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[Music] more time on how on valentine's day i found out my fiance was cheating on me with my best friend and that i was actually the side fiance you ever heard of a side fiance yeah me either okay so boom me and my fiance were high school sweethearts and been together since the 11th grade will call my fiance snake we met through my best friend and let's call her hoey i mean chloe they were actually best friends before i met either of them i met chloe in high school and one day when we were hanging out she invited snake me and snake immediately clicked and started dating a couple months after that and been together since chloe was super supportive of our relationship but they still hung out without me at first i had a problem with it but they convinced me to like trust them and that they were best friends before me so i did so after we started dating he proposed to me two years later chloe was happy and supportive and she was going to be my maid of honor well that was a big mistake now that we're up to speed let's get into it like for part 2. part 2 on how i found out on valentine's day my fiance cheated on me with my best friend and that i was actually the side fiance so like i said now that we're up to speed with the background information let's fast forward to when now me and snake are engaged and set to tie the knot on may 2nd during the month of february and we all know valentine's day is on february this may sound weird but he actually would get valentine's gifts for me and my best friend and i thought nothing was wrong with it i honestly don't know how i didn't see all these signs but anyways this particular valentine's day my fiance was going to be out of town so i made plans with hoey i mean chloe but in actuality chloe was just setting me up she told me she rented out a hotel and that we could just netflix and chill drink wine eat food and just celebrate love i got all cute and told holy i mean chloe that i was on my way she told me she left the door cracked open and to just come in i forgot to say my fiance's name is snake and best friend is chloe anyways you wouldn't believe what i walked into my heart broke life for part three part three on how on valentine's day i found out my fiance was cheating on me with my best friend and that i was actually the side fiance anyone ever heard of a side fiance yeah me either so anyways like i said my best friend hoey chloe told me to just walk into the hotel room so i did and of course i started hearing moaning i seen rose petals leading up to the bed and when i looked up i see my fiance literally pounding my best friend with her legs wide open my jaws dropped my fiance jumped i screamed and my fiancee snake is just frozen like he's just seen a ghost i wouldn't believe what happened next chloe gets up and puts a robe on and says it's time to tell her i'm in tears and my fiance just says i'm sorry baby then chloe drops the ball and says that they've been sleeping with each other for the past year and that they're getting married and then she shows me her engagement ring my heart shattered to a million pieces like for part four part four on how on valentine's day i found out my fiance was cheating on me with my best friend and that i was actually the side fiance yes a side fiancee so like i said my best friend joey chloe said that they've been sleeping together for one year and that they're going to get married my fiance snake said it kind of just happened and that he didn't want to tell me this way i cried saying how could the both of you do this to me a betrayal of two people you love doing this to you was just deep what's so messed up is that when i told her i was on my way that's when she decided to sleep with him so i can literally walk into it i left and cried my eyes out my friendship with chloe was obviously over and my engagement to snake was called off it was so embarrassing to tell my family the marriage where chloe and snake didn't last long they actually divorced two years later but they did have a kid together i received the letter from snake basically apologizing and said how he feels shitty about the whole thing chloe on the other hand she was very cold she actually never reached out to me it took a while to let love back in but after therapy and finding the love of my life i healed and i'm doing great happy valentine's day storytime on how i was almost kidnapped okay you guys so today's story is my own let's get into it okay so boom i was in the ninth grade when this happened and my brother was in the 12th we always took a bus to the bus stop that was five minutes away from our house and we walked the rest of the way home i had super strict parents so i didn't have a cell phone this detail comes into play later on so on this particular day our routine changed my brother had to complete some community service hours so we were going to separate i was going to go home and my brother was going to go the opposite direction to the daycare that was also five minutes away from the bus stop the bus dropped us off and before my brother walked away he told me to be careful and i was like yeah yeah thinking this was going to be a regular walk home but i was definitely wrong about that about three minutes into me walking when my brother was no longer in sight a car slowly pulls up next to me and puts his window down like for part two part two on how i was almost kidnapped okay so i'm walking home alone and my brother is no longer in sight and the streets are kind of empty a car slowly pulls up next to me and a guy puts his window down a man who looks like he's in his 40s yells out hello beautiful i kept walking and ignoring him and he got louder and now he's following me in the same place as i'm walking with his car hey what's your name that's what he yelled but he said it's so loud that it scared me and i started walking even faster he drives up next to me again and leans over to the passenger seat to try to open the door and told me to get in at this point i'm jogging so he parked his car and started jogging right after me i full blown started running and guess what he did he went back into his car and started driving to me at this point i'm 30 seconds away from my house and i don't want to go there so he knows where i live so i go to the gas station and he follows me like for part three part three on how i was almost kidnapped like i said i started running and he got back into his car and i was 30 seconds away from my house so i didn't want him to know where i lived so i ran to