Checking Out some Cisco Routers

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hello everyone I'm Jacob cow and I'm the nerd of the street and today we are taking a look at two Cisco routers [Music] alright guys so last week my buddy Michael should know who has helped me out with a lot of nirn of the street productions in the past texted me asked me if I wanted a couple of old Cisco routers both of us went to school for networking learning how to configure these things basically and this is the equipment that runs the internet you know routers and switches made by big huge companies like Cisco and I told them sure I'll take a couple Cisco routers Cisco equipment in general is very very pricey because they sell to huge companies like Internet service providers and very large corporations with very expensive networks you know cisco owns some other brands like Linksys for home and small office equipment and cisco does have some small business product lines but a lot of their equipment including this equipment is many thousands of dollars when its brand new however this equipment is years old apparently one of Michael's friends works at a company that was upgrading their network and so they were throwing out a lot of these and so some of them were dispersed to employees who wanted them and from there they made their way in this case to me now Cisco routers in case you're not aware they run an operating system called iOS yes it sounds just like the operating system on Apple devices Cisco IOS was around long before Apple's iOS it stands for Internet work operating system and it's a command line based operating system which is one of the things that pushed me towards Cisco in the first place at the college that I went to all the configuration is done from a command line and it's not as nice of a command line as Linux has you know it's not as good as bash but it does have some features that make it fairly easy to use auto completion and things like that so here today we've got first of all the two routers themselves and one of these is a Cisco 1900 series router the other is a 2800 series and the 2800 is actually older than the 1900 we'll look at the exact model names and numbers in a minute but I'm going to be taking look around these cuz I just got them I haven't looked at them much aside from just dusting them off and then I've also got here Michael and I stopped by monoprice because I had never had any of these in person you know I just I I actually my job is almost exclusively dealing with this kind of equipment but I have never owned a piece of this equipment myself so I didn't have any way to connect into here like I said it's a command line operating system but how do you access that command line once you get these things configured you can SSH into them but in order to get to that point you need to be able to connect directly into them with a console connection an actual analog console connection and for that we picked up for one thing a console cable here which is going to go from the rj45 console connector to a 9-pin console connector and we'll take this out of the bag in a moment and then of course none of my computers have a 9-pin console connector because all my computers are much newer than that and so I also picked up a 9-pin console to USB converter and I did do a quick google search while we were standing in monoprice and this thing supposedly does work with Linux so we'll see how that works in a couple minutes here first though I'm really excited to actually see these things you can see they are flat fairly large but I'm actually gonna bring the camera in just a little bit closer I'm gonna zoom it in so you can see them a little better alright so I know I had the 19-hundred on top here but we're actually gonna look at the 2800 first because it's the older one I'm personally more excited about the 1900 so we'll save the best for last this bigger one this is a full-size rack mount piece of equipment you see if I pick this up and turn it around here we've got these two things sticking off of either side of it and this is so that you can slide it into a rack and then screw it in with four screws or two screws in some cases and you can have a rack full of just networking equipment or you can have a rack with a router and a switch and some servers now personally I'm not a fan of racks I'm not a fan of rack mounted equipment at all because I don't own any racks you know and I don't have a need for that many different physical devices this kind of form factor does not make sense to me Michael's got some rack mount servers and I think he might actually have a rack in his bedroom that he puts equipment in but I don't soak like this it's just very big it's got a big desk footprint you know it takes up a lot of space but it's annoyingly short and you know fairly heavy so not a fan of form factor but that's pretty much how all cisco equipment is once you get into the higher end stuff so what you're looking at right now Cisco equipment especially the rackmount stuff doesn't necessarily have a front or a back but I would call I guess what you're looking at right now the back and I actually have to stand up and look over here to see what I'm pointing at it looks like over here we've got a plate that we can remove to access some of the internals of this thing over here we have four H wick slots these are basically expansion slots that you can put more features into the router with more ports more whatever you can see there is a t1 port that has been inserted into one of these slots these used to be used to add things like serial slot serial ports to devices but serials not quite as popular as it used to be over here on the left side we've got our two actual Ethernet ports so unlike your home router that is actually doing you know a few different functions routing switching it's being a wireless access point this router is just meant to be a router and it's meant to be a really good router but it's not meant to be a switch so it doesn't have four ports or eight ports to connect a whole bunch of different devices to all that this thing is supposed to do is route between two different networks and you're gonna plug one of those networks in right here and the other one in right there now of course this device has a t1 slot so maybe if you've got a t1 connection to your internet service provider you can plug that in here and have two internal networks running off the router but for the most part you're not going to be plugging computers into this thing you're going to be plugging this into a switch that's going to have a whole lot of different ports feed a plug more than one computer into those computers will be on the same network connected by the switch and the router sits between that network and other networks advertises the routes and things like that so one of these ports is labeled Fe 0 1 and the other is Fe 0 0 F e stands for Fast Ethernet now that's not actually that fast because fast ethernet is 100 megabits per second GE stands for Gigabit Ethernet and that's what the other router said so like I said that small their router with a lower model number is actually a newer and nicer piece of equipment than this one and both of them are devices that this company threw away so of course it's not going to be state-of-the-art or anything but you know depending on where you are and what your internet speed is you know here in st. Louis some places have gigabit internet available but I've never lived in a house that got more than a hundred megabits per second down usually we get way less than that like 30 or 40 megabits per second down so even though this is sort of antiquated equipment with fast ethernet ports that are limited to 100 megabits per second that's actually going to be still fairly useful for for projects today you know maybe once I've got my own house and I do have gigabit internet because you know I'm gonna have that once I do move out I might not want to use this for my home router but there are still plenty of places where it can be relevant so yeah this thing is in fairly good shape you know all the screws they still turn none of them have been dented in or anything there are a few scratches on the top of this thing but that's about it I'm over here on the right you can see there's a little bit of writing here with a marker that says existing router and you know I can confirm this is an existing router so I decided not to wipe that off of there you can see here there used to be a sticker with probably the name of this device within the company's network that's been torn off over here we've got the actual Cisco model number and serial number and all that or at least model number I don't really know what those mean it looks like there is a serial number there but this is a 28 11 rowdy you can see right there on the far right side it would be for you guys so yeah that is what this side of device looks like the top of it you can see like I said completely flat because you're supposed to stack a whole bunch of these things on top of each other the bottom looks similar to the top except it's not painted the bottom does have a sticker on it here if we flip it around we can take a quick look at that caution just stuff about the power supply all that normal stuff you get on computer equipments and if we put the thing back right-side up you can see the sides are also empty save for some vents for the fans which are very loud because they're so small they have to spin very quickly that's another reason I don't like rack-mounted quick because of how loud it is but here we can take a look at the quote unquote front of the device of course the front in this case has the power plug which normally the power plug is in the back of you know desktop computers and whatnot but it does have a power plug and it's got the switch on the power supply nice that the power supply at least has a switch because I have seen rackmount devices in the past that don't even have a switch on the power supply if you want to turn them off you literally just have to unplug them or cut power with you know an external switch but this thing does have a power switch standing up again here we'll see there's sort of this nice plastic design