Chessboard Killer - 1 Of The Actual Worst! - Alexander Pichushkin | Mystery & Makeup| Bailey Sarian

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/BrandyWine02 📅︎︎ Aug 04 2021 🗫︎ replies

I loved this one! First one in awhile that I had not previously heard of

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Aug 03 2021 🗫︎ replies
hi does this hair make me look like pebbles you know pebbles flintstones i don't know if i like it hi how are you today i hope you're having a wonderful day happy monday my name is bailey saryan and it wow i forgot my intro okay my name is bailey sarien and today is monday which means it's murder mystery and makeup monday if you are new here hi my name is bailey saryan and on mondays i sit down and i talk about true crime story that's been heavy on my noggin and i do my makeup at the same time if you're interested in your crime and you like makeup i would highly suggest you hit that subscribe button because i'm here for you on mondays super hot out here i'm freaking melting i'm wearing my bathing suit because that's it that's it i'm gonna wear a bathing suit if i want to okay so before we jump into today's story we do have to add disclaimer warning today's story contains graphic descriptions of crime scenes adult dialogue and strong language viewer discretion is advised just have to say that because today we're talking about some weirdo ugh i just thought of something that i want to say really quickly if you've been following me for a while then you should know that words are hard they're very difficult for me today's story takes place in russia i have freaking lettuce in my teeth and no one was gonna tell me no one was gonna tell me this story takes place in russia so as you can imagine here we go you know here we go the story doesn't change but the names might change because of me okay today's story chess it involves chess chess has come and gone in terms of being a popular topic of conversation over the years bobby fischer was a big deal for a while remember and then just recently over quarantine um the queen's gambit pretty girl playing chess during the pandemics super cool wow people are very interested but there's always like some bad seeds within a community like chess that kind of puts a stinker on the name and babe in 2007 chess became associated with a very dark tale this is when the world was introduced to alexander pichuskin also known as the chessboard killer i don't think i mentioned it later on in the video because he kind of had different nicknames depending on who you asked alexander pachuskin he was also known as the chessboard killer he liked to keep a count of his victims on a chessboard so you know how a chessboard well if you don't know a chessboard has 64 squares on it well he like kept a victim's log in each square and at the time of his arrest alexander had filled in 61 of the 64 squares of his chess board so who's alexander pachuskin he was born april 9 1974 so he's in aries i've been liking adding in zodiac signs i think it humbles some of us he grew up in metish moscow with his mom natasha and his younger half-sister katya his dad left the picture when alex was just one years old and the family would grow up in like the same apartment his whole life so the family apartment was a six minute walk from biscefsky park and locals they would describe this area as a quote unquote bad neighborhood which later on it would only get worse thanks to uh alexander over here it was said that alexander who i'm just gonna call alex okay you get it he had a pretty normal childhood okay he was sweet he was outgoing but at the age of four that all changed just all of a sudden i guess one day like little alex was playing at the park okay and he's like i want to go on swings so he goes on the swings he's having a great time swinging as one does and then he goes a little too high and he ends up falling backwards off of the swing i guess alex like stands up pretty quickly and the swing was swinging and then it swings sorry i'm just saying swing a lot and it swings backwards and it ends up uh hitting him in the head like just smack some square in the forehead now here's the thing it's like 1978 at this time and his mom she doesn't take him to the hospital but she notices like there's a big old bruise forming on his head so she's like you know just put some vicks on it you're good but sadly enough this accident on the swing it just really seemed to be a turning point in alex's life you see a kid's forehead only provides a small fraction of protection to the brain compared to you as an adult so a bump like that the damage it would be very severe for alex than say a grown adult experts think that the swing incident may have damaged his frontal cortex in his brain and that kind of damage is known to produce poor impulse control and can cause a tendency towards aggression which is exactly what happens to alex i mean not long after his swing incident it was said that like a light switch went off and he became super impulsive and angry mind you he's only four but it was like enough for his mom to take notice so it wasn't easy in school for alex he would say that kids would verbally abuse him they would bully him they'd physically abuse him as well i mean they would call him some pretty vile names that i cannot say here on youtube but it was pretty bad his mom takes notice that he's just not doing well in school and he's like super quiet and really kept to himself and stuff so his mom decides to transfer him from the public school and she takes them or she enrolls them into a school for children with learning disabilities hoping that it would be just a better and safer place for alex to learn alexander's grandpa found out that he was going to a school for kids with learning disabilities he was a little upset by this and his grandpa felt that alex was like super talented and he had a lot of special gifts and he just felt like they were being wasted at this school that was um focusing more on overcoming disability rather than working on growing his talents or gifts so his grandpa decided to take alex like take him out of school come live with him and then he really encouraged alex to pursue like bigger activities outside of school and this is where chess