Makeup Story Time | Benedte💓

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[Music] [Music] story time about the bestiality children next door if you don't know what bestiality is hold on so i was living in this neighborhood for five years throughout those five years not one time did my family go and talk to the other neighbors why didn't we talk to the other neighbors because it's not like we were trying to make friends or anything we didn't care for them well one day the neighbors kids were playing outside while i was playing outside my mom urged me to go over there and play with the other kids even though i didn't really want to so there was a little boy and a little girl i went over there and i asked if i could pet their dog because they were playing with their dog they said yes and the dogs started playing with me and started licking my face yeah keep that in mind then we started talking about the bus because we read the same bus we have the same bus stop after playing with them for a while they invited me inside i asked my mom if i could go she said yes so the little boy ran into his room and the little girl invited me to her room so to pass time i asked her what she does for fun she says she plays with her brother and then she asked if i liked animals obviously i say yes and so she asked to show me a trick that's when she brings the dog into the room and proceeds to pull down her pants like for part two this is part two of the bestiality children next door like i said she brings her dog into the room and pulls down her pants totally forgot a very crucial piece of information i was in fifth grade at the time that's why i did what i did in these next events she pulls down her pants and lets the dog go at it the same dog that licked my face previously the dog like went for it like he knew what to do the only words that i could form was you she had trained this dog to do that so after i said you she immediately got up and put her pants up and like she was surprised that i was grossed out like any normal human being wouldn't be and out of nowhere she starts crying and i started feeling really bad so i told her that i wouldn't tell anybody and so she tells me i had to switch to my dog because my hamster wouldn't do it then she gets up and opens this drawer and proceeds to pull out a dead hamster she says he wouldn't lick he would only bite she starts crying really hard and says she feels uncomfortable and she would feel better if i let the dog do what it did to her as much as i didn't want to i wanted her to feel comfortable so i did it this is part three of the bestiality children next door like i said i gave in i didn't know how it was supposed to feel it felt weird but it didn't feel good so i stopped and she started giggling and i just felt so uncomfortable so i wanted to go home then she started acting like she was annoyed and started getting really mad at me but i was like whatever and so she let me leave well it was a sunday that day and the next day we had to go to school but she wasn't at the bus stop and so i get on the bus and i go to school that day and everything is fine until like halfway through the school day my mom comes to pick me up early she would never come to pick me up early for no reason i would usually have an appointment and i would know about it before i would know if i was gonna leave school that day and was gonna get picked up but i wasn't notified so my mom came to pick me up and while we were on the way home she said that my dad had stayed home from work that day and when we got home we were going to have to have a talk about what i did with the neighbor's dog i promise you're gonna want to like for part four this is part four of the bestiality children next door baby that rhymed like i said my mom is driving me home right now we're gonna have a talk when we get home with my dad about what i did with the neighbor's dog i tried to explain myself to her in the car but she wouldn't let me talk she didn't want me to say anything until we got home but when we got home it wasn't just my dad sitting in the living room the neighbors were there the mom dad and the two kids so i was like is this a setup the neighbor's dad is fuming as soon as i walked into the living room he stood up and tried to get in my face mind you i was in fifth grade he did that in front of my parents my parents told him to back up obviously but there was a lot of tension when he was in my face he was saying how dare you force my daughter to do that with our own dog that's when i knew what the [ __ ] was going on this little [ __ ] sickly after i left my neighbor's house the day before the daughter went up to the parents and told them that i showed her the trick with the dog and forced her to do it but this is when things take a turn babes this is part five of the bestiality children next door like i said my neighbor's parents and their kids and my parents and i were all in my living room discussing about this dog situation so i went ahead and explained myself that she was a [ __ ] liar and that nothing that's coming out of her mouth was true and that she was just lying in line and the neighbor's parents weren't too happy about the fact that i was calling their daughter a liar and the mom just lost it and started screaming at me and going at me and just saying all these mean terrible things it was almost as if she had a personal problem with me well they be so i started crying really hard once the neighbor's mom started yelling at me i don't know what that did to the neighbor's daughter but she folded she said i lied i lied i'll tell you guys the truth she finally admitted that it was her idea and she's the one who introduced it to me then once her parents expressed their disapproval this [ __ ] child she says i thought it was okay because i saw mom doing it when dad wasn't home let me tell you about this story of me while i was in the psych ward don't ask why i was in a psych ward just know that i was there okay so while i was there we had to do these group meetings as soon as we woke up and before we went to bed we had to wake up at like 9 a.m in the morning i hit it there i was depressed i'd always give the workers [ __ ] about going to those meetings i was like [ __ ] y'all i'm not going to those goddamn meetings one night my stomach was hurting really bad so they let me skip the meeting and sleep early and i had gotten up in the middle of the night to go ask for some stomach medicine i walk out my room i see this little boy standing at the end of the hall like so i'm like hello and this [ __ ] goes and starts hissing at me like find you when he went he had scissors in his hand i knew i could outrun that [ __ ] so i started hissing at him back says yeah what's up little mayo packet yeah what's really going on then he starts going [Music] so i match his energy once again and i start going ah who the [ __ ] is you doing that too who then he picks up his scissors like this and charges dead at me i zoomed out that hallway so fast [ __ ] i disappeared like for part two because it only gets worse part two of the story of me and the psych ward so like i said this little white boy who's like four foot eight starts chasing me down the hallway with his little chicken legs mind you he had scissors in his hands he was actually trying to kill me you'll know why i think that in the end so mind you while he was chasing me i did not look back not once i didn't know if this [ __ ] was gonna start climbing the walls yeah i don't know if he was gonna start crawling on the ceiling my main goal was just to get away so i eventually make it to the front desk i looked behind me to see if he was still there well he wasn't so i'm guessing that he stopped chasing me at the end of the hall the front desk lady is looking at me like mind you we weren't allowed to carry scissors or even pencils or anything like that because it was dangerous and so i didn't want to get that little boy in trouble so i just told her like no i'm good i just need medicine well eventually they did end up finding him with the scissors anyways and took it away from him but baby he found a way to get that [ __ ] back the next morning everybody came out for breakfast and these workers were dragging the same little boy out of his room and he was like kicking and screaming and all of that turns out he stole another pair of scissors in the middle of the night stabbed another kid in his sleep part three of the story of me in the psych ward like i said this same little boy who was chasing me last night with a pair of scissors and sneaked into another kid's room in the middle of the night and stabbed him in his sleep this little boy's goal was to harm and it could have easily been me and i was over there [ __ ] around with that kid talking about ah kissing at him because he was hissing at me i could have died what if i couldn't have outran him i would have gotten