believe three years and on December 10th 1294 it disappeared again and the people in Croatia they did when it appeared there from 1291 all of a sudden it just appeared nobody knew where it came from nobody knew what it was and then people you know because it was there for three years three years found out what had taken place Nazareth and realized that this is what it was and they would have disappeared again those people were so bummed they marked off actually and it's still there to this day in that town where the foundation had been for the holy house during its three-year stint in Croatia so when it disappeared from Croatia the Angels took it across the Adriatic to Italy now some people have asked okay what's up with that why why you know make these pizza can't God just have his angels do like a one-stop you know what's up with the multi-location thing we don't know but possibly it's because to to get more verification of what was going on so that it can be proven that it was in fact you know a miraculous event that took place and popes have a firmness so after it left Croatia it went to a small town in Italy Cochino and was there for only eight months from oh and no reason it was only there for eight months is because and again when it appeared nobody knew where he appeared in an instant nobody knew where it came from but it appeared in a place that was where there was a lot of robbers that began to take advantage of the people who were coming now the people in Croatia when it disappeared they were like they they were so disappointed that they tried to find out where it went and because to go from Croatia to Italy is just across the Adriatic right so they they were told that all the sudden a house had appeared in the small town in Italy they began to take boats over the Adriatic to go see the house and so these people kept coming over and of course they had to have things for that journey well robbers began to rob these poor people these pilgrims who were coming over and so then the house was only there for eight months and then it disappeared again again it disappeared and this time it appeared on a little hill not too far from there but it was on the property of two brothers and these brothers started you know fighting over the ownership of it because people again started going to visit it especially the people from Croatia because they knew you know exactly what it was and they were stealing from these people selling them you know things that outrageous prices and so then at the end of 1295 it disappeared again and everybody at that time in that area testifies there one minute gone the next vanishes amazing and that's when it was taken to Loretta which is just a short ways away and that's where it's been since 1295 sitting in the same place and now it's completely you know owned by the church and all of that and the church stepped in and said okay what is going on here we know that all of a sudden the home is gone in Nazareth were being told that it appeared in Croatia now we're being told that it was in two places in Italy and now it's here and it seems to be here for a while so one year after it appeared in Loretto in 1295 the next year 1296 the Vatican formed an official Commission a delegation of people to look into this to take time to take an entire year to study this and so they formed this Commission that was a 16 envoys to check it out so first they went to Loretta from Rome which is not terribly far from Rome you know just on the other side basically of Italy and they studied it they studied everything about it they studied you know the the dimensions the type of stone they took samples they did all these studies of the height and the depth and the whole entire thing and then they went to Croatia so at the place where the people had marked the where the the house had been they matched everything up that they could I mean they couldn't do like height because there was nothing nothing to measure height wise but the measurements of the width of what they were seeing still on the ground because it made an impression on the ground in Croatia all the measurements matched up perfectly then they went to Nazareth and they matched up all of that with what was in Nazareth and by the way it's still there it's at the basilica of the annunciation so when you go to the Holy Land and you go to Nazareth then you go to the Basilica of the Annunciation where you go what's called the chamber of the Incarnation which is like in the crypt we would say that's where it happened that's the actual location you could say if you had coordinates you could you pinpoint it boom that's where it was but the actual house is not in Nazareth it's in Loretto now right a lot of people don't know that when they go to Nazareth they think that they're actually seeing the walls of where the Incarnation took place when the angel came to the Virgin and gave the the Annunciation it's the location pinpointed exactly there but the actual structure is in Italy remember the Muslims sacked everything in Nazareth so it was the Crusaders who when they came later on rebuilt everything and built the you know Basilica and and of the stuff that is there now so that that's some fascinating stuff so all these three places matched up perfectly and then later they did chemical analyses you know this would come later with the the advent of the the sciences and in a deeper way