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part three i kinda look like a monkey right there by the way so we're back it's your boy you yabben we're back with deltaru chapter 717.9 uh we just fought and beat spamton and it was a whole it was a whole thing what these cones doing hey yo what the comes doing these ones don't bark i can just climb instead of why would i not go in the teacups hold on i'm going to do it i'm taking the stairs i don't know why we're backing down i'm crossing the room wait i know uh to turn off that force field [Music] you just stay standing on this switch huh but you're just gonna she's just gonna stay here well see you later she's like wait what did i volunteer for chris don't take too long okay we're just gonna leave noel the treasure of air where three are one place one two three perhaps it means we all have to enter one teacup well i don't like doing it but it works yeah i want that i want the i want the air treasure i'm gonna run back down so apparently the teacups were not working and i didn't know that or maybe we would have hit the force field like i don't freaking know that's what i get for trying to explore first instead of doing the game the right way come on get in the thing let's get in there you all jumped into one teacup you heard a clicking sound okay wait so that's what hell no like we're doing that again i like that they didn't show us the animation for that that's weird let's get this air treasure baby whoa just balloons that's it that's that's all it was hey bud i gotta fight you sorry hey chris let me show you my ultimate healing okay but no one's no one's hurt it will let rossi get hit ultimate heal oh we need a hundred percent tp okay then she needs to defend we'll use your service friends rossi encourage you to get hit by so we need to get hit but i also need i mean i can get hit so now i could spare them but susie never got to heal i want to see the heel hold on i'm going to defend everybody's going to defend right now sorry sorry i'm not sorry susie asked me to let her heal i'm going to do it in blaze bro it feels kind of it really does feel kind of crazy to be back in the undertale universe i'm not going to lie to you so let me defend susie ultimate heel best healing all right heal chris he's really hurting right now and you can defend let's see it ultimate it did too that's the worst healing i've ever seen okay but i mean at least uh at least you know at least she got to do it she got to show us that's amazing yeah yeah get on out of here you wet all right hit this there we go oh there's fireworks with my face on it oh that's adorable our faces are in fire but hold on noelle doesn't get any it's kind of sad because she's standing on the button all right let's go back and get noel so um why were you all riding in a tea cup together uh balloons balloons trust me you dodged a bullet um okay she'll listen to whatever susie says she freaking loves susie oh whoa hello oh here i am trusting the fireworks ouch don't trust the fireworks boys this one i'm just gonna run oh that would have definitely hit me oh hey cheese wait i'm not supposed to you don't touch the cheese the ones that we catch right trap one trap what is upgrade hold on i want to know about it there's only one solution for a mouse here kitty kitty wait now we just have to fight the cat yo huh yo that was so stupid susie thanks a lot here's a soft voice with the kitty let's roar susie roared the enemies became tired oh wait that's good right all right let me be careful i don't want to be okay i am so dumb like the level at which my brain works on is not it's not a very high weight ready go but that's what we call some yes that one's gone get out of here what are you throwing some hair balls don't throw the air ball we don't like that here we go yo you catch them and then they love you after that oh my gosh and they're using the absolute worst attack for some reason this attack hurts my brain and i can't do it spit them out get out of here wait a sec where's noel hey where did you go sorry i just never seen fireworks up close before [Music] sorry almost live those bullets were you scared um i guess so maybe that's then why i couldn't stop watching i don't get to pop this one balloon that's so annoying i wanna pop now i really wanna pop that balloon oh we're gonna catch the mice okay there's i got one and then you deposit one okay so it's a deposit mice system wait what did that i need to catch you got him it's just a game it's just a game of catching them oh 20. 