stabbed i thought that he was just some weird little boy i did not think that he was trying to really hurt somebody well rumors started going around the psych ward that the reason that he stabbed that other kid was because he had asked that other boy i think it was a boy that he stabbed for his roblox username so they could play together when they get out and that kid said no because of the hippa violation or whatever so while that kid was sleeping in the middle of the night he had gone into his room and stabbed him because he didn't give him his roblox username what's one really bad thing you did as a child that you kept secret for your entire life and didn't tell nobody i'll go first i got a lot of stories like this but this is just one of them so my mama used to put me in daycare and in my daycare we used to do field trips and we went to the ymca so while we were in the pool this one white kid comes up to me he asked me like why are you black and i was kind of embarrassed but i wasn't mad at the kid i was more embarrassed and i was mad and i told him that my parents painted me every single day and i was thinking back at the time when i scraped my knee and the skin came off and there was like no blood it was just bone but i didn't know that it was bone i thought that i was just white underneath so i was like it's true like i can peel my skin off and prove it when i did i peeled skin off my finger and it was a lot of skin and i started bleeding really bad so the water started getting red and the daycare people tried to get everybody out the water like there was nothing going on and then once everybody was out of the water one of the daycare people go i'm so so so so so sorry everybody i lost my tampon i need to find it okay so what happened was pretty self-explanatory but i can make a part two if you guys want so this part two of the really bad thing that i did as a child and kept secret so my daycare instructor or whatever you call them basically said that she had lost her tampon in the water and i'm guessing she said that because she was on her period and she had a tampon in and the water started turning red and that's the only reason that you could think of but like they started checking all the kids and making sure that all the kids were okay and stuff and when they came up to me and asked me if i was good i was like oh yeah i'm fine and so they were looking in the water for like an hour but there was no tampon like they could not find the tampon like that one white kid he was not part of the daycare like he wasn't one of the daycare kids they evacuated everybody out the pool like nobody was allowed in there and like we all got back on the bus and we went back to the daycare and the daycare instructor who thought she had lost her tampon literally talked to all of us and was like things like this can happen as a woman and when you get older you'll understand baby i stayed mute ain't nobody know one person knows but hopefully she don't see this on her freeway sorry about it [Music] [Applause] [Music] story time of how i found out that my mom was actually my older sister my older sister never really liked me as a child we were never close i never knew why but i was guessing it was because of the 10 year age gap but i'm pretty sure she hated me because she couldn't even look me in the eye i cannot make this up she would not look me in the eye but she never really talked to my parents either she kind of just kept her herself all the time sometimes i have vivid memories of when we were younger and she would always be arguing with my parents about something and i always thought it had something to do with me while i was right it had everything to do with me because eventually my sister turned 18 and she moved out for two years i didn't talk to her at all i honestly don't even think i had her number saved and i'm pretty sure that she didn't have mine well two years later and i was 10 at the time she reached out to me via social media i'm not sure how she found my instagram name but it was just my name so she probably just typed that in and found me she damned me and told me that she wanted to talk about something very important and that she would like to talk over the phone so we exchanged numbers and we called that same night and she told me that when she was younger my dad had taken advantage of her and gotten her pregnant and had me this is part two of how i found out that my mom was actually my older sister so like i said my older sister had reached out to me via social media and told me that she was actually my mother and so after we got off the phone that same night i lost it at dinner and i went off on my parents and i screamed at them and i told them that i would go to the police and tell them everything and i would tell them the truth unless they just let me live with my older sister and they try to explain themselves and their reasoning was that they wanted to keep the family together because of their traditional values and it would have just made their lives a lot harder going through all the court proceedings so they just kept the family together and so they clearly didn't want me to go into the police so they said that i could go live with my older sister so she came to get me but she lived in a different state so it kind of took a while i still had to stay in the house for like a week or so before she came but i packed all my stuff and i was ready to go and when we went back to where she lived we immediately called the police and told them everything fast forward a little bit they did some dna testing my sister's dna matched as my biological mothers and then my dad was my biological father and they saw how the ages just didn't match properly so they took my father to jail oh my god you guys i literally cannot [ __ ] do this today i was [ __ ] walking because i had to take my morning walk to get my little water bottle i'm not showing them because they're not paying me enough but this fam there was this family and there was this little kid this little kid he came up to me he like ran up to me and he gave me like this piece of candy it was like a brown jelly bean and so you know i started i crouched down and i started playing with him and i started doing the little airplane thing like zoo oh i'm about to put it in your mouth and he's like put it in your mouth and so i [ __ ] put that [ __ ] in my mouth it was no [ __ ] jelly bean i was not a [ __ ] jelly bean i ate [ __ ] that little [ __ ] fed me his goat pellets so you know what i did i knocked that little [ __ ] over and ran and then the family wants to start running after me and yelling like their kid didn't just [ __ ] try to kill me sorry i'm out of breath because i was running for so long like i literally kicked i kicked the [ __ ] out of that kid oh my god the psa to all parents control your [ __ ] kid i'll really rock that kid if i ever see it again oh my god i just got home i'm gonna wash the [ __ ] out of my mouth this is why they call me miss petty and this is also why you should never let your boyfriend have a girl best friend let's get right into it so my boyfriend had this girl best friend who he was friends with for like two months before he met me so yeah not a very long time over the course of those two months she had bought him five thousand dollars worth of stuff that's a little too nice for a best friend for me but my boyfriend told me to trust him and that they were just friends i should try and talk to her and [ __ ] maybe me and her could even become friends so me and her actually did hang out one day it was me her and my boyfriend and we were all drinking my boyfriend passed out a little early so it was only me and her awake i was getting really tipsy and i ended up throwing up all over myself my boyfriend's girl best friend laid my head back on the sink and started washing my hair and i was like oh my gosh what if i spoke too soon about her what if she's actually not that bad and she was washing my hair so nice i felt smooth and still a little too smooth and silky well i woke up the next morning to notice that my boyfriend's best friend is gone and when i went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror i was completely bald part two of why they call me miss petty so like i said when i woke up my boyfriend's best friend wasn't there and when i looked in the mirror i was completely bald so i woke up my boyfriend and he's shocked he's like what the [ __ ] did you do and i was like what the [ __ ] did i do i know his best friend did this when i texted her number the messages weren't going through and when i checked her socials i was blocked on everything i made my boyfriend dm her on insta but we watched her instagram story and there were so many pictures of me bald while i was asleep at this point i was literally bawling my eyes out my long luscious hair was gone i even called my mom mind you we were all in college