comes into the picture enter to the scene chess so his grandpa would go to the local park and play chess pretty often and he taught alex how to play where alexander would play games against like the older guys there now i guess this park is like super huge it's ginormous it's more than 27 acres i'm so sorry i don't know where my head's it's more than 2 700 acres i'm really sorry focus bailey 2 700 acres and to put that in perspective central park in new york city is only 843 acres bitsa park was 2 700 acres like that's a big boy it's a little too big now the downside this big park was located in not the best area in fact many of the people in the area would call this part of moscow pretty grim so anywho alex alex's grandpa he notices that he caught on pretty quick with playing chess and he was like really freaking good okay he alex was beating a lot of the older guys who had been playing at the park playing chess at the park for like years so his grandpa's like whoa okay now alex said that he found it to be a really great way to release his built up aggression through playing chess which he still had like a lot of because he was still getting bullied and beat up by kids all the time like up until his late teen years sadly when alex was around 15 years old he would experience his first like real loss his grandpa passed away and when this happened it forced him well he had to move back with his mom and like go back to his old school where he was just being tortured pretty much so he's feeling a lot of anger and sadness over the loss of his grandpa having to go back to that super awful school having to move back in with his mom it was just like a lot of negative changes for him and this is when alex decided to start numbing the pain by drinking a [ __ ] ton of vodka so he would still go down to the park and play chess but now he was joining in with the older guys and drinking a ton because they would be drinking a lot there alex noticed or at least he thought when he was drunk he was like so much better at chess he was like i'm freaking amazing and he's he's just thinking he needs to be drunk all of the time because he's freaking the chess god i think when you're drunk you always think you're better at something but then if you ever look at pictures or videos of yourself when you're drunk you're like oh i thought it was hot [ __ ] i was definitely not harsher but again because he has so much built up aggression it just made him a really combative chess player and he would eventually just dominate the circle of people he played with like he was really really good that's what i heard or at least what i read i wasn't there so i don't know so it's around this time that alex develops a new hobby a new hobby that nobody really knew about it's like i don't know how we got here to this point but or like what made him get to this jump in life but what he was doing finding children to interact with at like the park or whatever and he'd bring his video camera and he'd record them he would record himself threatening them but he did it in like a joking playful manner but still it was creepy and freaking weird there was one instance where he had held a young child like upside down by one leg and was telling the camera like i'm in power i'm gonna [ __ ] drop you to your death like he just really liked torturing kids or something a control thing there you go and he would video record this save the tapes and he would go back and like re-watch these videos later to re-experience that feeling of power he had in the moment so by 1992 these tapes threatening children they just weren't cutting it for him anymore he needed something a little bit more a little more to quench his dark urges this is where [ __ ] just gets real bad ugh so alex decides like the next thing he needs to do is kill someone i know another big jump but that's what he settles on so july 27 1992 alex is 18 years old and he's in college and he's talking to one of his classmates named michael they must have been close enough because alex confine confides in him tells michael like hey i really want to go on a killing spree he tells his friend michael like hey you should come with me his friend was like okay so his friend michael goes and they're wandering around just looking out for someone to kill alex notices that michael isn't taking this mission as seriously as he was and this was frustrating to him because it seems i'm like michael just doesn't really want to be there it pisses alex off and he decides you know what i'm going to kill michael and guess what he freaking does okay he bashes him in the head pretty damn bad and michael does indeed die now it was said that something just clicked for alex he described the feeling of this murder to be like your first love he just he felt magical he had butterflies in his stomach he's like oh my god like this is different this is it police they do investigate michael's death and they do end up questioning alex but like no charges were filed well alex said that same year he committed another murder this time it was his ex-girlfriend well his girlfriend at the time her name was olga they broke up and she started dating one of his friends so obviously this pissed alex off and so he's like i'm gonna go confront him he does just that so he confronts his friend and he's like i don't know did they get into an argument he ends up pushing his friend out the window and it kills him alex was questioned by police but this death was ruled a suicide so alexander learned nothing great fantastic so it's unclear what happened maybe the police like questioning alex about the murders kind of spooked him a little bit or maybe killing those two people satisfied him because he would for some reason start laying low and he doesn't kill anyone for nine years which is a good thing right great awesome the end it's just unusual like nobody really knows what happened in that nine years so fast forward to the year 2001 alex is now 27 years old and it said he wasn't the best looking guy around but what he does have going for him is his personality it said that he had like a really nice charm to him at this time he was working at a grocery store where his co-workers would describe him as quiet perhaps a little strange but he could