Complete Makeup Story Time | Ayanna Sabrina

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[Music] [Music] story time i found my toxic ex-best friend got me jumped by the way we're calling her alexis so me and alexis have been friends since we were babies our moms were best friends and they sent us to the same school had the same friends and everything but the thing with alex is that she was super jealous and insecure whenever i did anything without her she get very controlling we got to high school we started to drift apart and i made new friends but like after school she'd always tell me that she didn't like my friends and that i'd be better off finding prettier friends i would tell her yeah they might not be the most prettiest but i like them one day when i go to school all of my friends are ignoring me and are giving me dirty looks when i go to lunch one of the most annoying boys walks up to me and tells me there's a rumor going around saying i was talking mad crazy about my friends and that they were planning on jumping me after school if you want to know what happened after that let me know down below this is part two for my toxic ex-best friend got me jumped so like i said before this kid comes up to me telling me there's a rumor going around saying i was talking mad crazy about my friends and that they were planning on jumping me after school and in my head i'm like so that's why nobody's talking to me so i went to my best friend at the time which started the whole mess and i didn't know i asked her if she heard anything about this going around about the wanted to jump me after school she laughs at me and says i should have kept my mouth shut i get completely irritated because it's like now i don't have her support after school comes and everybody quickly runs outside me i'm stalling i'm very slow at my locker when i come outside all of my friends are lined up and everyone gathered to see who's about to go down i'm running out of time y'all let me know down below in the comments if y'all want a part three this is part three from my toxic ex-best friend got me jumped so like i said i walk outside and everyone is gathered around i walk up to one of them saying all the rumors that they heard aren't true one of my friends said you know what you said and pulled into my hair and at that moment i tried to swing back but i just get jumped on and they literally jumped me after the whole thing was over my best friend alexis helped me we went to her house and she cleaned me up and said that those girls were fake and that i should have listened to her earlier about not being friends with them and i was confused on why she was helping me because she laughed in my face when i asked about it but i left it alone because at least she was helping me and maybe she was right fast forward two weeks later one of my friends who jumped me reached out to me apologizing i asked her why and who even told you i was talking badly about you guys believe it or not after i get done speaking with her i found out that my best friend alexis lied and told them i was talking badly about them and the girl even sent fake screenshots of messages between me and her story time of how i got caught cheating on my boyfriend with his brother so me and my boyfriend at the time were on and off our relationship was really toxic and i was tired of the whole relationship and everything started to go downhill when he cheated on me and i took him back i know stupid but i really wanted this to work so i stayed with him but throughout the relationship i was very insecure i constantly thought he was cheating on me so i started talking to other guys one of them being his brother and his brother was the biggest player of them all but i didn't care as long as i wasn't stressed about what my boyfriend was doing so one day after school i meet up with his brother at his house and we got it on i thought that day he had football practice but no he came straight home and walked in on us if y'all wanna know what happened after that let me know down below in the comments this is part two of how i got caught cheating on my boyfriend with his brother so like i said earlier i go to their house to go see his brother and we got it on and that day i really thought he had football practice but no he came straight home and walked in on us when he came in he grabbed the covers off of us and he literally starts fighting his brother then comes over to me and drags me into the hallway throws all my clothes at me calling me all types of names and telling me to get the hell out he then ran and stormed out of the house and to be honest the whole time i wasn't even mad i was glad he caught me cheating on him finally gave him a taste of his own medicine this story time is how i purposely got pregnant so my boyfriend wouldn't leave our relationship well leave me so i've been with my boyfriend for six years and we started dating since we were both 19. when it came to the relationship i was more so the breadwinner i paid most of the dates and i was there for him emotionally i would invest hundreds of dollars into his business ideas that failed unfortunately we even got an apartment and at one point i was working going to school and paying for all of the bills cooking cleaning and i never asked anything of him because i didn't want him to see me as a gold digger and he would spend time playing video games and working on his rap music it wasn't the best but i believed in his dream so i basically took care of him a couple years later his grandfather passed and left him half a million dollars in his will and at the time he started to get really distant he was using that money and never spent any on me i expressed my