Use an Old WiFi Router as Repeater, Wifi Extender, Access Point

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it was up my name is Jannard and you are watching target pro what we're going to do today is that we are going to make this all Wi-Fi router useful we're going to try and make this one as a switch as an access point as an extender or repeater the case might be you have upgraded your Wi-Fi router so you have this old Wi-Fi router sitting there you set aside you might think you're not going to use it anymore or maybe your ISP your internet service provider upgraded that Wi-Fi router or modem the insole out your house so you have that extra one you can still use this one as an access point extender repeater or a switch let's try and see our old Wi-Fi router it's cisco lynx is e 2000 and let's try to see the switch ports these are actually switch ports where we plug our computer our laptop to share the internet this is where we plug in our internet cable where the internet comes in and it's going to be shared with our home network this internet port that we have here on other routers this is labeled as well now we're going to make use of this one as a switch or an access point we are just going to ignore this one don't like anything here because this is what makes this Wi-Fi router our router now if we ignore this one we're just going to do a few modifications with this Wi-Fi router and this will work as a access point a switch or repeater which of those who want it to be it will work this would be my new router it's actually cisco lynx is a 1200 and it has the same port orientation with the other one we're just going to plug our internet here and then we're going to share the internet with our other home network devices but we are going to connect another cable to our other router here so that's what we're going to do I'm just going to plug the internet here this will be my one port we're not going to do anything with that what we're worried right now is how we're going to configure this one but I just want to show you how we can set this one up so since this is my main router I'm just to plug one people one of these local area network ports or what I call a switch port plug it here and then get my older outer this is my older router I'm just going to plan any of this one one two four ports just ignore this Internet port or one part of your router but whatever other you're using so I'm just going to plug it here and we're going to power this one up just so I showed you how you can connect this one since this is an old router we need to do a hard reset here so that this old router will go to a factory default setting and we can start configuring this one whatever your router is you just try to find that mark where it says reset now you have a little holder you just need something that you can pin you can push into like what I have here I can push it there now just observe the link lights that you are there and at the same time at the back of this one I'm just going to press the reset button here once I press that one you observe the light it will change you can see a blue light there in a power light there you can see it's starting to blink faster fast enough and then you see those lights come up and then once that's gone you can release this one and it will reboot itself and then this one will already be on its factory default setting so we can configure it already now that we have we did a reset here we're just going to plug another cable into a router go into our laptop so that we can access this router and configure those configurations we did so this is my cable and I'm going to plug it to my laptop here so we can start we need to access our wireless router with the IP address of this device so what we're going to do is go to CMD and then type in IP config let's locate the Ethernet adapter and look for the default gateway we have you see here Ethernet adapter Ethernet this is the adapter where the wireless router is connected to and we can see the default gateway now we're going to open our browser just go ahead and open up your browser and type in this one into press enter you will be prompted with the login most routers go with username is admin and password as admin but if it doesn't work for you Google is your friend just go ahead and Google the model number of that wireless router and ask for the default username and password so for us let's type in admin and admin log in and were inside this wireless router there you go since we are here on the setup page let's just go ahead and scroll down here and you can see the DHCP server we need to disable this DHCP server because they HCP servers are enabled on wireless routers so if we have two DHCP server running on the same network we'll be having problems with our network because we have our main router now this is our old router so we need to disable this one so that it would stop giving IP address so our new router will be the one to give those IP addresses to our devices if you're already set that one we can save this one first let's do it one setting at a time so that we are not going to be confused now the next thing we're going to do is we need to change the IP address of this wireless router because by default most routers use one and two one six eight dot one dot one as the default IP address where we can access this one in configure so if we have two devices that have same IP address on same network we'll be having problems also that why we need to change the IP address of this one from we can start from that too we can change this one from that too up to 254 so I'm going to choose the last IP address to put here that would be 254 since I know no one's using this one and then I'm going to save this one again now your configuration changes has been set you will be returned to the previous page after several seconds now this will refresh in a few seconds and it will give us the IP address we changed to earlier that is to Y 4 on our browser so we're going to wait for a few seconds now it has already refresh and it has changed into our done again so you can see it's changed so this will not be conflicting to our main router now that that's change like what I've said our wireless router can already be used as a switch we can use those extra switch ports to plug in other devices we want to now that we're done with the configuration of the IP address and turning that DHCP server off go ahead to the wireless configuration and we can start configuring this one as our access point already click on wireless we can go for manual and if you want this one to be a repeater you can use the same SSID that your new router is using so that your users do not need to really Kate to this access point we have configured in our case let's just put here turaga Pro here on the channel just leave it as Auto so that it will automatically change the channel if it detected interference with other devices but if you are sure with which channel you are using you can change this one from 1 to 13 now the SSID enable so that's it we can save this one now that we're done with the wireless setup it's time to configure the wireless security this is a set to disabled if you want to authenticate our users we can select let's just go for wpa2 personal and then type in our password let's just go for taurogi Pro as our password for the sake of this tutorial save this one this wireless router is now an access point it's not a router it's not being used as a router already it's an access point a switch it can be a repeater and extender depending on how you want it to be just make sure to do the configuration on your router this Wi-Fi routers does not have the same interface when you configure them just make sure to remember to change the setting that we have changed the IP address of the two wireless router the DHCP server should be turned off you can go ahead and you can configure the wireless settings and everything should work fine now if you think I have missed something on this tutorial just drop a comment below if it's your first time my youtube channel don't forget to subscribe once again this is Toro go pro and until next time goodbye
Channel: Torogi Pro
Views: 4,455,019
Rating: 4.7472115 out of 5
Keywords: use your old router as wifi extender, extend wifi range wifi repeater, old router as repeater, connect two wifi router wirelessly, old wifi router as extender, old wifi router as access point, old wifi router as switch, how to connect two wifi routers, DIY home wireless network, wifi extender, wifi repeater, use old router as repeater without cable, how to connect old router as repeater, adding second wireless router to network, wireless bridge, old wifi router as repeater
Id: v_wz0zQngnA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 9sec (609 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 07 2019
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