the gas station and he followed me so now i'm in a gas station acting like i'm buying something and this guy literally parked his car and walks inside and comes right up to me he then says hello beautiful what's your name i don't know why i answered i just was scared so i said my name was victoria which is not it's valerie but i said victoria then he grabs my arm and says victoria you're coming home with me tonight he starts to squeeze my arm and grips it really tight y'all i was so scared i don't even know why i didn't scream i was just like in fear but i'll be damned if this man was going to take me home he whispered in my ear to walk to the car and at that moment i screamed to the cashier like for part four part four on how i was almost kidnapped so like i said he told me to walk to the car and at that moment i screamed to the cashier he's squeezing my hand and he's trying to take me all the cashier did was look up and said what's going on and that man ran to his car i'm talking about bolted he was gone flash i stayed with the gas station lady for about 30 minutes after that because i was so scared to walk home and then eventually a nurse that was also in a gas station who was waiting with me walked me home i'm still grateful for that nurse to this day thankfully that was a gas station that was close to our house and my family always went there so they knew all of us the gas station lady told my family what happened and they got me a phone d very next day and now my brother always walked me home first before going to go to his community service hours it's crazy because that was the very first time i walked home alone and something happened even if you think you're good be careful because you never can know what happens be safe out there guys [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] story time on how i caught the deacon sleeping with the altar boy in the same room as me okay so boom i have a religious family that goes to church every sunday my parents would always volunteer me to help around in church so half of my life i lived at church the deacon of the church was 48 and the altar boy who was also my friend was 12. now this story gets straight to the point there's not really any backstory there was nothing suspicious at all the deacon and the altar boy barely spoke to each other like literally no one in church or anyone around the church who helped suspected anything well one day my pastor asked me to fold a hundred linens it was for a church party that was happening he set me up in one of the rooms that were barely used and told me he was going to send somebody to help 20 minutes in i got cold since i was sitting under the vent so i moved to the corner of the room the corner i moved to you barely couldn't see me because i was covered by benches 10 minutes after i moved the deacon and the ultra boy walks into the room locks the door and starts making out and it doesn't stop there like for part two part two on how i caught the deacon sleeping with the ultra boy in the same room as me like i said i was in a corner peacefully folding my linen until the deacon and the altar boy walks in they didn't see me and they start making out all of a sudden pants are being taken off booties are being grabbed and people are being bent over and if you're asking if they you know yeah yeah they did and i watched the whole thing in shock by this point i already dropped to the floor and i was just hiding 10 minutes yes 10 minutes when they were finally done they walked out i told my parents as soon as i got home and y'all wouldn't believe the response they literally said that that church was filled with powerful people and they didn't want to involve themselves in it so they told me not to tell a soul my parents took me left and we never looked back never went back to that church again so this is kind of like a deep dark family secret but hey now you guys know story time on how my boyfriend married my mom and got her pregnant it's giving stepdaddy it's giving betrayal anyways so boom i was 17 at the time my boyfriend was 20 and my mom was 35. so me and my boyfriend were together for two years but it was very rocky because he couldn't keep his third leg in his pants i would go to my mom for advice but she was always on his side you know that one family member or friend you go to for advice and instead of hearing you out they say what did you do yeah that was my mom i would be like hey mom george cheated on me let's call him george and she would say well honey what did you do to cause george to cheat on you like what anyways one day i decided i no longer wanted to be treated like crap so i left george and i left george for good but guess what he was always still around because my mom would always invite him to dinners and movies and that was just the beginning like for part two part two on how my boyfriend married my mom and got her pregnant yes it was giving step daddy so like i said i broke up with my boyfriend because he was a serial cheater but my mom was still inviting him over i would tell my mom to stop but she kept saying that he was family i was so pissed at my mom that i literally always stayed in my room and when he would come over i would hear them downstairs watching movies and laughing i thought it was weird but i definitely didn't think they would have gotten married let alone have my little sister well two weeks after our breakup yes just two weeks one night when my ex-boyfriend george was over i all of a sudden didn't hear them downstairs watching a movie but i did hear my mom's room door slammed shut then i heard thumping and that wasn't about to happen on my watch i ran to open the door but the door was locked so i started knocking my mom opened the door and i seen her hair in shambles and my ex on her bed like for part three part three on how my boyfriend married my mom and got her pregnant yes yes step daddy we get it so like i said i heard thumping in my mom room so i ran and opened the door but it was locked so i knocked she opened the door and her hair was in shambles with my ex on her bed and my tie and he was naked i cried and said how could you do this to me do you know what this lady said she said well sweetie i understand him you guys weren't compatible and we're getting married sunday so this is something you're gonna have to get used to i attacked my mom fought her beat her actually and i moved in with my dad who was disgusted by her i bet you guys are hoping she didn't actually marry him well she did and she ended up pregnant i had the last laugh cause