concerns and he said that he was done with the relationship and from that moment i lied and said i was pregnant if you want to know what happened this is part two of how i purposely got pregnant so my boyfriend wouldn't leave our relationship so like i said he was given half a million dollars from his grandpa's will and wanted to leave me so i lied and said i was pregnant now i wasn't upset that he wouldn't give me part of the money i always had my own money and quite frankly most of it would go to him i was just hurt because i sacrificed and invested so much into this man to prosper and once he was financially stable he wanted to leave me now at this time i wasn't physically pregnant i lied now when he found out he stayed with me and i stopped taking birth control so literally within three weeks later i got pregnant and even though he was with me he wasn't really with me he really didn't come to none of the appointments and wouldn't check up on me he became mean and started cheating on me this morning to the story come back for part three this is part three of how i purposely got pregnant so my boyfriend wouldn't leave our relationship so like i said before i got pregnant and then he started to act really distant and he cheated on me he told me he wanted to leave the relationship multiple times but then again his actions showed different because he'd always come around and did things that people in relationships would do and around this time money started to get tight i would ask him if he could pay for certain things and he would refuse and then started to say i was only with him for money but what was crazy to me that most of the relationship he had nothing and i was the one working and still when i was pregnant i was the one working and with the money he had got he would buy himself nice clothes got himself a car and the girl he was cheating on me with he bought her the most expensive clothes and i wanted the relationship so bad that i allowed him to have side chicks i never asked him questions and he still never wanted me a week before the baby's due date he completely left me and went with the girl he was cheating on me with if you want to know what i did after that this is part 4 of how i purposely got pregnant so my boyfriend wouldn't leave our relationship so we before the baby's due date he completely left me i was devastated i became depressed suicidal and because i was so stressed the doctor said that i needed to calm down because my blood pressure started to get super high and that would be good for me or the baby after the baby was born he came around to see the baby at some point he tricked me into thinking we were getting back together and once he had slept with me he'd leave again and go back to the other girl i tried to tell her new girlfriend about it but she didn't believe me and called me crazy i'd always see her make posts about her spoil her and everything after two years i got a therapist because i started to get anxiety attacks and i found out i was codependent and i had abandonment issues due to my father not being there for me and i was afraid of being alone and a man not truly loving me and i allowed someone to treat me horrible because i didn't want to be alone regardless no girl should have gone through what i did all girls should love and put themselves first there's no way home and i have no mercy there's no way i'm still going down so i keep on laughing so you pull me closer [Music] [Music] and trying to be story time on how i accidentally joined a cult and the guy who was the head leader i soon found out that he was a pedophile at the time i just graduated high school and i was not planning on going to college so all i really did was work at my job i met this guy and we're going to call him devin devin was sweet but he was so into spirituality and connecting with god we started talking then dating and he asked me if i could come to his church and when i was younger i used to go to church but i stopped going no real reason why but i thought it was my calling to reconnect with god again when we go to his church slash aka the cult when i first go in there's like 10 people in the church and it was run down it looked like we were in someone's house when we walked down the aisles devon introduced me to their head leader which they called father god he told me that my clothes were too revealing and he literally slashed my ass and laughed like for part two this is part two of how i accidentally joined the cult and the guy who was head charged was a pedophile so like i said earlier we met his pastor which they called father god the first thing he do is basically say that i look like a [ __ ] because the clothes i was wearing and slapped my ass i looked at devin the guy that took me to the church aka the cult he laughs and tell their father god that next time he will tell me about their dress code after that we go sit down and i tell him that i was ready to go he tells me to hold on and just please listen to the service anyways when their father god starts service he goes in about women and what they should wear tell them the only way to be a pure woman is to obey their man and blah blah blah and dress godly just the most insane things ever and everyone in there were like hypnotized and catching holy ghosts jumping up and down rolling on floors passing out crying their father god calls me up and asked if he could use me as an example when i stand up he feels in my breath saying that i'm a temptation for married men story time on how i cheated all throughout high school and got valid victorian now this story time is not to encourage others to cheat i just want to explain how i did it so when it came to high school education i