Consecration to St. Joseph (Day 20). Livestream

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in the hardcopy okay in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit amen remember almost chase spouse of the Virgin Mary that never wasn't known that anyone who fled to thy protection implored thy help or sought thy intercession was left unaided inspired by this confidence I fly unto you my spiritual father and beg your protection no foster father of the Redeemer despite despise not my petitions but in your goodness hear and answer me amen Heavenly Father on day 20 of our consecration to st. Joseph we ask you to be with us to pour out your spirit upon us especially as we look into the virtue of obedience and what that meant for st. Joseph and what it means for us we pray that we our hearts would be opened up to all the gifts that you want to give us especially as we read about today that particular wonder that you have given to us called sleep rest knowing that st. Joseph delighted in it and you communicate it with him in his sleep and may we also learn to rest and to rest in you to be refreshed by the sleep that you give us we ask all of this through Christ our Lord amen the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit amen okay my friends hope everybody is doing well we're all set up and ready to go just a few things from yesterday so I put I'm not going to go through all the information again I did that yesterday for the Canada now you can get all the books the art and the prayer cards in Canada now and it's all on the Facebook page so for you on YouTube you can't see it but you heard it yesterday when I went through all the details it's on the Facebook page right now and I know at least one person that I'm aware of has taken advantage of it Linda from Prince Edward Island so that's wonderful it's a great offer you know you can buy individual books and get the 25 percent off if you get 50 or more so it's a good ready to spread the concentration up in Canada Oh check this out guys I'm so excited about this so I had wanted to do this but I wasn't sure how because you know those prayer cards that we have now that you can get on the website concentration the st. Joseph gorg I was like a while ago I wanted to do put the litany of st. Joseph's on one but you know the litany is kind of long and it would have been so tiny nobody could read it not even so many Young's it just would have been so tiny so I was thinking oh that's a bummer that we can't do that but then I asked the press I said well can we do like a folding card and they said yeah we'll look into it so they they've done it they designed it I was shown it today and it's going to go into print soon and will soon be available so as soon as it's done I'll let you guys know because we're going to have now a prayer card that's the same size as the other ones but it folds so it has basically four sides the front the back and the two inside so we're gonna have the litany of Saint Joseph on the inside really nice it's I'm so excited about this I mean I'm gonna put these things in every one of my brief Rees and I'm gonna literally everywhere I just I'm gonna you know I love that prayer I surprised I haven't memorized it yet I've almost I think got it down but it's you know it's a long prayer and on the back to check this out because I was thinking well where we put on the back you know we got to put something there so I thought I want to put on the back the prayer composed by Pope Leo the 13th for the to be recited after the rosary especially in October that's what he said but you can do it any time and it's a powerful prayer and that prayer is in the book by the way if you wanted to see that prayer it's on page 241 so we just did the member are a on page 240 on the opposite page is the prayer of Pope Leo the 13th to be prayed after the Rosary in October it's that famous prayer to to the old Blessed Joseph we have recourse in our affliction and it goes on it is powerful prayer so that prayer is gonna be on the back side of the litany of st. Joseph's prayer card so to me that's like nailed it nailed it so I'll let you guys know when that's available so excited about that and then I also want to I've seen a couple people saying that they're hoping to get the book for a Father's Day present you know our consecration day is Father's Day but it is a good idea if you wanted to get one for your father or your husband or somebody in your life now's a good time to get it because that way you can rest assured that you're gonna get it before our Father's Day now this is in the United States of course so just keep that in mind don't order it like two days before you're not gonna be able to get it in time to give us a gift so please pray about doing that okay that's it from the notes all righty so today is day 20 guys Wow oh my goodness we've gone through 20 days we've been together almost for three weeks already that's incredible so it looks like we've only got about another two weeks together sad I know many of you I saw you yes so you were commenting like I'm already going through and you know withdrawal and I'm like oh don't worry guys we'll be all right you know um we'll get through this and these are tough times for sure but with Saint Joseph with us no matter what comes we're gonna be we'll be okay but I hear it's been I've enjoyed this I really have so still got two weeks though all right so day 20 is where we read from the litany Joseph's most obedient tray for us and I started off with a quote from that st. Joseph's Sebastian Pell char he's the one who was the bishop in Poland very very holy man greatly loved st. Joseph's he says if you want to know st. Joseph's obedience look at how he rose at night at the angels voice and giving no care to hunger hardships are cold went to Egypt where he led a hard life until the next command of God and what was again