fast forward a year later and my mom is crying in tears and i wouldn't believe why the story gets crazier life for part four part four on how my ex married my mom and got her pregnant he graduated to step daddy but not for long so like i said fast forward a year later i had the last laugh because here is my mom crying her eyes out why you may ask oh yeah he was cheating a lot and with younger girls he even tried to get back with me i laughed at my mom and said oh i thought you understood him you must be doing something to make him cheat karma's a bee and my mom was pregnant with a girl but unfortunately she had a miscarriage rest in peace to my sister that's the only part i'm actually sad about she ended up divorcing my ex and now she's left with nothing no husband two failed marriages no relationship with your daughter and don't feel bad for her guys she went for her sister's man next but that's a whole nother story story time on how i caught my dad cheating on my mom with her twin sister and i didn't even realize it okay so boom my mom and my dad had been together for 14 years up until this point and my mom was actually pregnant with my soon-to-be little sister my mom and my dad almost never argued they had a pretty solid relationship or so i thought and my mom was very close to her twin sister for obvious reasons i mean they're twins well one day when my parents was at work i decided to skip school with my friends and go to the movie theaters instead but i needed some money so i was planning on going home to get money out of my mom's purse since she never noticed when i took anything i assumed the house was empty because i was usually the first one home then my mom then my dad remember that because that's important for later on in the story y'all i ran into the house and i went straight for my parents room i mean i was loud i didn't hear any moaning y'all guess he was doing a bad job but anyways i opened that door and there it was like for part two part two on how i caught my dad cheating on my mom with her twin sister and i didn't even realize it so like i said i opened the door into the room and there it was my dad and my mom's sister literally staring at me in shock i closed that door so fast and ran to my room i didn't even give him a chance to react y'all i didn't even realize that wasn't my mom don't worry though cause i eventually did stick with me but yeah i was panicking on how i was going to explain why i skipped school and that i just walked in on them i was waiting for them to come talk to me but they never did about four hours later my real mom came home and screamed that she got food for us now remember what i said i'm usually the first home then my mom then my dad so my mom only bought food for me and her assuming that her husband wasn't gonna be home till later so anyways i went downstairs and told my mom sorry about earlier she was confused and said what happened earlier and this is when it got real y'all life for part three part three on how i caught my dad cheating on my mom with her twin sister and i didn't even realize it like i said i told my mom i'm sorry about what happened earlier and she said what happened earlier y'all my stupid eh i really thought that was my mom's way of trying to act like nothing ever happened so i just laughed but then i said where's dad's food then my mom said you know he doesn't come home from work till later so the food was spoiled by then y'all at that very moment it hit me i realized that when i opened the door for that split second i didn't see my mom have a pregnant belly out of nowhere i made that oh my gosh i just realized something noise you know that noise it goes like this so my mom still confused asking what's wrong i said mom were you here earlier she said of course not honey i was at work the whole day i screamed oh my gosh mom dad is cheating on you with lily my mom immediately stopped eating like for part four part four on how i caught my dad cheating on my mom with her twin sister and i didn't even realize it so like i said i screamed oh my gosh mom dad is cheating on you with lily then my mom immediately stopped eating my mom looked at me so seriously and said what are you talking about and i explained everything to her the anger my mom had is just something i can't explain let me remind you that my mom is pregnant and she's finding out that her husband is cheating on her with her twin sister while pregnant and she's finding out by her daughter my dad was a dead man once he came home his life fell apart he cried and begged my mom not to leave him but nope she divorced him and took him for everything he got might i add my mom couldn't even look at her sister so their relationship was never the same and it doesn't help that my mom slept with her boyfriend a year later my mom is pet at t i still get to see my dad but i always have that scene in the back of my head but hey i never got in trouble for ditching school so it all worked out [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] storytelling how a black 15 year old girl refused to give up her seat to a white woman and no this is not the story of rosa parks it is the story of claudette colvin and she actually gave up her seat nine months before rosa parks claudette lived in montgomery alabama where at the time they tried to keep black people in their place but that didn't phase miss claudette she was angered by the case of jeremiah reeves an older classmate at booker t washington high school who was indicted in 1952 and later executed for allegedly raping a white woman because of this she went on to join the naacp youth council and took to flaunting her natural hair in defiance of the pressure to have it straightened on march 2nd of 1955 claudette was riding the bus home from school when the driver ordered her and her classmates to vacate a row of seats to accommodate one white woman but she refused like for part two part two on how a 15 year old black girl refused to give up her seat to a white woman so like i said the bus driver ordered claudette and her classmates to vacate a row of seats to accommodate one white woman all three of her classmates got up but claudette did not budge she refused and said she knew her constitutional rights they responded by roughly yanking her off of the bus handcuffing her and placing her in a cell claudette cried and prayed until her mother and pastor came a few hours later to bail her out try that caught the attention of local black leaders who helped her get legal representation that led to most of her charges getting