Connect Cisco Router & Switch to ISP Home Router and Access Internet

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[Music] hi guys welcome to my channel IT support people this is Eskimos Donna and I'm a cisco certified network associate for routing and switching today I'll show you how to connect a Cisco router and switch to the home as a router or nature and how to access internet using this network so let's get started now I show you the network topology of this network you can see here this one is a home router it is a TS router and which is connected to the Internet or ISP connection and here you can see this one is our Cisco router and this one is Cisco switch and these two are pcs one is my laptop and an ADIZ is my text releasing so what we do we'll connect a cat5 cable to the land port of this radiation router and our other end of that cat5 cable to the gigabit ethernet port 0 / 0 of the router and we will configure the gigabit 0 / 1 port of the router and we will create a tcp pool here and we'll configure some other stops i will show you later and they connect this gigabit 0/100 go to the fast ethernet port of this switch this is this is a layer 3 switch so all ports are belongs to villain one of the sewage I'll later and I'll explain it later and we will connect a laptop to the first 800 0/3 port of the switch and dextra pc to the past Ethernet 0 / 5 pork of this switch so to the next day so now I'll give you a quick overview of my Cisco router you can see that if the Cisco to eight double zero she's router and here is the power connection cord and next to this there is a power switch and here this is the console port it's the rj45 port actually this port is used for configuring router you can connect a console cable to this port and other end to the computer or laptop and you can locally administrate this router or configure the router or reset password and so so many things next to this there is an auxiliary port this is also a rj45 port this port normally used for remotely configuring this router you have to connect a rj45 connector here and other end you have to connect through the modem then you can remotely configure this router and next to this you can see two USB port and after the USB port you can see here is a flash memory flash memory card for this router I'll show you if you press here sorry if you press here it will come out here it is you can see Cisco flash memory 64 megabit I'll put it back yes okay now I'll give you the other end of this router I'll show you the other end of this world so now I will show you the other end of this router here you can see two Gigabit Ethernet port G 0 / 0 and G 0 / 1 actually these two gigabit port are thousand megabit per second bandwidth port normally the connection from is P goes to any one of this port for example if you connect the connection from is P two gigabit 0/0 port then the connection from 0 / 1 will go to the switch for this video we will use only this two-port course but I will show you basic view of the other ports now you can see four for VI see two for FX oh these are voice interface card foreign foreign exchange office these are rj11 port these are the 11 port connected connects to analog network normally this connection goes to main central station of PSTN network or PBX system next to this you can see Vee WIC - - MFP t1 e1 these are mainly multiplex trunk was or one interface card actually these two ports are are j48 port which supports voice and data for these multi service routers and these two ports support both e on and t1 switch and next to this you can see a serial port which is used for one connection so basically these are the main overview of this cisco to 8/5 one router and we will only use these two ports for this network now I'll give you the quick overview of my switch here you can see that if the Cisco Catalyst 2 3 5 6 0 P or e 24-port switch and here you can see 24 pores and these pores are grouped in a peer for example this this first one is port 1 and bottom one is portal and the next one is port 3 and the bottom on port 4 similarly port 5 and 4 6 and up to 23rd port and the next one is 24th port these are fast ethernet port the bandwidth is 100 Mbps and the next two cores are Gigabit Ethernet SFP module which establish optical fiber network and they use empty RJ connector for establishing optical fiber network basically we will use will not use this two-port for this video we only use this 24-port Fast Ethernet port so now I'll show you the backside of my suite now I'll show you the backside of my Cisco switch let see the power cord connection Pope and next to this here is the DC input for remote power supply and then another important thing is this is the console port you can use rj45 cable console cable and the other inch to the PC to configure this switch and this is a layer 3 switch which supports some routing protocol and as well as it supports the inter VLAN routing so next I will go to the next step now I will turn the router 1 yes it's now it's started you can see the green light and the noise noise of the fan now you can see this is my ADSL home router this is the front side and this is the back side of my router here you can see a cable this cable comes from ISP network and which is connected in the DSL port and there is a poor yellow LAN port LAN 1 2 4 and there is a one port and one USB port so I will use any of the LAN port LAN 1 2 4 I will take one connection from LAN wound to the gigabit port of my router to the 0/0 port of the router now this is the other end of this cat5 cable so now I will connect this into the gigabit 0/0 port of my router you can see I'll take the other end to my routers 0/0 port you can see the router is running so you can see you can see the 0/0 so I'll connect this in two here you can see the light is flashing now so that port is active now now I will give power to the switch this is the power cable now I will connect this cable to the power port port of my switch yes now we can see the switch is turning on it will take some time to get power all of the ports taking time now I will