I 3D Printed the Most Expensive Stl's for Warhammer 40k

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I just spent 100 on two files for this single video how am I going to explain this to the wife if you've seen my videos before you'll know I always preach how much money 3D printing can save you for Warhammer 40K when I seen a single STL file costing over fifty dollars I wanted to say if the high price tag was worth it I actually spent more than a hundred dollars but that's between you and me later in the video I'm gonna tell you how you can get them without paying that price but there are a lot of great files from this Critter and I couldn't resist you are going to lose your mind when you see what I 3D printed but first of all games workshops sell two carnifexes for 95 so this single file costs more than a single carnifx model these files need to exceed GW quality or else the Fanboys will have a field day with this video I decided to use this video sponsor Frozen's Sonic Mighty 4K to see if it was up to the task of printing these expensive cops and see if Frozen mix print in easy and fun so while the Sonic Mighty was warming up in its little cupboard I sat down to look through the renders and files to see what I'm working with and to see if I just made a huge mistake these renders honestly look out of this world this is what the official models should look like in 2023. g-dubs will need to bring out some new scopes with 10th edition because if the printed product looks like the render they are in serious trouble after getting the plates ready with the STL files you can see that these files have exceptionally High detail on the big plate that comes with the Sonic Mighty I'm able to fit quite a lot of the model onto one plate there are different carpuses and heads for the current effects so it would be rude not to print the different options I like this breacher style characters mixed with the bone Mars it looks like it could charge in the bottle and really mess things up I think I'll name it melee for the other carnifex I think I just have to to do it and go with the classic Talons and Claws I don't have a name in mind for this book so I'll leave it up to you in the comments below at this point I started to think about how I'm going to paint these nets but I haven't even shown you the other 50 file the reason I clicked Buy in the first place the current Scouts from Port world are now old enough to drink in the UK yet still cost 190 dollars and I think we can all agree that they are really starting to show their age and it's going to be a hard sell for them at that price as well the higher drill are admittedly Co models but for a model in the lore that's First Recording was from Hammond's world after an invasion of hifley Kraken that completely tore through the planetary defenses with only a small amount of hydrogels taken down in the final days and ultimately led to the evacuation of the planet it's kind of well small don't you think the original model released in the 90s for epic 40K was roughly the same size as a hierophant so somewhere along the way it went from being a bio Titan to a little mouse boy but this 3D printable hydrogel finally makes it live up to the tower that it is in the lore this model is huge it takes up two plates on the Sonic Mighty 4K and even has to be split down the middle it's that big so the Critter obviously intended for the higher drill to be printed much bigger than the original model if you wanted to print closer to the original you should scale it around 80 percent but I honestly don't know why you would at this point I should mention that these files come pre-supported I mean you would hope so for the price of them but I can personally say that the pre-supports are excellent I didn't have any failures with any of the pieces that I printed and they come pre-hollowed as well we which means they don't use much resin at all I'll break down the full cost of these models but first I needed to clean and cure them and work out how to build them some of you may know I'm a schmuck when I do these projects because they print everything off and wait until I have all the models before I start building them which can make things like finding out if I've missed parts or printed the wrong thing a bit of a pin while there are no instructions from the Creator on how to build them the kind of faxes are pretty simple to build after looking at some official photos the feet on the bottom have these little pegs the slot into the base that comes with the model that you can 3D print but even though my base game is pretty much non-existent I don't like printing bases for some reason if you print your business tell me why in the comments below I think I just need to hear other people's experiences before I do it myself maybe it's the Swarm gross I might print them because I want this Army to really put the pressure on G dubs to release newer scopes for terranids the higher Joe was refreshingly easy to build as well normally the fourth world sculpts are a pain in the ass to build and 3D printing them can make it easier but this was just such a pleasure especially when thinking back the building with Thunderhawk and warhound I seem to have the most eagle-eyed fears as well so just focus on the big bug for now and don't be looking around the place I snapped this picture for the Discord to show the true scale of this thing beside a completely unrelated to any future videos custodies model and this is the exact reason why I didn't scale it done it's an absolute Beast of a model but I still don't know how I'm going to paint it ospac's tactics recently released a video about leaks expected for 10th edition and the ternates portion is petting High Fleet Leviathan against Dark Angels although a month ago it was blood angels which would make more sense lore wise on the other hand the reason I started printing these models was because of the higher chill and the first sighting in the lore was hafley Kraken so Kraken it is either scheme would have been easy to do with these scrubs but the red and creamy bone Taco is my pickle after Senator highlighting white ink over the gray undercoat I slapped on pallet bone speedpaint which after recent news will be phased out and replaced by the new speedpaint 2.0 so maybe I should buy out all of the local stock just in case it isn't the same there's so many lettuce places and spaces for the paint to set in and make it look like I'm actually a better painter than I am these models are perfect for Speed paints or whatever alternative you use I use blood red for the carapace on the body and the hard shells on the weapons as well thank you and for the size and a few other pieces I used grave Lord gray because I'm going to do the Classic oil wash after so I don't want it to be completely black the carnifex took me maybe two hours of relaxed painting to get to this point but the hydrogel Jesus Christ that's baked I painted the body turned a hangout with my patrons in the weekly paint and Guinness night and it was an hour and a half alone but it should be said I got a lot of compliments from people popping by on the scalp I find using the black and brown oil wash really help tie in some of the stains I caused by being overzealous with my applications of sweeping [Music] thank you remember earlier when I said about The Rounders looking art of this world and hoping that the models would be the same these stops combined with the Sonic Mighty 4K are an absolute train the level of detail on these models is insane to get these models from g-dubs would have cost almost three hundred dollars and while I did spend a hundred dollars on the files alone the creator has a sale coming up on the 22nd of April for xenomorph day so I would recommend probably waiting until then I tried to reach out to the Creator to see if he'd be willing to give a discount code for you guys but Colts is really counterproductive with how you can reach out to creators if anything changes I'll pin a comment below with this code I use the total of 11 of resin so my total was 110 definitely a lot more expensive than I'm used to but these seem worth it to me I love these models if that amount is a bit too eye-watering for you then you should watch this video next because I 3D printed a Thunderhawk gunship and under 48 hours and see if they clean Fortune I also want to give a huge thanks to my patrons you guys absolutely Rock and I couldn't do this without your support I'll see you all in the Discord
Channel: Battle Brother Sam
Views: 80,582
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #phrozen3dpartner, #Phrozen
Id: UoiPH6a93E4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 28sec (568 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 16 2023
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