cared less about actually learning the material they taught in school but more about getting a good grade so if you're like me this video is for you in school i created a bunch of friends with all types of people but not just anyone but with people that had the same class with me even if they weren't in the same class period if i knew we had the same teacher guarantee you were on my roster of friends in the beginning of the year i sort of created an agreement with each friend when it came to things like homework classwork projects and especially tests also i cheated over 95 of my tests and scored high i really want to get into details but i'm running out of time please come back for a part two if you want to know how i did that this is part two of how i cheated all throughout high school and got valedictorian so like i said earlier i created agreement with each friend now we never had a discussion over who was doing what work but i had specific friends for english homework math tests etc i was always involved in group chats for each class and because i was friends with everyone i was able to trade what i needed with what they needed i would trade homework that wasn't even a class i was taking and for test answers so it was like a one one and i always had backups just in case someone didn't have them but those things mainly came in handy for homework class work now when it came to things like test like i said earlier i cheated over 95 percent of my tests and i always scored high also by the way i never study and let's get into how i did that running out of time wish tick tocks for longer come back for part three this is part three of how cheated all throughout high school and got valedictorian when it came to things like tests i cheated over 95 of them and always scored high also by the way i never studied and i never got caught i'm going to expose so hopefully there's no teachers watching this i had three methods of cheating number one was either one of my friends would take a picture of the test or get the picture of the test from someone else and send it to me and i write codes for what answers were so like if the answer was apple i'd write ap for short so even if i did get caught the teacher wouldn't even know what the little paper meant alright number two i also cheated by sneaking a picture of the test myself then pretending that i needed to go to the bathroom or the nurse because i felt sick when in reality i was in a hallway looking up the answers on my phone my third cheating method was my ultimate way of cheating just in case the first two wouldn't work i'm running [Music] [Music] story time about how i found out my husband gave me hiv while i was pregnant so me and my husband were high school sweethearts he was very kind very in tune about my feelings and we were like best friends we never really did anything sexual because he didn't want our relationship to be like that we were together for six years waited until marriage to lose our virginity to one another the year before getting married i noticed he would stare at guys a lot but i would never really think anything about it because at least he was not looking at girls fast forward we get married and two years later i get pregnant and we were both excited when i get to the doctors i get my yearly tests done for stds of course but as always i'm clean maybe one or two weeks later i get a call from the doctor saying i tested positive for hiv let me know if you guys want a part two part two of how i found out my husband gave me hiv while i was pregnant like i said earlier two weeks later i got a call from the doctor saying i tested positive for hiv i was shaking and crying and i was slow and shocked and the only thing i ever heard about hiv at the time was that i only had a couple months to live i couldn't believe the only man that i've ever been with gave me this disease i thought i was doing everything right the right way and still ended up being in a hole i was so nervous to confront my husband because i didn't think it was like him to cheat on me and i thought maybe he thought i was cheating so the next day i pretended everything was fine i lied to him and told him that my phone died and that i needed his to call my mother he gave me his phone i went into the bathroom and immediately i started snooping as i'm going through his phone i didn't see any text from girls so i'm like maybe the doctor got the wrong test i'm running out of time come back for a part three part three of how i found out my husband gave me hiv while i was pregnant so like i said i went to his phone and i didn't see any text from other girls so i'm thinking maybe the doctor called the wrong person anyways i gave up on looking into his phone and i just talked to him i sat him down and told him that i had hiv and that i haven't cheated on him ever he looked at me and cried he broke down in tears and apologized i got so upset with him because i realized that he did cheat on me and i was really upset for our unborn child so i took all of his clothes i took his things and i threw them all out right before i kicked him out i yelled at him saying who was the girl that gave it to you and he told me it wasn't a girl it was his friend david story time about how i snuck out of the house and got caught by my crazy psycho mother warning you guys but here we go at the time i was 19 and i just got done with my first year at a university and while i was at school i met this cute boy which we're going to call kendrick and that whole year we were talking so summertime rolls around and i'll go back to live with my parents and when it came to my parents they were very strict about me talking to boys especially my mom and i know i was 