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yeah please i will never hang out with the white boy again this white boy came to pick me up did you know i was trying to get that little deadly dick dick and as soon as we get into the car he's smiling at first and then he starts looking at me weird just like okay whatever so we drive to his house his mom is i'm not gonna be able to get through his mom is there and she looks [ __ ] terrified when she looks at me i'm like okay whatever i'm probably the first bad [ __ ] that he brought to this house i'm sorry so we go into his room you know we're just chilling watching a movie whatever and then his mom pulls him out of the room when he comes back he asks me do you need to go to the hospital i'm like um no why the [ __ ] would i need to go to the hospital he looks at me he's like oh man my mom noticed that your scalp is peeling off it was my [ __ ] lace i'm [ __ ] life's friend so i'm like what and i run into the bathroom and i'm looking in the mirror i look in the mirror and i see a whole part of my laces lifted up once i told him it was my hair mata called me a catfish he made me uber myself home this is why it's better to have one friend that you hang out with regularly instead of having a big group of friends and trust me you're going to want to listen to this story time so when i was a sophomore in high school i was kind of going through an identity crisis and loki still am i went to a predominantly white school for the majority of my life so let's just say i was extremely whitewashed it was one of those times in my life where if a white person said the n word around me i would just laugh not because i didn't know it was wrong but because i wanted to be accepted and i wanted to be like everybody else and i seek validation sophomore year was really when i started to become who i am today i wanted to learn way more about my culture and my background so i started becoming friends with people from other schools that are more diverse eventually i met this group of girls and i thought these girls were going to be the sweetest girls i would ever meet now this friend group will serve in flavor i'm talking diverse to the tea one night we decided that we were gonna spend the night at one of the girls houses let's call this girl sally i kept getting lost on the way to sally's house and i thought it was because i didn't know the area that well keep in mind that's what i thought was the reason i get there and we watch like 4-5 movies before i end up falling asleep and when i wake up i was in a room full of grown ass men staring at me story time part two of why it's better to have one loyal friend instead of a big group of friends i forgot to mention in part one that when i arrived the men were already there mind you we were in sophomore year these men looked like they were in college so i was already a little thrown off but i trusted it because i was with my friend when i wake up these men are like staring at me but they try to look away really fast but i could tell that they were staring at me i started thinking the worst of the worst i tried to think of any possible way that i could get out of there whether it was physically or mentally so i pretend to fall asleep just to escape the reality of it but then one of the men at the bottom of the bed starts rubbing my feet i immediately kick my leg so i can get his hands off now i'm thinking he's gonna be mad and i'm gonna get [ __ ] attacked so i try to make small talk to loosen the tension so i look at the guys and i'm like hey do you know where the girls went one of them looks at me and says oh they went home so i'm like um i thought this was sally's house and they say nothing so at this point i think i'm being set up i try my best to not make it seem like i'm suspicious of them i casually act like i need to pee walk into the bathroom and i see a window automatically something clicks in my mind get the [ __ ] out of there making part three right now part three of why you should have one loyal friend instead of hanging out with a big group of friends so i go into the bathroom and there's a window thinking to myself i would be so dumb would be so extremely incredibly stupid to go back into that room full of grown-ass men that i've never met before instead of making my escape through that window right here right now so i trusted my gut and i got the [ __ ] out of there mind you i'm in my pjs right now no shoes no socks i'm making my great escape call me pablo escobar while i was doing all of it i was in disbelief like i cannot believe that i'm escaping like right now like that's this is actually insane i did what i believed was right at the moment and honestly that decision might be the reason why i'm alive right now so i make a run for it i immediately run to the front of the neighborhood i hide behind some trees and then i call my sister i call my sister instead of my parents because my mom was the one who drove me there and she knew that something bad happened she wouldn't have let me go out again i'm frantically explaining everything on the phone to my sister she literally speeds to come get me when she gets there i immediately hop in her car and we get the [ __ ] out of there on our way home i get a text from sally last part is part four i'm making that right now part four of why you should have one loyal friend instead of having a big group of friends so i'm on my way home and i get a text from sally hey girl where are you we went to the gas station to get some milkshakes you could have came with but you were already asleep i didn't even respond i just blocked all of them because i know damn well that they were not getting milkshakes because one why didn't they wake me up to get milkshakes because i wasn't the first person to fall asleep i'd never fall asleep first at somebody's house with a big group of people i saw somebody else who looked like they were sleeping so i thought that i was gonna fall asleep too two why were all those grown ass men there nobody told me that they were going to be there like i said we were sophomores these men were in college they even graduated from college they were grown three why would she lie about it being her house four why did the boy say she went home i remember when i said i kept getting lost because i didn't know the area once i went back to look through the messages that i had with those girls to see if there was anything fishy going on i noticed that they were all sending me different addresses either one number would be off or a letter would be off they're dead for planning something because they were trying to get me there late i haven't seen or talked to those girls since then [Music] story time at the time i dated a married man and his wife walked in on us mind you i am 17 child promise it will all make sense and just keep watching this literally happened in june i turned 17 in may i had just turned 17. just makes everything worse let's just get into it but at this time my tick tock page was like plummeting but after i exposed my race to school and i started getting all those death threats i basically had to stay off take talk for a while on social media in general so i wasn't really getting a lot of notice from anyone but one day i noticed that this guy was liking all of my videos let me tell you this man phone this man was extra fun so i was like let me go ahead and shoot my shot honestly if anyone were to blow up my notice like that i'd probably follow them anyway so i followed him uh worst mistake in my life the thing though is he only had a profile picture but he did have a video in the video he was using a filter so his face was covered up but his hair and his bone