20 more dang we're going to be here forever maybe if we split up the work i'll release the mice susie will break the balloons and chris you catch him if that's okay what's rossi going to do hold on that's not fair i'm gonna catch all these mice easy peasy lemon suzy oozy doozy scoopy suzy i'm sorry [Music] i'm doing better than good i'm like outstanding at this i feel like i was born to do this hell yeah take that you stupid mice but we saved them it's nice seeing you enjoy a puzzle susie well maybe they aren't awful if you do them like that not bad noel that was kind of smart it was like thanks maybe next time i'll let you do my homework you really have to work on the laugh susie that's a lot of mice what are y'all even doing in there wait i need one more oh that works i guess it's a bucket shaped hole i should have known look at all these doors hello why does this feel like something's about to y'all rocking with the slight 3d happening look we're finally close to the fountain it's queen's mansion huh wait why did we come here the queen's literally sitting right there chris you brought noel right to me i knew artruce was the best but unfortunately that means truces are over noelle get over here she's kind of scary a little bit but i also love her queen's like my favorite character dude noel i will only say it one time infinitely get over here get over here get over here noel are you hesitating let me if then this for you how about if you don't listen then a certain bird might take a ride in the acid river drop burnley in the river see if any of us care but burley that's right he was just with us queen must have captured him when we weren't looking he probably went with her willingly he loves her i'm sorry chris susie i i wish i could have stayed with you longer but i can't let bernie get hurt you know don't be sad noelle honey all that remains is the final step uh my splendorous queen there you are sorry i thought i saw you in a used game store and oh now well are you okay you look a little funny wait she didn't even have him she bluffed okay plan b wait oh she just with the cage yeah that'll do it huh what are you doing i see now her will must be unleashed by force perhaps if i make her face into a robot one but but you said you wouldn't do that if i variable lying set to true we were gonna be smart together that's not fair understood fairness activated oh well i mean she's not wrong now we're all in a cage thanks birdly good thing i calibrated those cages you said i could trust you you said you were a gamer oh burly birdly i only play mobile games one of you is going to help me with my plan and it's going to be noelle the rest of you go to your rooms rossi's like ah still here what are you gonna do with me oh damn you're still here i only made four cages ha ha ha i literally don't know ha ha ha did they just do a super mario world ending hold on so rossy's still out or else you could do something oh my gosh how do you like your new room units as you can see they are perfectly suited to your interests which i gleaned from your internet search results i estimate you will have no desire to leave please tantalize yourself with your surroundings and wait patiently while i dominate the world toodles i love her look how nice she is dude look at all the cool stuff she gave she could have just locked us in a cell chris hey can you hear me looks like there's some way to communicate between rooms convenient isn't it i really thought of everything shut up anyway let's think of some way to get out of here rossi you got any bright ideas yeah rossi is not even in here with us dude where the hell is rossi what was that somebody farted that's soft yet tender screaming chris that's gotta be him quick we gotta think of some way to get out anything you smuggled in that might help us yeah my entire inventory oh lancer oh it's me lance release me and i'll release you yeah i bet it sounds good we just throw he's a playing card i'm telling you missed me really truly did cause i missed you i mean you were in my pocket but okay lancer is that you i thought you ditched us no i love ditches but i would never ditch you i was simply relaxing in chris's spacious pants hole yes and i saw it all pants lint various items a wild mob put you in some shot cages yeah we're trapped so uh hey wait did you see us on the roller coaster yes it was amazing my first coaster ride i love getting nauseous with friends i love lance you gotta love lancer right how can you not hey you should probably uh free us oh right yes you can always rely on a friendly me to make you free okay how is he uh i have no idea how to use this request new item for room that sounds good item request shovel quantity let's say 999 quantity overload yeah okay it worked it worked how did he do that let's go blue person whose name i know lancers just funny dude what is this vhs it's a vhs explaining how to install video game piano from search query video game piano tutorial great what about the horn use the communication yeah sure you put your whole head inside and oh chris what the hell are you doing oh trying to fit your head inside yeah me too hey we don't have time for this all right here's some small pianos with a toriel it looks like it's too pixelated toriel's playing the piano from search query video game piano tutorial it's dozens and dozens of bath bombs from search query diy bath bomb it's a jelly in the shape of a knife from search query sharpest kitchen knife jello what's even searching for it's a calendar with college vacations circled from search query summer vacation college when that's a good point it's jungler's book of jungling and other tricks from search query how