ok so shrek got stuck in the floor

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oh my gosh stop stop that greeting death big brain green mic cable big brain [Music] what's going on dreamers and and steamers it's your boy hub back here again with another Dreams video you guys have really been liking these so far and here's a magic secret so am i this is probably one of my favorite games that's come out in a long time because it's very ATD and I like games that cater to that aspect of my personality let's go ahead and search for you like we do at the start of every one of these videos and when I say everyone I mean the two times I've ever done whole I go back whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa oh my gosh super shrek bros okay we're gonna search you up right after this hold on just wait okay cool there's the thumbnail thanks for watching I'm using a different camera today can you tell any difference leave it in the comments below let's check it out oh my gosh there's Mario in the fact working his pet don't all around Frick is looking left and right but I've got to get on the Beast it's point of the story am i farting because of the mushrooms what's happening I'm so lost but I'm also really happy to get these mushrooms out the way I'm gonna go over him Yee oh it's a Koopa freak bloated really big alright I've gotten all the coins were jumping over the pit I'm facing backwards jump on his head [Music] two minutes into this video this is why I love this freaking game oh it's Castle time Paul I need you see that camera they wanted to show me something what is it Bob we're gonna go over this I don't think there's gonna be a secret down there I really don't get in there Oh boys looks like we're gonna be able to buy back the kids from Princess Fiona tonight objective to Mario up until this point right now I haven't felt like I wanted to make my own game but now I do so dumb what he doesn't scream every oh the spikes wow that was close almost I actually died in real life oh here he is oh look who it is what are you doing in my swamp get him boys you could tell that they put a lot of work into that animation oh okay well now that the video literally can't get any better past this point we're gonna search you up that's me by the way I didn't even do an intro to them fnaf 6 a.m. prank shrek pop-y objects epic a it's multiplayer apparently I doubt anybody's on right now but why is Shrek in everything that I do today what's that is this actually a game Oh Who am right oh I've gone oh it's a dead end is it it then I can't I'm actually not allowed to oh here we go so keemstar screams at you if you touch any of them is that you this one is just called yup it's straight-up just called yob it is a game looks like a giant spider after a little square head duck man let's go how do I know oh my gosh I just possessed the spider instead joke's on you I hacked the game this is actually terrifying Brian duck man run oh he's so good and they're so big if I can't live I won't let you have me I appreciate you guys doing some more games for me on here this is cool yup Grill B let's see if the it's good undertale allow me to put undertale on my thumbnail again please wait is this even a game okay this sprite is awesome though look at the back of my head I do not have hair loss like that bro that is not what's under the beanie zom shoot you know when I come home from a long day of making YouTube videos where I didn't actually leave my favorite thing to do is a game of zom sheet look at this this is this is what happens when you played overwatch you know I'm saying oh my god here's the gripe that I have with this game it doesn't let you invert the freaking controls yes I'm one of these heathens who oh my gosh I'm one of these heathens who needs to play it inverted but look invert camera is on can we get on this oh my gosh look I'm every time I push up I look down I mean I pushed down and I look down are you good who is this a scary game somebody made for me first person horror pixel horror weird you just summed me up in one experience but oh my gosh but I still can't invert my frickin it's a lie I can't look I can't reprogram my brain from 20 thanks for playing I got I hope you got spooked and had fun can I start over what did I do wrong did it come from the back of the truck should I not have gone I probably shouldn't have gone to the back of the truck is my bed okay you can see here that the engine has blown okay and there's a lot of shadows we're obviously supposed to go look in the back of the truck I think that's how I died I do not have a sprint button don't worry I tried is there a secret if I keep going I'm just gonna yeah I think I'll probably just keep going wait what is that I didn't think there was actually gonna be anything over here I thought I was breaking the game I'll let you guys know and freaking 45 minutes when I make it there with no sprint button I was about to back out the game there's a whole nother section I could see six pixels down there I can't tell can I go in the door please I can't oh wow I didn't expect that you would let me okay we've reached the interior segment of the game I keep looking at the ground on accident because I can't frickin do these and non-inverted controls please let me invert the controls oh my gosh they hung him upside down and drained him dry you can see here this is all the blood that's contained in a human oh wow I'm actually I don't like that he wasn't oh my gosh the door opened I think Oh Frick dude let's see what he does guess what goofball I'm taller than you idiot surely he won't still be there it's gone I think the car is on fire I will let you guys know in 15 minutes when I make it down there can I fast travel to a location I've been to before or like I feel like the orange pixel and the yellow pixel are trying to tell me something but I don't know what that definitely was not there is it gonna be the guy just standing there and I just lose and it's game over probably you think yeah look I can see him if I don't look right at it so we should like not walk up to it right I'm just walking - I've had it with this experience he's gonna turn around and jump [Music] SuperMario in real life but there's a new coming what coronavirus Supermarket rush buy everything you can in a minute oh great look people are starting look bro they tagged PewDiePie and they tagged me did they tag me at the very end yes grab it and then you oh crap that was my favorite can of beans it's really hard to tell I got one Hey I am going to be so rich when the apocalypse happens dude look at this amount of toilet paper see this game's not realistic because there's no way there's this much toilet paper left at the store like try I've been to the store I'm pooping in the shower oh it got stuck Wario finds a loaf I beat to vibe too you know if you put a jump-scare in this it would really really ruin people's lives [Music] playa some claims looking at some memes everybody's with me I'm going to steal him from a man that's you baby [Music] Wario on the track gonna make that booty clap overalls gonna take ma baby yo to dance party in space okay it's just me that's why this game is great it's just me cuz that's the letter D over there [Music] if somebody's seven-year-old can make this surely I can make something right I just lack the patience 131 oh that's a lot falling in the dark Thank