Every Fallout Companion Ranked From WORST To BEST

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As someone who's deep into fallout 4 for the first time ever I absolutely loved this video.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/robafette 📅︎︎ Jun 06 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] the official descriptions for the player characters in Fallout games seem to indicate a solitary experience the chosen one the lone wanderer the sole survivor in truth though you never actually have to be alone since the very first Fallout game in 1997 players of all factions of all reputations of all play styles and of all levels of karma have been able to recruit companions to keep them company on their adventures to carry extra items and to walk mindlessly into traps killing you instantly in short companions are an integral part of the fallout experience though they're far from created equal so what makes a good companion well a number of things there's usefulness in combat obviously there's personality is there going to be travelling by our side for Welford as long as we let them and we naturally want to enjoy their company there's also the unique experiences they provide in their respective games whether they take the form of personal quests unique skills or otherwise unavailable choices they allow us to make these are the factors we considered in making this list but before we get to ranking every last one of them worse to best a few ground rules firstly no temporary companions if a companion accompanies you briefly on a journey between locations or only during a fixed sequence in the game they don't account for our purposes also no companions you design yourself which means we won't be considering every possible robot you can build with the automaton DLC for Fallout 4 and finally no spin-off games we could argue about whether fallout 76 is a spin-off or a mainline game but since it has no companions yet the point is moot let's rank them I'm Ben and I'm Peter from triple-jump and this is every fallout companion ranked from worse to best number 48 preston garvey fallout 4 fair play - Preston his heart is in the right he's attempting to rebuild the minutemen a band of good-hearted mercenaries seeking to restore order in the Commonwealth and trying to help civilization to rebuild but he also never leaves us alone fallout 4s endless radiant quests involve the game generating conflicts out of nothing just to keep us playing it will pick a settlement to pick a problem from a list and give preston garvey the responsibility of marking it on our map because you know it's not like we might have been in the middle of anything else in the wasteland ethical decisions it should be cloudy a true hero would understand that sometimes the life of one farmer they've never met is nothing compared to the countless lives that will be saved if they were to instead concentrate on their mission Preston's black and white morality isn't just annoying it's completely incompatible with the world we now occupy and you know you have a weapon yourself Preston you can rescue that kidnapped farmer if it's so important to you number 47 pariah dog fallout 2 the pariah dog is an easily miserable companion in Fallout 2 as he only joins the players party during a special encounter when you find him he's surrounded by corpses suggesting that he might be absolutely brutal in a fight instead though you'll learn very quickly that he's worthless he gives you the jinxed trait which drops your luck to one and all but ensures that your skill failures will be critical in short your life will be miserable as long as you continue to travel with the pariah dog and those bodies you found weren't killed by him in battle but smothered by the dark cloud of his bad luck the pariah dog is essentially a troll on the part of Fallout 2 he occupies a companion slot that could easily be put to better use he refuses to participate in combat he cannot be dismissed from your party and his extremely high HP means he won't be leaving you through death anytime soon it may seem a bit disrespectful to rank poor Preston below this guy but the decision only took us about a minute man number 46 Porter gauge fallout 4 new Co world there have been a number of great companions added in story DLC but in only three cases would they follow you back to the main one of those cases is Porter gage who you'll find in the Nuka world DLC for fallout 4 at first gage seems like a decent guy if you survive Nuka world's opening gauntlet which you will thanks to your unique ability to save and reload your game whenever you like he tells you how to kill over boss Coulter in battle essentially saving your life in what was intended to be a fixed fight the gage doesn't do this out of the goodness of his heart he's actually just dissatisfied in Coulter's regime and would prefer that someone else take over the radar wonderland of Nuka world all of this is fine and gage is certainly a companion who can hold his own in a scrape which is nice but the problem is that gage specifically wants nuclear worlds new ruler to expand the radar presence in the Commonwealth that is his only interest and only goal not exactly the most appealing option for anyone who invested a lot of time in building and maintaining settlements number 45 miron fallout 2 it will be quite hard to make myron less appealing as a companion he's a boy genius which is nice and everything but he's one whose main hobby seems to be forcing himself on prostitutes and i think we all know it doesn't take a genius to do that he claims to have invented a highly addictive chemical jet and if that's true then he has the deaths of many addicts on his conscience and probably shouldn't think as highly of himself as he clearly does he's also openly bigoted refusing to travel with the game's goal and super mutant companions and if all of that weren't bad enough under certain conditions myron will actually drugged and sexually assault female player characters he's also nearly useless in combat which is certainly a drawback but i think it's fair to say that even if this petulant boy were a powerhouse we wouldn't have much interest in keeping him around i hello there beautiful what can myron do to uh for you oh don't think I'm gonna be sick number 44 strong fallout 4 raw strength is welcome in fallout companions the less you have to worry about fighting the more you can worry about important things like which nuka-cola trinkets you'd most like to display in the mansion you built for yourself while you're set let's go hungry or deciding where to store your 80th set of power armor that you'll never use strong is indeed strong but personality is where he falls down the Fallout series has a history of great super mutant companions we'll get to those in a bit but strong feels genuinely unfinished he speaks constantly of his desire to find the milk of human kindness which yes we know is him taking literally a figure of speech from Macbeth but you'd expect there to be some kind of quest in which he either learns the truth