so yeah like i said i was bawling i was honestly ready to give up on life right then and there i was regretting even going to college i'm just kidding stay in school kids but those tears didn't last for long child i was gonna get my sweet revenge so little old me made a sugar daddy page did some follow for follow so i could get some followers so i could look legit and i posted some pictures of an old man i found on facebook then i damned her and asked her if she wanted to be my sugar baby and she said yes this is where the fun begins like for part three this is part three of why they call me miss petty so i made a fake sugar daddy page and dm'd my boyfriend's girl best friend and asked her if she wanted to be my sugar baby and she said yes you wanna know why she said yes well well well that five thousand dollars worth of stuff she bought for my boyfriend came in handy a week had passed since she posted all those pictures of me bawled while sleeping oh by the way she saw nair in the bathroom and used that to wash my hair well a week passed and over that week i sold all the stuff she bought for my boyfriend i actually ended up getting like 6k back so basically i told her i would pay her a thousand dollars a week in exchange for some sexy pics and i sent her seven hundred dollars right there so she thought it wasn't fake [ __ ] didn't even know she was getting her money back so i sent her a thousand dollars a week for five weeks in exchange for pictures well once all the money ran out it was time for revenge i gathered up all the pictures that she sent me made a fake page pretending to be her and sent the pictures to her parents her job the school and to multiple girls boyfriends on instagram with the text break up with your girlfriend because i'm bored but shh don't tell anyone like for part four this is part four of why they call me miss petty so after i catfished my boyfriend's girl best friend and posted her nudes everywhere and sent them to a lot of girl's boyfriend obviously she was getting so much backlash and everybody was posting about it and everybody was coming at her so many people wanted to beat her ass it was hilarious she kept trying to say no it's not me behind the fake page but nobody believed her she had to go completely ghost on social media lit too did everybody know i was the mastermind behind the whole thing she didn't show up to school for like a week or so but then the day that she came back i'm not exactly sure why she came back but she got jumped by five girls but not only did she get jumped they threw her in the trash can i almost felt bad until i remembered how long and luscious my hair used to be let this be a reminder to everybody to just stay in your lane eventually she dropped out of that college and i'm guessing she went to some other college but everybody hated her there so she had to move damn karma really is a [ __ ] and so is your mama [Music] [Music] story time about why my lunch lady always hated me in high school i never thought this would happen to me this story takes the biggest turn at the end okay so it first started off as just my lunch lady eyeing me weird whenever i would enter the cafeteria or whenever i would pay for my food she would always always always give me the weirdest look then sometimes she wouldn't even let me get lunch she would say oh you don't have enough money on your account when i knew the day before i just put money in so then i wouldn't be able to eat lunch i reported her a couple times mind you my mom works at the school i even told my mom about it she would just lie and be like i never said she couldn't get her food mom told me that if she ever refused to let me get food again to just come up to her classroom and then she'll give me something to eat but i was so confused because my mom works at the school and i expected her to talk to administration about how the lunch lady is treating her daughter but she didn't say anything to administration until one day this time i actually didn't have any money in my account and i did not know when to go get my lunch as usual when i go to check out my food the lunch lady throws her hands up [ __ ] my plate out of my hands she says i'm just like my mom because we're both greedy like for part two this is part two of why my lunch lady always hated me in high school so like i said this time i actually didn't have any money and i went to check out my food for lunch the lunch lady knocks my plate over and says i'm just like my mom since we're both greedy and i had no idea what she meant says she meant to throw her hands up she didn't mean to knock over my plate everyone was looking at us and it was so awkward so i just walked away and i didn't even sit down for lunch i just walked out of the cafeteria and went straight to my mom's classroom i had no idea what the lunch lady was talking about my mom doesn't even talk to her or at least i thought she didn't like i said i was on the way to my mom's classroom after the lunch lady yelled at me in front of the whole entire cafeteria and once i got to my mom's classroom i told her exactly what happened she was in the middle of class when i tell you my mom stormed out of her class went straight to the cafeteria pulled up on the lunch lady in front of everybody and she grabs her by her hair lunch lady tried to grab to the cash register the cash register fell and money went everywhere all you could hear was the coins dropping on the floor like so close to jumping in but my mom had her their teachers had to come into the cafeteria to break them up and got a time to like for part three okay so this is part three of why my lunch lady always hated me in high school like i said my mom dragged the lunch lady in front of everyone in the cafeteria teachers came and pulled them apart they immediately fired my mom obviously my mom said forget this forget y'all and she took me and we both went home well on the way home she told me the beef with the lunch lady so apparently the lunch lady had been flirting with the history teacher and my mom and the history teacher were seeing each other on the low my mom was married so i was like so what about dad she said that my dad just didn't make her happy anymore but the problem with the lunch lady was the fact that all the teachers at my school are messy as [ __ ] they all talk [ __ ] about each other they're always talking about another teacher and so basically all the staff knew just because of rumors and gossip that my mom and the history teacher were kind of seeing each other everyone knew including the lunch lady so once the lunch lady started flirting with the history teacher too loki started having tension with each other but it was unnecessary for the lunch lady to take out her anger on me so that's why she whipped her at by the way this happened when i was in high school i have now graduated out of college and my parents are divorced now so this is why she always mind your business and this is also why i don't help people no more okay so a little back story everybody at my school was planning a brawl at this upcoming football game that the teachers didn't know about it was a home game so everybody was going and i was not about to get my [ __ ] rocked or get my head stomped out so i publicly announced i would bring water bottles just in case anybody gets thirsty mid-fight and that was like a thing everybody was calling me the referee anyway so i'm guessing everybody was on edge that day because tell me why i walk into geometry and i had to give a presentation that day like we all had groups to present with and while my group was up at the board presenting our project i noticed this girl in my group who was wearing shorts there was white tag sticking out the bottom side of her shorts or at least i thought it was a white tag and i was just trying to help because tell me why when i pulled this white tag her tampon came out this girl turned around she rocked my [ __ ] [ __ ] fight night started early child i was laying on the floor like and of course everybody found out about it and everybody was making fun of me because how i get my [ __ ] rocked before fight night but to be fair i guess it was more embarrassing for that girl because she did get her tampon pulled out in class because of me so put a finger down if from as soon as you were born your parents would force you to watch porn specifically a man and a woman that way as you grew up you would think that relationships were supposed to be between men and women and so every time you saw a couple of the same gender you would automatically assume that they weren't normal and had some type of mental illness and so when you grew up and sooner or later made a friend who you got really close with and eventually became best friends with and she came out to you and told you she was gay you ended up dropping her and not only that but made a fake page and outed her so then the whole school