to use magic okay it seems to have been overloaded by shovel requests this is known as a dozens and dozens of shovels attack wow perfectly executed by lancer by the way oh we're in here now chris hey man lancer you're the best dude oh they're so cute together they're awesome come on noelle and ross you're waiting yes let's put the pedal on the metal [Music] yo are you good wait he's like oh my gosh that's because he's out of our inventory i don't think he's supposed to be in this world so him being here is like draining him right lance are you okay dude i i'm fine just very cold oh no put him back in your pocket hey what the hell put him back in your pocket chris are you okay dude here let me heal you the 2hb there you go that helped very little bit thanks susie but darn it's not strong enough huh quick chris let's find rossi maybe he can heal him okay there was a save point back there that i wanted to use oh there goes burnley wait his door's just unlocked wait wait you two aren't gonna leave without me are you uh yeah we are but noelle my damsel in distress she must be in distress and if i cannot help her then okay fine come if you shut up all right one second guys i need the i need to do this just real quick just very quick like can i go in here oh that's full of oh it's the shovels i see they're just going everywhere seems like the room is overflowing with shovels and you don't have anything to dig through them with oh that's very inconvenient the nameplate reads berkeley i mean birdly peek inside yeah what's going on in his room what you saw surprised you sort of why are we not going to talk about it the nameplate reads caddy's room yeah let's look in there it's a wall it's wallpapered with the pink cat ad from the city it's animated too okay cute who's this the nameplate reads jockington's room peek inside yes it's beautiful okay the nameplate reads azrael's what peek in there you open the door with your eyes closed you saw no we'll open it with your eyes open i'm confused lancer's fading dude looks like a puzzle think uh you can do it chris oh here goes burley calm your skinless boneless thighs everyone i'll think of a solution chris just ignore him i'll just be over here where i can't hear you and i'll be here away from your iq debuffing area wow great guys thanks so much chris still stumped by this simple diversion well put your neurons back in the crayon box chris i can already feel the solution welling up in my brain cavity eureka is what i will say now go okay let's see here the dark bulbs will cast a bright shadow on the ground fill in the space with dark to unlock the way oh i can rotate it oh i see oh that's easy enough [Music] i can't believe i did it there she is yeah we got it what what hey wait a second how did how did you solve it without me [Music] chris figured it out before you jealous well i i knew the answer i just wanted to see chris try first it's called suspense susan dramatic suspense really shut up then you do the next one fine watch me we don't have time for all this guys lancers literally dying bird are you gonna do this one huh child's play couldn't you give me a harder one for example if anyone had a 4x4 puzzle cube just tell us the solution dude well you see first you you align the shadows with the lines on the floor okay what do we move first ah chris just do the puzzle just give me a moment it's not like chris could even solve it anyways hold on i want to see if he really will chris leave the controls alone if you get sweat on the controls it's it's going to eat up my inputs so just let me solve this do you think he really will if you wait what a bird brain right lancer yeah all of his body parts are bird ones lancer tell chris our sick scheme so when we make track jackets right i'm making his a different color oh man we really need to help him this puzzle is for staff only guests please head back to your rooms [Music] yeah oh i get it wow that's good that's a good puzzle i did it whoops looks like chris got it again [Music] wait wait just a second you can't you just got lucky it's just trial and error the brute force method a caveman could do it except caveman died out because they're stupid i'm solving the next one so just stay here until i'm done our friend is dying burly do you mind yeah like we're gonna wait that long no that's not happening come on i'm worried about lancer let's go what are you two doing here this one's mine i'll be over in a second so why don't you just relax in your mind palace which probably doesn't even have anything in it i just need to figure out why the shapes don't go together we'll just overlap them right oh hey you just got to fill the whole square thing right what if you just piled them all in the corners like digging a really wide hole why chris want to try man why are we even solving this we could just walk right by it [Music] boom it's that easy is that easy birdly susie's idea worked there's no way it's a computer bug it's a glitch you're cheating just like when you wave dash how's it taste idiot man i'm gonna relish this forever all those times you acted so high and mighty