Q & A with Freakin' Reviews

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all right today there is no review I asked everyone to submit questions for an ask me anything so that's what I'm gonna do and people really did ask anything so hopefully I'll not bore you to tears as I answer your questions in today's video let's get started alright so we're sitting here at the park this is my son Brandon it was usually behind the camera but today he's gonna be asking me some of your questions let's get started are you naturally bold or do you choose the shade alright so I started losing my hair when I was about 21 you might be on your way to that yourself sometime no I start getting widow's peak at 21 and my 30s I said screw it I just shaved it and I wouldn't go back at this point if I could I just prefer it that way so did you ever have hair at one point I did have hair in fact here's a picture of me with hair right there how's that look do you dye your beard why do you dye your beard how long it takes you to do your first beard how do you keep your beard in that good of shape alright do I dye my beard yes I do because if I didn't it would look like I'm wearing an Australian Shepherd on my face and that's why how do I get my beard look so good I don't really know if it looks that good but I do trim it a couple times a week I've been growing beards since my early 20s and it usually only takes me a couple weeks for it to fill in my brother and my dad could never grow a beard so I was the lucky one of the three of us guys in the family what was the most expensive item you reviewed and was it worth it that would be the shark eye on flex which was I think 300 bucks now was it worth it as far as reviewing my channel goes I think it's probably the one I've lost the most money on but as far as being worth it for the in consumer buying it actually it's a pretty good vacuum so I think it's worth it yeah that's a very good vacuum yeah we use it all the time so what would you say is the one product that was the biggest ripoff the biggest ripoff that would probably go along my worst product category and I already did videos of the worst of 2017 and the worst product of all time so I mean if you're gonna count those lists I already did I would say zoomies and the perfect smile veneers are probably the worst although probably small veneers I got on sale for I think five bucks if I paid 20 for type robably wouldn't be very happy what product or products that you reviewed were you skeptical about at Fir but then they totally surprised you in the end that would be the metal garden host / Hercules hoes because I thought they were just gonna be some cheap hoes but actually they held up not only for my test they've been outside all winter and had no problems in and I even tried to cut one of them it didn't cut and they're still working so those definitely surprised me as far as something I didn't have high expectations for and they more than delivered do you find that much of the money you've spent on these products is wasted money or do you end up keeping a majority of the items and using them alright it's not wasted because I'm reviewing them so whether it works out or not I think that's useful for the viewers if I had bought them as a consumer I would say probably 60% of them I would have felt like or a waste of money do you think the quality of as seen on tv products are improving over time with the exposure social media and the abundance of our viewers all right I don't because I think that a lot of times the reviews don't really matter because all the orders are taken before they're shipped out so I take all the orders and then they send them out so by the time people started getting them the reviews aren't even out yet now when his store is a different story that's when the reviews can affect it but I don't think that social really affects at this point because most of their money is made before the product ever even shifts people that's well said I thought so here's the next question do you think the TV infomercial is becoming obsolete absolutely not it is a four hundred billion dollar industry it's not going anywhere have there been any products that you've tried to review or want it to review but you just gave up now I did buy the low back tracks and I started reviewing that one but for some reason I felt like back pain is so subjective that whatever I said about it was pretty much useless to whoever else was buying that so I never posted that video I just gave up on it do you ever returned any of the products a review no I don't return anything for a couple of reasons number one I'm always referring back to them when people have questions and number two if I knew I could return them it would really wouldn't be a financial risk to me and I want to have a financial risk so that I feel like if it's a bad product that I got ripped off and if it's a good product I got my money's worth so returning that kind of cheats a little bit so I want to be stuck with it either way what is your favorite pillow that you reviewed ironically it's the purple pillow because that's the one I'm using a lot have you thought about branching out to you nan I seen on tv products like Shark Tank or Kickstarter you know stuff like that I have actually done that I've done some razors like the Gillette Fusion v Pro shield power the one blade you know I have branched out I will probably continue to branch out more in the future it's really kind of what people are asking for so the more people asked for non-ascii on TV products the more I'll probably review them okay here we go personal questions right how many children do you have Hey look well here's half of my children right here I have two twins who will be twenty years old this year who was the cameraman right here this is the cameraman whenever I say my cameraman that's him the rest of time it's a tripod what does your family think of your reviews what's your family's favorite reviewed items well I can speak on my behalf and say that I really like for a wizard and hot hands I was gonna say hot hands oh yeah everybody likes fair wizard too and my mom loves arrangement probe my daughter doesn't really like any of them I have my favorites elsewhere in this Q&A I know if I how I added it's gonna be before after but I've already shown