dropped the leaders wanted to use her as an example as justification for a city-wide bus boycott but they thought she was too young and emotional when it was revealed that claudette had been impregnated by an older man later that summer it confirmed their sentiment like for part three part three on how a black fifteen-year-old girl refused to give up her seat to a white woman so like i said once they found out that claudette was pregnant by an older man they said that she was the wrong person for the movement the right person arrived nine months later when rosa parks a 42 year old seamstress and naacp secretary made headlines for her arrest on december 1st prompting the launch of the montgomery bus boycott the following day and the national rise of dr martin luther king jr with all that being said claudette sparked legal action that led to the end of alabama's segregated bus laws and enabled a widespread civil rights movement to pick up steam a big thanks to miss claudette colvin we're talking about how me and my stepdad were doing the nasty and my mom walked in on us okay so boom i was 18 at the time and my stepdad was 40. my stepdad been with my mom for like two years and it's only the three of us in the house my stepdad always treated me well and gave me lots of money every time my mom would tell me no here comes my stepdad to the rescue turning that to a yes and my stepdad were alone together a lot and it would be very flirty between us as the days went by we got flirtier and flirtier and farther and farther it started off as flirting then we cuddled and then cuddling turned into making out i literally couldn't wait till my mom goes to work so i could spend time with him my mom didn't suspect a thing when my mom was home i barely talked to my stepdad and i always stayed in my room at this point me and my stepdad didn't do the nasty yet but this night i was gonna make sure it happened cause i seen my stepdad kiss my mom goodbye and i was pissed when she left i turned it up like for part two part 2 on how me and my stepdad were doing the nasty and my mom walked in on us so like i said my mom went to work and business started as usual my stepdad was in the living room picking a movie so i came down from my room and cuddled with him in the couch we started making out and all of a sudden my mom was calling my stepdad's phone he tried to answer but i took his phone and put it on do not disturb mode i wanted him all to myself i got on top of him and things got real all of a sudden we were both on the couch undressed going crazy and just when we were about to start doing the nasty my mom screamed get off of her my stepdad and i both jumped up and i was shocked and terrified he ran to my mom saying please let me explain and my mom slapped him like for part three part three on how me and my stepdad were doing the nasty and my mom walked in on us so like i said my mom slapped my stepdad and said get out she slapped him so hard i felt it across the room he begged her to talk to him but once she called the cops he left my mom took my phone and seen all the messages between us and gave me the whooping of a lifetime my mom disowned me and kicked me out i'm talking homeless i had to live with one of my friends i tried to talk to my stepdad but he was too busy trying to get back with my mom he actually wanted nothing to do with me either i lost all of my family and even a good portion of my friends a year later which is now currently i still have no contact with anyone in my family but i'm working on apologizing and making it up to my mom wish me luck story time on how i went down on my boyfriend and his hot dog smelled like hot trash so i was dating this guy and we were both 17. neither of us had our v card so we weren't new to the game but up until this point we haven't done the nasty with each other we always talked about it on the phone and eventually we decided we wanted to try to six nine thirty four thirty five so one day he was home alone and he told me to come over so i did what us girls do i freshened up down there and made sure my cat was bald when i got there things immediately got spicy we got into position and there it was once i got close to his hot dog that smell hit me so hard i didn't know what to do he already started back there and i'm over here just trying not to throw up all of a sudden i just feel his hand on my head and he put my face down once i had a taste of that hot dog i literally died like for part two part two on how i went down on my boyfriend and his hot dog smelled like hot trash so like i said once he put my head down and i got a taste of that hot dog i literally died i gonna be so mad at me but y'all i went through with it i didn't want to hurt his feelings even though he was hurting my nose i kind of hoped that this was like a one-time thing and that it wouldn't happen again so i just gave him multiple chances and each time it was just ill i eventually got the courage and i just let him know like hey like your your thing it just doesn't smell god he got offended blocked me and never talked to me again like dang it's not my fault you don't take showers i just couldn't do it y'all hygiene is a deal breaker i'm so traumatized i still smell it now but the lesson i learned always be honest and let them know how you feel and that goes for both men and women every time on how i sent my nudes to my dad i'm talking full clear tunnel vision to my cat child just know this story ends with me getting my behind beat so i was 17 at the time and i had a boyfriend who was also 17 and we've been together for one year we were in the same grade but we always had different classes so i usually seen him during lunch my parents were super strict and religious so we have to keep our relationship on the low so my boyfriend always asks me to send him nudes but i never had the guts to send it to him one day over the phone me and my boyfriend had a heart to heart and he told me that he would never break my trust and that i can trust him with everything so i decided i was going to surprise him for his birthday and send him the you know the night before his birthday i decided i was going to send him the nudes exactly at 12 a.m biggest mistake ever like for part two part 2 on how i sent my nudes to my dad like i said i decided to surprise my boyfriend with the you know for his birthday when the clock strike midnight was when exactly i was going to send the pictures and wish him a happy birthday on my phone my boyfriend name was david with a red heart emoji and my dad was under dad with the two