on here making it look sort of cool it is a very antiquated design you can definitely tell this thing was you know made a decade or so ago based on those colors and everything I'm actually gonna come around the desk here to read this better what does this say this says redundant power supply connection only hmm I I don't know what that means these devices can definitely have redundant power supplies so you can have more than one PSU the reason you would want that is because sometimes these things do fail and in an enterprise environment if one power supply fails you don't want it to take the device down maybe you've got two different circuits in your building and you've got each power supply plug it into one circuit so that a circuit tripping doesn't take the device down but looking further down this thing this is just a bunch of empty space where I guess the other power supply might be OPA label here it says yeah I can feel that this thing is empty behind here so then over here we've got our console port and this is where we'll actually plug in to configure the device when we first turn it on below it is an aux port auxiliary port that is for remote access you can actually set these things up with a dial-up modem basically so that if your network goes down you can call in to your router to reconfigure it if you need to because once again if this is sitting in a closet at some other building and some other city in your huge company you might not be able to just walk up to it with a console connector on a laptop and plug into it you might need remote access and so that's what the aux ports for we do have two USB ports and that's helpful for getting iOS loaded onto here once you're up and running you can use SCP or FTP to get files onto these devices but of course once again if you don't have connectivity then you're just going to have to use a USB Drive and then finally way over on the Left we've got this says compact flash do not remove during network operation now this actually this slot looks empty which is unfortunate I guess that means there's no flash card in this specific slot yeah this is the the button I think to remove the flash if there is something in there so that's empty now I'm wondering if there's internal flash I would expect there to be an internal boot flash inside of this thing to hold you know iOS for one thing and also to hold your saved configuration your startup configuration because on a Cisco device everything runs off of flash setting this thing down again here man rack mount devices are such a pain on a Cisco device there are no hard drives everything is running off of flash because with networking every millisecond counts and we don't ever want to be waiting on a hard drive to spin so Cisco devices were on flash years before SSDs were common now that flash is pretty prone to breaking and it's also very expensive so that's why everything wasn't using flash back when Cisco started using flash storage the flash storage and these things is also incredibly small because of how expensive it is but what you do is you've got your running configuration stored in your RAM obviously and then you save your startup configuration to flash that way when the device starts up it reads it from the flash which is also called env RAM or non-volatile Ram and you know the more that I'm talking here about the those terms the more I'm realizing I learned the distinctions between those in school but in practice at my job we just say it's stored on the flash we don't worry about the you know envy RAM or whatever so I'm gonna go with practice so that is this device so that's cool now I'm gonna take this off the table for a second man this thing is huge and heavy and here's the device that like I said I am more excited about and this thing is quite a bit lighter and smaller but it is newer and this thing is actually not end of lie yeah that other device that just got done showing you cisco actually doesn't even support that other one anymore this one cisco has stopped selling it is end of sale but this one is not end-of-life they have not stopped supporting it yet so i've just zoomed in the camera a little bit more cuz this thing is smaller so we have a little more space to work with and this thing is not a rack mount piece of equipment thankfully this is actually a you know a shelf piece of equipment you can set it on top of a rack mounted device or you can just set it on a shelf or you know wherever I'm not sure how loud this one's gonna be probably still fairly loud but this is what the back of it looks like and in this case everything all the ports are on the same side of the device so if I stand up again here to look around we do have our power supply here with a switch to turn it on and off this is a 1921 device specifically by the way some kind of power over ethernet connector right there it looks like not sure what that is this is a Kensington lock port which it makes sense you're not gonna be Kensington locking every single device in a rack but if this is just sitting on a shelf this thing was definitely expensive when it was first purchased so you would want to lock it down so somebody can't just walk out with it this one only has one USB port which is perfectly fine of course you're not going to use that thing very often anyway and when you do you really only need one slot this device because it is newer you can see here it says GE 0 0 and GE 0 1 so like I said that is Gigabit Ethernet 10 times faster than the other one here's our aux connector and our console connector there this device actually even though it only has one USB type a port I am seeing now actually a mini USB port right there not micro USB but mini USB like you see on digital cameras so that's interesting that that is there and finally this one also has this only has 2 H weak slots unlike the 4 expansion slots and the other one in fact you can see it says eh wick here which i think is enhanced or extended H wick I'm not sure off the top of my head but just a newer name for it same type of huge screws on these and this one also does have a t1 connector there so if you're in an enterprise environment maybe you use that to connect to ISP of course if you're just at home you're going to plug your ISPs modem into one of these Gigabit Ethernet ports and you're gonna plug your switch into the other one looking at the camera there we go there's where the ports are sitting down here cuz my back was starting to hurt from standing up and bending over the table looking at this thing if we look at the sides of it we do still have fangirls which once I said I'm expecting them to be fairly loud when we turn them on you definitely don't want this thing sitting right next to a microphone if you're recording a video or anything like that but then here's the quote-unquote front of this device which looks much sleeker than the other one you know darker color scheme not sure if you can see that sort of it's not a honeycomb design they've gotten there but it's it's something similar with those angled lines and really not a lot on this side just some lights because this one obviously the rack mount you're gonna want to access both sides of your rack so you got some stuff plugged in one side some stuff plugged in the other and you can actually spin the mounts on that other one around to mount it either direction within iraq based on your preference of which porch needs to access more often but this one you're going to set them on a shelf everything's gonna be plugged in back here your power your Ethernet everything and then the front of it is just gonna have a couple lights you can see right here on the bottom of it we have a system indicator light which I assume would blink based on you know if there are errors or whatever going on with booting we have a an activity light which is going to be probably blinking four-link activity or something like that and then we have a power over ethernet indicator to indicate if we're giving out power over ethernet I guess like I said never never seen one of these in person of this model actually I may have seen one in a classroom but the ones I ssh into at work are you know miles and miles and miles away from me so I don't get to interact with them physically on a daily basis we do have a sticker on the bottom of this one with our regulatory information as well for many different countries and this one does have feet on the bottom once again confirming that this is a shelf unit although there are also screw holes here that you can use to hang this thing on a wall if you want to and I have seen setups like that in the past with equipment of the sighs so yeah that is the devices themselves all right so at this point I'm loading them both back onto the desk here sorry I'm you know my audio setup here I'm actually gonna be getting a new microphone being sent to me from a company that is uh head Warren soon so for videos like this I won't have to have one sitting on the desk but my lapel mic would have been getting in the way here bending over this stuff so putting the devices back on the table though and as long as you can hear me over all that noise then we can go ahead and get started with taking a look at what's actually on these things I've got my laptop here my servo workstation from system76 and we are going to break open these accessories and we'll see if they work with Linux so I will fire up my screen recording software oh by the way this smaller device says on the top of it it's got a sort of imprinted there Cisco inset into the metal which is pretty neat and once again they wouldn't done that on a rack mount device because you never would have seen it but since this goes on a shelf they just threw it in there so yeah let's go ahead and we'll open up this one first and I know this is gonna work because this is a super simple just wiring thing this is an rj45 to db9 connector an rj45 male to db9 female which are both serial connectors so it's not actually doing anything with the signal it's just passing it over wires and the wires are just sort of set up differently on both sides they're just ordered differently but we'll just take this cable out of the bag take the twisty tie off of it this is the standard colour for