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story time while i take off my makeup so today i went to 7-eleven and my mom had me run in and i just got a couple slurpees there was one for me one for my sister and one for my mom and then she was my mom was gonna share hers with me that was just so i gave i think it was four slurpees and i got it to the cashier and the lady proceeds to look me up up and down but you should she was she had a really perfect body like to me her body was like perfect and she but she continued to look me up and down and i got really uncomfortable then like five seconds later she looks at me and she goes no wonder why your body looks like that i was like oh man these these aren't all for me and she continued to just look at me up and down and say it said her exact words were you don't need that type of sugar to begin with when i tell you i i just ended up not even drinking my slurpee because i started to feel so insecure but the lady basically was telling me that like i i don't know you guys get the point but like if you're that lady thank you because i know i can't eat story time with how my uncle got cremated alive so my uncle was a funeral home director in new york and due to the extreme amount of increased deaths due to the pandemic he ended up having to work at least 12 to 16 hours a day so of course almost every single day he was extremely exhausted so my uncle went into the crematorial laid down on one of the stretchers and took a nap and while my uncle was sleeping a co-worker mistook him for a 52 year old man who died due to respiratory issues the co-worker then rolled the stretcher right into the crematory before his co-worker could notice the mistake my uncle was already exposed to temperatures ranging between 14 to 1800 degrees fahrenheit then within seconds he was reduced to ashes there is currently an open investigation around his death so there you have it kids if you work in a funeral home never take a nap in the crematory on one of the stretchers story time of how i burned down my entire house when i was eight years old so basically we had so many candles in the house i guess just because my mom was obsessed with candles i was also obsessed with fire so every time i seen the candle i would put my finger in the fire and no it didn't hurt me whatsoever i guess it was just amusing to me and everybody called me a pyro so one day i was scrolling on musically and on like the feature me page i saw something with a candle and it was like how to make your own candle or something like that but you had to make your own candle out of a candle so i went into my room and i closed my door and like the first step was melting the candle all the way so i lit the candle and then i put a piece of paper in there i don't know why i did but i did and the fire started getting so big so i lifted the piece of paper and i threw it on my rug and i didn't want to get in trouble for fire on the floor so i just left my room and left it alone and i kid you not just a couple minutes later i hear the smoke detector going off and my older brother screaming i'm running out of time link for part two part two of how i burned down my entire house at just eight years old so continuing with the story after i hear the smoke alarms going off and my brother screaming i knew exactly what i did and i blamed it all on my brother and to this day they still think it's my brother even though it was in my room but my family believed whatever i said anyways the whole back side of the house was on fire and we all rush out of the house and of course my mom takes care of it i'm pretty sure she called 9-1-1 well duh sadly our two cats two bunnies and four hamsters were in the house and our bird but our bird was getting ready to pass anyways i'm not sure how but the house caught on fire so quickly and the entire thing just blew up into flames there might have been something else that the fire triggered to make it more big i guess i don't really know how to word that but we ended up raising enough money to move to a different house because we lost every single one of our belongings when the house burned down there was only one wall standing and it was the wall of pictures of my grandma who passed 10 years ago story time of how my best friend got so weirdly obsessed with me that she even plotted to kill my boyfriend so at the time me and this girl let's just call her olivia had only been friends for about two years i mean we really did everything together we were with each other 24 7 and i mean we were pretty good friends but the only thing about our friendship is she did not like when i had other friends i mean she didn't have any other friends herself but literally she would joke around about strangling my other friends because she didn't like when i gave my attention to anyone else but honestly i just thought of it as a joke and then i started dating this guy let's just name him jacob he was probably the sweetest guy i had ever met and he was a real sim for me so we started dating in about four or five months go by and he started getting these texts from a random number it would always be cringy things like leave her or you die get away from her in like stupid cringy threats then one night me and him were just hanging out then he gets a text with his exact address saying he had till tonight to leave me or he wouldn't see another day then we hear a knock at the door i'm running out of time like for part two part two of how my best friend got so weirdly obsessed with me that she plotted to kill my boyfriend so continuing with the story we heard a knock at the door and it ended up being her and she said oh i'm just coming by to check on you make sure you're okay mind you we were at his house and he looks at me like um what is she doing here so i asked her to leave and then she ends up getting so mad at me just because i asked her to give us alone time so the night goes on and then when i get home she's in my room at this time my whole entire family was out of town and i was the only one home so i was like oh um hey it was literally just like a normal night and then i go to shower and when i get back out of the shower she's gone and then my boyfriend calls me and he goes why is maddie here she had like this black mask on but she's stupid enough to not realize that we know it's her and i mean we're being real here she was my best friend at the time so of course he's not gonna call the police on her but she had a knife in her hand and he opens the door and he like pins her against the wall and then calls 9-1-1 i guess and then to sum it up when they get there she tells them everything that she was going to do and then they put her in a mental hospital but she said that she was going to murder everybody that gets close story time of how my mom kicked me out at age 15 because she found out i was dating a mixed boy so basically my mom wasn't strict at all and she let me do almost anything that i wanted but when it came to dating it was a whole