or finds something he mistakes for the actual milk of human kindness it feels like a cut concept for a quest especially since unlike other companions in Fallout 4 strong has no quest attached to him at all making him feel less like a character then a pile of green meat with a catchphrase strong hope we find milk of human kindness soon number 43 dogmeat fallout 3 what dogmeat is this low who are you and why is your opinion so remarkably invalid now before you start saying rude things about my mum remember that while dogmeat is perhaps the iconic fallout companion he's actually a different dog in each game here we are talking about the dogmeat we can meet and recruit in Fallout 3 as nice as it might feel to find him in the scrapyard area of the capital wasteland the feeling is likely to turn sour some five minutes later when a mole rat kills him because this incarnation of dogmeat is made out of rice paper yes the smartest thing to do upon recruiting dogmeat is to fast travel directly to your home in Megaton because you're all very good people who certainly didn't accept a home in Tenpenny tower instead and then leave him there players who purchased the Broken Steel DLC can afford to be a little less protective of their pooch as that add-on comes with the puppies perk which replaces each slain dogmeat with a brand new one just as willing to die for your carelessness and we can't decide if that's a relief or absolutely horrifying number 42 Skynet fallout 2 fallout 2 is often criticized for a reliance on pop-culture references for the sake of cheap recognition and naming a self-aware AI after Skynet in the Terminator franchise is more or less par for the course to recruit Skynet players first have to complete a Robo brain install an actual brain in the robot and download Skynet's consciousness to it Skynet's usefulness in combat comes mainly down to your choice of brain but at its best it can use a large amount of weapons and has the highest HP of any companion in the game the downsides though are numerous the quest to build a body for Skynet can be more trouble than it's worth Skynet can't be healed in combat and if Skynet catches you in a lie or doesn't like your attitude he will outright murder one of your other companions oh and because a robo brain is basically a weapon in itself many NPCs will automatically turn hostile when they see you wheeling it around as if life in the wasteland wasn't hard enough number 41 X 688 fallout 4 it's quite easy to see the Institute as the bad guys in fallout 4 as their methods are decidedly questionable even if you ultimately believe them to be the best hope for humanity's survival and the baddest of these bad guys are the courses combat enhanced synths that do the Institute's dirty work throughout the Commonwealth having the ability to travel with one has obvious benefits which is why X 688 might seem like a great companion when you first meet him ultimately though X 688 comes with one severe limitation he's not really an option unless you side with the Institute this means that if you've disliked the Institute's methods and decide not to help them there's little you can do that X 688 will appreciate and he actively prevents you from working with the Brotherhood of Steel or the railroad meaning you won't be able to do enough quests for either of those factions to make an informed decision about the future of the Commonwealth now this may be by design as the Institute surely wouldn't want you getting too chummy with factions that want to destroy it but hitching your wagon to X 688 locks you out of so much of the game that he's a genuine liability to the experience number 40 robo-dog fallout 2 fallout 2 is certainly the game to play if you're a big fan of disappointing dog companions the generically named Robo dog is your reward for helping doctor Henry with his research dr. Henry by the way is the one doctor in the entire wasteland who won't heal you so we're already off to a great start dr. Henry is interested in developing treatment for the forced evolutionary virus which you probably recognized as that awful thing that turns innocent people into super mutants a noble enough goal but his proposed cure actually just melts subjects into a puddle of bubbling news so the wasteland is no better as a result of your assistance he does let you have Robo dog though which isn't even beef only robotic dog companion you can get in the game it is however the weakest least useful one with the worst stats so it's got that going for it number 39 clover fallout 3 female companions are relatively rare in the Fallout series which is why it's a shame one of them is as useless as clover you can find her in the massive slaver community of Paradise Falls which gives some indication of just how pleasant a companion she's going to be in fairness to her though she's likely suffering from Stockholm Syndrome demonstrated by her loyalty to eulogy Jones the slaver who keeps her for his personal services and sure enough clover doesn't come to her senses if you recruit her as a companion being just as blindly loyal and flirtatious to you as she was to the guy who robbed her of her freedom in the first place of course it doesn't help that you recruit her by buying her from eulogy Jones essentially reinforcing her permanent identity as a slave but let's not dwell on that clover isn't much help in a fight and has no chance to become a better version of herself during the events of the game traveling with her can make you feel kind of yucky and frankly that's exactly how you should feel number 38 Sulli k-- fallout 2 Sonique is one of a large number of companions in fallout 2 and he has difficulty measuring up to most of them his most unique feature is his tribal design with markings all over his skin and a bone through his nose but sadly that's the most interesting thing about him when we meet Sally he's in debt to hotel owner Mader Buckner for wrecking up her establishment and you can either pay off his debt or do some quests for her to earn sleek as a companion but you'll likely find that your efforts are better spent on recruiting somebody else he's not especially useful in combat anyway and the bulk of his storyline was cut from the game before release the leak is in search of his sister who was abducted by slavers and assisting him in his quest to find and free her would have gone a long way toward justifying his existence as a companion instead she was cut from Fallout 2 completely selects tail has no closure and there's very little reason to bother with him number 37 Katia fallout when we first meet Katia in an area referred to as the boneyard we might well conclude she's going to be a perfect companion she seems to have street smarts she has a personal understanding of several of the local factions she acts tough and she's looking to explore the larger world all of this sounds great once we enter combat with her though it becomes clear why she's had to wait so long for someone to finally take her on their adventures Katia has the lowest HP in the game and is a melee character