Connect Cisco Router and Switch to ISP Home Router and Access Internet

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hello friend welcome to my youtube channel cisco config my name is abdul basid and i'm cisco ccna ccnp certified engineer in this video i'm going to show you how to connect a cisco router and switch to the home isp router and how to access internet using this network so let's start it here you can see this is cisco router 2800 series that i'm going to use in this video this is the power input we connect our electric power here the ac power and this is the button we can switch on and switch off the router from here on the other side there's couple of rj45 port the top one is written console and the down one is axillary we log in the switch through this console port via console cable and we use network emulator software like party to configure this router the download is axillary this port we use to network or radius router for remote access next to it there's a couple of usb port we can connect our usb flash drive here to upgrade the software of this router or take the backup of ios file or many other things next to this this is compact flash card this is the flash memory of the router configuration of the router save in this memory card we can upgrade and downgrade as per our requirement we can take it out by this button there is one small button just press it and here is it the memory card come out you can see this is sandisk 256 mb card now i want to put it back this button i have to press first i have to lock this button first i will put this card back and press it that's it this is the front interface now i'll show you the back interface of the cisco router this is the back interface of this router here you can see there's a couple of rj45 port one port we are going to connect with our van service or the isp provider and the second part we will connect to our switch side as per the network topology i am going to connect fast ethernet zero slide zero port to my van service or my isp provider and fast ethernet zero slash one port i'm going to connect my cisco router 3550 next we have some analog car this is rj11 port and it will connect to our ps3 network now i'm going to show you our switch that i'm going to use in this video this is our switch that i'm going to use in this video here you can see it is cisco 3550 switch and it is 48 port switch these all are fv port mean fast ethernet port so we can transfer maximum 100 mb in this port here you can see this is optical interface we connect our sfp this is the sfp card to make a optical network i'm going to connect my first ethernet zero slash 48 port to the router and i will create multiple vlan in this switch i will give some interface to win and 10 some interface to vlan 20 and sum to v930 this is the front side of cisco switch now i'm going to show you the back side the back side of this cisco switch is very simple this is the power input the ac power current here this is for our dc power or ups power or backup power and this is the console port this is rj45 port the console cable connected here and we can log in this switch wire console cable and we can configure this width as per our network requirement this is my network topology diagram here you can see i have a home router from isp service provider and i have a cisco 2800 series router and a 3550 series switch pretty old but it will work in this video i am going to connect my isp router lan port to my cisco 2800 series router first ethernet zero slash zero port and fast ethernet zero slash one port from my router will connect to cisco switch 3550 fast ethernet 0 48 port i will create vlan 10 20 and 30 in this video and will assign couple of port to each vlan at the end i will connect laptop to each vlan and they will get internet service from this switch this is the network at my home i created for this tutorial here you can see this is the last one is cisco 2800 series router on the top of that this is cisco 3550 switch the 48 port switch here i have access point that i'm going to connect to this cisco switch very soon and this is the internet service from my isp provider this device is called the ont i will show you the back side of this device here you can see this device have four lan ports rj45 two telephone lines and the usb port and power input the yellow one this is the fiber optic cable internet is coming from this yellow cable as per network topology i am going to connect my isp router to my cisco 2800 series router first ethernet zero slash zero port and first ethernet zero slash one port from my router is going to connect my cisco switch faster and zero surge 48 port here you can see i have a cat6 cable and this is rj45 and the one end of this cable going to connect this isp router lan port this is the back side of my isp router i couldn't run cat6 cable to isp lan port and the second end of this cable i am going to connect my router fast ethernet zero zero here you can see this is the first eternity zero port so i'm going to connect second end of the cable here now i will take another cat6 cable here i have another cat6 cable the one end of the cable going to connect fast ethernet 0 0 port of the router here you can see and the second end of this cable is going to connect my switch 3550 0 48 baht and here you can see the light indication of port 48 is green this is my ip network scheme that i'm going to use in this video tutorial here you can see my isp router have the ip address and i'm going to give the ip address from the same subnet to my isp router to my first ethernet 0 0 port i will give 192 168 1.2 now i have to configure my first ethernet 0 1 port so i will give the ip address from that totally different network on first ethernet 0 1 i will give 192 1600.1 on my router side and i will give 192.168.102 on my switch side on fast ethernet zero slash 48 port also i will create three ipv pool for my v910 vlan 20 and vlan 30 in my switch so end devices will get the ip address from this subnet automatically and they will get the internet service from this subnet now we are going to start to configure our cisco router and cisco switch to login cisco router and switch we need a console cable i hope so you people know this this