structure matched his profile picture so i was like okay this is him i'm not gonna get catfished everything is good right anyway so he dm's me on tick tock he gives me his number text him and we start talking he tells me that he's 19. wait until you find out his actual age part two part two at the time i dated a married man and his wife walked in on us so yeah he tells me that he's 19. i'm 17. so i was thinking it's only two years and we're both at a very mature age i was like okay that's fine so we start talking more and we click like this i really thought that i found the one for me had the same personality same humor we're interested in the same things i had been single for 17 years so i was excited we keep talking and we planned to hang out one day he said he wanted to take me on a little date or whatever i was like free food so he comes to pick me up and we go out to a restaurant everything's good i go home everything's fine after that we plan to hang out again and we go on another date everything's good everything's fine get home safely and i think everything's going good but things start to get a little weird because the more as time went on the more we would text and the more we would call he started to randomly hang up when we were on facetime or he would randomly put me on mute or he would talk really quiet i would ask him like why he was doing that and he would say oh my phone is glitching you being a dumb [ __ ] i believed it was like you know what all men are trash let me give them a chance we continue to hang out we hang out like four or five times until the night his wife came home part three of the time i dated a married man and his wife walked in on us okay so since everything's going good we continue to go on dates go on three or four dates and the last time we hung out was at his house kind of confused on how he had a house at 19 but he said that he had a family business that he invested in that's how he made his money so he basically had his life set up for him so i'm thinking child oh he got money he's cute he has a nice personality he's sweet like what could go wrong here's what went wrong like i said the last time we hung out was at his house we're at his house everything's good we're watching a movie and a knock on the door it's like okay it's probably just like i don't know delivery he's gonna tell me go in that room like trying to rush me like go go go go in that room go in there obviously something fishy is going on here if he's trying to rush me to hide so i'm like uh what's going on his wife who's the one who was knocking on the door heard my voice and starts yelling so now i'm like what did i just get myself into i'm not trying to fight nobody today i'm definitely not gonna fight over no boy so i'm just looking at him like you got some explaining to do so he goes and opens the door for his wife and this is what happened story time at the time i dated a married man and his wife walked in on us so i'm at his house and his wife knocks on the door she's yelling she's clearly mad i'm like i am not about to get beat up i have to defend myself because we all know those girls that get mad at the girl that their boyfriend cheats on them with instead of getting mad at the boyfriend i had to prepare myself i put my shoes on i had some rings in my purse i put those on i was ready to fight thinking i was going to get attacked so i had to defend myself yeah so he goes to open the door for his wife she walks in and stares dead at me and i'm just like like the most awkwardest thing ever she looks at him and screams you have kids at that point i was ready to go because i know i just got catfished she starts going off on him and i have really bad anxiety so i zone out and she looks at me and she goes who the hell are you snap back and i'm like i'm 17. i don't know what's going on i don't want any part of this i was so [ __ ] scared i just wanted to get out of there like i did not know i will leave right now i left i called a friend to come get me because he's the one who drove me to his house i don't know what happened with them but i received this text message an hour later from his phone part five of the time i dated a married man and his wife walked in on us so after i received that text message from her here it is again i texted her back and she blocked me right after i forgot to add that in the last part when she came in and started yelling and then she looked at me and she was like who the hell are you i just automatically screamed my age because i was so scared he was like stop lying to me because this man is damn near 30. i don't know his exact age but he's around 30 years old this means i had just turned 17 i was going on dates and hanging out with a man who was damn near 30 years old the whole entire time i was thinking that he was 19. i guess nowadays you really cannot tell people's age someone could be 16 looking 25. it could be damn near 30 look at 19. the most disgusting part of all of this is the fact that the whole entire time he knew that i story was 17. how i found out my best friend was five months pregnant with my boyfriend's baby and not only was she pregnant by my boyfriend no he was obsessed with me and tried to replace me seats included strap in forgot to mention my best friend is 16 my boyfriend is 18 and i am 17. me and my best friend would have been friends for two years and my boyfriend had only been dating for like three four months i told my best friend everything about my relationship you know about every single argument every single breakup eventually got to the point where we all three would hang out with each other i was extremely close with my boyfriend and my best friend they were basically the people closest to me in my life at that time we all started telling each other everything but it started to get weird when i noticed that some things i told my best friend my boyfriend would all of a sudden know about and some things i only told my boyfriend my best friend would all of a sudden know about which means that they were communicating without me knowing so um that's suspicious at one point we all went to this party together they all of a sudden just disappear and i'm looking for them for like half an hour call in texting no response so i start asking people this one specific person said oh i saw them go upstairs holding hands just the two of them i was ready to kill two part two of how i found out my best friend was five months pregnant with my boyfriend's baby not only did she get pregnant by him no he was obsessed with me and tried to replace me but we're at the party and my boyfriend and my best friend are nowhere to be seen so i ask around and someone tells me that they saw them go upstairs together so upstairs i go i see my boyfriend and he's just talking to some friends well i'm like uh we all friends i want to talk too where the [ __ ] were you like oh i was just up here you know chilling with the homie all standing in front of a door and then i see my best friend walk out of the bathroom that's right across that door the time i didn't really put the pieces together that they just got freaky several months after the party i did start to realize something my best friend was gaining weight everybody else noticed it too during these months my boyfriend also got a new job we couldn't see each other as much like i said everyone noticed that my best friend was gaining weight and rumors started to spread that she was pregnant but no one knew who was the dad like i said me and my best friend told each other everything so if she was going to tell anybody who the baby daddy was it would have been me but i had no clue she said she was just gaining weight she texted me