different story i mean she let me start dating at 12 years old but every single time i told her i had a boyfriend the first thing that she would say is he better be white and she'd always say if it ain't white it ain't right mind you my preference was mixed and dark-skinned boys so of course i'm going to go after to what i'm attracted to and at 14 i started dating this kid and i asked my mom if i could invite my boyfriend to my birthday we weren't really doing anything big it was kind of just like a family party with a couple friends and she said yes mind you she had never met him or seen a picture of him so she was kind of excited to meet him so my birthday comes around and he gets there and as soon as he walked into the door i gave him a big hug and my mom turned around and gave me the most evil look ever she pulled me aside and her exact words were is this a joke and she literally said i trusted you enough to not bring this kind of hood in our house i'm running out of time like for this part too part two of how my mom kicked me out at age 15 because she found out i was dating a mixed boy continuing with the story after the party i had asked him to stay for like an hour or two later and afterwards my mom was just being completely rude the entire time towards him and right in front of him she screamed at me and said i don't want this type of black trash in my house please get it out mind you i hate disrespecting my mom and i never talk back to her but i yelled back at her and said that was the most disrespectful thing she could have ever said and while this is happening he looks like he's about to bust into tears like i genuinely know this kid had a soft spot for me so i apologize and i tell him i think it's best for him to leave and afterwards he facetimes me and he tells me that he will do anything to be able to keep me and after he leaves my mom tells me that i'm a big disgrace to the family and she doesn't want me living there no more all over me bringing a mixed guy to the house i'm now 19 and i'm still with him and i really haven't talked to my mom since but that day she kicked me out and i had to go stay with his family she still wants nothing to do with me because i'm still with a mixed guy mom if you're listening to this you're a racist storytime of how my entire virtual online class found out that i was pregnant and one of them ended up telling my mom so dude covid where i live there is no in-person school so everybody is virtual so it was in my first blog and you only have to turn on your cameras for when she does attendance and then when you're talking so i was called on and i had to answer questions so i unmuted myself and i turned on my camera and then when i was done i turned off my camera and i think i forgot to mute myself back after that during that week i was already having a pregnancy scare so i facetimed my boyfriend and i went to go take a pregnancy test mind you i don't really listen in class to begin with so i turned the volume all the way back down because when the teacher calls on you once she doesn't call on you again so again i couldn't hear anything happening in the classroom so i was on the phone with my boyfriend i was freaking out while i was taking a pregnancy test and it ended up coming back positive so i started freaking out and i started balling my eyes out and in my room i was screaming i'm pregnant i'm pregnant what am i gonna do i look back over and the session had ended and everyone in that class is texting me like oh my god are you okay i'm here for you blah blah blah so of course i start to freak out i'm running out of time like for part two part two of how my whole entire online class found out that i was pregnant and one of them told my mom so continuing with the story i texted a couple of them back and i was like um how did you know and they were like we heard you sobbing in the background screaming i'm pregnant i'm pregnant then one of them goes we heard some guy in the background screaming just get a hanger and you were screaming no then one of them comes to tell me that the teacher had to start a brand new class because i wouldn't mute myself so then i emailed my teacher and i told her that i was going through a really hard time and i really do apologize and then she explained to me that everything was fine like she understands things happen so we were all good until like three days later my mom calls me telling me that somebody in my class had told her that i am pregnant and i tried telling her like no like that is not true that is not true whatsoever and then she sends me a recording that somebody else sent her of me in my room balling my eyes out screaming i'm pregnant i don't know what to do so somebody in my class was a big old snitch and sent a recording of me screaming i'm pregnant to my mom yeah my mom is trying to force me to get an abortion but i don't want to to sum it up i'm moving in with my grandma because she's super super supportive and in three months i'll be having a baby boy [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] storytelling how i got sexually assaulted by my stepdad for four years straight and nobody believed me so my mom got with my stepdad when i was five years old and all of the sexual assaulting started around six it went from the little things as of just saying dirty jokes to me all the way to actually sexually assaulting me one of the little things that he did is he would hide all of my underwear then tell me i can't wear the dirty underwear that i had on so i would have to go without wearing underwear then he'd force me to wear a dress so it's easier for him to touch me in all the wrong places and he would always bribe me to sit on his lap by letting me fake drive the car he would literally sit in my bed while my mom was at work and forced me to watch adult videos and would force my hand in places that it shouldn't go he has done so much more things to me but i don't really want to go in detail with everything else and then one day he told me that if i ever told anybody about this that i would be in very big trouble and my life and my mom's life would be at risk and at such a young age i didn't know what to do so of course i kept everything to myself and then things just got a lot worse i'm running out of time like far apart too part two of how i got sexually assaulted by my stepdad for four years straight and nobody did anything about it continuing with the story he started getting more comfortable with doing more and more things to me it continued for years and years and years i started to try to stand up for myself but it never worked it always would end up just making the situation worse and he would harm me in spots that my mom isn't gonna check and again i was told that if i told anybody then my life would be at risk and so would my mom's and again i was also younger so i didn't really know what to do but then finally came a day where i had enough and i went to go tell my mom she told me that i was insane and didn't believe me whatsoever