console cables if you're wondering at least from what I've seen so this small end is what goes into the router and then this larger end is what we're gonna plug into either your computer if your computer actually has a db9 port or in our case we'll plug it into our adapter so what I want to do in this video is see what version of iOS are on these and if it's older than the newest version available for them the iOS versions are actually available for download for free from Cisco if you have a website account with them which I do I've actually got two accounts I've got one personal account that I made for my Cisco certifications that I can also use to access their downloads I also have my work account which I will be logging into here but the downloads for the OS are handled separately from the licensing licensing comes from a special file that will go on them and basically I'm stuck with whatever licensing is on these already I can't upgrade licensing they don't even list prices for that you know you have to have a Cisco account representative to purchase licensing but the license tells the OS what features you can use and iOS is proprietary if you're wondering I have been looking into freedom respecting and open source networking equipment and networking operating systems you know Linux can do a lot of the things that iOS does and in many cases it does it just as well honestly having a proprietary OS just to run a piece of networking equipment is becoming very very antiquated very quickly but as of right now as of 2019 the majority of yeah I would I would go so far as to say the majority market share for networking equipment on the Internet is Cisco I would go out on a limb and say that so the license file tells the OS what features are available and it reads that at boot I believe so we can't touch the licensing but if there is an update of iOS version available we're gonna upgrade these to the maximum version assuming they're not you know they're they're like RAM requirements and things for certain iOS versions we don't want to slow them down too much but one of the larger projects I've been involved in at my day job actually was upgrading iOS on a large number of Cisco routers and switches so I am very familiar with that process so here's what the end of the console cable looks like very well made here just the star tech one and we are going to plug that into we'll start with the older device once again we'll save the best for last plug that in right there didn't go in super easy but it went in all right I am gonna go ahead and plug in I've got a power cable over here this is just your standard three prong u.s. just like your desktop computer would use for its power supply so we'll plug that in and it turned on I'm gonna turn it off because as you heard right there it was very loud and I'm not ready yet for it and in case you're wondering to turn these things off you really do just cut the power there is no shutdown the operating system does not even have a shutdown command it's got a reload command but there is no shutdown command it's all running in flash so as long as you save what you want to save before you shut it down you really do just cut power and that's how you turn them off so here's the other thing I bought which is the db9 - USB connector it will take our analog serial connector and turn it into USB digital I'm seeing on the bag this is actually well it says it's compatible with USB 2.0 and 3.0 but it supports USB 1.1 so this is actually a USB 1.1 device which is perfectly fine that's how all these things are and I did just have to run to the other room and grab a scissors and slice this thing I don't have my normal knife with me here but we'll pop this box open got the tab open now alright just tear in the box for this thing up hope I don't have to return it as long as it works I won't so we just got a trade that came in the box there's some papers underneath it here looks like we've got a CD drive which I can guarantee you the drivers on this thing are not for Linux well TRENDnet there's a very very small chance there might be a linux driver but I don't want to get to that point you know I wanted to just be supported in the kernel we've got a warning here so this product can exposes the chemicals including lead which is known to the state of California to cause cancer and BPA Thank You California for the warnings excellent state California and here we've got our safety note with a bunch of other languages of stuff inside of there so also gonna set that off to the side here is a quick installation guide I if it's anything more than plug and play I'm gonna be disappointed step one is install driver step two and three are plugging it in so we're gonna we're gonna try this I'll actually need to see what program I need to install on Linux cuz normally I use putty on Windows but of course I don't have putty installed on Linux because normally when is sh2 just stuff Linux just has SSH okay so we've got USB here I'm gonna plug that into my system 76 servo workstation on the other side and and reaching the cord over here I am just going to plug in our db9 connector and screw it in and then we'll start the screen recording which is gonna be the more interesting part of the rest of the video for you guys okay so we've got that all set up console cable is hanging out there just put it down there and I have just moved my microphone a lot closer to me so might have to adjust the audio level but I think this will be easier to hear me once I do start the routers up as well simple screen recorder is now running so here's audacity which I'm using to record my audio and there's simple screen recorder I'm using for video and I'm gonna make a quick start page search Linux connects to console ports I have never done this on Linux before you know the school that I went to the college I went to was using Windows on their computers my work uses Windows and Mac OS on their computers but we don't really console ourselves into devices at work alright next craft usually has some good stuff for me all right do we have see you installed see you command not found can we install it no screen I fairly certain we have nope but we can get that right yes this is a good new tool I use this often on servers ok so we're gonna do d message egress - - color we don't really need that but serial pipe ttyS all right so here's our USB serial port it is detected cool and we've only got one maybe this will be simple for us so I'm going to run screen dev TTY s 0 will try screen is terminating ok what do we have in dev ttys Oh TTY USB 0 is what we want all right dev TTY USB 0 screen is terminating ok okay there we go I ran it with sudo and it worked so I guess because the dev TTY device is owned by root it was uh it wasn't working because I was trying to access it for my standard user account so I'm sure there are ways we could fix that for now it's just my laptop so we'll leave it using root and here we are in with a console connection now if I hit enter we're not gonna see anything because we're obviously the device is turned off we're not connected so at this point I'm gonna flip the switch and here is Cisco IOS starting up you can hear that loud router I'm gonna push that a little bit away from the microphone hopefully that helps and you can see we are reading and we're in Raman okay tell me that we don't have iOS tell me that [Music] compact flash not present okay I was a little afraid of that so it appears since we don't have a flash how much can you guys hear me right now yeah is this okay so you should still be able to hear me over the noise so cisco iOS devices they've got something called raman which is the ROM on this device it can be upgraded so it's not actually ROM but it's like the BIOS it starts up the machine it's stored on an internal chip inside of here probably on a logic board somewhere whereas iOS is stored on flash memory like I said before so if this thing doesn't have flash which it says compact flash not present then of course we're not gonna have iOS if we don't even have a drive that's like that's like trying to find an operating system on your computer if you don't have any hard drives or SSDs in it you know your BIOS isn't gonna have anywhere to boot let's do a dir dir all we can't do di are all in ROM on command-d are not found are a well cannot open device flash di our boot flash worked so maybe we do have something cannot access device okay so I think boot flash is what is what that slot actually corresponds to and of course it can't access it because there's not flash in there I think our console is frozen here okay I'm gonna go ahead and turn that thing off now that doesn't mean this router is trash we can get a USB Drive just you know super cheap USB Drive and plug it in and boot off of the USB because it's going to extract iOS into RAM I believe at least the parts it's using it's going to extract into RAM so the USB would not be a bottleneck on performance as far as I know how do I exit out a screen here there we go oh I just detached crap that's fine so yeah that one does not have flash so it doesn't have iOS we can go and get iOS I don't have a flash drive with me here I actually didn't see that coming I didn't look close enough to see that the flash slot was missing actually before I came over to this building earlier today which is obviously not my normal studio I'm at Northwest Electric Company right now which is a company that lets me use their office in exchange for providing some IT services for them which is a great setup this is just one of those videos where I would not have been able to have enough room to show this stuff off properly in my bedroom but of course the drawback is that this isn't where I normally am and so I don't have a flash drivers laying around here let's check the other device let's check out our 1900 series we'll plug in the console port here plug-in power and this one this one does not have a slot on the outside for flash so hopefully that means that they didn't have anything they could remove and this things about to boot up for us so we'll turn that on much quieter to start oh that is so much quieter and it is on I can see it the lights are on however are we gonna get