to be able to study these things chemical analysis of the stones of the walls of the Holy house in Italy were taken studies of chemical Studies on the wood were taken and they were matched up and found to only come from that area of Israel around Nazareth Wow as amazing right this is absolutely incredible and it's true 50 Pope's nearly 50 books think it's 49 pokes have affirmed this miraculous transportation of the Holy House and the 15th century two popes were miraculously cured at the Holy house in the 16th century the Muslim threats were very strong again remember if you know anything about the history of the Rosary you've got Lepanto and all that stuff you know the Muslim trying to conquer Rome and so they're coming through Italy and you know wanting to so they fortified it by making it a basilica and then eventually they encase the holy house in Carrara marble which if you go there today that's what you see and it when you first see it you're like whoa wait a minute this is like marble I mean the Holy Family didn't live in some marble house and the house is small it's not big at all but they fortified it in Carrara marble to protect it from the Muslims who probably would have destroyed it you know had they been able to come into Italy and you know sack Rome which was their ultimate goal so they that's what you see today when you go there and I have a ton of quotes and I had to be very selective again for putting stuff in here from Saints and Pope's cuz so many so many Saints have been to the holy house of Loretto it's just amazing um I'm not a saint I'm working on this but pray for me but I went there for the first time I think it was maybe four years ago something like that it was on our pilgrimage itinerary oh the anticipation the anticipation because I had read up on it you know before going and I knew what I was going to be seeing and when you go in oh man it's mystical it's downright mystical because you know that you are in within those walls under the roof or Jesus Mary and Joseph lived where they prayed where they ate were they were they slept were the conversations that they had it's just it is like a powerhouse of a relic and that's why God wanted his angels to save it from being destroyed now the holy house is called the house of the mississipp fascinating the house of the Virgin Mary and oftentimes when we hear about these things we always associate it with the Blessed Virgin Mary which is truth right so it's called the holy house of Loretta but it's the holy house of Joseph as well we cannot forget Joseph in this this is like often times when st. Joseph and we'll talk about this later when apparitions happen to the Virgin Mary st. Joseph is also there at the apparitions but he almost never gets paid attention to he doesn't give mention and the focus is just on the Marian aspect of it which is great and should be and is primarily so so don't think that I'm you know saying anything native that I'm not Our Lady is greater than Saint Joseph but it's of course Saint Joseph he always gets neglected this was his house now the fascinating thing is that some saints say that the holy house was actually the the place where not only did the Annunciation happen but it's the place where the Virgin Mary herself was born Wow think about that now uh all affirm this by reading you a passage from Saint Jerome and remember saint jerome this dude went to the holy land and basically lived in a cave you know in in bethlehem to translate the scriptures and so this guy knows the geography he knows the history he knows the whole thing and he's way back like six six seventh century so he knows what he's talking about so this is what he said him from way back then about this place she mary is said to have been born in the city of nazareth itself and indeed in the same chamber in which overshadowed by the holy spirit she she afterwards conceived at the angels salutation so my friends this is the place of the Incarnation this is the place where even Our Lady according to st. Jerome and many others from that time where Mary was born so how did this come to be Saint Joseph's house well we don't know exactly how it happened but we do know geography has now shown us archaeology that when you're in Nazareth when you're their own pilgrimage you're there at the Basilica you're gazing upon you're standing outside if you're facing it just to the left is another church called st. Joseph's workshop this is the place that traditionally and all the local Christians there affirm this because you know stories passed down and the Saints talked about this as well that this was where st. Joseph had a place where he did his work where he did his carpentry where he did his stonework and because the home of the Holy Family was very very small so this is most likely where Saint Joseph had his workshop but he probably was living there when he and the Blessed Virgin Mary were married but they weren't living together yet she was living in her family home and literally it's a five-minute walk to the - - between each other this is why st. Joseph wasn't present when the Annunciation happened because remember they weren't living together yet they were married but there was those two phases - a Jewish wedding the first phase the actual marriage ceremony and then when they began to live together so they weren't living together yet the angel came to Mary in her home that's why