Configure Cisco Access Point using GUI Standalone/Autonomous with WPAv2 Authentication Key

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[Music] hi guys welcome to my channel it support people this is masoor today i will show you how to configure a cisco 360 2i autonomous or standalone access point using gui interface basically this is my channel i just support people uh in my previous videos uh one is uh connect cisco router and switch to sp home router and access internet in this video i got a lot of appreciation from the viewers and uh people requested me uh making more video on access point and firewall uh yeah here is iron man he said hi could you configure access point thanks and i replied that i'll make video on firewall and access point as well in my other video uh configuring vlan and allow villain to access internet in this video you can see that uh lesson khan he said one of the best video for the beginners can you make another video for ap and firewall please and yeah a lot of appreciation and yeah another people and tony louis he said let's add a firewall and ep so which inspired me to make this video uh this time in this video i'm uh i'll show you how to uh configure cisco internet access point uh with the gui interface but in my next video i'll show how to uh configure cisco automate autonomous or standalone access point with the cli command and i'll make another video uh in future how to convert lightweight cisco access point to autonomous access point please don't forget to subscribe my channel and press the bell icon so that you will be notified about the all the latest video which i'll create in future let's get started first of all i will show you the network topology for this network here you can see uh this is my cisco 28 which is the router and this is my layer 3 cisco switch and this one is a cisco around it 360 2i autonomous or standalone access point and these two one is my laptop and another one is a desktop pc basically for this video i'll focus on this portion how to configure cisco access point uh a standalone access point with the gui interface and i'll briefly discuss this portion how to configure the cisco router and the ip address details because i have done a i have done a youtube video um how to configure this is my youtube channel i just support people here is a video how to configure cisco router and how to access internet through cisco router so i'm just giving a brief overview you can see the gigabit slash zero port of the cisco router is connected to the isp uh network and the gigabit zero slash one port is connected to the first dependent port of the switch and i have created a dhcp pool in the cisco router where the network is and subnet mask is slash24 and the default router uh ip address is basically we haven't done anything with the switch this is a layer 3 switch that's why all the ports belongs to vlan 1 and the cisco access point is connected to the position 0 port of the switch and other end is connected to the ethernet port of the cisco access point actually the cisco access point is getting ip from the dhcp pool uh which was created in the cisco router that's why i wrote here 192.168. where the default gateway is the default gateway of the cisco router so for this cisco access point uh default gateway would be the default gateway of the cisco next uh i will show you how to configure the cisco access point uh with the gui interface uh once uh all the configuration is done then we will connect my laptop and desktop pc to the radio wireless interface and finally we'll check the connectivity by using internet so let's go to the next step now i will show you the physical uh connection of this network here you can see uh that uh this is a this is my uh cisco to a double jcsr router and this one is my cisco catalyst uh three five six zero 24 port poe switch this one is my switch and here you can see that uh the connection in the fast ethernet zero slash one port is coming from the gigabit zero slash one port of this cisco router and i connected uh my pc uh my laptop to the first ethernet zero slash three port of the switch uh which is connected to this laptop to access the the gui interface of the cisco access point and here you can see the first default zero slash pipe this port goes to the this is the front side of my cisco access point and you can see the back side here you can see the connection is uh goes to the ethernet port of this uh access point and this one is the console port and here you can see a black button this is a mode button which is used to reset the access point and here is my laptop and this one is my desktop pc one thing i want to mention here that you can see there is no power cable in the access point because it's connected to the poe switch uh this one is a poe switch so it's getting power through the ethernet cable if you if your switch is not poa switch then you should have a poe injector now i will connect the console cable to the router and quickly check the ip from the router by just connecting the console cable to the router i just connected the console cable to the router console port now i'll open party before doing that i'll check the comport number so just type device manager and go to device manager then go to a port com port here you can see the comfort nine so double click party make sure it's serially selected so i'll change it to com port nine and open press enter uh we successfully entered the access the router we go to uh previous mode and quickly show the ip interface brief so ip interface brief you can see the gigabit uh ethernet port zero slash one uh the ip is uh according to the topology and we'll check the configuration running configuration so running config here you can see the dhcp pool which is created in the cisco router and the network is this is the subnet mask 255 255 2550 and the default router is the and this is the dns server it's a google dns server because i don't have any dns server as i said uh this laptop is also connected to the switch for accessing the gui interface web interface so if you go to the ethernet port through economic cable so double click here and you can check the ip address ipv4 which is getting ip