pink heart emojis two very different contacts but at the same time way too close i took the pictures with nothing on i'm talking full birthday suit i bent down in front of that mirror legs wide open and one in a bed with my selfie stick i was literally so anxious that i didn't even realize what happened when i went to go text my boyfriend my dad texted me i thought i just swiped up the message to get it out my way but instead i hit the message so once i hit the message it switched me from texting my boyfriend to texting my dad if you have an iphone you know exactly what i mean but anyways i didn't realize that i was texting my dad so i went and sent the nudes once i found out i literally wanted to die like for part three part three on how i sent my nudes to my dad like i said i hit my dad's message by mistake and ended up sending the pictures to him i still didn't realize i texted my dad so i just threw my phone on the bed anxiously waiting for my boyfriend's reply 2.5 seconds later my dad barges into the house and is literally screaming at the top of his lungs i was actually confused until my dad said why would you disrespect your body like that once i realized everything it was already too late i got the beating of my lifetime and my phone was taken away but only for like a week because of safety purposes when i went to school i explained everything to my boyfriend and he was so shocked he did say he appreciated even the attempt i eventually took news directly on my boyfriend's phone and we're still currently together for the rest of my school year i had to deal with even more strict parents why should you text guys story time on how my dad had a threesome with my brother and another man okay so a quick rundown my parents divorced when i was 13 and just a year after my dad got with another man so at the time i was 14 my brother was 15 my mom was 34 my dad was 36 and his boyfriend was 30. keep up with me guys the age is important my mom didn't want to see my dad or his boyfriend so this was our routine my mom would pick us up after school and sometimes my dad would pick us up but on this particular friday my brother wanted to stay at my dad's but i wanted to be at my mom's so my brother left with my dad and i left with my mom my mom had late shifts for the weekend so she ended up dropping me off at my dad's when i walked inside i heard moaning but not from two voices it was three voices i immediately knew something was up i walked upstairs to see my dad his boyfriend and my brother doing the nasty life for part two story time on how my dad had a threesome with my brother and another man like i said i walked in and my dad his boyfriend and my brother was doing the nasty my dad was actively sticking his inside of his boyfriend's and my brother was sitting in between the mix traumatized isn't the word they all jumped up but i ran outside and immediately called my mom my mom came back so angry she started throwing a whole bunch of books at my dad but i just held her back and we all left my dad ended up getting married to this guy and they adopted a child my mom got full custody of me and my brother and my dad isn't allowed to see us anymore my brother is going to therapy and said that it was forced and that he didn't want to do i miss my dad no good riddance [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] story time on how me and my dad walk into my mom sleeping with my brother yes his and hers biological son she actually took his virginity away child all right let me set the scene for y'all i was 18 at the time and my brother was 16. my parents were together so we lived with both parents and my brother went to the same school but i was in a girls basketball team so i would always stay after school and he would take the bus home my mom would be home by the time my brother got home three to four hours by the time my basketball practice was over my dad would be getting off of work so he would pick me up and we would go home together so that was basically our routine as a family but one day this routine changed because i sprained my ankle i called my dad and he immediately left work to come and get me my ankle wasn't too bad but my coach wanted to send me home to be on the safe side to make sure i heal well that night changed me and my dad lives forever once we opened that door like for part two part two on how me and my dad walked into my mom sleeping with my brother so like i said this day i sprained my ankle so my dad left his job early and picked me up and again my ankle wasn't too bad but my coach wanted to send me home just so i can heal and not make it worse by putting pressure on it regardless once me and my dad got home everything changed once we walked into the house we immediately heard uh weird sounds we looked at each other and confirmed that yeah that that's definitely moaning my dad immediately thought my mom was cheating but we just didn't know with who the morning was coming from my parents room which was just why at least have respect for the bed anywho i lit my way over to the door with my dad my dad opened up the door and my mom was on top of my brother literally riding that pony and the war began life for part three part three on how me and my dad walked into my mom sleeping with my brother so like i said my dad opened up the door and my mom was on top of my brother riding that pony it was disgusting my jaws dropped my mom jumped off covering herself and my brother sat up shaking my dad went off he went straight for my mom and grabbed her yelling what the [ __ ] are you doing in bed with our son not gonna lie my dad was so angry he put his hands on my mom my mom fell to the ground crying saying i'm so sorry then my dad turned around and beat my brothers behind my brother ran to the room and i'm just still standing there in shock i grew a hatred from my mom that day my dad started yelling at my mom saying how she's taking advantage of their son how he's a minor and all she did was cry all of a sudden i don't know what came over me but i called my mom a stupid dirty [ __ ] and the war continued like for part four part four on how me and my dad walked in on my mom sleeping with my brother so like i said my mom was on the floor crying while my dad was yelling at her for taking advantage of their son and at the time i hated my mom so much i called her a few less than kind words and she had the audacity to get up and tell me not to speak to her that way i then called her the b word the fb word and the w word and it was on she rushed at me trying to hit me but i