remember what was the charioteer that made him you know move forward no matter what the price no matter the hardship the suffering the hunger the hardship the cold the poverty supernatural prudence moving forward right natural prudence would say there could be options I can't get a job you know around Bethlehem somewhere I can you know know he goes forward knowing full well that it's going to be hard because he is Oh obedient to God and so he goes forward now obedience that's a word boy people don't like that today they have a wrong understanding of it and and what it is and you know it's not just for nuns and for you know people like myself who've made a vow of obedience right have taken three vows of poverty chastity and obedience but it's not just for us because there's actually certain laws that all of us need to be obedient to so we'll get into that in a second but many people are of the opinion that obedience to Authority or two laws limits their freedom requiring them to to hand over their rights to others but this is not the case in fact obedience to laws is a part of everyday human life my friends if we didn't have certain things in place that guided us and prevented us from doing certain actions there would be absolute chaos on the earth and so this is a something vital that we need cuz you got a lot of chaos today and what's at the root of a lot of it a desire to just be disobedient and to disregard laws and regulations and codes and everything whether it's codes of conduct or laws you know that are meant to this is not my property that's your property and I don't have a right to destroy it you know and but people today oh there's all kinds of stuff going on you know what I'm talking about so a road sign for example just as a you know not related to what's going on the world at the moment but a road sign for example doesn't take away from a person's freedom road signs and other legitimate laws are designed to give people true freedom and happiness why because it helps you get somewhere safely you're able to disobey the stop sign while driving if you want you you have that free will you can disobey it but obedience to the stop sign you're obeying that stop sign is what allows you and others to reach your destination in safety imagine if we didn't have this there would be so many accidents and deaths on the roads because you know everybody would just be doing their own thing and flying to get there to their destination it may take you a little longer to get there by obeying the road signs and the red lights and all of that but that's okay because you're going to get there safely and that's part of life that that has got to be observed because when we fall out of that there's going to be confusion and there's gonna be death so now there's distinctions that we can make distinctions that we can make that would be a whole nother lesson a session on natural law and divine law these are both very important and something that we need to adhere to and then they said we could go into deep conversations about that but it's important I want to I want to focus on one thing because this is what's happening today when it comes to the observance and the obedience to things of natural law and divine law is that people don't trust and so they start to question and they take a one particular instance of something of a bad example or somebody abusing their authority or whatnot and they want to apply it to the whole this is a huge problem this is a major problem because that's that you never want to do that you never want to make that generalization because somebody you know was lacking trust that all of a sudden now you can become a law breaker that you now have a right to break the law to break you know both the natural and divine law and do whatever you want that that's anarchy that leads to the destruction of societies that leads to two major major problems but sadly my friends that's what we're seeing today in many instances were what people have been doing in the streets and so forth and and and trust me you know everybody knows that I'm alluding to here you know remember I have to walk a fine line with what I say but you know what I'm talking about nothing wrong with protesting or anything like that but once it goes into looting and and you know stealing and and and you know defacing property in all this kind of stuff this is not right this is absolutely not right and yet people think that it is and the funny thing is though it's not funny it's sad and depressing I saw something the other day was yesterday where some young kids they were boy they were in a storefront and they were about they were wanting to break in to this guy store and it was obviously so he was outside doing his best to defend it and you know these are the people that are saying you know we gotta get rid of the police and all this kind of stuff and yet when he was defending his store they yelled out call 9-1-1 everybody knows that there's laws that are put in place there's protection for this kind of stuff so that we don't have that kind of chaos but it's the funniest thing how they don't think through the logic of this you're trying to dismantle society and yet you at a moment of crisis or yourself calling out for laws to be observed it's the strangest thing people have just lost their ability to reason and to think these things through because today oftentimes what we live on is emotion sentiments and you offended me I'm offended therefore I have a right to attack you and destroy you and your life and your family and your career and everything about you and we have really fallen away from this civility of having respect for people disagreeing sure sure sure right and a lot of it has to do with there's been a lack of trust and this is a tactic of the devil to try to get people to distrust the authority that that keeps the the rules and the laws in