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flicks okay this off good morning good morning everybody this is the day the lord hath made we will rejoice and be glad in it for god is good and he's worthy to be praised it's tuesday morning that's right and uh june 1st june 1st we're there beginning of the month yeah we're there beginnings absolutely so we send blessings your way and um we are grateful for you and um thankful for you and hopefully we have some time today you know we've had a lot of people to deal with regret and we're going to give you seven steps to overcoming regret in your life and repeat defeating great regret in your life and uh uh you know regret can occupy a a substantial amount of real estate in our mind big time yeah and so though we all have done things we can regret god doesn't want regret to rob us of our joy in jesus or and affect us in our pursuit of him and that's what really yesterday was about is just really getting in the joy of the lord and not allowing it to to occupy so much of your mind and steal your joy and all that kind of stuff so we welcome you here today and uh we believe that all is well with you and your house so uh we choose to use our words to bless and so we use our words to bless you and um we send blessings to you guys and um i like what ben said regret is a dream killer that is so true yeah that's good really good deal and um so good morning everybody good morning to those of you in new jersey and florida maryland welcome we're excited about having you in our time of confession we believe that you call those things that be not as though they were and we also believe that uh those of us who are in christ jesus we're on a journey to getting better and better every day and so why not employ your words to uh help assist that blessings of those you in shreveport jacksonville um phoenix era zona we send blessings to you in brunswick canada we send blessings to those of you in jamaica texas um and we're just so excited about having you as a part of this and we believe god that uh you know today's going to encourage you today's going to lift you up thank god for those of you in uganda decatur alabama um you know las vegas pray praise god the e church remember we're just excited about what god is doing in your life and we leave it we believe that the best is yet to come that's right and i just believe that june this month will be your best month this year uh 2021 will just be a uh god's goodness just being expressed in every area of your life like never before i mean just agree with us and know that there are so many things that that god wants to do he's so good and wants you to uh experience his goodness i believe every day throughout the entire month so just be an expectation and receive it by faith and i believe that we'll live to see the goodness of the lord like never before the enemy knows his time is left his time is short and he's trying to do everything he can to distract us deceive us cause us to believe things that aren't true but um he is good you have a good good father and he wants you to experience his goodness each and every day yeah this thing's getting ready to rock and roll i still sense that uh there's going to be an amazing move of god in the earth and um i just i just believe it's just time for us as the body of christ man we got to let all the religious games go and you know doing church versus doing life we gotta learn how to do life and we gotta learn how to keep growing and not get to a place where we're not growing anymore i know it sounds good to say well you know praise the lord i'm still growing and you're not just as bullheaded as you ever were you just got to get rid of that and do life well not just all kinds of drama and stress and strife and frustration agitation but to really allow god's best life for you to be lived out all the days of your life i believe that is possible amen and happy birthday to those of you who are celebrating birthdays this morning um taffy and i um greet you and tell you to make sure that this day that you celebrate your uh your birth that you you make sure you celebrate it you know we're glad you're alive we're glad you're on the earth and we are glad that you are having impact major impact in some someone else's life and so remember life is a sum total of who you spend it with and um be careful not to get wrapped up into comment sections of your social media stuff and and allow it to distract you um you know use that anointing a block if you have to but but don't don't allow yourself to open up to you know just bad things that people want to just some people just want to be mean enjoy your birthday today and um thank god that you're alive and thank god for the contributions that you make in the lives of other people in the lives of your mate your family uh your friends and just um don't sweat the small stuff that's so amazing to have how we can sweat the small stuff and you just have to have to tell yourself you know what this is this is not a big deal and i don't think i'm gonna sweat this it is it's gonna be all right besides god's got my back and i'm just not going to sweat the small stuff no no no no no need to sweat the small stuff let's just know that god's got everything worked out he perfects everything that concerns us so no need for you to worry about it that's right just roll it over on him and let him take care of it and you focus on uh just having your thoughts and your minds on on those things that are good a good report absolutely so let's go ahead we got a lot we want to share we're going to make several declarations this morning and then