and asked if me her and my boyfriend could all meet up somewhere to talk that talk did not end well stay tuned for part three part three how i found out my best friend was five months pregnant with my boyfriend's baby not only was she pregnant she was obsessed with me and tried to replace me receipts include a child okay so rumors are going around that my best friend is pregnant she texts me and says she wants me my boyfriend and her to all meet up somewhere all three of us have not hung out together in a while so i was down so we meet up at her house parents weren't home we had the house to ourselves so it's just the best place to meet up but when i get there my boyfriend and my best friend are already sitting on the couch i cannot believe my eyes child this girl had a pregnancy test in her hand i was like put that [ __ ] away i'm not [ __ ] playing with you right now put that [ __ ] away it basically tells me that it's exactly what it looks like told me that it happened at the party by this time it was april i'm thinking child that's five months they was mute for five months i was dating this man who is 18 about to be 19 and got my just turned 16 best friend pregnant but she wasn't apologetic good sis was laughing something was funny or she planned this [ __ ] all along which was proven right after i got this text message from her after i blacked out and woke up in jail pause to read there's a lot of curse words so the rest will be on my instagram this is the time i fought my mom because her boyfriend was touching me in my sleep and she defended him i was 16 when this happened i'm 20 years old now he was touching me she knew about it and she didn't do anything yes they're still together till this day and no i do not talk to either of them let's get into it so my mom had just recently divorced my dad and so she got a new boyfriend his name was daryl now let me tell you i was not rocking with daryl from jump because he was always a little too touchy i sat down next to him he'd squeeze my knee would sneak up behind me and rub my shoulder and when he would hug me his hands would go a little too far down my back whenever he would come over i just stay in my room one night it was like damn near midnight mind you i'm asleep because i don't play about my sleep i wake up suddenly because i had a feeling somebody was in my room so i turn on my lamp that's on the side of my bed when i turn around i see daryl in my room with his back turned towards me trying to sneak out of my room but not only was he trying to sneak out of my room he had my panties in his hands so i look under my covers and sure enough my panties are gone part two gets even worse this is part two of when i fought my mom because her boyfriend was touching me in my sleep and she defended him so i suddenly woke up in the middle of the night to see him trying to sneak out of my room with my panties in his hands instant tears started flooding my eyes because i knew what he had done i knew that if i told anyone no one would believe me like i said i didn't like him from jump because he was always too touchy i told my mom how i felt that way and she told me that i need to start wearing less revealing clothes but back to what i was saying that [ __ ] low life ass piece of [ __ ] notices that i woke up he runs out of the room then i hear him leave through the front door so i quickly get dressed so i can go tell my mom what happened because i didn't know what else to do wake her up and go ma daryl just touched me in my sleep she says girl stop making up these low fantasies in your head and go back to sleep so i told her no i woke up in the middle of him trying to leave my room with my panties in his hands and once he noticed that i saw him he left through the front door then she gets mad at me and starts yelling at me and says and i quote i don't need you running man out my house that's crazy because my dad was her fifth husband daryl was about to be her six if anybody was running man out of this house it was her i'm tired of her bs at this point he's yelling all up in my face and so i shove her this is where it gets crazy part three of the time i fought my mom because her boyfriend touched me in my sleep and she defended him so i woke up my mom to tell her that her boyfriend had just touched me in my sleep and she gets mad at me and starts yelling and screaming at me but the amount of [ __ ] that she put me through she had no right so i'm sick of her bs at this point and so i shoved her i'd never put my hands on my mama before this my mama deserved to get her ass whooped how toxic she was if she wasn't my mama she was just some other regular [ __ ] i probably would already threw hands with her like 10 times so now we're on the floor of her bedroom scrapping it out no i did not show her no mercy obviously i went and whooped her ass because 16 years of being mistreated come on at this point i had a heart of steel and hands of steel she's screaming and she's yelling and she's talking about i'm going to call the police on you i was like call them if i tell them what happened they're going to be on the look for your boyfriend he tells me to get my stuff and get out i said say less so i started packing i texted a close friend who i had already told about daryl being a creep and they came to get me lived with that friend for two years until i turned 18 and moved into my own place i have an amazing boyfriend who understands my trauma and takes everything slow with me i no longer have contact with daryl or my mom and now i only see them through social media posts [Music] feel good [Music] wow how my boyfriend got away with touching his own little sister so i started dating this guy in like 2018. he lived like 45 minutes away from me but he couldn't drive because he had a dui so his license was suspended well i had a car but i was in college so i didn't have time to drive up to where he was at every single day so we would only hang out on the weekends until he got his license back mind you this man was a bum he had no job he wasn't even in school i liked him despite all of that because i thought he was a genuine sweet guy he still lived with his parents but he was only 23 so i decided to give him the benefit of the doubt but anyways one day he came to pick me up and we went to his house he told me that he had a little sister but this would be my first time actually meeting her in person she was only eight years old and he was 23. he was super cute and sweet so the more we hung out the more i got close with her well one day me my boyfriend and his little sister are all in his room watching tv he goes to the bathroom and me and her start talking i asked her what she likes to do for fun he tells me she likes playing the game dress up so i asked her how to play she tells me they have to strip completely naked the person that you're playing without my breasts got away with touching the game and his little sister tells me that she plays this game called dress up that he taught her you strip butt ass naked you like the person you're playing with dress you up obviously my mind went south i didn't know if i should have told her in that moment if it was wrong and not normal because i didn't want her to freak out before i got the chance to help her so i asked her how many times have you played this game with your older brother she tells me that she plays it all the time and that she really likes it so now i'm thinking he has completely groomed her she thinks this game is completely okay my boyfriend comes back in the room and we finished the night off watching a bunch of movies i didn't know what else to do so i leave his house and then the next day i call him and i ask him about this