in the output you know what I'm actually gonna turn that right back off because I think I'm using screen wrong screen screen - LS no sockets found okay screen - are no screen to be resumed screen dev TTY USB 0 and we need to run that as route of course okay so we're in the console let me verify I'm plugged into the right port here by the way earlier I talked about this micro USB or the mini USB sorry the mini USB port that's actually a USB console port the full-size USB is for loading files on but the the mini USB on this device that's a USB console port for connecting directly to it from a laptop or something because they know if you're purchasing this size of equipment you may not have your setup designed for analog console ports that's more common on newer devices that that's another example of this device is newer than a larger one so we're definitely in the the con support alright maybe it was just taking a minute I'm gonna turn it on again and it does it takes longer to even start at all once the fans do come on they are much less loud than the other one because if this is on a shelf once again in a small office you're not gonna want it that loud whereas in a rack it really doesn't matter so we'll see if we get any output here there we go okay read-only ROM mod initiated or initialed I don't know what that says alright so the moment of truth are we going to boot into iOS I see the system light is blinking green the activity light on this other side it is solid green iOS image load here we go we are D decompressing and Iowa's image I'll grab my phone and I'll record a few quick seconds I don't turn the whole thing around just to capture lights blinking but that is what we're doing on this side here of the device looks like system stopped blinking when we are in iOS that was a I guess signaling we were in Ramah but we are starting up iOS now I normally doesn't look like this from my experience booting up I don't know if that has to do with my console converter or I I have not counseled into this model of device before so maybe that's normal is this in another language no it's it's listing off its specs that might just have to do with how I've got you know if I can set up the software on my system to handle console connections better than just right now it's I guess reading in just raw data and parsing and however screen parse is it by default so you can see it is fairly slow to boot and that's fairly normal for these devices especially the routers the switches are a little bit quicker to come up routers usually do take a minute or two oh this is asking me do you want to enter the initial configuration dialog I'm gonna hit in for know what's it asking me now I can't tell what it was asking me there I I thought it was asking me do you want to enter the initial configuration dialog but then it asked me something else okay okay here we go here we go here we go okay we are in iOS our serial connector is performing terribly I don't know I'm gonna go ahead and put the second camera down here this is supposed to be giving me a new line every time I hit Enter but it's only giving me a new line every five or six times I hit enter okay so can yeah it's it's it's sort of working sort of don't know if I can you know unplug the console here and I don't know if there's something stuck in there if it's it might just be my system we'll try going in here again no we've only got one line it's interesting that I didn't really notice it being all that messed up with the older device it was just the 1900 that was doing that but yeah if I can get into it with a USB console cable it might still be a perfectly good router I am going to just plug this right back into the older router one more time and I'm gonna turn the old one on again just to validate that my console cable didn't break after I unplugged it the first time or something that is so loud we'll see if we get console output from this we did before so it should still be working not getting anything in putty now which is interesting maybe I didn't wait long enough trying to screen again oh hello okay that's actually great so the other ones not working now which means it wasn't the device it was I'm sitting here troubleshooting console connections and it's my console connection I just unplugged the USB and gonna you screen accident let me try plugging into another USB port to start with that's great to know that it wasn't my device um it was it was me and that's okay that works a lot better let's plug this into the newer router again whoo here I was like freaking out you guys have been sitting here with me I'll probably edit most of that out but I thought I had a busted router and it was actually my console connection so Linux drivers folks they are still iffy on old devices like console converters and adapters here we go now look how beautiful that looks all right our our newer router is working great you can see the older router was on version 12.4 and I don't know if that's a ROM on version because I thought the older one didn't have iOS but the newer one is on 15 dot oh all right well that yeah that is the ROM on version because we're still in ROM on now yeah here I was I I really thought I had a busted device there which would have been a shame but no this thing this is working perfectly fine I just fell for the oldest trick in the IT book and assuming that it's the network equipment that is malfunctioning when in fact it was some other piece of equipment that is not networking related all right so it looks like we have iOS version 15 point 1 4 15 1 4 m3 and cool here we go yeah I've seen this many times that is what it looks like when an iOS device boots up I am so happy that that is working it this thing is so quiet like I I can hear that there are fans moving but that's quieter than my desktop computer at home in fact yeah this thing is way quieter than my laptop here and it's a real beefy laptop but yeah this is this is very definitely designed to not make as much a rack mount device so it looks like we do have yep you can see two Gigabit Ethernet interfaces 255 kilobytes of non-volatile configuration memory looks like it it's got some so this is its flash internal I guess it calls it USB flash 0 would you like to enter the initial configuration dialog no would you like to terminate autumn install all right so this I is not on every model normally when I say no it in just exits but would you like to turn me that auto install yes I would boy I've been sitting here for quite a long time troubleshooting that on the iOS side when it was just my my console adapter so you can see things starting up here it says interface key bit Ethernet 0 0 and 0 1 change stated down because they're not configured right now USB flash 0 has been inserted it says serial 0 0 0 is the t1 I guess and that is currently changed state to down administrative lead áown they're all administrative lead out by default which means they're set to be down so I can hit enter a couple times and this is this is what iOS looks like iOS is a very easy-to-use operating system basically watch this I can I can question mark and I get available commands I mean you don't get that on bash that's for sure it's got a really simple pager it's like more not as advanced as less on Linux but it's it's pretty much just like more maybe a little simpler every now and then it will page out unless you you can turn paging off with terminal length 0 will turn paging off but we can enable there's no password by default we can config T and all these commands you'll see here iOS you can abbreviate commands as well so I just typed eat in for enable if I type tab it autocompletes it out to the full enable and at this point we're not looking at the router anymore so I'm just gonna move the cam and on me and I can do some kind of split-screen thing in post-production because now now we can have fun and look around this thing a little bit all right so if we go into configure terminal or config T as it's often short-handed too we can configure our router the first thing I usually do is set the name hostname I don't know what to call this thing I just realised we'll call it a 1921 because well that's a bad host name cisco 1921 that's a good host name all right so that you can see our prompt on the left has changed to reflect the new host name and you know it's always good to set that early on so that when you're configuring multiple devices simultaneously you can keep track of what device you're actually on at any given point by looking at your prompt if we exit out of here we can do a show Oh actually let's let's fix that first you see I was in the middle of typing and then it popped up another line underneath since we're on a console connection that doesn't happen on SSH but on a console connection that can kind of interrupt your typing we can do line console 0 is what we're connected to right now and we can run log logging synchronous to make it so that when we exit out of here and now if I start typing you can see it kept what I was typing it brought it down underneath the new line that the console connection popped in there so now we can do a show interface Gigabit Ethernet 0 0 and we can see the specs on that thing I'm actually gonna I'm gonna set terminal length 0 which only saves for the current connection to the router but you know on Linux I'm used to not having a page or unless I specify a pager so show interface Gigabit Ethernet at 0 0 and we can see it is administrative lead áown because it's set right now explicitly to be shut down we can plug something in and it would not come up line protocol is down so this is your high-level up/down this is your low-level up/down basically we've got our MAC address right here we can see how much bandwidth it's supposed to have a gigabit because it is a gigabit port you do have statistics for input and output errors which are always good to keep an eye on usually output errors indicate an issue with your device is hardware and input errors usually indicate an issue with whatever's on the other side of the connection because it's sending you junk but we can do a show interface can give it Ethernet zero one to take a look at the other gigabit port and you know it's basically the same port