You God wait how am I tagged in this why is it on mine you have just made me so happy by the way I wanted to make some Mertz ripping off that logo if you can help me with it I would love that I don't know how do we start the game well I don't know either I'm just a floating head I like that jump girl could your pants be any tighter hello there's a sprint button it's a real game that's how you know it's a real game because there's a sprint button can I go back here oh yeah we broke this one boys uh-oh whoa how did we [Music] [Applause] leaving it all behind losing my mind I just flipped my car you what's going on hail to the king they tagged me in it yes I do like a red bubble but I would like to play the game press square drawer just a forest or is it and they tagged me and links for yang one of my friends one of my only friends on this planet okay first of all this guy's leg what happened to your lip are you okay oh here we go he's not gonna let that weird leg stop him is he no way not me I'm sure him not I got that wobbly leg oh look I fixed my leg Hey the house has healed my leg let me get let me add oh hello what's happening here was I not supposed to find this bro are you good there's a pond down here but I can see that there's oh it's not a pond we're not underwater I just thought I was whoa let me out let me get my wobbly legs up here get me out okay so when the title said just a forest or is it the answer is yes it's just a forest look that's all well and good but I know what you guys came here for that's right we're but I'm like a lot of people in the comments were like yes play more Ball world adventures and I was like happily to be honest with you happy to do it I want to play Monkey Ball ah oh come on dude the thing is it's not an easy game I don't know if you got the vibe from watching a master such as myself that this is easy but it's not watch this yeah no problem for me ah in Super Monkey Ball you control the whole level in this you actually control your ball whoa a lot of guys don't know how to control their balls that saw so many babies report what up the untold secret of the Super Mario World pipes right here Oh bro yes please can I get one checkpoint please this is like performing surgery oh my gosh if you beat this game you can legally perform perform surgery oh my gosh I'm doing it dude Oh Tony Hawk's pro ball how you gonna put these little holes in there you're not gonna stop me easy Rick Valley to to we're gonna do one world per time probably not I'll probably get bored of it but for now I'm like in ballroom this time at least I put at least this time I put it at the end you know so that if you're one of these little people it doesn't like cool games like ball world you could just skip no huh oh there's seesaws I didn't know I didn't know they were see I was like blows it up in the fall world call girls my cell phone but when I get home from this pause song just shapes and balls you know if I name this video just shapes and balls when people be mad probably also balls are shapes so that really don't make any sense Terrell's Wow I wish I could see one thing hold up where's the way God control the spin nice job nice job yes that's a checkpoint baby oh well that's cheap you gotta wait and go on here like just right after this thing goes like very soon after and then follow it instead of getting pushed you want to follow it also only push left and right don't roll forwards because if you roll forward you end up going to bat is that the way out give me the checkpoint dad thanks dad these holes in the ground from previous balls that lost their lives really makes you stop and think about what's important the answer is almost a chart you got to go faster here woah oh my gosh you got to keep your speed up through all this or you won't make it hey I'll remember that time I made a series about Super Ball world but I just hit it in another series it's like this is actually the Super Ball adventures whatever it ball world adventures series hidden it's a secret hidden within the dream series I'm innovating the YouTube game I know I know [Music] you got a hold against that's a W boy did it count me it counted yes two three I didn't even go through the portal I was too busy talking about my W oh how can anyone how am I doing this God come out of the office sweating your wife's like are you okay I'm like sorry babe I was playing ball world adventures she's like uh okay say no more where can this game go from here hits - were already and I know there's a part - don't even believe the comment I know that there is I'm gonna play it get up there dude what's your first day being a ball please please let me do it that's a checkpoint go back oh we got it we're going in there in there swim we're going to the ball world okay maybe don't just go for it like I was going to you know okay I'll go for it I'll just go for it oh gosh it's like that part of skyrim haah okay we are through it's like that part of Dark Souls also alright the Freak here's how you weigh in this bar hold the UP button okay that doesn't work with it oh it gave it to me thank you thank you didn't deserve that thank you oh boy that was not okay I'm fine with how that worked out I'm not cheating the game did it not me oh all old adventures has it all drama suspense [Music] that looks like it might fall right oh it's a checkpoint II check II pointy okay we're here's what we're gonna do just go that's what we're gonna do is just go so you got to plan it with the part that holds you up ah yup checkpoint E Chucky pointy thank you what's going on here what what could be so bad about this it's just a little green thing oh wow this gets really this gets really slim that's what she said oh I should have yeah I should have gotten a little harder than that that's tough and it's raining I mean come on checkpoint yes let's go what what could what could be worse than what we just went through nothing this is freaking baby cheesecake compared to that oh [Music] thank you guys for being here for another dreams video number one let me know if this camera looked okay but that's beside the point let me know if you want to see more dreams if you make anything for dreams tag your creations with the tag up in the title or the tags and I will see it hey let me know if you want to see more Ball world to my right that's why everyone's watching this series I love you guys so much thank you for being here for this video I'll see you in the next one make sure you keep that chin up work hard and believe in yourself and as always have a bye in the fall well the truth of my favorite beer would you go haven't heard from her in the world world come on
Channel: YuB
Views: 997,781
Rating: 4.9336238 out of 5
Keywords: dreams ps4, dreams meme, dreams gameplay, dreams gameplay ps4, dreams game review, dreams game ps4, dreams game instrumental, dreams ps4 memes, dreams ps4 undertale, dreams ps4 horror, dreams horror game, dreams undertale, dreams undertale game, dreams memes, funniest dreams games, best dreams creations, best dreams ps4, best dreams levels, best dreams games ps4, yub dreams, yub dreams levels, yub, dreams shrek game, dreams ps4 shrek, dreams mario in real life, shrek
Id: aK9tE6ArllQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 49sec (1189 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 01 2020
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