Confessions and Walking WITH GOD

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good morning everybody this is the day that the lord hath made happy friday you made it to friday see that that's right you made it through another week made it to friday god bless you guys god is so good yeah he is good it's it's something that uh if you can just start off being thankful and learn how to be thankful throughout the day the bible talks about this is the will of god that we are thankful right and i don't think a lot of people believe that but it is it's a big deal to god to be just grateful and to be thankful and so good afternoon to those of you in england and good morning and we send blessings to you guys from long to las vegas we bless you this morning and um you know god bless you guys and and uh world changers nation world changes church international new york all of our locations we're so blessed yes we are to get the pastor you guys we love you so much and we pray that you're doing your part as the church outside of the building to make sure you're being fed the word of god each time they're being broadcast to the pulpit and uh it's just an awesome thing god bless you guys god bless you bonjour from france god bless you from france i wonder what time is it over there you know praise god it's uh probably evening in the evening time yeah about eight hours ahead and yeah greetings to our friends in scotland good to hear from you guys today new york uh from new york god bless you guys um you know i i just got to let you guys know i don't take it for granted man you know you take your time out to join us in a time of you know building ourselves up and and and building other people up mm-hmm um it's a pretty pretty cool thing you know you got to realize we've been together for over a year that's right and uh it's a blessing of the lord and and you know maybe somebody's gonna invent some kind of uh technology where you can kind of see people i guess that's already there but it'd be cool to i guess i can see some of the faces on the side of their things you'd have to do a zoom so you can see everybody but we're thankful for you yeah so logging on every week and yeah god is so good taking us through another week you know blessings to censorship cincinnati and sharon love it yeah south africa this morning and um virginia um terry hawt indiana yeah praise god to all of you guys and we believe that when we we can use our mouth to bless or we can use our mouth to curse absolutely tap and i've decided to use our mouth to bless and uh blessings to everybody that comes on this this stream today everybody that joins us today we say you are blessed blessed blessed bless those of you uh thailand and lorraine ohio praise god wow your first meeting my first meeting ever outside the church was in lorraine ohio in the 80s right in the 80s first convention first crusade we have a lot of fond memories yeah praise god so lorraine fayetteville north carolina god bless you guys and uh duluth georgia and we're praying for you guys and we just believe that the best is yet to come and you know you know god is taffy preached a message some years ago called the god of the surprise and god i believe i believe god rated him to uh uh invade your life with some surprises and that's that's things that you know that god can do but you know sometimes you're trying to figure out what you did to make it happen and sometimes it's just a surprise sometimes it's just god showing up to do what he do and what does he do he's a good god that's right and he shows goodness and and that goodness is something that encourages us something that just causes us to praise god even the more just praise him more for what he's done i mean has god just done things for you that you didn't work for you didn't earn you didn't you didn't deserve it and you looked up one day and bam the god of surprise has invaded your space that's good well i believe that the god of the surprise is ready to invade your space he's if he's he's ready to invade your day yeah the god of the surprise and that's what happened to mary just context for everybody is when jesus was about to be born that was the announcement that was made to mary it said in the scripture the message translation says mary i have a surprise for you and that was the birth of jesus christ and god can do the same thing he wants to favor his children favor you favor us each and every day yeah and i i'm i'm open for the surprise and uh you you be open too for the surprise and man i tell you you know we we've been talking um all week about you know how i've been sharing with you personal notes that i made on on how to develop um intimacy with god i got one more to give today and and then taffy's going to talk to some of you about healing yes and uh it's important that we understand that and uh why don't we start off before we make our psalms 91 confession share with us some things on healing show what god's put on your heart yeah so i just know that um the enemy's always trying to um attack us in our relationships and attack us in our bodies and i know there may be some of you who are believing god for healing in a certain area or maybe you got a report not so good report and um we just want to add our faith and we can connect through technology and agree together on god's healing power to be manifest we know there's no distance in the spirit and and that that same anointing is able to uh touch your body and so we're gonna believe god this morning for healing he is jehovah rapha yeah uh the one who heals all of our diseases according to isaiah and so um we can release healing this morning in areas of growth tumors arthritis [Music] heart and blood or arteries and cells and then um what we'll start with is healthy bones and marrows and so um first peter says whom healed all of us and has taken away all sickness and disease and so we we just believe god for uh his healing power that you have healthy bones and marrow and your joints and everything that the power of god the zoe life of god will permeate every bone and every joint in your body and so um the scripture