my favorites why don't you ever show your family in your videos well for the most part they don't want to be in the video or I probably would show them more what are you very kids think about your acquired YouTube fam do you see them going into the YouTube industry I think they think it's pretty cool because they both were on YouTube at one point when they were younger I don't know what do you think well I think it's great that you've managed to accumulate more than a hundred thousand subscribers that's a pretty impressive number as far as me being on YouTube you know we'll see what happens maybe if we branch out more than that alright you never know have you ever been recognized in your everyday life no and I have some friends with way less subscribers that have been recognized so I'm like I'm lagging behind there I need someone to recognize me to fluff up my ego a little bit here I'm not just kidding I don't care no I probably probably embarrass or someone walked up to me come say hi to us though yeah if you ever see me I'm a friendly guy in real life don't worry about it Billy Mays or Anthony Sullivan all right well you got to go with the beard brethren and say Billy Mays I like Anthony Sullivan but I can relate close more closely to Billy Mays into him and let's not forget Ron Popeil back from the 70s the original ass Santini pitch guy he was the one that kind of was the first of all of them but Billy Mays definitely the man where he was the man not anymore but he was hey Marc Gill is not bad either Marc Gill is kind of up-and-coming guy he's actually a lot out there a lot so don't forget Marc Gill do you like cereal I like cereal I grew up having cereal whenever I see Ron now it's usually the healthier kind of stuff it's which I kind of don't need a lot of carbs anyways but I'll use stuff like basic four and like crunchy would like I don't know brown eggs or white eggs if you've seen my egg videos before which is just million of them usually brown eggs do you cook and if so what's your signature dish to cook no signature dish yes having been a single father I had to cook often reluctant reluctantly but I can cook it's just I don't do it that much anymore favorite food just in general alright my favorite healthy food would probably be salmon with brown rice and my favorite unhealthy food would probably be pizza big old greasy slice of pizza before every golden night's game actually so what are you some products you plan to do well now that it's getting warmer I'm gonna do the chill chest and the arctic air those I already have it's gonna be close to 90 in Vegas so those are definitely worth testing out soon and I kind of just play it by ear whatever is out I'll test what is your end goal as an asking on TV product reviewer and do you plan to use the YouTube platform to jumpstart a career in the information world as when I started my channel I have no plan whatsoever I had no idea anything was gonna happen with this so I'm kind of just going rolling with it right now and just enjoying the ride as far as being infomercials I don't see that happening but you never know I don't think these I see on TV companies really want me because a lot of my reviews are negative and they don't want some guy that's kind of you know saying I don't I don't really don't have a plan I'm just kind of going with it right now will you be doing any sort of giveaway or shout out in the near future well I do like to do collabs my youtube friends and I'm trying to do more of those I probably start giving away some my old products maybe on my other social media profiles which I'll put right here if you want to follow them shameless plug social profiles I'll probably do some giveaways on those soon because I I'm gonna start running out of room for all the products I have so I'm gonna start maybe give us my old ones away would you ever start a vlogging channel okay well this is something that I probably shouldn't admit but I was definitely a wannabe KC nice that before I was on frickin reviews I wanted to be a vlogger so bad but problem is my life wasn't interesting enough to be a vlogger so I started doing reviews which I figured was something I was already knowledgeable about but I would love to vlog if my life was more interesting and maybe if my life but gets more interesting I'll start vlogging more I have to vlog episodes on this channel which are two of my lowest viewed videos which kind of tells me something right there would you ever review classic as seen on tv products to see if they work I have I did The Clapper a couple months ago and I've done a few others as well I did 5 second fix I figure if the time is right oh I also did the perfect Polly and I did the zoomies so I've done a few classic ones I just have to sprinkle those in there when they seemed appropriate is this your main job or do you have another source of income that's a popular question this is my job this and freaking reviews.com that's it I have no other job than this and I kind of went all-in back in 16 and I'm going for it my battery's dying so we're kind of done by a lot of people asked about the products I use the most but here they are I get my thin optics reading glasses the range mate Pro Philips one blade and the Gillette Fusion 5 pro shield power shark iron flex and the comfort clip belt these are the ones I use almost on a daily basis someone asked if I really keep all the products that review well there you go that's what I call the ass you know on TV boneyard and that's a big majority of them that's either the boxes for them or the products themselves in the boxes it depends if I'm used them or not this one says have you travelled outside of the US I've been to Mexico in the Caribbean and I'm going to Australia later this year in August and September I want to hit VidCon while there and then go all up to the Gold Coast I probably even do some product reviews while I'm there so for the person who said to bring my show there that's gonna happen I will be in Australia reviewing products later this year if you could have any career hobby without worrying about money or caring for loved ones what would you do it would definitely be a travel vlogger someone asked if I would travel around the country to review cities that would be interesting I'm not sure if that would really be