from the dscp as well we can check it a different way just type cmd yes over here and type ipconfig here you can see the ethernet ipv4 address is 247 and the default gateway 2.1 now i will take out the console cable from the cisco router and put the console cable to the access point yes as i just changed the console cable from router to cc access point if i press enter you can see the console it is consoling the access point so if we go to previous mode enable and the password is uh cisco c is capital c is064 here we access the cisco access point uh actually i have divided the whole process into two parts the powerpoint is accessing the gui web interface of the cisco access point so the first step is uh console the access point with party so we already consolidate with the password cisco the next step is to reset the access point to the factory default setting so uh before doing the reset uh i quickly check the version so of the access point show version you can see the version yeah here is the model number and this is the software i i have a software version uh apg-2109w7 w7 means it's autonomous or standalone if it is w8 then it would be a lightweight version so next i'll check the flash drive so these are the files stored in the flash drive so now i will show you how to reset the how to reset the access point with mode button it is recommended by cisco to reset the access point before doing any configuration now i'll show you how to reset uh the cisco access point uh with the mode button uh here you can see a black button here this one is the mode button yeah here is a written mode yeah the down here this is the mode button so uh to reset the cisco access point you have to press the mode button yeah i just press the mode button with my uh left thumb and you have to take out the 800 couple yeah i just take out the 800 cable you have to press the mount button and just take out the ethernet cable yeah so yeah release the mode button then now again uh press the mode button yeah i press the mode button and we have to put back the ethernet cable again yeah yeah you can see in the the light is flashing green so still i'm pressing the mode button so i have to hold the mode button until uh the light change to amber so you can see yeah the light change to umber i release the mode button now it's uh resetting the access point so you can see yeah you can see it already been reset you can check the hostname has already been changed before before the reset you can see the hostname was ap1 so now the hostname has chance uh so we go to enable mode enable mode the password is cisco default cisco capital c so let's enter the enable mode yeah if you take a step the next step is to check the ip status and put a static ip to bvi one interface so go to party go to enable move enable password cisco cisco capital c and uh let's check the app interface brief show ip interface brief you can see that vvi interface is taking ip from the dhcp that is so we'll put the same ip statically so we have to go to global configuration mode configuration terminal terminal go to interface interface bvi 1 so we put the same ip address ip address the subnet mask same with the network 255 drop 255.255.0 then no shutdown exit again exit show i show ip interface brave you can see the same idea but this time the method is manual before it was tcp now we have to go to the next step go to the web browser and type http uh and the ip address of the vpi uh interface so we know that uh the bvi one interface is uh so now we'll move the browser and type http it will ask username and password leave the username blank and the password cisco capital c c i s c or c score yes uh yeah we successfully uh log into the uh cisco aeronaut 3600 access point gui web interface uh now i will go to the part two section uh here i'll show the configuration of uh yaranet access point with the wpa version two authentication in a gui mode so first step is uh i have to go to easy setup and under a network configuration i have to edit api hostname static ip subnet mask default gateway let's do this so this is the gui interface so first i have to go to easy setup and network configuration here you can see the hostname ap1 we can we can leave the hostname if you want or we can edit it so uh so we can edit ap new uh underscore new uh and new and uh the ip should be a static ip the ip address is uh all right 192.168.3 subnet mask is okay 255 255 2550 but the default gateway should be uh the default gateway we checked before and the cisco router and i'll leave everything as it is and uh if you want you can create a user you can give username password but i'll i'll leave it blank and everything is default the snmp community i haven't done i haven't done any uh snmp so it is default community means it's disabled so everything i'll leave as it is and just press apply and press ok ok then yeah it's been changed and hosting is ap new and the next step is uh under radio configuration uh we have to create a ssid and we'll name the ssid land new under the radio interface 2.4 gigahertz and we'll select the broadcast ssid in vidcon so let's do this uh we are in easy setup so now we will go to a radio configuration so here radio 2.4 gigahertz will configure uh 2.4 gigahertz we can do five gigahertz later so we'll name it uh w lan underscore new and will uh select the broadcast ssid in bitcoin it will broadcast the ssid and the villa no vlan and uh one chance here universal admin mode it should be disabled because it's a autonomous or standalone access point standalone assessment doesn't support universal admin mode because if you enable universal admin mode uh the access point should be lightweight onto controller controller based lightweight uh which needs uh universal priming so this time our access point is standalone it doesn't separate it doesn't support uh priming so the universal admin mode should be visible and everything i'll leave as it is this time no security uh the roll ready you need to show the access point uh no chance so i'll leave it as it is and click apply okay so uh now we'll check the ssid which we just created so go to security and click ssid manager uh here we can see a current ssid wlan new so okay