says in um proverbs 16 and proverbs 17 that um we can make a demand on our bones to produce perfect marrow and to produce pure blood that will ward off sickness and disease and so um it says uh that we can make a demand on joints to function perfectly that there'll be no pain no swelling in joints and the spirit of god will deal with all discomfort providing relief from any pain right now in the name of jesus christ i agree that you are free from any discomfort and that the spirit of the lord will bring relief in jesus name jesus name we believe that amen and we're too agree as touching anything they shall ask it is well that's right it is well with you today as well so whatever area that you need and are believing god for healing to manifest just begin to receive it right now that is already done that it is yours it's part of your inheritance your bloodball right to walk in health healing and wholeness and we agree together for manifestation in your life in jesus name proverbs 4 verse 20 and 22 says i incline my ear to your sayings i'll not let them depart from my eyes i'll keep them in the midst of my heart for they are life and healing to all my flesh so just like you were to take medication take the word of god as uh spiritual medication or your cynthia brazen says medication just medicate on the word of god and let that be your life and healing and rely on god as your source and your supplier for health wholeness and healing in jesus name and so i just believe we both believe that it's already done amen let's speak to that right now say out loud i speak to the bones and joints of my body i speak to the bones and joints of my body i call you normal in jesus name i call you normal in jesus name my bones and joints will not respond to any disease my bones and joints will not respond to any disease for the spirit of life for the spirit of life first peter 2 24 of 1st peter 2 24. permeates every bone and joint of my body permeates every bone and joint of my body with life and health with life and health father father i make a demand on my bones i make a demand on my bones to produce perfect marrow to produce perfect marrow i make a demand on my marrow i place a demand on my marrow to produce pure blood to produce pure blood that will ward off sickness and disease i will ward off sickness and disease my bones refuse any offense my bones refuse any offense of the curse of the curse i make a demand on my joints i make a demand on my joints to function perfectly to function perfectly there will be no pain or swelling in my joints there'll be no pain no swelling in my joints my joints refuse to allow anything my joints to refuse to allow anything that will hurt that will hurt or destroy or destroy their normal functions their normal function in jesus name jesus name we receive amen come on psalms 91 equip repeat it after me i declare i declare that i will dwell in the shelter of the most high god i will dwell in the shelter of the most high god i declare i declare that i will find rest i'll find rest in the shadow of the almighty in the shadow of the almighty i declare i declare that god is my refuge god is my refuge and my fortress and my fortress i declare i declare that you are my god you are my god and whom i trust and whom i trust and with great confidence and with great confidence whom i will rely in whom i will rely i declare i declare that god will rescue me god will rescue me from every trap from every trap and protect me and protect me from every disease from every disease i declare i declare that i am covered i am covered and protected and protected by his outstretched arms by his outstretched arms i declare i declare that god's faithful promises god's faithful promises are my armor are my armor and my protection and my protection i declare i declare that i will not be i will not be afraid of the terrors of the night afraid of the terrors of the night nor of the arrows that fly in the day nor the arrows that fly in the day i declare i declare that i will not dread any disease i'm not dreading any disease that stalks in the darkness it stops in darkness or any disaster any disaster that strikes that mid day it strikes at midnight i declare i declare that because god is my refuge because god is my refuge and the almighty god of my heart and the almighty god in my home no evil can befall me no evil can befall me and no plague can come near my dwelling no plague can come near my dwelling i declare i declare that god has ordered his angels god has ordered his angels to guard to guard defend defend and protect me in my house and protect me and my house i declare i declare that god's arm is of heaven god's armies of heaven will keep me from falling will keep me from falling i will walk unharmed i walk unharmed and kick anything that is evil and kick anything that is evil from my past from my path i declare i declare that because of god's love for me because of god's love for me i will call upon him i will call upon him he will set me above all my troubles he will set me above all my troubles he will deliver me from all my fears he'll deliver me from all my fears and he will honor me with his presence and power and honor with his presence and power i declare i declare that he will reward me he will reward me with long life with long life and show me and show me his salvation his salvation now let's program our spirit for success this morning and um and and god wants you to have success god wants you to prosper in your body where healing is concerned he wants you to prosper in your soul your mind your thinking and uh he wants you to have success in your spirit as well i mean you know that you have to know that's god and anybody you know people have problems with god wanting you to uh be successful financially uh physically in the soul in the body but that's how god is that's what that's that's that's what the blessing is all about that's right and um you know so let's speak words that will come into agreement with that amen programming our spirit for success let's do it ready i am filled with the knowledge of god's will i'm filled with the knowledge