Comparing Canned Meat: Corned Beef

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[Music] hi I'm Phil from cap RS are you ever confused about all the different types of tinned meat you can get I mean we've got corned beef here three or four different qualities or certainly for three or four different price ranges we've got luncheon meat we've got ham chicken well a whole host of different needs it's a little bit confusing as to what's happening in there so I think we'll take a look shall we one thing's for sure and that's that they will all last a very long time when they're in a tin situation okay so they're great for Preppers okay but walden is eivin to a three up and let's take a look let's see if there is any difference from price - price range okay so the corned beef actual fact there's no corn in the Matt all corn means or corned lean salted but they're very very good value they're from Brazil a lot of these and so yeah that they're really good value and they're 100% meat as well which is great you're not going to key with them like this quite a trick to open them let's have a go the important thing okay the important thing when you're opening them is that you keep everything centered on that key okay cuz it's picking paper up as well and bits and the strip of tin so keep everything centered on that key if it starts to slip off well start again or go back a little bit and get it lovely and centered on that key okay that's open very well actually but also it's useful to have a pair of pliers like that just in case never try and open these by holding the strip because it is as it's as sharp as a knife okay great so there we go now what I'm going to do is cook this in the tin so I'm going to remove this paper okay and then cook it in the tin and hopefully that will hold it together because usually a reconstituted meat like this would collapse when it gets hot okay so I'm going to try to keep it complete and it should rot for but keep you in there okay so I'll open three up of different qualities then we'll take a look it looks like this quite a lot of fat in this one this one is a Tesco everyday value now you really can eat is cold and they'll stay in the block form if you do but I'm purposely going to put them in the oven because I want to separate out the fat and just see what's in there okay and I also want to see how they'd stand up to being cooked in a meal or something okay looks like a lot of fat in this one okay it looks like there's a lot of fat in this one okay and quite a bit of jelly as well so we're seeing something here that it's probably a little bit cheaper to produce okay fortunately I put some containers under them to capture anything right so here we have the the budget Asda one here we have the princes which is a premium brand and the most expensive and here we have the Tesco everyday what is quite clear by just looking at them is the one that's mostly full of fat is the premium one it's the princess okay there's hardly any fat at all showing on the Asda and there's a little fact showing on the Tesco so let's pour them out show in how a proper walk and see what's going off alright let's start with this princes which seems to have an awful lot of fat in it I'll put it in here and drain all I can out here's the ouster hardly any fat at all okay let that drain but there's very little draining taking place I have to say that leaves us with the Tesco everyday value again very little fat in there okay the Tesco we're just gonna weigh or measure these out okay this is a 15 milliliter measure okay just get rid of that so I have a 15 millimeter okay then we have a little smaller measure here let's say we've got about 14 milliliters of fat in the Tesco everyday okay that's 14 okay let's have a quick look at there's hardly any in the houses are in fact but I will do those the printers next and again this is a 15 milliliter measure another gungeon go in that so there's a 15 just backing looks like a jelly and a fat to me jelly enough fat and that looks like about half again so I'd say about 23 I'd saying that and negligible in the in the ouster so here's our stuff okay quite fragile I'll have a taste of that please fine very salty otherwise it tastes fine there's a lot of structure to the meat it is very very pure beef again with a lot of salt in there there was a lot of fat but would drink quite a bit out it's probably still a lot more in there though that's not you know come out so just be aware of that it tastes fun the only last thing I'd say about the Astor is it's been cooking for half an hour it was already precooked and it's not ever so tender okay the beef in there just taste it so just a little bit of chewy a little bit of chew to it so it's not ever so tender let's try the next one I should flag up with the with the au star is that having removed it from the plate here there's actually a human hair in there that was actually obviously in the can because it was a clean plate I don't have a lot of hair and this is jet black my hair is not jet black they find it's probably grey so as a human hair that which is not brilliant either okay when poison you but it's not brilliant okay so here we go with the second one this is the printers okay looks good little more rigid than the last way I think only a little that's have a taste very salty tastes very nice very tasty but I did think I detected a little tiny bit of great there's still a little bit of crunch on this between the teeth but not in that bite yeah very tasty nice very salty very tasty right here we go with the last one the test goes over the head of the everyday no hairs that's fantastic okay what sounds a little bit of offal in there cut that up a bit more you can see little bits of offal in there which I didn't see in the others very nice it's nice it's very nice again salty quite tender very tasty the princess twice I I thought I detected a little bit of bone off or grit in it between the teeth twice but not so with this one all the Astor it's very tasty but again watch out at very very salty well thanks for watching we've had a good test there of corned beef in another module we'll do some other hand meats but thanks for watching from phil here at prep RS [Music] James it's a take two on that house I didn't have any shoes on yes quite okay here we go again Oh
Channel: Prep-RS Charity
Views: 88,551
Rating: 4.5803156 out of 5
Keywords: canned, beef, prepping, survival, quick, easy, simple, meat, pre, cooked, MRE, meals, ready, to, eat, processed, chicken, chopped, ham, pork, long, term, storage, shelf, life, camping, bug, out, kit, taste, test, series
Id: GszvW6JWJM0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 19sec (739 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 14 2018
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