Cisco Catalyst 2960 enterprise switch configuration

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so here we have a Cisco Catalyst 2960 pppoe enterprise networks which I got this from one of my friends in my tech class and I got this for 20 bucks and troying bucks was honestly quite a steal for something like this considering that that even in their use condition they're quite a bit more expensive expensive than that so this is a business enterprise switch and it has 24 fast ethernet ports and two Gigabit Ethernet ports right there and on the back of it there's the console port for setting it up for the initial setup actually so let's get into the initial configuration of this switch so for this scenario I'm going to be using a rollover cable so one end is USB the other end is rj45 so the USB is going to go into my PC and the rj45 goes into the console port on the back of this switch and it'll make the computer think that the USB part of it is the serial alright so as you can see the USB is going into my PC so let's take the other end of the rj45 end of it and plug it in to this console port so now that all that stuff is connected now let's open up a terminal emulator in my case I'm gonna meet using a putty choose serial for connection type and no that's not right we need to use comm for at least on my PC alright so we have a window open press enter and there we go we have the switch prompt and this is running off of Cisco IOS so we are in user exec mode so to be able to access a little more advanced features when you do get into privileged exec and that is achieved by typing the enable command or just en to abbreviate it and there we go so we're in privileged exec and you can tell because there's a hash tag there instead of just that uh less than sign or symbol right there anyway and now to actually configure this thing we need to get into global config mode and that is achieved by typing configure terminal or just abbreviate it confit there we go so we're in global config mode so now let's do some basic configuration on this switch so let's start off by setting a password to be able to get into privileged exec mode and we do this by typing the enable secret sorry enable secret PAP um yeah enable secret command and after enable secret you put whatever password you want so I'm just gonna use an example password yeah that's not very secure but it's just for an example press enter so it accepted that I'll get back to that later and now let's do let's do a banner motd basically what the banner motd is is when you first open up the connection to the switch you get a message and these messages would typically say I don't know unauthorized access is strictly prohibited and that is set by using the banner motd command so you and you can put whatever banner you want so the command is banner motd and then hashtag all right so it's let's enter an example banner so let's say unauthorized access is strictly prohibited exclamation point you know make it sound intimidating and then hashtag to end it and there we go it accepted that and now to demonstrate that let's back out of this exit and also back out of privileged exec now I press return to get started and see right there there is the banner that we just set and we're on the user exec mode now and that and now when we type enable since we set a password earlier now it's gonna ask you for a password to be able to get into privileged exec to privileged exec mode so the password was password and there we go we're in the privileged exec mode so another thing that we can do regarding the password is encrypted passwords that it's not just in plain text if you do the show run command just show the running configuration so in order to do that we need to go back into global config mode so can conflict e so it's and the command to do this is service password encryption and as you can see here up here I got the command wrong because it was giving me the invalid input detected system message so if you ever get stuck on a command or if you only know like one part of the command you can type that part of the command and then put a question mark and it'll give you a list of options that you can use to complete it so I originally got wrong so it is that one so I want to do service password - encryption and there we go so it accepted that one so while we're in global config mode let's do the let's show the running configuration or if you're in global config mode it's do show running configuration so do show run to abbreviate it so this is the run configuration and here it is showing the different interfaces starting from the VLANs and now we're in the Fast Ethernet interfaces oh yeah and see right up here this is the secret password that we put in here and now instead of plaintext it is encrypted with all these you know different symbols little letters and symbols so it's not just plain texts so not just anyone can look at so that's also a pretty handy feature on Cisco IOS okay so now I have plugged in an Ethernet cable coming from the router and plugged it in to the switch and I plugged it into Fast Ethernet 23 sorry fast ethernet 23 and as you can see from these system messages are these log messages now it is up it is working it's something something is connected to it so now what my intent is is to set up the switch with an IP address for remote management instead of having to use a serial cable every single time you want to manage this thing so the default management interface is VLAN one so interface or int VLAN one so for this scenario I'm gonna be using the IP address of scipy space address 37 and the subnet mask 255 dot 255 dot 255 dot 0 so there we go we just assigned an IP address to VLAN 1 now let's do i p well let's actually see what the available options are so we're back in global conflict mode so let's type IP see what the options are so without what I want to do is set a default gateway and there it is right there default - gateway so IP default - gateway and that's of course my routers address and there we go so we just set the IP default gateway and also let's just set a hostname just for the heck of it and yeah so let's back out of global config so let's do no actually that was my mistake we need to stay in global config mode and then the command is hostname and I don't know what a good host name is let's just do in number eight gr and number eight so there you go now the prompt shows Nate great as the host name so now to continue on for setting it up for remote access now we have to make an IP domain name so go back into configuration so IP domain name and just some random website as an example all right so we set the domain name so now we have to generate RSA keys so it is crypto and crypto key generate RSA and say a thousand twenty four how many bits all right so now that's done so let's actually take a look at the interfaces again so do show run so this is what we want down here line vty 0 4 so line vty 0 4 to get into that interface alright so now we're in we need to type of transport input SSH since yes I'm gonna be using SSH for this login local password password and exit get out of this now we need to go to line console 0 or line con 0 pi excuse me type logging synchronous again type login local alright so we're done with that so let's get out of here so now we need to make a username and password so in my case username admin password password still all right so we should be done with that so now to verify that SSH is enabled it is SH IP SSH so SSH is enabled all right so it is enabled so let's back out of this exit close this window open putty backup select SSH for this connection type and let's try the IP address all right so is giving us a security alert so it's just continued anyway yes all right good so we it seems to have worked so log in as a user name that was admin and the password is password alright so we have officially just SSH to the switch or in other words we accessed it remotely alright so we have finished all the in initial configuration that I would like to do on this switch and this is the router cable by the way giving it some data and also this switch to put supposedly has POV on it or a power over ethernet so to test that out I have an IP phone right here so let's take its cable the Ethernet cable and plug it into one of the ports and boom there you go is powering on it is indeed receiving power so that's nice to know the POA does work the IP phone seems to be receiving data from the switch as well as it properly registered to my server so it's working as it should so now let's plug in everything else into the switch all right so now everything else is hooked up and everything seems to be working properly and there you have all the Status Messages or the log messages from plugging everything in so this has been a video over the Cisco Catalyst 2960 BOE switch and thank you all for watching and y'all have a nice day
Channel: Nathan Morgan
Views: 63,098
Rating: 4.8852773 out of 5
Keywords: #cisco, #switch, #catalyst, #2960, #network, #networking, #ethernet, #enterprise
Id: POFE313la5A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 33sec (933 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 16 2020
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