it's got a slightly different MAC address oh here we go now I can hit up oh no I can't I can scroll up to go through my command history that this is just my Oh since I'm in gonna screen it doesn't even keep my scroll history alright yeah that's not an iOS thing that just has to do once again with my my console connection setup here but if we do a show interface Gigabit Ethernet 0 0 and we can pipe and we've got some options here we can't do grep on this device some of the newer Cisco devices are actually the newer versions of iOS are based on Linux so you can use common linux commands like grep but these older iOS versions have their own syntax that's a little bit different you can see we can include is only going to show us lines that include the text we specify so address is and the include commands is you know after you press space after that it'll just do the rest of the line so you can put spaces you can put whatever you don't have to put in quotation marks so we'll run that same command with 0 1 we can see that the MAC address is literally one apart from those two ports which is neat we can also do a show interface serial 0 0 0 here and that is our serial interface so we can see these are all administrative lead down and we can see that by showing our running config now Cisco IOS is actually pretty neat because well it's very simple basically all of your configuration is stored in one file imagine that you know on Linux we got all kinds of configuration files iOS extremely simple it's one file and it's basically just a text file that is your entire operating systems configuration it tells the router everything that it's doing and that is in our running configuration so I can do a show run here and it's going to output now since I'm here in the new screen I should actually probably set my terminal length to the default again which I think is 50 so I can do another show we can page through here oh that's almost perfect isn't it let me do terminal length 48 40 45 let's try terminal length 45 and we'll do a show run perfect okay so we can see up here it's showing you your running config it tells you when your last configuration change was which in our case was just now the clock is actually set it's actually set almost correct it doesn't know that we're in daylight savings time well UTC wouldn't be affected by daylight savings time so it's just an hour off but the date is actually correct so I'm assuming there's a working seamos battery in this thing the iOS version we are on is fifteen point one which we will look that up in a moment to see how up-to-date that is these services are default things for our logging and debugging and whatnot you can see I set the hostname just a moment ago and config T so that shows up here in our running config everything you configure shows up well almost everything you configure it shows up in your running config the exceptions are limited especially on a router here we've got some licensing information and down here we have our interfaces so if I hit space one more time we've got interface Gigabit Ethernet 0 0 we saw before it was administratively down you can see right here this says shutdown we can actually go in here and no shut it and turn it on and it won't come up because it's not plugged in right now but we can do that and then shutdown with a longer appear in here so we'll do that in a moment you can see right now it has no IP address because we haven't configured one duplex and speed are both set to auto by default the serial port we can also set like speeds and things but it does not have an auto you can see we don't have the HTTP server running right now and actually we'll plug in a network cable here I've actually gotten an Ethernet cable that I can plug in between the router and my laptop just to get a local connection going you can see earlier I did config T and I said line con zero logging synchronous and that is right here so basically what you can do is you can run copy running-config Eurasian startup configuration and I'm not sure if that would work right now we might as well do it yeah so this device has a flash that can store configuration so at this point we can turn this router off and back on and it would still have the settings that I set the hostname the log sync because it would start from that start up configuration when it starts from startup-config I can do a show startup-config it's the exact same it's a copy the text file and basically what it's going to do is go through and just run all these commands one by one it's setting its parameters up it's going to set line con 0 which is going to autocomplete to line console 0 and it's gonna run logging synchronous and that's going to set that setting for the rest of the time that the device is powered on it's a single configuration file that is kept in sync while running config at least is kept in sync with the actual state of the configuration in the RAM so let's plug in an Ethernet cable here and this is just a cat5 cable it was just laying around here in the office but well plug one of these into you give it even at 0 0 the other one I am plugging in to my laptop right now and I'm going to go into network manager on my laptop and we're gonna create a new Ethernet connection and I'm just gonna set this well these things can run DHCP servers but I don't remember how to set that up off the top of my head so for now we're gonna do a manual addressing so let's set the router side first then I'll set my laptop so we're gonna config C and actually you can see the reason network manager didn't try to connect with one of my other Ethernet it actually it thinks Network manager thinks it's not plugged in anything right now it can't even see that it's plugged in because the port is shut it's you know it's not electrically sending any signals through that cable right now because it's turned off it's administrative lead out alright so we'll go into config T and we will go into our interface Gigabit Ethernet 0 0 and the first thing we'll do is give it an IP address before we know shut it will just IP address and I'm on a 192 Network right now I don't want to confuse my laptop here we'll do a 192 Network for simplicity we'll do and then we have to set the subnet address next which is 255 255 255 0 it doesn't have to be that it's just what I'm setting it because 192 is a Class C address and normally that's used with a slash 24 subnet address so if we hit enter now we can run regular commands while we're in config T with the do command I don't do this very often in practice but since I'm making a video I'll show you now if we do a show a do show running config alright and tab-completion doesn't work with with do but we'll do a show running config I could still use shorthand and it would be okay we'll pipe include actually know we'll do section interface Gigabit Ethernet 0 0 we'll run that and it's just gonna show us in fact I think I can do show running config interface Gigabit Ethernet 0 0 yeah it does the same thing you can see now our interface Gigabit Ethernet 0 0 in our running config text file it's got IP address and then our subnet mask where it used to say no IP address so it has updated that file and these two commands that I said did the same thing what I did the first time was I displayed the entire running configuration that I filtered it using the section command which is gonna just display one indented section of that text file the second time I did do show run in then I used interface which is actually a special command to just show the configuration on that interface so then it built the configuration of just that interface rather than building the entire thing and then filtering the output but now we have an IP address and at this point we can actually just type no shut or no shutdown I'll hit enter and my laptop's gonna see that connection you can see change state to down because the link has not been established hmm so my laptop is not giving me any options for an Ethernet network I am just going to complete the configuration here since the router is 1.1 will give the laptop 192 168 1 - gateway is going to be 1 6 a 1.1 which is the router nothing else will matter yet because we don't have anything else configured the router is not actually connected to the internet or anything alright so my laptop's still not seeing this thing as connected and we are on so we just configured Ethernet 0 0 if I do a show interface Gigabit Ethernet 0 0 it's down line protocol is down plug in one more time there so we do have a link light but we are down down this is gonna be real embarrassing if I can't get a single link working this might not be a good Ethernet cable since it's just one that I grabbed from somewhere in here I've got another one it's just really long so I didn't want to break it out but I will just to eliminate that as a possible issue so we'll plug in Ethernet to the laptop and to the router over here and we got a link light on the router here we go okay it was a bad Ethernet cable so once again I thought I was doing something wrong but this time it was the the cable that we were using so I just plugged that in and it says link 3 up down interface Gigabit Ethernet zero zero change state two up and lying protocol five up down line protocol and interface Skiba at zero zero change state two up so that's saying basically the the low level connection was made and the high level connection was made I can go in here and specify I want Ethernet connection 3 on my laptop which is the one we just set with the correct IP address so now I can do a show interface Gigabit Ethernet 0 0 and that's going to show that we are up up which is what we usually want I can also do a show IP interface Gigabit Ethernet 0 0 and that's going to show us IP related information for layer 3 we've got our IP address our broadcast address various options that we can set here I can do a show IP interface brief to show just a summary of all the ports on this thing you can see we've got our two Gigabit Ethernet SAR serial and there's one other port in here that could have an IP address that's embedded service engine 0/0 not sure what that is but you can see here Gigabit Ethernet 0 0 1 9 - 1 6 8 1.1 is up up so that's cool and now on my