connect the gigabit port 0/1 to the switch you can see the Gigabyte 0/1 port now I am connecting one catfight cable here yes and the other end of this catfight cable will go to the passport of my switch so actually you can't see any flashlights because I haven't done any configuration so you can see the light flashing in the Gigabit Ethernet 0 / 0 because it is connected with the light network with my home router next I will connect my laptop with a switch with this switch by cat5 cable so I'm showing again so I have an connect to my laptop Ethernet port yes and the other end of this cable will go to the switch for example port 3 yes you can see the light has already changed and I'll connect my another desktop PC with this switch okay I have another another cat5 cable so I'll connect into my desktop PCs internet port and the other end the other end will go to the switch next to 40 is five for five if you heard the sound there's something now I'll show you how to connect the console cable from routers console port to the pcs or laptops USB port here you can see that this is a console cable it has the one int is rj45 connector you can see this is a rj45 connector which will go to the console port of the router and the other end is a db9 serial port is a db9 female serial port which will go to the laptop or PC so basically the new laptop laptops have no serial port so we need another adaptor to connect the serial port this is a serial 2 USB adapter we need this adapter to connect the serial port this is a male serial port db9 male serial port you can see here this will connect the female serial port so yes we just connect this adapter to this serial 2 USB converter yes here it is so now I will connect the rj45 connector to the Cisco console port you can see I just connected the rj45 port here and the USB port I will connect to my laptop's USB port here it is so now I just connected the console cable from router to my laptop to connect the Cisco router with this laptop to configure you need a emulator terminal like putty I prefer a party so you can download this is a open source software you can download this what is software from the internet you just go to google and type download party for Windows yeah you can take that up put up to that party don't work you can go to that of website and download party you can go to download party click here and I prefer the Exe format so he was pulled down here and my system is 64-bit so I'll choose party dot exe for 64-bit just click here it will be showing a point you can save the file so if you go to download here there is downloading is completed so you can go to download' and just setup so it's already been set up in my laptop so I am just showing you the process and I just cancel it now I will access the Cisco router using my laptop so using my laptop and the emulator terminals of third party so before doing this I have to check the port number so just I'll just type here device manager yeah device manager so go to Device Manager and go to the port comport here you can see the USB to serial port is connected to the comm for four so yeah now I have to open party yes then I have to click the serial make sure the speed is 96 double zero so I have to write here the comfort for so then open here it is we have to press into yeah we can see we already into the router then we have to go to the enable mode II and we press tab it will take full form as an intern yes we can enter the router we successfully access the router using this constructor book now I will configure the router and stay go to enable mode [Music] first I'll check the interface of this router so sure I mean interface brief mr. you can see there is two interface Gigabit Ethernet port 0/0 and gigabit ethernet port eros flash one and you can see the IP address and the method that DHCP because the port 0/1 is already connected to the home I see an altar so it's getting IP address from the DHCP so now we will go to a global configuration mode can see the picture here first I will configure these two gigabit 0/0 port for I put IPR just here so vacation time you know so the interpreter go to each artists interface Gigabit Ethernet [Music] I love this interface no shutdown then I'll put the IP address using so I might be just the eight th then you can press them BC sorry IP address IP address is CP now we can see interpreting I'd be yes he's showing that 190 101.3 [Music] then yeah I can you can check the connection continue the Google server exists me the Google DNS I'm sorry in configuration mode exit or I can right - yes successful being Google server or DNS server now I'll put IP address they say gigabit 0/1 pork of this router make the interface up and put different IP address into the global confessional on configuration bigger issue the first refers gigabit 0/1 there I will put a different IP address different Network I'd be address what's the profit after just one night you can see here I put the IP address a different network 192 192 dot 168 or two but one and I got the IP from the DCP that was 192 dot 168 at 1.3 is one network and this is one article and one extra one is Jade Buddha is a different network okay so those I need to after this you can see gigabit 0/1 except now we will check again the pipe interface now you can see the documentation approach zero slash zero it already taking the IP from the ECB 192 168 1 Roxie and a VHS in for 0/1 192 one city one and both tested us up now you can see the both gigabit port lights are flashing before only that gigabit 0/0 port was flashing now I made the interface 0/1 up and I put IP address in that pot so now both both are flashing I will preach and create a a DHCP pool for the network one ninety two dot one sixty eight dot 2.0 Network I'll make I'll make this gigabit 0/1 called as a default router so let's do this need to enter the global configuration mode on term I thought IPTC before I have to give a name for example main user user main user so you can see already entered the DHCP configuration to configure the DC people you have to provide the network literal address including