see if we can cover uh one or two points about uh regret and how to overcome regret in your life so i'm gonna do psalms 91 and uh taff's gonna share some more uh confessions with you and we'll have some confessions over worry and stuff so let's let's get right to it uh you might want to hit that share button tell people we're about to confess the word of god if they want to get in on it we're setting our day we're setting our tuesday and we declare this is a happy tuesday somebody says i don't feel happy well get happy because it's happy tuesday amen it's a happy tuesday praise the lord all right you ready ready i declare i declare that i will dwell that i will dwell in the shelter of the most high god of the shelter the most high god i declare i declare that i will find rest i will find rest in the shadow of the almighty in the shadow of the almighty i declare i declare that god is my refuge god is my refuge and my fortress and my fortress i declare i declare that you are my god you are my god and whom i trust and with great confidence whom i will rely in whom i will rely i declare i declare that god will rescue me i will rescue me from every trap from every trap and protect me and protect me from every i'm every disease i declare i declare but i am covered i'm covered and protected and protected by his outstretched arms by his outstretched arms i declare i declare that god's faithful promises god's faithful promises are my armor are my armor and my protection and my protection i declare i declare that i will not be afraid i will not be afraid of the terrors of the night of the tears of the night nor of the arrows that fly in the day nor the arrows that fly in the day i declare i declare that i will not dread any disease i'm not dreading any disease that stalks in the darkness stocks in darkness or any disaster during a disaster that strikes at midday it strikes at midday i declare i declare that because god is my refuge because god is my refuge and the almighty god of my heart and the almighty god of my home no evil can befall me no evil can befall me and no plague can come near my dwelling and no play can come near my dwelling i declare i declare that god has ordered his angels god has ordered his angels to guard to guard defend defend and protect me in my house and protect me and my house i declare i declare that god's armies of heaven god's armies of heaven will keep me from falling keep me from falling i will walk unharmed i walk unharmed and kick anything that is evil and keep anything that is evil from my path from my path i declare i declare that because of god's love for me because that's love for me i will call upon him i will call upon him he will set me above all my troubles he will set me above all my troubles he will deliver me from all my fears deliver me from all my fears he will honor me with his presence and power and army with his presence and power i declare i declare that he will reward me he will reward me with long life with long life and he will show me and he will show me his salvation his salvation i am psalms 91 equipped for today and psalms 91 equipped for today in jesus name jesus name all right i prosper i prosper in everything and everything i put my hands too i put my hands too i have prosperity i have prosperity in all areas of my life in all areas of my life spiritually spiritually financially financially mentally mentally and socially and socially i take every thought captive i take every thought captain casting down every imagination casting down every imagination every high thought every high thought that exalts itself that exalts itself against the knowledge of god against the knowledge of god as a man thinks in his heart as a man thinks in his heart so is he so is he therefore therefore all of my thoughts all of my thoughts are positive are positive i do not allow i do not allow satan satan to use my spirit to use my spirit as a garbage dump as a garbage dump by meditating on negative things by meditating on negative things that he offers me that he offers me i do not speak negative things do not speak negative things my mouth shall not transgress my mouth shall not transgress i speak forth the righteousness of god speak forth the righteousness of god all the day long all the day long i never bind a sister or a brother i never bind a sister or brother with the words of my mouth with the words of my mouth i'm always a positive encouragement always a positive encouragement i edify i edify and build up and build up i never tear down i never tear down or destroy or destroy i'm a believer i'm a believer not a doubter not a doubter i'm slow to speak i'm slow to speak quick to hear quick to hear slow to anger slow to anger i'm a doer of the word i'm a doer of the word i meditate all day long i meditate all day long on the word of god the word of god i study the word i study the word i pray i pray never getting tired ever getting tired or growing weary or growing weary but i am alert i am alert full of energy full of energy as i become alert as i become alert i am more energized i am more energized i am a giver i'm a giver it is more blessed to give it's more blessed to give and to receive than to receive i love to give i love to give i have plenty of money i have plenty of money to be a blessing to be a blessing i cast all my cares i cast all my care on the lord on the lord for he cares for me for he cares for me i do not have a spirit of fear i do not have a spirit of fear but a power but a power love love and a sound mind and a sound i am not guilty i am not guilty not passive not passing about anything about anything i deal with