well guess what you're not face it you're just as big a dumb as the rest of us oh no we've made birdly very sad birdly fine i admit it i'm not that smart i never was there are you happy i i just uh with the backstory i used to be a forgettable little bluebird no one even remembered my name then one day came the spelling bee noelle and i studied for [Music] when it came down to the two of us she got nervous and couldn't speak [Music] hey december we spelled that word last time remember that's weird so she lost she lost but only because she was nervous right but he loved it and i won that was when i tasted it the praise the glory the superiority the addictive power of being smart since then year after year i've been number one in the class but it's only because noel helps me study she's the real smart kid but everyone's expectations for me are so high now what am i gonna do once i go somewhere without her that's why i wanted to make a new world for us a world where we'll always be number one and number two you even have to bro y'all couldn't both be number one but i was so wrapped up in that i got tricked by queen and now noelle's gonna suffer because of it maybe i did just like being superior maybe i am just an idiot don't cry chicken nugget man all of us are idiots too huh i mean like i don't know about everyone else but whether you're the smart kid or not we couldn't care less screw up as much as you want honestly it's not like our opinion of you can get any susie susie you you accept me even if i'm dumb uh yeah it's like when your sister gets cursed in dragon blazers too even if her stats suck she's still your party member that's beautiful susie susie a real dragon blazers 2 reference susie you're not only kind but a true gamer as well perhaps i underestimated you don't say that now but worry not i have decided i will turn over a new leaf from now on and fight for the side of ignorance we're not telling you to be stupid just sometimes it's okay to make mistakes and make mistakes i will onward wait he's gonna be stupid now he's gotta be like the stupidest one he can't just uh why couldn't rossie be here to teach the moral lesson for real for real though let's go though let's go oh who is this hey what's going on this downstairs table will be for our special guests there's a dinner party on the second floor for everyone else okay are we the special guests everything here is tailored for you right is it what are we doing oh i hear rossie that's screaming rosie oh wait he looks beautiful he's got the suit on uh you don't have to scream just because you like my outfit oh it's them that's how they show they like it oh chris susie how may i serve you what the heck are you doing um queen didn't have a room for me so she made me into one of her butlers instead whatever rossi can you he'll answer oh it's uh it's called heal him help him susie i'm afraid this is something i can't heal what lancer is did he just turn to stone lancer lancer hey you see each dark fountain creates a different world a world whose darkness reflect the will of the fountain but though those darkness can exist in their own worlds they might not belong if they go to another one i told you but my question is how can rolsy be here right so can we help him yes there's a way castletown's grand fountain is made of pure darkness as long as it stays flowing any darker can live there so if we bring lancer back to school he'll be okay again so we just need to get out of here huh right all right lancer we'll be back for you buddy should've just put him back in our pocket when we had the chance dude your friend if we defeat queen can we save him oh it's birdly uh yeah with me out of the way queen is gonna force noel to do her bidding and if noel doesn't want to she might make her face into a robot one susie could you assist me in saving noel huh me i i just can't do it by myself but if you can help me i have a plan a plan i remember from queen's tour of this place there's a secret shortcut on the third floor while chris is distracting queen susie will take the shortcut to reach noelle and transfer her to me on the roof from there i'll bring her to a safe hiding spot and together we can all defeat queen all right sure we'll give it a shot most excellent then uh see you on the roof fellow agent i still don't like him i'm sorry all right let's go oh lancer buddy would you take that off already sorry no i liked it you could have left the suit on bro oh we can just move him let's go let's go lancer come on with us it's going to get stuck against the stairs right that's not going to work what happens if we hold on [Music] like why would they let us do this if there was nobody oh i put him at the table oh and we got him oh that's just nice he seems to be well taken care of we got some spaghetti i love that oh that's cool i'm glad we did that i don't think it's gonna matter because he's made of stone and he can't eat it but that's the thought that counts let me get the save point right quick looking at those legs fills you with a certain power it said oh is that her legs up there i didn't even realize