meaning she's constantly running directly towards enemies that are all too happy to gunned her down easily she seems like the kind of person who lives for adventure but far more frequently she dies for it Katia may have an interesting backstory and tales to tell but we never hear them the one bit of personal information we do learn is that she hates dogs and yeah dying constantly is one thing but hating dogs is inexcusable number 36 sergeant rl3 fallout 3 sergeant RL 3 is a mr. gutsy a combat focused variant on being mr. handy and a hell of a good thing to have on your side in a fight his main downside is his enthusiasm for combat which makes him a liability for stealth characters but the same pretty much goes for all companions anyway as one of many recruitable robots throughout these games that sergeant RL 3 doesn't really stand out rather than encountering him during a quest you just need to buy him from a vendor named tinker Joe and keeping him as a companion requires you to maintain neutral karma which is easier said than done as it requires players to vacillates between good and evil actions throughout the game something that may not quite come naturally sergeant rl3 is worth his thousand cab asking price as a combat utility but don't expect to get much out of traveling with him beyond that number 35 dogmeat fallout for fallout 4s dogmeat is superior to his fallout 3 counterpart based on these simple fact that he can survive a strong breeze but that's not the only difference dogmeat plays a crucial role in helping you track down your missing son meaning he's actually integrated into the plot a stark difference from the very missable canine companion in fallout 3 what's more you can give him adorable dog armor in this game which I'm sure you'll agree makes him a good boy indeed it's a little disappointing though that fallout 4 throws a number of companions at you right out of the gate or I suppose right out of the vault if you follow the main quest line you'll meet codsworth dogmeat and preston garvey in quick succession giving them little time to make individual impressions of the three I think it's fair to say that dogmeat is the poorest conversationalist and his forced companionship makes his recruitment feel less significant than it did in the other games number 34 old Longfellow all up for Far Harbor old Longfellow the companion whose name writes its own jokes was introduced in the far harbor DLC for Fallout 4 the novelty of traveling with a post-apocalyptic pensioner is reason enough to recruit him but he's also a valuable source of information about Far Harbor having spent so much time there the reason he's relatively low on the list though is that his implementation feels a bit careless when a player installs a new DLC they're going to want to throw themselves into the experience using the new weapons and traveling with the new companion even the story of Far Harbor encourages you to keep old Longfellow by your side as the dangerous fault that coats the island makes it difficult to navigate without someone who knows the area the problem here is that Far Harbor is actually an important part of Nick Valentine story and you can't travel with both at the same time traveling with old Longfellow means you'll miss a large number of unique interactions and a lot of insight you would have had with Nick ironically traveling with the DLCs unique companion actually has you missing out on a lot of the DLCs unique content and that is unfortunate number 33 Jericho fallout 3 the moment players of fallout 3 leave vault 101 they see just how far civilization has fallen and the nearby settlement of Megaton both suggests that humanity can rebuild and underscores just how awful life is now Jericho one of the residents of Megaton illustrates both halves of that equation perfectly as a former Raider he has a history of murder torture theft and God knows what else but now however he helps protect Megaton and keep it safe from those who might wish to disturbed the town that makes it sound as though he's gone straight but he really hasn't he's retained a good amount of his old habits and we can even learn that he attempted to sexually assault one of the other settlers he's a pretty crappy guy and the fact that he's our first recruitable companion in the game speaks volumes for better or worse Jericho is what humanity is now they do terrible things or helpful things depending upon what serves their own interests Jericho is good in a fight which is helpful for low-level characters but it's hard to look at Jericho at the reality of what humanity has become and not conclude that we can do better number 32 Raul Tejada Fallout New Vegas in theory Raul the ghoul should be a riveting companion he survived the grave war travelled from Mexico to the Mojave and has seen society at its absolute worst he also has both a history as a gunslinger and an important skill as a repairman in practice though Raul is surprisingly dull we meet him working at well technically enslaved at Black Mountain radio and if we save him from the insane disc jockey tabatha he's so grateful he'll tag along for our adventures it isn't long though before we realized that voice actor Danny Trejo isn't playing a centuries-old gunslinger ghoul he's playing voice actor Danny Trejo there seems to be a major gap between Trejo is level of interest in the character and the level of interest a player is meant to feel as Raul's personal quest doesn't involve anything more than talking to a bunch of NPCs in his presence Raul will begin to question his own direction in life and come to a definitive conclusion about who he wants to be a definitive conclusion you can then easily overall with a speech check not exactly a riveting character number 31 John Cassidy fallout 2 like sunic we've already discussed John Cassidy was a victim of cut content in Fallout 2 unlike Sulak though he's still a heck of a welcome companion he's grizzled scarred and cursed with a serious heart condition he's unable to treat properly but he's also a great guy with a strong sense of ethics we meet him in Vault city where he runs a tavern called the spittoon and we learned that guards conducted an unfounded raid on his business confiscating his alcohol supply and arresting his customers it's enough to convince him to move on which is convenient as we've got space for someone with his skills and honest demeanor in our party anytime if we're thorough in our explorations we might even find some heart pills for John but they don't actually help his condition at all it's been speculated that these would have been used to cure him in a stage of his personal quest that was cut and while it's a shame we can't help him and have to make sure we keep the Kem's away none of that makes him less than a welcome addition to our crew number 30 Rex fallout new vegas fallout new vegas and fallout 76 are the only mainline fallout games to not include some incarnation of dogmeat new vegas though gave us rex the cybernetic hound dog owned by a gang of post-apocalyptic Elvis impersonators Rex has a