be pretty charming now this year is when he decides to end his nine year hiatus and he's ready to kill again so alex goes to his favorite spot at the park and he plays chess with this guy named eve so they're playing for a while they're drinking some vodka alex tells the guy like hey yeah so my dog died and i buried him in the park do you want to go see and like share a toast with me at his grave now to be fair his dog did die okay and he did i think he did bury his dog in the park not 100 sure i don't think it really matters because he was using this as a front okay so the guy that he's playing chess with his name's eve he's like yeah okay sure like let's go toast to your dog so they go um out into the the park area where it's like kind of hidden alex takes him to the point where his dog was buried they do share a toast okay and then i guess just out of nowhere alex attacks this man and kills him it's pretty brutal i don't like to go into super graphic detail on my channel he did some horrendous things his style was just not appropriate so he kills the man he hides the body in like a sewage area and then he just heads home now i guess this is like that fix he's excited again things escalate pretty quickly from here over the next eight weeks alex kills nine more people and then things kind of like calm down for a little bit and then overfall in winter he then kills five more people so that's 14 people in a matter of months terrifying and and nobody nobody nothing nobody caught on nobody it just doesn't make any sense now the reason it's believed why nobody caught on is because alex was targeting homeless people elderly homeless people mostly men and he was luring them into the woods offering them free cigarettes or vodka and his go-to pickup line i guess you could call it was always like saying that he wanted company while he mourned the death of his dog after drinking with the victim he would then attack them and throw them down the wells in the park that led to the sewers just awful alex would say that he would start his attack from behind in order to make sure that the victim was caught off guard you know but also mainly because he wanted to avoid getting blood on his clothes thinking ahead i guess sadly because most of his victims were homeless at this time there wasn't like a major urgency to help find those who were missing and at the time the police had a mandatory three-day wait period before you could report someone missing which is far too long three days they're long gone day three bye gone so that was their protocol at the time it really worked in i guess alex's favor but people were coming in and reporting some missing the cops just made little to no progress and no one seemed to be making the connection that maybe these disappearances like were related somehow time goes on it was actually it wasn't even long until alex was up to 20 victims mainly they were the people that he played chess with in the park alex wants to switch things up a little bit and then he starts to target women and kids now instead of just homeless elderly men so on february 23 2002 alex tried to kill a woman named maria he was able to lure her into the woods with the promise of black market goods i'm not sure what the black market goods were that he was offering but it doesn't matter he was able to lure her into the park and when they finally got to an area where he felt like it was a safe place to be no one's watching he would attack her hitting her head against a concrete wall before throwing her down into the sewer and then he leaves thinking that she's dead because this is how he attacks like all of his victims in the same way the thing is though maria maria was not dead good for freaking maria maria was not dead okay she was not dead and this girl she is a champ she is a real champion here okay she is able to pull through she swam her way out of the sewer and then she headed to the hospital mind you her head's like bleeding she's like half aware you know incredible incredible this is upsetting okay because she gets to the hospital they could tell that the staff can tell that there's a problem she tells them she needs to speak to the police whatever so they come out and they talk to maria now here's the thing maria at this time was living in moscow illegally and she didn't have any registration papers saying that she could live in moscow so when the cops came they asked her for her paperwork she didn't have any she was afraid she's gonna get removed she's gonna get kicked out now the cops for some sick reason the cops told maria if she stays quiet about her attack then they'll overlook her illegal status you know it's a little trade-off so what does she do she stays quiet i don't know why they don't want to solve this they're busy i guess that could have been the part where i don't know maybe police could actually like helped you would think you know maybe nothing right so alexander he continues to go on and kill three more people in the next two weeks i know what the hell is this guy doing i don't know like how does he have the time he's literally fearless that's what's spooky alex was attempting to go after a 13 year old boy this 13 year old boy was able to escape alex's attack yeah so same as maria this 13 year old boy he takes off he's able to get away he goes running straight to police and he's telling the police like you have to help me this man just attacked me he's trying to kill me but the police tell him that he needs to go home because he smells of booze and cigarettes they believe that this kid's probably lying or they're gonna um they're threatening to arrest him because he's drinking and smoking he's not supposed to be drinking smoking he's only 13. again i don't know the police seem to be super busy or something because they don't want to solve any mysteries why there's a lot of people dead at this point i don't i don't know what they're doing this poor little boy not only did he escape death he runs to police thinking like oh they're gonna save me they're gonna help me nope i couldn't imagine i could not imagine how frustrating that would be but get this this doesn't end the boy goes home right super traumatic experience and then a week goes by a week goes by the little boy 13 year