the cafe here oh who are you welcome to color cafe let us warm your day okay about yourself let's hear it now forgive me for not introducing myself sooner young masters i'm swatch our lady grace's head butler oh he's a butler okay adjusting voice when we are not attending to her needs i and the queen's other staff use this room as our humble yet colorful gift shop slash cafe please shop to your heart's content we are eager to serve your any wish okay does a woman of our lady grace's caliber not deserve a coven of powerful men and women to dote upon her every movement to have rap anthems written to her kindness which are then bit crushed beyond recognition to make them more computer to have melons smashed with karate chops repeatedly for no reason to have barrels thrown from the rafters and make us smash them all with karate chops before the timer runs out but the barrels are full of melons we have to smash those too yes the answer is yes okay what about rules card rules i'm afraid i'm not familiar with a guest of that moniker ah wait are you perchance referring to that unbearable um unique man who barged in here and demanded he be made butler supremeth i'm afraid that person is now banned from this establishment and may have suffered injuries as a result of his ejection please do not mention him again we are still cleaning up the worms he left on the floor can i mention him again okay i immediately try to do it sorry outfit ah my outfit yes the monochrome look is quite suitable isn't it black suit colored glasses many people have failed to imitate this look some even going so far as to attempt to impersonate me in order to get the oh never mind macaron he looks like spam though kind of doesn't he i can't tell what can i buy but you hold on butt juice oh short for butler juice that's my bad the big shot boats royal pin yo we'll buy one of these oh i'm still wearing this mannequin by the way but does not do anything so the royal pin is really good so i can sell these amber cards now huh i can sell the mannequin for 150 that's great okay so i'm going to be saving up i want to buy all of those thousand dollar armors look at the flame door so we can go back oh wait hold on uh spamton told us he was waiting in the trash zone right hold on let me go see oh man i just spent all my money though what the freak is were you here before a funny little guy was looking for you to the rest he was muttering something about deals yeah it's spamton okay so let's go back this way so wait maybe it's going to be that door that went nowhere before remember in here is it here the door's unlocked go in there well you want to go in by yourself whatever do what you want what are we doing oh hello spampton hey every it's me spamptong spampton buy or buy more we can talk or escape talking let's make a deal our deal chris you little sponge i knew you'd come here on a saturday night after all you want to be a big shot but how how can you be listen in the deep abyss of queen's mansion a great deal is waiting for a limited time only a heaven piercing workout ready body designed by the classics you've come to expect chris that little nipper is your one-way ticket to make you big make me big before you know it we will be taking a ride around town on our special [Music] vacationing in burning acid while you soak in the hyperlink blocked but chris don't breathe yet the way is locked by high quality encryption you will never get inside wait chris look here are those balloons you are one thousandth customer as a commemorative ring i will let you buy key gen from me at the low low price of what do you think it's such a steal i'm in myself take this deal and you will die it's that good buy the keygen from me unlock the basement and get that empty disk okay hold on let me hear about him real quick i used to be nothing but the email guy now i'm the it burns out stop help me it burns guy oh he's creepy he's creepy what the freak dude amazed at this amazing transformation you two can have a communion with soon i'll even surpass that clown around town but unlike him i'm gonna shoot for the sky and get on the path to the big one i'll get so i'll get so i'll get so i'll get some hyperlink blocked he's creepy dude speaking of communion chris did you know that the night no i'm sorry i'm sorry i didn't mean to too many excess vacation days take a vacation straight to hell what is happening hold on this is yellow now friends me friends chris you and me are already friend request accepted we don't need anyone else we don't need easels or crts we don't need any man woman or child at half price we don't need mike wait what the freak mike chris don't believe anything you see on tv the man's a criminal i tell you a criminal what is going on asked him about fear what are you afraid of according to encyclopedia of being afraid there's nothing to fear except can anyone hear me help huh what no i didn't hear anything just now but it sounded like they were talking to you what the freak is going on with him dude here's the vibe there's the key gen whoa it changes prices all do you if i click it at the right