surprising amount of backstory including the fact that he served as a police dog in Denver Colorado an area that was meant to be explored in the original pre Bethesda concepts for Fallout 3 so far we've never visited Rex's home town in Fallout but new Vegas does give us the chance to determine his fate when we meet the poor old dog barely held together by robotic implants his aging brain is rapidly degrading there is a doctor in the Mojave wasteland willing to do a transplant and your choice of replacement brain will affect Rex his personality and the perks you get from traveling with him to this end Rex represents the most complex and versatile canine companion on our list but he's still not our favorite stage number 29 Davin and Maria fallout 2 MODOK is a town inhabited by interesting people and one of the most interesting situations you can find yourself in involves Davin odd daven and his sister Maria or mirrior this is all very confusing in a game with limited voice acting we're covering Davin and Maria together because they're similar in their stats and identical in their recruitment methods though which one you prefer is entirely up to you as it involves sleeping with one of them and being forced at gunpoint by their father to then marry them this is a slightly different situation than with most companions and it's nice that you can marry either sibling irrespective of your characters gender but neither Davin Norma RIA are especially useful in combat Davin is a bit stronger and Maria is better with guns but as with most shotgun weddings you'll quickly be looking for a way out thankfully you have a number of options from divorce to killing them to harvesting their brains to selling your spouse to slavers have we mentioned that Fallout 2 is a dark game Fallout 2 is a dark game number 28 Ian fallout those who play the Fallout games in release order are quite likely to recruit Ian as their very first companion of all that's for two reasons firstly Ian resides in shady sands which is invariably the first settlement players find in Fallout as it's directly between their starting location of vault 13 on their first destination vault 15 secondly recruiting him requires nothing more than handing him enough money ian is memorable for being an extremely helpful early game character effectively doubling the players firepower right out of the gate and splitting the attention received from hostiles he's even decently strong and likely to survive the entire game so long as you exercise appropriate caution of course it would be nice if Ian exercised some caution himself likely due to sloppy coding Ian is extremely careless with firearms especially burst weapons being very likely to gun the player-character and innocent bystanders while trying to attack hostiles this unfortunate behavior was ultimately recognized by the developers themselves who retroactive Lee made it part of his personality in Fallout 2 which takes place 80 years later you can have a conversation with an NPC about a legendary companion who just couldn't shoot straight Oh in number 27 deikun fallout 4 love them or hate them the members of the railroad are pretty easy to read their only true goal is to keep synths who have escaped from the Institute safe from the courses of sentient to retrieve them which makes deacon a notable standout at first he seems like a slightly cooler version of any other railroad agent but soon informs you of a crucial secret that he's really the factions leader posing as a mere member in order to throw off assassins actually he was just lying in reality he's a synth and he will give you his recall code as a gesture of good faith pleading with you never to use it of course you will use it and when you do you'll learn that that was a lie too Deacon's endless lying prevents even his own faction from truly knowing him a Desdemona the railroads actual leader even suspects him of secretly being one of the group's founding members the truth is that the tall tales he weaves are a defense mechanism to distance himself from his own violent past as a gang member and the memories of his murdered wife in short he's doing exactly what you do when you play a fallout game and creating an identity and role playing his way through life number 26 aider fallout 4 automaton moving on to an actual robotic companion in Fallout 4 ADA is genuinely one of the most useful and functional Tagalongs in the entire series of course this is largely due to the fact that she's almost completely customizable if you install the automaton DLC you'll gain access to a robot workbench under wealth of options to construct your own robotic bodies from scratch ada admittedly exists to serve as a to toriel for robot customization but she does have her own goals that is to hunt down whoever slayed the kind humans with him she was traveling and she leads us through one of the best quests in the entire game once we upgrade Eider and use her to infiltrate the lair of the heartless killer we just might discover that this has all been a big misunderstanding but not without also discovering just how capable ADA is against powerful foes and learning that whatever our playstyle is she can be modified to complement it perfectly number 25 arcade gannon Fallout New Vegas one of the few genuinely good-hearted people in the entire wasteland arcade gannon is right at home with the followers of the apocalypse a peaceful faction dedicated to medicine knowledge and preventing a repeat of the great war that almost wiped out humanity his wide range of knowledge can help you bypass phases of certain quests and his skills with medicine come in handy as well he's also one of the few canonically gay characters in the series which is a welcome exception to the rule in short arcade gannon is a pleasant and reliable guy to travel with which makes it all the more disturbing that you can dispose of him in one of the cruelest ways rather than just killing him or selling him to slavers you can give him to Caesar whose beliefs and methods he loathes and force him to live the rest of his life as the despots personal doctor nice number 24 k9 fallout 2 the superior choice of robot dog companion in fallout 2 is k9 the ahahah pet project of the heartless enclave scientist dr. schreiber at first k9 just seems to be a broken or incomplete robotic dog but thorough players will soon learn the truth dr. schreiber attempted to program advanced intelligence into his robot dog which allowed it to also develop a sense of morality the newly woke canine did then not approve of dr. schreiber inhumane experiments and voiced his displeasure I mean literally as the dog could talk it do not mention that and dr. schreiber disabled canines movements as punishment now it stands motionless against the wall in Schreiber's lab forced to watch every unethical experiment unfold in real time as they say dogs are excellent judges of character which means we should execute dr. schreiber on sight and once we do we can restore canines mobility then so long as our character doesn't have their own history of