19 but my mom did not allow me to go out if she didn't know where i was at so this one day kendrick is like oh we should go out one night and i went and told my mom that i was going to the mall my friends but as the time got later it was like too late and my mom started blowing up my phone and usually when she does that i'm in big trouble so i just decided not to pick up because i know i'ma get in trouble anyway so i might as well stay out and have fun with whatever time i had but that was the biggest mistake y'all come back for part two because it gets bad really bad part two of how i got caught sneaking out of the house by my crazy psycho mother so like i said earlier i was out and she was blowing my phone up and i was not answering because i knew i was gonna get in trouble anyway so i might as well just have fun well as the night was getting later right i had to go home and when my boyfriend kendrick dropped me off there was a whole bunch of cars outside of my house and police cars when i walked into my house i saw all of my family uncle aunts cousins police it was a whole bunch of people in there i had my uncles and walking up to me asking what happened to me said they called the police because they thought i got kidnapped at one point i was online said i got kidnapped because i didn't want to get in trouble but i just told everybody i was out with a friend but when my mom saw me it was over it was over i should have just went ahead and buried my grave than in there because i got my ass whooped in front of everybody in the cops this is why you should never eat tasty cakes and why i can't ever look at a coffee cake the same so a couple years ago my dad went to my uncle's house to come visit but he was super hungry he asked my uncle if he had any snacks my uncle of course said yes then my dad went to his kitchen and saw that he had tasty cake coffee cakes boy he was excited because my dad loves sweets he went to go sit down to watch the game with my uncle but when he took a bite of the cake he said it tastes really moist he ate half of it then noticed that some of the crumbs on the tasty cake disappeared when he took a better look at the cake he realized that the tasty cake crumbs were maggots this is the reason why girls lie about having a boyfriend when guys try to talk to them last week there was a woman in harlem new york and she was brutally attacked by a man after turning him down this 31 year old mother went to go buy a bottle of wine after work two men walked in the store and one of them offered to pay and she politely declined and said no thank you and that she could pay for it for herself when she got ready to walk out the men basically said that she thinks she's better than them the men followed her out and threatened that what was she going to do about it so she tried to ignore them and go about her day then they chased her across the street kicking her and one of the men tried to bite her eye out but ended up biting her forehead leaving a deep wound she was screaming and she just wanted to get her daughter [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] a story time about the worst date in my entire life and ladies this is why you should really know a guy before meeting up with him by the way we're calling him slim jim so i must slim jim over instagram he was cute and he lived in my area he did me about a day so a couple weeks later we went on to dinner during our date he seemed pretty cool but he kept looking down on his phone i didn't want to get upset because he wasn't my boyfriend when we ordered the guy literally gets 200 worth of food and me on the other hand i got a 20 solid but all throughout the date he kept looking around and i was so confused and he constantly said that he needed to go to the bathroom he told me that he took medicine that made him go to the bathroom a lot the last time he went to the bathroom he was going for like 30 minutes and at that point i was irritated and ready to go until a random girl walks up to me asking if i knew slim jim was here i told her we were on a date and she basically told me that she was his girlfriend and baby mama if you want to know what happened after that let me know down below in the comments this is part two of the worst date in my life and the reason why ladies you need to really know a guy before meeting up with him so like i said before he left me at a table for like 30 minutes and i got upset because i thought he was trying to ditch me to pay the bill well then a couple minutes later a girl comes up to me asking if i was on a date with some gym i told her yes and she basically explained that she was his girlfriend and baby mom well at this point she was his ex-girlfriend she starts telling me the craziest things about him that he robs people and that he will soon be doing time for being a part of a murder investigation and that i should stay away from him because he had hiv in that he gave it to her i had asked her how did you find him and she tells me that he takes all his new girls here then she leaves out the restaurant five minutes later slim jim comes back and tells me he thinks he dropped his wallet in my head i'm assuming that he's trying to make me pay for the 200 dinner so i tell him that i have to go to the bathroom i'm running out of time this is part three of the worst date in my entire life and the reason why you ladies need to really know a guy before meeting up with them so his baby mama comes in and tells me the craziest things about him and then dips out slim jim comes back out of the bedroom claiming he lost his wallet so i had told him that i needed to go to the bedroom when i get into the bathroom i'm looking for an escape plan to leave out