Basic Initial Cisco Switch Configuration

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in this video I'm going to show how to put on a basic config for a Cisco switch the model that I'm using is a layer 3 Cisco 3560 switch I will have other videos that will go over settings such as NTP DNS and other common switch commands as well as other things so first thing we'll need to go over is what items you'll need you'll need a rollover cable which can be seen right here these come with the switch out of the box and one end has a db9 serial connector the other end is an rj45 connector if you're in the situation such as myself my laptop does not have a serial port on it you'll also need a adapter the adapter I have is serial db9 2 USB and then I just connect those two together and make the connection to my laptop here's the picture for that so as you can see here's the 3560 switch power cord rj45 connector and then it connects to the serial 2 USB adapter and then into the laptop let's see the network topology for this looks like this basically we have our internet and then we have firewall and then we have an existing 2960 switch in my case and we just ran out of ports so we need to add another switch well I'm adding a 3560 switch it's a little bit overkill because it is a layer 3 whereas the one in front of it is layer 2 it basically has more features it can do routing which the 25:29 60 can do some but it's a lot more limited than the 35 60 so basically I'm just adding another switch to it 35 6 yield would work fine for these purposes let's see then next thing I'm going to go over is the different types of modes that you have but before I do that I'm actually going to launch putty which is software they used to connect through either ssh telnet or in our case serial since i plug that USB adapter into my laptop my comm port is actually come for and I like to do logging just in case I ever want to go back to see what was done so I will put 3560 switch log and this will capture everything that I'll be doing okay right now I'll hit enter and right away it wants to know if I want to enter the initial configuration dialog I always just choose no and then I get my first prompt notice how it has a greater than sign right after the hostname which is switch this mode is known as user exec mode there's not a whole lot you can do in here you can see certain things but whenever we make changes we're pretty much going to do them in privileged exec mode so in order to do that I type in en short for table and now greater than sign changes to a pound sign and now I can do start to get into a lot of the configurations that I need to do since it is acting like it is brand-new out of the box you can see that if I want to show the startup config and I just hit tab to finish that command there's nothing there there's nothing there because I haven't written anything to come to the configuration yet but if I show the running config you'll see and actual config there and as you can see there's all let's use all the ports and what's on there at this point if I don't save this config when I reboot the switch all changes will be lost and I'll go back to asking me if I want to start the configuration so after you make all your changes make sure that you save it and then you should be able to reboot not have any issues so that is the second mode the next mode then I'm going to go over is global configuration and in order to do that you type in config or configure and then t4 terminal and now we're in global configuration mode this is where we start making our changes first thing I'm gonna do is set the hostname because as you can see right now it's just set to switch which is a little boring so you can change it to something that's a little more specific to where you're at let's just say we're at the headquarters site and this is switch number two as can be seen in the topology so I'll call it an HQ switch 2 2 and now that's our news hostname as you can see but there you can see interface vlan1 shows no IP address we're going to change that right now we're gonna go back to our topology so I need to change to the interface VLAN so to do that I'll do int a LAN 1 and now can make changes to to the VLAN see I will add IP address and again I hit tab to finish the typing for me IP addresses 192.168 70 1.3 and I need to put the subnet mask 255 255 255 dot 0 enter and that should cover it for that I am going to show what the interface looks like right now since I am in global configuration mode I have to type in the command do first and then I could do show interface vlan1 and you notice this time I didn't use a space after the end it doesn't matter it will understand and you can see VLAN 1 is up and protocol is up which is good this means where the VLAN is ready to use after that I am going to see if I can ping that now paying 192.168 78 I'm sorry 70 1.3 and it's looking like it's slowing down like it might not work but there we go first packet was lost but now the rest are fine so we can ping it and now let's try to tell MIT to it 192.168 71 3 I already know right away this is not going to work as we have not configured our vty lines so it's not going to work says password required but none set so we won't go back in there and do that I will do line vty 0 and I'm gonna do 15 this way it'll cover 0 & 4 & 5 through 15 and it will just take care of all those Uther for is more of a legacy type of command the newer ones will just do 0 and all the way through 15 this is the as you can see I typed here stands for virtual teletype allows connections such as a telnet and ssh so I am going to go and set that up real quick I am going to set a password of law and let's see if that allows us to tell MIT into it now Wow different ding give us a message this time now it's asking for the password so put in blah and we are now in a user exec mode but we want to get into privilege mode so we'll do a n for enable well no password set for that so we will need to take care of that real quick and it would be and short for enable wait that's why it's not working because I'm in the vty commands and I just did a question mark to see what my commands are available to me so I'm gonna back up one level by typing exit and now I am going to type in enable it's a label secret I'm gonna choose zero because the password that's gonna follow is not encrypted what that means is I'm typing it in clear text if I had a encrypted hash I would put that I would put in with a five instead of a zero and then I would type in the encrypted hash but since I not doing that doing plain text I was going to put the password in Abel PW and that should do that so now if we hit and enable it should allow us to put in the password for that PW and now we're in last thing I'm going to show is the server's password encryption basically I will show you what that means again since I'm in a global configuration mode I have to type in do instead of just saying show run I have to do do show run because global configuration mode won't know what show run is so now it's coming up you notice when I did the naval secret password it changed from a zero to a five had encrypted it for me so this is good this is the command it was telling me about service password encryption currently it's set to no the problem with that is is when you get down to your vty password it's exposed and clear text so someone if you have a printout of your config and someone sees that they know what it is so we don't want that to happen so while I'm still in global configuration mode I am going to type in the service password corruption and take care of that so at this point I'm going to end and I'm gonna do just a regular show show run because I got out of global configuration though that I got and I'm connected through console cable it's showing me that message about being configured let's see what it looks like now that command well the word know is no longer there and if you go further down to the end of the config our password is now encrypted which is good so at this point I'm gonna write the config you can either do copy run and then start and that's one way to do it another ways you can just do wr4 right so now if you do a show start you have your config saved and when you reboot it'll come back up and I'll let you do what you need to do and to exit out of here and that will be it if you like this video just please like and subscribe thank you
Channel: It's All Geek To Me
Views: 118,574
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cisco switch basic sonfiguration step by step setup commands 3560
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 35sec (875 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 27 2017
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