something people would be interested in would they I think didn't someone already do that like on The Today Show or something like that I don't know cool concept though someone asked if I'd been to San Diego California why I lived in California for many years I went to high school in college there I used to vacation in San Diego all the time it's beautiful there the only problem is pretty congested driving there isn't very very fun to me all right here's here's a few of them that I'm gonna combine together here's this says do you have a girlfriend I noticed your wife is no longer in the videos what happened are you married are you divorced have you ever dated a subscriber well I was married when I started the channel and I'm not now so that's how it goes have I dated a subscriber I haven't I'm actually single right now if I could combine the most popular questions its how did all this start how did you start doing as seen on TV product so I can kind of answer all that together I was a full-time blogger for many years before doing my channel and I had a website where I wrote an article about an as seen on TV part I saw on TV I think it was waxvac if you member the commercial where the guy stuck in his ear and kind of screamed I wrote an article about that and got a lot of interest in it so I kept writing as seen on TV articles and then I started reviewing an SEM TV product so I started a side website in 2013 called freaking reviews.com where I was kind of talking about products that interviewed and test marketed items together so in 2016 I launched this channel as a kind of supplement to freaking reviews.com having no idea it was actually going to end up taking over and now freaking reviews.com is more of a supplement to my youtube channel than the other way around what did I do that before that I had a lot of different jobs I was in sports marketing I did some social media consulting I worked at a radio station I did graphic arts my degrees are in music theory and Composition I got to teach at a university level for a year didn't like teaching so really that's kind of how it evolved I wrote a blog post in 2011 and Here I am seven years later the as seen on TV guy on YouTube I didn't had no idea that was gonna happen do you like Kmart I mean Kmart's fine there was one by my house closed and they actually had a pretty decent asking on TV section what's your favorite color I kind of like dark brown which I know it was weird but that's color that I like a couple people ask where I get my ideas for product reviews mainly I get them by going into stores and looking on the shelves again right now I just went into a Walgreens before that was Target after this is Bed Bath & Beyond Walmart I mean I will go until I find some more grounded places to look how can you convince your viewers that you can remain unbiased do you ever get sponsorships and what are the conditions if you do them how often do companies contact you to do paid reviews at this point I've paid for every product I've reviewed except for bacon weight which my sister found and I reviewed that without actually paying for but everything else I bought myself there are a couple of exceptions I've considered like if a product was not out yet like a Kickstarter or Shark Tank pre-release I would consider doing one of those not really as a sponsorship but accepted it for free I've looked into some different sponsorship ideas one idea I'm kind of kicking around is taking the product I'll review that I bought myself to a location that sponsored such as a hotel or a resort or cruise ship or something like that that's a possible sponsorship where the review itself will be unbiased but I would possibly get a sponsorship from location now that hasn't happened yet and nobody's taking the bait so maybe I will never do that that's something I've looked into to get sponsorships without actually losing my objectivity on the product itself someone asked if I ever wanted to go back and redo one of my past reviews well some of my early ones I stand by most of my results but I don't think that I really did as good a job as filming and presenting them as I would now I don't know if I would redo them because I think that most of our results are pretty good but some of those early ones a little bit rough all right I know people hate this but I got the sunglasses inside because I'm in rocker mode right now I was asked to my favorite bands are and I was a hard rocker most of my life although I've listened to everything from jazz classical R&B hip-hop all that I've always been more of a hard rock fan so yes I have my Rob Halford look going on or maybe Jason Bonham people asked who my favorite bands were as far as classic rock goes I would say Black Sabbath Pink Floyd Beach Boys Beatles Byrds elo some of that later on definitely Soundgarden Alice in Chains and then more recently I'm listening to kind of an indie band phase so here's one of the indie bands I've been listening - yep mute math pure reason revolution bright lights social hour My Morning Jacket - the bear eyes in the shore dance Gavin dance Silversun Pickups it's all about good music I don't really care what style it is so yes once in a while I like to slap at the base someone asked about my most prized possession and there it is it's my late 80s Carbon fretless bass still in pristine condition if I have a prized possession this would be it just barely have a favorite toy Balian likes tennis balls it's almost always her favorite Bailey all right now she'd now she's ready really well come on this question is would Bailey like the purple pet bed I think Bailey I don't know cuz she likes to sleep on hard surfaces I have carpet in my room but she usually lays in the bathroom floor which is kind of weird that's where she's likes to sleep Bailey seems like she's a hard surface sleeper right Bailey next one says do your dogs get scared by loud noises well my chihuahua is deaf Daisy is old I don't think she gets scared by it and Bailey doesn't seem affected by loud noises at all when I vacuum I have to almost vacuum over her to get her out of the way [Music] they asked a second what percentage of your videos has the phrase bait Bailey is very excited most of them that Bailey are in are because Bailey's always excited right Billy like Bailey's not really excited right