Community Center Glitchless Speedrun | GDQ Submission

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hello i'm the hibou and this is my gdq submission for stardew valley's community center restorations before we get into the game there's a few things that i need to explain first off we're going to be selecting the forest farm this is to abuse its perk where forge spawns on the left side of the farm in fall purple and rush red mushrooms can spawn meaning that we don't have to go to the mushroom cave and or we don't have the forest mushrooms from the mines the other thing we're going to select is the female character the reason we're playing as a female character is because mom early game sends you an extra 500 g where as playing as a male you get cookies 500 gold is much more important than cookies the other thing you're gonna notice once we get into game is the rate that i use my tools i'm going to be using a technique called animation canceling this is a process of pressing r right shift and delete after every single key input which allows you to cancel out of the tool animation getting into the next one quicker allowing us to do actions a lot quicker as its name animation canceling other than that let's get right into the run three two one so we're gonna move the tv right away and pick up the parsnips we're gonna be using the tv uh for later and we're gonna be using the parsnips for food in the mines here uh for those wondering why animation canceling is not considered a glitch it is hard coded into the game the game is specifically looking for those three key inputs when you're playing the game so it's it works basically the same way as pressing e to open up your inventory so if you would consider pressing e to open up your inventory as a glitch then animation canceling is a glitch but obviously no one's gonna compare those or compare that or think of that as a glitch [Music] all right uh now we're just gonna start sleeping and watering the reason we're sleeping and watering is for two reasons one uh we need to progress the day so the uh plants grow up and two uh we need to water so they actually do grow up on top of that uh there are a bunch of seasonal locked items that we need uh to get for the community center itself so the only way to get to the next season is by progressing the days on top of that coincidentally the parsnips grow up on the fifth and the first day that we can enter the mines which we're going to be doing super early is on the fifth so that's perfect for us on the fifth now we're going to be checking out the um fortune teller the reason we're checking out the fortune teller is to see if we got a good luck day we did in fact get a best luck day so that's even better and we are going to use that to our advantage in the mines because uh good daily luck will help us find what we need in the mines a little bit more quicker than normal i'll explain more once we actually get to the mines we're gonna zoom out so we can see a little bit more uh a little bit of a lack yeah no never mind there's another leak hit in here a pretty good bus stop two leaks is always good to see and then obviously or then we also want one uh daffodil and at least one dandelion because we need one of each spring forge for the community center now we're gonna make our way to the mines hopefully we'll see more forage we still need one horseradish and we want as many leaks as we can get because leaks are the best uh type of forge we can get and i am liking what we got so far we have four leaks for the mines which is extremely useful oh five i'm gonna walk down this way to see if we get another leak that spawns bottom left which we did since i didn't see one top right over there i walked this path uh very good forward all right now we're gonna enter the mines uh the mines is a place where you gather a bunch of resources that we're going to need for sprinklers and just access to a lot of money the mines is pretty self-explanatory you break rocks you get ladders once you get a ladder you can go down to the next floor the farther you go down the more loot that you get so ideally on a day like this since we have best luck and a decent amount of forage we should ideally hit floor 40 today if we get anything less it's fine but with them the amount of food that we have and the luck that we have it should be an easy 40 knock on wood now that i say it other things that we're looking for in here are about 25 coal 100 copper and about 2 800 gold worth of uh materials not mean press the chat button there's our ladder kind of getting a little unlucky daily luck affects the rate at which you find ladders the higher your daily luck is the higher chance that you have of finding ladders from rocks so that's why i'm saying we're a little unlucky here because i'm having to break a decent amount of rocks to actually find the ladder even though i have the best luck we're gonna drop the wood we don't need it a freebie ladder i'm gonna kill this guy the reason we're killing this crab instead of taking the ladder instantly is because this guy has a 15 chance of dropping a crab which will allow us to skip out on having to get uh crab pots later for the crap pop bundle we'll have plenty of other chances of killing more crabs to get that and on top of that they have a 40 chance of dropping a cherry bomb which will help us destroy copper clumps that you just saw right there you're gonna notice that i waited to kill that guy it's because monsters can't spawn uh ladders over specific tiles one of those tile types being dirt so i had to wait for him to get out of the dirt area to kill him so he actually had a chance of dropping the ladder i'm gonna ignore that chest that just has boots which i don't really care for i should also mention that i'm not running on current version i'm running on patch 1.4.0 so all the new 1.5 stuff is currently not in the game for me uh the reason for this will be explained later on via explosive ammo but uh patch 1.4.0 is about 20 minutes faster than current version because of it ah a little bit unfortunate with these ladder spawns on a daily luck day like today you're really expecting to get the ladder within like the first 20 rock breaks consistently you really never be on a floor that long unless if you're uh getting resources off of it come on might be a freebie on this floor never mind if there's a free the reason why i'm saying there must be a freebie on this floor if there's a freebie on a given floor rocks can't spawn ladders anymore so that's why i specifically pointed out there must be a freebie on this floor because if i don't have a ladder yet it just means that uh there's already a ladder and i just haven't looked through the entire floor and this is why we do zoom out so i can see as much of the floor as possible so i can notice the freebie ladder as soon as possible all right floor 19 is a bit of a doozy if there is a ladder that spawns in the very middle i can't see it right away so it's really annoying if it does so i kind of just have to yellow break every single rock and just hope that i get a ladder early on and not have a freebie because it's obviously faster to have a ladder earlier on than to walk to the center because it's a huge spiral floor is the issue with with it not getting very lucky with ladder drops from monsters we're doing pretty good on copper right now we only need 100 by the end of this day so having 67 already is good by the halfway point of getting copper once we get on to floor 40 that's when iron starts spawning so we're gonna see a lot less copper there so we want to get basically all the copper before we get the 440. ah i keep getting slowed by slimes it's a 40 chance er i'm sorry it's a 30 chance of getting slowed by slime and unfortunately because i'm playing on patch one point uh 1.4 immunities does not affect slime uh the slime slow rate yet so i can't just take the boots on floor one and get one immunity to reduce the chance of getting slowed by a slime because that was a 1.5 feature all right there's gonna be crates on the right side of this floor and we're specifically hoping for a crate to spawn on a specific tile because crates where they spawn on a given floor are rng but what they drop is consistent based off of what day you are currently on and what floor number you're currently on so we do get a club from that tile because it creates spawn on it and that is consistent via every single save file no matter what what uh no matter what file you're on as long as the crate spawns on that floor on day day dave five of spring year one a club will always drop from that no matter how many different save files you make as long as a crate spawns on that tile that being said whether or not that crate spawns is rng but i can't instantly tell about whether or not we got a club or not the reason i'm so adamant about the club is it's the best weapon type in the game if you couldn't tell of how i'm just instant killing any enemy that comes near me this is a quirk that the club has uh i'm calling it a quirk because that's how ca put it is a quirk that uh that the club has where all you have to do is use its special attack which it's it's uh which is its right click and then spam its primary swing and that's all you have to do the faster you spam your primary swing the more hits you get enemies take full knock back from it but i mean as long as you click fast enough they just instant die and or if they're not a flying enemy and you have them pinned against the wall they can't really go anywhere and they just take full damage yeah clubs are so op that i don't even consider a post post 1.5 there's a bunch of