Complex Glass Bottle 3D Modeling | Cinema 4D Modeling Tutorial

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hello everyone welcome back in this tutorial i will show you how to model this kind of bottles like this i will show you my techniques to model this kind of objects actually this was from a challenge from our skirt group and i decided to model that because a lot of people ask how to approach these kind of shapes and this is the result i i got really close not exacting but i believe it's gonna give you an idea this is the final mesh so without further ado let's start let's start with image plane i will first go to front view press middle mouse then press shift and v go to back and select image plane and when i look at the y axis i can see that my image plane is a little off so i will change my offset something like that it doesn't have to be perfect this will be enough let's give some transparency then i will add a cylinder let's change the size to match the shape after that i will increase my height segments because you will need them it will be enough also i will not need caps so i can turn that off i can make it editable press c i will add a subdivision surface press alt select subdivision surface now i will select these edge loops by double clicking on them simply scale mode and scale these edges to mesh shape i will add the loop cuts right here so i can scale that i think we will need another one over here okay that will be enough i will use that mesh specifically for projection which means that i will switch to polygon pen tool and create my new mesh over that mesh so let's make this wg service editable so we will get a perfectly smooth surface also if you check the shape of this class you can see that i can divide that object into four let me show you let's go to top view and let's select these points by rectangle selection first i will delete these and i can delete them as well make sure that these points are on the x and z axis that we can use symmetry if i press alt and select symmetry and do that one more time and change the mirror plane you will see that i will get the same shape since i have a smaller piece it's going to be easier to work on these whole objects now i want to do another thing i want to draw these lines on my mesh so i can easily put my new mesh over that piece so what we do i will simply jump into the to the paint layout enable to the setup wizard for body paint i will say next this should be selected say next say part resolution 1k will be enough let's say finish now i can't rub on that i will enable these symmetric deformers go to layers i will create a new layer i will select brush it's already selected now i will draw these lines on my mesh let's change our display to call out shading i believe but this is not gonna be enough i want to see the inside i will select all of them and enable xj then as i said i will draw these shapes on my mesh and i will come back [Music] all right i have finished drawing now we can level up and select mesh polygon pan and make sure that you enable the project result this is really important i can turn off these symmetries and i will only work on that one to select any object let's start from here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right i think this is going to be enough now i need to do another thing i will need a center edge loop between these polygons i will use them later so first thing i want to select these edges let's try to use ring selection [Music] [Music] now right click select you does that yeah edge cuts and one will be enough not gonna be perfect which will i will need a line cut enable single line then this all these [Music] okay now i will open my material manager create a new one let's make it something different like that now i will select all the polygons right click and apply i will use these selections later now i will go back to polygon pen tool one more time and fill in these gaps [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay i am done with that even though i tried to make them even you can see that they are not that perfect not good so we will need an external hand to do that for us it's gonna be smoothing deformer but before doing that i need to make a symmetry so let's do that quickly so we should model mode press alt select symmetry one more time change the direction i can hide my projection mesh let's turn this off for now because i need to make these edges flat to use matter perfectly double click on these edges we are pressing the z so i will set my z both size and position to zero then we have this side i am facing x so i would set x to zero about position and size if i enable this now i should get a perfect symmetry if you remember i made these selections no i will use them before doing that let me switch my layout to standard because i will use bunch of new materials let's go to selection field selection before doing that make sure that you selected these polygons selection field selection let's start from here and i'm gonna select this by hand also i believe that i made a wrong selection over here so let's select them as well now i'm gonna duplicate that material press ctrl duplicate let's change color right click apply it's gonna create a selection which you will use later i will double click on that one more time this time let's select here create another material change the color and apply go back to the selection this time let's select this change color i think the last part is here select these right click on your lines to make another one let's make it something brighter i will make that symmetry editable press c put that out of that group delete that one you can see that we still have these selections when i select them i will get them all now i will do another thing in order to use smoothing deformer perfectly i need to separate these selections because they will need borders if i use a smoothic deformer just like that you will see that i will lose the borders that i have drawn on this bottle so in order to keep these i need to make a border or smoothing deformer so i will go to the selections and split these polygons i will not use split though because i want a single mesh for that i will use disconnect let's start from second selection right click and disconnect let's disconnect them as well these two i will turn off shading mods and put the subdivision surface so you