How To Make Corned beef.TheScottReaProject.

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hello my friends and welcome back to the Scott Reed project now I have been looking forward to showing you this one it is personally one of my favorites it's a dish I grew up eating although it might have been the tin version you cannot beat the original version today I am going to show you how to make the wonderful corned beef now the joint you need for corned beef is either silver side or a brisket I always use brisket I must admit I just love it with the texture of brisket now what I've done then is I've simply got my brisket joints I've tied it up and I put a string across the length of it and as you can see I've left a bit of string on now the reason I've done that is if you've got a curing tub the old butcher is to wait for mr. days you to do it like this you to tie some string on put it in to the curing tub and then just rest the string over the lip of the tub it was genius and then he would just put a ticket on saying what it was and when he put it in just simple simple things are absolutely genius you know these old things you pick up for all these old butchers it's a shame man most of them have gone to the butchery shop in the sky anyway I digress the first thing you need to do to make corned beef is to make a cure now what I got for my cure I should put that over there is I've got 3/4 of a pound of brown sugar that's 3/4 of a pound I have 3/4 of a pound of sea salt or rock salt and then two ounces of saltpeter now saltpeter it's a nitrite be careful with this stuff it can be quite controversial some people like to use it some people don't as you can see it's extremely poisonous as someone as chrome skull and crossbones on it I miss my vocation I should have been an artist so corned beef then it's a salt cured be product now if you do not use the saltpeter you will just get a gray looking finished product what this does here is the chemistry lesson this will convert the natural hemoglobin in beef to metha mclogan giving it that lovely pink color which as we know eat with our eyes and that's what gives it that attractive look when we slice through it nice and pink Mountain Lee tender right we are going to get our cure on I should get the camera on the stove and I shall run through the little jar of lovely little arrow mats I've got in there now there are tons of recipes again out there on YouTube and on the web you can add things like ginger cumin what else we got cinnamon sticks but I'm just going to keep it basic let me just show you what I've got there actually while we're here I'm a little plate I've got some juniper berries some peppercorns and some whole cloves looking if you can see that it's about a teaspoon a decent teaspoon of each then we are going to get on and make that cure okay then this is a great all-purpose brine so first we want to add five types of water that's our five points and like I said three-quarters of a pound of brown sugar goes in three quarters of a pound of salt the word corned beef comes from coal which is also called corns of salt hence corned beef and this dish it's used in many cuisines around the world right that saltpeter that nitrates 2 ounces you don't need a lot of this it's just give it that lovely color but be very careful with it then we want to stir all that up and what we need to do is bring this up to the boil on and make sure all our salt and our sugar is dissolved so into that then our bay leaves I always crack the bay leaves to release their natural oils I got three bay leaves and then obviously my tablespoon of juniper berries peppercorns and whole cloves again I will repeat you know go to town on this like I said use any of the spices or heard you want to I'm going to put in just a little bit of dry thyme if I add fresh I would use that so I'm just going to sprinkle a bit in and then I'm just going to let that bring up come up to the boil and then once it's come up to the ball you must let this cool completely don't be tempted you know to think right that's call enough if you can leave it overnight to go nice and cool so it needs to be cooler than cooled and the gang so just to reiterate then when you want to make corned beef go to your local butcher and you want to be asking for silversides or brisket I always use brisket this is actually like I said before point end I think it's a fantastic joint and it's absolutely made for corned beef but I just want to show you how nice that is you're looking for a three to four pound which is a two kilo joint and this is purebred Herefordshire beef how can it fail what a beauty and while you're waiting for your brides come up you can always sing this little ditty if you're feeling rather hungry hey there's a product you remember eat it hot or cold on Sunday or you can put it in a blender corned beef with chips always salad it's calm beef even bucking and Palace eats calm beef hey why don't you try com beef hash yeah I know I know I know don't switch off don't switch off okay then once your brine has come to the boil and just let it take over for a few minutes just to make sure all the sugar and salt as dissolved just like that and you're left with this lovely Wow pungent brine so make sure like I said before this must be cold so leave it overnight if you can if not you know at least 10 