new weapons in 1.5 so the tier list is uh changed a lot post 1.5 the slammer is the second best weapon in the game because it's the second best club in the game it is the galaxy hammer followed by the slammer followed by the galaxy sword and the main reason the galaxy sword is third even though it's not a club type is due to its abnormally high base damage and then on top of that uh the next the next type of club next to the slammer is much much worse than the slammer so it's really hard to compare the letter rod versus the galaxy hammer or the galaxy sword and say that the letter odd is better than the galaxy sword because it most definitely is not uh we're doing good on money we have a ridiculous amount of bugs meat uh bugs meat sells for eight gold each so it actually has a pretty high cell value for us that being said i do need this so i'm just gonna toss the cherry bomb i think it's the least valuable item in my inventory yeah a free 1.5 obviously 1.5 added a bunch of new weapons that it's like i think the tier list is it's hard to say because i haven't really used the new daggers very much the new daggers are actually stronger than you may think but i mean infinity gavel by far is the best followed by probably the dragon's tooth hammer and then it's like it's probably a toss-up about whether the galaxy hammer is better than the infinity blade or not i really want to be able to tell you i would probably still say the galaxy hammer is better than the infinity blade all right do i have a freebie i kind of got distracted talking about weapons i do not you want it these dark floors are kind of cursed because you can't really see in the darkness on them very well so you actually have to get close to your screen to actually be able to see them especially if there's a ladder in the darkness i didn't see one there i generally can see them pretty good when i start leaning in oh that can be whatever that floor was a little annoying i got a freebie there all right that wasn't a terrible terrible uh 40. it took way more energy than it should have some of the floors were really bad but that just happens occasionally we still made it through we're going to be passing out here contrary to popular belief passing out you don't lose items you only lose 10 of your current gold capping at a thousand uh this is slightly different on 1.5 with uh ginger island or when you're on ginger island but right here that doesn't affect us i'm gonna be putting all this away and then we're going to be going back to the mine since we got another good luck day we need to make a little bit more money we need about 2 800 g going into the 13th as well as we need 60 more irons still i didn't have the inventory room to be able to collect the 60 iron yesterday so we do in fact have to do it in two days along with the fact that i also needed inventory room for the uh gems that i'm going to be picking up on floor 41 to be able to pay for the strawberries that i'm buying on the 13th as well out of curiosity do they use a script on their challenge runs what do you mean by script for animation cancelling no i had to learn i had to learn animation cancelling uh the default way literally just due to speed running and using scripts is cheating so i'm just so used to it that i don't even bother with the script when i do challenge runs it is much easier to use the script and if you're not speed running i do recommend using a script or just a mod just there's no reason to actually learn the hard way of doing animation canceling for something so like minuscule you know when isn't stream delayed oh great wow so right now i'm looking for money from crates mainly aquamarines and jades as long as uh and i'm also resetting 41 over and over and over again because currently for me this is the best way for me to obtain iron due to the fact that uh this is the only floor that i can reasonably get iron on and uh since it's a good luck day the rate at which i find iron clumps is increased so it's very beneficial also if i just get freebies all the way to 45 i don't mind that as well uh we're chilling on money again we need 60 uh 60 irons so that's mainly what we're lacking right now i'm just gonna see if there's a quick freebie on this floor uh i was just hoping to get a ladder from that guy i'm not gonna force 45 that's how you lose a bunch of time there's no reason for me to go to uh 45 today um i'll easily be able to go from floors 40 to 80 on the next day that i go to the mines so there's there's just no reason for me to just go for it um i actually i'm not gonna walk all the way down there for that i just need to be resetting floors as at this point we're really good on money our day one money was really good so i just need to uh reset the floors as fast as possible to get as much uh iron as possible that being said if i get money right in front of me i'm not gonna not take it right all right 30 we're halfway there another good clump uh looks like the clump is in a bad spot yeah i got two twos and two ones so the the amount of aura that you get from a uh node is dependent on what day you're on and what tile it's placed on on the given day so if i were to break this node and it gave me two ore if i were to get an if i were to reset this floor on 41 on this exact same day and i get a node on that exact same tile it would also give me to or no matter what it consistently just gives me two ore it's the same thing with crates as i explained or earlier there's just a mapped out grid on the current day that is a powered up club so yay clubs are gods here i almost just skipped out on that uh iron node uh we need four more uh iron they has no effect oh i thought it was like crates i think you played i know it's is it seed then is it just c that matters is this one going to give me one yep because we already broke that nerd earlier it's like ladders okay i'm gonna blow this up we have extra we have extra coal so i can use that and i'm just gonna get more copper out of it than i lose i don't want to die from him i'm trying to pass out but i don't want to die all right so we got everything we need we have the money we have the copper uh pretty straightforward at this point uh we're going to be putting the resources that i don't want to sell away and then we're taking out the resources that we do want to sell and then obviously sell them put this away we're going to take this this this this this and now we're going to begin sleeping uh no i didn't oh we have way more than enough money what's my favorite weapon uh probably the slammer because it's the best early game weapon you can get with the remix mines you can get it on floor 110 and it's better than the galaxy sword by far so it's a really fun early game hammer that you can get early game and quotation marks i'm saying getting to floor 110 is early but i mean we get the floor 110 on the fifth of spring year one now and challenge runs consistently so it is early game for me uh furnaces down smelt iron and then we go we're going to be clearing out this area this is where we're going to be putting the old coop well there's no way in how i'm gonna pb on this run my pb is actually insane for rng but i don't care if i'm two minutes behind i'm just doing a marathon no reset run so now we're going to be clearing off the farm where our uh strawberries are going to be going we're going to be placing down 30 strawberries and we're going to be doing them in a pattern for when we get sprinklers which is going to be after the first harvest of uh strawberries we're going to be placing down the sprinklers so we don't have to water anymore and yes i'm actually using basic sprinklers because they are better than most people think because you can get them super early on and they're really not that expensive as long as you know how to farm for iron and copper efficiently like resetting floor 21 over and over and over again for copper or resetting 441 over and over and over again for copper actually quite simple most people just gloss over it um all right time to empty inventory all that jazz backed up these are done throw that in there and there's a horseradish hiding right there but i already have a horseradish so i'm not going to bother picking it up uh we got an extra leak this is going to be good for day three and mines for forging now the festival doesn't begin until nine so we have a little bit of time here since we did the morning fast enough we're gonna buy our 30 strawberry seeds and then just peace out no reason of actually doing the festival and now we just have to have these all grown up by the 23rd which allows us to sleep two sunny days here and then we're just praying for rain rain is a 13 point i'm sorry an 18.3 chance of happening each day so that's our second day of sleeping so on average with the amount of days that we're sleeping here until the 23rd we should on average get about one and a half rain days so it's like one to two rain days that we get depending on what our luck is or how lucky we are daily luck has no effect on it the only thing that uh the only thing that affects about whether you uh get rain or not tomorrow is step count so the amount of steps that you've taken total throughout your entire play through effects then affects a lot of uh things that will happen the next day there's no way for us to be able to do that without knowing the total number of steps that you have taken which i can't check in a speed run and you also need to know the seat of your run which uh this is a seedless run so i don't know what my seat is so there's no way for me to be able to go like i need to take exactly 3742 steps to get a rain day tomorrow you