the ssid is already been created so if we go to the next step uh apply encryption method to aes ccmp basically to uh apply the wpa version to authenticated key we have to apply a encryption so we'll apply a ccmp encryption so we have to go to the security yeah we are already in security to go to encryption manager and we have to select cipher and we have to from the drop down we have to select aes ccmp and everything i live as it is i leave it default so i'll click apply to all press ok yes uh it's now selected to cipher and the encryption mode is aes ccmp if you go to the process the next process is uh enable wpa version 2 and apply wpa pre-shared key to ssid to do this i have to go to security and then go to ssid manager then i have to select the ssid name wlan new so only the radio interface 2.4 gigahertz is selected but we haven't because we haven't didn't select uh five gigahertz that's all right we can select it but i'll leave it uh i'll only select uh 2.4 gigahertz and everything this one client authentication settings as default in the client authenticated key management key management we have to select a mandatory option then we have to enable wpa and select wpa version 2 and then we have to give a wpa t-shirt key the password i'll give the password capital cisco one two three capital c cisco capital c one to three c i s cisco one two three and uh i'll leave everything as it was by default so yes yeah i'll click apply here because i haven't done any change below this version so press ok ok it's already been applied if we select and prostate you can see the client authentication key management is mandatory and it's a wpa version too okay so the next step is uh enable uh wireless radio interface uh radio interface uh 2.4 gigahertz or five gigahertz so we are working on 2.4 gigahertz so let's do this to enable the wireless interface we have to go to network and the network interface you can see the network interface here uh the bridge interface 2.4 gigahertz is down now currently so we can click here or we can go through here so i just click 2.4 gigahertz radio interface so you can see that there's disable down so we have to go to setting we have to enable the interface just enable and i'll leave everything default as it is just apply okay here it's showing that it's enabled but we have to check here okay it is still disabled so we'll refresh refresh it yeah now it's showing enable so as long as as soon as you enable the interface radio interface it should be appeared in the uh internet option wireless network option so let's check it yes if we go to wi-fi internet connection the ssid wlan new should appear in the wi-fi let me check uh yes we can see the wlan view you just try to connect it so press connect yeah it's asking the password the security key so we type the password cisco 123 yes click next yes now it's connecting now it's connected you can check that the double landlord is connected if we go to the properties wlan new uh you can see the ssid wlan view and the protocol wi-fi the security type wpa2 version 2 and the radio brand 2.4 gigahertz the ip address is taking ip from the dhcp 192.468.2.4 so so now the next step is save the configuration so if we go to web interface we can save the configuration so we press save the configuration press ok again okay so now the configuration is saved in the flash drive so yeah the configuration is done now we will check the connectivity and we'll browse internet so if if we go to the internet setting uh we can see the internet a connection is already connected so we disable the ethernet connection so to do that you can right click here open network sharing center go to network sharing center at the first setting so yeah you can see the wi-fi double and leave is connected so we'll disable the internet connection reducible will disable the ethernet connection yeah now only the wlan view is connected so we'll browse internet so we'll go to youtube type it support people here is my youtube channel you can run a video yes it's working so it's accessing internet and if we if we go to common from windows our command prompt if we ping the default gateway for example 192.168 enter guys doing thing successful if we go to my desktop pc and check the wi-fi connection if i press wi-fi you can see the wlan new is here so we click here and connect it's checking the network requirements it will ask the wpa version 2 security key that is asking the security key i'll give the password yes click next yeah now it's connected and if you go to the properties uh it's showing you can see here the double and new and ipad is and the security type so like is if we uh if we browse internet through this desktop pc if we go to the chrome browser and go to youtube uh if we press it support people yeah this is my channel i just suffered people yes we click one video here yes it's running so cool it's accessing internet [Music] using the ipv192.168.2.5 we check the ssid and wi-fi connection and the security key we checked the ip address and we connected my desktop and laptop to the wi-fi connection and we browse internet so we successfully configure the cisco access point using gui and we check connectivity and browse internet so everything is done thanks for watching if you think this video is helpful please don't forget to like and subscribe my channel and you can let me know any queries through comments your little appreciation will inspire me to make the next video thanks for watching
Channel: IT Support People
Views: 79,010
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to Configure Cisco Access Point Standalone/Autonomous using GUI, How to Configure Cisco Standalone/Autonomous Access Point using GUI, How to Configure Cisco AIRONET 3602i Autonomous GUI, IT Support People, Cisco Home Network Lab, How to Reset Cisco AP Using the MODE Button, How, to, HD, Create Cisco AP SSID GUI, Enable WPAv2 Authentication Key, How to configure Cisco AP, How to Configure Standalone Cisco Access Point, Cisco Access Point GUI
Id: AwuWsGGofT4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 33sec (1593 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 27 2020
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