all things in my life immediately i deal with all things in my life immediately i do not judge i do not judge my brothers and sisters and sisters after the flesh after the flesh i am spiritual i am spiritual and judged by no one and judged by no one i walk in the spirit i walk in the spirit at all times at all i'm free to love i am free to love to worship to worship to trust to trust with no fear of rejection no fear of rejection or no fear of being hurt or no fear of being hurt i have compassion i have compassion and understanding for all people and understanding for all people i catch the enemy i catch the enemy in all his lives in all his life casting them down casting them down and believing the report of the lord and believing the report of the lord in jesus name in jesus name praise god come on i am the body of christ i am the body of christ satan has no power over me satan has no power over him for i overcome evil with good i overcome evil with good i am of god i am of god i have overcome satan and have overcome satan but greater is he that is in me for greater he that is in me than he that is in the world and he that is in the world i will fear no evil i will fear no evil for thou art me for thou art with me your word lord your word lord and your spirit and your spirit they comfort me they comfort me i am an overcomer i am an overcomer i overcome by the blood of the lamb i overcame come by the blood of the lamb and the word of my testimony and the word of my testimony i am submitted to god i am submitted to god and the devil flees from me and the devil flees from me because i resist him because i resist him in the name of jesus in the name of jesus the word of god the word of god is forever settled forever settled in heaven in heaven therefore therefore i establish his word upon this earth i establish his word upon this earth great is the peace of my children great is the peace of my children they are taught of the lord they are taught of the lord i am far from oppression i am far from oppression fear does not come near me fear does not come near me no weapon formed against me no weapon formed against me shall prosper shall prosper for my righteousness my righteousness is of the lord is that the lord but whatever i do whatever i do will prosper we'll prosper from like a tree from like a tree that's planted by the rivers of water it's planted by the rivers of water i am delivered i'm delivered from the evils of this present world from the evils of this present world for it is the will of god concerning me it is the will of god concerning me no evil will befall me no evil will befall me neither shall any player come near my dwelling nor play come near my dwelling for the lord has given his angels charge over me lord has given this angels charge over me and they keep me and they keep me in all my ways in all my ways and my pathway is life and in my pathways life there is no death and there is no death i'm a doer of the word of god i'm a doer of the word of god and i'm blessed in my deeds and i'm blessed in my deeds i'm happy in those things which i do i'm happy in those things which i do because i'm a doer of the word of god because i'm a doer of the word of god i take the shield of faith i take the shield of faith and i quench every fiery dart and i quench every fiery dart wicked one brings against me that the wicked one prays against me christ has redeemed me from the curse of the law christ has redeemed me from the curse of the law therefore therefore i forbid any sickness i forbid any sickness or disease or disease to come upon my body to come upon my body every disease every disease every virus every virus that touches this body it touches this body dies instantly dies instantly in the name of jesus in the name of jesus every organ every organ and every tissue of my body and every tissue of my body functions function in the perfection and the perfection which god created it to function which god created function and i forbid and i forbid any malfunction any malfunction in my body in my body in the name of jesus in the name of jesus i am healed i am healed i am healthy i am healthy and i am whole and i am whole in jesus name amen amen let's say these real quick work is good work is good i enjoy work i enjoy work i do all my work excellently i do all my work excellently and with great prudence and with great prudence making the most of all my time making the most of all of my time i'm a responsible person i'm a responsible person i enjoy responsibility i enjoy responsibility and i rise to every responsibility and i rise to every responsibility i am creative i am creative because the holy spirit lives in me because the holy spirit lives in me pain cannot successfully come against my mind cannot successfully come against my body because jesus brought all my pain because jesus bore all my pain i take care of my body i take care of my body i eat right i eat right i look good i look good i feel good i feel good and i weigh what god wants me to wear and i weigh what god wants me to weigh i have a teachable spirit i have a teachable spirit i do not think more highly than i ought to i do not think more highly than i ought to i have humbled myself i have humbled myself and god exalts me and god exalts me i do what i will do i do what i will do and i get where i am going on time and i get where i'm going on time not hurrying not hurrying and not being in a rush i do one thing at a time i do one thing at a time there we go we you know there's 24 hours in the day you got to decide how you're going to use it that's right you got to decide how you're going to use it so