know it's it's just not gonna happen step count also determines a lot of other factors that we have used in challenge runs but there's no way for me to be able to do it in a speedrun without the run being seated obviously oh that this is the last point in time that we realistically have to water now uh once we're done watering today there should be no other time i'm sorry i have to water a little bit on the first and if i get extremely unlucky in summer where i only get three rain days i then have to water a uh a third time or a second time after this fortunately yet to get a rain day again it is an 18.3 chance each rain day saves about 30 seconds so 21 we are unfortunately looks like we're not going to get a rain day unless if i get a rain day tomorrow happens but i'm pretty sure we got most of our rain days earlier on granted there's no cap on the amount of rain days you can get or not get well i guess there technically is but it's like no reasonable cap but there is like an average amount of rain days you're gonna get per season because it's an eighteen point three percent chance in spring so you're average to get like three to four rain days throughout the entire year i think that's the number maybe it's four to five uh so it's like if i get three rain days early on on average i'm probably not gonna get another rain day but i mean obviously that's not how it works that's just gamblers fallacy so you can you can say it in so many different ways so my inventory was a little rough there but fine a little bit of bad menuing but uh worked out no rain here sucks but it's not the end of the world it just means i have to water a little bit and now we're going to be placing sprinklers these little babies are very strong when used properly and now we can just sleep we don't have to worry about watering anymore the sprinklers will do it for us and we can get onto summer so we can start doing summer crops which are vastly more profitable than spring crops and then once we get into uh fall we can start doing fall crops which in this context granted summer generally has the best crops but in this context due to the fact that we don't have access to uh star fruit fall crops will make more money than uh summer crops for us also rip this rain day that does absolutely nothing for me alrighty um where it's the summer summer is going to begin with more farm get clearing that out of my inventory and bring that back so we're gonna place down the remaining sprinklers that we need i'm also going to be purposely miss watering a spot right there the reason for that is because i'm going to end up buying 35 blueberry seeds even though i only need 34 and that's just due to the fact that buying 35 or buying five at a time for seeds by pressing shift is faster than buying four and it's only an extra 80g so it's not really losing me much we're gonna be planting uh some crops over here this is where our wheat's gonna go and it's going to be in the formation of uh sprinklers set up for a quality sprinkler since we will be upgrading to quality sprinklers in fall which is why everything is planted so weirdly but it'll make sense once we actually get to it is all i'm gonna say it looks chaotic but it will make sense to us or it will make sense once it's actually complete so we have to wait until 8 a.m so we can get the community center cut scene we are finally going to open up the community center on this day because perfectly enough if you enter this area before 8 10 you have just enough time to be able to walk all the way up to the golden scroll over here uh this is the community center this is what we're completing uh these bundles will have a bunch of items that we have to complete in them completing a bundle or completing an entire bundle will give you a reward i'm sorry completing a bundle will give you a reward completing the entire set of bundles and a room will give you another bigger reward and there is six bundles total that you have to complete and that is the entirety of uh community center uh restoration we're trying to restore the community center which is the big objective for this game i clicked early uh so now we're gonna sell all our strawberries we're gonna buy 25 melons one tomato 35 blueberries one hot pepper and 65 wheat even though we only need 64 and then we're also gonna buy a backpack so for those people wondering why aren't you just only doing blueberry seeds aren't blueberry seeds very op uh blueberry seeds are vastly overrated in this game first off uh second off the reason we're doing melon seeds is due to the fact that we need to hit my or farming level six by the end of summer here blueberry seeds on their own will not give us enough farming xp to hit that so we have to contemplate or contemplate uh what's the word that i'm looking for uh i can't i can't think of the word we have to replace some of the blueberries with melons to be able to get enough enough xp compensate thank you chat all right and we don't even need a water we can just sleep since we have furnaces or since we have sprinklers i cannot think right now uh so you're probably also wondering why did you plant all the wheat isn't it not getting watered wheat only takes four days of watering to grow up in summer you're guaranteed a thunderstorm day on the 13th and the 26th so that means we only need two natural rain days for the wheat to actually be harvestable so we already got in one so we just need one more in the entire month of summer that is not on the 13th or the 26th obviously on top of that wheat is a bi-seasonal crop so i won't be harvesting the wheat in fall here i'm going to be leaving it to harvest it in or i'm sorry in summer i'm going to be leaving the wheat to harvest it in fall so all the crops or all the code spots that are under the wheat will stay hoed for fall and then i then i just harvest it in fall and then bada boom bada bing i don't have to do watering and i have all the spots already hoed for uh for uh the pumpkins that i'm going to plant in summer or in fall paper blueberries is real uh do i actually have to explain my hatred for blueberries i absolutely despise blueberries in this game for anybody who does not know me they are a vastly overrated crop and in in my opinion in no casual playthrough should you ever have to use them in terms of making money from them that being said they are very good at what they are designed to be good at which is selling raw so we're going to be abusing that in this run and that's why i actually do blueberries despite my hatred they have their upsides that should have no upsides in casual play but it has upsides and speedrunning so they're good uh all right so we're about to be doing our third day in the mines uh we're going to be looking for another good luck day obviously since uh we're going to the mines and then i'm also going to give out a quick seizure warning next time that i go outside with a good luck day i'm going to be spam opening the mail uh the mail is quite flashy when you spam open it so i do like to give a seizure warning for it it's just the next day that i'm going out which is today because that is a good luck day so let's empty our inventory super quick like that with us take that with us we have three of those that's good to know then i can put that away and then organize our inventory he expects casual players to process all crops uh yeah i do i do expect casual players to be able to process all crops since it's piss easy to do so to put it in perspective when i casually play this game i can have 50 preserve jars up by spring without buying a single resource from uh without buying a single resource from clint or robbins i can have 50 preserved jars by the end of spring year one and that's that's skipping days by the way casual i mean it's pretty casual all right uh with that being said there's a couple of reasons why spam opened mail there three reasons to be specific one first reason as i mentioned earlier it gave me uh the extra money from my parents second reason i needed to do the initiation quest so i need to kill 10 green slimes to be able to enter the adventurers guild and the third reason is because of the wizards letter so i can enter the wizard so we can actually fully open up the community center and start turning in bundles all right so i need since i already have three copper bars smelted that means i have 15 total so i only need to collect 30 iron or i'm sorry 30 copper today instead of 45 i then also need to collect 70 iron 40 gold fire quartz frozen tear uh frozen geode and aquamarine i believe is all i need to collect so our main goals right now is to kill enough green slimes to be able to open up the adventurers guild after this we need to be able to get to floor 50 before 2pm and then once we get to 2pm we're going to be buying explosive ammo for the slingshot and we're going to make our way down from floors 40 to 80 in uh ideally in about six hours we need to go about 40 floors in about six hours six to eight hours ideally i'm on floor uh i'm on floor 80 by about 8 to 10 p.m and then we got to use the rest of the time to be able to get fire quartz and gold ore whenever i see the crabs i am bothering killing them because i do still want a crab drop from them i lost count because i was explaining everything i didn't know what i was on all right so now we're gonna pick up the best weapon in the game or best tool in the game known as the slingshot for those who don't know the slingshot is literally the most unironically is the strongest tool in the game for mining unironically it is better than the pickaxe it is better than mega bombs i'm just resetting 41 until i get like a