ended up pushing her to the floor then she fell to the ground saying how could you put your hands on your mother and my dad responded how could you put that cat on your son she walked into that one anywho let's fast forward to the legal things that same night my dad called the cops on my mom and they came to our house and they of course arrested my mom like for part 5 to find out what was her charges and what happened to my brother part 5 on how me and my dad walked in on my mom sleeping with my brother so like i said my dad called the cops and they arrested my mom she's facing over three years for statutory r and is classified as a felony my brother still lives with my dad and i but he has to go to therapy almost every day and that's how we actually found out she took his v card away anyways a year later i'm still not the biggest fan of my brother but we're okay and i still haven't talked to my mom and i'm happy about that i just think she's weird and disgusting me and my dad are great and he's happy with the new girl a regular girl story time on how my boyfriend leaked my nudes to my entire school you heard that right so i was 15 at the time in the 9th grade and he was 18 in the 12th grade he was very popular and well known even the teachers liked him and every girl wanted to be with him or get his attention it was my first year in high school so i of course fell for that stupid popular guy thing he was kind of known for being a player and messing with a lot of girls and yeah that's a red flag but we don't see red flags in high school well he seen me in lunch one day and came over to talk to me all i could do was blush and feel kind of special cause here i have the most popular guy in school giving me attention we started texting and talking on the phone every night and i even got a little popular myself literally only after a month of us talking one night he asked me to send him a picture and that's when i make the biggest mistake of my life like for part two parts on how my boyfriend leaked my nudes to my entire school so like i said only after a month of us talking one night he asked me to send him a picture me being innocent-minded i sent him a picture of me fully clothed once he got it he laughed and said no baby send me something sexy show me what you got underneath my heart immediately dropped i knew i shouldn't but he was the popular guy how could i say no i trust him right he's probably used to this with other girls i didn't want him to see me as a loser i just wanted him to like me [ __ ] it i'll do it i locked my door and took a picture of everything yes everything including my cat with my face in it i sent it and immediately regretted it there was just something in me that knew i shouldn't but i just didn't listen to myself well i was right because the very next day was the worst day of my life like for part three part three on how my boyfriend leaked my nudes to my entire school so like i said even though i didn't want to do it i did it and sent him the picture he told me how beautiful i was and how much he couldn't wait to see me tomorrow maybe i was wrong well that wasn't the case because literally the next day not even a week later the next day while i was walking to my classes people would be staring laughing snickering i immediately knew what happened and my friends came and confirmed it i tried calling and texting him and he wouldn't respond he was such an [ __ ] and if i seen him he would act like he didn't know me it became so big my parents got involved so grateful for my parents and how they had my back they moved me to another school and pressed charges he ended up getting in big trouble with the authorities and all my pictures was taken down on his socials and anywhere they were and now i'm in my new school with none of that drama but if you take anything away from this ladies don't do it story time on how i kiss my boyfriend's best friend on new year's day i know i know before you judge me hear me out so on the day of new year's eve my boyfriend called me and cancelled our plans to go be with his baby mama after he's been telling me how much he's so done with his baby mama and that he wants nothing to do with her and that he only talks to her for his kid well me obviously being crushed i call up all my friends so that we can go out and i can get my mind off of things i didn't want to go into the new year's side positive vibes only baby so me and my friends end up finding a party to go to and his best friend happened to be there i thought nothing of it he was actually pretty cool he was hanging out with all of us partying drinking we were just having a good time it was all fun and games to that clock strike 12 like for part two part two on how i kissed my boyfriend's best friend on new year's day but like i said we were all drinking just having a good old time maybe we had a little bit too much to drink because when that clock started 12 everyone started kissing i looked at my boyfriend's best friend and he looked at me just smiling hunty that smile had me melting i grabbed him and we started making out yolo yes i made the first move and i would do it again my boyfriend found out and he was pissed but i didn't care because he deserved it and me and his friends started dating and are still currently together all right you guys so that was a quick story time for me to tell you happy new years yes follow me on instagram to tell me your stories or ask for any advice happy new year let's make it awesome story time on how i slept with my professor in class so i was 18 at the time and he was 38. to give you guys a visual he was a little bit on the heavy side and he was balding anyways i don't know about child but i suck at math so i always needed that extra help and if you guys were wondering the classes calculus too well throughout the course i always stayed after class to ask my professor some questions and he was always willing to help i always caught flirting here and there but i always pushed it to the side well one day i stayed after class like usual to ask for help but something changed he gave me his credit card and told me to go downstairs to get him something to eat and to also get me whatever i want i hesitated at first but he insisted so i took the free food that kind of became my routine and i found myself spending more time with him mind you i am literally filling his class each test but one day before i left he put his hands on my inner thigh then when i stood up to leave he squeezed my ass like for part two part two on how i slept with my professor