Comparing The New Leviathan Box Vs A 8k 3D Printer

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Games Workshop sent me this little five unbox to have a look at the look on your face could you imagine if they sponsored me their marketing exec would be sacked on the spot this video is actually sponsored by Frozen and I'll be using their sonic mini 8ks to compare files that were released well over a month prior to launch to the official models it's been a while since I've built plastic models but one thing to remember is mold lines 3D printed models don't have any mode lines to clean up and are generally good to go after the supports are taken off and the models are cured this process took a while I'm excited to see how some of these creations compare to the official models The Humble neurogond is a new unit and even lesser organism of a gaunt and almost at the bottom of the food chain only above the tiny rippers the plastic models from the box were actually really easy to put together with only two pieces I use the standard plastic glue that I've had for over two years because it's been almost that long since I built the plastic model from J dopes this sculpt is from in my opinion the best bug Creator right now his models are so detailed and I've covered them many times before with good reasons if there was one Army of models to make you consider getting a 3D printer tyranids are the perfect Army to print I use the Washington Care Station from Frozen that they sent me a while back to prepare my resin models for the next steps and I can say that it's held up very well to my demands of print and which is two or three plates worth of models every day I script the models off the plate with the scraper that comes with all 3D printers some people even use flax splits which are magnetic and make it easier but I like using the scraper because with the Sonic mini AKs its plate has this design on it that creates a really strong bond between the raft and the plate after washing the models it in my experience the best time to take off supports a lot of people will use some hot water to help with removing the supports but these creators supports come off smooth without any further steps unlike removing the models from the sprue you don't need to use colors for supports unless they are really beefy current models is easy in the current station because you normally have to let the alcohol evaporate off the model before you can cure it but this station has a fan function to try the model for you before it auto cures them for five minutes the longer I've been in this Hobby and with the amount that I print these quality of life things are very important to me to build the resin models you need to use super glue I use Gorilla Glue gel because I find it's been the most consistent for me for strength and working time that being said I will be looking at Alternatives at some point in the future this is where the plastic model maybe has an edge because the resin model comes in a lot of different pieces but it has to be mentioned that the creator has sorted the ssgart with the next model that we'll be looking at but here are the two models side by side there's obvious differences between the two and that's because they were modeled after the taser video and released way before we even knew these were going to be a thing the next models I'm going to compare is the termagons which I'll admit I don't really keep up to date with rumors Etc but where are hormergones this Edition have they been defired by The Hive to create new biomass the plastic thermagons come in four different pieces and are straightforward enough to put together although when building I noticed one of my guns was broken on the sprue awesome but the resin ones that have been done by the Critter have been updated with four or five new poses that you can just print as a whole model which obviously saves a lot of time it's not like you can really add any uniqueness to the plastic poses so this is a big win in my book the 3D printed model has a lot of extra details to it and that's starting to a combination of the immense Talent by the Creator and the 22 microns resolution of the Sonic mini 8ks there is a model lurking amongst these Spruce which is another brand new model to the nudge line and that is the Fawn Ryan leaper there are three different poses with the plastic version and they come in a few different pieces mode lines just aren't for me I don't know how you get enjoyment out of this part of the hobby the resin version only has one pose for now but again we are talking about a sculpt that was out over a month before the Box The Telltale sign of this crater sculpts are the highly detailed shittin I just think it's more more lore appropriate making the Neds look like an actual threat it also comes in a few pieces and although there's no instructions included they aren't really needed I find it easy enough to look at the final render and work out what goes where the terranet prime or shrike as I know it as was a awesome reveal and it made me optimistic that winged Warriors would grasp the tabletop again so far it hasn't been announced but hopefully a potato quality photo comes out soon so I can build a complete winged bugged Army the plastic model building process was actually more involved than I thought it would be with the limitations of injection mode and shown with the poor primes Noggin needing glued on the resin model is broken into similar pieces and was simple enough to put the gallery with no instructions the quality side by side is very interesting and if I had a darker gray resin I think it would be even easier to do directly compare the model that I least expected yet was the most excited for was the screamer killer long gone are the days of a looking Goofy and this is where the two Scopes differ into personal preference the cheat up sculpt has quite a lot of parts to go together and I don't know about that head I know why it's like that but the resin model just well no pun intended screams killer to me it was easier to put together in my opinion and the head just looks way better the Creator does really amazing card effects like models that really just adds more uniqueness to the nudes I think it's time to look at some other craters for bugs and what they managed to come up with for the new models in the range starting with the Nero Tyrant magos Castilla Theta 9 has the best instructions available today and is a testament to the Hobby not only that they split up the model to make it easier to print for smaller printers but they also added in extra details if you wanted something more like the Rafael trailer I went with this lightning surrounded version because it just looks so cool especially beside the plastic version which comes in a few different pieces as per usual the res model is the first in this video that is a peered file and it only cost ten dollars the cycophage had me confused when it was shown in the release trailer on what it would be for it but I have to hand it to them the model looks sick it comes in two halves for the plastic version and my favorite part about it is the knife now that is terrifying for the humans of the Grim dark the resin model isn't split in the two but instead is like split differently with the head and the body coming separate this is another paid for file that costs six dollars and unfortunately I ran out of time to ask the Creator if they wanted to be named in the video and it's a real shame because I also used another one of their scopes for the next model which is the new Barb God now I wasn't sure about these but looking at them more I like them it's interesting to see how competition is shaping knits into a shouldn't focused army with all these new models which may or may not be a good thing but only time will tell the resin model costs five dollars and like the plastic version was really easy to put together this seam creator has quite a few of the newer bugs for offer and I'm excited to see what else they bring out I've covered the knits portion of the Box because it's what I was more excited to see but I have find and almost printed off the faux spacer inside of it and they are some amazing scopes for it leave a comment Down Below on if you want me to do this video but for the Marines and also let me know what you think of the comparison between the plastic and the resin sculpt if you want to support the channel more consider becoming a patreon or YouTube member and joining possibly the best Discord in the universe but more importantly you should watch this video next because I started my long path into 3D printed an entire Titan Legion and it's not smooth sailing as always I want to give a big thanks to my patrons and members with argue I couldn't do these types of videos and I'll always be eternally grateful for you all I'll see you on the Discord
Channel: Battle Brother Sam
Views: 23,522
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #phrozen, #phrozen3dpartner
Id: n0i_tSb08aY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 28sec (568 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2023
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