place or even the maker of the law you know ultimately God so for example I say here a lack of trust on the part of our first parents Adam and Eve is what caused all mankind to fall into sin and the Garden of Eden our first parents were tricked into disobeying God by the serpent the devil instilled in their minds doubts a lack of trust regarding God the devil said to them did God really say you died let's instill that in them and they think yeah hmm I wonder let's take a little little bite of that fruit there see what's going down and then everything you know it was there for your good it wasn't there for your limitation who knows maybe later on he would have said to you I found you now trustworthy eight who knows who knows but it's it's you know we've got to we've got to learn to obey these things for a reason just like I mean take this example on a family level a child you have to learn to obey your parents on the simple things or you're gonna fall down the stairs no no honey don't go to honey don't go near the stairs no no no baby don't go out in the street don't don't no no no don't do that see you have to obey that that's the child rose up and said I have rights how dare are you tell me not to get near the staircase I'm offended by this you've hurt my feelings okay honey maybe I have but you know what deal with it because I love you so much that I don't want you to fall out and break your neck and I don't want you to a sudden get hit by a car I love you this discipline is for your good obeying what I'm telling you right now is for your good I want you to live and be healthy and happy and be around for a while see this is what we're dealing with here and you can go from that macro level to your micro level to the macro love on the big societal saying and this is why people sometimes they focus on well I don't like this person's personality he triggers me by his words fine you know we all will have our likes and dislikes about this person or that person or this or that or whatever fine right but when it comes to wanting to go to the level of breaking so many laws so many things that have put in place for us to have a peaceful society to be able to live in harmony disagreeing and sure and voicing our thoughts and whatnot of course no problem there that's great but when it gets to the level of wanting to you know burn down things and structures and basically dismantle society that's a problem that's a big problem and that's why I've been saying I think the last couple days in my prayer and in my you know just observance of the way things are going in the world I just get this sense of revolution you know I really do I get a strong sense of revolution and not you know I was only born in 1972 I didn't live through the 60s but the people that did are telling me oh yeah just it's like we're back in the 60s all of a sudden with the things that are going on so yeah tough tough my friends so what has Satan tried to do today not only in the world with what we're seeing today where people want to you know break down structures and get rid of laws and and and the people who are meant to uphold the laws and protect the laws for the freedom of the citizens basically wanting to get rid of police because they've seen a bad example what is the devil also instilled even within the church a lack of trust many bad examples of you know clergymen of you know many members in the church who have done no one would deny sinful and criminal things shameful things nobody no denied this but the the majority are not like that and yet when you the devil instills that lack of trust people begin to say well I'm not observing this stuff it's not you know I'm I'm there's no way I'm gonna be you know going to Mass faithfully there's no way that I'm going to live by these teachings I'm out I'm checking out and that is the strategy strategy I just said like Bugs Bunny when that in a cartoon of Bugs Bunny I think it was the strategy correct myself up man that's what the devil is a devil's tactic is to get us divided and then you know we're hurt or wounded by a couple individuals or a very small group of people and then we want to just go into outright disobedience and it throws everything off and it creates a real serious problem and that's what we've got going on today even sadly within within the church I mean I remember when I converted to Catholicism I went up to pee pause a ball dude man I went up to people and I was like because I was on fire I just found all this stuff out about the truth that the Catholic Church teaches which to me was just life-changing it was like it opened up and unlocked the door for everything for me for meaning and I was asking people hey guys like you guys know about Tom like natural family planning right and I mean it's amazing and they the majority of Catholics I talked to her never even heard of it and I'm like well wait thank you take some practice contraception right and they were like who are you you know you you little freak asking me if you know I'm like I knew I was you know I was pretty confrontational and but then I was like well what's going on here I don't get it I mean this is like this is natural law and divine law work here and it's not being obeyed and we have this is what we have this problem this is going to be a long-term problem because you're not having babies and you're not going to be able to repopulate you know the Catholic population and so these kind of things matter they really and truly mattered all right the virtue of obedience is not only as I said for nuns and priests everyone needs to be obedient to both the natural and divine law obeying the Ten Commandments the teachers of the Catholic Church attending Mass faithfully on Sundays and holy days of obligation and going to confession when you fall into sin or always of showing that you trust and obey God even if you've been hurt by somebody