i went to go try to tell my grandma my grandpa my aunt my uncle and my brothers and none of them believed me none of them believed me until six years later i am now 17 and because my mom was so blindsided by this boy that she didn't believe what was happening in her own household it caused me to have many scars very disturbing traumatizing experiences also wish me luck because in exactly two weeks from today i'll be seeing this guy storytimify found out that there was a guy living in my attic i'm even pretty sure there's a couple articles on this so basically living in the house was me my mom my dad and my younger sister this story ends up taking a huge twist so just stay tuned for that also keep in mind that my boyfriend's name at the time was jacob when i first started to notice that there was somebody else in my house was when i first started dating jacob mind you the only time anybody in my entire family has ever been in the attic is the first two months that we lived there and it was only once or twice and we never seen anything up there so we would notice that bits of our food would go missing and every time we package leftovers the leftovers in the tupperware that we packaged the leftovers in would just completely disappear and a bunch of my stuff would always go missing for example two of my pillows and four of my blankets gone missing and my shoes and my clothes and even my underwear so one day my boyfriend came over and he left around 1am so the rest of my family was sleeping also i have the whole entire upstairs to myself and my mom dad and my sister sleeps downstairs this story just ends up getting really crazy so like for a part two part two of how i found out that there was a guy living in my attic continuing with the story i go downstairs and i walk my boyfriend out to the car of course trying to be quiet because the rest of my family is sleeping so i go back upstairs mind you i have the hole upstairs to myself and then i go to the bathroom and there was pee in the toilet and on the wall in front of the toilet it said jacob was here with a heart so i took a picture of it and i posted it on my private story because i just thought it was funny and cute at the same time and he slid up and said um what and then he sworn up and down that it wasn't him so anyways it freaked me out at first but at the same time i didn't really care so i didn't really pay any mind to it so to speed the story up my dad had to go in the attic for something and he found an actual mattress covered in insulation and in the corner he found a guy the guy looked very sickly skinny but scary at the same exact time so of course my dad called 911 right away and the guy admitted to stealing her food stealing my underwear stealing things out of my room basically stealing from us overall stealing our food etc i made out of time but he ended up being a wanted criminal but he's in jail now so yeah story time of how my best friend was catfished by my dad so me my best friend were kind of just like swiping through tinder for fun and then she came across this really really hot dude so of course she swiped right and they talked all night long and he said he had an android so he couldn't facetime but his messages were blue so i thought something was off she was too blinded to see that something was up in the first place because she was messaging with a really hot guy so about a week of them just like texting back and forth and i guess getting to know each other they decided that they were gonna meet up so they both decided that they were gonna meet up at an olive garden near them and you see as her best friend of course i'm gonna have to go with her so i got dressed up and i sat about five tables away from her and we got there about 30 minutes earlier than we were supposed to be there okay so my best friend had three bowls of fettuccine alfredo before he got there so when he got there it wouldn't look like she ate a lot then i see my dad walk in all dressed up and fancy with a bow tie and everything this story time just gets so much more funnier so like for a part two part two of how my best friend was catfished by my dad continuing the story see my dad walk into the restaurant all dressed up mind you my dad's married to my mother of course so i was like oh my dad and my mom are finally going on a date together and then he looks over to my best friend and walks over to the table when i tell you my heart dropped my heart has never sank so deep inside me so fast he sits down and asks her is this mackenzie when i tell you i busted out laughing i busted out laughing so freaking hard i fell out of my chair and almost everybody in the restaurant turned around and looked at me and so did my dad and i walk over to the table and i'm like what the heck is going on here my best friend is literally just sitting there in shock no emotion on her face then he looks at us he looks really confused his face goes blank and then he goes ah i was just trying to teach all girls a lesson i told my mom and i was just getting a laugh out of it and then she looked through his phone and said that he was meeting up with a bunch of 14 year old girls so comes to find out my dad is a pedophile my mom kicked him out and if you're one of those girls i really do apologize story time of how my stepmom got so jealous of me and my dad's bond that she plotted to kill me so i never really liked my stepmom in the first place because she was a little controlling over my dad and i just knew that she hated me and i really hated her too but you know my dad was in love and he seemed happy so i didn't really say anything and my dad would always take me to lunch on saturdays and sundays and we'd have like a dad daughter bonding day i guess and me and my dad were just super close and every single weekend me going to lunch with him would start an argument between them two because she said i was taking time away from them too my dad really never chose sides but i never really got involved in the relationship as much as i hated her because i just loved seeing my dad happy also at this time i was 15. and what i'm about to say next might sound just a little crazy and unbelievable but i'm not sure who she was on the phone with but while on the phone with somebody she was talking about getting rid of me mind you my mom had passed away when i was younger and i really had no other family to go to now this is where the story takes a turn for the worse and she tries to get rid of me i'm running out of time like for the crazy part too part two of how my stepmom got so jealous of me and my dad's bond that she plotted to kill me continuing off the story i don't know who she was on the phone with but i overheard her on the phone saying that she was going to get rid of me and honestly i didn't really care and i didn't really think anything of it because i knew she was crazy but i didn't think she was that crazy so all of a sudden she started making me breakfast and i'm not a breakfast person i can't eat right when i