little game first thing he does is get mad says that she's young and dumb and doesn't know what she's talking about but it's wrong of me to just falsely accuse him of things like this so he breaks up with me i didn't really care i was thinking about his little sister that i needed to get back into that house so i could ask her more questions so i begged for him back even though i didn't really like him i told him that i believed him that i wanted to come over so we could work things out this is what happened when i went to his house part three of how my boyfriend got away with touching his own little sister so he breaks up with me after i tell him what his sister told me about this game that they play are you stripped completely naked yeah that game you're not having enough proof to take it to the authorities just yet i beg for him back so i can go over to his house again get more info from his little sister some odd reason when i went over to his house his little sister just wasn't anywhere to be seen me and him are sitting in his room watching a movie and he goes to the bathroom i see his little sister peek her head through the door i'm like hey come here she seems super excited to see me and she tells me mom and dad told me i couldn't talk to you anymore do i ask her why and she says that they told him that i was a bad person and i make up lies about people people including her older brother so i asked her what lies i made up she says they didn't tell her now i'm thinking so the parents are in on it too so i continue to ask her questions about this game that they play like have you told your parents he says yes she's told her parents that they didn't see anything wrong with it that's just another reason for her to think that it's okay that's why [ __ ] goes south and her parents walk in part four of how my boyfriend got away with touching his own little sister my boyfriend's little sister tells me that their parents know about this game that she plays with her older brother but they strip completely naked so as she's telling me more and more her parents walk in was the first time i disrespected somebody in their own home they start yelling at her for not staying put where they told her to stay put that way i couldn't talk to her that's when i snap i start going off on her parents how i know that their son is touching their little daughter and they're not doing anything about it that i'm not afraid to report them and her parents go ballistic also when my boyfriend gets out of the bathroom mom comes up to me and tries to smack me dodged it then she's yelling and screaming at me to get out of her house it's kind of a hard situation because i knew that if i called the police i would have no proof of anything i would necessarily be trespassing since they told me to get out that little girl can't speak for herself they groomed her she thinks it's okay i wasn't gonna leave that little girl in that house so i stood my ground that's when my boyfriend grabs me the dad grabs me they pick me up i can't even make this up when i say that they threw me out their front door part five of how my boyfriend got away with touching his own little sister after i confront the parents about it my boyfriend and his dad both pick me up and they chuck me out their front door they go back inside and then my boyfriend comes out again and throws my purse at me heart was torn to shreds because i knew that there was nothing that i could do i didn't have enough proof of anything and i knew that i could not get back into that house ever again now i can't talk to that little girl but i went ahead and reported them to children's services anyways he said the most they could do was a well-being check obviously they didn't see anything wrong in the well-being chat because nobody in that household was going to admit what really happened and i also know it went well because after they threw me out of their house my boyfriend had blocked me completely on all social medias but i still did have his friends on social media i saw one of his friends posted snapchat at his house with him and his little sister in the background which means that little girl never got taken out of that house i also made sure to tell all of his friends but everybody just thought that i was lying and trying to falsely accuse him so there was nothing that i could do ladies this is why you should always be cautious while driving alone at night time if you ever find yourself in a situation where a car is following you or making every single turn that you make do not and i repeat do not drive home and this is why so i started talking to this one guy through this online dating app yes i know the dangers baby i was desperate i was taking my chances regardless i decided to go on a date and that would be the first time that i would ever see him in person never faced time before this and he looked exactly how he did in his pictures the way i was ready to wish myself the point is he looked scrumptious scrumptious dope shoes ways y'all get it y'all get the point well i was already at the restaurant we were supposed to meet up at and i was waiting for him we had a really good time but it was time for me to go to bed because i was getting tired and you i didn't see his car when he pulled up he just walked in anyways i start to drive home 15 minutes into the drive i kind of noticed that there's a car behind me that has taken every single turn that i have taken since i left the restaurant so i started taking random turns to see if the car would still follow me and it did well eventually i stopped to park in a random driveway at first that same car passes by me then it turns right back around parks behind my car part two of why ladies should always be cautious while driving alone at night time and if a random car starts following you to never drive home so like i said i noticed this random car following me so i didn't drive home i parked into some random driveway and the same car that was following me drove right past me wait a little bit to see if i was in the clear and i see that same car driving right back towards my direction that's when i duck i basically try to make it seem like i went inside even though it's not really my house well he ends up parking right behind my car and he gets out of his car at this point i was terrified but at least i was in my car so i could run him over if need be and thankfully i have tinted windows so when he walked past my car he didn't see me because i was ducking i didn't really get to see his face or what he was wearing he basically looked like a black figure like i said it was really dark outside whoever's house i was didn't keep their front porch lights on thankfully then maybe he would have seen me well he gets to the front porch that's when i immediately get up turn my car back on and drive home well the next morning i was woken up by someone ringing my doorbell look outside and i see the same car from last night parked in my driveway part three of why ladies should always be cautious while driving alone at night time like i said i was able to get away from whoever was following my car last night well the next morning someone was ringing my doorbell so i woke up i look outside my window because my bedroom window is right at the front of my house i see the same car that was following me last night parked in my driveway didn't know what to do at this point but i thought that i should at least try to see what he looks like so i go to my door and i look through that little peephole when i say i almost passed away it is not an exaggeration was my date from last night i swing open my door and i'm like [ __ ] how did you find me i didn't give you my address but