in the church and those hurts can be real oh man I appreciate ought to people who know father you don't know father did this to me your father did that and those are real wounds and that's hard that's very hard and my heart goes out I know the heart of God does to anybody who's been wounded by somebody in the church somebody in authority in the church but the church in her essence in her teachings all of that is true and worthy of trust even though a certain members are really bad examples of that because I can tell you this right now you know in many ways I hope I'm not scandalized you guys by saying this but in many ways the closer I've gotten to the Catholic Church you know I'm a priest so I'm just like super close right but I mean as I've gone through it I've met so many stinkers man it's not even funny and I'm one of them I'm a sinner just like everybody else you know but every now and then I meet like a real whopper of a stinker and I'm like ah dude but I'm not ditching the church I'm not I'm not bailing out of this because I really believe that this is the arc of salvation I really believe just like in the days of Noah God told Noah you know get it make a boat and get in it and put the animals in it so what everybody was laughing at him and people were trying to make maybe as the rain was coming down make their own little rickety boats to try and you know survive which they did not well when Noah was in that boat it stunk there was a ton of animals in that boat he didn't have enough shovels to be getting that stuff out of the boat constantly and every now and then he probably stepped in it he thought I'm saying it was horrible but you got to stay in that boat if you jump out of that boat you did what's the same thing with the Catholic Church right this is the new Ark of salvation is the new Ark of Noah Jesus Christ actually talked about that you know as it was in the days of Noah so will it be in the days of the Son of Man and in many ways Jesus is like a new Noah who's given us the new boat you know the Catholic Church and it's filled with stickers man it's a mess and every now and then you step in it and you know it's not pleasant it's not pleasant but this is what it is and this is the boat that's going to get us to the safety of the shore of paradise so I'm staying in this boat you know and and yeah that's just a lesson that I've learned over time that you're going to be given many bad examples you're going to be hurt you're gonna be you know offended you're gonna find people's personalities very strange sometimes but lord I trust you I trust you I know that's the funny thing is st. faustina the modern-day apostle of trust right um she hardly ever used scripture in her diary she wasn't that well educated and you know it wasn't meant to be like a scriptural thing but she gives a few that references to a retreat she did on the Gospel of John and then the one time that she really quotes scripture you know who she quotes job mm-hmm the dude who lost pretty much everything his family with the exception of his wife and you know his cattle his land and he's sitting on a pile of dung no kidding that's what he was sitting on and even his wife comes up to him one point he goes just curse God and die I would have been like gee thanks honey oh thanks for being along with me in this difficult time but he said you know I can't do that and and you know he wrestled with God in that situation but he trusted well st. Faustina she quoted job and she said to Jesus Lord even if you kill me I trust you because your ways are not my ways and and I know you have my ultimate good in mind you're not rolling dice with me you're not playing games with me you love me see that makes all the difference that's what can make us you know when we see an injustice you call it out for sure and try to get it rectified but you don't go and try and destroy the whole system you don't go try for example to destroy the boat that's what we're dealing with here and that's some people have tried to do that in the past that's why we've had so many brake offs from the Catholic Church people going in oh you know I'm out of here this boat stinks I think I got a better plan mine could be a lot you know prettier or mine could have better music you know and better fellowship and better cookies so I'm gonna go start my own little boat over here come on guys I got a boat too hmm but you made that boat you made that boat dude big difference which when God tells you to make one and when we do and that's what we're talking about on these things of laws in societies as long as they're legit and not you know going against you know God's commands or telling you to do something wrong these things we have to we have to obey them st. Joseph certainly would have done done that in his day he wasn't a law breaker he didn't go around you know saying man you know even even stuff that today we would look at and go okay we move past that we've developed kind of past this understanding because of Jesus Christ and his teachings but st. Joseph I mean he would have you know had to wash dishes at a certain time and maybe on a certain day or eat food on this plate not that plate on the Tuesday as versus a Friday I don't know you know whatever those were the rules were he did it and so many other things he observed those things I mean why do you think that he was going to Tibet Laham for the census to to to participate in the census I mean he was obeying something there so you know some of these things we believe we've really got to I think take a look at and pray about with a society rate in our day seems to be falling apart with the generation or two or three more that just doesn't understand these kind of things okay me and my tangents again all righty everyone needs to trust God and obey the natural law as well the person is as important guys listen to this please because we're