the subnet and default router IP address and DNS server IP address so first I'll cover the network address the network network yes network 192 168 0 / 24 default router default router [Music] 192.168.1 yes I have to provide the DNS server I don't have any DNS server so I've used Google DNS server so DNS server they thought they thought a 12-8 okay now exit so now I have to apply a static routing to route through the Gateway of the home router so give the static routing command I do do do do do do do and you know the default gateway we've already checked I can show you if you go to common prompt type in CMD if you've done here [Music] yeah you can see the default to Gateway people get where is the 192 dot 168 out one Purvi 1.1 because i haven't done enough today said laptop to the router yet still this laptop is connected with a Wi-Fi router so the default gateway is 192 so now we can check the connectivity with the default gateway of the I still outer so duping one ninety two dot one sixty eight dot one dot one yes successful now I have to create net inside and let outside network address translator I will create interface D debate this interface Guillemette 0/0 as a net outside source and gigabit 0/1 as a net inside source okay so interface still in configuration or global configuration mode now interface [Music] under this be yes [Music] that outside outside it'll take some time okay just now exit now I will configure the net insight in gigabit with an approach 0/1 so face gigabit inside [Music] now I'll create a access list so like IP accessories to confess death excess latest standard standard one you can see the configuration of standard network access lists one I have to get the permission permit I will give any permission permit any then you exit okay now I have to overload the IP net inside source so now I will overload the ID the net inside and be met inside so the least we already catered missed one and it will overload interface interface you got it slash zero and overload so yeah that's all done so the configuration in the router part is done so now we will check the connection the we check the connection of the piece into the router will ping and will use the Internet okay now we've entered the switch basically we haven't done anything with the switch we just we did all configuration in the upper part now I will take out the console cable from the router and put it in the console port of my switch to access the switch [Music] the console port of this is in the back side of the switch and yes now I access the switch through this party yes we access the switch will go to another mode enable it's a layer 3 managed switch so now we check the interface so I interface it is showing the interface vlan1 which they managed to layer 3 switch so all the ports port 1 to 24 and abalones tube VLAN 1 and anywhere of this in any port if I connect any laptop or PC any of the port it will take the IP from the DHCP pool we created in gigabyte 0 / 1 4 so just check the VLAN this basically I haven't done anything in this switch this a managed switch I just checking the injectors and the villain now I will check the now I will connect my PC to the router the Cisco router and we will check the internet connectivity now I will connect this laptop to this network newly created Network and now I am connected so right click here open network sharing center sharing center channels and a plus setting you can see currently is connected to Wi-Fi router now it is above this Wi-Fi connection now I enable the ethernet connection which is connected to this Cisco router enabling and identifying the like they're just days stood out in two fine yes it's connected to the network is showing network for so now I will check the IP address it's showing the IP address of a neighbor from nedra to one ninety two dot one sixty eight dot production and the default gateway is the default router 192 okay now I'll check the internet connection go to Firefox I play one video so yes this piece is this laptop is connected to the Internet through the Cisco router Cisco switch an cisco router now I will connect this desktop PC to this network so to do this I have to go to right click in the internet option open network and internet setting I have to go to network and sharing Center and change adapter settings you can see the Ethernet port here so right click here this in a book so identifying the network at some time yes it is now connected to the network for so you can check here this icon has changed so now we will check the internet connection by browsing through Internet we'll open Chrome browser and go to YouTube here you can see the YouTube is connected now we'll play a video gives the video video ok I'll just play a random video ok it's running so that means this this is also connected to the network if we check the IP address of this PC so just write CMD C D so here is the common prompt so if you just type IP on P let's see here we can see the IP address is one ninety two dot one sixty eight dot 2.4 which is the IP address under the network 2.0 and that evil gateway is so this is the another PC of this network if you think this video is the please don't forget to like and subscribe my channel and you can let me know any queries to comments your little appreciation will inspire me to make the next video thanks for watching
Channel: IT Support People
Views: 88,978
Rating: 4.8571429 out of 5
Keywords: Connect Cisco Router & Switch to ISP Home Router and Access Internet, IT Support People, connect cisco home lab to internet, cisco home network setup, cisco router configuration, configuring cisco router for internet access, how to setup a network switch and router, connect cisco switch to home router, how to access cisco switch, cisco putty, cisco 2800 series router specifications, cisco 2851 router details, how to connect to cisco switch using console cable, How to, to, hd
Id: rRgdlhSbczU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 7sec (2407 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 13 2020
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