is console cable it have a one end rj45 end and the second end is usb port i'm going to connect console cable rj45 and to cisco router console port first like this and the second usb end i'm going to connect to my laptop usb port i will do this configuration in the steps first i'm configure this cisco router partially and after that i will configure cisco switch completely and i will create the vlans and i make a dhcp pool after that i will log into cisco router again and i will allow or permit that subnet in cisco router accessories to go to internet now i connect my laptop to cisco router via console cable to log in the cisco router from my laptop i need network emulator software in this video i'm using software party you can download it easily from internet just open your browser and type party dot org it will take you to party website then you have to click here go little bit down and here you will find the xz file in 64 bit and 32 bit you can download any file as per your window or your pc for my case i will download property dot exit 64 bit just click it and the download will start automatically so here is the party software i open it to login this cisco router via console cable we need to select a serial option serial port now here we have to give serial line number or serial port number to check what's your laptop serial line or port number you have to go here and type here device manager open it here you will see one option ports com and lpt open it and here you can see your serial port number usb serial port com 3 so we have to type com3 here and click on open press couple of enter here is it now we login our cisco router successfully first command we will type here it's called enable we go to enable mode always configure any new device make sure this device is factory rebooted or factory setting i want to check this router is on factory setting or no i will type a command show ip root and here you can see there is some static root is there so it's mean this device is not on factory default setting some old configuration still there also you can see the host name of the device's network router so it show me this is not on factory setting to factory reset this device i need to type a command write erase i will type only e r a i will not complete i will press the tab button and it will complete command automatically now press enter confirm you want to raise i say yes press enter again now erasing is completed it deletes the old configuration but it will not affect until we not reboot to reboot cisco router i will type command reload r-e-l-o and i press tab it will complete automatically i will press enter you say you want to continue reload i press enter again now this router is going to restart it will take couple of minute i am going to fast forward this video and i will back when reboot is completed now here is it our device reboot is completed and the always the first command we put enable here you can see the device hostname is change to router before it is network router so it show me the old configurations are gone the first thing we have to go privilege mode for that we have to type the command config t press enter now we inside the privilege mode i want to change the host name of this router from router to something that i remember or where i use for example i put hostname home router like i will use this at my home so i will type home router enter and immediately it will take the effect it will change from router it will change from router to home router now you know the topology diagram as per topology diagram the interface was ethernet 0 0 going to connect my huawei router at my home so i will login to interface fast ethernet 0 0 first and i will assign the ip for that i will go interface fast ethernet 0 0 enter now i will give the ip address to this interface for that i will type the command ip address i want to give the ip from the same subnet to my huawei router here you can see it is 192.161.1 so on interface first ethernet 0 0 i will give ip address and the same subnet enter and this interface is connected to my van or my home router so i will type the command ipnet outside so here the net will happen outside enter now i will type command exit so the configuration through fast ethernet zero slash zero is completed now the second interface is first ethernet zero slash one this interface is going to connect my cisco switch first zero slide 48 port now i'm going to interface fast ethernet zero slash one i will type command interface first ethernet zero slash one and type enter now i need to assign the ip address to this interface also but from a totally different network as per ips scheme you can see i will assign 192 1600.1 to this interface subnet 255.255.25 and enter and here the netting will happen inside so i will type command ip net inside press enter and no shutdown so i will not shut down this port to make sure this port is enabled i type exit i press enter a couple of enter now i need to give a static route i want to forward all traffic to the gateway to my huawei router or isp router to check the ip address of my isp router i connect my laptop to isp router and i will see the gateway there right now it is connected through wi-fi so i will go to wi-fi properties go to wi-fi or lan cable how you currently depend double click and here you can see the gateway of your isp router close i need to route all traffic to this gateway so i will use a command ip root like any ip address and from any subnet 0.0.0 the separate and i will give the gateway 192.168 this is my isp device ip press enter now to check my ip root i will use command show ip root ah okay it will not work because we in privilege mode if you want to use show command in privilege mode we need to type do in start of the command and then we will type show command anything show ip route enter and here is it here you can see the static root it will go to 1.1.1 all ip does go there and we give interface 192.171.2 and a second interface we create on fast and zero slide one is one nine two one six zero hundred dot one we configure on our first run zero slash one port i will go exit i like to ping my gateway i will type the command ping 192.168.1 as per the ip screen here you can see the