freebie or something or something like this where i can just use a cherry bomb get a bunch of iron and most likely get the ladder here oh freebie nice my goal i'm not trying to beat a pb with this run i'm just trying to get like ideally i get under three hours but it will depend on orangey obviously oh another i'm gonna ignore the iron down there we'll get more than enough iron while making our way down to floor uh 80. um i'm gonna ignore those guys for now the 15 chance of getting a ladder from an enemy so since i have a very strong weapon is much worth my while to kill enemies over uh actually using energy to break uh stones especially since it doesn't take energy to swing a weapon what are the odds of getting two dwarf squirrel threes from slimes basically back to back okay i was purposely hitting that guy in a way so i could get him off the dirt because if i killed that guy in a invalid tile for him to drop a ladder the ladder would spawn at the start of the floor so i'd have to walk all the way back which is obviously inefficient so i was taking a little bit of extra time just to guarantee that i wasn't going to kill him over an invalid tile i have about 50 minutes to go two more floors oh we're chilling that's a good pace so far pineapple profits actually decent it's better than pumpkins as long as it's on the island and it's able to regrow and then you can also whine it but i mean it's just beaten out by star fruit so okay that wasn't terrible we're only 40 minutes late the last couple of floors were really bad that's fine um all right so now i mentioned it earlier we are on patch 1.4.0 the reason being is because of explosive ammo nerfs uh i wouldn't be able to buy explosive ammo if i wasn't playing on this patch because the nerfs too explosive ammo on current paths patches are it's three times more expensive to buy it you can't buy it its own combat level eight and its explosion radius was decreased by one but on this patch it's 100 g you can buy it as soon as you get the uh slingshot and it has a big radius so it is a very strong mining tool it is basically a ranged instant exploding bomb and may i add even after the nerfs the item is still uh unironically the best mining item in the game you bring the slingshot to skull caverns it's an easy floor 100 by like noon for me easy you just gotta get used to how uh clunky it kinda is to use yeah i'm gonna need some coal for smelting so i am gonna take my time and kill a couple of dust sprites here but okay this floor it's our spiral floor so we hate it so we're just gonna use a freebie ladder there to just or a craftable ladder and just get off the floor instantly okay how many dwarf squirrels have i gotten i've gotten four dwarf scrolls today holy cow that was a bad shot [Music] all right we're gonna go up top here uh actually i don't i technically didn't need to but i mean whatever we need 12 more uh 12 more copper still cole we're doing okay on uh iron we're doing fine on yeah iron we're doing fine on foreign hey oh there's our copper ore okay we do need eight quarts so i do need to start picking up more quartz here instead of just skipping it uh earlier version otherwise i wouldn't have explosive ammo the earlier version because of this version having pre-nerfed explosive ammo it's about 20 minutes faster than current version all right we need 13 more irons though i should probably kill this ghost now at this point he'll drop a solar s he has a very high chance of dropping a solar essence and i do need one i was really hoping to get a solar essence uh i will pick this up a little bit slow but we're technically an hour starting pace behind due to the fact that taking to 450 took us a little bit longer but it's not that bad uh there's probably a freebie on this floor saying that oh no they're not i was just a really unlucky floor um i'd like the skeleton to go into the middle there but i don't think he's gonna move come up one so the main issue with explosive ammo is the fact that uh you can't blow it up wherever you want and it can only hit off of walls and enemies so i'm 90 sure that the ladder is probably within this area and i couldn't really hit it because this guy didn't want a path upwards all right all right now we need gold ore and a fire quartz and that's really all we need so we're just going to be quickly resetting 81 over and over and over again the same way that we did for iron and just hoping that we get gold or spawns and a fire quartz also diamonds are nice as well because they are a free 750. empty our inventory a little bit lava crabs have a higher chance of giving us uh crabs than uh regular rock crabs so that's why i did end up killing that guy i already have a solar i do need a void essence still so i still need to kill a shadow guy which is a little scary saying that my hp is low and i don't have much healing i have healing yeah this patch has no fire quartz and crates so i literally have to get it off of the ground and also i'm surprised we haven't seen like any gold ore i generally am getting like at least one gold ore per floor though kind of a really slow rate yeah two diamonds will really boost our money but i would really like to do this in a three-day cycle instead of a uh i'm not gonna walk down there for one instead of a four-day cycle now i avoid that since i picked it up oh free purple mushroom don't mind if i do 17. i don't think i can hit that with explosive ammo it'd be really tight so i'm just not going to bother i rather be resetting floors right now come on uh i'd rather be resetting floors asap because uh the only way for me to get fire quartz is by resetting the floor like so so now we need gold we need three more to be exact and then we're we should be golden we should have everything oh another diamond i'm just gonna manually break this well looks like we're gonna have to come back for two gold ore never mind that's how you pause buffer all right we should have gotten everything that was closer than it should have been uh let's begin smelting and then we need to sell everything get this get this out of our inventory we want this this this this i only need to throw one in there not that can cell can sell alrighty that should be it we have everything else cool i'm not gonna worry about harvesting we harvest this tomorrow uh one two three four i'm just double checking we have everything i have killer runs like that where i forget something stupid yeah unfortunately we don't like pause buffering and speed runs on like challenge runs but that was basically necessary alrighty now we're just gonna be harvesting and smelting why is my load times taking so long all right it's the 21st so we're going to watch the queen of sauce for a maki roll recipe which is going to be needed for later uh next day that we go out is 24th we go out 19th 24th 28th why not harvest wheat so we're going to be abusing the wheat here uh this ferry is useless by the way we're going to be abusing the wheat here so we're not going to harvest it until the uh the first of fall the reason we're not going to harvest it until the first of fall is because if i don't harvest it all those spots that you see hoed right there will remain hoed because they're underneath wheat if i were to harvest it before fall then all the spots there would ho unho fur fall and to avoid that [Music] and and to avoid that we literally just don't harvest them and then since they're a multi uh multi-seasonal crop we can just harvest them in fall is actually very worth our time the disk not harvest yeah you lose 90 which is basically all of them no well technically yeah yes and no i'm not i don't care about getting gold star wheat i just need 10 of the same quality for a very uh for one of the bundles but at the same time i don't really care about the quality of the wheat because i'm bait with 64 wheat now and i'm basically guaranteed 10 of the same quality do mmm uh all right so this is a little awkward due to the fact that i didn't have enough smelting time for all the iron that i needed today so i do have to weight a hair to get one extra piece of iron actually i don't have to wait i just have to come back up so we should be fine it's just a little awkward with the pathing that i have to do where i please i crafted seven did i not oh i'm stupid oh i'm stupid i'm supposed to be placing equality there and i just did that out of uh impulse i thought the game ate one of my sprinklers because it tends to do that uh throw throw these up there that's fine all righty i need to re know that oh wow we have two purple mushrooms already uh i'm getting rid of that for inventory space having two purple mushrooms already is extremely useful iron i don't have iron smelted blade i literally have to go back up for it there is nothing i can do about that i have to wait for it to be smelted so i'm just taking the long path and going back up through the farm all right check out the wizard now we can actually turn in bundles which we're gonna do today which is why my inventory is so jam-packed going to be walking back up normally we would walk to the right here and go off uh go off with marnie or go off the same side of the area with marnie but since my iron bars were smelted at us uh too slow of a rate i do actually have to go out of my way here and come back up and smelt the iron bars here do that and then i also miss one of these so i gotta do that uh and that should be fine for our inventory i have a grape on me for no apparent reason but that doesn't make a huge difference now i'm walking normal speed okay so we're gonna be doing this bundle uh which is going to unlock two new rooms the pantry and the fish tank in