in an election year now to really be carefully like it's a major trouble right here the person who defends marriage as an institution between one man and one woman is obeying the natural law protecting children in the womb by voting for candidates who are uncompromising ly pro-life is also a sign of being obedient to the natural law you should not be voting for candidates who are in favor of abortion and it don't matter what university they graduated from or how Catholic they say they are don't be duped this is priority number one you know the sad thing is is this is being batted out today even in by members of the church source he know it's not the preeminent thing and this person says yes it is well thanks be to God that the current member at least on the Catholic Conference of Bishops in the United States the bishop I don't forget his name is the moment who's in charge of that particular community for pro-life has said that it is the preeminent issue when it comes to voting it is pro-life my friends if you can't defend babies in the womb all your other stuff don't mean jack really and truly this is what it comes down to if you don't have the right to life you ain't got nothing and there's other stuff that's very important nobody denies this but this is preeminent and so please you know pray about this don't be suckered just by the the fake news and the media that's telling you so many crazy things just trying to sucker you try to trick you trying to deceive you the devil is a deceiver he wants you to focus on things that annoy you and so you end up you know saying well I uh I I I know what did they say but this person I just I don't like the personality man I don't think a lot of people probably would have liked Jesus back in the day because he called out some things pretty strongly called people wolves yeah that's Jesus that's the reality of Christianity you gotta take a stand further the preeminent things seek first the kingdom of heaven everything else falls into place when you obey this this system set up natural law divine law and the things that are more important to getting to the lesser important although important I don't mean to say that they're less you know significance they're they're very important issues but this is of the utmost my friends of the utmost and we are in a spiritual battle right now we are in a heightened spiritual battle right now where this year is going to be every interesting when it comes to how things are gonna play out because it has become so intense that if you can't see this if you if you're not aware of this I beg you as your brother I beg you pray for your eyes to be opened of what is going on because it's this is at the heart of it are we gonna be obedient to God and His laws and legitimate human laws or are we going to be agents of chaos and anarchy and destruction and the breakdown of families and civilizations that's the question that's the question and it all comes to obedience obedience okay so let's get on to the Wonder for today which is with something really cool guys all I really this is so exciting it's called the sleeping Saint Joseph so that's on page 200 okay so I start here with a quote from the Psalms which is a cool quote man I remember when I was in seminary I mean I'm a good student and I'm very diligent with my studies and all that kind of stuff no problem but every now and then I was just like I had to step away man I needed to go take a where they call it a me day you know and I just go to the zoo and be like yeah I know man I know classes I just I need to get away or you know in the evenings I'm the kind of person it's just I don't know where when my youth I wasn't like this but as I've gotten older I generally like to go to bed at like 9:00 p.m. you know some people are like dude you're like you're in your 40s living like you're in your 70s or 80s and I'm like I guess but you know what I like it I mean I I pray before I go to bed I go to bed I go to sleep I wake up early in the morning it's fresh you know I get my coffee and I'm hearing the birds and the earth is quiet and it's just oh it's just fantastic for me I know some people are night owls and they're very productive in that way but sleep and rest really really important okay so I start with this quote from Psalm 127 in vain is your earlier rising and you're going later to rest you who toil for the bread you eat when He pours gifts on his beloved while they slumber while they slumber isn't that interesting see God loves sleep he made it matter of fact your heavenly Father has designed you you so that approximately one-third more or less of your life is meant to be sleeping I mean really and truly that's pretty extraordinary if you think about it if you did this statistics you know of an average life I don't know if somebody lived to be 80 whatever and you added up all those hours let's say that they got between I don't know seven eight hours of sleep at night that's what I like anyway I think that's kind of good that's a lot of sleep that is a ton of doing nothing you know God's okay with that because he's set it up that way because today we've got this mentality of FOMO fear of missing out you just don't want to you don't wanna miss anything you don't want to you know be left out from anything and I can fall into that myself it's easy especially with our modern technology and gadgetry and all these options for news and but it's amazing I mean every news station all of them even the good ones you watch it for about 20 minutes and after that that junk is just circular out though you know what man it's like dude how many times can you say the same stinking thing and but just in a different way you know breaking it's like that junk ain't breaking bro you just said that 30 minutes ago it's just your behavior you just interviewing a different person about the same topic you know so it's it's like but