gateways 1.1 and we successfully able to ping the gateway till now i configure the two interface and i assign the ip address to both interface i can check with the command show ip interface brief and enter so here you can see i have an interface fast and zero slash zero and the ip address is 1.2 and the status is up and protocol up and the second interface is faster than zero slash one i give the ipad as 100.1 and straight is up and protocol also up now i need to give the dns server so i don't have a dns server so i give the google dns server for that i will go to the privilege mode first and now i will type the command ip name server and the google dns server is this is the primary server and the secondary server is press enter and exit till now we configure the both interface in this router and we give the static route also toward our isp router and we configure the dns server also now i try to ping some website for example i will go to ping yes successfully we can ping i can go to ping so it's a proof the internet is working on my router or till my router now i want to connect the switch to this router and i have to configure the switch also after that i will configure some static routing in the router again and i will create access list and i will permit some subnet as per switch configuration or switch vlan or that traffic will be forwarded to internet from this router now this console cable i'm going to remove from router and i will connect to the cisco 3550 switch so now i connect my console cable to console port of my switch 3550 first command i will go to enable i like to make sure this switch is on factory setting or there should be no old configuration so to check that i will type a command show ip interface brief so i will see on any interface b yes here i can see the enter wheel and one have some ip addresses also i can use a command show vlan i will enter so i use a command show vlan and here i can see the multiple vlan exists so it's mean this switch is already configured to delete the old configuration i will use a command erase startup config and i press enter you want me to confirm press and confirm again so this command is existing configuration except the vlan because the vn is not store in startup config file to delete the vlan i use a command delete flash vlan dot that so with an information store in vlan.that file in the flash memory so user command delete flash vlan.that press enter you want to delete and press enter again so you want to confirm again press yes so now our configuration and the vlan information deleted i am going to reload this suite you say you modify no just reload confirm the reload will take couple of minutes like two to three minutes i am going to fast forward this video and when the complete the restart cycle i will come again after that we will start the configure this switch as per our network topology okay now switch complete the reload and it's restarted now first command always you know we put enable now i want to see the old configuration still exist or gone i will use the command show ip interface brief and here you see before we have some couple of vlan and they have ip addresses but that is gone now so it's mean they delete the old configuration command show v then before there are some vlans like 100 200 and that is gone now there's only one wheel and the default winner so we make sure the switch is on factory setting now so we're going to start configure the switch now we have to go to privilege mode i will use the command config tree so we log into the privilege mode the first thing we will give the host name to the switch home switch i will use at my home so i know this so here you see it will take immediate effect before the name is switch and now is home switch hostname is changed so this is the ip scheme diagram here you can see my 3550 switch interface fast ethernet 0 48 i have to assign the ip address from the same subnet as i assign on the router side and that is 1 and 2 168 100.2 now i will login to this interface i will use a command interface fast ethernet 0 48 now we have to make this port as a layer 3 port so i can assign the ip address so we need to use the command no switch port press tab it will complete automatically press enter now this is layer 3 port i can assign the ip address so i will type command ip address and subnet is and plus i have to put a command no shutdown if this port is disabled and type exit and now next thing is i have to forward all traffic to the router port that connected to this zero slash 48 port so i use a command ip root i don't want to forward any specific segment i want to forward all traffic so i will type any iep and all subnet and the router i p or first so i will forward all traffic from this switch to 100.1 ip address press enter now if i try to ping the router ping ping 192.168 dot 100 first i try to reach the router first ethernet zero slash one that is 100.1 press enter oh we in the privilege mode we have to type do in the start to this command press enter yes so from this switch we can ping the router for ethernet zero slash one port now the next step is can we ping the internet router or no if i want to check that is 192.100.1 no because we still not allow this router to root the traffic or the route this subnet 192 100.1 to the internet that part will do later now i need to create a multiple vlan in the switch here you can see the network diagram i have multiple vlan win and 10 within 20 and vlan 30 so i need to create this vlan so for that i use the command vlan first winner i will create vlan 10 and i can give the name of this vlan is pc so i will connect all pc to this port and exit so the vlan 10 is created now next we run 20 and i am going to connect my wi-fi here so i will give the name for example wi-fi exit third vlan i will create vlan 30 and the name i can give a printer i will connect the printer here that's it exit and exit again now we come out from the privilege mode i want to see this vlans are created or no i will use the command show vlan so here is it i use a command show vlan and here you can see there is a vlan one that is default vlan or native vlan we called next i create a three winning villain 10 20 and 13 that is created with the specific