in class so like i said i stood up and he squeezed my ass please ask me what i did about it i ignored it and act like it never happened and just like that the dynamic of our teacher-student relationship changed i would stay after class get his card we eat and he fills up on me i don't know what it was but i couldn't stop i liked when he would rub on my thighs i felt like a bad girl it gave me a thrill well this particular day it got real he was rubbing all up on my inner thigh but this time he went up and touched my cat i knew right away it was about to go down he pulled me in and started kissing on my neck and i stood up and got on top of him and child we started making out he stood up to go lock the door and turn off the lights and it began like for part three part three on how i slept with my professor in class so like i said he locked the door and closed the lights and made his way back to me he lift up my shirt and started kissing on my breasts he pulled out his grapefruit and i think we all know what happened i was getting my back blown out like i said y'all i don't know what it was but there was something about him that i just liked he was 38 but ciao he went to work the final was a couple days after and i failed that test however i did pass the class with an a i literally never talked to him after that we occasionally pass by each other but we just wave with a little smirk i'm just glad that it didn't have to get awkward between us and that i passed my class i just wonder about one thing how many other students [ __ ] their professor story time on how i caught my sister giving my husband head so i made both of them drink my pee okay so a quick rundown at this point i was married to my husband for two years but we've been together for five i obviously knew my sister my whole life but she was always known to be easy or loose if you catch my drift everyone in the family knew this but we looked past her thoughtism so anyways it's christmas eve and we're having a family get-together so there's a lot of us there let me make this clear me and my sister were close and me and my husband were on great terms so it's not like i could have seen this coming so the christmas eve party started in the backyard so we can bring christmas in together and everything was pretty normal i did see my sister being a little bit too friendly a little bit too flirty but i just thought that was her thought has been coming out i thought nothing of it i didn't think they would stoop that low oh well they stoop [ __ ] life for part two part two on how i caught my sister giving my husband head so i made both of them drink my pee like i said the christmas eve party started and it was all fun and games until i realized my husband been missing for 30 minutes i didn't even realize my sister was gone i just thought maybe he wasn't too comfortable around all of my family so he went to the room so i went looking for him well he was more than just comfortable [ __ ] i opened up that guest room we were staying at and right there before my eyes my sister on her knees with his pain in her mouth they both looked up so shocked and before they can even read act i ran over to her and grabbed her hair threw her to the floor turned around and slapped him that's right the almighty slap then i proceeded to stomp on my [ __ ] sister like for part three part three on how i caught my sister giving my husband head so i made both of them drink my pee so like i said i was stomping my sister out he tried to stop me which pissed me off even more so i turned around and kicked him in the balls he fell to the floor and i stomped him a couple times too at this point my husband and my sister are both on the floor crying asking me for forgiveness i'm sorry i'm sorry they weren't gonna be sorry if i never caught them y'all i was so angry i ran downstairs and i took the apple cider went to the bathroom and i pissed all in that [ __ ] bottle and it was a lot of peach how i went back to the room and opened her peen sucking mouth and poured my piss all in there and as she gagged i ran to my husband and did the same everybody gets pee today after part four part four last part of how i caught my sister giving my husband head so i made the both of them drink my pee so like i said everybody gets pee as my sister's gagging i ran over to my husband and as he's trying to say sorry i opened up that mouth and put the rest of my jizz in there i was so angry i couldn't stop i told them both that i cleaned their filthy mouths with my pee and then i proceeded to start fighting him again you guys so [ __ ] mad oh my gosh eventually the rest of my family heard the commotion came inside and stopped everything i felt good about it y'all i don't care my sister was disowned and he was divorced period but it's okay cause i got my revenge i couldn't wait on karma for this one [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] story time on how i caught my mom cheating on my dad with a woman okay so a quick rundown at this point my parents been married for 20 years they would have little arguments here and there but nothing out of the ordinary of a regular couple my dad was a doctor and my mom was a nurse so my dad worked a lot but usually when i would come home from school my mom would be home well this particular day it was early release and we all know how that goes happy as hell to go home early little did i know i was about to walk into some mess honey obviously my mom wasn't expecting me to be home this early well i open up that door and right there on the living room couch y'all the position she was in oh my gosh it's the audacity for me life for part two part two on how i caught my mom cheating on my dad with a woman so like i said i came home from school early because it was early release day and my mom wasn't expecting me i opened up that door and i was literally not expecting anything but dare my mama was both legs up wide open with the woman eating that cat my mouth dropped to the floor and i screamed oh my gosh my mom jumped off that couch so fast and pushed that woman so hard she fell to the floor she tried to cover herself with the clothes next to her and said baby please let me talk to you and the classic say it with me it's not what it looks like i ran to my room and i closed that damn door life of part three last part on how my mom cheated on my dad with a woman so they got into an argument after i snitched and basically my mom was reassuring him how she just wants to be with him and that was just a mistake the relationship was rocky and on bad