time is it a good deal transmit that much chromer yeah do it money no the big one cut anything to pieces whoa look at the damage big shot bow tie hold on but transmit 42 oh i got it when it was 42 yes delicious crowmar yeah run away buy more oh it's the same okay let's get out of here mansion basement find it what kind of creepy stuff were you buying anyways nah like i even want to know yikes she said she hoped if it was candy you'd share with her shut up chris was it candy though the key gen a shady looking program opens certain doors the in and we're supposed to use it in the basement of the mansion which is where we're at in the store anyways it works out perfect let's go back how do you get to the basement is that where we were i feel like this was the basement where we were in prison let me see wait he ate it seems to be well who ate the spaghetti hey what you doing here this mansion used to be a luxurious home for upper-class citizens your room it belonged to a prestigious big shot so wait i think that means our room has got what we need let's go in hold on i'm looking for wait skateboarding it knows me it's a copy of an online skateboarding game from search query cool skateboard game online what is this seems to be a glitched out hologram from search queer what about this it's a vacuum powered book from search query losers this library sucks it's a painted egg it's warm can hard boil eggs hatch if you blasted flames down this horn thing you think it would torch the other side maybe i don't know hold on what is this look i know what you're thinking and no the skateboard game doesn't work on this well what the frick i want to play it did you enjoy your room there was a mint under your electric cake oh wait what the freak let me get that oh man someone took my mint so i guess this is not the basement and we cannot [Music] haha chris whose room is this oh your brother man you better hope i never meet him what how do i get to the basement please [Music] okay what's happening i see you have escaped from your room units who can blame you for wanting to see my glorious mansion you won't want to take your eyes off this beautiful art we're not here to look at your stupid pictures oh they're laughing at me oh it was not a recommendation i was just warning you lmao oh free hold up don't take it oh my gosh wow hold on run when these things are that one just goes non-stop okay i guess you want to watch out for that they do the thing it's not good go fast quickly oh look at this one i feel like it's a trick but i'll try it look out oh why did i do that i'm i'm lost oh this one's fast oh okay was that worth it oh look hey cool he found a revivement epic that's okay i almost died to get it so that makes sense what are we doing up here oh they stopped thank you for that oh wait the vase looks like her now i know you are all loving my mansion but we have a few rules around here you have to follow one wipe your shoes two have fun three respect the pottery four have fun five list entry duplication error so what happens if i don't respect the father oh my gosh holy freaking do we warmify okay this guy looks blue or two stages does he need to be bluer or redder he looks like he's pretty blue oh let's check first i'm gonna check them both it'll tell us what to do swatchling happiest when their outfits are color oh so you only do one okay i'm glad i checked that a lot of people in the comments were like you never check anybody and it's annoying it just seems like a waste of a turn sometimes because you could just guess what to do and half the time you'll it'll be fine so this guy we need to warmify right let's warmify him let's defend rossi can you heal someone yes you can heal yourself talked about the color of summer sun look at that they match it's that easy guys we're also cast a heel prayer thank you we feel so coordinated he said oh there's candy inside some of them they're so nice now thank you okay you're still hurting me though get out of here you cute guys did he just dab i thought i saw it dab pottery not respected the writing for this game is so good dude all right do i really not want to touch the pottery oh my gosh careful careful careful my gosh do they are they actually chasing me what if i get them to break the pottery just go back one screen not that hard how was i supposed susie is breaking all well at least they're not mad why did you do that she's on a rampage let's do it let's do it susie come on who cares i guess since we already failed this it doesn't matter now come on susie yeah i like your style pottery is for sure not respected why is this number one the painting is labeled task task timberly task oh cat okay i thought it was gonna give us a secret it just straight up did not so that's on me who are you what are you doing just in time for your appointment would you assist in organizing those paintings yeah how refined then the first question which painting's name is first alphabetically [Music] they're all ta right just say one of them it doesn't matter incorrect someone ought to whip you into who cares let me fight who freaking cares