old boy he goes down to the metro station guess who he spots guess who he runs into alex the little boy sees alex they make eye contact the little boy he goes into full-blown panic mode as as he should he's freaking out and he starts screaming at the top of his lungs and then he runs to uh this group of officers who were just standing around like patrolling the area he runs to them the boys telling them like you have to do something like that guy tried to kill me a week literally a week ago like help me like he's just you know he's gotta do something and guess what surprise surprise they brushed him off and told him to go home they didn't do a single thing for him i don't know why i don't know i don't know i don't know it's like the police just can't be bothered i mean things could have ended right then and there more and more people start disappearing the families start getting together of those who are missing and they're talking and they're trying to put the pieces together and see like what do we all have in common you know brainstorm because obviously the police aren't going to solve this [ __ ] so let's figure it out ourselves 10 of his victims they put the pieces together right and they realized that 10 of the victims had lived in the same building complex where everyone seemed to know everyone else it's also where alex happened to live as well the people who live in the building complex are super freaked out now because they're like oh my god like we're the target terror is just rippling through the apartment blocks and the metro stations that surrounded the huge park that now had become this haunted awful place people would even talk about hearing shouts and cries echoing through the trees so it was awful and again police didn't seem to care there was nothing they could do really unless they want to go out there but no one want to go out there meanwhile alex is like larry [ __ ] duh mid 2005 alexander's number of victims was now up to 40 people oh yeah but alex is getting a little bored he's getting a little bored it's just not as satisfying as it used to be so he's like you know what maybe i should try and like change my approach change my technique a little a little bit make it fun again so he does just that instead of hiding the victim's body in the sewer where he was putting majority of them he decided to just like leave them out in the open it's kind of a good thing but not really but but kind of because finally because he's leaving them out in the open finally the cops are taking notice and the fact that one of the victims was a retired police officer of course only now does it matter so uh yeah after 40 victims they're like hey maybe something's going on that we should investigate for a brief moment police arrest a different dude thinking that he's the one who's been causing all this chaos work gets out it's all over the news and stuff and this was devastating to alex oh yeah he was devastated when he finds out that they got the wrong guy and this guy's getting all his credit he's pissed he's devastated because he feels like all of his hard work was being credited towards someone else so he's he's real butthurt about this so june 13th 2006 alex went after his final victim so alex again still working at the grocery store he also worked with a lady named marina and they worked together well i think he had like a little crush on her actually no i think he wanted to murder her because he invites her to go like on a picnic at the park with him i guess she was kind of nervous because she had heard like nothing but bad things are happening at this park and like maybe we shouldn't go there but the fact that she was going with alex kind of gave i don't know i guess a little bit of peace of mind so she ends up agreeing and she goes with him to have a picnic at the park marina she left a note back at home saying that she was going to the park with a co-worker named alex and left his phone number behind you know in case of an emergency because marina had a young son at home so just a case of emergency like this is where you can find me so marina tells at some point tells alex like yeah i left behind you know just in case of an emergency and it makes alex very uncomfortable and he kind of doesn't know like what should i do should i still kill her or not this time hmm she's like really thinking it through he's going back and forth in his mind what's my best move here and i know what we're all thinking don't do it alex he's decided you know what i can't let this one go and sure enough he decided to sadly kill marina well when marina didn't come home what do you think happened the police were called they were informed that she was supposed to go out with a co-worker named alex and that she hadn't been home that night but they had his name and phone number so they gave it to police once again police they're just different out there i guess they're just more slow police weren't looking for surveillance footage from the metro system which they find footage that showed marina walking with alex the day that she went missing and they're like [ __ ] bingo now again i guess police just work different out there or something because instead of like going after to arrest alex you know as you think would happen instead they have his phone number so they're like hey let's get him on the phone so i call him up hey this is police alex answers and they're like hey have you seen your co-worker marina and alex is like oh no i haven't seen her months and then quickly hangs up on them very different out there very different they're lucky he didn't make a run for it because that's the first thing you think would happen right and then get this this is the dumbest story i've ever i've ever ever read okay because again police work different out there or something two days go by two days and then finally in july of 2006 police show up at alex's apartment and they arrest him two days he had two days to get away i mean not that he should get away but you know come on so they take him and they ask him some questions you know interrogation the police end up showing him surveillance footage from the metro system where he's walking with marina and that's when alex just started to talk he tells the police like i