let's talk about regret for a moment after regret is that's that it's that feeling of sorrow or remorse for an act of fault or disappointment to think of with a sense of loss it's it's almost like self-disgust or or condemnation so most of us have to deal with regress from time to time uh poor decisions that we made uh sins we committed in the past or or maybe sins we committed yesterday or or even this morning of the day wherever you may be uh it may be over people that we've hurt right it may be a parenting mistake that still haunts you things that i wish i had done differently in the in life and ministry regrets like i said before they can occupy a substantial amount of real estate in our minds and though we all have done these things or done some of these things that we can regret god doesn't want regret to rob us of our joy that we have in jesus he doesn't want it to he doesn't want it to affect us in our pursuit of him and so that's why he died that's why he shed his blood that's why he was raised from the dead so once again you're not stuck uh no stuck in in that past or that sense of loss or whatever it may be you've got to go forward you have to move forward so we thought today and a little on thursday that we would talk about how to overcome regret and uh you know number one the first thing you got to do is you got to defeat satan satan is the accuser the bible says he's the accuser of the brother you've got to defeat satan through the power of the blood you know the bible says that we overcome the devil by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony he is the accuser he will make the accusation he's the one that's always bringing the stuff up he's all one that's always trying to put it in your mind so we have an enemy who loves to remind us of our sins and our failures and that enemy is satan the accuser of the brother he loves to remind you of your failures and by accusing us he can get us to focus more on our failures than on our savior you hear that yes he wants to get us to focus more on our failures than our than on our savior and i think sometimes you got to be careful you hang around because there are people who try to get you to focus more on your failures right they'll bring up your past and um try to make you feel guilty yeah instead of your savior so uh he would have us to drill on satan what happens to dwell on our sins or wallow in self-pity because that's what that's where it's going to take you rather than serving other people and you could be spending your time serving other people so how can we move from our own feelings of regret to overcoming regret well i believe the blood of jesus has watched us and cleanse our our lives of all of that stuff and i think you have to release your faith to believe you received that jesus paid for every failure both before and after we believed in him you hear that he paid for every failure both before before or after we believed in him so we silence satan's accusations by turning to christ every time he accuses you so every time the accusation comes you turn to what jesus has done and you say stuff like you know yes we failed but every failure was paid for and full at the cross and that's how you respond to the devil he brings that stuff up yeah that happened but you know that was paid for uh i thought i thought you knew i thought you understand that you didn't know that well let me tell you it's paid for it's paid for and then you you keep going on to do what needs to be done so the first thing to have i believe you have to do is you've like you said the other day you got to use your faith to appropriate what jesus has already done and if jesus has already paid the price for your failures you gotta receive that that is paid for you gotta receive that is taken care of i like what paul said he said i have wronged no man i've corrupted no man i've defrauded no man and when i first saw that i'm like i don't know about that paul right over here you you even had stephen stone you persecuted the church you did all this other stuff but once he received the blood and what jesus had done he accepted that to the point where he would not even refer to uh his mistakes and stuff in the past he just decided i have wronged no man i have defrauded no man that's serious to me i'm like dude how could you do that and the answer is one who believes in god when you really believe by faith you won't even refer back to stuff and some of you keep referring back to stuff when you need to be going ahead to what jesus has made available for you yes we failed but every failure was paid for in full at the cross and that's what you have to rehearse if not if you start letting satan know that he if he just start bringing stuff back to your past he's just going to keep doing it i mean he brings to your past you get depressed oh gosh you get crazy oh you get a little suicidal it's like dude that's not the will of god what god said is i see all of your mess i see your messed up life your messed up decisions your messed up actions i see it all i'm gonna pay for it so you don't have to carry it and so if it's paid for and carried out of the way stop holding on to something that's been paid for and and another thing trying to feel like you oh god uh it's just a matter of accepting what he's done that's the faith in jesus christ i have to accept that i am the righteousness of god now i can't be going around talking about him the righteousness of god and then you know changing well i know i'm righteous but you know i just feel so bad i just regret this you can't do that when you're the righteousness of god you're the righteousness