i straight up confront him i'm not playing around i said were you following me last night he goes oh i just forgot to get your number at the moment i was thinking he could be telling the truth because we did only talk through that online dating app we never exchanged numbers i went ahead and gave him my number and didn't think much of it that was a big mistake the next day i woke up to 200 missed calls and 50 texts from him for part four part four of why ladies should be cautious while driving home alone at night time so my date shows up to my house aka the dude that was following me last night it says that he was following me because he never got to get my number loki believed him because we never did exchange numbers i gotta thought it was a little cute he would follow me just to give my number the time i wasn't really thinking that he could have just like texted me on the dating app for my number yeah i should have never gave him my number when i woke up the next day i had 200 missed calls and 50 texts from him so i started reading the texts and it was not an emergency it was actually a nightmare text read something along the lines of gets me back right now where the hell are you i need you call me back or i swear to god well i didn't even bother replying but as the day went on he kept texting me and he kept calling me the texts turned into threats i was thinking about just blocking him then i remembered since he followed me and i drove home he knew my address part five of why ladies should always be cautious while driving alone at night like i said i gave my date my phone number then the next morning i woke up to a bunch of spam texts and calls from him basically just saying things like call me back right now i need you text me back and then his text started getting worse he started saying things like if you don't text me back i'm going to kill you i was thinking about blocking him but i didn't want to make him mad because he knew where i lived i show his messages and all his calls to my girlfriend they just tell me to go to the police one of my really good friends came over and took me to the police station because she didn't want me leaving my house by myself well when we got there they told us that they couldn't even do anything because he hadn't committed a crime yet that the threats that he sent me just weren't enough to make a case well i did end up blocking him i blocked his number and i blocked him on the online dating site basically moved in with my friend it's been like a week now and i haven't really went home my girlfriends and family are now helping me find a new place to stay if there's any advice that anyone wants to give me please leave it in the comments y'all we ain't never getting out of this platforms we finna have a cookie 22 23 cover 24 we ain't ever getting out this pandemic because of this foolishness we i order food every single day i am a hungry [ __ ] i use doordash and they have like this no contact delivery thing and usually when the delivery person arrives they call me to let me know that they have my food always tell them to leave it at the front porch and i'll go get it and so they leave it at the front porch and then they drive away well yesterday when i ordered chipotle this dasher called me to let me know that he was here i told him to leave it at the front and he just stood in my front porch for like five minutes he realized i wasn't coming out then he left weird vibes like i was scared to get the food even after he left because i thought he was gonna jump out the bushes so this is what i got i got a burrito and in chipotle you have the option to like double wrap your burrito with the tortilla i didn't get that but if i did it would have showed up on here usually when i get my food i just bite into it this time i decided to check it because this guy was giving me such a bad vibe he had the audacity to double wrap it with the tortilla to hide the fact that he took a huge chunk story time how a white girl ripped my wig off in school this happened in freshman year or sophomore year i can't remember the exact year it was only like a year or two ago i'm now graduated but i'm supposed to be a junior i just graduated early because i'm smart or whatever but let's get into the story so this year of high school i had gym class first period can we just talk about how that should be a crime we didn't have enough time to shower i don't think we were allowed to we'd have to go to our next period all sweaty stinky just nasty so in that gym class there were two of my close friends got to play basketball or something so we were all on the same team one of the close friends that i had in that class were getting really upset with me and my other friend because we weren't putting in any effort that was just the type of person that would always have my makeup and hair done and i was not about to show up to history class with my crush across the room melon like 10 cans about that ass so yeah she basically got upset with me and my other friend but we didn't think it was that serious next thing you know rumors were going around that she was talking about me and that i was talking about her then the next day i'm over there in gym class running on the treadmill barely just doing a little jog and here comes miss wig snatcher and she starts going off on me like for a part two part two of how a white girl ripped my wig off in school so the next day in gym class she comes up to me and starts going off on me had just gotten off the treadmill i had no energy to argue with this girl i just stood there and i stared at her and i continued to ask her are you done are you done are you done are you done it wasn't done child she wasn't done so i proceeded to pull out my phone and start to record her to show my parents exactly how i get treated in that school for no reason she had the audacity the nerf she charges at me and tries to smack the phone out of my hand i still have this video in my phone but i'm not going to post it just for privacy reasons he misses my phone cause i dodged that [ __ ] but he did hit me on my arm i said this is an issue i know this caucasian female did not put her hands on me like i said i had just gotten off the treadmill i was way too tired i was way too tired to beat the brakes off this bit so i was like you know what violence isn't the answer let me go to administration as some of you know the administration at the school that i went to was trash they did absolutely nothing therefore i took matters into my own hands i was gonna get her the next day part three part three of the white girl ripping my wig off in school so i go home and start plotting go straight to my mom and i said mom i got disrespected you say oh what happened so i go ahead and show her the video and give her context she looked at me and she said if you get into a fight tomorrow you get your wig snatched do not come to me crying i said say less i got this [ __ ] in the back something in my spirit was telling me all i need is bobby pins just to clarify i had just started wearing wigs i did not know how it was supposed to go i did not know what i was doing without some bobby pins and some change was gonna do it so this girl was like twice my size and i was thinking what reason would she have to pull my hair like she already has the advantage now my friend was telling me burnett don't fight her like she's bigger than you said [ __ ] all that i'm getting my boop boop in regardless i show up to school next day already i'm ready like i had my girlfriends bring me extra bobby pins she was secure nobody ripped this off i said ain't no talking i'm just gonna swing period that's exactly what i did she came up to me she said