name what i give pc wi-fi printer but you can notice here all interface still under vlan 1 or native vlan and these vn don't have any interface now we want to assign the interface to this vlan for that we have to go to privilege mode i will type command config t press enter now i will assign the interface one by one or i can assign the interface in the range command also i will use the range command so i will type interface range fast ethernet 0 1 minus 16 so first 16 port will take the effect of this configuration the first thing this switchboard should be access so i will use command switch port more access next i will assign this access port to specific winner so i will use command switch port xs vlan so i give this first 16 port to vlan 10 and will go exit next win and 20 i will use my interface range for ethernet 0 17 till 32 again i need to make this switchboard as excess so i will use command switch port mode access enter and switchboard access wheel and 20 exit and the third wheel is vlan 30 interface range fast ethernet zero slash 33 till 42 enter again i need to make this port of the access port so for that i use command switch port mode access now i will assign this access port to vlan 30 that's it exit again from privilege mode till now i create the vlan and i assign the interfaces also to this village to check that i will use the command show vlan enter now you can see the default vlan on native will not have a very less interfaces because we will take it and some interface we assign to vlan 10. some interface we assigned to vlan 20 and some interface we sent to vlan 30 now we need to assign the ip address to each vlan to communicate to assign the ip address to the vlan we again we have to go to privilege mode configuring interface vlan 10 as per the ip scheme here you can see the vlan 10 i assign the ip address so i put a command ip address and the subnet mask is and no shutdown exit next interface vlan 20 i will assign the address as per the ip scheme and the and now shutdown exit next is vlan 30 so i will use a command interface vlan 30 and i will assign the ip address and the subnet is enter and now exit now i will exit from privilege mode i want to see the interfaces so i use a command show ip interface brief enter so here you can see your all physical or virtual interface this is the vlan win and one winner 10 vlan 20 and 30 and each villain vlan 10 we assign the ipad 10.10.1 vlan2010.10.20.1 and vlan 30 we assigned 10.10 30.1 status of the vlans are up but protocol is down because still we did not connect any device to these vlan and we have interface faster than zero slash 48 also we assign the 192 1600.2 and here you can see this is a switchboard the status is up and protocol also up because this interface already connected to my router first ethernet zero slash one port to enable the intra vlan routing we need to use a command ip routing privilege mode first i will use one config and i will type here ip routing that's it this is the magical command that allow you to inter communicate between the vm on the same switch from vlan 10 to 20 and 20 to 30 without a router now we have to create a dhcp pool for each vlan when i connect the pc any port in vlan 10 or vlan 20 or vlan 30 so they will get the ip address from that dhcp pool automatically so for that i use a command ip dhcp pool now we have to give the name i put a question mark here you can see we have to give the name of the pool we can type anything like this pool for my server or my printer or wi-fi for me i will give a vlan number so i know this is for win and 10 or vlan 2013 for example i will write 10 so this pool is for vlan 10 enter to create a dhcp pool the first command is network we have to define the network i will write network and subnet is the full subnet second i need to assign the gateway or the default root of this network only so for that the command is default root i will give the first ip address is the default route or the gateway now i need to give a dns server i don't have our own or private server but i can use the google server for that i will use the command dns server the google server is 8.8.8 space the first one is primary server and the second one is the scanner server enter and that's it exit same thing i have to do for vlan 20 and vlan 30 also so i use a command ip dhcp pool for vlan 20 i use the name 20 i need to define the network the network is 10.10. and the subnet255 two five five two five five i will assign the full subnet and default gateway is and dns server is the google server candy server is enter that's it so second is before created now i will create a third pool for that i will use command ip dhcp pool three zero like for win and thirty and i have to define the network two five five two five five two five five dots with the full subnet and the default route is this is the gateway default route dns server is same google server enter and exit exit again from problem till now you know we configure our first and zero swap 48 port and we assign the ip address accordingly 192 1600.2 also we create multiple vlan 10 20 and 30 and we assign the ipdus to each vlan plus we assign some interfaces to each vlan also we create dhcp pool for each vlan when we connect our end device the laptop or pc to any interface of the switch it will get the ip address automatically from dhcp port now we go to com put a command show run so we see the configuration in our switch here you can see we create a dhcp pool what's the network default route and dns r1 plus here you can see the interface zero slash one this is belong to vlan 10 so as per the ip scheme you can see we configure our interface for ethernet 048 and we create the vlan 10 20 and 30 and we assign the ip address to each vlan and we assign the interfaces to each vlan also we create the dhcp pool for vlan 10 vlan 20 and vlan 30 so switch site configuration is finished now i connect my console cable to cisco router first i need to put enable command i go to enable mode now i will go to the config what i have to do in cisco router now i have to give the static route as per my ip scheme for that i will write a command ip route this is vlan 10 subnet and it will come from 192. sorry dot 160 dot 100.2 my switch side faster