knew but she still doesn't know that it was you and so one day when your parents who gave you that mindset died in a car crash that friend you outed and completely violated offered to let you stay with them and her parents would take custody of you even though you weren't as close as you used to be and you took up on that offer and started living with her but she still doesn't know that it was you who outed her until one day you felt too bad so you decided to tell her i'm running out of time so like for part two put a finger down part two if when you finally told your friend that it was you who made that fake page and told the whole school that she was gay she didn't get mad at you but instead forgave you and said there's no reason to be mad since it happened in the past and then she educated you and gave you a different perspective once you told her your parents made you watch porn that was strictly a man and a woman together and after living with her and her family for a while you realized that your parents had completely brainwashed you and you felt sick to your stomach about how your mindset has been your entire life and so you were kind of glad that your parents were dead okay so there's still time so i'm gonna play nicki minaj music there's no way [Music] i see [Music] [Music] story time about how my brother caught me hooking up with his girlfriend my brother started dating this girl last year and they were hanging out every day also around that time last year i started to figure out my sexuality well since my brother and her would hang out every single day at my house i would see her all the time and i started to get little feelings something came over me baby i was like god is a woman i just kind of came to the conclusion that i liked girls since she was dating my brother and they were home all the time me and her kind of started talking too we exchanged snapchats you know just a friendly exchange keep in mind that at the time she didn't know my sexuality nobody did so that night after we exchanged snapchats i was snapchatting somebody else and i was sending them some explicit pictures since i recently just added my brother's girlfriend on snapchat her name was at the top so i accidentally clicked on her name and sent her the explicit picture i didn't even realize that i did that until i received a snap from her out of nowhere and she had sent an explicit picture back like for part two this is part two of how my brother caught me hooking up with his girlfriend so like i said i accidentally sent my brother's girlfriend an explicit picture on snapchat not knowing that i even sent it i received an explicit picture back from her i said baby i'll really bite you titty stop playing with after she sent me the picture i responded with heart eyes and then she texted me and said that she would be coming over tomorrow to hang out with my brother i basically said cool i'll see you around and then she came over the next day so the next day came and she was at my house but i wasn't talking to her she was with my brother and then she walks into my room i was like hey where's rob we'll just call the brother that she said she sent him to the store to get some snacks asked if she wanted to come chill on my bed she agreed right off the bat we started you know we getting it bonking having a good time that's when the door swings open and there my brother is standing at my doorway like for part three this is gonna be part three of the time my brother caught me hooking up with his girlfriend so my brother swung my door open and there he was standing at my door watching me and his girlfriend while we were immediately he was just like oh really you're both [ __ ] gross that's when he turned around and left later on we had to have like a family talk about this and i had to come out about my sexuality to my parents and it was really embarrassing my parents were super accepting of me coming out but my brother wasn't as accepting and i'm thinking it's mostly because of the fact that he had to find out the way that he did because it wasn't my sexuality itself that bothered him it was how he found out later on he told me that he walked into my room because he heard us laughing in there and he wanted to ask her what exactly she wanted from the store she was going to ask her if she just wanted to come with but that's what he walked in on so my brother went ahead and broke up with his girlfriend that's when me and her started dating and we've been dating for about two years now this is why bring your pet to school day is banned from my school i just want everyone to know that this was bound to happen the kids at my school are super irresponsible i don't know why the teachers thought this was a good idea i was one of those really irresponsible kids and i didn't pay attention to which pets were allowed to be brought to the school they weren't allowed to stink they had to be a certain size and you weren't supposed to bring them on the bus if you were bringing a pet you had to be a car rider well i might have broken some of these rules so i had a pet milk snake it was about three feet in size and i brought it to school without telling my parents because you had to get a parent signature form and no i was not a car writer i brought it on the bus i was carrying it in my backpack and my backpack was all the way zipped up so there was no way for it to get out so i got on the bus and then like five minutes later my bus buddy got on the bus asked him did you bring your pet to school he goes no i'm on the bus aren't i i was like okay i'm on the bus and i brought mine he tells me we weren't allowed and then he has to see it when i opened my bag to show him it wasn't there then i hear my bus driver scream and she swerves the bus like for part this is part two of why bring your pet to school day is banned for my school so like i said i'm on the bus and i open my bag to show my friend my pet snake but when i opened my bag it wasn't there then i hear the bus driver scream and she swerves the bus he yells that there's a snake on the bus which causes panic kids start crying some try to jump out the bus window like it was literal chaos the bus driver almost crashed the whole bus that she was able to steady it out nobody knew where this snake was i honestly just tried to act like i didn't know what was going on like what snake never heard of her is that some type of drink anyways so luckily i looked across the seat from me the seat in front of them under it was the snake my friend was sitting on the outside of the bus seat so i told him to grab it try to get him to grab it before anybody sees it but he didn't so i just launched over there and i grabbed it put it in my bag and continued to act like nothing happened okay so i'm running out of time so i'm going to zoom past a little bit but i'll come back on the next part my school lets us carry our backpacks anywhere we want so i have the snake in my backpack all day but two periods before chemistry i decided to let it loose so i could skip the class so this is part three of why bring your pet to school day is banned from my school okay so i'm backtracking a little bit so after the snake was let loose on the bus if we got to the school somebody had to come onto the bus and figure out the situation what was going on they asked if anybody brought their pet on the bus obviously i did not give myself up and they ended up just concluding that a random snake got on the bus okay so back to where i was at i had a chemistry test that day as well like i said i was very irresponsible so i did not study for my test or did i care for this snake oh i knew the chaos that it would bring to let it loose so that's what i did so it could cause chaos so then i didn't have to take my chemistry test and half an hour after i let it loose on the announcements they tell everybody to stay in their rooms there is a snake on the loose apparently it was found in a bathroom in a toilet somebody sat down on that toilet and had the worst time discovering that snake lowkey feel bad for them once they found it they put on the announcements that they found the snake and whoever lost it can come get in they described it so i went to go get it so this is part four of why bring your pet to school day is banned from my school like i said jesus christ i almost died like i said i went down to the office to claim my snake i obviously got into a lot of trouble for that they called my parents my parents came down to the school oh i got suspended my parents grounded me for months and months and months i was not allowed to leave my house i couldn't go out to see my friends but i was only suspended for like a week and when i went back to school everybody knew that it was me who brought that snake to school and so the person who sat down on the toilet seat and found the snake knew that it was me too and that person didn't say anything to me but i