so i heard i said yank my [ __ ] so i said bop bop again get my little boot loops in realizing that my wig is not secure eventually it comes off and people are like i should have her weight ripped off i said but i promise you she won't touch me again and she didn't period this is why you should never let social media fame control your life this is the story of the boy who lured his neighbor to his death for tick-tock clown 19-year-old zach latham would harass his neighbors for two years until they finally had enough lots of events led up to this incident many involving zack's reckless driving zack was emancipated at 17 joined the national guard and then moved in with his grandparents and immediately he started having conflicts with his neighbors his neighbors were the durham's and they were upset with how reckless zach would drive past their house that would purposely taunt his neighbors to get reactions out of them and record it in hopes that he could post it and gain some tick-tock clout pretty sure his account got banned so i'll be posting his videos on my instagram story so my video doesn't get taken down one day zach posted a video on take talk of an argument he had with the neighbor's wife calling her a karen and the video got 3 million views the comments on the video were encouraging zach to continue to mess with his neighbor in a desperate attempt for fame that's exactly what he did but he continued with his reckless driving a former national guard continues to terrorize the safety of his community for views yet when he called the police he painted himself as the victim police didn't interfere so the situation turned deadly you won't believe what happens next part two of why you should never let social media fame control your life the story of the boy who lured his neighbor to his death for tick-tock clout so zach continues to terrorize his neighbors since the video of him calling his neighbor akiran went viral he thought it was his time to shine mind you the neighbors reported him to the police several times they said that there was nothing that they could do because coronavirus caused all the courts to be closed that had even tried to run over the neighbor's son with his car this kid was crazy like actually insane he already had a criminal record after zach tries to run over the neighbor's son mr durham the dad drives onto the road to block zach's car i mean at this point mr durham was probably thinking okay the police won't do anything it's been two years and this kid is still messing with us time to take matters into my own hands and that decision resulted in brutal death so then zach speeds back to his house and runs inside on his front porch his girlfriend is already standing there she's recording this whole thing and why is she standing there and recording because her and zach planned this whole thing they could record it and put it on tick tock neighbor's whole family followed zach back onto his property that comes out of his house with a stun gun and several knives part three why should never let social media fame control your life story of a boy who lured his neighbor to his death for tick tock clout so zach comes out of his house with a stun gun and several knives mr durham tries to grab zach zak slashes mr durham's arm with his knife back then runs away into his garage mr durham follows zach into his garage zachman fires his stun gun at mr durham several times and then proceeded to attack him and stab him under the armpit which punctured his lung that resulted in mr durham's death the whole incident was caught on video because zack's girlfriend was recording she later on told the police that she recorded because she wanted it to go viral somehow after brutally murdering a man zach calls the police and paints himself as the victim this is part of the what he says will shock you there's blood all over the place are you the one that got stabbed no no that was the other victim but i got beat okay quick story time since i still have my makeup on let me tell you about this old lady that tried to fight me at walmart yes say to this old lady if you're watching this you could still get slapped any day i don't like you and i'm willing to fight still waiting for you to try it the second time anyways let's get into it i was at walmart with my sister because i go everywhere with my sister we were just looking for hair accessories because you know at walmart sometimes they have those hidden gem items that you probably never thought would be there but they're there and it's really cheap so we go there to look for some cute hair accessories i would just like to clarify that this old lady was white and i had a blonde wig on yeah this old lady pulls up on us and she's like hmm one thing about me is i hate when people stare at me what are you staring at do you need help if you want to suck a little [ __ ] just fight anyways you know what i mean like it's just mad judgmental i feel like people are judging me so i'm like can i help you because can i touch your hair obviously i say no because who is this old white lady trying to touch me don't know you don't know where you've been like stay away it's feet i don't know what it is about the people that live around me being so bold i say no you cannot touch my hair and she reaches her old wrinkly hands next thing you know she's tugging on my hair part two right now the time of old lady tried to fight me at walmart part two so i thought that she was just gonna feel my hair no she takes her hand and starts tugging and i'm like what the [ __ ] is this [ __ ] doing she's talking on my hair i'm like can you like not [ __ ] touch me like i move my head so then she can like let go and she goes fake my sister steps in and she's like you're not about to touch my sister like that you're not about to come up to us as an old white lady pull our hair so you can see if it's fake or not she's like that's the problem these days you black people don't know how to love yourself this lady was looking for a fight i was ready to fight something about me and my sister we do not let nobody disrespect us your old black white short four-year-old you will get on your ass so we like hold on you're not about to walk up to us and disrespect us our space and our bubble in our privacy you're not about to come up to us and try to pick an argument with us oh that she is i'm surprised she didn't have a heart attack there was a worker really close by so they came and was like okay what's going on i was like before i put this old white lady in her grave her have an early funeral you better get her as she was walking away she was saying all types of racial slurs me and my sister did not give one [ __ ] and went about our day period the time my crazy neighbor tried to go on a killing spree in our neighborhood this was no average killing spree dude had a whole rifle he was going into people's backyards dumping fences literally trying to break into people's homes let's get ready for the story time so i don't exactly remember when this happened it happened a few years ago when i was still in high school because i just graduated this year and i know that another one of my friends that went to that school and lives in the same neighborhood saw him in their backyard so this guy was literally our next door neighbor i've lived in the same neighborhood since 4th grade and he was here when we moved here him and my dad honestly had a really good bond one of them needed a lawnmower they would let them borrow it and i was even in band at one point and i was selling butter braids because they do it for a fundraiser and he bought several of my butter breaks for that hella chain i genuinely thought this man was kind-hearted