Joseph wasn't there because he wasn't living in that house and then once that happened you know they began to live together and he kept his his prior place for his workshop isn't that fascinating this is why when you go to the Holy Land if you ever go if your guide or whatever you know I I always go there when I go you know make that trip but something I've heard people say to me what father I went on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land think we went to Nazareth we went to the Basilica of the Annunciation nobody our guide never told us that st. Joseph's workshop was you know five minutes down the road oh what a bummer it is such a cool place it is such a neat place to visit and to pray oh I love it I absolutely love it so if you ever go put that don't forget to go there okay oh and I found a mistake in the book I it's probably corrected in yours but in case some of you start writing in the column father you you you made a mistake on the bottom of page 184 it says tradition holds that when Joseph and Mary were engaged but before they live together well that's wrong that's just a slip when I was writing the book somehow I just slipped in there they were already married I have to hammer this point because Mary was not an unwed when the angel came to her she was already married to Joseph it is historically fashionable that there were two phases to that Jewish wedding they were not engaged they were already married so that was my mistake and that's been corrected you may even have a version that's it's already corrected because we're constantly making you know corrections so it happens all right so I give a list here on page 185 of just some just some of the Saints and blesses that have visited the holy house but I want to highlight just a few McKay and then maybe some of the things that are associated with their particular love for the holy house so Frank st. Francis Xavier you know him right followed um same Meisha of Loyola in becoming a member of the Society of Jesus the Jesuits and he's the great one who went off to India to do missionary work but before he went to India where did he go on a pilgrimage to loretta to the holy house of loretta st. peter Canisius we read that quote from him at the beginning of today's lesson he defended the truth of the holy house against the protestants who guess what they called it a legend a legend mm-hmm it ain't a legend st. Benedict Joseph labret he's a great one you don't know much about him read up on him he is called the saint of Loretto because he visited the holy house so frequently actually nobody knows exactly how many times he went there but it was like off-the-charts he loved it so much this is a fascinating story here I thought a guy that I never had heard about till I did this research for the book blessed Anthony Grassi he grew up near the Holy house and on one occasion while kneeling in prayer at the house he was struck by lightning Palmer right the lightning strike miraculously cured his lifelong acute pain from indigestion okay whatever it takes you know as a result of the healing he vowed to visit the holy house once a year on pilgrimage and he did st. Alphonsus Liguori doctor of the church he once stated that he left his heart in Loretto you know we talked about you know I left my heart in San Francisco something much better than that not distance sanfran if any who are from there right but Loretto hmm is amazing I'd leave my part there - it's amazing place say Maximian coal bay who knew this a match to me in coal we went to the holy house of Loretto he sure did when he was doing his studies in Rome he knew about it and he went up there and paid a visit and so many others I want to end it with telling you about st. Therese of Lisieux the little flower we all love the little flower right the the the one who is you know such so influential and you know we we constantly ask her intercession she's just so amazing she went there we you know we know about her visit her pilgrimage to Rome with her dad because she was gonna ask the Pope let me join Carmel you know she was so young bold little little girl and that was a Leo the 13th by the way that she she asked but on their way from from France they went they went kind of went out of their way to go to Loretta because you don't have that's not normally the way that you would go by France you just go straight down the coast to Rome well you stay with inland in order to go to the Holy house of Loretto she went there with her dad in 1887 and this is what she wrote about it in her famous you know a story of a soul you many of you have read her book but maybe you didn't realize what she was exactly talking about well this was this is her experience I'll read it to you I was indeed happy when on the way to Loretto our lady had chosen an ideal spot in which to place her holy house everything is poor simple and primitive the women still wear the graceful dress of the country and have not as in the large towns adopted the modern Paris fashions Paul Torres would die today right if she saw women are wearing today I found Loretto enchanting what shall I say of the holy house I was overwhelmed with emotion when I realized that I was under the roof that it sheltered the Holy Family I gazed on the same walls our Lord had looked on I trod the ground once moisten with the sweat of st. Joseph's toil and saw the little chamber of the