Comparing 2k vs 4k vs 8k 3D Printed Space Marines to Games Workshop

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have 3D printers surpassed Games Workshop and quality can you tell which one of these models is 3D printed what is the best 3D printer for printed Warhammer models to answer these questions once and for all I 3D printed a 8K Space Marine intercessor and I'll compare it to a 2K 4K and a Games Workshop model the result is actually quite surprising but I'll get into more detail why later and I also have a secret plan from a previous video that I'll hopefully be able to share with you at the end of this video there are many different scopes of big BP Prime to go intercessors on Cults if you know where they live but I'm gonna stick with the same file that I've already printed for one of my previous videos where I showed you how to 3D print a Space Marine this sort of feels like a waste of a plate to only print off one intercessor so I'm going to print off a few other models for some upcoming videos you can spot what they are and leave a comment down below after the model finished printing I removed it from the plate using a scraper at this part I actually noticed something strange which I'll show you but I needed to clean the models first so I chucked them all into the wash station to get rid of the excess resin after five minutes of swirling cloudy Purple alcohol the model is clean It's oddly satisfying watching the whirlpool gently remove all of the accessorism so this is the strange thing I've noticed with this model because these are supports that I've done myself and they're a bit harder to remove than the pre-supports done professionally in fact I think they might be more difficult than the same model on the 4K printer that I used and I think I've came across one major thing that I've noticed recently with using an 8K printer so I've had this printer for a few weeks now and I've printed quite a lot of models through it including some that I've done before oddly enough what I find is that the supports in it K seem to be stronger I could be wrong I'm talking completely out of my ass but I've noticed on this intercessor compared to the 4K one is that these supports were a pain to get off and actually scarred the model which is really annoying but on the flip side I can already tell this is going to turn some heads when we compare and I really hope the camera can pick up on it so you can see it too but Kieran should make it better if that's even possible with the model cured you can see the details have tightened up perfectly and now is the time to tell you why I picked the simple Space Marine most if not all in our hobby have a space ring they are games workshops Golden Child and because of the different shapes in the Marine like the pauldrons and the different sizes of War gear on a single model it's almost a perfect test for a printer's quality I already had printed off an intercessor on my Mars 2 probe almost two years ago which is already painted badly I might add but I'm going to include it in at the end to make this a complete comparison I 3D printed this intercessor on my Saturn which is a 4K screen and this is an official push fit Games Workshop model already colored blue now this is where the real fun begins to level the playing field as much as possible I am going to paint these three models as similarly as I can because the next step is going to be the real test of the quality of these prints I've written the quality on the bottom of the bases with paint and from Nyon me and you will both be in the dark on which model is which because after priming and the center for highlight the field is officially level to stay true to form I'm going to paint these as Smurfs so I airbrushed a base coat of magic blue before applying small bursts of a lighter blue and picking out all the little details on the model but while I'm painting this is a good place to bring bring up the secret plan that's already failed two times for me now I've always wanted to have one of my models in the window of a Games Workshop store but I've never been a good enough painter to ever try it but what if I could get a 3D printed space ring in the window that would be a double achievement but it does have its own problems morally and physically I don't like games workshops prices plain and simple but I honestly don't want to get the local manager or staff member in trouble if I get this in the window because it isn't their fault for the pricing and if Games Workshop were to see this video it's going to be very easy for them to track down the staff member because there is only one shop in the whole of Northern Ireland the other problem is the model itself I'm getting it into the shop chances of them knowing that I run a 3D printing channel are very slim because I'm such a small fish but I would still need someone else to bring the model to the store but the biggest problem is the model itself surely a Games Workshop employee is going to know its 3D printed brand they see Marines every day well by the end of this video we are going to find out together if I manage to pull it off because while recording this it hasn't happened yet kudos to the original creator for making these files because I've tried to use blender and it's very hard so a lot of effort and dedication has went into this STL and the model I used is very popular but the polys on the rounder parts of the model are very noticeable as the resolution goes on which one do you think is 3D printed I'm not including the 2K1 because the paint job is just a dead giveaway but if you remember earlier I showed you the completed models and I was a little sneaky when I showed you the 4K model it was actually the Games Workshop one so here's the official model 4K model and finally the 8K model being able to compare all of these side by side on camera is a really good indicator of the quality 3D printing can get but there are some drawbacks that I'm not sure if you can see but I can see in person like I said this is a file I've had for two years and a lot has changed in two years for 3D printing looking at the 2K model I can't really see any of the poly faces so for this file I guess the 2K wins I didn't expect that when I started but there are other files for Marines that I might look at using with the e8k printer to see if I can get a better result in general for Warhammer models I still think 8K is the best and you can see from these models the kind of details you can get with it but for this test it was just too good so with that information I need your help leave a comment below and let me know if you think I should go ahead with the secret plan but up use a higher definition STL file I do read all of your comments so I will leave my fifth in your house if you want to support the channel and get access to the private Discord then please consider becoming a patreon or a YouTube member it really helps the channel if you like seeing the 8K resolution in this video then you should watch this video next because I 3D printed some models that aren't even out yet as always I want to give a huge thanks to my patreons and YouTube members without your support I wouldn't be able to do any of these videos I'll catch you all in the Discord
Channel: Battle Brother Sam
Views: 150,850
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 47Qzl2Vn8tk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 5sec (485 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 15 2023
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