the pantry we're gonna turn in all the summer crop bundles to get us an extra quality sprinkler and then we're going to fully complete the entirety of the boiler room once we unlock the boiler room by turning in the summer crops here which will unlock us the mine carts which is basically the quick travel of this game we do that get that reward and now we're going over this way we're gonna pick up the extra furnace so we can smelt the remaining goods faster and the magna rings always just nice to have so that's the entirety of the boiler room complete already and then we're going to just go down sell all the remaining of our crops and then buy a bunch of pumpkins here in a second so because we completed the boiler room while unlocking other rooms cut scenes overlapped and allowed us to like walk there for a certain period of time so i just maneuvered myself to be able to get as close to the exit as possible by the end of that cut scene sell sell sell they'll sell sell sell we're gonna pick up a hundred and sixteen of those actually i wasn't supposed to pick up 160 i was supposed to pick up 113 but it doesn't make a huge difference abigail get out of the way i'm comparing against pb so i'm six minutes behind pb more than all right since uh we already have the purple mushrooms and we can get the rest of the mushrooms on the left side of the farm here we are going to select uh bat cave so we can get our artisan goods and then we're just going to be planting down all the fall crops right here and then our pumpkins which are going to be our money makers for fall contrary to popular belief pumpkins are better profits than cranberries because we are going to be making nine preserve jars to make these into pickled pumpkins uh we get coop we get the coop and barn in year one but they don't finish until the year two in this particular playthrough if you're asking generally speaking in like a play through for me i don't even bother with the coop in the barn because it's just not worth my time coupes and barns are not worth the investment they hardly make your money back that's the spot oh no all right so now we are uh now we are waiting for a rain day so we can go fishing on and waiting for the things to grow up but truffles you can make more money doing skull caverns in ancient fruit wine there's our rain day um i am actually going to chop down a few trees over here due to the fact that we had some unlucky tree growing up place hmm i did miss one pumpkin but it doesn't matter if i miss one pumpkin missing we haven't ratted so missing one pumpkin isn't life or death yeah the reason i'm using tools faster is because i'm animation canceling yes all right now we begin fishing another big rng part of this run uh on the first catch here we can technically catch the sunfish even though it's raining and in fall so we actually prefer to catch the sunfish here but uh we don't know what we get on the line other than the sunfish in the ocean here we need to catch the red snapper the tilapia and the sardine and then later on we will eventually need to catch the eel uh this is either a sardine or a sand or i'm sorry sunfish we did get our sunfish which is good now i don't have to bother getting it in spring uh this is tilapia or uh based off of how it's moving i think it is an apple core but i'm going to catch it because i do need to catch a little bit of extra fish for off some extra fishing levels and apple core is worth a decent amount of xp oh it was a tilapia nice um so i'm fine catching a few extra fish uh this is sardine or c this is this is sardine or anchovy sea cucumber would have stayed at the bottom longer uh we did get our sardine which is nice um i'm not gonna catch that that was not a red snapper that was either a tilapia and an abacor and i'm not gonna bother catching an extra one i only bother catching the extra ones if i don't already have it because i can catch the extra ones later this should be a red snapper possibly a sardine no snap snap all right really good uh fall fish okay beach i was hoping to see if we can get another oyster since it was a sunday or even a cockle training rod and three trout soup we're gonna be using the training rod so we can get the brim easier later so now we're gonna go up here uh i'm i'm gonna be upgrading my axe to copper we need to upgrade our axe to steel be to be able to enter the secret woods to get the fiddlehead fern how did i not see this earlier i tunnel vision so hard uh and then uh we are going to be fishing in the river here we are going to be fishing for uh catfish shad walleye and tiger trout right now the only fish of those that are not in the river right now is the walleye that spawns at 12 and coincidentally the walleye and the shad have the exact same fishing pattern so as long as i see the fishing pattern of the y or the shad right now i know it's 100 a walleye other than that we're looking for catfish catfish is kind of easy to point out it is the fastest moving fish in the river and then the tiger trout is what i like to call a wiggler he will just wiggle up and down a lot that is a salmon so we would like to catch all those fish i do have the backup for both the tiger trout and the catfish i can get the tiger trout in next fall and i can get the catfish in summer secret woods another salmon it's disappointing when i get a salmon like that because that was very close to the pattern of a walleye or a shad so i thought it was a wall or i thought it was a shad at first but it was a uh salmon a little bit of a hard fish right there that's the catfish fastest fish in the pond catching catching catfish at lower levels is pretty inconsistent they do have nicer patterns than uh than that one that was a pretty mean pattern yeah it was above average difficulty pattern it wasn't impossible if i actually caught extra fish and i was fishing level two right now then it wouldn't have been that bad of a fish but since i'm not i couldn't catch it this is a salmon i don't know why i caught this i guess for the extra fishing level since i was talking about it but happens of course i get the perfect four uh catches for the ocean fish and now since i'm since i got those four the river's gotta show me problems i've basically only seen one catfish in like four salmons five salmons oh this is what i mean by nicer pattern for the catfish sometimes it just stops moving for no reason it's like you know it's a catfish since it had the dashes but it's like sometimes it just doesn't want to move and it's like all right i'll take a free catfish so i still need tiger trout and i need walleye and chad ideally i have all four of the fish that i need in the river before four because once four happens i need to go back to the ocean to catch an eel and then we hopefully catch the eel by six so when six hits i can instantly catch the breem and then leave any any time spent past fishing past 6 p.m is time wasted on this day is basically what we're looking at and obviously i do lose time for spending extra time in the mini game itself due to the fact that the in-game time pauses while i'm in the mini game but uh that's kind of like a small tidbit this is the walleye in chat pattern it's a 50 50. i don't know whether it's a walleye or a shadow might catch it it was like that was the second shad unfortunately when i was hoping it was a walleye but there's nothing i can really do about that i just have to catch or keep catching that pattern until i get the fish that i need that is a smallmouth cass range does matter in terms of where the bobber lands so each bot or so each tile that you see here has a different disk or a different uh water depth that water depth is based off of the amount that you uh the amount of tiles it is away from land so it's not necessarily uh it doesn't necessarily matter how far you cast it matters what water level you're in which i mean kind of goes along with uh fishing level or cast distance but it's not always the case so it's like if i were to max cast where i am i wouldn't get the deepest fishing level because i would cast to about here which is one one less tile since i overcast it which is why i'm purposely not max casting it here if you if you get what i mean there and then each different fishing levels gives you different chances of odds at particular fish and garbage this is another salmon isn't it i am getting i'm i'm getting absolutely trolled right now the odds for salmon aren't even that high i've gotten like 70 salmon catches now or salmon hooks the odds for salmon should be lower than that of walleye and shads which is just absolutely disgusting to think about three shads in a row unfortunately so it is four we're probably gonna have to back up the tiger trout since we haven't seen it yet but it's just more of a shock that i haven't seen uh the walleye yet it's generally the other way around i get the walleye and can never find a shad what what do you only get small mouths at savage is really hard to do anything this is just a part of the rng sometimes you get lucky sometimes you get not it's not a huge deal a lot basically all the fish can be backed up so it doesn't matter if i catch it today or to not but ideally in the fastest possible case we do catch it today that is another catfish that we don't need the reason i'm staying in the river instead of going for the eels because the eel lasts all night and i only have until seven to catch the uh tiger trout today so i rather focus on trying to get a attempt at the tiger trout fishing treasure chest gives you bonus items that's four shads in a row uh none of which are going to be very important for us but it does give extra fishing xp if you