of god no matter what it i reminded how god treated abraham when abraham was messing up royally and god still treated him as though he was righteous even though he was doing stupid stuff until abraham could receive and underst understand wait a minute i am righteous let me receive that and the day you believe your identity and righteousness is the day you'll start doing right stuff because you won't allow the regrets and stuff to keep coming up do you want to add anything therefore yeah i i think what you're saying is spot on it's not where you're trying to um forget or try to i guess uh some people say well how can you like forget the things from the past because you're looking towards the future it's not like you're um pretending like it never existed but he acknowledges that he didn't live in the past but he forgot it so that he could remember what god has done and pressed toward the mark of the prize not keeping himself looking in the rearview mirror so i think we aren't saying that you just say these things never happen but you recognize thank god i'm delivered from that god is so good he is just so sufficient in his blood that washes me and just cleanses me from all my foolishness and ignorance from the past and uh the blood that was already available and able to be appropriated you know what i'm saying because i think sometimes people think well are we acting as though these things are never happened or we act like they never existed but it's just an opportunity to magnify god but why spend time magnifying those things right so you have a choice here you can spend time magnifying the past mistakes or you can spend time magnifying jesus and if you'll spend time magnifying jesus he will shrink then memory those past mistakes yeah they happen but you you want to continue to streak them shrink them out of your life yes shrink them out of your mind the only thing that exists about your past mistakes is in your mind it's in your memory and you've got to be you know strong enough to say you know what i know i did that but look at what christ did it's almost like you got to replace the thoughts of regret with the thoughts of deliverance that's right and you got to spend time and energy why why spend time and energy on something that jesus has already dealt with and that jesus is already cast away and i think that's the biggest issue with christians you know uh well don't act like it really didn't happen well that's an excuse for you not to start acting uh like you've been justified and like you're righteous justification is just as if you've never seen it you you you're continuing trying to find an excuse not to agree with what jesus has done just so you can hold on to what you have done and you gotta let you gotta let what you have done go and get an agreement with what he has done that's how this process works but if you continue to feed power and energy and focus on what you have done then you're not feeding power energy and focus on what jesus has done and you know what jesus will do eventually seriously he will cleanse you your your thinking won't be yielding focus to the past it'll be yielding focus to him and so we got to quit making excuses for not doing the word anybody can do that well yeah but what about this it's like you see you kind of like you already made your mind up what you want to do and so you just keep making excuses to not do and not line up with the word of god well i tried that already it didn't work come on man don't don't be talking about what you tried you know you gotta you gotta make your mind up i'm doing this i'm gonna make this happen if i got to say hallelujah 20 times a day i'm i believe god and i'm gonna do this and your mind is the arena of faith and that's what he wants to do if he can continue to mess with you up here that's right and and your focus can focus with the junk he puts up here dude you eventually don't freak out you know you're gonna be smoking weed before you know it again and it's just like it's like you don't have to but you gotta you've got to spend more time putting that energy and that focus on what jesus says and what the word says instead of what your conscience continues to tell you because satan's feeding that stuff from the past it's time to leave that place man some of y'all been living there too long it's time to go it's time to set up some new routines go forward go forward go forward go forward that's what it's time to do all right that's right so i think we got time for one more um so here's the second step to you know getting out of the regret remember that there is no condemnation in christ no condemnation uh romans eight romans eight point yeah he says uh there is therefore now now i'm gonna read the literal translation and then show you what they did there is therefore now no more condemnation to those who are in christ jesus period now somebody added some italicized word that says who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit that's not what the original language says he says there is therefore now um no more condemnation to those who are in christ in other words when you get in christ there is therefore now no more condemnation it's not you know there's no condemnation if you walk in the spirit and don't walk in the flesh he says no the key to walking in the spirit and not walking in the flesh is to know and to receive i am in christ i am in christ there is no condemnation so every time regret shows up you need to say out loud there is now no condemnation no condemnation for those who are in christ for those who are in christ and so the more the more you thank god for this