Annunciation I even put my rosary into the little porringer used by the divine child how sweet these memories isn't that so awesome little Terez was there so if you ever get a chance to go there you're gonna go to a place that so many saints have been and even more importantly where Jesus Mary and Joseph lived probably for I don't know maybe 25 years you know because they were in Egypt for a while so who knows but just think also within those walls is the very real possibility that that's where the Blessed Virgin Mary was born that within those walls is were where the Archangel Gabriel came to her within those walls is where the Holy Family laughed I mean all of those walls could speak right if those walls could speak that's why that place is such a powerful relic to such a degree and I'm not gonna read it you can read it on your own on that same page where I have that section from st. Therese there's a guy named Blessed Baptist's pignoli of Mantua he was the head of the Carmelite Order in the 16th century he witnessed an exorcism an exorcism within the walls of the of the holy house makes perfect sense to me because that's holy ground right the devil wants nothing to do with that place that is the place of the Incarnation the Holy Family I mean that's that's so unique of a relic and he talks about that into this great passage if you get a chance to read that now the last thing I'll mention about this is that there is a feast day for the holy house and that is on December 10th so again efficient December 10th is your birthday you just got really happy December 10th is the actual Feast of the holy house of Loretto so very special very very special maybe some of you have been there I don't know I've been there once but before I end and we pray the litany I'm going to tell you about what I'm doing next year because I'm leading a pilgrimage I know I'm doing a lot of pilgrimages but remember that's because my pilgrimages for this year got all messed up because of you know the virus and the whole travel being shut down but all this stuff is starting now actually to slowly open up like I just heard the other day that the bad museums are open again so things are starting to open up and by you know the end of this year early next year things are gonna be you know relatively back to normal things are gonna be you know a little different but still so next year I'm gonna be leading a pilgrimage to Italy and guess where one of the places is that we're gonna go Loretto oh yeah I had I said to the pilgrimage agency 206 tours which I love they're fantastic I said we got to do Loretto again because that place is so special and then after doing all the research that I did for the book I was like now I like super know about this place I have got to go back you know I'm just gonna like I'm just gonna like touch my rosaries to the wall I'm gonna kiss the wall to everything man you know because this this is a special place so next year from February 18th to the 27th 2021 I'm leading a pilgrimage to Italy so we start of course in Rome the Eternal City and that is I mean if you've never been to Rome that's like a bucket list er for sure I mean there's so much stuff to see and do there it's such an amazing place and we'll do tons of things there that I won't mention here it'd be too many we're gonna see this Basilica that mystical of this that that and the other are gonna see you know all the major stuff there then we're gonna go to Monte Cassino that's the place of st. Benedict amazing place I've been there it's an incredible place driving up you know the mountain there we're gonna go to San Giovanni Rotondo right st. Padre Pio and that's where his body is so that's a very special I know a lot of people that's on their bucket list as well we're gonna go to a mom to Sant Angelo we're gonna go to the cave of st. Michael that is a special place I actually have a couple of the rocks from the cave that are said to be very powerful because st. Michael you know said that those who pray here and that those who have these rocks will receive a special protection so I got a couple of those bad boys and then legit I didn't like chip at it and steal it from the thing or anything I got him legit Lanciano the Eucharistic miracle the famous Eucharistic miracle of Lanciano that's a special place I've been there before and said Mass there will probably Master again this time I mean that's uh that's awesome it's probably the most well known Eucharistic miracle and all of the world all of Christian Christian history and then Loretto we're gonna be there which you know we just heard about a CC which a CC is like you feel like you just stepped into the you know 14th century it is such a cool place to see Saint Francis and st. Clair there and just the whole feel of it it's really awesome Gubbio which is close to it which is a place where they had that whole episode with the wolf the st. Francis tamed the village was in terror of this wolf and and Saint Francis you know basically said you know knock it off and you know the wolf was reconciled to the people stopped you know killing people we're gonna go there and to laverna which is also another place associated with Saint Francis which is really close to there so if you want to go with me February 18th to February 27th go to that website father Callaway calm and check it out so father Callaway calm for that pilgrimage it's gonna be