laptop I can open up another here and I'll put it up in the top left corner and I can ping and you can see I am getting a response in less than half a millisecond because it's plugged right in from the router I can also ping my laptop at 192 168 1 2 and you can see it very quickly sent 5 pings with a 100% success rate now that I've sent that ping I can do a show ARP to show our ARP table and you can see I ARP 4 192 168 1 2 and this is the hardware address of my laptop's Gigabit Ethernet port which if I do an IP address on my laptop we can see our Ethernet port has that MAC address that does match even though Linux puts a colon in between every 2 characters in a MAC address in iOS puts a dot in between every 4 characters in the MAC address the actual characters are the same so you can see that we looked up you know when we pinged from the router and actually it would have had to do that to respond to the pings before anyway it looked up what MAC address what layer to address has this layer 3 address and put it in our ARP table there you can do a clear IP ARP and we can type in 192 168 1.2 to clear that ARP entry from our table it came right back very quickly but that is a useful command sometimes when you're replacing a device but the new device has the same IP address is the old one sometimes on these iOS devices in some specific circumstances you can actually end up with outdated ARP entries so you've got a device plugged in with the correct IP address but traffic isn't reaching it because it's trying to go to the old MAC address you have to clear the ARP entry so what else can we do with this thing let's do a dir now so our our flash is called USB flash 0 if I do a dirt all we've got our system I think these are just virtual temps this is definitely a virtual file system here's our NVRAM which I did think we would have you can see nvram is where the startup config is stored so that's the difference between NVRAM and flash you can store backups of your configuration on your flash but NVRAM is a separate flash device in the router that store is your startup-config private config is probably gonna have passwords in it the other one the config that's not on Start config is on switches your VLAN information is stored in a separate file VLANs Det but this is a router so we won't see that but you can see our our USB flash you can also do dir on one specific file system to list anything in that file system that has our current iOS image which is C 1900 Universal 9mz SP a 151 - 4.3 been let's check I'm just curious if that's the latest iOS that we can have it was put on here in December 22nd 2011 so there might have been updates to this thing of course it's end of sale now not into life yet but end of sale so there might not be updates but we could have them so let's go - is it /downloads nope is it downloads Don nope I'm just gonna DuckDuckGo cisco downloads I didn't even spell it right but here we go we've got cisco download website so we are going to locate our product here and this is something once again that i've done at work quite a bit just making sure we're still recording because we've been going for quite a while here we want networking software and now see I don't want to select by software though so routers and this is a 1921 so this is an is our 1900 series integrated services router will click on that this is our specific Rowdy you can see it's in my history I looked it up on my desktop before and Firefox sucked my history so that link is purple but I was looking up the specs of this thing when Michael told me oh this is actually orderable this is not end of sale yet oh the the 19 some of the 19 probably the nineteen forty ones are still orderable the nineteen twenty one we can see here is end of sale but it's still supported if we click on the announcement the end of life is not until 2023 alright but we're looking for iOS so if we go to downloads here iOS software latest releases 15 8.3 let's go to all releases just to see what we got okay so latest releases 15.3 the recommended really latest recommended as 15.7 dot three we're currently running what are we running we're running fifteen dot 1.4 which is way back here yeah fifteen dot one dot four in three this is the image that we are running right now I can actually we can compare that with a checksum to verify but this is you can see they downloaded it on the 9th of December 2011 or they released it on the 9th and then they uploaded it here on December 22nd so they up they updated the router at the same month that came out of course that might have been when it shipped with on the other hand because that's pretty early on in the history here if I do a verify slash md5 on the C 1900 - needs to specify my filesystem USB flash 0 : /c 1900 now I can tap complete so now we can do an md5 checksum just to prove that we could actually redownload that exact file that's sitting on this thing from this company but then we will upgrade to a newer version which will be exciting all right so that md5 that did not take very long that starts with nine three nine six and ends in DF and if we look at our md5 on the website nine three nine six ends in DF so that is the same md5 checksum right there that is cool so this is definitely the correct page on the Cisco website - to download the new stuff so Cisco's these stars are for the Cisco suggested releases which are supposed to be you know stable and whatnot so the most recent suggested release was released on April 2nd 2019 and the most recent release total was released on April 4th two days later of this year they are still releasing updates for this that is very cool here's where we get our our little dilemma do I go with the recommended release or do I go with the latest release and I mentioned earlier we you know we might want to look up if we were using this you know in an enterprise environment we would look up the RAM requirements and the the CPU requirements for this specific 1919 21 model and compare it to the work for these specific versions of iOS but in my case I'm just you know I'm just playing around with it right now it's not in production yet what's the difference between an MD and an IDI release how to choose a Cisco Iowa software release I need this right now all right so M D stands for maintenance deployment which would be like a patch release II D is early deployment these releases provide both new features and new platform support in addition to bug fixes am DEA's maintenance deployment used to provide additional support for bug fixes and ongoing software maintenance so it really does just mean the MD as a patch release II D is like a feature release that has not been extensively tested yet you know what I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna download the latest recommend and release I can always go and upgrade it again later so we will download this okay and I download it I it might not let me without a Cisco login actually now that I think about it whoo oh no in order to continue okay no yeah I totally can download it I just need to add an address to my Cisco account and this is once again my personal well it's my nerd on the street Cisco account which is what my certifications are stored under nerd in the street obviously is not large enough to have a cisco support contract you can see I have sent my company in my profile Oh add new address that's what it wants okay I have just done that let's see if it lets us download this right away we're fresh downloads so some of these they used to have a bunch of different iOS files based on the features that were included but like I said nowadays they just ship one universal file and then your license file tells iOS what features to enable or disable because they had issues back in the day when they were split up between different files based on what feature set you've purchased people could just purchase one feature set and then share it with other people by copying the iOS file it's a little bit harder to share license files and easier to track back down to the person who started it the one exception to the the no split rule is the payload encryption and that's a matter of export laws some countries cisco can't ship products that can do strong encryption in to so they've got the no payload encryption version which we don't want obviously but we'll try downloading to download software oh you must have a valid service contract alright alright guys I did just make a couple phone calls and I managed to legally acquire a few Cisco IOS images the fact that it is so hard to get a hold of those images is really quite sad and that is you know why I'm interested in looking at other vendors and it freedom respecting and open source solutions for networking because you know this stuff is sitting at the core of our society I don't think that it should be that locked down I think anyone should be able to look at the code and also acquire and use the code when they need it so maybe one day I'll do a video about you know building a Linux router or something like that but for now we've got I Oh s images right here and we are going to go ahead and upgrade the iOS on this 1900 series now I was not able to get in the images for the 2811 router because it is end of support they don't even host iOS images for it anymore so that one might be difficult and I'll have to talk to Michael and see he got a bunch of these routers at once from our friend but we'll have to see if any of those other routers contain an iOS image that we can copy off or if these devices are just junk now and we'll sit in a landfill because cisco is no longer hosting the code for them or maybe i'll be able to find those online somewhere else since they're quite a bit older for now though we'll go back into our screen session you can see it timed me out by default there is a time-out on the console i can go into config T and line con zero and what's the command two you can see iOS really hold your hand because if you don't know something just question mark the command to turn off the timeout is exact - timeout right here so we'll do exact - timeouts and then you can do a question mark and it tells you the possible options timeout in minutes zero is gonna turn that right off so now I have