did get word that that person was very pissed because that snake went straight up there you know so after that they just didn't allow kids to bring their pets to school anymore which is reasonable i kind of ruined it for everybody else but i don't really care because it's not that serious but people can't just hate on me because there was this other kid who brought a spider and it got loose in class but they were able to find it really quickly so i didn't escape the classroom or anything but i did what i had to do so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] here's another babysitting horror story and how my babysitter almost killed me and my baby sister so it first started when my parents hired a babysitter for us at first she was really sweet and then she started being really mean out of nowhere she started hitting us when we would cry and she would blow cigarette smoke in our face one time she was driving us home from the grocery store my baby's sister was crying really hard the whole entire car ride when we got home she got me out of the car and brought in the groceries but she left my two-year-old sister in the car it was 103 degrees and she left her in there that's honestly when i first started becoming scared of her but why i became terrified of her is because one time my parents went on vacation for like a week and one night my babysitter ordered pizza my parents sent the babysitter the money for it was for all of us but she wanted to get anchovies on the pizza i told her i didn't really want that but she ordered it anyway when the pizza came i didn't really want to eat it instead of her being like well i'll just make you something else she locked me into a room for three days she would only let me out to use the bathroom but i wasn't allowed to eat anything after that she made starving us a regular thing then my parents came back and took us to the hospital for a checkup like for part two this is part two of my babysitting horror story so like i said my parents came back from vacation and took us to the hospital for a checkup they took us to the hospital because they noticed we were getting really skinny when we got to the hospital the doctor said my two-year-old baby sister only weighed 19 to 20 pounds and i was 13 at the time i only weighed 90 pounds the look on my mom and dad's face was enough so when we got back into the car i finally told him about what the babysitter had been doing now hold on tight because the way my mama reacted to this you would have thought somebody possessed her immediately my mom started going off on my dad like yelling and screaming at him and he just had his hands in his face i was so confused as to what was going on see i didn't know my dad when i was younger he passed away before i was born and so i found out that my current dad at the time wasn't my real dad and i didn't know the truth until this whole babysitting situation she babysat me for like a month and then my parents fired her i'm 23 now i honestly could have forgotten all about her well just last year my mom told me that that babysitter was my dad's ex-wife well anyways this is what my mom did to my stepdad's ex-wife after we went to the hospital this is part three of my babysitting horror story so like i said i finally told my parents about what the babysitter had been doing to me and my baby sister i was so confused as to why my mom started going off of my dad right away after i told her but 10 years later i'm finally finding out that my babysitter was my stepdad's ex-wife my mom told me that she had been really iffy about letting my step-dad's ex-wife babysit me and my little sister but she only agreed with it to save money so my mom told my dad to get out of the driver's seat she got into the driver's seat and she started driving i wasn't exactly sure where we were going and my dad didn't know either but we ended up at the babysitter's house luckily for her she wasn't home because my mom would have dropped her [ __ ] she might have even got a murder charge that day but my mom told me to get a rock and to just start chucking them at her windows so that's what i did here me and my mom were chucking rocks at my babysitter's window and my dad was watching us holding my baby sister my mom didn't take her to court or anything i'm not exactly sure why probably something to do with my dad but my mom made my dad contact with her completely and they fired her story time of why i'm terrified of ever babysitting again i started babysitting for this one family in the summer of 2019. i have my information for babysitting online so people contact me so the mom contacted me and said she wanted me to babysit for her three kids so we set up a time and schedule she gave me her address you know the use so when i got to her house she had already left like five minutes before i arrived and i see the kids sitting in the living room watching tv but then i see this man walking down the steps this man who i was assuming was the dad he asked me who i was and i said i was the babysitter and that i sorted things out with the mom and she wanted to make sure he could like call her well he told me that he was the dad and that he knew i was coming he just didn't expect me to come so early and so suddenly i was kind of confused as why they needed a babysitter if he was already there i was like okay so he wouldn't be able to get into the house if it wasn't actually the dad so it has to be him well the mom texts me and says she's on her way home so i put the kids to sleep and then i go home half an hour later i get a text from the mom saying the kids are gone when i described that man i saw she said that sounded a lot like her ex-husband who has a spare key to their house part two of why i'm terrified of babysitting again like i said when the mom came home after i left she told me that the kids were gone i described to her the man that i saw in the house that i thought was the dad and she told me that was the ex-husband who had a spare key to their house but she did not believe me right away at first she was asking me a lot of questions acting as if i was the one who kidnapped them almost as if she was accusing me of kidnapping and you know what those feelings were right obviously the police had to get involved and when i spoke to them they told me that the mom wanted to know if i knew where the kids were then i had already told her about the man that i saw but they said that they would also look into the ex-husband as well so she kind of believed me but didn't 100 i was literally being accused of kidnapping three kids but they were looking more into me because her ex-husband lived in colorado we lived in kansas so i was a prime suspect up until they interviewed the dad and he gave himself up like for part three why i'll never babysit again so like i said they were finally able to interview the dad but it took a while because he lived in a different state but when they interviewed him he mentioned this girlfriend that he had it was his current girlfriend and so they asked him where she lived and all that good stuff well the police decided that they were going to question the girlfriend as well so they went over to the girlfriend's house they knocked on the door and as soon as they knock on the door the police hear a child crying the dad didn't mention anything about his girlfriend having kids and the next thing you know a toddler runs up to the door a toddler that looks exactly like one of the kids that i was babysitting and so the police arrested the girlfriend and the police arrested the dad for kidnapping three children mom finally got her kids back and everything was good the kids were not harmed in any way this all happened in the span of like a week or two the mom actually ended up coming to me and personally apologizing about how she acted i told her it was no biggie because anybody would act like that in a situation where their kids were gone and i continued to babysit her kids [Music] [Music] this is a story time of why i dropped out of high school on my first day and when i say my first day i mean my first day of freshman year after this i never went back so like i said it was the first day of freshman year and i have extreme anxiety my anxiety is literally so so bad i literally get anxiety just by waking up in the morning so i was super anxious for my first day of high school it literally was running around the school i could not find my classes i walked into the wrong classroom several times it was so embarrassing but then i finally made it to my first class i sat down in the front of the classroom bad idea after running around the school not being able to find my classes and walking into different classes i wasn't supposed to be in which was so embarrassing my stomach was literally in my ass my stomach was literally bubbling because my anxiety i felt so much pressure on my stomach i needed to let them out and you