of god's will and all wisdom and spiritual understanding and all wisdom and spiritual understanding his will is my prosperity his will is my prosperity god delights in my prosperity god delights in my prosperity he gives me power to get well he gives me power to get well that he may establish his covenant upon the earth that he may establish his covenant upon the earth i immediately respond in faith i immediately respond in faith to the guidance of the holy spirit within me to the guidance of the holy spirit within me i'm always in the right place i'm always in the right place at the right time at the right time because my steps are ordered of the lord because my steps are ordered of the lord god has given me all things god has given me all things that pertains to life and godliness that pertains to life and godliness i am well able and i'm well able to possess all that god has provided for me to possess all that god has provided for me god is my unfailing god is mine feeling unlimited unlimited source of my supply source of my supply my financial income my financial income now increases now increases as the blessings of the lord as the blessings of the lord overtake me overtake me i honor the lord with my substance i under the lord with my substance and and with the first of my increase with the first of my increase my barns are filled with plenty my part barns are filled with plenty my presses burst forth with new wine my press is bursts forth with new wine i'm like a tree planted by the rivers of water i'm like a tree planted by the rivers of water i bring forth fruit in my season i bring forth fruit in my season my leaf shall not wither my belief shall not wither and whatsoever i do will prosper whatsoever i do will prosper the grace of god the grace of god even makes my mistakes to prosper even makes my mistakes to prosper i'm blessed in the city blessed in the city blessed in the field blessed in the field bless coming in bless coming in bless going out bless going out i'm blessed in the basket blessed in the basket i'm blessed in the store blessed in the store my bank accounts my bank accounts investments investments health health relationships relationships flourish flourish the blessings of the lord the blessings of the lord overtake me overtake me in all areas of my life in all areas of my life the blessings of the lord the blessings of the lord makes truly rich makes truly rich and he has no sorrow with it that's no sorrow with it my god makes all grace abound towards me my god makes all grace abound towards me in every favor and every favor and earthly blessing and every blessing so i have all sufficiency so i have all sufficiency for all things for all things and i bound to every good work and i bound to every good work the lord has opened unto me lord is open unto me his good treasure his good treasure and bless the works of my hands and bless the works of my hand he has commanded the blessing he has commanded the blessing upon me and my storehouse from me and my storehouse it's all that i undertake all that i undertake i delight myself in the lord i delight myself in the lord and he gives me the desires of my heart and he gives me the desires of my heart the lord rebukes the devourer for my sake the lord reviews the devourer for my sake and no weapon that is formed against me no weapon formed against me and against my finances and against my finances we'll prosper we'll prosper all obstacles all obstacles hindrances entrances to my financial prosperity to my financial prosperity are now dissolved for now dissolve my mind my mind is renewed by the word of god of god therefore i forbid thoughts of failure therefore i forbid thoughts of failure and defeat and defeat to inhabit my mind to inhabit my mind i am delivered i'm delivered from the power from the power and authority of darkness the authority of darkness i cast down reasonings to cast down reasons and imaginations and imaginations that exalt themselves against the knowledge of god that exalt themselves against the knowledge of god and i bring every fault and i bring every thought into captivity into captivity to obedience of god's word to obedience to god's word i am filled with the wisdom of god i'm filled with the wisdom of god and i'm led to make wise and prosperous financial decisions and i'm led to make wise prosperous financial decisions the spirit of god guides me into all truth the spirit of god guides me into all truth regarding my financial affairs regarding my financial affairs the lord causes my thoughts to become agreeable to his will the lord causes my thoughts to become agreeable to his will and so my plans are established and succeed so my plans are established and they do succeed there is no lack no lack for my god supplies all my needs my god supplies all my needs according to his riches in glory by christ jesus riches in glory in christ jesus the lord is my shepherd lord is my shepherd and i do not want i do not want jesus came that i might have life jesus came that i might have life and have it more abundantly more abundantly having received the abundance of grace having received the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness and the gift of righteousness i reign as a king in life i reign as a king in life by jesus christ by jesus christ the lord hath pleasure the lord has pleasure the prosperity of his servant and the prosperity of his servant and abraham's blessings are mine abraham's blessings are mine in jesus name jesus name you are blessed amen we receive it hey we were talking about and sharing with you uh some things that uh i was considering back in the day where my relationship and intimacy with god is concerned and uh i were eight of them quickly i'll go through the seven and then i just have one more to share with you the first one remember was substitute the knowledge you have about god for intimate relationship with god in other words it's one thing to know to have knowledge about god and knowledge of the scripture and then don't even know god you know they're people who have a lot of knowledge about the word but they don't they don't