do catch it if you do catch a fish with a chest so uh we will probably we will need fishing level three this run due to the fact that we didn't get a crap from the mines it is six we do have the bream on the line now five shads in a row it's a 50 50. there's no difference between the pattern of the shadow and the walleye by the way they have the exact same odds of showing up in the on the hook as well uh we did get a breem already which is good if i actually had the tiger trout the walleye and the eel right now this would be a really good day but tis fine about to say last attempt we get for the tiger trout but we get a water shad uh odds here there's our walleye all righty uh since i basically don't have any chance of being able to get another attempt at the tiger trout i'm just gonna bail we get the eel here and then we can just peace out we can get the tiger trout in next stop off and here's the eel all right good to go uh before we do leave we are going to buy some coffee from uh gus today this will increase our move speed and allow us to do things faster so oh well lucky roll i'm not gonna bother buying it because i would also need a fried egg i do like to check that there's no point of buying the mackerel for 480 because i still need a second cooking recipe so i would either have to get that otherwise i still have to upgrade the house so it's not a huge plus side for me hit fishing level two which is nice so now we're just sleeping until fall 15th for all the pumpkins to grow up and actually we're technically waiting for the corn to grow up not the pumpkins but um we do just need to sleep at this point on the 15th we're going to do a quick bundles turn in where we're going to turn in a lot of things and then on top of that uh we are going to be buying resources for preserved jars and buying another round of pumpkins so we can start making into pickle pumpkins so we can start paying for the coops in the barns and such because a majority of the money that we need to make we need to make about 300 000 gold during this entire run to be able to pay for everything and a majority of the money is going to be invested into uh paying for all the animals that we need i actually don't want to put everything in my inventory today i technically need four for this slight mistake on inventory management but it's fine i have actually heard that pickle pumpkins are an irl thing and they're super sweet which is kind of i just don't imagine a pumpkin being sweet or pickle being sweet but you know yeah sweet don't don't ask me why all right we're gonna throw that in we're gonna collect that we're gonna go down here throw that in throw that in and throw that in um that i'm just gonna get rid of those we do need one extra fish for a cooking recipe later aka the maki roll so i'm not going to pick that up or i'm not going to delete that uh we will need this bee house for honey for an artisan good most likely there is a chance that we don't need it if we get a really lucky bat cave but i'm not gonna ever bet on that so so all righty um all right just double checking that there wasn't anything in the way there and place that down all righty so i need to buy 690 i'm sorry 600 uh 80 wood i'm sorry 670 wood uh 160 stone and uh 66 uh cole why do i click on that early every time i don't need to buy anything else there furnaces in desert disappear on sandy's birthday sandy and uh and emily walk around i'm 1.5 now so that's where your stuff went all right so now it's time to buy resources from robin x70 i bought a little too much there and then we're going to buy our chicken coop place it right next to the house because we don't want to run very far for it uh we should have plenty of money we are then going to walk the clint uh we re pick up our axe and then we're gonna buy the remaining coal that we need for uh reserve jars and we have quite a bit of extra money i didn't need to sell down i could have sold down to 45 instead and now we are going to go plant our pumpkins it's new to 1.5 that npcs walk around the desert plants plants plants time to move everything and then replace it with the beautiful pumpkins all right it's time to start our hibernation train so basically all we have to do is sleep and make pickled pumpkins while uh we wait for pumpkins throw up for the remainder of fall and then we're basically just going to be making pickled pumpkins throughout the entirety of winter due to the fact that there's really not many items we need to get specifically in but we do need to go out on one day to purchase all the wood and the stone that we need for year two due to the fact that in year two wood and stone prices go up by five times the value that they are right now so i need to pay for like two thousand five hundred wood and about a thousand one hundred stone before uh year two hits no i don't play stardew off stream i don't have the attention span to play this game casually anymore so it's either a challenge run or a speed run and if i'm doing a challenge run or speed running i'd rather be uh streaming while doing it i do play other games off stream obviously though um another purple mushroom wow we will pick up that common mushroom since it's the last ball forge that we need foreign we do not need another purple mushroom though so all right hibernation really not much else to say during uh these days we're just sleeping until uh winter 18th which is the day that we will go out and do everything that we need to do in winter we just do it all in one day and then we're good to go for winter and then we're back into spring spring will be another like money making season where we're just planting stuff and doing very few things and then once we get back into summer that's when things kind of start picking up again where we do some more fishing and then uh getting the final couple of items with animals and then doing the final turn-ins now i can't buy another okay first off the amount of preserved jars we have is calculated to give us basically the exact amount of money that we need so there's no point of buying another one nor does it make it faster uh second reason being is the fact that uh i do need money for the morning of the uh 18th here right i'm sorry 19th to be able to pay for whatever i get in the traveling cart where i get the names of the splits i used to have channel or a channel point uh redemption thing for people to rename my splits so it's when i used to run this category a while back uh those were the names of the splits that people ended up giving me and it's generally based off of what happens in the split so uh to put it in perspective the fishing split called runs demise that's where like 90 of the runs met their uh end now oh there's a uh there's a bug in the game that involves around uh a thunderstorm and a ferry where basically uh if you get a ferry to show up on uh a thunderstorm day or on the day after a thunderstorm day all the thunder strikes if you instant sleep would occur at the same moment at the moment that you sleep which is just a loud thunder strike because they're all overlapping each other it only happens is if you get a fairy on the day uh on the day of a thunderstorm day and if you instant sleep and it just so happened that it happened on that split so people renamed it to that because it was a funny bug because it it was quite deafening uh only with upgraded axes [Music] uh most likely don't mind if i do that makes this a hell of a lot easier i was hoping to find a puffer fish there a puffer fish has a 37.5 percent chance of showing up in the chart which is really the only cart item that we yolo for since it has such a high odds but if i mean if if i get that i mean i'm not gonna refuse it you know the sturgeon is one of the harder the harder fish to uh come by uh later on that i need to get it's the hardest fish to catch in my opinion as well so just getting it for free is a godsend uh we're looking for the nautilus shell uh oh cockle too nice our inventory is gonna get full here uh what to drop what to drop i'm gonna drop the honey because i can get another one okay so all that we still need a uh are they called uh crystal fruit oh i didn't turn in spice berry that's fine foreign that was bad passing that's my bad and we're going to pass upwards here and buy the remaining stuff that we need hopefully we'll get a crystal fruit otherwise i will have to come out on a separate day ideally like next saturday but again we're buying all the wooden stone that we need for the rest of the game here well buying all the stone that we need for the rest of the day we'll buy a little bit less wood than we need for the rest of the game due to the fact that we will be still picking up some because we need to hit forging level three for tappers here so i don't need to buy every last bit of wood but i need to buy a majority of the wood uh other than that we're buying exactly one thousand one hundredths down though uh and then we need to buy the barn let's not forget and off we go still looking for a crystal fruit it's a forgeable it's been funny if it was over here but okay we're gonna hope that we get it in the bus stop then otherwise we will have to go out another day which would be a little unfortunate but upgrade our axe to steel so we can enter the secret woods in summer uh we did not get the crystal fruit so i will have to go out on a extra day unfortunately i'll just go out next saturday it should be fine yes i know i bought 1 000 900 or i bought 1099 but it's the same difference it's enough because technically you only need 1098 so i just again it's just easier to buy the one extra because of shift clicking now unfortunately