know i thought i could get away with it you know a little silent fart you know it was silent but it was not a fart i [ __ ] my pants then the teacher says we're gonna go around the classroom and everyone has to stand up and say one thing about ourselves starting with me since i was sitting at the front now this is what happened like for part two this is part two of why i dropped out of high school my first day of freshman year so like i said i just [ __ ] myself in class the teacher says we have to go around the room and everyone has to stand up and say something about themselves and of course i had to be sitting in the front of the classroom and i had to go first so i just told her i didn't feel comfortable standing up and i'd rather sit down but she said that i had to stand up and everybody has to stand up so i clearly did not have many options and i decided that i was gonna stand up and so i stood up and everybody gasped even the teacher the teacher literally made everybody get out of the classroom and i knew from there on out i could not show my face in that school anymore i knew all day everyone was gonna talk about that one kid that [ __ ] themselves in class yeah the teacher took everyone out of the class and then i got myself cleaned up into the office told them what happened they called my mom they let me go home i cried to my mom and told her i could not show my face at that school anymore and so she pulled me out of high school and i just did online until i graduated story time about my touchy english teacher and no he did not get fired he still works at that same school till this day let's get into it this happened when i was a senior in high school literally last year his class was the new english class that i switched to because my other english teacher wasn't teaching me [ __ ] so i went to the office and asked if i could switch my classes and they said yes but only if i was willing to drop honors english and do regular english and i also would have to be in a freshman class i was honestly willing to do whatever to get out the class so i was like sure now i honestly wish i didn't because of this so it first started off with him being super super nice to me which is kind of weird because i never really talked to him before he made me like a class leader just because i was older and every single time i walked into his classroom he would try to talk to me like not even about school literally about anything i didn't think that was weird i was guessing he talked to me so much because i was older and we could relate on more stuff this is when things started taking a turn for the worse during tests or quizzes he would walk around the classroom and he would always make his way back to me just so he could rub my shoulders or he would run his fingers through my hair that was the biggest red flat then he asked me to stay after school for extra credit like for part two part two of my touchy english teacher things i would like to add from the last video i never had him as a teacher before not even freshman year i moved to that school when i was a sophomore they told me that he was known to be creepy and that so many girls have complained about him making them uncomfortable but they were just rumors so i didn't think that much of it till that man started rubbing my shoulders in class it's the fact that he rubbed my shoulders and nobody else's was not 18 i was still 17 years old i just started senior year back to the story he asked me to stay after school for extra credit he said he wanted me to help him set up a project for his students and he doesn't know what young kids like and apparently every freshman in his class had something to do after school so i had to do it but since he said he would give me extra credit i was like okay sure and i definitely didn't think that this would happen so my last class was forensic so after school i went to his classroom he didn't have any supplies out or anything so i was like what project he tells me to reach on top of his shelf behind his desk he was literally sitting at his desk he could have done it himself i was like okay but as soon as i reach up on that shelf he gets up and grabs my ass like for part three because it only gets worse from here this is part three of my touchy english teacher so like i said he asked me to get something off of the shelf behind his desk while he was sitting at his desk and as soon as i go up to grab it he grabs my ass he literally stood up to grab it and then i spun around and started looking at him crazy well after he grabbed my butt he kept walking as if his arm just brushed up against my ass and he looked back at me and he was like is everything okay okay so we're just gonna act like he didn't just do what he just did but i just looked at him and i was like everything's okay i told him that i had just gotten a text from my mom and an emergency happened so i had to go home but instead of going home i went to a friend's house and it was the same friend who told me all the rumors of that teacher being a creep i went to a friend's house instead of going straight home because i was crying really hard and i didn't want my parents to be concerned and i wasn't sure if i wanted to tell them what happened or not i was only crying because i felt super uncomfortable and i didn't know what else to do when i got to my friend's house she told me that she would go to the office with me at school the next day so the next day came and we went to the office well this is what they said when we told them what happened like for part four this is part four of my touchy english teacher okay so my friend and me went to the office to tell the principal what happened and he was acting really concerned and everything until i told him which teacher it was then he was like oh yeah we get complaints about him all the time and i was like so are you going to do something about it why haven't you done something about it already and he goes well a lot of students will make up things about a teacher they don't like just so they can get them in trouble i'm not saying you're making it up of course we're gonna have to look into it well i told him that i wasn't comfortable in that class anymore and i wanted to go back to my honors english class and he let me switch back after like five months i still never heard anything from my principal and i didn't know what better to do but move on with my life i still saw him in the hallway sometimes and it was just really really awkward and he would smile at me as if what happened didn't happen they basically just let him get away with it because multiple girls have complained about him before but they didn't have any proof against him since there was no proof they didn't do anything but i feel like if it was multiple girls something should have been done but that's just me there's no way and i have no mercy there's no way so i'm going down [Music] still trying [Music] okay so this happened in like 2019 i was staying with my three friends for the weekend because we were having a summer break all of my friends smoked so we would all smoke mary jane together the oldest who was 21 was the one who would get it for all of us by the way we were all 18 or older so while i was at my friend's house we were all downstairs in the basement smoking when we hear footsteps coming downstairs so we started packing up and one of my friends started spraying perfume in the air and one of them pretends to be sleep and i was high as [ __ ] i didn't know what to do mind you we were all in rotation and i had the blunt so there's this back room in my friend's basement where her grandma likes to sleep in because her favorite couch is in there that she likes to sleep on i don't know what it is about old people and having favorite specific pieces of furniture but she doesn't know what mary jane smells like so we do it while she's sleeping in that room anyways so i go into the back room where my friend's grandma is sleeping so i can find a place to hide the blunt so it doesn't stink up the whole entire basement and i see my friends grandma laying on the couch and the first thing i think of is put the blunt under her wig oh that's what i did and no i did not put it out not even 10 seconds after i left that room my friend's grandma comes out the room screaming this [ __ ] is on fire this is part two of how i set my friend's grandma on fire if you didn't see part one into the last video where i was playing subway surfers so like i said we see that my friend's grandma is on fire and everyone was confused because the rest of the room was not on fire she was the only thing in the room that was lit up so my friend's grandma is burning my friend's mom picks up a cloth she found on the floor to put out the fire while she's screaming for the dad to come downstairs and help so they were able to put out the fire but the grandma passed out so we had to call an ambulance