monstrous behavior we're free to take our talking robot dog for walkies or talkies maybe walkie talkies number-23 codsworth fallout4 codsworth a mr. handy robot is one of a small number of characters you get to interact with both before and after the world ends prior to the apocalypse he put us around your house performing basic tasks after the apocalypse he well actually he's pretty much doing the same thing as a mass-produced robot codsworth doesn't have much in the way of a distinct personality but he does serve as an important point of familiarity for the main character who just lost his or her home family and the world they once knew in what feels like one fell swoop it's nice to see him again a nicer still that he's willing to fight alongside you almost as soon as the game begins of course none of this covers codsworth main selling point the fact that his fully voiced dialog allows him to verbally call you by name in conversation or call you a large number of words we can't say on triple-jump that the choice is yours really number 22 Vic fallout 2 a chubby balding trader and traitor to an extent Vic is one of the earliest characters you'll meet following the main questline of fallout 2 and he's also one of these sturdiest companions he has a high repair skill and is great with guns making him a very valuable early recruit he also has an interesting personal history as he's a bit of a ladies man he was smitten with a resident of vault city and had a child with her but preferred fighting for his life every day in the wasteland - settling down which probably says something by the time we encounter him in the den he has something going on with Jenny one of the local prostitutes he does care about his daughter there and we can take a moment out of our travels to reunite them whereupon they get into an argument but you know we tried Vic isn't the most noble companion in the series he's imprisoned for knowingly selling faulty goods but he's a good guy at heart and he possesses exactly the kind of sly meanness that we find endearing number 21 star paladin cross fallout 3 the Brotherhood of Steel seems to follow the whims of its leadership more than it follows one consistent Dogma leaders throughout the games have been focused on securing technology on conquering regions on isolationism and in fallout 3 on humanitarianism star pardon cross is that humanitarianism personified dedicating her life and service to helping the people of the capital wasteland she doesn't help them in small ways either by providing temporary shelter or protection she's involved in all stages of project purity a large-scale water purification effort that could without exaggeration save humanity she worked side by side with your celebrated father James arguably the only truly selfless human being in fallout 3 and ferried both him and his child that's youth to vault 101 where you could be raised and cared for in safety now that you're older she's still ready and willing to protect you as you go about completing your father's noble work number 20 dogmeat fall out when it comes to ranking the pooches of the Fallout universe you just can't beat the original dogmeat the imagery of a fallout hero wandering the wastelands with his faithful mutt can be traced right back to this very good boy from the first game though admittedly you meet him while he's being a very bad boy dogmeat is found in junk town terrorizing an innocent man named Phil and keeping him from entering his home the reason is that dogmeat is in a tizzy that his owner is dead an inquisitive player can learn that his owner dressed a heck of a lot like Mel Gibson in Mad Max and if you have or find a similar leather jacket dogmeat will leave Phil alone and begin following you instead this original version of dogmeat is actually pretty resilient and as long as you don't allow enemies to gang up on him he stands a pretty good chance of making it a long way into the game dogmeat proved so popular with the developers and players that a canine companion has become a recurring feature of the series typically sharing the dog me name number 19 Hancock fallout 4 the ghoul mayor of good neighbor Hancock has more of a history than you might first suspect he's the brother of mayor McDonough of Diamond City who implemented a zero-tolerance no ghoul policy sending Hancock and many others in search of a new place to live while good neighbor isn't the safest settlement today it was far worse then as it was run by a corrupt mobster who killed anyone who got in his way Hancock overthrew him seized control and made good neighbor a safer and more welcoming place for the wastelands outcasts one interesting thing is that mayor McDonough is a synth meaning neither brother is human anymore and their memories of each other are from different incarnations entirely Hancock does have issues with substance abuse and stabbing troublemakers in the street is one way he likes to keep order but hey nobody's perfect Hancock is also the only romance able ghoul companion in the whole series and we don't know what could ensure a respectable placement on this list more than that number 18 Edie Fallout New Vegas fans of fallout 3 likely recognize I bots as the cute little things flying around delivering less cute enclave propaganda they probably never seemed like something that could serve as a great companion but Fallout New Vegas proved that at least one of them can in a way New Vegas can be seen as Edie's story in the game's trailer we see him flying along a highway getting shot several times by an off-camera sniper in the game itself we learn the importance of that journey IDI was actually constructed in the capital wasteland all the way on the east coast he's loaded with valuable technical data and dispatched to Navarro on the west coast thanks to that sniper in the trailer though he doesn't quite make it and we find him in a state of disrepair in the small town of prim the lonesome road dlc the last one released for new vegas and arguably the climax of the courier story involves IDI quite heavily with the companion being necessary at several points to progress through the divide it can even end depending upon your choices with IDI nobly sacrificing himself for the greater good number 17 kate fallout 4 you can recruit kate in a brutal fighting establishment called the combat zone which means you know up front that she can handle herself in a scrape what you don't know is that kate grew up in a physically and emotionally abusive home with her own parents selling her into slavery at a young age it was a harrowing enough experience that she turned to chems alcohol and fighting to detach herself from her memories and her past she also tracked her parents down and killed them which in this case i'm sure you'll agree qualifies as a good karma decision it can be difficult to see kate as a pleasant companion at first as her brusque demeanor and hardened heart makes her seem to pair poorly with a wasteland hero but when she starts to trust you enough to open up about her history she becomes a much different