okay fine the task manager order acts on the task manager just to see what happens everyone asks task manager to show you order she obliges processes services performance details c okay oh wow thank you b she tells us what to do i like it she got a little voice too oh that was nice maybe i need to get the task out of here how did we do it did you pet them i'm gonna do a pet i'm gonna defend and roll seat is gonna do whatever he does oh petting is good rossi blinked at it which did 50. aren't my kitties just so well behaved oh my gosh stop you guys are evil don't do that wow i didn't i didn't get hit somehow okay chris is going to pet the cat susie's going to spare the first cat rossi will spare this okay so here we go dismissed dismissed plus 35 for her okay okay how to i need to get further away okay you're just hitting me no matter what i do i love that i'm gonna have these guys both do whatever the freak they do oh wow it worked you asked for order soothies mouth froths rossi fell in line ah i okay i reading comprehension not my strong suit i guess things are now sufficiently organized [Music] we did that there's a up and then there's like exclamation points going on here i could stop the cars let me go up here what is this second floor oh what are we doing i want these hold on this is not good are those maybe those hurt me maybe i'm doing it right i accidentally literally guys i was trying to gather that stuff at the beginning and i just missed oh hello sir welcome to the second floor dinner party section a please help yourself to anybody's food oh that's not very nice hold on there's supposed to be another guest here but they're late they called something about jew blue check marks wait what are they famous queen is right sin era report who are these mouse twins mouse a million stay in leagues and inches above all other mice only newbert remains up is this new newbert's moving up in the world i don't think i should be eating their food i'll eat this one oh am i going to fight you guys okay hold on it's right here there was still something downstairs i didn't do i don't even know what it was yeah we need to go up here oh my gosh let me go back i'm worried i'm going to miss something across the traffic real quick just see what's going on oh my gosh wow i actually was making that work too for a second by the way you can start it over again right there [Music] oh hit it oh that was close we made that nearby what is this right here [Music] mouse help me yeah yo called in a favor of the mouseketeers right now oh queen statues you became lost in the craftsmanship i love that we love a repeating joke this is chest chain mail oh how good is that though chainmail okay let's do that so this whole room was just to get that chain mail i guess i don't know what it's for but i know that i took that armor thank you for blocking that off i'm glad i went back dude are you ever stopped jill what about this guy oh hello cool thank you so the more of these we hit the more out yo chill i don't think i can i don't think we can make it by that guy i'm not gonna lie to you i think we're gonna get hit first floor shortcut to first oh cool hey look at this oh hold on i'm ready i'm ready yep got it dude it's your boy [Music] i love that oh wow that's really good let's push on a little bit longer i know this video is getting kind of long i'm sorry i'm just gonna push on a little bit i need to see what happens room has been closed due to kitchen vermin okay why yeah i think you can hit no matter what if you go that way i'm not gonna lie to you guys i think it's a trick all right let's go up here wherever this goes oh that's a lot that's a lot of serving trays oh what's wrong oh me oh my the kitchen's infested with vermin i knew we should have properly finished dumping all the cheese in that alleyway ouch ouch the mouse can't get me up here even if the stove is burning my feet mouse and it's not wearing a wig hello guys i know how to deal with y'all oh super mouse what are they doing it's a mouse wheel well there's no way i can catch all of them but what does catch x do press x oh we got a lot okay so we just gonna keep doing that okay that's fine wired is faster bro finally someone understands i've been saying that for years that's why i don't like i'm worried about lag with wireless mouse so i do because i do so much serious gaming you know all right let's catch x get ready yo that's pretty good pretty good 62 that's 100 quick math it's still rolling out of control suddenly oh hey the task manager came back well take it from here thank you oh this is so fun i fixed the mouse thanks for the help we'll open up the dining hall now all right ouch how do i get down just jump down bro queen's making us prepare a massive feast for her guests i wonder if people can really eat platters this is what they're preparing that's funny you're funny so now this is open okay well i don't trust these dark spots at all right hold on i'm gonna do it i did it that's a lot of dark spots i thought i wasn't supposed to touch them but apparently it doesn't matter is that all gonna be tables well