hours till you know it's purely ice cold then what you need to do is what I made earlier is get a non metallic container because the salt will react with metal and we don't want that and then put your cold brine into that and then get your lovely piece of brisket is what I made earlier like I said and just put it in to the brine now for a three to four pound piece of brisket you need 10 days minimum you know up to two weeks with something like this this one's been in this is a little bit bigger this has been in for four weeks and what you need to do is turn it daily if you can and the best way to keep it immersed is to put a plate over the top and put a lid on so you can see then that's ice cold Brian put your brisket in weigh it down and leave it in there and then what you need to do then is to take your brian brisket out and then give this a good wash under cold water and then we will start the cooking process but that it's perfectly brined and I can't wait to cook this now nice and firm who where missus okay then so to make sure you give that brisket or your silver side a good wash wash all the excess salt off and all we do in a pan big enough is we plonk it in that's an official culinary term and then we allowed our veg what a beautiful looking plate lovely colors so it's cut the carrot some leeks and some onions and what we need to do then bring that up to the boil without it spinning all over the shop I think I need to take some out of there and then we let it simmer for a minimum of two hours but just keep your eye on it you know you want it nice and tender so bring that up to the boil and then simmer away and we shall check it in a while okie dokie this has been on the hub for four hours this is where you can reach in there and get it out nice Mountain Lee tender stay there it's not going to work and get me no fin ha look at it remove that and of course you've got that lovely liquor stock built up there which you can make many things from put that there here is our brisket now I want to let this cool down a bit because I do really want to eat this cold but see if we can just take a bit off and you can see look at the coloring in there let's try a bit ha ha oh man mounting the mouth now as you can see in there it looks because the redness it's retained the color and it looks mad it looks like it's not cooked but that has actually got an internal temperature if you can read that of 96 degrees centigrade so it's well cooked and it is so smooth so tender its falling apart so what we do with it that cool down and we shall have a good look at it while it's gone cold but that at the moment is how we look at it that's just the end oh yeah okay so I've let my corned beef cool overnight in the fridge and this is the finished article now obviously when we cut inside it will be nice and red like we saw when it was hot and by all means eat this hot it's amazing you know just with some bull cabbage and some mashed potato and lashings of mustard and brown sauce so my Irish friend tells me and is right it's the way forward but I wanted to cut this cold so we just take a few slices and see how we do so just gently breaking into where it's been brined just have a look at that is that not perfect absolutely beautiful let me just show you a piece of that up close could all that marbling and I love the fat round it I mean some people will trim the fat off I don't think there's any need to I actually love it but there you have absolutely perfect perfect corned beef now obviously you could take this a step further now and smoke it with that just look how good that is and let's let's just pull apart on the taste huh and I have got the saltiness is absolutely spot-on oh god yeah hey let's not muck about here let's bring in the reinforcements I don't know if I've mentioned this before but get a bit on one of those slices not for the faint-hearted and then oh yeah well my dear friends what an absolute triumph that is just have a look at that what a stunning stunning piece of meat that is and it was simple you saw me do it make up that all-purpose brine get a decent cut of meat I've used brisket and you can see why because I want all that marbling I want that fat it's all flavor so if you want to use silver side by all means use silver side I always go for brisket but just follow the guidelines a piece that's two to three pounds ten days minimum to two weeks this was three to four so I gave it four weeks and this is what we're left with an absolutely amazing piece of meat and just have a look it's finished piece hahaha look at it well I hope you've enjoyed the episodes of Scott reproject just check out my vintage cook meat stand that song hey what a beautiful bit of kit and thank you for watching this episode please please click subscribe I'm not far away from the magic 100,000 subscribers also find me on my social media Facebook Scott Reeder Scott reproject and on my twitter at scott reproject but just look at that magnificent beautiful corned beef so until next time then I shall see you again have a look at that
Channel: Scott Rea
Views: 810,784
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Id: hyfzzSxqbwE
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Length: 14min 27sec (867 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 13 2016
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