get up so every time she would make me breakfast i'd be like thanks but i'm not hungry and she would get so mad like so freaking mad i'm not going to get into all the little details but comes to find out she was putting rat poison in my food she had set up cameras in my room and i don't know what kind of sense this makes i think she's just crazy but she started to hide snakes in my room and claim it was my fault that the snakes were coming in my room yeah doesn't really make any sense once i told my dad and my dad got out of his little in love stage with her he finally stepped up and said something to her and she admitted that she wanted me dead he eventually called the cops and to this day she is in jail for attempted murder oh did i forget to mention the day that he broke up with her she tried to stab me in the throat story time of how my dad slept with my 16 year old sister so yes my dad did sleep with his biological daughter so at the time my sister was 16 and i was 14. okay so my sister and my dad had a really weird connection but i just thought it was because he favored her and he didn't really like me that much he ended up saying his favorite was her because he knew that she was easy but anyways back to the story every single friday he would pick my sister up from school during lunch time and take her back to the house and they would have like daddy-daughter lunch there and then my mom would do the same thing with me on mondays okay so my sister one of her friends takes her to school and i take the bus in the morning and i miss the bus one day and at the time of me and my sister going to school my parents already at work so i just decided that i was gonna have a day off and yes this day was a friday i'm pretty sure you guys can already see where this story is headed but i was in my room i was just chilling sleeping and then all of a sudden i hear stuff happening between my dad party without caught my dad sleeping with my 16 year old sister continuing with the story after my dad and my sister come home for their lunch i get woken up from my amazing nap hearing my dad and my sister doing the the thingy when i tell you my sister was off for waiting for marriage oh my gosh my sister wouldn't even touch a boy in the wrong spot before marriage so i don't know how this came about but listen i have no ds heck so of course i tiptoed all the way over to them they were in her room i whipped my phone out so fast i acted like i was on a talk show and i said presenting i opened the door and i see my sister and my dad actually sleeping together they were under the blanket so i didn't see any private areas my sister was really really popular at school so out of this situation i got her to walk me around school everywhere my dad bought me a car and gave me a thousand dollars haha i made him go broke then after i got everything i wanted i told my mom she kicked my sister and my dad out and i'm pretty sure they live together now but i haven't talked to him since feel better [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] story time of how i found out that i was pregnant with my stepbrother's baby so basically i was 16 at the time and my mom didn't let me date so i had to keep dating this guy a secret from my mom and every weekend this guy would come over and she was dating him but she didn't think that we were ready to meet his kids yet okay so to be able to hang out with my boyfriend me and him both told our parents that we were going to a friend's house and my best friend's mom does not care what she does so me and him would both always go there so about a year into dating this kid me and him were both tired of keeping it a secret from our parents in a legit coincidentally the same exact night that i was going to tell my mom about my boyfriend is the same exact night her boyfriend was going to bring his kids over so we could meet them so i was going to wait till after we met them so she was in a better mood and when my mom's boyfriend got there so did my boyfriend me and him literally don't know how we didn't catch on so we both decided not to tell our parents yet and then me and my boyfriend decided that we were just gonna take advantage of it because my mom's boyfriend was gonna be moving in so that means i can live with my boyfriend i'm running out of time like we're part two part two if i found out that i was pregnant with my step-brother's baby continuing with the story my mom's boyfriend moved in and because my boyfriend was my mom's boyfriend's son he also moved in so every time my mom and her boyfriend aka my boyfriend's dad would go to sleep me and my boyfriend would always end up in the same bed i don't know how we hid this for such a long time but they ended up telling us that they were getting married so me and my boyfriend decided that we were gonna tell them that we had been dating for i think it was two years at the time my mom and his dad were absolutely okay with it and at that they made us share room in our new house and an exact week after they got married i ended up taking a pregnancy test just for fun and it came out positive i was literally so scared and two days later my mom told me that she was pregnant so as we speak now i have a two-year-old brother by my boyfriend's dad and i have a two-year-old baby by my stepbrother oh also for another story time i caught my stepbrother aka my boyfriend sleeping with my mom yeah story time of how i caught my dad and my stepdad sleeping together so a little background information my mom and my real dad got a divorce when i was around four so like the typical on the weekdays i'd be at my mom and on the weekends i'd be at my dad's then when i was around age six my mom married my stepdad and since they got married at such a young age i called my stepdad dad and my real dad dad this story ends up with a lot of confusion and chaos so just get ready for that so everything started to get a little weird when my stepdad went to go drop me off at my dad's house one day my stepdad actually went into my dad's house and they talked for about like five hours you see i went to sleep and then the next morning my stepdad and my dad were both making me breakfast and then i overheard my stepdad on the phone with my mom saying that he had an overnight shift so i didn't say anything because every time i tell my mom something she ends up leaving my stepdad anyways because i mean my stepdad's always right right anyways the next time that he dropped me off my stepdad ended up staying again then i ended up walking into my dad's room seeing both of their pants off i'm running out of time like for part two part two of how i caught my dad and my stepdad sleeping together continuing with the story i asked my dad a question so i walk into his room and i see my dad and my stepdad's pants off one was laying down the other was you you guys get the point my dad quickly jumps off the bed and he jumps up so fast that he falls off the bed and he goes honey honey it's not what it looks like and then my stepdad