when i get out of the bathroom i walk the opposite way over table and almost make it out of the restaurant next thing you know i'm getting tapped on the shoulder and i turn around and it's him i'm literally so confused because he was just sitting down the whole time he asked me where the hell was i going and i told him i was looking for the bathroom he starts to act very weird he walks me over to the bathroom and literally waits outside of the bathroom door until i get out and guys i didn't know what else to do i needed an escape plan and i saw a window in the bathroom and literally climbed out of the window to get away from this man then two weeks later come to find out he gets arrested and he's given 23 years in prison ladies this is the reason why you need to watch your surroundings even in the daylight so earlier this morning i had to go to the dentist to get my teeth cleaned here's my little baggie my mom she couldn't really take me so i had to take public transportation and i'm from philly so i took septa so the charlie station was a couple blocks away from my dentist office so as i started walking there's a man behind me yelling and shouting and he walks around me so i'm thinking he's probably talking to somebody else so he turns around come towards me and starts telling me y'all black she's just weird so i'm like obviously this man is crazy so like let me continue minding my business then he walked up to me again asking me why am i following him so i keep walking ignoring this man then he runs behind me and tries to snatch my purse and literally it's broad daylight all right i'm running out of time y'all let me know if i should make a part two this is part two on why you ladies need to really watch your surroundings even in a broad daylight so like i said before i'm on my way to the dentist and this man is literally shouting at me and i'm ignoring him and this man literally runs from behind me and snatches my purse and guys my purse is not even snatchable this is my purse right here it's like a basketball purse or whatever and the thing is my jacket was over my purse so when he tried to yank my purse he yanked me and i fell on the ground and as he was pulling on my purse he was basically dragging me but luckily there was like an older man outside and he took his stick with his cane and he started hitting the man with the king and he just ran off see this type of stuff that happened in movies like i would have never thought in a million years that that would ever happen i really don't feel comfortable walking around here no more third time on my way came off in front of my date the guy i was meeting up with on the date was one of my friend's co-workers she actually set us up because she thought that he would be my type fast forward we go to fridays and we're having a great time and he seems like a nice all-around type of guy now that day my wig was slayed and i believe the hair was like 30 inches when the waitress comes over she gives me and my date our plate of food before she leaves she asks us if they're anything else we needed we said no then she put a pin that she had on her hand in her back pocket and like i said before my hair was really long and she ended up sweeping a few of my hairs in her pocket when a waitress walks away my wig pops off and me and my date are in shock he stares at me for a good 10 seconds and i tell him i needed to go to the bathroom and i also got my wig back but when i come back out to apologize and continue our date he disappears oh yeah and i also ended up paying for the whole date this is why you should never eat peanut butter so my cousin just had her baby girl and she was just getting around and learning to be a new mommy but she was really messy when it came to changing diapers when father's day came she threw the party and invited all the family and their kids when everyone gets there everyone is having a good time and she pulls out bread and start making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for all the kids in the middle of her preparing her daughter starts crying and it's because she needed her diaper changed so she went into the bathroom to change her diaper and after she got done she handed her to me and starts to wash her hands afterwards she just went right back to making the sandwiches once she got done she handed all the kids a sandwich and i noticed that she had peanut butter on her arm and i told her to wash it off and she was like no biggie and licked it off her arm and she realized really quickly that it wasn't peanut butter story time on how i got caught stealing tampons yes i know tampons anyways this was when i was in sixth grade and at the time i didn't even start my period but my best friend katrina did she'd get really cute pads and tampons the one with butterflies and flowers and i was so jealous because i wanted to keep those cute packets in my purse and take them into the bathroom so one day after school i go into a pharmacy and i see the exact same tampons that my friend katrina had but they were like 24 and i didn't have that so i stuffed the box of tampons in my book bag and i tried to walk out but before i get close to the door an employee stops me and takes me into a room and guys when she found out what i stole i didn't even get in trouble she actually bought them for me and she bought me tylenol [Music] [Music] [Music] story time about the psycho neighbor that stalked me so when i graduated college i moved into a new apartment when i first got there i was moving my things in and my neighbor introduced himself and helped me move a couple of things upstairs after we had got done he asked for my number but i told him i wasn't really looking for a relationship but