terms for about a year but eventually my parents actually got through it to be honest it only worked out because it was a woman if it was a man i'm pretty sure my dad would have left we eventually got over it as a family and i got a little brother but one thing about it i will always be traumatized story time on how i had a one night stand with the postmate delivery man so i was 17 at the time with the trifling boyfriend we dated for a year and some months before he decided to cheat on me and the worst part about it he cheated on me with my best friend long story short honey i beat her ass and i cut him off not gonna lie i was traumatized and i got pretty depressed after that i began eating a lot guessing it was a coping mechanism my mom usually cooked but when she did it and i was home alone i just post made it i lost my boyfriend i lost my best friend i was hungry and i was sad so i postmated some popeyes so ten minutes later i got the text from postmates saying robert will be out his way and i thought nothing of it well robert was dropping off more than just food apparently i needed some vitamin d chow i opened that door and there he was it went down like for part two part two on how i had a one night stand with my post mate delivery man so like i said i opened the door and there he was when i tell ya this man was so fine he said my name and it was music to my ears child and let me just say this was before the pandemic not gonna lie the popeyes look good but he definitely looked better so i kind of told him to come in while i look for money to tip him he was super respectful and said he'll wait outside but i insisted so he came in i made small talk he left i laughed i smiled he smiled and we flirted by this time we're heavy flirting and i told him i couldn't find any cash but that i really wanted to tip him he smiled and said oh yeah i teased them and said you're not ready he said come show me then i got a little shy and told him to come over to me he came over to me and stood right in front of me i melted and this is when i know i [ __ ] up it gets wild like for part three part three about how i had a one night stand with my postmate delivery man so like i said i lost my best friend i lost my boyfriend and up to this point i was pretty depressed but all that went away when mr postmates came right up to my face mr postmates laughed and said you're cute i felt a challenge so i told him i'll show you cute he said show me then so i made the first move and i kissed him and then we did the nasty he took full control after that and i'm not gonna lie when we were done it was kind of awkward he left because my mom was gonna be home anytime soon and i think because everything happened so quick he forgot to get my phone number i've never seen him after that and i'm not gonna lie i made it some more so i can see if i can get him again but i never did honestly i really didn't care because it helped me get over a breakup and a loss of a friendship so now it's my dirty little secret story time on how my boyfriend cheated on me with his sister so a quick rundown on me and this guy we've been together for six months at this point but we went to two different schools i told my super strict parents that i would be studying after school when in actuality i just went to his house his house wasn't too far away from my school but since i was walking he always got there before me so he gave me his house key so i can come and go as i please find you i almost never had to use it since he always opened the door for me so his sister was kind of new to the family since she just came down from a different country same dad different moms i think you guys know what happened they were around the same age well eventually me and him got into a huge argument and stopped talking for about a month he eventually texted me he missed me so i decided to go surprise him now when i went to surprise him after school i was knocking on the door and no one answered so i use my spare keys and boy was i wrong to do that like for part two part two on how my boyfriend cheated on me with his sister so like i told you guys i went to go surprise him after school but when i knocked the door was locked so i used the spare key that he gave me to open the door and that my friends is where it all went left shouldn't have done that so i went in and called out to my boyfriend heard nothing but you guessed it moaning when i tell you he was going in there was no shame whatsoever i ran upstairs so fast open that door and he was mid-stroke honey he jumped out that bed it's not what it looks like and his sister just sitting there smiling i was at a loss for words i ran and never looked back he blew me up asking not to tell his parents i actually never ended up telling his parents and i just never talked to him again because that was disgusting because that's your blood sister nasty story time about how i found out that my mom [ __ ] my boyfriend so a little background information my mom had me whenever she was 15. so we were always super close because we were so close in age well during my senior year of high school i started dating this guy i was 18 he was 20. well after dating for a little bit it was time for me to go off to college and we didn't want to do long distance so we kind of just cut it off and instead of going to college he just wanted to work so he stayed in my hometown and he was pretty close with my mom too because during my school year he got kicked out of his parents house and came and stayed with us for like a month and we're going to call him bryce well i get a text from my mother the one day and she's like hey honey bryce wants to know if he can come stay here his parents kicked him out again and i was like no that's weird like we're not even dating what the [ __ ] and her response was well honey i'm a good person so i'm not gonna listen to what you say on this one he's gonna come stay with us and i wasn't even living there at the time and she was gonna let him stay there like for part two part two about how my mom [ __ ] my boyfriend so like i said my mom was trying to be a good person so she let bryce stay there well then covet hit and my college was basically like yeah you guys can't stay here anymore go somewhere else so i packed up my things and i went home and [Music] you
Channel: GTV
Views: 259,588
Rating: 4.921288 out of 5
Id: PouVrEksMHI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 50sec (3110 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 18 2021
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