character altogether this is especially true after you complete her personal quest which sees you escorting her to vaults 95 where you can use vault techs equipments to cure her addiction to Kem's and it turns the site of one of vault x most atrocious experiments into one of genuine healing number sixteen piper fallout 4 fallout 4 overall has a strong emphasis on rebuilding communities after hundreds of years of society going down the toilet and much of that is reflected in the game's companions whether you're helping Kate rebuild her life without kemon diction or helping piper back into diamond city so she can continue with her important work as the voice of the free press you are helping society get back on its feet one slander at a time unlike other examples though Piper's spirit doesn't seem to be in much danger of being crushed she knows as well as anyone else that the odds are stacked against her but she's willing to go down swinging even when it means picking fights with authority figures you devious rabble-rousing slander the level of dishonesty in that paper of yours I'll have that when you meet her she's run afoul of mayor McDonough leader of the largest and safest community in the Commonwealth he's banished and threatens to shuts down the newspaper she runs all because Piper ran an article accusing McDonough of secretly being a synth McDonough dismisses this as fake news even though it turns out to be entirely true which I'm sure you'll agree ended up having no real-life resonance whatsoever number 15 Tyco fallout players get roped into determining the outcomes of other people's conflicts in fallout all the time but one of the most memorable occasions takes place in the appropriately named junk town the conflict here is between mayor Killian dark water and crooked casino mogul gizmo in many cases throughout fall out the ethically correct choice isn't always clear here though it's a choice between a good-hearted man who wishes to keep his citizens safe and a sneering evil Doughboy who hires assassins to gun down anyone who stands in his way if you do find yourself on the right side of the law with the intention of stopping gizmo you can recruit Tycho to your party Tycho is heartened to hear of your desire to restore order to junk town likely due to his background as a desert ranger we don't learn much about the desert Rangers in this game but they were a central focus of 1988 wastelands the spiritual predecessor to fall out and they would again play a major role in New Vegas as such Tycho serves as connective tissue between all three errors of fallouts history the wasteland series the original interplay games and the 3d era number 14 butch Deloria fallout 3 as easy as it is to despise butch at the beginning of fallout 3 it's even easier to pity him as the game progresses introduced as your childhood tormentor butch is a thorn in your side all throughout your time in vault 101 he start his own gank the tunnel snake seemingly for no other reason than to cause more problems for the other vault dwellers what a brilliant guy then you leave the vault massive spoilers we know sorry and discover that compared to the truly monstrous residents of the wasteland butch was something of a pussycat a bit of an arse of a pussycat but you know still later in the game you'll have an opportunity to return to vault 101 and find it in the midst of crisis should the vault dwellers follow you into the wasteland at the resolution of this crisis you can find the woefully underprepared butch drinking away his troubles in rivet city recruiting him as a companion is almost an act of mercy as his 1950s American greaser facade won't get him far in a land of murderers haven't cannibals we have to admit it feels quite good to take our former bully under our wing and start calling the shots for once number 13 paladin dance fallout 4 when you meet paladin dance he is fanatically devoted to the Brotherhood of Steel what dance doesn't know is that he's actually at a synth doing a bit of espionage on behalf of the Brotherhood brings this truth to light and understandably puts the Brotherhood in an awkward position what follows is a genuine personal crisis for dance who suddenly finds out that his entire life and history has been a lion is just some data implanted into him by the Institute who he's always understood to be the enemy you're instructed by the Brotherhood to track down and execute dance leading to a fairly difficult ethical decision made somehow even more difficult by the fact that dance himself wants you to do it feeding so much loyalty to the Brotherhood that hits side with them even when it means his life typically companions give you an edge in combat and provides some amusing banter along the way but palette and dance is one of the very few that reveals a complex wrinkle in what you initially thought was clear and straightforward number 12 casts Fallout New Vegas we meet the daughter a fallout 2 companion John Cassidy in the Mojave wasteland as she has inherited both her father's heart problems and his misfortune in business Kass runs at Cassidy Cara bats and you'll likely meet her after the owner of the crimson caravan company asks you to seek her out and make her an offer for her failing business it should be an easy baile pork ass has experienced a seemingly endless series of setbacks lately but if we do some investigating we can discover that a few other caravan companies have run into trouble as well with Casas help we learned that the crimson caravan company is behind a series of attempts to run other caravans out of the area and we can either side with Cass or betray her but you know we'll side with her obviously to avoid being repulsed every time we see ourselves in the mirror the hard drinking no-nonsense cass represents new vegas at its best right down to her story mirroring yours it's a tale of personal revenge playing out against a much larger backdrop of building conflict everyone is taking sides and cass is a great person to have on yours number eleven boone fallout new vegas you first meet gifted sniper and beret enthusiast craig boone hiding out in a big dinosaur which alone would earn him a high spot on our list in addition though he's extremely useful in combat and has one of the most affecting personal stories in the entire series he once served as a soldier in the NCR and took part in the bitter springs massacre a heinous event in which flawed information and poor leadership led his battalion to slaughter a town of unarmed innocence was all wrong though women kids elderly wounded started coming through - we radio to confirm our orders but command didn't get what we were seeing permanently and understandably disturbed by his role in the massacre he finds some semblance of happiness again when he meets and marries a woman named Carla but because this is fallout and happiness simply does not belong here she is betrayed by a fellow resident of Novak and sold as a slave to caesar's legion lacking the firepower to rescue her but unable to abandon her to this fate boone shoots and kills