know god so substitute your knowledge for about god for intimate relationship with god that was the first one the second one um i talked to you about how at that time it just seemed like once you got born again uh you know it seems like everything worked when you first got saved but the real test was when things are not coming as fast as they were when you first got saved will you still hang in there and stay in there and how a personal relationship with god was the key for me to say just focus on my relationship with god and whatever needs to happen to happen okay and then number three we talked about the period of time when your minds were so stayed on god that you were just walking in his presence and we gave you the phrase of in the presence of god and when your mind stayed on god you'll stay in perfect peace but uh when your mind has stayed on god you on purpose involve him in every area of your life thanking him before you go into a meeting thanking him after the meeting thanking him on the way to work thanking him when you get up in the morning you find those little areas where you can get god and involve a relationship between you and god throughout the day and not just you know one hour when you're home and that creates the practicing of the presence of the holy spirit and then psalm 16 11 says in his presence there's fullness of joy at his right hand there pleasures forevermore number four having a conscious awareness of him and being overwhelmed with his love and faith works by love and so the more aware you are of god uh the more aware you'll become with his love for you and it's not how much you love god faith works because how much you believe god loves you it's always in the new testament how much i believe god loves me do you believe god loves you well if you believe he loves you then you believe he'll heal you if you believe he loves you then you believe he'll prosper you if you believe he loves you then you believe everything we confess this morning but it's important that you have that you believe that number five the truth we can live and the truth is we can live in a realm where we are so intimate with god that things will work for us and that's what i was saying early if you just get focused on your relationship with god things just start working the god of surprise just shows up you know uh i i think we got to be careful not to become so mechanical with god and i think the the next uh area shows this in verse six this was the long one we need knowledge of god's word because his word reveals his true nature but when the word becomes technical details and formulas concerning mechanics of christianity we've lost our focus we're doing things in our own strength and not in his we're trying to impress him with works instead of being impressed by his works and who he is and so basically this point was like man i become so technical and so concerned about the mechanics of christianity that i was i had i had lost focus on the intimacy with christ and that's that's true for a lot of christians they they go and they learn a word and they just turn it in in such a technical mechanical type of deal and that's not what god wants he wants us to instead of trying to impress him with our works to wake up and say i'm impressed with his works and then it's always relationship relationship relationships so step back from the mechanics of christianity and get back into that relationship number seven understand how much god loves uh you it won't be hard to believe he will be your supply again if you understand how much he loves you it's not hard to believe he will supply for you if you believe that he loves you the only time you have problems um believing that he'll supply for you is when you start having questions about his love for you and that's what the devil will do he'll come in and have you to question whether or not god loves you all right so the final one today is those who are struggling to receive from god just need to know him better that's simple in it those who are struggling and receiving from god you just need to know him better which means spend more time with there you go yeah you gotta invest in the quality of time that you people say it's not the quantity is the quality but quantity does determine the quality yeah because it's like um you know especially when you're spending more time with something else and god gets the short end of the stick um like i said we've got to learn how to integrate him into all of our lives and when when that relationship becomes so amazing that you find yourself talking to him before you go to bed you find yourself talking to him you get up find yourself talking to him when you're showering you're walking around and to a point where people think wow man you talking to yourself well the bible says speaking to yourself in psalms hymn and spiritual songs but you're you're spending time with him i think you know if you're struggling with receiving from god it just uh needs to spend more time with it and uh i always like to ask people this um when they start questioning well how come god didn't do this and how come god didn't do that and i always ask him are you satisfied with the amount of time you've been spending with god and in his word and most of the time the answer is no i'm not well i think i think we just need to god's not like a genie and a lamp that's not what this is about he wants to know you and he wants relationship with you and he wants you to know him too yeah yeah he wants you to know him and to know his character his nature just his word i mean you say well that's jeffy i passed a dollar how can i get to know god better through his word spending time with his word reading his word praying over his word yeah speaking meditating on it yeah you don't have to become you know again the motivation can't be so mechanical that you say well i'm gonna do this so god can do that now it's like i want him i i want to do this uh god god god doesn't want you to feel like well you have to do this obligation yeah he wants he wants to know that you want him yeah i mean think about even the natural people