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alino just released and with her comes up a lot of new questions because her kit is kind of confusing for example alino cannot be healed during combat right but what about food can she be healed with food in the middle of a fight because eating is different than healing right or maybe not this and many more questions are going to be answered in this video I'm kaidro and if you enjoy this type of content make sure you subscribe stick around but now enjoy the video one of the first questions that I had is does her weapon appearance the scye only change when you have the five-star signature weapon or can you use a normal weapon like a three star or fourstar weapon and it also turns into a scythe well this can be answered pretty easily as you can see I have the staff of Toma here and it doesn't look like a scythe it is equipped on allino but no Scythe right so if you do one attack the appearance doesn't really change but when you do two attacks there actually is a scythe effect on the staff or on the poleon which is a pretty neat thing in my opinion because I thought this side appearance is pretty much locked behind the pay wall with getting the signature weapon from alino one thing to note though is that their signature weapon also is a normal poleon when you don't do normal attacks the first normal attack also doesn't change it appearance only if you do the second one it actually changes into an actual scythe and the effect actually holds up longer and looks way more significant than when you don't have the signature weapon even if she puts it back the Scythe effect actually holds up not going to lie they really know how to add another foro effect in to genin impact ha just thought that her signage weapon always was a scy but I was kind of wrong so now you know also tried multiple different weapons like the skyw spine to see if the color would change or anything like that but no it is still the same yellow Scythe effect on it and the same goes for the fourstar weapons and as you can see it's still the same side effect it looks decent but of course the signature weapon looks better one other question that appeared the most in the comment section was if alino can be healed with food because we all know she has this passive ability which makes her basically ignore all the healing except for ultimate ability but what about food what if you feed here what's going to happen so let's try this actually out as you can see we got low HP and we also got Bond of life now we're going to try to eat some food let's go with the classic delicious chicken here and there is an indicator that Bond of life actually decreases uh but we cannot even change the amount to use for the chicken we have 76 chicken right now let's use it we got 75 but Bond of Life didn't change nothing happens so it basically also gets ignored but this also changes when you go out fight by the way I think this is important to know because alino can actually be healed out fight and when you use food now okay sadly we are full in this case we're just going to heal with fora doesn't really matter where the heal comes from but when you are outfight and you get healed the Bon of life actually decreases it's also important to notice because when you have a lot of bond of life left on your HP bar you will not be able to get healed out fight so you have like three options you can either heal alino until her bond of life is gone and then you can heal her the normal way or you just use food to heal her outfight of course or if you have a burst ready you can use her burst also outfight and Bon of life will disappear another very big question was if her bond of Life decreases when she gets healed in fight let's find out we have Bond of life now let's use F's heal let's see if her Bon of Life [Music] decreases nothing happens as as you can see Bond of life also ignores the healing which also is because of her passive ability she literally just ignores all the healing her bond of Life ignores the healing her HP bar ignores the healing and it also ignores all the food you eat how long does spawn of life actually stay on her does it disappear after a while the answer to this is no it doesn't disappear it has to be healed out with either food or a Healer or using her burst ability even teleporting to a different Zone doesn't help we in a Zuma now it's still on her I tested this with 10 minutes and it still didn't disappear so there's also no timer this also can be very useful because you can use this for your next battle bringing us to the next question does higher Bond of life mean more damage the higher it is the better and the answer is yes your damage actually scales on the amount of bond of life and attack percentage you have so that means the more Bond of life you have the better the damage is going to be and think about it like it's a Super Saiyan level or like a rage bar the higher the rage bar the more damage you will do the next question I had was how far can you actually jump onto the enemy with the elemental skill because when you use the elemental skill alino will actually jump onto the enemy basically Auto aiming on him this can be very useful especially in the abyss when an enemy is like further away I tested this a little bit out the range is pretty decent herbon of life actually has a requirement to convert it to pyro damage and to buff the damage of alino so when does the buff actually stop let's find out we're going to reduce it by hitting enemies let's see this also answers if there is a HP requirement can you get the power infusion if you only have 1,000 HP and yes we still have pyro infusion even when we are very low HP so now we're getting to the range where I wonder oh you see now the Pyro infusion is gone and the damage is not getting buffed anymore when your bond of life is this low this means you have to get another Elemental skill ready and buff your bond of life this should answer it I guess well other question was if alino counts as out fight or out of combat when she is not on the field right maybe it makes sense let's find out I'm in fight now just to make sure we're going to hit once with alino changing to baiju using his Elemental skill which should heal the whole team and as you can see nothing happened it still counts that she is in fight and she basically ignores the healing once again so it doesn't matter which character you use it doesn't matter if she's off field she will still ignore the healing one other question that appeared was if alino can be healed if she does doesn't have Bond of Life active and is in combat so this can be answered easily as [Music] well no you cannot even if she doesn't have Bond of Life active she still cannot be healed in combat of course one other thing I was interested in was if you can spend Bond of Life out fight just by hitting crystals let's find out as you can see we got some Bond of Life there there's a crystal let's hit it nothing happens so no you cannot decrease alino Bond of Life outfight by hitting random objects which means you can only decrease it with heals or her birth stability one of the biggest questions that was asked is can alino be healed out fight and yes she functions like a completely normal character out fight you can heal her even when Bond of life is active as you can see we are out fight you can heal her normally like a normal character but of course you have to reduce B of Life first to heal her properly which also gets reduced with heals or food or by using her burst ability another question that was asked is does Bond of Life affect the other characters no it will only stay on alino if you have Bond of Life active on alino from a kit and swap to a different character Bond of life will not go over to the different characters in your team which is different I think from the enemy version because With the Enemy version I think it affects the whole team but I'm just guessing here not 100% sure and these were the most asked questions that I found if you also have another question or have information to share about her which I missed in this video please let me know in the comments because alino just came out and there's probably so much we still don't know this was it with this video it actually was a lot of fun testing this out also a very interesting mechanic Bond of life it also is such a drastic gameplay change of genin impact it feels like I have to learn the game once again from new as a beginner because I was so used of having a Healer but now this kind of changes with alino it's been a while since I've been so excited for a character probably forina was the last one where I was really excited about but alino is a lot of fun I can only recommend her if you like pyro and poam characters you also should be a fan of aggressive play Styles because she is a highrisk high rewarding character but this was it with this video If you enjoyed watching this give this a thumbs up and if you want to see more videos of my channel make sure you subscribe and stick around I hopefully see you in the next video see you then bye-bye only one one world one love that the battle goes on Shadows of mass destruction ooh yeah do doo doo do do doo doo baby baby do doo do do doo do do do do o do doo baby baby do do do
Channel: KydroTV
Views: 41,622
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin impact arlecchino, arlecchino gameplay, arlecchino guide, arlecchino best, arlecchino best team, iwintolose, gachagamer, braxxophone, sevy, arlecchino best teams, arlecchino tips, arlecchino showcase, arlecchino before you pull, gacha, genshin impact arlecchino guide, 4.6 genshin, arlecchino kit, arlecchino explained, arlecchino bond of life, arlecchino build, arlecchino mythbuster, mythbusters, genshin mythbuster, arlecchino op, bond of life
Id: JYW1t21bGL4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 42sec (522 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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