can see the effects okay let's turn this off for now i will enable smoothing deformer perfect here's some bad points but we can change them later this time i will add another deformer it's going to be shrink wrap i will put it under submitting deformer smoothing deformer needs an object so i will make symmetries enable for the projection mesh but i will put that into a connect object so i can put that connect to target object for the shrink wrap i will hide that and you can see the effect of shrink wrap and smoothing performer now i can right click on the polygon object and say current state object this is going to make these deformers editable into a single object i can delete that one and we can hide that one maybe we can use that later i will put that into subdivision group surface let's try to fix these bad points first but there is a one big step before doing that i need to reconnect these points because they are all separate so why don't we use connect object press alt select connect i will enable subdivision surface so i can see the unconnected points let's check the mesh for example here i will go to connect object and increase my tolerance to something like 0.2 yes okay everything looks perfect i will make this that connect object editable press c let's try to fix this at points so instead of working on the whole object why don't we delete these sites then we can use symmetry object one more time this is gonna be much faster also i don't think we will need these here absolutely i will just double click on them at 12. okay this is gonna be enough now let's set these positions one more time to zero both for size and position okay that side is good press alt symmetry one more time i will enable these options because i will make some extrusions and might not be enable shading i will double click on that selection then i will select normal move and push these polygons back just like that let's select these okay i am going to turn off shading is confusing i will push them down as well then this selection that one and this is the last one let's enable subdivision surface yeah not bad some edges are too sharp but i have another thing for them let's make that editable press c i will delete this let's zoom to bottle press alt and select submitting deformer this time i'm not going to use 100 percent let's lower that i just want a subtle effect something like that let's put that bottle into a subdivision surface i think i forgot to move some of the points yes that one it looks like you lost the exact shape of the bottle but that is really easy to fix just select the bottle press shift with an fft deformer i will make the y grids something like 10 no it's too much let's make it eight then play with these points select them and scale them okay i will keep this i'm not gonna make this editable maybe we can use maybe we can change some of them later i can't hide that though we don't need to see that you know what i will unhide that fft because i need to make that edit smooth because i forgot that we have something to finish like the bottom part so i will put that smoothing deformer out of that here she then right click on the bottle and condensate the object can delete that and put it back no i will double click on here it says i have 32 edges so i will need a disk with that 32 segments to make this look perfect i will lower that i can enable snap then i will go back to these edges and make them flat and move it on the disc perfect now i am gonna take that smoothing deformer one more time because i need to make this into one object connect objects and delete i did that because i want to merge these edges select both of them right click stitch and cue and connect them at that point we don't need these polygons i'll press ctrl x root scale one more time or let's go all the way down scale it i will let the loop cut here and i can scale this for the bottom part i can make an extrude and finish it then i can collapse this let's use that symmetric deformer one more time put it under the disc you can see that when i use smoothing deformer i will lose details on the bottom part but i have something for that like falloff let's use a boxed field and make it bigger i will stop it then it's about to touch the bottom part then i'm going to change the inner offset to 100 percent perfect so now if i enable subdivision surface the bottom part will not be affected also let's not forget to close the top press ctrl do that two times then collapse this i can make these let's maybe a little cut here to make it sharper then we have these parts let's select these edges i will bevel them so i can select center edges and scale them i will need these cuts maybe for the insides let's select these and scale them yeah that looks a lot better now we have another thing to do if we want to render that we will need something for the inside so we need to have a kind of polygon thickness or that i will use clothes surface press alt select cloth surface we will not use subdivisions so let's set it to zero adjustment thickness let's make it -5 about to see the inside so i'm just gonna select this and selection i selected not that you can use that selection show all now i will make a quick simple render scene and come back i made a simple scene with single hdmi and the black background so you can see that we got really close to that one not the exact thing but i think you got the idea to how to create these kind of shapes the good part is you can go to smoothing deformer and change your strength for example if you want something really smart we can increase that or if you want something really sharp we can lower that so that was it guys i hope you find it useful and learn something new and i see you in the next series bye [Music] you
Channel: polygonpen
Views: 42,368
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: modeling, 3d, cinema 4d, maya, blender, 3ds max, zbrush, procedural, hardsurface, organic tutorial, lesson, grid, curved surface, surface modifier, advanced, tutorial, vfx, pivot, axis, basic, production, industrial design, product, industrial product, render, coffee, cup, beginner, easy, glass, normal scale, normal move, bottle, complex, polygonpen
Id: NvBhiu8UVz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 42sec (1722 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 24 2021
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