that's a lot of tables let me go in here it's locked what's with this giant empty room anyways welcome to my extravagant dining bonanza i knew that i knew it was gonna be tables only one of these delicious platters has the key i am sure searching will be an addicting game of chance how the hell are we gonna search all these one maybe there's one that looks different there's definitely not one that looks different so i'm gonna go with this one well nothing bad happens when you search them error results key not found did you mean give up oh so you only get three tries all the platters got mixed up again so you get three tries okay so there's no strategy just click randomly it does not matter [Music] so she's gonna scramble him every time that's fine hey chris isn't there something else we can do what do you mean this is this will eventually work i promise it's gonna be fine eventually dude we're gonna [Music] okay so what is it oh we can't even leave hold on wait i saw something hey there's something under this one what is that oh hey chill don't try to run away you little what is it that's a dog it's toby fox dog hey wait a sec yo oh my gosh yeah just knock all these down see if i can get through the door ready boom oh oh this is amazing i love this not oh there it goes that's amazing there's the key now we just have to wait how did we get in the screen it broke it that's nice yeah get him i love this ooh ouch okay bye bye toby [ __ ] was that awesome or what um maybe minus the blatant destruction no that is why it was awesome thank you let's go chris we're almost at the third floor wait why can't i still look interesting but uh oh my gosh i really need to save i'm tired i'm ready to edit this video oh what's this the supreme table you wouldn't be able to use this without the throne of the gods not the giant toilet okay well i guess we're going to keep pushing on because there's no save point all right look out what is going on we need to make sure we don't knock any of these over is that what's happening here what's in here there's a whole bunch another more platters it's this one oh my gosh it became a ufo that's terrible don't don't check those ever i guess okay we made it this way hello oh yo she's giant bye timing's too easy bro let's go i'm ready hit me with it just gotta look at the shadows that's all just look at the shadows how that hit me in the head oh my gosh wait what is that tea what did we just drink susie drank all of her that was a good idea susie we should have all done that okay we got tee'd spilled the tea sis there's a book here about preventing backtracking that's another shortcut oh birdly hello chris susan glad to see you arrive unwounded now let us haste it see he knows the secrets through here is a secret passageway to the roof there we can and rescufy lady noel uh okay wait i don't know if we trust him guys i feel like i still don't trust him let's go chris oh chris chris is chris you and your lackey distract queen let's go susie just the two of us ha ha fine whatever oh i don't trust him right i don't think i trust him chris do you think of me as your lackey of course not you mean you think of me as more than a lackey yeah i did i'm not trying to catch you lackey susie went into a weird book haul with birdly you're filled with the power of book holes all right well we are here on the third floor of the queen's mansion and i'm gonna go ahead and stop it here because i need to edit this video and post it today anyways thank you guys so much for watching deltarune again i think we've only got one more part left but i'm not too sure so without spoiling please let me know in the comments are we close to the end i feel like i played an hour every time and we're on part three so i think we're close i'm not sure anyways guys i love you each and everyone so very much thank you for being here let me know what other type of stuff you want to see in the comments i've been thinking about doing the genocide route on this chapter because i've heard that it's awesome and i'm down to see that so anyways thanks for watching my stupid videos i'll see you in the next stupid video patreon supporters that financial support every month actually helpful thank you all right i'll see you guys in the next video make sure you keep that chin up work hard and believe in yourselves and as always have a buy 5. could just smack
Channel: YuB
Views: 112,429
Rating: 4.9708629 out of 5
Keywords: deltarune chapter 2, chapter 2, deltarune undertale, deltarune chapter 2 memes, deltarune chapter 2 spamton, deltarune chapter 2 secrets, deltarune chapter 2 playthrough, yub, yub deltarune, yub deltarune chapter 2, yub deltarune part 2, yub undertale deltarune, yub undertale fan games, yub undertale cringe, yub undertale sequel, yub spamton, yub queen, deltarune spamton, deltarune queen, deltarune funny moments, deltarune reaction, deltarune chapter, pottery not respected
Id: dUnbBVXaPV0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 56sec (2996 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 29 2021
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