until this night i was chilling in my room and all of a sudden i see a light flashing through my window obviously i go to check it out and it's police several police one of them waves their hand like this trying to get me to close the blind so i don't go tell my family what i just saw we hear a knock on the door thinking it's police we go to open the door it's our crazy neighbor with a rifle part two at the time my crazy neighbor tried to go on a killing spree in our neighborhood like i said we thought it was gonna be police at the door we have a doorbell and whenever someone doesn't use our doorbell it's usually police and the fact that i just saw the police outside i thought it was gonna be them but no child it was our crazy neighbor with a rifle i knew at this point in time i did not see the rifle i was scared my stomach was in my ass type b i was hiding behind my sister like uh y'all keep all that didn't see his rifle but i did get to glance at him though he looked intoxicated i don't think he was and i'll explain that later yeah as soon as my dad opens the door and our neighbor sees us he says something along the lines of i'm not trying to hurt anyone dad immediately shuts the door in his face dad turns around to the rest of us and tells us that he saw a rifle at his feet at this point i'm thinking child i know this man did not just knock on our door hide a gun then we could open the door and he could shoot us right oh hell no it's time to evacuate i should call the police instead but while one of my family members was on the phone with the dispatcher he heard another knock on the door this time i followed up with them announcing that they were the police the police officer was shaken on a killing because our crazy neighbor is now in our backyard trying to break into our house so this means that he was still on our property after we closed the door on him who literally went to our backyard after we slammed the door in his face was trying to figure out a way to get in through the back what the [ __ ] do you expect to let you in their house if you have a rifle understand that he was trying to hide it but he was not doing a very good job okay so we frantically start packing here yelling outside we hear dogs barking the police basically had him cornered in our backyard so we had to get out of there as quickly and safely as possible so we have police surrounding our house we all finish packing and go inside our garage so we can get out from there because it's safer we're literal police cars following us all the way to the hotel once we got into the hotel they told us that they were going to call us when we were good to go back home we only stayed at that hotel for one night and once they call us the next morning to tell us that we're good to go back home my dad asks them exactly what happened apparently that night there was two boys across the street playing basketball it was really late at night and he was extremely tired and he had work the next day he kindly came out and asked the boys to be quiet they kept being loud they only went downhill from there for the time my crazy neighbor tried to go on a killing spree in our neighborhood but yeah based off what the police told us was he kept having to come outside to tell the boys to be quiet he had to work early the next day so he was getting really frustrated boys were being really rude about it and just laughing at him and just like poking fun at him and making fun of him and stuff he got really really angry and he went back into his house grabbed his rifle came back out and threatened the boys the rifle in his hand obviously the boys run back inside and call the police he didn't shoot at them he had a gun in his hand he was cornered he didn't shoot at anyone like i said in a previous video it seemed like he was intoxicated but i don't think that he was i genuinely think that he had major mental issues and something just really really triggered him that night either it was the boys or the stress just got built up too much genuinely think that he did not want to hurt anyone i don't know exactly what happened that night he had a rifle like if he wanted to hurt somebody he could hurt somebody but he didn't i'm guessing the rifle was genuinely just for intimidation i don't know don't take my word on it after we came back to our house that man was gone we haven't talked to him or heard about him since [Music] feel good [Music] oh about my boyfriend's crazy ex-girlfriend and how she tries to kill me so i've had problems with my boyfriend's ex-girlfriend multiple times before first met her when she dm'd me going off on me because i was dating her ex well she apologized and we became really good friends we actually got really close got so close to the point where she actually moved in with me i even introduced her to my other friends and we all became really close one day my dad comes over to my apartment and after he left she was being really weird she wouldn't talk to me she was ignoring me she was being really short with me over the next week or so i noticed my other friends becoming really distant well one of my friends decided to finally talk to me she told me that my boyfriend's ex-girlfriend told all of them that when my dad came over he had grabbed her butt and she told me about it i didn't do anything which was a fat lie that's not even the half of it she lied to everyone about having cancer so she could get money she tried to start a fight with me because she claimed i stole her stuff she blocked me after that well one day one of my really close friends that she was also friends with sent me a post she made on her instagram she posted a dead dog and captioned it my heart is torn i accidentally ran over my dog it was my dog like for part two part two about my boyfriend's crazy ex-girlfriend how she tried to kill me so like i said my boyfriend's crazy ex-girlfriend posted a dead dog on her instagram captioned it saying she was so sad she accidentally ran over her dog well it was my dog at this time i'm not home so i immediately go home i said she lived with me and i could tell that that picture was taken in the front of my apartment but when i pull up i see her looking out our window she sees me she runs away from the window i'm livid at this point this [ __ ] killed my dog so i run to get into my apartment and she meets me at the door she tells me that there's a fire in our apartment to leave all my belongings outside so i dropped my phone purse keys and we run up to the apartment she shows me the fire says she's gonna go get help and runs out of the apartment and closes the door behind her get a bucket and fill it up with water and put some of the fire out while i think my boyfriend's ex is going to go get help well the fire started growing faster and i needed to ditch and get out of the apartment when i tried to get out i noticed that the lock on the door was changed the part where you put in your key to get into your apartment was on the inside facing me i didn't have my keys because she told me to leave them outside like for part three three of my boyfriend's crazy ex-girlfriend and how she tried to kill me my boyfriend's crazy ex-girlfriend locks me inside my apartment while there's a fire and i couldn't get out because she changed the lock on the door so i knew my only choice was to put out the fire unless i wanted to jump out the window well the smoke is getting really thick at this point the fire had not gotten out of hand yet so there was still a chance that i could put it out and save my stuff and my life i know i should have jumped out the window but i wanted to save my stuff too so i open up my window and start filling up that same booking of