and get her rushed to the hospital and i know i'm going to hell for this but the whole time i was thinking damn i really hope that blunt turned into ashes because if they find that [ __ ] i'm done for it i don't know why i put it under her wig while she was sleeping but i thought it was the right thing to do anyways the ambulance rushed her to the hospital and we drove after them my friend and i had to wait in the sitting room and her dad came back to tell us they were putting her under surgery but they thought that she could make it so everything was good everyone was trying to figure out why she caught on fire i kept my mouth shut because i thought i was gonna go to jail and gladly my friends were too high to notice that i went into the room with grandma but then my friend's mom comes up to us and confronts us and says one of us did go into the room with grandma was sleeping because the police found the blunt okay so this is gonna be part three story time of how i caught my friend's grandma on fire if you didn't see part two it is my last video so apparently as police were looking around the area where she caught on fire they found a roach on the floor in other words they found a very very tiny piece of a burnt blunt and they could immediately identify it clearly the grandma does not smoke blunts so it obviously wasn't hers and my friend's mom knew we were smoking so one of us had lied and i was not ready to catch a murder charge that day so i stayed mute i forgot to mention this in part one but it was my friend's mom who came down the steps and that's why we were cleaning up all frantically and stuff and she knew we were smoking because she could smell it like that perfume did not do anything so no one admitted to being in the room with the grandma so my friend's mom called all of our parents and at that point i finally gave in and i told him that it was me and yeah they were pissed but they still let me off just because i'm a very very close friend of their family and so they didn't press charges against me the grandma finally eventually woke up and everything was good and she was fine and she's still alive till this day but she did have severe burns on her scalp this story time was sent to me by a follower and it actually involves a very popular creator on this app they actually have millions of followers let's get into it so this girl first started talking to this creator when she dm'd him and he actually replied she thought he was really cute he thought she was really cute and they exchanged numbers ended up meeting up at playlist and he invited her to chill in his airbnb well things got a little bit freaky in that airbnb you know they was [ __ ] afterwards they just kind of chilled they were laid up talking about life you know all that deep [ __ ] and eventually he told her that she had to leave because his boys were coming through or whatever they just wanted to chill and talk about boy stuff but before she left he told her that he loved her and he wanted to be with her what the [ __ ] is going on here let me fix that real quick okay we back so she left and went to tell her friends what just happened had passed and she noticed that he wasn't really posting on his story anymore and he usually posts a lot while her friend opened snapchat notice that he actually did post he posted hours ago and he was with another girl part two two of the tick tocker story time i forgot to mention that this tick tocker actually took her virginity her first time was in the airbnb so yeah she noticed that he blocked her from watching his story because her friend could see his story but she couldn't and clearly he did not want her to see that he's laid up with another girl in that same airbnb that they were just [ __ ] anyway so she obviously texted him was like what the [ __ ] is this she threatened to expose him in everything and he replied saying well if you expose me i'm going to expose you she said what do you have against me and he replied with i know you have a boyfriend and she did have a boyfriend so she said oop and he proceeded to tell her that he only wanted to use her for [ __ ] while he was at playlist story time on how i found out my best friend's boyfriend was abusing her but not only was he abusing her she had lured her into a cult and was using her for sacrifice so me and my best friend were living together at the time she was sitting on the couch taking surveys to make money online she had made 3k in one day by doing these surveys link in my bio if you want to make bank so she told me about this guy that she had been seeing i was really happy for her because she had recently just gone through a bad breakup the longer they were together she started to get really sick really fast she was a super healthy girl like she worked out she ate right so the fact that she rapidly started getting sick as soon as she got a new boyfriend kind of worried me so i tried to talk to her about it but she got really mad at me i was trying to tell her to go to the hospital to at least get checked out but she kept refusing and as we were arguing she damn near passed out because how weak and sick she was i didn't see her for a couple days after that that that she had left the house after we argued well after those few days i started to notice a really really bad smell coming from her room so i go to check it out when i open the door i see her body just laying there laying there covered in satanic symbols for the circle with the star in the middle and there was blood coming out of her mouth i ran out of time to look for part two part two of how i found out my best friend was getting abused by her boyfriend and how he lured her into a cult to use her for sacrifice so like i said i walked into my best friend's room and her body was just laying there she was covered in satanic cymbals and had blood coming out of her mouth i thought that she had left the house after we argued and went to stay with someone else i didn't see her coming in and out of the house and she wasn't texting me we did get into an argument i thought she wasn't talking to me because she wanted to cool off so i immediately called the police took her to the hospital and they also looked around her room and around the house well when they looked around her room they had found chewed up dead rats in her closet she had found out that it was her eating those dead rats when she had went to the hospital and they found it in her system she ended up being in a coma the police seemed really suspicious of me and was asking me a lot of questions it does make sense because i was the last person to be seen with her a few days later i get a knock on my door it's the police they arrested me on suspicion of trying to kill my own best friend but not because they were suspicious of me but because my best friend's boyfriend had told the police my best friend had told him she had overheard a conversation while i was on the phone about me trying to get rid of her for good part three of how i found out my best friend was getting abused by her boyfriend and he had lured her into a cult to use her for sacrifice the police had showed up at my house and had arrested me for suspicion of trying to murder my own best friend because my best friend's boyfriend had told them that i had a plan to get rid of her for good so police took me into custody apparently my best friend's boyfriend had evidence against me which was a note that she had written saying that i had a plan to get rid of her which she had given to her boyfriend who didn't know what to do with it until now she had signed that note they had checked the signature handwriting and the way that the letter was written with her parents just to make sure that it was really her and her parents said yes this is 100 her mind you i was completely innocent whatever she wrote in this letter was not true my best friend is not the type to make up lies like that especially about people who are really close to her that's when i knew that her boyfriend definitely did something well a miracle happened child a miracle happened my best friend woke up from her coma she said she was done being brainwashed by her boyfriend and she was ready to tell the police everything about the truth part 4 how i found out my best friend's boyfriend was abusing her and lured her into a cult to use her for sacrifice so while my best friend's boyfriend is trying to tell everybody that i tried to kill my own best friend she woke up from her coma she was ready to tell police everything she said she had met him in the library and they were looking for the exact same book they started talking he asked her out on the date and everything was good from there he was actually really sweet he spoiled her gave her everything that she wanted and then he started inviting her to these therapy meetings in these meetings they would do satanic rituals they would literally do chants and