carla from a distance we can help Boone exact revenge on the treacherous neighbor who ruined his life for the second time but we can't do anything about the memories he'll carry with him always number 10 Sharon fallout 3 it's easy to feel sympathy for the non feral ghouls in the Fallout universe thoroughly disfigured by radiation and any number of wasteland conflicts they have retained their humanity and intelligence enough that they understand their status as lower-class citizens and a powerless to change it they're enslaved mistreated and marginalized by wastelanders who really should be working together if they ever intend to build a functional society in the capital wasteland non feral ghouls have congregated in underworld a settlement built within the remains of the Museum of history it's there that we meet poor Sharon a goal in indentured servitude to another goal which must be truly insulting unlike most other fuller three companions Sharon is actually rather capable in combat and recruiting him requires only buying out his contract from Nasty bar owner as rakal the moment he is no longer and as Raquel's employee Sharon will walk over to him and shoot him to death which gives you some idea of how the poor guy was treated it's one of the most genuinely cathartic moments in the game and is worth recruiting him for that alone number nine Lily Bowen Fallout New Vegas Lily Bowen is a nightkin a kind of super mutant created by the master in the first Fallout game she and a few other remnants of the Masters army relocate to the mojave after his fall and start life anew which is a lovely thought especially for Lily who was already 75 years old before she was mutated with the forced evolutionary virus nightkin are almost uniformly more intelligent than standard super mutants but they're also susceptible to mental illness something another character believes is due to the night khun's frequent use of stealth boy invisibility devices during your travels Lily will reminisce about her long dead grandchildren and speak to a mysterious presence named Leo who evidently tells her to do violent things this is a result of the fact that she hasn't properly been taking her antipsychotics and it makes for an unexpected ethical dilemma do you encourage her to take her medication which keeps her free from Leo but also dims the memories of her beloved grandchildren or do you allow her to stay sick but retain possession of the few memories that bring her joy as with so much else in New Vegas there is no correct answer which we find as horrible as a is brilliant number eight McCready fallout for a number of familiar faces pop up in fallout 4 but the most welcome has got to be McCready who we remember as the foul-mouthed child mayor of little lamplight in fallout 3 by the time we reconnect with him in the Commonwealth he's a very different person though he's just as hard nosed and mischievous as ever we can recruit this older version of McCready and it's worth doing so years of mercenary work have allowed the young man to develop incredible marksmanship to the point that we get an extremely handy perk after completing his quest allowing us to more easily make headshots he's a fun companion to travel with but he isn't in the Commonwealth for happy reasons after leaving little lamplight he met a woman named Lucy and had a child with her they lived together until Lucy was killed in an attack by feral ghouls and their son Duncan was taken ill by a mysterious disease we can help McCready find a cure in our travels but we never find out if it works whatever happens McCready is a changed man even cleaning up his vocabulary so he won't pass his bad habit down to his son all things considered by wasteland standards McCready is a shoo-in for father of the year and who wouldn't want to spend their time wandering post-apocalypse yeah with a guy who surely has some excellent dad jokes up his sleeve number 7 Lennie fall out - our favorite of all the ghoul companions is the one who was a doctor and can heal our crippled limbs on command who'd have thought though we can recruit Lennie in fallout 2 we actually came close to meeting him in Fallout 1 in that game we discovered necropolis an entire city of ghouls necropolis has the water chip we desperately need but taking it would doom the residents to death by dehydration canonically we repaired a water pumping system so that necropolis would no longer need the water chip saving both them and vault 13 Lenny was one of the goals in necropolis at that time and he was so inspired by your heroic example that he set out into the wasteland to some good of his own regretting that he never asked us in Fallout 1 if he could tag along when we meet him in Fallout 2 he knows better than to let the opportunity pass him by again and he offers himself up as a companion he's a great addition to the party though it's a shame that plans to let him become a glowing one were eventually scrapped as we still haven't heard a glowing one companion to this day number six Goris fallout 2 chorus is a talking death claw if you didn't think that alone would qualify him for our top 10 you're out of your mind he is a resident of Bowl xlix familiar as that's exactly where we were in the previous game and he uses the terminals there to study human history as a budding deathclaw sociologist the subject is of great interest to him because he's only able to learn so much from terminals gooris frequently travels the wasteland in pursuit of knowledge to avoid being engaged in combat though he dresses in dark robes and claims to be disfigured which unfortunately for him is a pretty believable claim in the post apocalypse he does reveal his true form in combat though tearing off his robe like a professional wrestler with the most impressive gimmick in the history of the sport when someone plays any of the Fallout games for the first time and encounters a deathclaw without exception their first thought is I'd like to be friends with that thing and engage with it in measured conversation and Goris we're pleased to report makes that dream come true number 5 Forks fallout 3 when humans become super mutants due to exposure to the forced evolutionary virus it's almost always at the cost of their intellectual capacity Forks however was lucky well if you count being locked away in a Cell for years upon years by other super mutants who are jealous and frightened of his intelligence as lucky trapped in vault 87 shunned by the rest of his kind for not being an immoral violent monster Forks wild away the years studying history literature science and pretty much anything else he could find he'd probably get on pretty well with Goris to be honest of course in time the other super mutants smash d-terminal tepee just to upset him because that's the kind of scallywags they are when he find him in vault 87 he will not only help you retrieve an important quest item from a room with deadly levels of radiation but he will follow you into the wasteland and kick seven shades of brahmand unggh out of anything that gets in your way meeting