he said let's just swap numbers just in case you know a fire happens so i gave him my number and i really didn't think nothing of it maybe a week later he starts knocking on my door and giving me gifts just about every day like teddy bears and flowers then maybe about two weeks later i told him to stop because i wasn't really interested in him so the next day i wake up to make coffee and take out trash when i pass my living room the teddy bear gift that my neighbor gave me makes a click noise when i quickly rip the teddy bear open it's the camera inside like for part two about the psycho neighbor that stalked me so like i said earlier the teddy bear gift that my neighbor had gave me makes a clicking noise when i quickly rip the teddy bear open it's a camera inside and i go into a panic mode out of nowhere there's a knock on my door and it's my neighbor he says good morning it's me again you left your trash too close to the curb so i moved it for you i realized that my door was still open so i try to run over and lock the door but he just opens it i yell at him telling him to get out he closes the door behind him and says that's no way to talk to a neighbor i start backing up he looks over and sees that i ripped the teddy bear apart i didn't know what else to do so i just ran to my room and he chases after me and pulls my hair like for part three part three about the psycho neighbor that stalked me so he comes in i run into my room and he chases after me before i could get up he pulled onto my hair and started dragging me towards the kitchen i saw the coffee that i had made earlier and i was able to pick it up and throw the hot coffee in his face he started screaming loud and i took that chance to run into my room and locked the door i immediately start calling the police and from there it sounds like he ran out of my apartment when the cops came they're doing an investigation and all the gifts that he gave me all had cameras in them and when i told them about my neighbor they did some digging and come to find out that man wasn't even my neighbor he didn't even live at the apartment complex this is part 2 of how my best friend older brother tried to secretly date me and i was 13 and he was 24 so he messages me asking for me to be his girlfriend and to send nudes i told him i didn't feel comfortable doing that but he said if i did not he was going to break up with me so i was dumb and i went ahead and sent them because that's what i thought you're supposed to do when you get into a relationship so for a couple of weeks we text he'd call me once in a while my best friend at one point asked me if i wanted to sleep over for the weekend so i packed my bags and i came over in the middle of the night i got really thirsty so i went to the kitchen to go get some water as i'm drinking out of nowhere something squeezes my breasts and i of course got really scared and screamed i turn around and it's my best friend older brother he tells me why was i sleeping in her room when i could have just been sleeping with him and then he pulls me into his bedroom now this is when it gets really crazy like for part three this is part three of how my best friend's older brother tried to secretly date me i was 13 and he was 24 so like i said he told me i should be sleeping in his bedroom and pulled me into his room i was a little nervous because i've never been alone with a guy when i go to sit down on his computer chair he locks his bedroom door he walks over to me picks me up and sits me onto his bed i was like i'm okay i can sit on the chair and he shushes me with his finger to be quiet then out of nowhere he starts taking all of his clothes off and i mean everything i asked him what are you doing he's like come on i know this is what you want and i was like no and i told him i was going back to bed i get it to walk to the door and he stops me from getting out and holds onto the door if y'all want to know what happened at the day let me know down below in the comments this is part 4 of how my best friend's older brother tried to secretly date me i was 13 and he was 24 so he was completely unclothed and everything was off and he was in situating that we were going to do something i try to run out of the room and he stops me from leaving i told him i wanted to go back to bed with my best friend he's like you're my girl and you're staying with me i started to get really grossed out because he started to get very aggressive and i was so confused on what was happening so i just screamed and he gets so mad at me my best friend's mom yelled out is everything okay and he lets me out of the room i walk into the hallway and i told her i just stumped my toe then i went back into my best friend's room like nothing ever happened and still to this day i never told anyone until now there's no way home and i have no mercy there's no way [Music] i wouldn't do [Music] this three times for me follow her and she really need the advice by the way we're calling her catherine and she's 15. so catherine has one arm and she had to get her right arm removed due to health conditions she just started going to a new school because her family moved she had been there for three weeks and she tried to make new friends but it seems like every person that she has tried to talk to slowly stops talking to her like this one girl which we're gonna call layla katherine talked about her just about every day for the past two weeks but then on the third week she like completely stopped talking to her like she wouldn't even say hi it was like she was avoiding her and she couldn't understand why she says she gets nasty stares in school and sometimes people laugh behind her back catherine said it seems like no one