draw satanic symbols all over their body and obviously this wasn't her thing so she told her boyfriend that she didn't want to go to those meetings anymore oh that's when he started abusing her and saying things like i buy you every single thing that you want and this is how you're gonna treat me she was so blindly in love with him that she kept going to these meetings and she never told anyone because she was scared of what he would do well she started to get more and more uncomfortable around him and he started to notice that and in one of these meetings they said that they would need a volunteer to eat dead rats for a sacrifice her boyfriend offered for her to do it for part five part five of how i found out my best friend's boyfriend was abusing her and tried to lure her into a cult to use her for sacrifice so like i said her boyfriend was taking her to these meetings it was a cult in one of the meetings they needed somebody to eat dead rats for a sacrifice and her boyfriend basically offered up his girlfriend my best friend what the sacrifice was for i have no idea anyway so yeah she's eating the dead rats and [ __ ] and basically eating all these dead rats was supposed to like kill her and he basically told her if he didn't eat the dead rats then he would get his guys from the meeting to do something to her well eventually the day of the sacrifice came so one day he forced her to write the note he was the one who forced her to write it she didn't read it herself willingly to basically say that it was me who put her in a coma and it was actually him so he didn't get in trouble they arrested him and he went to jail [Music] [Applause] [Music] storytime how i accidentally got in a high-speed police car chase whole time a [ __ ] just wanted pizza but somehow i ended up in jail so there was this new guy in my job he had been working for like a week so when i was home alone no food in the house i had gotten a text from the guy at work asking if i wanted to go out with him and his homeboy we're gonna go get food if he's asking that means he's paying y'all know i don't play about my free food i didn't have a car so they came to pick me up i got into the car there was like five dudes he said homeboy so i was confused like why is there five negroes in the car anyway so we started driving to the restaurant we were on the car and the guy from work was sitting right next to me his friend who was driving gets a call when he hangs up he looks at us and says we got business i'm thinking we business like a business transaction we signing contract i was dead wrong this negro takes the wheel and makes a u-turn in the middle of traffic eventually pull up on this guy that was walking on the side of the street they all get out of the car and start whooping this man i'm thinking damn i can get my pizza tonight eventually we see red and blue lights there was a cop parked on the corner they run back in the car and we speed off and the cop speeds right after us part two of how i accidentally got into a high-speed police car chase so after jumping that random guy on the side of the street they see a cop car pulling up and so they get back into the car and we speed off and the cop car speeds right after us i was scared as hell so i told the driver slow down he looks back and tells me to shut my twig ass up i shut my twig ass up dude must have thought he was in a movie running red lights turning street he didn't really get far ended up crashing the car the police get out the car there's like multiple police cars pulling up now they get us out of the car and start to arrest us i'm trying to tell them like i just wanted pizza don't even know these [ __ ] one of the guys tried to make a run for it but he was sagging so he ended up tripping on his own pants like a dumbass so yeah we all get arrested and get taken to jail when we got to the jail they questioned us i was expecting the guys to tell the cops the truth i just wanted pizza and i had no part in what they did but no they actually told the cops that i was involved and not only was i involved but that it was my plan to beat up that guy on the side of the street yeah i didn't go home from jail that night like for part three part three of how i accidentally got into a high-speed police car chase so after we got arrested we went to jail and the police questioned us guys had told the police that i was the one who made the plan to beat up this random guy on the side of the street and that i was the one telling them to drive to get away from the police and everything that was a whole bunch of [ __ ] and thankfully i had proof that it was [ __ ] but they made me spend the night in jail anyways the next day i had showed them on my phone the text message that the guy from work had sent me asking me to hang out with him that night which completely proved that everything that him and his friends said blaming everything on me was a lie because they had said that i was the one who hit them up and asked for a ride i had text messages that said otherwise they basically just did a little call test to see if that number was actually his number his phone rang and they let me go home well the next day i called my manager and let him know what happened from there on out i never saw him at work again so i'm guessing that he either went to prison or he got fired part two about my boyfriend's crazy ex-girlfriend how she tried to kill me so like i said my boyfriend's crazy ex-girlfriend posted a dead dog on her instagram captioned it saying she was so sad she accidentally ran over her dog well it was my dog at this time i'm not home so i immediately go home like i said she lived with me and i could tell that that picture was taken in the front of my apartment but when i pull up i see her looking out our window when she sees me she runs away from the window i'm livid at this point this [ __ ] killed my dog so i run to get into my apartment and she meets me at the door she tells me that there's a fire in our apartment to leave all my belongings outside so i drop my phone purse keys and we run up to the apartment she shows me the fire says she's gonna go get help and runs out of the apartment and closes the door behind her get a bucket and fill it up with water and put some of the fire out while i think my boyfriend's ex is going to go get help well the fire started growing faster and i needed to ditch and get out of the apartment when i tried to get out i noticed that the lock on the door was changed the part where you put in your key to get into your apartment was on the inside facing me i didn't have my keys because she told me to leave them outside like for part three part three of my boyfriend's crazy ex-girlfriend and how she tried to kill me my boyfriend's crazy ex-girlfriend locks me inside my apartment while there's a fire and i couldn't get out because she changed the lock on the door so i knew my only choice was to put out the fire unless i wanted to jump out the window well the smoke is getting really thick at this point the fire had not gotten out of hand yet so there was still a chance that i could put it out and save my stuff in my life i know i should have jumped out the window but i wanted to save my stuff too so i opened up my window and start filling up that same bucket of water over and over again and i keep pouring it on the fire damn they're about to pass out because of the smoke the fire eventually does go out and then i jump out the window because that's the only way for me to get out but as i'm walking away from the apartment my friend's x is standing there and she gives me this look she was annoyed that i was alive when the firefighters and the police arrive police start questioning everyone and when they question me i tell them that she tried to kill me and also put everybody else in the apartment's life in danger too but after they took her down to the station to question her she confessed to everything including killing my dog now she's serving time in jail for attempted murder of me and my neighbors [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] there's no way home and i have no [Music] let's [Music] [Music] when we [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: GTV
Views: 3,169,959
Rating: 4.9037142 out of 5
Keywords: Benedte, Complete makeup storytime benedte, Complete makeup storytime tiktok, b.enedte, benedte, benedte makeup, benedte storytime, benedte storytimes, benedte tiktok, benedte tiktok storytime, complete makeup storytime, crazy storytime, gtv, makeup, makeup glam, makeup story, makeup story time, makeup storytime, makeup storytime tiktok, makeup tutorial, storytime, tik tok compilation, tiktok, tiktok 2021, tiktok compilation, tiktok makeup storytime
Id: wC7Cc-NSbUs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 55sec (3715 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 16 2021
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