we just got this idea that we just gotta be on we got to be on top of everything we kind of we got to know what's going on relax man chill up take him back it's good for you it's good for everybody else too because when you when you're like that you're up you're weird rest sleep dad wants you to sleep I mean I I love this particular aspect of what we're gonna get into here so God is a father and as a good father he delights in his children when they sleep how many parents they look at their children when they're sleeping I mean it's it's just the peacefulness they're you know they're resting and they're showing trust they're not like keeping one eye open like okay all right everything okay no they're passed out snoring you know just slobbering on themselves and the father is like just he's there you can rest he's going to take care of you God communicates with his children when they sleep it's a biblical fact especially in st. Joseph and the life and mission of st. Joseph God chose to speak to him when he slept on four occasions God communicated through an angel to st. Joseph very important messages in his dreams this is where we get a lot of stuff about st. Joseph in the scriptures from when he was sleeping st. Joseph's sleep is so important and powerful that Satan fears it Satan fears when st. Joseph sleeps to Satan fear when you sleep buzzy I mean I I don't think a lot of people think of it that way matter of fact there's a saying that goes around I was just talking about this the other day on her on a radio program with a good friend of mine you probably heard it and there's nothing wrong with the same it's cute whatever it's basically it says I want to be the kind of person that when I get out of bed in the morning the devil says oh oh he's awake okay I know what you're getting at I wouldn't be the kind of person to that when I go to bed at night the devil says oh oh he's sleeping see whether we're awake or asleep we should be with God we should give be giving everything to God and if we do that if our life if we are striving to live a holy life a pure life a virtuous life God is going to be refreshing us renewing us that's what sleep is that's what this sleep is a gift from your father and you know the world wants to take that from you that's why now we have so many things that are the city that never sleeps we have 24/7 everything everything now I know sometimes it's good to have some of these things right but still if you look at society how it's been set up now we have people who work around the clock you know maybe the night shift from 11:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. or whatever this is how society is set this up now it's like almost going against God's law that he's ingrained in us now if you've got a job at this hour don't freak and so father Callaway told me to quit my job that's not what I'm saying what I'm saying is we've gone so far now that we've gotten away from these ideas so that we we've got food and every kind of entertainment on you know our media outlets available to us 24/7 always it never closes this is it really good for us in the end that we have this I really don't think that it is I don't know how we're ever going to get it back unless God just says you know what off and just causes some solar so I'm tend to happen man right I don't know but it just seems that this is another way where we're we're wrestling where we're restless and we're thinking we're gonna miss out when what's the root of that is so many people are thinking that this is all that we got that there is no life after this so you got to max it out you got it you gotta go for it right as I said yesterday yeah Oh Yolo mentality you only live once so you know burn the candle at both ends yeah but that's that's not really good that's not good for you it's not good for your family it's not good for your marriage it's not good for society you've got to rest it's okay to rest okay according to the New Testament st. Joseph's sleep is prayer in heaven st. Joseph no longer sleeps of course but an eternity he does rest in the Lord so to speak is not the afterlife called eternal rest sure it is now in recent times a very popular devotion to st. Joseph under the title sleeping Saint Joseph has developed it's really cool it involves obtaining a statue depicting st. Joseph asleep asking st. Joseph's enter session for a particular intention and you write the intention on a piece of paper and you place the piece of paper underneath the statue of Saint Joseph now this is a magic or anything is this a way like you light a candle for example with a particular intention and you walk away from that candle you're certainly not going to sit there in front of it for seven days and watch it burn the the the the reason that you do that when you go to a shrine or a church is you pray for that intention and that candle is kind of a way an extension of your prayer that continues to rise up to heaven just like incense does that's what that's all about well this is what this is all about placing that intention under the statue of the sleeping st. Joseph's eyes to ask st. Joseph st. Joseph this intention I'm really I need some help here whatever it is I'm giving it to you please take this to Jesus please help me with this and he will and he will so I'm going to show you one and then it after we pray the litany I'm going to tell you how you can obtain this exact one right here from the Marian so if you see what I'm holding up I'm trying to make sure I'm getting facebook so you can see it and YouTube okay on the bottom as you can see it's flat and you just write it on a piece of paper and slip it under there I have several of different sizes and this is the one that's a small nice little one but it's really it's really nice I mean it really is so it's a recent devotion that came nobody knows the exact origin of it actually but it