water over and over again and i keep pouring it on the fire damn they're about to pass out because of the smoke the fire eventually does go out and then i jump out the window because that's the only way for me to get out but as i'm walking away from the apartment my friend's ex is standing there and she gives me this look she was annoyed that i was alive when the firefighters and the police arrive police start questioning everyone and when they question me i tell them that she tried to kill me it also put everybody else in the apartment's life in danger too but after they took her down to the station to question her she confessed to everything including killing my dog now she's serving time in jail for attempted murder of me and my neighbors every time of what i'll never ride in a subway ever again i was on my way home after spending the weekend with my friend i sit on this bench waiting for my train this bench was right in front of this wall it was placed on the edge of the wall where you would like turn the corner and on that wall behind me there was a ledge i had all my bags and i had my water bottle and i put it on that ledge at the subway station there was only like three people mind you it was like night time but it's this creepy old man with a cane something in me was telling me to just uber home i just stayed at the subway station because really nothing was going on for me to feel like that if that makes sense so i just ignored that feeling and waited for my train i turned around to get my water bottle so i could get a sip of it i noticed this man staying right on the corner of the wall and he was not there before so i was kind of creeped out he just smiles and waves at me so i smile and wave back i get my water bottle and i take a sip from it well the train finally arrives and i start to get my bags together so i can get on the train at the time i got everything together it seemed like everybody else had already gotten the train except for the old man with the cane as i was about to get on the train he stopped me he said not to get on the train because the man that appeared behind me had switched out my water bottle when i wasn't looking it's a good thing i didn't get on the train or was it like for a part two because this is where things start to get really weird part two of why i'll never ride the subway ever again like i said the old man stopped me because he said the man that appeared behind me i switched out my water bottle when i wasn't looking and i had already taken a sip from it so good thing i didn't get on the train so now me and that old man were the only ones in the station i thank him and then i start to get tangles all over my body like i'm getting really sleepy so i start to leave the subway to catch an uber instead my body keeps getting more and more tired next thing you know i black out i woke up i was back on the bench and the old man with the cane sitting right next to me looking at me i started to panic and he says everything is okay now when he started to leave the station behind me notice that i was passed out so he picked me up and took all of my stuff and put me back on the bench he stayed with me to make sure that i was safe not just passed out in the subway station by myself so i'm thinking wow this old man is literally amazing i think i'm gonna start grabbing my stuff so i can leave but as i'm leaving i get a really weird feeling i decided to glance behind me one more time and there i see the man who supposedly switched out my water bottle turn the corner and start talking and laughing with the old man with the cane part three part three of why i'll never ride the subway ever again so like i said i see that same man who supposedly switched out my water bottle and put something in my drink that made me pass out in the corner and start talking to the old man with the cane who had told me that that same guy switched out my water bottle my blood runs cold and i run i run out of their sight as fast as possible when i get out of the station i run for blocks just in case they try to follow me once i get far enough i hide behind a building and i order myself an uber i'm hiding behind a building because i'm super paranoid in case they're like in a car that drives by so like they don't see me i wait for the uber to arrive and i get in and i get home safely my parents were expecting me to be home that night so as you can imagine they were super worried as to why i got home so late i had just told them that i forgot something at my friend's house so i had to turn around and go back and then my phone had died so i wasn't able to contact them didn't want to worry them so i didn't tell them anything about the two men until i went upstairs to change i took off my jacket i noticed that the blouse that i had under it was unbuttoned my bra was gone and when i take off my pants i see blood that's when i run and tell my parents like for a part four part four of while i'll never ride the subway ever again so like i said after that really weird encounter with those two men at the subway station i get home safely and i start to undress but when i take off my jacket notice that the blast that i was wearing under it was unbuttoned my bra was gone and when i took off my pants there was blood if you know what i mean that's when i start crying and i run to tell my parents exactly what happened i told them that i didn't tell them before because i didn't want to scare them for really understanding and the next day we went to the hospital well once i got checked they said they found wooden splinters inside of me i must have not even felt that because of all the adrenaline that i had running through my body then i started to think but why would there be wood and then i remember that that old man's cane was wooden after we left the hospital my parents and i followed a police report they opened an investigation and asked me to describe what the men looked like they said they would check out the cameras at the subway station but when they got there they were told that that subway station didn't have cameras so they decided to take dna samples from my clothing that i wore that night and a match actually came back like for part five part five of why i'll never ride the subway station ever again once they took dna samples from my clothing from that night i was at the subway station we found a match and yup it was that old man with the cane but there was only one dna match and it was just that old man with the cane i was able to tell them like yeah that was that same guy with the wooden cane well turns out the old man with the cane was already in the system he had gotten arrested before he had attempted to murder and sexually assaulted his own niece had got let off on parole there was so much evidence against him and also the fact that he tried something similar on his niece they arrested him again i also forgot to mention they took samples of his wooden cane like the splinters that were found inside me he mashed it up to be like the same kind of wood anyways so we go through the court proceedings and stuff and now he's locked up for like 20 years i'm pretty sure i never rode in that subway station ever again and i don't plan on riding in any subway station ever again and that other man that helped the old man with the cane still somewhere out there because there wasn't enough evidence against him [Music] [Music] oh [Music] wow [Music] so [Music] feel good [Music] oh you
Channel: GTV
Views: 752,043
Rating: 4.9203014 out of 5
Id: gzFmODYD7x4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 52sec (2932 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 22 2021
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