i have to dehydrate myself before speed runs otherwise i have to piss a couple times during the run which i don't really have time for so yeah unfortunately i dehydrate myself which i know is not good but man we are getting really unlucky with these uh with this uh forged spawn uh we have a chance to finding it up here there we go fine we just have to go out of our way for it because i don't have to it's called just not drinking water for like two hours i call it dehydrating but it's not it's it's not that physically bad for me you know it's just not drinking for like the entirety of the run or very little water throughout the entirety of the run that being said it's a little bit unfortunate for uh a run like this where i'm commentating basically all of it so my throat gets dry so i need to drink water but generally when i'm doing these runs i don't talk that much which shows all right gotta rehoe our entire farm now we don't have our accident later today so i can't get rid of the uh blogs in the way but it's only a two and a half hour long run uh official speed runs that are like 12 plus hour long generally do or or some don't they just have like the the difference is some of those like longer runs have super long cut scenes that allow the runner time to go to the bathroom so they don't have to worry about it unfortunately stardew is not one of those types of games and it's not i don't say the category is long enough to warrant a break runs like 100 for legend of zelda breath of the wild like yeah they give you like an eight hour break that you can take whenever but for speed running it's different yeah i got the crystal fruit i still need an oyster i wish i bought that maki roll recipe now that's insane that i got the fried egg and i could have paid for the maki roll recipe of course of course it's like that so that i'm just gonna sell that now because it's easier to just do later that's so funny yeah realistically i should never but i didn't want to waste the money i know it was only 400 gold but it's like yeah 400 gold can make or break some amount of money i needed to go to the town there or not i need to pick up my app all righty all right back to sleeping we're gonna be sleeping until the 14th and then we're basically doing the exact same thing that we just did on the 14th uh where we're going to be upgrading the coupe or we're going to be upgrading the barn this time we're going to be replanting all the uh cauliflower and then uh am i wrong in assuming that strawberries are the best crop in spring uh no but the issue is is if i want to buy strawberries on the 13th i would have to wait until 9pm on a day that i can't upgrade my uh barn and coupon so it's just better for me to just do cauliflower anyways we do do strawberries in year one because we don't need to upgrade a barn so it's fine waiting until nine for the festival to get the better to get the slightly better off crop and then on top of that now since i have uh preserved jars preserved preserved jarring cauliflower is better than preserved jarring uh strawberries due to the fact that how preserved jars work is it's a mul or it's a two times multiplier plus 50 of its base price and the base price of strawberries is 120 where the base price of cauliflower is 175. so you get an extra like hundred and you're you get an extra 60 g from the preserve jar compared to uh strawberries per uh plant that you jar you do technically get slightly more uh strawberries but it's hardly enough to matter right a fairy is a one percent chance of occurring on average you're supposed to get two per run so they're gonna notice something a little weird i'm gonna be harvesting and then planting them instead of harvesting and planting at the same time this is because every time that you pick up a cauliflower or not even just the cauliflower every time you pick up a harvestable plant you'll notice that the top right corner the in-game time freezes for a little bit so to reduce the amount of time freezing since i would basically be picking these up one at a time and then planting i'm picking them all up like really quickly and then i'm just going to replant so it gets to 9 pm as fast as possible so i can actually enter clint or i'm sorry enter pierre's asap instead of having to wait a little bit longer it's a slight optimization but it is a thing that i like to uh keep track of and since i'm waiting for 9pm anyways there's no reason for me to not waste a little bit more real life time in making sure that the in-game time goes by faster because that's all i care about on this given day um next thing we're actually going to do is a little bit weird well not weird but i'm going to empty my inventory and we're going to be going to the bat cave now since it's been uh it's been a little it's been a little less than a year this thing should be uh pretty filled now so we're hoping that we have a pomegranate which we do and a bunch of other originals and we're gonna be picking up all these forge for not money but for forging xp because we need to hit forging level three for tappers uh we didn't get uh one oh we're fine we got we got four artisan goods so we're golden um okay that menu was bad actually what am i doing i can do a turn in right now like bruh i have enough time uh this day is always like it really depends on what you have uh to allow you to do what you want to do it really depends on what you have if you don't have all the artisan goods it's not really worth doing a turn in but since i have a decent amount of artisan goods it actually is worth doing the turn in right now it's one of those really weird segments can't do the rest there all right i think i still need one of those i don't need that um i have speed rounds i have speed ran starbound and uh terraria or other games that i have speed around other than stardew stardust the game that i'm most familiar with though pickles no we keep pickles uh i'm going to be hitting uh level 10 off farming at the end of this month so as many pickles as i can save will give me 40 times more profit from the pickles and since i'm not going to be pickling every single cauliflower i rather sell the golden silver quality cauliflower over the pickles did i say 40 times i meant 40 percent kw all right now we're just sleeping until the 28th again while making pickled cauliflower this time since we ran out of pumpkins oh yeah there's more sleeping it's kind of like the down uh portion of the run unfortunately it's not too long compared to the rest of the run but it is a segment that we have to go through because we do need to make about 300 000 g total for this run to work out and this is just the fastest way of making money it takes uh three days on live version and this version so i don't know why i said live version it takes three days prior to 1.3 it only took two days as long as you instant slept the day but that's uh older patches it's technically like two in like two thirds of a day but it it's like every three days for us if i get instant sleep in real life would i do it yes i would love to be able i my peak uh my peak love lifestyle would be working for a company that would pay me to sleep for science i would literally lay in a bed for a month straight if i could get paid for it president sleeper dude it's it's my peak lifestyle man it's like how people get get or some people get paid for riding roller coasters and giving uh a review on it you know it's just that before sleeping i don't need to worry about one crop do i actually have to empty my inventory a little bit here i'm going to be picking up a bunch of stuff all right so now here's a little bit more fishing right now i have i want to catch the tuna and i also want to buy the upgraded fishing rod from willy at nine so ideally we get the tuna before 9 pm but i'm sorry 9 a.m but it generally doesn't happen so we're just hoping to get it by like noon generally speaking is what we hope for it has a very simple pattern it's the exact same as the eel so it's really easy to spot out it's just about whether we can get it on the line or not it's not that high of a chance but it's still not terrible did you get it within like the first like 10 or 15 casts on average bubbles there will help out i fish with uh the mouse button [Music] oh i i am nowhere near reaching those bubbles my fishing level uh the reason i specifically was looking at these bubbles is it increases your bite rate by even further than just having bait i missed a ring because i'm talking since i can't reach those bubbles i want to fish sideways fishing sideways is faster and you can get into a deeper water depth fishing sideways so that's why you always go this way uh we did need seaweed so that's a good catch but we are just hoping for a tuna here tuna red mullet red mullet red mullets are the most common fish in summer at this time of day so that's why it's like it's basically going to be a red mullet a flounder or a tuna again ideally you get this by noon but sometimes you can just get unlucky i also was pretty slow about hoeing and clearing the farm so i got i got here a little bit later than i would have liked but still you're just hoping for nothing that bad [Music] it'd be really nice if we could reach these bubbles though because that would just make it so we can go by go through fish super quickly hmm that's an octopus i do need it before three if it hits three and i don't have the tuna i do have to leave because i have to get the robins before four so it is something that i have to be cautious of i can get it later on another day which is probably what i'm gonna end up doing i'm just gonna end up getting it on the 13th instead