seems to have kind of sprung on the scene from Germany and now it's kind of known throughout the world and you see more and more of these statues of different kinds I've seen some really cool ones people who have made their own even carving it out of you know various things even wood themselves so pretty neat okay I included here something that you won't find in the rest of the book and it's from a poet now I'm no poet I don't know a lot about poetry but when I was in seminary one of our professors had us read a book because we were studying the virtues he had us read a book by Charles Peggy a French poet and the book is called the ergo of the mystery of hope it's a really cool book it's a long poem I mean it's it's a poem I guess I would never even know it's a poem quite read it but it's a poem in a certain style that talks about a lot of these kind of things I've been talking about today and it emphases in a big way the importance of rest and sleep and so I put a section from that poem just a tiny section the book is pretty big the poke the book that has the poem but it's really kind of makes a lot of sense I'm just gonna read a few lines from and not the whole thing I have here this is God saying this just sleep why don't people make use of it I've given this secret to everyone says God I haven't sold it he who sleeps well lives well he who sleeps prays and yet they tell me that there are men who don't sleep I don't like the man who doesn't sleep says God sleep is the friend of man sleep is the friend of God and it is now I just that's just a few lines from from this but it's so true because so many people today and I meet them all over the place I even meet people in the church priests well-intended who are just work a holics I mean just go go go go go go go go go to the point where they are like dis close to burning out that's not gonna be good for you or for anybody else it's Oh God doesn't mind if you actually take some time for yourself I remember when I you know I studied at a Dominican Seminary and we were going through the virtues and st. Thomas Aquinas talks about the the virtue of doing nothing and I was like what this is the angelic doctor talking about somebody just basically being a bum you know and I'm like is that what he was saying and my teacher Dominican priest said no of course that's not what he's saying let's unpack this and he did and it was brilliant and there's an example in the Summa Theologica of st. Thomas Aquinas where he gives a story probably not a true story but he's just making the case he says st. John the Evangelist was one time doing archery with after the resurrection and ascension he was you know playing with the bow and arrow with some friends and another disciple comes up to him and says what are you doing you should be preaching the gospel you should be out here doing this and doing that and here you are you know playing with a stick when you should be out you know you're proclaiming the gospel and John the Evangelist this is what st. Thomas Aquinas says to give his example John the Evangelist says to him do you see this boat do you see me when I pull it back if I keep pulling on it pulling on it pulling on it pulling on it what's going to happen and that is the other guy said well it's gonna snap and John the Evangelist says that's exactly right you have to release the pressure you have to at some point you have to you know allow something like this to take place you can't just go go go go go go go go go go go go go think about this I mean look in the life of the Holy Family yes they prayed and they prayed a lot I'm sure important we do but they had to have some form of recreation again when you get to know the real Holy Family you realize they're not cardboard cutouts and we get a scene every 7 years and then just static for the next 7 years was a family they wrecked created together they did things together I don't know if they had a frisbee back in the day but maybe Jesus and Joseph did something I don't know what they would have done but it would have been fun it would have been recreational between a father and a son see these are the kind of things that we've forgotten today we forgotten about this I mean you know some of my most treasured memories when I was young was stuff where we did nothing we didn't really I mean it wasn't anything that was fruitful really but it was for us when we went camping we went out into the woods when we did those kind of things that were just seemed to be wasting time but you know what it's ok to do those things today we've forgotten that and so many you know children don't have that experience with their parents especially with their dad because dad is a workaholic he finds his identity and his job that's not what it was meant to be you know the job was meant to be of service to to your ultimate vocation which is to be a father and a husband and yet we've forgotten that today st. Joseph's didn't forget that see that's what the scripture tells us about when God spoke to him four times in his sleep Saint Joseph was a man who took rested think about our Lord as well like father like son again he went off by himself to pray and he would tell his disciples on occasion set out for the other side and he fell asleep in the boat remember remember that would he I mean he's sleeping the god man slept it's okay you need to be refreshed there's something profound there that takes place between God in the soul when we rest now you don't want to take it overboard you definitely don't want to become a freeloader and you know just a bum and a lazy good-for-nothing that's just you know sleeping all day texe avoid the extremes remember virtues in the middle but God has set us up this way designed us this way so let's not think that we know better we don't let's surrender to what he's given to us don't be afraid of this I'm saying this it sounds silly maybe