said get out get out get out get out so i thought it was funny so i took a picture and i sent it to my mom because i knew she wouldn't believe me if i didn't have proof and then she went crazy and tried to kill both of them because you know he cheated on her then she ended up in like a mental hospital they declared her crazy or something so i don't see her anymore and now i have two gay dads and let me tell you it's probably the best thing in the world so basically to sum it up my stepdad cheated on my mom with my dad and then my mom went crazy trying to kill my stepdad and my dad then she ended up in a mental hospital so now i don't see her anymore and yeah i have two dads now now they got married and yeah i'm pretty happy even though she's crazy i kind of miss my mom okay so i went to target about 30 minutes ago and i was looking for ipad cases and the ipad cases and the phone cases are all together but everything is locked up to prevent stealing there was these two adorable girls they were literally looked so cute and innocent piggy tails and everything the mom or dad or parent or guardian or whatever was nowhere to be found well like wasn't by them and at max they were four and probably seven they were tiny little adorable things one of them pulls a hammer out of their like bag and starts hitting one of the phone case things trying to get it out of like the security thing i already knew what they were doing and i was like girls you're not gonna be able to get that out of there just go to the cases over there because it was like a little section of dollar cases that wasn't like security protected the four-year-old or like the younger one looks at me and goes fub but says the cuss words throws their little hammer at my foot but doesn't hit me with it then kicks me then grabs like the phone case security box thing calls me a fagg then you know the rest and said no i'm stealing this one bro story time of how i found out that my 13 year old sister was sleeping with my teacher and nobody ever did anything about it so this is the first time that i'm actually telling anybody because i'm finally old enough to realize that all of this was just wrong so at the time my sister was in eighth grade and i was in sixth grade so my sister claimed that she needed extra help in history and i guess my mom trusted him because after school he would take me and my sister to his house and then like help my sister and he would always say he had to get ready before he tutored her because they would like go in the room with the door shut but he said that was the only way for her to learn fast and while we were waiting for him to get ready me and my sister would play this literal funnest and likes most satisfying game ever it's where you grow little plant dudes and meet her literally got so addicted to it the link to that is also going to be in my bio and then he would start playing the game with her trying to get on her good side and then they make me wait in the living room for about an hour while they study and every day she would come out saying oh my god i learned so much today i mean she did learn something anyways i'm running out of time for part two part two of how i caught my 13 year old sister sleeping with her teacher so continuing on with the story i was just waiting outside the room until they got done and one day my mom called me and said that it was an emergency and she had to pick us up early so i knocked on the door really lightly and then i opened the door and i'm surprised it wasn't locked and i opened the door and i see my 13 year old sister and her 42 year old teacher just getting it on i mean i ain't no snitch so i didn't say nothing at the time i was 11 years old in sixth grade and i high fived her then the teacher brought me with 500 bucks to not say anything again i was in 600 at the time so my parents would definitely wonder where i got the money from so the teacher told me that if i let them keep doing their thing he'll make this fake raffle and say that i want it because me and my sister were so close i never snitched on her and this is the first time i'm telling the story me and my sister don't talk anymore so if you're that teacher that gave me 500 bucks to keep effing my older sister you are probably one of the most disgusting people that i've ever met and if this story gets out there sorry for saying this but i need to get this out there john wilson you deserve to rot in jail story time of how i caught my teacher and my best friend doing the dirty so everything was fine up until the middle of the year when she started acting really strange and so did he so at the time i was 13 and she was 14. and i'm pretty sure my teacher was in his mid-20s or 30s so basically she's the type of girl who literally hates school and would do anything to get out of class then i noticed her getting early to class and not leaving until everybody else left then i started paying a little more attention and he would always walk by her desk and slip her notes and candy and just weird stuff and it was really really strange to me he also moved to her desk right next to his which his was all the way in the back left corner of the classroom he would also always make jokes with her which i didn't really understand until i found out they were sleeping together so on friday my mom messaged her parents asking if they could pick me up monday because my parents were going out of town that weekend and i hated riding the bus well i'm guessing she didn't know that i was going home with her monday so that monday i got into her mom's car and i asked her mom where she was her mom said that she was failing math and her math teacher offered to tutor her this teacher was also brand new i'm running out of times for like for part two here's purdue of how i found out my best friend was sleeping with our teacher so continuing on with the story i told her mom that i've never seen him tutor somebody before plus she told me her grades were sky high in that class i ended up forgetting my pencil pouch which had my keys to my house in it so i had to go back anyways and when i went back the door was locked and like he had something over it or whatever but i could see under it because he didn't cover it all the way and she was on his desk and he was kissing her or doing weird stuff i knew her mom wouldn't believe me if i told her what i saw so i just told her it was an emergency and she was in trouble so we booked it back to the classroom and at first we didn't see them and then she seen a foot come from beside the desk mind you were peeking under it so we couldn't really see much her she started banging in the classroom door and screaming i've never seen her this mad i was honestly terrified that i ran into a separate classroom the teacher to this day i'm pretty sure he's still in jail and she is still homeschooled and grounded with no phone we found out that he was married with four kids well was married [Applause] [Music] oh time about my boyfriend ended up being my stepdad