purposely outed him myself so there's no reason that the cops need to take credit for catching him he was like i'm a professional and i purposely was being sloppy so you'd catch me so don't pat yourself on the back and i don't want to see anything in the media about police catching me i gave myself up honestly though um at first i was like oh my god he's so cocky what a douche but he's kind of right they did they sure as hell did not deserve any type of credit sorry but he's making sure like the cops know this because he's like i don't want i won't want any news reports saying that you guys caught me i caught myself make sure you write that down so it really didn't take much for alex to just start yip-yapping to police he's telling them everything they want to know he's like look you guys i actually killed more than 60 people and you could find all their bodies in the sewage in the park because that's where i put them all i got so much damn makeup in my hair i'm trying to use this hair powder to fix it i don't know if i'm using this right but i think it's working and then finally police are making a connection they're putting the pieces together and they're like oh my god all those missing people they're probably a victim to alex great work you guys great work we solved it but alex wanted to do more than just talk he wanted to show the police what he did and actually led them to the scenes of many of his crimes he was also really excited to demonstrate like how the murders were committed he was like super jazzed about it he's like let me show you guys police uh they ended up filming one of the reenactments i'm laughing because i just it's just different so police they're filming the reenactment of the murders and he's just going in great detail but alex just really seems to be loving the attention the community in which alex lived they were in total shock when they learned that it was alex who was responsible for all of those who were missing again it was a pretty tight-knit community and his neighbors always saw him as like really calm and just a really quiet guy and just he was always by himself it seemed like it actually hurt the neighbors in the community more that the killer ended up being someone that they knew versus someone that they didn't know because it was like they knew him they were so close they lit it just it couldn't be him do you know what i'm saying alex told police that he got a sexual satisfaction when he killed sometimes he would like get off when he was doing it it was said that the way he talked in great detail about his attacks it was again like a man talking about falling in love ill so alex his trial started on september 13 2007 and it would last for around 46 days there were a couple things during the trial that were memorable i guess for the lack of a better word first of all alex was kept in a glass cage during the trial for his own protection just like another well-known serial killer in russia andrei chika tel tilio chicatelio i believe i did a video on him if i did i'll link it down below because i'm pretty sure i did but he's just another well-known serial killer in russia and he too was absolutely nuts okay when he went to trial he too was in a glass cage during his whole trial second alex admitted that he liked toying with the cops during his killing spree and that the more risky the murder the more powerful it made him feel third during the trial he bragged about how many murders he committed and not only that he bragged about how violent they were but most of all he said his inspiration was to beat andre chicatelio's record and he want to kill as many people as possible and make sure that he was number one and andre was no longer number one like that was his biggest motivation is what he said alex generally insisted that he be charged with all the murders he had taken credit for saying that he deserved the title of 63 victims he wasn't being charged with that many he was only being charged with like 40 which bud i think that's that's a lot but he won he won credit for 63. so after three hours of the jury deliberation alex was convicted on november 24 2007 for only 49 murders and three attempted murders he got sentenced to life in prison now like many other murderers we've talked about here on murder mystery makeup alex also has some fans he had a lot of fans actually and in 2016 he even tried to get married to one of his fan girls but the prison system ended up banning them from seeing each other but the woman like still says that she's dedicated to him no matter what and she's like gonna be by your side which girl like no you deserve better than that get a better standard for yourself how about not a murderer that's a good standard to start with get better idols there are so many good people out there in the world who have done great inspiring things i don't know pick someone who went to the moon great you know like come on you could do better that my friends is the awful story about alexander pachuskin freaking horrible horrible disturbed little man he's still alive and he's still creepy as hell well he is creepy as hell he looks when you think of a killer you're like i could see it well let me know your guys's thoughts down below thank you so much for hanging out with me today i hope you have a good rest of your day you make good choices please be safe out there let me know down below in the comment section who you want me to talk about next week and i'll be seeing you guys later [Music] [Music]
Channel: Bailey Sarian
Views: 4,780,982
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bailey sarian, youtube bailey sarian, bailey sarian youtube, youtube bailey, bailey, sarian, mystery makeup monday, monday mystery makeup, mystery makeup, mystery makeup mondays, makeup artist, makeup 2021, new makeup 2021, new makeup tutorial, flawless makeup, makeup and story time, makeup story time, story time and makeup, story time, grwm, grwm and makeup, get ready with me and makeup, makeup grwm, grwm 2021, flawless foundation, mystery monday, mystery, monday story time
Id: MITeeIbCatY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 50sec (1850 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 02 2021
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