now Bailey you're not too excited are you Bailey's not excited today she's just kind of mellow today which is where it rare its I'm not used to seeing her so mellow Bailey wake up wake up Bailey oh oh all right if you want to know how old I am I am 49 years old and in fact I'll be hitting 50 this year well Christy from Christy's Cooking Channel asks you what my favorite restaurant in Vegas is my favorite restaurant is not in Vegas but it's Momo sushi which is at Henderson the reason I like most sushi is because it's you can get some really good sushi in Vegas but it's very expensive Momo sushi is not only very good sushi but it's also affordable sushi and it's not so packed because it's off the strip so most sushi is my favorite restaurant all right um down at the Las Vegas sign with my friend burned them from the cheeky truth I guess he does Street interviews are kind of raunchy by the way but I would suggest checking him out because he does really good interviews in fact sometimes if you come down the Vegas sign you might see him interviewing people and me operating the camera because sometimes a couple moves camera work but anyways I thought it'd be fun to have Brendan ask me us some of your questions so let's get right to it all right guys so who's some of your favorite youtubers well so my favorite big youtubers are certainly Casey Neistat and John Olsen but I watched a lot of my friends around town like Brendan's cheeky truth I got a friend Justin II was just welding for the fabricator the two cent chicks out of Tennessee they do reviews like I do Christie's Cooking Channel in Georgia so I really support a lot of smaller youtubers with the big ones definitely Casey and John Olsen so can you review the Belen towel they don't have it back to the question is can I review the bell and halel tack tool I'm not sure if I'm gonna review that when I've done a lot of the other tack products but my good friends are the two cent chicks are supposed to be post in that video I think tomorrow so check their channel out and they probably have a review of that and I may or may not do it okay so how long you been living in Vegas and what you play let's see a fire Potter Vegas I am new to Vegas in 1994 to help my parents company out as far as going out goes for local supreme on streets the place to go I believe this ship at all cost but Fremont she's pretty fun Mikey I usually go to Lake me because I only live 15 minutes from there I like going hiking out there Red Rocks too far from my house Allison live in Vegas a lot of people come from California I moved to Vegas what's it like I moved to Vegas from California so I know how it goes there's a lot of opportunity in this town and most people I know that have moved here from other places all like it if you don't mind a certain percentage of shallow people here I mean really it's kind of a great city there's everything to do here there's no shortage of things to do and they have top world-class restaurants nightclubs everywhere most things you can do if the beat and the living cost of living is pretty low here you still buy houses for cheaper than California what's your favorite buffets you know the Bellagio buffet is pretty stellar that's like world-class buffet have you ever run into Mike Tyson or Floyd Mayweather have I run into money cuz I run into Mike Tyson - Floyd Mayweather my niece random Mike Tyson in a bar and I don't think he want to be bothered I did run into Roy Jones jr. when I worked at a sports radio station back in the mid 90s and Hector macho Camacho actually jumped in the back seat of my car one time when I was pointing to someone that who he was he jumped in my car and and I don't think he want to leave he was actually pretty he was pretty Bank I think place so warm like Las Vegas we again up to like 120 degrees Celsius all right so what the like to live in a place that warm where it gets up 220 28 degrees in sambar well you get used to the warmth here you just have to stay in New York initiate I'm used to it after 24 years but some people come here and they have a hard time handling you're still not used to it yet eastern Australia so you should feel worse to warm up to the life at-8 eastern Australia shouldn't he be used to it sucks a lot that it's human Australian yeah it's dry he he goes oh well you get used to it but it takes a while okay so living the desert is a huge snake or scoping problem and as Bailey ever run into any of these I about every summer I'll find about six to ten scorpions in my house throughout the entire summer and yeah Bailey has never played with one but Daisy has one time I saw a pawn or something and there was a scorpion with his tail up in the air pointing at her so I don't like scorpions that's the one thing I don't like I can handle anything else haven't had any snake problem so but I always get scorpions how big is y'all how biggest I'm not answering that question you don't want to know the answer to that I don't want to answer that question I don't even know why everybody liked that question because nobody wants to know that so bulky ad you used to shoot yeah shoot your shirt well I use from my audio I use a cheap lapel mic I use a zoom h1 for my audio and my camera camera is a Sony rx100 v which I'm pretty happy with I've been hooked doing you review we saw you doing some crazy up on your knees I've never actually been hurt badly but I mean I did it I backed into a bush and I've been hit in the face a few times I haven't been hurt badly I've been I've been scraped here in there but nothing serious so that's all I've got guys hopefully this wasn't too long and boring and I'm gonna put a pole up here so you let me know if you want me to do a part two because I didn't get to all the questions that were asked and if enough people will ask for it I'll put the rest of the questions out there I appreciate you watching and stay tuned for my next as seen on TV review from James White the freaking reviews
Channel: Freakin' Reviews
Views: 36,650
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: as seen on tv, review, as seen on tv product testing, q and a, Q&A
Id: eUuPb2Jc3qI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 23sec (1343 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 31 2018
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