so i was dating this kid and me and this kid had like the best relationship he was 19 and i was 17. and i mean we were literally always together and my mom would always call him hot and stuff like that but you know i thought that's just what moms do and i didn't think of it in that type of way so one day my boyfriend got mad at me and he was like i'm gonna f your mom become your stepdad and boss you around if you keep up that attitude and i mean who would think that he's gonna actually try to do that and i said i would like to see you try but again we were just into like a little argument so so about a month or two goes on and i find messages from my boyfriend to my mom and vice versa they were like sexting and i saw things i did not want to see from my mother so i went to go confront both of them and i confronted my mom first and like she wouldn't tell me nothing she just told me to get out of her face oh but my boyfriend told me they have been hooking up but he told me i was overreacting because it's just my mom oh just wait till you find out what happens next i'm running out of time like for part two part two and how my boyfriend became my stepdad so continuing on with the story i told him that he was disgusting and then i just ended our relationship and like at first he wouldn't let me break up with him but then finally we were just both like okay this is not gonna work out so about two days later i come home and i see him at my house and i'm like dude we're not getting back together so don't try like you're weird and he has the audacity to go i'm not here for you i'm here for your mother and at that point i was like um i'm i'm yeah i'm moving out and that night i heard some noises that i didn't want to hear and then my mom ended up getting pregnant again she's only like 34 i think but he's 19. so the age gap isn't really that big of a difference but it's the point that my boyfriend decided to ask my mom get her pregnant and now i don't even know how i'm related to this child yeah so now my mom's pregnant with my ex-boyfriend's child i mean i'm so nice to a kid because it's my step-sibling's dad but at the same time i secretly want to like you know inject him out of the game in the game i want to inject him out of his life so yeah story time of how i got the best revenge on my worst enemy so basically there was this girl that literally copied my absolute every move it all started because the boy that she was dating tried to hit me up so i guess she was trying to be more like me i guess and it all started when i got a puppy literally two days later she ended up getting a puppy the same kind of puppy then about a week goes on and i dye my hair blonde well i bleach it and she dyes her hair blonde okay then the next day i posted on my story about this app that i was using it's called fitness coach and i was getting my dream body from it also the link to the app will be in my bio but then not even an hour later she posts that she was using it then i just noticed every single little thing that i did she would also start to copy she even started literally copying my outfits head to toe so once i noticed that i decided i was gonna like try something out and i bought a bald cap from the store and then i posted on a private story with only her in it ha guess what happened two days later i'm running out of time like for part two part two if i got the best revenge on my worst enemy continuing on with the story after i got a bald capped and posted on my private story with only her in it two days later she shaves her head so this is the time where i try to confront the girl because at this point it's obvious she's trying to copy me and after i confronted her about her trying to copy me she then tried to say that i was the one trying to copy her and then switch up the whole story but for about months and months she continued to copy me and now here's where the story gets bad my puppy ended up passing away due to heart failure and then of course i posted about it on my instagram story and that night i was scrolling through like who viewed it and i see her little fake account and honestly i didn't think anything of it it took a little bit but five days later i see on her story my baby will always have a place in my heart rip moxie oh i named my dog roxy by the way and that's the exact thing i put on my story exact words and everything i don't know what she did with the dog and honestly i'm terrified to know but after that i blocked her on absolutely everything because i came to conclusion that she is crazy story time of how my boyfriend got my mom pregnant so to get started with the story this all happened on me and my boyfriend's four years and he was super duper close with my family like we go on every single vacation together he was there for every holiday he was there at my house almost every day and it was honestly just an amazing relationship in my opinion well until he slept with my mom but anyways it was me my boyfriend's four year and i had planned this whole big huge surprise for him so his mom gave me a copy of the house key just in case anybody was wondering how i got in but i had decorated his entire room and spent about four hundred dollars on decorations and then about a thousand five hundred dollars on gifts i told him that something came up and i couldn't hang out that day and my mom's a loudmouth so i of course didn't tell her i just told her i was out with a friend and he had told me that he was staying with his friends so i just wanted to wait and let him have the time with the boys and let him see the stuff the next day so i head home and then i head into my mom's room because i wanted to then tell her what i did and i walked into her room seeing my boyfriend and her sleeping together i'm running get a time link for part two part two of how my boyfriend got my mom pregnant so because the story i walk into my mom's room and i see them literally sleeping together intensely very very intensely looks like my mom was enjoying it more than i did that's why you're 52 and divorced mother i hope you see this too anyways i slammed the door so hard that i broke the side of the door and i run back to my room that exact moment i drove to his house got every single gift i got him you did those things in my car mine now that's why i give him gifts that i like just in case i ever have to take it back then i blocked him on absolutely everything and ghosted him so of course i was really really sad and i went and stayed with my grandma for about a month because i was very very upset with my mom one day while she was at work i come to my house to get some more of my stuff and in my bathroom was a pregnancy test oh and it was positive comes to find out it's my boyfriend's baby oh and that reminded me that i needed to take a pregnancy test and as we're speaking now i am eight months pregnant with his freaking baby storytime of how i found out that my mom was putting our dad's ashes and our food yep our mom would put our dead dad's ashes and our