Elegoo Neptune 4 Max Belt Tension and Layer Shift Prevention

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I've had a few people ask me about belt tension and helping with layer shifts uh I can't say I'm an expert at this to be honest with you and I've been struggling with it myself so let me show you this is right now I've been having successful prints so this is the best I can do as far as maybe how your belt should be this thing moves pretty easily it's not super easy to move but there's no um tugging or anything like that so if this is hard to move your belt is likely too tight um same with this up here if this is really hard to move chances are your belt is too tight um if it can go Z right across then it's too loose that's not a great analogy on how to do it um often times I'll check to see if belts are loose by filling the belt itself which is kind of tough a tough way to do it as well and when that's the case you just adjust this knob so I kind of I personally go by the how well this moves if it's tight then it'll be like really hard to move um and you'll feel like tugging it'll feel like it's doing this like it's tugging same with this if I tighten it too tight it starts to go I can almost feel the wheels Bol you know tugging so I kind of look for how well this moves um a buddy of mine has said to listen for the thump which is tough for me because I mean maybe on another printer it' be okay but you want to hear that thump you know that's probably pretty good you know if I go too tight I've had layer shifts if I'm too loose I get layer shifts so you kind of have to find the in between for yourself if it's layer shifting and this is too hard to move it's probably too tight if this is layer shifting and it's super easy to move it's probably too loose you can go off of this if you'd like you know what kind of thumping sound almost sounds like a like a like a bass guitar you can go off that if you'd like I I still haven't gotten perfected this so just just understand I'm not an expert in this aspect and this is the first time I've had a belt design like this um most of my printers have had belts of design like these so and even then there these are still kind of tough to figure out too so same sort of philosophy though but hope this helps it's not the most most knowledgeable information but if you're having layer shift issues the first thing I check is belt tension um cuz I had the issue last night I thought it was too loose I tightened it I apparently made it too tight because the more I tightened it the worse the layers shift got so that's another thing if you make it too tight you get a layer shift and if you start tightening even more you get even more layer shifts you got to go back the other direction so which is this knob and you can see I have a little thing that goes over the top to kind of keep it from moving back and forth so I hope that helps I'm not sure if it's really going to help but I hope it does I'm going to start a print so I hope that helps guys I know several people have been asking so there you go that's that's what's worked for me and these have been this is what just came off the printer literally just came off the printer so no layer shifts there's some texture that's all the battle damage built into the design so it's not actually a problem with the print but some of that texture I think is actually from my settings to be honest with you again this is texture from the battle damage but you can kind of see it's printing pretty good and I'm going to publish a video on my settings in Persia Orca that sort of thing thanks for watching guys
Channel: Outer Rim Armorer
Views: 2,421
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: CZ3VfvhALcM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 55sec (235 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 17 2023
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