COMPLETE Wilhelmina Romance Guide | Dragon's Dogma 2

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hey it's try bear every great RPG these days seems to have romance options for your character someone that you could woo and whine and dine and have various levels of intimacy with and today we're going to talk about how you can romance one of the characters in Dragon's Dogma 2 will helmina now not sure why she's the first romance completion that I did all the way through since there are several in the game possibly because I'm watching Apothecary Diaries right now and I had cortison on the brain but either way in order to romance Willamina you want to raise your Affinity with her she resides inside the cortison house the pleasure house in verw worth Castle or next to verw worth Castle in burnworth and as a reminder you can raise Affinity two different ways with characters at least with your actions anyway the first is going to be hailing and this is something that a lot of people don't actually know but when you hail a character any character you will actually raise their affinity for you they don't really explain this anywhere but if you just walk up to a character and hail them instead of talking to them you'll raise affinity with that character the other way is to give gifts to them the easiest one for Willamina is going to be the gift flowers which you can combine in your inventory as a crafting option by finding any two kinds of flowers like sun Bloom and Moonglow put them together create a gift flower and you can give it to her or if you have the pendant from the deluxe edition or from the MTX store you can give it to her and this should instantly max out her Affinity now when you first walk up to the pleasure house the cortison house in verw worth you won't be granted entry you'll be asked to get a pass in order to enter now you can sneak into the side but Willamina is going to be on the top floor where you don't have access to anyway however it's very likely that you will meet her in the process of the main story there's going to be two different quests that you can encounter her for the first time on and you might actually end up doing one before the other and might change the process of events just a little bit the first one is going to be an unsettling encounter and in this you'll get from Captain Brandt a chance to go into allard's Chambers which is one of the ministers inside the castle and see if you can find any details or juicy drama bits that you can use to use against him or against the queen regent daa now when you do sneak your way into the castle you do want to make sure that you exit the allard's chambers through the window and not through the main door and this is because when you jump out the window you will actually trigger a special romance scene with her where she rescues you from the the guards and gives you a little pick on the lips you'll have a short conversation with her and it doesn't matter which option you pick here she just shoes you away because she knows she can't be out there talking to you the entire time and by the way if you're wondering how to sneak into the castle at night there's a million different ways stealth is kind of weird in this game you don't actually have to be not seen by them you just have to not get within range of them and it's easier if you turn your Lantern off and then just go around enemies that are in front of you you can go in through the servant quarters right here you can go in through the guard quarters right here or you can go all the way around through the Armory and climb through the castle this way either way you can get inside and go up to the highest floor which is going to be where the chambers are enter the chambers and then when you get the letter for this Quest and unset on the encounter just make sure you jump out the window instead of going out through the front door the other Quest is called stolen throne and this is the one where you attend a masquerade and so you need to acquire a courtly attire uh like a courtly breaches and courtly vest and you need to find an ient tide mask and there's actually like seven different ways that you can get courtly attire if you go up into the chambers upstairs you'll find some in a chest inside multiple different bedrooms including Sven you'll even find courtly clothes that you can pick up inside the Masquerade building where you're supposed to go if you go there outside of nighttime like during the day you'll find some in there if you finish the quest line with Sven where you do all of the quests and keep in touch with him at the very end he will give you courtly clothes and some place even sell them if you want to pick them up but you do need the courtly chest and the courtly breaches in order to do the Masquerade and you'll get the mask from Captain brand as well now you can do these out of order but this is the order that I would recommend doing them because you'll first encounter will helina in the castle Courtyard and then you'll encounter her again uh as having already met her going through the Masquerade and that's where you'll get some really cool interactions here so when you try to escape the Masquerade by chasing through you'll actually encounter her at the top and once again she will save you and rescue you from being a from being caught as part of that process while you're being chased you'll have another moment to chat with her now at this point if you have Max Affinity with her and you've completed the previous two quests that we just talk about an unsettling encounter and the stolen Throne you will be able to go up to Will hamina and talk to her to get the romance quest line from her every rose