dinner so basically after my dad died my mom showed zero emotion it's like she really didn't care at all like she kind of wanted it to happen his death was like an unsolved case and nobody knows how he actually died and now that i get to think about it it might offend my mom but i don't want to jump to conclusions and if it was her and she sees this video i don't want to end up like him anyways back to the story so about a month after he died she would always post a picture of me and my brother's dinner with the caption you'll always be with them literally every single night and honestly nobody really caught on all the comments were like we're praying we're praying this and that until one day i was just sitting on the couch and i look over and my mom was pouring something into the mashed potatoes so i go a little closer and i see her pouring the ashes of my dad into our mashed potatoes listen this story only gets ten times worse so like for a part two purdue of how my mom was putting my dad's ashes and me and my brother's dinner continue up the story after i see her literally pouring my dad's ashes into our mashed potatoes and i mean this lady literally sees me staring at her pouring the ashes into our mashed potatoes and she like doesn't even say anything i was just uh you know a little shocked so after that i just kept quiet until after dinner and i was mad at my brother that night so i just let him eat the ash mashed potatoes so after dinner i went up to my mom and asked her why she was putting our dad's ashes in our food her exact words were your father was a bad man he wasn't meant to be here i said what does that have to do with you putting his ashes in our dinner she goes it will just cleanse your soul the witches told me to feed my children's father to them bishwa i ended up telling my brother but then me and him decided not to ever say anything ever again because we don't want her little spirits telling them to do the same thing with us so story time of how my dad decided he was gonna cook my cat yes you heard me correctly my dad decided to cook my cat in the oven just a heads up this story does end up getting a little crazy so me and my best friend are neighbors so about 9am every morning me and my best friend we meet up and we work out we use the app fitness coach and just a little off topic really quick that app is literally amazing me and her have gotten our dream bodies from it and the link to that will also be in my bio but anyways back on track we meet up every morning and we do our workout and then afterwards we come inside for like a lunch breakfast mind you my dad absolutely hated my cat to begin with so one day we come in about 30 minutes earlier than we usually do and we see my dad shaving my cat he told me that something goes wrong with her and all her fur was going to fall off anyways and you know i believe him because why would i think my dad's gonna cook my cat he said he was gonna take care of it so i run to my room and i start crying because you know my cat's hurt so 20 minutes of crying goes back and i come out to see my dad trying to cook my kitty i'm gonna turn like for part two part two of how my dad was gonna cook my cat so then i walk into my kitchen and i see my dad literally trying to cook my cat my cat is in the oven just laying there so i start freaking out i literally start screaming and panicking and my dad is laughing his butt off like crazy type laugh i grab my cat out of the oven and it's literally not moving and he tells me that he gave it some type of shot to make it like like the shot makes the cat get injected out of the game so basically the cat won't live no more if he hated the cat why didn't he just put it down or give it away or not cook it this may be a little detail but my cat's head decided to like expand because of the heat yeah probably the most traumatizing experience i've ever had oh i do not live with my dad anymore honestly i'm scared he was gonna try to cook me next my mom never did anything about it mom if you see this you're literally just as crazy as he is in the minute i turn 18 i'm out of this house and all i have to say is dad if you're seeing this i literally hope somebody cooks you in the oven or in a big old melting pot like the witches do storytime if i found out that my little sister's teacher had cameras in their bathroom so my sister at the time is in second grade and they have bathrooms inside their classroom well it's just one bathroom inside the classroom that they all use and at that school fourth grade and below every single classroom has a bathroom inside the room so the kids don't have to wander the halls so parents conferences that night started at six o'clock and ours was scheduled for about 6 30. but we ended up not being able to make it at 6 30 because we had to do something so we ended up coming around 7 45 which at the time everybody was already gone so we go and my parents sit down with the teacher and they talk we had gone to sonic before that and i got a blue raspberry slushy and i ended up spilling that all over the floor so i run into the bathroom and i grab a bunch of paper towels and right when i got in there something just felt really weird to me so after i cleaned it up i walked back into the bathroom and in the top right of the bathroom in the corner there was a box with a hole in it i text my mom what i saw and right after i get out of the bathroom she says she has to go to the bathroom i'm running out of time like for this crazy part too foreign found out that my sister's teacher was hiding cameras in their bathroom so continuing on with the story my mom goes into the bathroom and i'm not sure what she did in there but my crazy mother comes out with the box that was around the camera cussing and i could not get her to stop yelling the teacher then says that they have that in there for safety reasons they have a camera in a second graders bathroom for safety reasons yeah okay anyways my mom was really really mad and they ended up calling the non-emergency number for the police so then when they got there they had to search his phone i don't know what the police really do in this type of situation but they ended up searching his phone and on his phone they found recordings of the students in the bathroom and they found zoomed in screenshots from the recordings of the children's private areas my sister's teacher had also had recordings of other teachers using the bathroom and zoomed in pictures of their private areas yes this teacher is in jail and i'm pretty sure there might be an online article about it but it's crazy to think that a disgusting person like this would set up cameras in a child's bathroom story time of how i caught my grandma and my dad sleeping together yes you heard me right my dad was sleeping with my grandma sadly i had to be the one to find this out and walk in on them doing the dirty and it was probably the most traumatizing experience i've ever had so basically my dad told my mom that he had to start working late