Forget about PEI beds - we've got PEY now!

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Pei print beds these are pretty great these have become the de facto standard for 3D printer beds you know starting from the Pei film with double-sided tape over the classic robust uh textured powdercoated ones now to the satin ones and you can get these in like decent quality or in the cheap input quality it still sticks but doesn't hold up so well but apparently we are already moving on from Pei because when I was browsing Express the other day um Not only was I seeing these these cheaper Pi CED beds but I was also seeing beds that were labeled with p and peo and pey and the best of all h1h and I was like this doesn't make any sense the only one to me that made sense out of these was pet because as the 3D printing world was moving on from uh painters tape and capton on their beds there was a very brief phase where pet tape was sort of the the newest hottest deal so at that point of course I was curious these apparently are the new AliExpress standard print beds so obviously I had to order them all so I'm going to see if the promises hold up to these being a proper replacement for pi beds we're going to test that we're going to see how cool the Hologram effects are right after message from today's sponsor Alli Express is a pretty weird and wonderful site but a little extra privacy won't hurt when looking through the weird portions of the site especially when shopping did you know that some sites even offer different prices based on your location a VPN can help you appear as if you're shopping from a different country or a state saving you some bucks in the process hey some sides won't even let you in if they think you're from the wrong place browsing on an open internet connection lets others analyze and profile which sides you visit and how you spend your time on the internet if you don't want to be profile and trct a VPN can help your private browsing sessions stay truly private and provide that extra layer of protection a while ago I compared VPN providers and 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see what we actually got here one two three so jine jupena seems to be the one who is making all these beds and they're the ones who have most of the listings on all Express okay so these are very well packaged for being just a steel sheet essentially okay so there's the first one um these are all claimed to have a standard Co Pi side on on one side and then on the other side they have whatever special surface they put onto them so this one is I think the peo surface that has like little holographic circles on it hi there a that's a good peel that is a very holographic surface um if you look against the light if you look sort of at the reflection there it sort of has a hexagon pattern and I guess every little hexagon piece is just one of these circles that is a very nice and shiny surface and supposedly this does imprint onto your parts that you're making so the bottom surface is going to have the same pattern on it the pi coating on the other side has sort of a a very fine texture to it it's not as coarse as some of the other textured ones the quality I don't know we're going to have to see how well this holds up um but it does seem to be properly coated and not just a film that they stuck on so that's good so this one also seems to have sort of the same holographic texture but in a different style more or less oh no no it's ruined so this one has sort of a circle brushed stainless steel look to it also very holographic and then on the other side we get this crazy on the other side we get what they call the H1 age patterns so this has sort of long Stripes this is hard to look at actually wow now this one has to be the pet surface interestingly this one is labeled idea former probably the same company making these hey maybe this one performs a bit differently so these again seem to have the same sort of Pi fairly smooth texture on one side very light peel on this one this one is actually pretty cool to look at it's a it's a repetitive pattern but it has this this polygon style this one might actually mesh the best with like low poly prints that he put on top and then lastly yeah this is the one they're calling pet so this is sort of a very obviously fake carbon fiber surface um you can actually print on real carbon fiber resin impreg netic carbon fiber but this is just a film this is fake so I think these are actually all going to behave very similarly when it comes to how well parts are going to stick but that's what we're about to test so I got these in the Pria Mark II Mark 4 sort of shape and if we put these on top of each other using an original bit here they are a very close match in size these are actually available for every single printer size so whether it is voron sizes or bamboo Labs p1p X1 Carbon um you can get these just cut out for any printer that you want so if we just drop one of these on here let's see so that lines up yeah that lines up pretty much perfectly and I mean I'm not usually a fan of like tacky carbon fiber patterns but this one is like the least obnoxious one that I've ever seen so I actually kind of like it on there I'm just going to wipe these down with some denatured alcohol uh and finish up by cleaning with some water uh just to get any production residue off and then we can start with some test prints in pla we're going to move on to petg and then ASA ABS something like that uh that's going to be the final discipline and I'm just going to see how well these hold up whether they get torn up by the probing cycle um and you know how well the parts stick that's the most important bit if it looks cool but doesn't work then you know what's the [Music] [Music] point [Music] okay we're done with the pla test prints and honestly I got to say I I do sort of like the look that it gives the parts so um the carbon fiber and this polygonal design these do work pretty well they're not that tacky and they just give that bottom so if is a bit of texture the like h1h super holographic one and the the circly one which I think is the peo I don't know they're very bright they're very loud um not my style but hey it's an option if you want to use these but you may have already spotted a couple of print issues and with this part this is the one done on the oh still stuck pretty well uh done on the Pei sticker sheet on the original one this one stuck down perfectly there is no Ridge on the side here where it might have warped up and the center piece looks great on both sides sides this is print in place so it can freely spin now on the one with the polygonal design you can see it's sort of it sort of spun out while printing so this part must have come loose and then the bridging in here just ends up looking super