truth the less you'll feel condemned that's right because we are in christ yeah that's a big deal that's what we do we are in christ overcoming regret requires remembering that there is no condemnation for us that's right and then that's all it is when you remember the regret that's that's condemnation it it it leads towards condemnation you got to remember there is no more condemnation and uh you overcome regret by remembering that there is no condemnation for us that's right so that means you can't let other people condemn you because people will condemn you too but you've got to remind yourself i am in christ therefore i will not shall not be condemned yeah i think we got time for one more this is good i want you to really chime in on this taffy leave the past and move forward leave the past you want to overcome regret regret is something that deals with the past right leave the past and go forward that's what philippians i think three philippians 3 13 14. i count not myself to have apprehended but this one thing paul said one one thing today if you could do one thing is what forget about yeah leave the past forget about those things that are behind and push forward or press to the mark and so paul probably had paul paul probably had a lot of regrets sure yeah a lot of regrets is one who persecuted the church and just the wrongs oh he says i i wronged no man so he probably felt that he you know wronged a lot of people you know there was so much wrong that he did wrong with himself and the enemy you know the enemy rides that out he threw people in prison he threw people in prison he persecuted the church the strike he separated parents from children whoa and he watched and watched and approved when jesus uh when uh when the jews stoned stephen sure he watched that and and and approved it but paul didn't dwell in in his sins and you know paul said i'm the chief sinner yeah paul didn't dwell in this sense he he said he forget what laid behind and you got to do the same thing you got to you got to forget what lay behind paul intentionally did not focus on these sins but he focused on the prize and the pursuing of christ yes he focused on the prize and the pursuing of christ that's what we have to do we have to make a decision that we refuse and we choose not to regret we choose not to live and regret we choose not to live in condemnation we choose not to live in the past we have to make those decisions nobody can make those decisions about us each and every day we have to choose where we're going to live and this life that we live that we live it well by not living in regret guilt because we're not even present in the moment if we're living in the past we're thinking about the past and regret for all the things that happen and we can't even enjoy the moment this very moment that you're in right now because that's what the enemy he wants you to think about the wrong and jesus is thinking about how right you are today it's good you're right with him so thursday we're gonna pick up with this the number four thank god for using the good and the bad for our good thank god for using the good and the bad for our good somebody says how that works i'll show you on thursday man we're going to talk about how does god take the good and the bad and uses it for our good i'm telling you it's i mean some people think well it just should be a bunch of good but it's god's going to take it's like the potter taking that messed up piece of clan mixing it in and making a masterpiece out of it oh yeah and um taking your test and turn them into a testimony god god really tap it is i'll close with this but god causes all things even our sins to work for good phew that's strong all of that stuff that you may think oh my goodness i can't believe that happened all of a sudden there's a something that god will do with it and turn it into ministry yes there's something that gotta do with it that'll turn it into counsel there's something that gotta do with it and turn it into wisdom it may be something that god would do with it and turn it into some type of uh foundation or outreach um to minister to people to mentor people sure pass it on to pass it forward to keep somebody else from making that same mistake absolutely well hey guys we love you guys we appreciate you tomorrow uh from the pulpits of world champions church yeah 10 a.m and 7 00 p.m tomorrow night i'm gonna finish uh talking about um uh hearing from god and uh i think i'm gonna be talking about the things that hinder you if you can realize the things that hinder your hearing from god then you eliminate those things but i think uh it's pretty important for every member of the body christ to recognize i am god i hear his voice you're supposed to hear god's voice if he spoke to people in the old testament then surely we have a greater covenant and he wants to speak to you as well so don't miss that on tomorrow night well we love you guys so much thank you for everything thank you for your love and your prayers for us please don't stop praying for tackle now we need your prayers we need your love we need you to function and operate in your ministry and to do what god's calling you to do and uh we just say everything is well all is well with your life today in the main in the mighty name of jesus love you guys so much we'll see you real soon god bless you bye-bye everybody
Channel: Creflo Dollar Ministries
Views: 25,245
Rating: 4.9348888 out of 5
Id: QsUdWix8CRM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 52sec (2212 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 01 2021
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