has its thorns and after the first time you encounter her she will give you a pass to get into the rette the uh the pleasure house so as long as you've talked to her met her once you should be able to go anywhere you want inside of it and go up to her bedroom which is going to be on the top floor on the opposite side of the stairs to start this Quest I recommend going to the Rose chatau during the day you'll go to will hel's room realize that she's not actually there and if you go into the back towards the back hallway you'll see a painting with an examine button that pops up when you get near and when you peep inside you will see that it's alard and well helmina together where he is buying her services but then she she's very sharp she recognizes your presence and shoots him out and then comes to talk to you and In This Moment through conversation she will reveal to you that she actually hates alard even though he uses her Services quite often and it's because she wants to un alive him at the earliest possibility and when prompted and given the option to help her or try to dissuade her you should definitely help her commit the muckduck this is where you will get the quest every rose has its thorns and she will give you some time before she tries to go violent to find evidence that will justify her taking out a lar and at first this quest line will actually have no Direction no marker on the map no details that just says hey you have a couple days to find evidence on him but don't worry you can get the next step of the quest by sneaking into the castle and stop and talking to zven who at this point should always be in his Chambers most hours so just sneak in here and talk to him and he will mention that he knows someone who might have some information on aard that you can use to to expose him next your map will be marked with Patrick's Manor and he tells you to go there at night and inform the guards that you are there under sven's imploy and you want to talk to Patrick once you head inside and talk to him Patrick will say that he doesn't know a whole lot but he has a simple hint and that you should te check out the paintings inside of aar's estate and he agrees to help you by summoning aard to his Manner and saying hey you have like 15 minutes I'll summon him over here to talk and while he's gone you can search his Manor as soon as you accept this Quest run straight to the quest marker on your map to enter aar's Manor as you'll find him coming down the stairs as soon as you trigger this Quest he starts walking over to Patrick's Manor immediately so don't let him see you just go behind the stairs or hide or jump over just let him pass keep your Lantern off and then go past him to go into his Manor go inside the manor and go to this area you'll find a painting hung on the wall and when you examine it out will pop the murder report which is a very damning piece of evidence against alard once you have the murder report he head straight back to the Rose chatau talk to Will helmina and tell her that you found the evidence and you're willing to help her to continue offering your Aid and at this point you will succeed in Romancing her next go into the other room where lard is and use your right trigger if you're on controller to grab him and restrain him and then view the cut scene where you find out spoiler alert well helina is actually half beast shocker drama and alard ended up unal living both of her parents the sounds of a lard screaming will alert the guards and you'll have to jump out the window with well hel minina and escape and she suggests that you split up for the time being so you can escape you're going to have guard aggro immediately whether you're stealth or not so I recommend just running as far as you can as fast as you can and ignore fighting the guards as it will just summon more guards pass 24 hours or stay in the end and then head back to the Rose chatau where all the guards will forget your face for some reason then head inside go upstairs go to willam's room and talk to her and you will the romance scene with will helmina if you've done everything right up until this point and as a bonus for completing all of the objectives for the romance Quest you will receive the Ring of benevolence from this quest line and then that concludes the romance with wi helina from Ruston you'll get Little Love Letters from her at your residence either in batal or in verw worth and you can visit her and give her gifts and raise her Affinity which may have some minor impact in the cut scenes you see at the end of the game but I will not be spoiling that for this video and that's it that's everything you need to know about Romancing will helmina in Dragon's Dogma if you found value in today's video leave a like down below leave a comment for the algorithm to help this video get seen by more people and don't forget to check out my other channels for other content and other stuff and other [Music] things
Channel: DrybearGamers
Views: 47,456
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drybear, rory newbrough, dragons dogma 2 wilhelmina romance, dragons dogma 2 wilhelmina, dragons dogma 2 wilhelmina location, dragons dogma 2 wilhelmina quest, dragons dogma 2 wilhelmina kiss, dragons dogma 2 wilhelmina ending, dragons dogma 2 wilhelmina romance guide, dragons dogma 2 wilhelmina romance scene, dragons dogma 2 wilhelmina questline, dragons dogma 2 wilhelmina female, wilhelma dragons dogma 2, dragons dogma 2 romance, dragons dogma 2 wilhelmina kissing
Id: pxtubdLR46k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 22sec (562 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2024
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