crazy and stuff because this part must have just continuously spun while printing on the other hand the one with the polygon surface has the same thing going on on the other side and if we actually grab a straight edge you can actually see that there is quite the amount of bage on these um just curling up by what looks like pretty much a millimeter and that is oh that one's even worse uh that's across almost all of these the h1h actually looks like it stayed the flattest and then comparing to the one printed on the smooth Pi this one is just perfect all in all when it comes to function this is not the most promising start for these surfaces they all did warp they all did curl more than just the straight standard Pi so let's go ahead and test these with some ptg and uh that's something that usually sticks a lot better and I'm sort of worried that it might actually stick too [Music] well so before we take a look at how these ptg prints turn out May maybe I should actually explain how these beds work and what makes them so special essentially these are all built in exactly the same way as the regular Pei sticker type sheets the smooth Pei they've got a steel sheet in the center then an adhesive film and then your surface film on top however with these that surface film has a micro texture imprinted on it or embedded into it with the polygonal style and the carbon fiber style you can actually see the texture with the naked eye if you get really close and you have decent eyesight uh you can just barely make it out but with the holographic style ones the texture that is imprinted here is so fine that it actually defract light in different ways and different wavelengths get defract in different ways so you actually get that color shift as you move around and because that texture is all the way at the surface where you're printing onto it eventually gets embedded in your print you're just pushing molden filament into your parts and then it ends up on the part as well so this is actually very similar to records LPS um if you're still familiar with those just at a at a bit of a different scale so how did the ptg prints fa on these surfaces these are all vase mode very thin but you know quite challenging to print because there's a sharp edge right there and this is quite the mixed back uh the two holographic surfaces have quite the amount of corner lift you can see it right there catching the light um right at the corners these do stick up quite a bit polygon and the carbon fiber textures they do have just the tiniest amount of corner lift at the edges but nothing that is really worrying and then the one that I did on the textur pi this one's essentially perfect but it's also quite hard to tell whether these have lifted I don't think they did they look very flat but yeah overall the two novelty holographic ones do look quite a bit worse uh than just ones with texture and then on the h1h surface this is so hard to see I guess you can sort of make it out there um we are starting to see some peeling and I guess this is going to improve print into your parts as well it's just where the adhesive is starting to let go between the holographic film and the metal sheet all right let's get some ASA Printing and then we can get to a [Music] conclusion okay so realistically none of these surfaces really stuck down all too well except for the texture Pi that one came out pretty good so if I'm being honest I was ready to write off these surfaces as being like you know tacky and Novelty and they're they're just a gimmick that sort of looks cool but I actually like them I think they're I think they're pretty cool um these do have lower adhesion than your classic Pi sheets yes um but on most of these you actually do get a textured Pi surface on the back so that's sort of included for free if you need more adhesion you can use that and as far as the the look goes that you get from these from these surfaces I actually think it's pretty practical of course the the super holographic ones uh which is this one that's like super glossy that may be a bit over the top but that's personal preference but stuff like the the carbon fiber and the uh the polygon style I think they look great on prints and aesan is good enough uh for all parts that aren't like aesan testing parts that have like super sharp edges and stuff so these are actually something that can enhance your prints and if you use the texture sparingly and if you Orient your Parts in the right way where the texture gets applied to surfaces that that sort of stand out I think these can make a great addition uh to you know just your toolbox to the stuff you can do with your 3D printers I should note though that because these have that textured surface and you can you can really hear it on the on the two corser ones they are quite sensitive to being damaged if you get scratches into any of the other surfaces that is also going to show up in your parts one to one of course but I think if you treat them with a bit of care then these can last for quite a while you know not everything has to be purely about enhancing performance and and getting everything to the limit uh these I think are just the right amount of playfulness while still being practical surfaces to print on to uh to make them you know viable plus they're only like 10 15 bucks each the links obviously to these are in the description below to alexpress if you find other stuff on AliExpress that pequs your interest uh that you find weird and you would like me to check out leave a comment with like the Search terms keywords for those because typically there's like hundreds of sellers that sell the same stuff and one listing may not be available in a couple weeks down the road so yeah uh leave a comment below I'll try my best to check them out and if there's something that I find interesting I'll do a video on it you know that's what I do uh thanks to everyone who finds these videos interesting already and supports me on patreon or through YouTube memberships uh that is much appreciated or you know just watching the videos getting subscribed uh sharing them with your friends thank you and if you got a 3D printer for this holiday season uh welcome and I guess it's not keep on making it's get to making make some cool stuff with it and use it for things that bring you Joy all right thanks for watching see you in the next one [Music] bye
Channel: Made with Layers (Thomas Sanladerer)
Views: 306,963
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3D printing, Tom's, 3D printer, RepRap, Bambu, Voron, Prusa, PEO bed, h1h1 bed, holographic 3d printer bed, pei bed, textured printbed
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 53sec (953 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 19 2023
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