want to be wanted god wants you to want him not not through this obligation of well i got to pray no it should be i get to pray well i got to read the bible because they said you know i need to spend more time and now i get to i get to well how come the offering plate lord i got the gills you know say give and it shall be given unto you carefully good measure yeah you're the smile on my face yeah you can't beat god's giving no matter how you try but i sure don't want to see god's not him god god doesn't get into this that's right you know i'm the obligation of of of of christianity it's it's i want to i get to yeah uh sometimes on the way home from work it's like you're spending time with god and there's so much you want to say that you can't hardly wait to get home so you can get in a little private place so y'all can talk and and you can praise him so if you don't think you're crazy in the store and you're just like man i i'm really looking forward to spending time with and then you wake up one day you realize he's real yeah he's real i i don't even know how people can talk about they don't believe god he's real i don't know if you've ever experienced it but there have been times that i was praying for something to happen and while i was praying about it god was doing it and it kind of like wait whoa whoa but he's real yeah and that's what happens when you develop that intimate relationship with him christianity is not a religion it's not technical and mechanical christianity is a real intimate knowing of god a relationship with god yeah we've made it about rule keeping you know rule keeping is not what that's not what god wants those things can guide us but eventually it's got to be man you know god i i you know the apostle paul said you know how to everything that you ask me i want he says i want to know him i want to know him and you know one day you're going to die that's that's true for everybody but you can look forward to waking up in your your spirit body in the kingdom of god that's going to be awesome so you're no longer afraid of death anymore waking up and saying man i'm with god i know him yeah i don't know personally intimately yeah you won't walk past him you know him and uh christianity is about relationship i know him and so when it when it you when when you know god you don't have to work so hard to you know try to pretend or put on this mask or you know routine there a lot of people who keep the rules and they know the harmonics uh and and they know the greek and the hebrew and and then after they keep after they finish proving to you how much they know because they want to feel important in front of you they just don't know god and there's a peace and a joy and a comfort and a confidence that comes because you i mean you seriously literally know him that's right and um when the enemy comes and says all things otherwise you know that god killed that person or a god sent that tragedy or catastrophic situations you know that ain't my god because you know god that's that's that that ain't my friend i don't and then they can show you you know three or four scriptures out of context you're like hey i appreciate what y'all showing me but that ain't god i i spend too much time with him i know him he speaks to me every day and i speak to him i that ain't him and every time that happens to me and i hear something and i'm thinking well that's in the word then i go look at it again i'm like daddy that's out of context yeah i knew that wasn't god there was a scripture that job said the lord giveth and the lord taketh away and people use that as a way to describe that god gives and god takes away but god is he's a giver yeah he's not a giver and you you know of course you have to see that whole thing in context first of all that wasn't a truth in the bible that's what job said in a deranged mind job said the lord gives and the lord taketh away blessed be the name of the lord because you got to keep reading and then job had this time of repentance and found out he needed to forgive his friends and all this other kind of stuff but it's amazing when you don't keep things in context you'll preach something like that from the pulpit where the lord giveth and the lord taketh away bless it to be the name of the lord that's what job said god didn't say that job said that and so you know when you hear things like that and you think you know why would god give me a gift or an anointing and then turn around and take it away and then people say oh my god god must have took my gift away now the bible says the gifts and callings of god are given without repentance right that's god and so that's why it's so important to rightly divide the word and to spend time with him so he you can know him for yourself and we are so weight over time y'all have a great weekend great weekend have an amazing time join us for sunday services man saturday night uh pastor west it's gonna be a wonderful weekend i'm gonna continue the series on idolatry and uh understanding modern day idolatry and uh this is gonna be a a a great time and um taffy and i we love you we're gonna talk to you about a um uh teaching we're gonna do together on relationships relationships are in trouble and we are gonna do everything we can to simplify it so you guys can understand it's not over until god says it's over unless you just decide you want it to be over but um i mean sometimes it's better to just work with what you got rather than starting all over again and i won't get into that but right you know the grass is green on the other side but it is fake grass it's astroturf nobody didn't tell you that i love y'all it's pretty though but it's pretty it's pretty pretty astral turf is pretty but it ain't good like it need to be anyway we'll talk about that later i see y'all later have a great great great weekend god bless you goodbye
Channel: Creflo Dollar Ministries
Views: 28,913
Rating: 4.9205437 out of 5
Id: uyiQubIuFK0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 2sec (2042 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 26 2021
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