turned off the console timeout alright so at this point once again I can do adder I don't remember the name so USB flash 0 ok and I can also do a show version and show version is going to show us once again what we're currently running as well as some other info I'm looking for specs here if we go back to the the cisco download page that was not letting me download downloads all releases there was actually some just basic requirements right here yeah your DRAM DRAM requirement and flash requirement I think we should be good on those DRAM requirement is 512 DRAM configuration is 64 bits wide with parity disabled I I don't know how to read that if we go to 15 dot 1.4 is what we're running right now dear Anne was 256 back then which is still more than 64 so let's try booting the new iOS and if it doesn't turn on then we'll go back to the old iOS I know how to set it up so it'll fail over or if worst comes to worst we can boot into rom on using that reset button for 30 seconds so what we're going to do is transfer this image that I've got on my laptop to this iOS device and we'll see what protocols we have available in the past I've used SCP which is just a terrible terrible file transfer protocol it is very slow the the protocol itself is slow but I can config T and it's gonna be under IP and what can we do here FTP is an option so I think we'll do FTP if we can't do SFTP which I we don't have certificates set up or anything which I'll do eventually to get SSH working but that's not what this video is about so we can either do a yeah SCP is an option or FTP is an option let's do FTP so IP FTP server no IP FTP okay so with SCP configuration you do IP SCP server enable and then you you connect now we don't actually have a user account in our running config right now so I'm not sure how we'd be able to authenticate but it looks like IP FTP we can do user name iOS password no we just set IP FTP username iOS IP ftp password in a new command will do upgrade and that should be everything we need right now because the other to have to do with maybe this device or this iOS version can't do an FTP server all right if we go back into global config here we have a command called FTP no we don't all right yeah let's let's try SCP I guess IP SCP server enable and we'll add a user to this this device as well user name iOS yeah password upgrade I don't know I'm trying to autocomplete a password it's getting a little late here 3:00 a.m. still chugging along privilege is our oh is that the last username iOS privilege 15 is going to give us full privileges when we login with this account I'll change it later obviously password upgrade that should be everything we need and actually if we used secret it would encrypt it in the running configuration so it's not just stored in plain text in that text file it where it hashes it it doesn't really encrypt it it's salts and hash is that if you use secret password is just literally going to store this exact line in our file which is fine because that's not a sensitive password I'm showing it to you on video anyway so now we can exit we can do show run include SCP and we've got our line here IP SCP server enables so let's see if my computer can dolphin do SCP let's open up a new dolphin window here and let's try connecting to SCP colon slash slash one 92168 1.1 invalid protocol all right okay well OpenSSH does contain an SCP utility so if i go to a command prompt on a terminal on my system if I run SCP yeah so we've got an SCP command so I'll CD into documents Cisco IOS so we are going to transfer on the latest no the recommended which is 157 - 3 so we're going to SCP our source is C 1900 universal 9m es PA 157 and our destination is going to be iOS which is our username at the address of the router : to say this is what we want the file to be called slash for the root of our file system and scene 1900 I'm gonna actually copy the file name because I want it to be called the exact same thing when we get it on to the router so copy and paste so we will run that connection refused on port 22 maybe we need SSH setup before we can use SCP because SCP is secure copy protocol so it would use encryption all right well let's get SSH working then we'll go into config T and crypto key generates RSA I hope I keep scrolling here on my laptop general Keys modulus 4096 is fine that's all the options that we need nope provide a domain name first so we will do IP domain - name and for now I'm going to call the IP domain name I'm gonna call it not stop local because you know this is an internal router here so now we can run generator crypto key it's going to take a minute because we chose the largest and most secure key possible which I really didn't need just for this but that's what I chose to generate so at this point the CPU is being taxed more than it usually would be still not hearing a lot of fan noise this thing is pretty quiet okay and that's finished that took a couple minutes ssh has also been enabled by doing that so it was already like enabled in the configuration but now it's actually been enabled because we've got a certificate for it so now we'll you will also go into line before we did line console we're going to do line vty which stands for virtual terminal and we're going to type 0 space 4 so we're setting up 5 virtual console lines they're going to be numbered 0 1 2 3 and 4 the reason we're setting up more than - so that say one connection is open and I happen to leave it open for some reason I go to another computer and I want to ssh into the router i can still do that because there are four more open lines will type transport inputs and the options are all ssh telling that there are some other ones will do ssh might as well now because we've enabled it anyway okay so now we can come back to our terminal RF system and we can actually ssh iOS at 192 168 1.1 no matching cipher found okay interesting interesting and we'll get the same area if we try and use SCP yeah and we're getting debug messages on the router for that - oh here config T IP ssh version 2 right yeah cuz we were on we were well we were on 1.99 before let's see if that makes a difference if we try an ssh nope still not matching cipher found okay all right well that's nano into etsy SSH SSH underscore config and let's do that as a root user here on my laptop and we will enable one of these weaker ciphers so what were we being offered let's copy these their offer we just need to enable one of these on our local system they are disabled by default I didn't using bash as a notepad right now they're disabled by default for security because they're kind of old and weak and maybe this new iOS version will support some better ciphers Oh interesting there's actually aligned with exactly the ciphers we need so let's try enabling that line and try SS aging again here we go so now it's letting us we can type in our password which is upgrade and now we have connected to our router upgrade did I miss type what was our password again show run include username our password was upgrade upgr a de hmm all right if we config T and we go back into our our line vty 0 through 4 login will let us select we're using log in local let's try setting login local login local because that should query our local database our running config for the username and password so password upgrade there we go hey we're in so now we're actually SSH into the router and I can do all the same stuff I can do a show run you can see it's much faster now than it was going through the console connection so now we can clear our screen we can exit from iOS we can clear our screen and if I do an LS dash L again let's once again try SCP source is this file right here and our destination is iOS at colon this file let's run that will be asked for a password upgrade and now we are transferring that file to the device at a whopping 500 kilobits per second 451 that's a Gigabit Ethernet link now we're plugged in with a cat 5e cable so you know limited to less than gigabit probably but it's still I mean 400 kilobits per second that that's how slow SCP is like I said it's terrible protocol SFTP or FTP s which I haven't used a lot but SFTP is the one that I usually use for you know transferring files between Linux machines and it does not have this speed limitation that SCP seems to have of course since it's encrypted maybe it has to do with the decryption speed on the router since I know that the processor is designed for routing and you know in switches also designed for switching but not designed for much else so the activity light right now is blinking very quickly I can take another auxilary video here and you can see it is it's going and there's activity happening cuz we're copying this file about 32% of the way through some of these took hours at might work when we were transferring these things of course we were going like all the way across the country with them but the speed was about the same because it's already phenomenally slow but they were they were larger files to on much more complicated devices larger rackmount devices like if we were doing this on on this device it would probably be even slower than this because the file would be bigger too cuz the device can I guess do more all right and that has finished transferring you can see the activity light has also finished blinking and my camera has run out of battery so I'm gonna plug in a webcam real quick all right and I am recording my video now as well again not at the location where my stuff actually is so I don't have a spare battery or a battery charger but the iOS file is finished transferring now if we do a dir on the router you can see we have two files one modify December 22nd 2011 the old version and the new version right here which is modified May 10th 2009 teen so how we upgrade these it's actually very simple it's not rocket science at all it's risky because things can break when you do this but you know it's just like patching or any other sort of upgrades that you do or updates to your software if we do a show run right now and we do an include boot we're going to get nothing if we do a show boot bar what do we get show what what what is it environment now I was right the first time it's supposed to be show