epic it's gonna be awesome ok my friends so today we're going to pray the litany of st. Joseph in Latin because we're alternating you know days English and Latin so today is Latin and I am gonna wipe my forehead because it's about 105 degrees in here oh yeah yeah summer is here ok alright so we will begin and by the way somebody asked me please mention the page so in the hard copy of the book the Latin is on page 234 so let us begin in nomine Patris at filii e at Spiritu sancti amen here a a lace on Kyrie Eleison Christe Eleison Christe Eleison Kyrie Eleison Kyrie Eleison Christe our enos Christi exile eNOS Potter de chelly stay loose miserere nobis fili redemptor mundi Deus Miserere nobis Spiritu sancti Deus Miserere nobis Santa Trinita Zulus miserere nobis santa maria ora pro nobis santa yosef ora pro nobis pro lace david ink lichte ora pro nobis lumen patriarch Aaron ora pro nobis the a Janet reaches sponse Ora pro nobis Cousteau's Giudice Virginis Ora pro nobis fille de fille de Nutrition Ora pro nobis Christy defense or schedule a Ora pro nobis how may familiar places Ora pro nobis yosef STC may Ora pro nobis Joseph caste see me ora pro nobis Joseph prudent ISA may Ora pro nobis Joseph 40c may Ora pro nobis Joseph open dnt see me ora pro nobis Joseph federalism a ora pro nobis speculum Pantheon CA Ora pro nobis Amato properties Ora pro nobis exemplar OPV Khun Ora pro nobis domestic avk de couse Ora pro nobis Cousteau's beer genome Ora pro nobis familia room coloman Ora pro nobis Selassie ohm is a ROM ora pro nobis space egg retention Ora pro nobis patron amor en see'em Ora pro nobis terror de mawnin ora pro nobis protector santalaceae Ora pro nobis Newsday qui tollis peccata mundi parte nobis domine I used a qui tollis peccata mundi xod nobis domine Newsday qui tollis peccata mundi miserere nobis constitute a non dominant gamma suey friendship among his possession issue a famous deus Quian ineffably providencia by autumn Yosef Santissima Janet reaches to a sponsor Mellie GA Dignitas s Presta quiso moose elk when protect Orem venereum or in Terris intercessor on hey Barry Miriam or in Chili's we Vivi's arenas in secular secular 'im our man Heavenly Father we thank you for the headship of st. Joseph that sacrificial leadership of being willing to protect to defend to sacrifice to give his life for those entrusted to his care help us in our world today which is so hurting to have men of this calibre to be like st. Joseph to step up and to be willing to defend to honor to Revere their wives and to love their children in a sacrificial way we pray this also for spiritual fathers for priests to be willing to love souls in a sacrificial way to give everything so that they can achieve their ultimate end which is heaven the beatific vision to be with you Heavenly Father we thank you for sending your angels centuries ago to remove the holy house from Nazareth so the Muslims wouldn't destroy it and take it to Italy where so many saints have gone to see it popes have affirmed it Heavenly Father we thank you for preserving this relic for us and if it is your holy will we pray one day to go there and to see it and if we're unable to make it nonetheless to know that you are great you are mighty and you want us to be in your eternal home in heaven with the great Saint Joseph with our dearly and with Jesus Christ our Lord and my friends may Almighty God bless you and your families especially for conversions blessing of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit amen ok don't leave I got today's the contest ah day where I just talk about that again if you have to bail out I get it if you've already heard it no worries and I'm gonna wipe my forehead again because I think today I lost 2 pounds in doing this it's hot man alright so um you guys have been doing amazing with participating in the contest so on the last five days of the consecration I'm going to give away 50 items 10 copies of the book and I'll sign it and mail to you myself and then 10 copies of the commissioned artwork that I had done for the book so 10 of these canvas images and they're really beautiful that's the cover obviously of the book 10 of this st. Joseph's terror of demons okay ten of those ten of this one my favorite image the Immaculata and the terror of demons love that image and then 10 of st. joseph's terror of demons where he's holding up his hand like knock it off yeah love it so so all those items how do you participate do a short review one sentence is sufficient of consecration to st. Joseph on Amazon that's all that's it you're entered when you do that and on the last five days I will be giving away ten items every day and I would just randomly select someone from Amazon here live scrolling through being so and so's the winner and we'll do it that way so just a review of consecration to st. Joseph on Amazon and remember if you want to get these now or afterwards you can get them all you can buy all of these for just 1995 each on consecration to st. Joseph dot org remember my friends eat a odd yosef go to Joseph god bless you and we'll see you tomorrow [Music]
Channel: Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC
Views: 24,489
Rating: 4.9596467 out of 5
Id: BrMxCJdtcac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 50sec (3290 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 03 2020
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