some of you were thinking why is father emphasizing this so much because I can't tell you the amount of people that I meet on every different walk of life that are just not taking time really and truly not taking time to be with their family to do things that are going to be recreational for themselves for their marriage and for the family unit and that's gonna be good for you and for all of society I mean don't you think that this is why God set up that one day a week we should just stop doing stuff worship Him but didn't take time for for our relationship with God and for our relationship with one another because we don't we're gonna be in trouble and that's part of the reason why I think we are in a lot of trouble today you're they telling me they telling me I wasn't around and in these days but they tell me that there used to be things in the United States anyway called blue laws we're people you didn't work on Sundays like everybody not just like Catholic sir you know devout Protestant but like everybody kind of did this it was just observed in society it was like yeah this just makes sense you know you didn't you didn't do stuff on on Sunday stores weren't open and you know it was even almost frowned upon Kokomo your lawn on a Sunday or something like that Wow have we gotten away from that kind of stuff we're today sunday is almost no different from any other day that's sad it'd be great if we could recapture that maybe we can in some ways in our own lives we could recapture something like that I think that would be very pleasing to God I think they will be showing that we trust you God and we don't have a fear of missing out on something here on this planet we don't want to miss out on something the great that you've given to us and we want to be obedient to that to the best that we can right there's always exceptions of course but you know I think it's a good pray about that and your own life I think there's ways that we could recapture these things and become more like st. Joseph okay my friends so today we are going to pray the litany of st. Joseph in English because yesterday we prayed it in Latin so that's on page 233 in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit amen lord have mercy lord have mercy Christ have mercy Christ have mercy lord have mercy lord have mercy Christ hear us Christ graciously hear us God the Father of heaven have mercy on us God the Son Redeemer of the world have mercy on us God the Holy Spirit have mercy on us Holy Trinity One God have mercy on us Holy Mary pray for us st. Joseph pray for us noble offspring of David pray for us light of patriarchs pray for us spouse of the mother of God pray for us Chace guardian of the virgin pray for us foster father of the son of God pray for us jealous defender of Christ pray for us head of the Holy Family pray for us Joseph most just pray for us Joseph most chaste pray for us Joseph's most prudent pray for us Joseph's most courageous pray for us Joseph's most obedient pray for us Joseph's most faithful pray for us mirror of patience pray for us lover of poverty pray for us model of workman pray for us glory of domestic life pray for us guardian of virgins pray for us pillar of families pray for us comfort of the afflicted pray for us hope of the sick pray for us hatred of the dying pray for us terror of demons trade for us protector of the Holy Church pray for us Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world spare us O Lord Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world graciously hear us O Lord Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world have mercy on us he has made him Lord of his household and Prince over all his possessions let us pray O God who in your loving Providence chose blessed Joseph to be the spouse of your Most Holy Mother grant us the favor of having him for our intercessor in heaven whom on earth we venerate as our protector you who live and reign forever and ever amen Heavenly Father thank you for the great example of obedience and st. Joseph our spiritual father help us to be like him in obeying your loss and even the laws of that are given to us in society that are true and good and pleasing to you to be obedient to them for our good for the good of families in society but was also to be obedient to the teachings of the church because this is for our ultimate end to be with you in heaven help us to be like st. Joseph in his desire to rest to sleep to give everything to you to live a life completely trusting in you that you will take care of all of our needs and we don't have to worry help us Heavenly Father to be more like st. Joseph amen and my friends may Almighty God bless you your families and especially for conversion among those who are away from the faith that they would come back the blessing of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit amen okay so don't go away yet we don't have the contest announcement today but I did want to tell you if you're interested in getting one of these little st. Joseph statues show it here to you again there's for everybody on Facebook I'm putting it right up there so you can see it and then everybody in YouTube so you can see it there so this is the one you can get from my religious community you can get this one by going to that website consecration to st. Joseph org they're really cheap and they're really nice so that website is consecration to st. Joseph's org where you can get this sleeping Saint Joseph statue okay my friends remember ETA odd Yosef go to Joseph and we will see you tomorrow god bless you [Music]
Channel: Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC
Views: 21,387
Rating: 4.9174194 out of 5
Id: zud_8guPD6U
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Length: 52min 18sec (3138 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 08 2020
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