boot bar but this device doesn't have that so if we do a show run include boots right now we don't have any boot files specified we don't even have the old file specified I guess Rahman just saw it was the only bootable file on the device and it booted to that so if we do a config T and we run boot ok system flash except we are booting from USB flash 0 yes boot system flash USB flash 0 then the name of the file which is going to be I'm going to add in two entries here the first entry is going to be our new file which we want the full path so we're actually gonna type in again USB flash 0 : and I my instinct is to put a slash here before this file name but we won't because sometimes it messes it up if you do that so we'll paste in the file name there I know it just scrolled our output here we'll hit enter and it took that now we're gonna put another one in boot system flash USB flash oh I'm sorry boot system I'm so I muscle memory tin from from doing this at work so boot system USB flash 0 because it's different on my device and I can't scroll did I break my console connection again what's what's going on dir config T boot system flash no boot system USB flash 0 and we're gonna paste in also the old file name USB flash 0 colon paste ok enter so now if we do a show run include boot we've got boot system USB flash 0 and the new file name and then boot system USB flash here are the old file name if for whatever reason we cannot boot into the new file name if it's corrupted or anything like that and by the way verify slash md5 will make sure that our our SCP copy works so we'll copy this entire file name to demonstrate this as a valid you know file name here and it's calculating an md5 for that if it can't boot from the first one it goes just down the list that's how it works so this file is maybe quite a bit bigger than the old one you we can see here this is what I was expecting it to do earlier I was surprised when it didn't take us long okay so here's our md5 checksum starts with 0 to f7 ends and 99 I'm just going to go back to the Cisco website again and check we're doing the latest suggested release and the checksum for that is starts with zero to f7 in 299 cool so we are good so at this point we are going to copy run start and by the way there's another command called the right mem or right memory that's an older command copy run start as newer than write memory and you don't actually there's no real difference between the two write memory is kind of just a symlink to copy run start at this point but we have just copied our running configuration with those new boot pointers to our startup configurations so I'm going to do one more show version here and we will see we were running version 15 point 1 for M 3 ok so now we are going to our config register is 2102 which we want as well we are going to reload this device proceed with reload yes and with any luck we will come back up into the new version now in this case it's not actually that risky you know it's either gonna boot or it's not if I did something wrong with the configuration then it'll go into Rahman mode if I can't boot and then we can manually select the old file to boot to when you've got a very complex configuration on your iOS device the some of the software issues that you run into are syntax changes over time that iOS has put in you know if the syntax for a certain command is one thing in one version and it's different in another version usually iOS is smart enough to automatically strip out the the old syntax from your running configuration but it doesn't always put the newer syntax in there so sometimes configuration that you had before the upgrade is just gone you don't have that setting in the new upgrade so you have to really make sure that everything that your router is configured to do it's still doing and it's still configured to do after you do the upgrade you just want to scan through your running config basically you want to take a full running config before you upgrade a full one after and run them through a diff program basically to see what's changed and verified the changes that have been made are are ok and correct anything that you want to change so at this point we are loading did we see what iOS version we're loading I didn't see I saw Rama and now we're just loading iOS I guess we'll see when it's done decompressing do we get the new version the other risky thing is the hardware side of it a lot of these devices older ones things can actually break just from reloading the device if you know you've got hey 15.7 3m for a cool we have upgraded the iOS and we'll see how everything's working when it turns on and the real scary part is yeah you see our connection to Ethernet just established I'm watching this through a console connection but when you're reloading devices on the other side of the country you don't have a console connection you hit reload you get disconnected from your SSH session because the things rebooting and then you don't know if it's gonna come back up or not and if it doesn't then it's you know kind of scary and you gotta go and figure out what happened with a console connection and you know working with people on site and things okay and but that is finished booting but yeah older devices that are prone to things failing in them sometimes a reload is all you need to trigger a piece of hardware burning out and then he got an RMA at with Cisco if you have a sport contract and in my case I don't so that's why I was freaking out about the console connection earlier was cuz if this thing breaks it's just I don't have anymore okay but that is it is finished reloading so I can hit enter enable okay I'm trying to see let's teach you show CPU show proc CPU history there we go okay so it looks like we did have a spike in CPU usage about 30 seconds ago but at this point though I can't use up arrow show Pronk CPU history another CPU usage oh so it's going this direction so yeah our CPU usage is pretty stable at this point and it didn't even go I don't think it actually went above 40 percent last time yeah cool we've got more graphs okay we can do show proc memory to show how our our memory is doing we've got plenty of free memory here compared to our used so yeah it looks like the new iOS version at least fits on the thing and it did boot up so that is very neat and now I'm gonna SSH in now because I'm tired of dealing with a slow console connection SSH iOS at 190 one sixty eight dot one dot one and password is upgrade okay so now I'm gonna do terminal length zero because I this is a normal SSH session I can scroll now we can do a show run it's all gonna come out at once because I turned off paging but now you can see our version has been upgraded in our running config and it's now 15.7 hostname stayed the same I wonder if we have any more commands now can we do show boot var now no we can't okay I'm gonna take out those FTP commands that we didn't use earlier IP FTP username iOS and to take out configuration you just run No and then that item so you literally just put no in front of it no IP FTP username iOS no IP ftp password upgrade so I can exit show run and now there's no no FTP entries there so I can copy run start again and it's warning us that we are attempting to override an Envy Ram configuration previously written by a different version of the system image so what this is saying is hey warning you are saving a configuration that was generated by a different version of iOS than what was there before but we know that that's expected because now we're on a new version of iOS so that's awesome and that's all I'm gonna do in this video it's frickin almost 4 a.m. on a Friday morning and this is what I've been doing is checking out this router I'm really excited about this like I said I didn't have like a home lab or anything before the 2811 is gonna be a little more difficult to work with because it doesn't have a flash card in it and we also I don't know if Michael has any images for the 2011 or not but I'll look around online I'll see what I can do in turn that one I know this stuff is kind of locked down and it's not exactly if you if you don't have one sitting in front of you not exactly the most interesting thing to watch but hopefully this was at least a little entertaining for you guys I was really excited about it when Michael told me about this stuff you know this router can do all kinds of things this can do NAT this can do it can do some maybe some basic firewall stuff I think it has the ability to be a wireless access point I'm not sure if it has all the hardware modules it would need for that or not if it's got an actual wireless card or not I'll have to look into that but yeah I may end up using this as my home router at some point the other one I was hoping to use here at this company but obviously not gonna not gonna work today but yeah let me know if you guys have any questions about Cisco or just networking in general down in the comments section below whether you're watching this on YouTube Dailymotion or nerd on the street comm if this video was interesting to you feel free to subscribe to the nerdist code join the club it's only $3.00 a month you can help support more cool videos like this you know maybe one day none of the street can actually have support contracts with companies if we get big enough to require them I can also manage your Linux server remotely at manage by not stock Co if you're looking for a remote Linux system man and finally a big thank you to my friend Michael Chenault for passing these two routers to me you can tell I'm having fun with them and I appreciate it a lot for now with these routers that's everything I had planned to talk about so I'm Jacob coffin I'm the nerd of the street and I'll see you guys later bye [Music]
Channel: Nerd on the Street
Views: 19,160
Rating: 4.9093852 out of 5
Keywords: nerdonthestreet, jacob, kauffmann, jacobgkau, Cisco, 1921, 2811, IOS, upgrade, console, db9, Linux, SSH, how to, basic network, command line, terminal, router, switch, retro, rack mount, rack, shelf
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 25sec (5245 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2019
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