to get extra money because at the time we weren't doing so good money-wise so basically a couple months go by and my mom said he started acting really really weird and then asked me to keep an eye on him and see if he's like doing anything strange so you know me the best art in the world kept an eye on him and i didn't find much out until one day after i came home from school i got locked out of my house because i didn't have my key and both of my parents were so called at work so i told my mom and she works an hour away so she couldn't come get me and so i just had a friend drop me off at my grandma's house so i tried calling my grandma but she didn't answer so i decided i was just gonna go anyways i go through the back door like i always do and i wanted to sneak up on her and give her a hug so i try to be as quiet as i can and i walk in the room and see my grandma my dad bunny get on the bed i'm running out of time like for part two part two of how i found out that my dad was sleeping with my grandma so continuing on with the story i walk in on my dad and my grandma butt naked sleeping with each other and by sleeping you you guys know what i mean oh did i forget to mention that that's also my dad's mom so i caught my dad sleeping with his mom mind you my grandma's like 55 and my dad is 32. i mean i guess it's not that big of an age gap so back to the story my first reaction was to take out my phone and start filming it and my dad and grandma did not like that but i just kept filming my exact words were i need receipts by this time they're both under the blanket trying to get dressed without me seeing their wing wings and hoo-has in tititaz at this moment i was like wait i could be having the dream life right now i could blackmail these two into anything at this moment then i was like nah i love my mom a little more than that so i started thinking for a second about what i wanted to do then i book it out the house and send the videos to my mom they did get a divorce my dad lives with my grandma and i do occasionally see him but i live with my mom story time about my stepmom had cameras in my room so she could sell recordings of me changing online mind you i already deeply hate my stepmom so it made me literally wanna you know let's just finish the story first okay so at the time i was about 14 years old and me and my stepmom both had it out for each other because we both deeply hated each other so one day i come home from school i get in the shower i come back into my room and while i'm naked i look over and i see this blinking light i literally don't know how she did it but the camera was literally in the wall and i had this little wire decoration thing like over my wall so you could not tell at all because i already had stuff up there heaven knows how long it was up there but i literally stared at the camera butt naked like what in the heck i run downstairs to grab a knife and start sawing away at the freaking wall and yes it was a camera i go downstairs to confront my stepmom and as crazy as she is she literally admits to it she said i was making some bank off your body hun that's the exact words she said to me i'm running out of time like for part two it only gets crazier part two if i found out that my stepmom had cameras in my room so she could sell videos of me changing online so continuing on with the story she admits to me that she was selling videos of my body online and making so-called bank from it i just blatantly say that she is a disgusting human being and i tell her that i'm going to tell my dad absolutely everything and when i do he'll leave her in a heartbeat she then proceeds to tell me that it was his idea no way in my mind was i going to believe her that it was my dad's idea to sell videos of my body then she tells me if she can continue to do that she'll split the money with me in that she had already made 70k from it her phone was on the table i literally grab it and throw it across the room and run off to my room right when my dad gets home i tell him absolutely everything and he claims that i'm a liar he tells me that she would never do such a thing and he proceeds to tell me that it's normal to have a camera in a teenage girls room i call up my mom and i tell her to get me right now she gives me permission so i cussed the two of them out and it felt so good we went to court for it and no she is not in jail sadly and sadly she's still alive but i no longer see any of them but they have videos of my body story time of how i walked in on my boyfriend trying to sleep with my dog yes you did hear me right my boyfriend tried to sleep with my dog okay so at the time me and this boy were dating for about two years we usually see each other almost every single day but because of kovid at the time me and my boyfriend couldn't see each other for about four weeks so basically me and him were trying to surprise each other at the same time so to his knowledge i was staying at my grandparents house and i was supposed to come back friday so he decided that he was going to surprise me and my mom let him stay the night at my house thursday night so he could surprise me when i got home friday so i heard about him trying to surprise me so i decided i was going to come home thursday night instead so i could surprise him so come thursday night i come home i turn off my life360 so he doesn't know where i'm at i get home i ask my mom where he's at she said he was in my room mind you it's about midnight at the time because i couldn't get home till then i walk into my room and i kid you not he was trying to sleep with the dog pants off everything and the dog is a boy i'm running out of time like for part two part two of how i caught my boyfriend trying to sleep with my dog so after i walk in the room and see his pants down trying to bang the dog i don't know how but for like three minutes he does not notice that i'm standing there staring at him watching him trying to bang my dog but then finally he looks over and me and him are just making direct eye contact like staring at each other like uh this man had the audacity to say i was practicing for when you get home but you're wee-wee inside my dog um yeah no at that moment i was literally speechless i did not know what to say this man didn't even bother picking up his pants he just asked me if i wanted to join him and of course i said yes so i went to join him in the dog no i'm literally just kidding my exact words were pick up your dang pants and go bang your own dog you weirdo he looked at me and said will do like what and i'm going to tell my mom what just happened because i was so shocked and she said oh i seen him doing that i just didn't want to say anything like what feel better [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: GTV
Views: 2,130,168
Rating: 4.9078765 out of 5
Id: tfAnHFh1cAE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 0sec (3000 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 01 2021
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