forks is a small indication that even in the darkest recesses of post-nuclear horrors some goodness can still potentially be found if you look hard enough number four Curie fallout four let's be clear I out of the gate here Curie is adorable we find her in vault 81 the residence of which were intended to be used as part of a heinous experiment the overseer can bring himself to let it happen though and instead sealed these scientists off from the residence when we show up that seal is still in place and by exploring we can find curie the lone remaining researcher curie is a Miss Nandi robot reprogrammed to serve as a lab assistant and when we find her she is excited to begin researching the world properly outside of the vaults once she's reached the limit of what she can learn as a Miss Nardo she desires a more human body which we can indeed provide to her by loading her consciousness into ass in this version of curie with her wholesome french accent and sweet naivete is a delight to travel with not least because she's able to see the wasteland as something more than just a reminder of what humanity has lost she's a fun companion for those who enjoy a bit of light humor in their adventures and in her synth body she's actually one of the most durable companions in the game and see now my head goes ever more spin-spin-spin number three marcus fallout - like lenny marcus is another character we find out we nearly met in fallout 1 marcus was one of the masters most loyal and dedicated super mutants and the death of the master and destruction of the forced evolutionary virus caused him great dismay this isn't because Marcus is evil but rather because he genuinely believed the master was humanity's best hope for the future understanding and respect his adversaries was something important to Marcus after the Masters fall he met and fought Jacob a member of the Brotherhood of Steel they both held their own so well in battle though that they stopped fighting out of respect and became close friends often discussing civilization and philosophy together they even founded the settlement of Broken Hills which is where we meet Marcus acting as town sheriff Marcus is an absolute powerhouse in battle but he does tend to get too excited to realize he's gunning us down along with the bad guys he also appears as a non recruitable character in new vegas as founder of another settlement Jacobs town named after his old Brotherhood friend surely this is one of the most loveable super mutants in the series number two Nick Valentine fallout 4 Nick Valentine is a sin but there is no secret about that the poor guy is one of the early models and he's showing his age in the form of broken skin and exposed machinery but he's one of the most trusted figures in the entire Commonwealth and is always willing to go out of his way to help clients sadly for Nick as much good as he does those who seek his services he himself is haunted by the ghosts of the past Nick Valentine has the memories of a pre-war police officer who was hot on the trail of crime boss Eddie winter an amused by Nick's meddling in his affairs Eddie killed Nick's wife now in the post apocalypse this unfortunate robot carries the emotional and deeply personal pain of a wrong he can never correct Nick's story is one of the best in the entire series and it gets better with the far harbour DLC in which we meet his brother if we choose 2 and if Nick trusts as enough we can work with him to find some degree of closure and though it's a little difficult to swallow that both winter and all of the clues needed to find him happen to survive the apocalypse it's worth suspending disbelief for the sake of helping the good detective finally close his own case number 1 Veronica Fallout New Vegas Veronica is argue the most rounded realistic character in a game famous for its rounded and realistic characters ascribed with the Brotherhood of Steel Veronica is walled off on all sides from what she wants in fact there's a literal wall as well as elder McNamara enforces a strict isolationist doctrine for this chapter of the Brotherhood Veronica recognizes this correctly as an attitude that prevents the Brotherhood from accomplishing its mission of seeking out old world technology and all but ensures that the faction will die out quickly so far she's been unable to convince him of this and as a mere scribe she doesn't have the authority to change his mind she could always leave the Brotherhood but she feels a certain loyalty to them she was born into the group and they raised her after both of her parents were killed in battle she doesn't remember the specifics of the battle as whatever conflict was once important enough to make her an orphan doesn't even merit mention these days the Brotherhood also forced her to split up with the one true love she's ever had as the faction is not supportive of same-sex relationships and Veronica doesn't know where her ex-partner is now or if they would even remember her I don't know where she is now right I'm sure she's moved on I still think about her though once in a while while traveling with her she'll speak of wanting to wear dresses wanting to be an actress wanting to live an entirely different life but with only the very specialized skills the Brotherhood taught her as a scribe she knows she isn't equipped for survival there's more to the sadness in Veronica's heart and you can add more to it if you play the Dead Money DLC and discover that her former mentor became a murderous monster due to his insane greed but we think we've said enough already Veronica is a character for whom your decisions feel like they truly matter and she's also the one we feel that most deserves your help so there we go every single fallout companion ranked from worst to best now it's your sacred duty to tell us your own favorites and least favorites in the comments below also if you have suggestions for other every X ranked from worst to best videos let us know we may use your idea in the future and you will not be compensated you can follow triple jump on Twitter here and while you're at it why not support the things enjoy by having a look at our patreon finally don't forget to like the video share it with your friends and subscribe to the channel I'm Ben and I'm Peter from triple-jump and thanks for watching
Channel: TripleJump
Views: 1,023,104
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fallout companions, fallout companions ranked, best fallout companion, worst fallout companions, fallout companion tier list, fallout 4 companions, fallout 3 companions, fallout 1 companions, fallout 2 companions, fallout new vegas companions, fallout 1, fallout 2, fallout 3, fallout new vegas, fallout 4, veronica fallout new vegas, nick valentine fallout 4, bethesda, interplay, fallout companions ranked from worst to best, fallout dogmeat, fallout curie, fallout boone
Id: G9EWpvjAPI0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 44sec (3464 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 03 2020
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