wants to be next to her she feels alone and she has started going to the bathroom during lunch time because she didn't want to look weird sitting alone during lunchtime she says she needs advice on trying to make new friends and she really just wants to fit in so comment down below some advice story time of how i had an affair with my brother-in-law by the way i was 12 and he was 22. this happened a while back i'm now 16 at the time i was 12 i barely got on social media i wasn't really supposed to have it but i still had an account so at a family party i asked my brother-in-law if i could use his phone to go onto my account he gave me his phone but when i gave it back i realized i forgot to log out and i was of course texting other guys and he obviously saw the conversations and read all of the messages between me and the guys which i believe made him give hints to me and he started talking to me but i didn't really notice at the time there were times when i did see him and he'd get very touchy i would tell him to stop but he told me if i ever told anyone about us he was going to tell everyone including my parents that i was talking to other guys on social media i didn't want to get in trouble so i didn't say anything if you want a part two let me know down below in the comments this is part two of how i had an affair with my brother-in-law by the way i was 12 and he was 22. so like i said earlier he threatened to basically tell everyone that i was talking to other guys on social media if i told anyone about what was going on between us i was scared because i wasn't allowed to have social media so i played this game until i was 15 and he started inviting me to places alone so i agreed and he later forced me into doing nasty things i had no other option because i knew if i spoke up about it i didn't want to blame he started asking for pictures and i'd send them but then i started to ask for things in return like ordering things online for me so it was going on for a while and i would send him pictures in exchange for him to order stuff for me online until about a month ago i was on my sister's ipad and i forgot to log out and she saw all the messages of him asking for pictures and thankfully i said no and kept denying it yes i know i suck at logging off but to this day me and my sister barely this three times i was scammed out of twenty thousand dollars yes twenty thousand at the time i was twenty six and i was looking for ways for making extra money on the side so basically i was looking into investing my money into some sort of stock or company i didn't know much about investing but i would hear people talk about it all the time a couple weeks later i had a friend and we're gonna call him david he invited me into an investment club presentation for multiple business i was new to all of this so i wanted to take a look at what he was talking about there was one particular company that had an app for working out and they sold workout clothing and weights i thought their pitch was great and chilled to speak with them after weeks of discussion there were contracts and everything me and a couple people invested into this company with our money but the company members went ghost at the week and this is when it gets crazy like for part two this is part two story time of how i was scammed out of twenty thousand dollars so like i said earlier there was a particular workout app company i invested into we filled out contracts i gave them my part of the investment which was twenty thousand dollars but after a couple days they completely went ghost i tried reaching out to the other people that supposedly invested but none of them got back to me i was so confused so then i did my research on a company which i should have done before but there was no information so then i went and talked to my friend david about it when i showed him the contracts and everything they told me about he basically told me that the contracts were fake and they scared me we then were searching up the other investors and it was like they didn't even exist i realized that everyone i was speaking with were all actors even the investors were fake the whole company was a scheme and i was scammed out of twenty thousand dollars be careful out there do your research [Music] [Applause] [Music] this three thumb is about why i refuse to ever live in a college dorm room so my sophomore year i was able to get a room with my best friend tiana i was happy because we always talked about getting a room together but sooner or later i realized it was a big mistake there was one time i let her borrow my ugg boots because it was cold outside but she started wearing them every day when she finally returned them they were wet and dirty i was irritated and she said that she would give me the money to get new ones but she never did she then started asking if she could borrow a shirt me being nice i let her but she then started taking advantage girl was taking all of my things without permission my jacket pants shorts everything and she wouldn't even clean them before giving them back to me i confronted her about it and she got mad at me saying it wasn't a big deal couple weeks later i confronted her again about my things going missing and she pretended not to know when she turned around to leave the room i looked down and the [ __ ] stole my damn underwear this story comes from a follower and she really needs advice and wants to tell her story also if you've been through traumatic experiences like then i suggest you not watch this and i hope tick tock doesn't try to take this video down by the way we're calling her danielle and she's 13. daniel at the moment is pregnant by miss fortunate events and she was