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gotta say I've just watched a video and I'm pretty annoyed I had Games Workshop right now they have had these amazing models that were overpriced in Forge World and they recently made them into plastic kits and I say recently because it was only what this year maybe the end of last year no they're Legend I think I'm gonna print a Lafayette from Dreadnought and we're gonna have a look at other models that they've made Legends and see how much it is to 3D print them compared to what they want I'll be printing this Leviathan as homage to literally the first model I 3D printed two years ago it was the model that tipped my decision into getting a 3D printer and what a crazy Journey I've had all because me and my brother wanted Leviathan dreadnoughts to play with on the weekends but we couldn't afford to pay for its word prices at the time which was something like 120 150 dollars for the body and arms if I remember correctly no the plastic kit is 80 but the files are free and pre-supported and very accessible to everyone it uses under six dollars worth Verizon so yeah it's quite a bit cheaper but along with the Leviathan having such an important meaning to me the only thing in Warhammer that means as much is the iron Warriors you see as a little Sam running around with his black Templars I always preferred chaos and painted them as iron Warriors until I learned about Abaddon on his 13th Black Crusade and my fickle mind changed to Black Legion for the last year or so I've been thinking of doing a really big army project and I haven't quite nailed one down I 3D print so many different factions on the channel to try and showcase as much cool sculpts out there but I'm gonna be selfish with this one the Leviathan thread notes creator also does faction specific armor plates so I paid the eight or ten dollars for the iron Warriors in hopes that this might be the start of the next big army project the iron Warriors are probably the biggest hit by all of these new Legend changes if you really look closely The Siege specialist would be the Chaos Faction that would use a lot of the heresy Tech things like the Typhon tank which retails for 115 dollars well the file costs sixteen dollars and uses twenty two dollars of resin but again I'm business on thirty dollars for one Colorado the service another heavy hidden tank which is included in the Typhon file pack and cost twenty two dollars in resin compared to another 115 dollars from tdubs which makes you wonder why didn't they just include the parts in the Typhon kit welgers I wonder why the treadclaw drop pod was a great way to drop in some havocs with the mark of cylinders and Blast Away turn one although a very expensive one for 128 but the files cost ten dollars and uses a whopping seven dollars of resin for a model that's pretty much going down the discontinued route do you think that printing an almost one-to-one copy of this is okay I'm in the camp of everything is okay to 3D print but when things like this happen where models turn into Legends are essentially one addition away from being completely unplayable then the case for 3D printing becomes stronger sure you can play with the trades in Horus heresy but then that's getting into a whole new game system because you can't just use the same Marines you've been using before maybe that's what Games Workshop want more people playing Horus heresy and knowing about the sunken cost fallacy where you've already paid in hundreds or thousands of dollars then it's another Revenue stream for them Games Workshop have went too far this time I don't really want this to be a rant video about games workshops terrible choices because there's plenty of them out there but it really struck a nerve of me the fact is 3D printing gets more and more accessible with every year and every bad decision that they make kid passion was an intimidating part of the hobby for me personally but because there's such a passionate community in the 3D printing space you can make things like iron Warriors leviathans Alpha Legion contempted tread knots that don't cost an arm in the leg chapter specific shoulder pads for your Marines unique heads for your Dark Angels and other chapters I could go on and on about all the cool things that you can print but the long and short of it is the 3D printing has become the most important tool in my Warhammer hobby that's what it is at the end of the day it's a toe to be used however you want so what if you wanted the 3D print models that are super close to GW counterparts as long as you aren't selling them and are just using them for your own personal uses how is that really hurting others can you realistically say that you would have paid thousands of dollars for a death core Craig army or would have just been another wish list Army I started out only really want the print models that were close to TW because I like the design and it made more realistic for me and my brother when we were playing but the longer that I've been on this 3D printing Journey the more I look for alternative sculpts that are more true to the lore I'm just plain look better than Cheeto if there is no real backlash for them for getting rid of all these models then when will the firstborn Marines go what on Earth were they thinking many people spent hundreds of dollars on their only just released new plastic models just to find out that they can't play with them competitively anymore in fact some even built entire lists around them some Fanboys might be watching this thinking what does it matter I don't play competitively and I know there's someone out there genuinely thank goodness which makes it worse the main issue is without any pre-warning Games Workshop have decided that all of these models can't be wrong to tournaments but what makes it worse is that it still affects local gaming stores because many will follow the same rows as bigger tournaments the real kick in the teeth though is chaos losing units I mean really cheat UPS why don't you just save us all time and money and just exterminate us chaos Space Marines as a whole because clearly you don't like them anymore hi is a brass Scorpion or a decimator or greater black drones or even Trad car tripods all of which were used and featured in a lot of competitive lists for chaos Marines and 9th Edition be called Horus heresy units they also won't be receiving any balance updates as time protection goes on which by jdub's previous record of balances means that by the third or fourth codex of 10th they will be completely unplayable if you're a chaos player congrats you're less Bowden has just got a whole lot smaller thanks to their best compromise this was a terrible decision made by them but it's well timed that 10th edition will be pre-orderable in the 10th of June so it will end up being sweeped under the rug I really hope that they Backtrack on this and see the backlash from the fans but my faith in them has completely fainted years ago while I don't personally play competitive it still is awkward using Legends in 40K and it all just feels a bit bid and switch tdubs plan things out many months possibly even years in advance so why wouldn't they mention when these new plaster kits were coming out that you won't be able to play them or use them for long thanks gdubs for confirming my decision in 3D printing but this is another great reason why you should have a 3D printer this Sonic mini 8ks cost 350 it has an 8K screen and 22 um resolution so it's better quality than Cheetos plastic and I'll assume that resin costs 30 dollars which honestly is way over because I'm able to get two kilograms of resin for under 40 pounds quite often but it's a nice round figure and it's the default on the slicer obviously this doesn't include things like washing and curing and other bits of equipment but I've detailed them in another video before which I'll link to in this I use Frozen's wash and cure station now which I love but I used to use a cheap DIY method for over a year before to print out thousands of dollars worth of models but the washing cure station just makes things a whole lot easier for me I'm going to start doing a series on Horace heresy 3D printing and doing this iron Warrior treadmill has sparked some old story that I had forgotten about I'm going to expand on the iron Warriors and explore all of the different customization options 3D printing gives over Games Workshop but that's only the tip of the iceberg for 3D printing and in this video I have 3D printed models and terrain that puts cheat UPS to shame as always I want to give a huge thanks to my patreons and YouTube members without your support I wouldn't be able to do any of this so I am always going to be eternally grateful to you all I'll see you all in the Discord
Channel: Battle Brother Sam
Views: 23,592
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: BQRqp34u22Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 20sec (560 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 08 2023
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