than zero 48 port i will press the upper arrow so same command will come only i have to change the network ip 10.2.0 and subnet and the default route will remain same and again i press the up arrow and 30.0 and that's it that static route is complete i can check this from the command show ip root so here you can see the static root that i put 100 10 20 and 30 via 100.2 ip okay now we go to configuration mode and i have to create a access list for that i use a command ip xs list standard it should be standard list and any word or any name i can give this list that i can remember for example i say this is the permit list i permit this network or you i can say my local network or anything for example i will give the number 1 for this list i will write permit and i press the question mark it will say type the wildcard wildcard is opposite to subnet subnet we write two five five two five five two five dot zero but here we type zero dot zero dot zero dot two five five so full network of 100.1 is permit second i need to give permission to the vlan 10 vlan 20 and vlan 30 also enter now i press up arrow only and i can change only the network ip 10.20.0 and 30. 0. that's it now i create access list that name is 1 and exit now i need to allow this all traffic to go to fast ethernet zero zero for that the command is ip net inside and i have to give the source that list one i create or you can give the name what you give the success list i give the name one so i put one here and it will go to interface fast ethernet 0 0 interface of the router overload and that's it now my all subnet can communicate to each other and they can go to the internet also exit the most important thing is to save this configuration in the router and in the switch side for that i use a command copy running config space startup config and enter okay now my configuration save in the router now i want to save this configuration in my switch also now i'm going to remove this console cable from my router and i will connect to my switch control port here is it now i'm in my switch i will go to enable first i want to save the configuration message also i will type copy running config startup config and enter finish now we complete our configuration and we save it in our switch and the router successfully we complete all configuration step by step in cisco router and switch now it's time to test it here is my testing laptop i put my laptop here i'm going to connect this laptop in vlan 10 vlan 20 and vlan 30 in cisco 3550 switch and i will get the ip from the dhcp pool of each vlan after that i will try to browse the internet and i will check internet is working oh no on the back side you can see this is my isp router it is connected to my cisco router 2800 series and cisco router for ethernet zero slash one port connect to my cisco switch fe 0 48 port now i bring this cat6 cable one and i'm going to connect this lan card this external lan card because this pc don't have built-in anchor second i'm going to connect in vlan 10 anyone here i couldn't on port 14 now i go to my laptop lan card and i will check i will get the ip from vlan 10 or no yes here you can see i got the ip 10.10.10 so it's mean my dhcp pool is okay my confirmation is okay and it give me the ip from the dhcp pool now i try to browse some internet i go to my browser i go to youtube i go to facebook i go to internet is working very fine from the vlan 10 from the switch now i'm going to connect this cable vlan 30 here is it now i'm going to check in my laptop lan card the ip should be changed it should be from vlan30 i disable it and enable again we'll wait couple of seconds yes now ips change in this pc is 10.30.2 it's me now i got the ip from the vlan 30 i go to some website it's working fine from vlan 30 also so my internet service is okay now i'm going to remove this cable and close it now i'm going to connect my pc via wi-fi here is it i configure this access point already this access point i configure already and i give the name to as my youtube channel cisco config i just connected done now my pc connected via wi-fi i go to wi-fi card this time and i will see which ip we receive open it now i got the ip from vlan 2010.100.20.4 so it's a proof over all vlans are working fine and we have the internet service from the each vlan now i go to browse from vlan 20 that's it another thing i want to see the root of the traffic what is taking so for that i will go to the command prompt i will put a command trace root in my pc tray ce rt trace route i will give any website like enter now here we can see the root of the traffic what is taking so here you can see the traffic route i've traced to the and you can see the packet is going to my vlan 20 gateway 10.20.1 and then it forward to my router gateway what we configure as that router fast ethernet zero slash one port and then this traffic pass to my isp router on my fast ethernet zero slash zero port one and two one six at one dot one and then it go to my isp so this is the traffic route it will take and our all vlans are okay and our router and switch configurations are fine like this you can configure at your home or your office internet as per your vlans or as per your ip scheme you can use any ip scheme but the commands are same and you can configure your office or home internet easily on cisco router and you can use it thank you for watching my video i hope so you like it so please don't forget to subscribe and like my channel i am waiting for your comments for next video
Channel: Cisco Config
Views: 28,099
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: connect cisco router & switch to isp home router and access internet, connect cisco home lab to internet, cisco home network setup, cisco router configuration, configuring cisco router for internet access, how to setup a network switch and router, connect cisco switch to home router, how to access cisco switch, cisco putty, cisco 2800 series router specifications, cisco, router, configure, configure cisco router 2800 Series, isp to cisco router, lab router configuration cisco
Id: aNwxDNWj1LE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 55sec (2635 seconds)
Published: Thu May 27 2021
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