by a guy who she was talking to for a couple months they never really made it official she's afraid to tell her parents because she said she wasn't really allowed to date and she said she thinks it's all her fault because she should have never went to the guy's house danielle is very uncomfortable with her body and doesn't want the baby and doesn't want to look like a bad person for a boy and a baby even though she really doesn't want it especially since she's only in the seventh grade legally she can't get it on her own and she's looking into dangerous ways of getting rid of the baby herself she says she feels alone and doesn't have no one to talk to about it danielle says she thinks no one really cares about her so at this moment she just needs some advice or words of encouragement so please comment down below this story thomas for me follower and she really needs advice by the way we're calling her ashley and she's 19 and also please no one judge her so ashley is a pole dancer she does only fans and she has a 72 year old sugar daddy that pays all of her bills and ashley also has a boyfriend but he knows the work that she does well recently ashley wanted to get out of that type of work and go to school for nursing for the past couple months she saved up she quit her job and she cut her sugar daddy off well something crazy happened she found out she was pregnant and she doesn't know if it could be a sugar daddy's or her boyfriend she didn't plan out school and a baby and she's afraid that the sugar daddy won't be in the baby's life due to his age and her boyfriend doesn't work and she's afraid that he will be able to financially support her or the baby so she thought about getting an abortion and not telling anyone if she could get some other opinions that would be great so please give her some advice down below three time of my crazy stalker ex-boyfriend by the way we're calling him michael so me and michael started talking in the middle of my senior year in high school i met him at a friend's party and he seemed pretty cool he was very affectionate he would take me out all the time he introduced me to his family he said he loved me within the first week he wanted all of my time and he seemed so perfect until suddenly he started to get very controlling he never wanted me to go out anywhere he didn't like the clothes that i wear he didn't like any of my friends he made me feel guilty whenever i tried to do something for myself after months of dealing with this controlling behavior i wanted to leave the relationship he got mad at me he was threatening to hurt me and himself if i left i told him i was done the next day like any old regular day i go to school and i come back home but when i came back home i open up my door and i see michael sitting on my couch with a taser i'll be back for part two this is part two story time of my crazy stalker ex-boyfriend so like i said before i get home and michael is sitting on my couch with a taser i ask him what are you doing here and how did you get in he's like your mom let me in i told her you asked for help for homework i yelled and called for my mom and he's like oh she left she said she was going to the grocery store real quick i turn around and try to leave out the house he runs and shuts the door he's like oh baby please don't go listen i heard you earlier and i'm sorry for being so controlling i just love you so much and i don't want anything to happen to you i asked him why did you pop up and why did you bring a taser he said i just wanted to surprise you and i'm like for what he goes into his pocket and pulls out a ring saying he wanted to get engaged trying to hand me a ring that looked like he got out of a gumball machine i laugh at him and he pushes me against the door it gets real scary after this y'all let me know if y'all want a part three is part three story time of my crazy stalker ex-boyfriend so like i said before he popped up in my house with a taser he told me he wanted to get engaged and basically if i didn't say yes he was gonna hurt me so for the time being i pretended like everything was okay and i told him yes even though the idea of it disgusted me he told me he wanted to go on a getaway trip and that i should pack my bags i was like i have school tomorrow he said you can miss one day of school for your man i told him no he grabbed my arm telling me to go get my stuff i went upstairs immediately and when i got to my room i tried to call the cops and i guess he overheard me because he busted into my room starting to fight me i don't know how but we ended up in the hallway and he fell down the stairs he became unconscious and at that moment i ran out of the house and i called the cops again but about an intruder he ended up waking back up and was arrested but that wasn't just it couple years later he came around stalking me at school my job even my friends and family [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] when i [Music] [Music] and trying to be
Channel: GTV
Views: 374,912
Rating: 4.9086328 out of 5
Keywords: Ayanna, Ayanna Sabrina, Ayanna Sabrina Tiktok, Compilations, Complete Makeup Storytime, Crazy Storytime, For you page, Fun, Make up Story time, Makeup, Makeup Ayanna Sabrina, Makeup Storytime, Story, Story time, Storytime, Storytime 2021, Storytime Ayanna, Storytime Ayanna Sabrina, Tik tok, Tiktok 2021, Tiktok Compilation, Tiktok Storytime, Tiktok trend, funny tik tok videos, gtv storytime, makeup storytime tiktok, tik tok 2020, tik tok compilation, tik tok musically
Id: NByQ4ON6nvQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 47sec (2987 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 13 2021
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