that's a puffer fish i'm gonna go to these bubbles again the bubbles increase the bite rate and it's pseudo increases the watered up so it should make it more likely for me to get uh the tuna on the line as well of course they didn't last long but uh getting a little cucked here but again i can just get it on another day this is a puffer fish i'm gonna catch it since i don't i didn't get it from the traveling card and i seem to have an easy y'all pattern i'm gonna end up leaving in the next like can't be missing cast like that if i don't get it within like the next two casts i'm just gonna have to leave to make sure i make it to robinson time and of course i get it now since it's last second unfortunate tuna but we did get an extra puffer fish on top of that so i don't have to worry about getting it from the traveling card anymore i could have just gotten it on summer 13th which is another day that we're gonna go out fishing on so it's not too big of an issue if i didn't get to catch it on that day but it's annoying obviously poppy corn sunflower red cabbage apple tree oh i need melons i know i was forgetting something why two uh in case i am going to be planting them on the 13th which is a guaranteed thunderstorm day so i would have to be unlucky enough twice to get the crop struck twice to be able to lose the run to it so i buy two and yes i have lost runs to thunder striking uh my poppy or uh my poppy or sunflower i have lost runs to it it sounds so in insignificant in the long scheme of things but it does happen so you buy two of them and it takes half a second to buy the extra one and then it takes half a second to plant it it's not a huge deal alrighty now we're going to be sleeping until the 13th which is the day that we're going to be going out and doing the remaining fishing that we have and then uh yeah uh we're getting we're getting close to the end of this run there's not very many items that we have left it's mainly just the last couple of fish that we need uh a few crops and animals so we just need a little bit more money uh and then a few more things to go on our side which another one percent chance of occurring uh it just gives us a void egg it does absolutely nothing for us but whatever uh hmm alrighty so standard harvest are going to be converting these into uh pickle pickle red cabbages just like we've been doing for a while and uh yeah i need this i'm going to be making a bunch of basic fertilizer and then let's get planting reason we're doing basic fertilizer is because we need five gold quality corn and five gold quality melons so this just guarantees us getting what we want i believe i still need a grape uh i'm gonna pick up the sweet pea just in case but i don't think i need that we are going to go to the mines now and we need to catch basically all the fish in the lake here we did get an early sturgeon from the traveling cart so uh i only need uh carp of course of course i get a sturgeon when i don't need it anymore uh i need carp chub bullhead largemouth from uh the pond here sturgeon is by far the hardest one of the five so thankfully we don't have to get it second hardest is largemouth which we actually got very easily uh the next actual rarest fish is the bullhead for whatever reason the bullhead has the same chance of showing up as the sturgeon so hopefully we can get it quickly and not multiple large mouths i don't know why the bullhead is shows up as much as the sturgeon since the bullhead is really easy it has the same pattern as the y and the shad where it just goes to the middle and just sits there like not like that i was about to say like that but that was just the largemouth largemouth impersonating a bullhead are we gonna get another impersonation or is this actually going to be a bullhead this time there should be a bullet all right carp and uh chubs are kind of easy patterns to spot carbs do nothing look mom no hands i do have to i do have to click um and then the chub kind of stays near the bottom and just wiggles after this we're going to catch the ghost fish in the mines here's our chub all right now we're going to be catching the ghost fish here super quickly i'm going to go 460. the goat's fish has like a fraction of a percent higher chance of being found on 460 compared to floor 20 so that's why we fish here instead it's just one of those things where you just don't ask why but it's true and when i say a fraction of a percent it's like 0.0001 percent higher it's so minuscule that you just you shouldn't even care but we we care you know and there is our ghost fish we are then going to go and buy the last uh animal upgrade animal building upgrade that we need which is the deluxe barn and then we're going to go down check the beach we're going to go down check the beach pray that we have a uh sea urchin and whatever uh beach forge that we don't have we are then going to buy a rabbit and a duck and we're going to walk home is what we're going to be doing since i have the catfish i don't actually have to go to the secret woods today and i can do it on a more optimal time schedule which is on the 19th of next week or yeah of yeah of next week since i'm on saturday so we just need to check super quickly here and hope that we have a sea urchin because on the 13th or on like the beach forge week of summer which is like this week uh you can get sea urchins that spawn on the left side uh i unfortunately didn't get one so now i'm gonna need to get an extra 300 wood to repair the bridge not too bad but it's just a little annoying i'm gonna empty my inventory just a hair here and i am stupid where i forgot to sell everything to pierre's because i was busy talking about the beach it is fine it's just a little bit of time loss uh you know it's really hard to play while narrating the entire game i know that sounds bad for a gdq's perspective but uh that is why we have a couch smile 250k we only need about 100k more gold and then we are there but yeah there's so many things to remember stardew is a very big memory game for a speedrun it's less about all the tricks and game breaking exploits that other games have uh this one is more a memory game it's more like rpg style in that way where it's more about the rng and uh planning of the run and the route itself over the execution for the most part that being said the execution does matter but yes not as apparent as the other aspect hmm alrighty now that we bought the animals we're just going to be sleeping until the 19th here jungle farm i mean that's what happens when you just sleep for a year straight the reason we're specifically going out on the 19th is because it is a traveling cart day so we can get an extra traveling cart check as well as ideally it's not raining on this day and uh it's a day that marnie's actually open because she is not open on mondays and tuesdays which is like you would expect them to you would expect her to be open on those days since the beginning of the work week but nope she's not open mondays and then tuesdays is her exercise day so kind of hard to get a hold of her so you're probably wondering why we bought the animals and then just didn't touch them for a week uh the main reason for that is to get them off cycle by a day because animals in this game produce uh products or depending on the type of animal they produce products every day every other day or like every four days like uh rabbits do so i want to ice off cycle the rabbits and the ducks because i'm gonna be buying two of each of them and the reason for that is because their uh quality dropper their special drop the rabbit's foot in the duck feather is based off of daily luck so i want to spread them across stays uh do i have a sand fish no i do not i wanna i wanna spread them across stays so i'm more likely it's more likely for them to hit on a good luck day so i have more opportunities to hit a good luck day which means i have more opportunities to get the special item that i'm looking for [Music] yes my timer is correct okay we're looking for a wood skip here the reason we don't do this on the 13th anymore is due to the fact that uh catching the wood skip when it's raining is a really low odds comparing to catching a wood skip when it's not raining because when it's raining in summer you can catch the wood skip the catfish and the chub or i'm sorry woods get wood skip catfish and carp but when it's not raining you can only catch wood skip and carp which drastically increases the odds of getting a wood skip since a large portion of the odds when it's raining is either the catfish or the uh carp so it's a it's a drastic increase that being said you're mostly still gonna get trash in carps when fishing in here but it's still a much higher odds which is all we're really looking for fishing has not been going our way this run but it is fine it's an rng point that if you just don't get it you lose time but it's not run ending thankfully there's so many backups for office because there's so many there's so many days in a season that i can just go out on another day if i absolutely have to here's our wood skip we can tell it's a wood skip because it moves since the carp does not move we know any fish that just moves right away is automatically the wood skip all right now we're going to be buying the remaining animals that we need so we need a pig a cow one white chicken and one brown chicken you can tell what you get at the top we got a white chicken right there so now it's a 50 chance of getting a brown or a white chicken we got a brown so i don't need a reset when i say reset i mean just exit out of the menu and then enter back into the menu we got our duck and then a rabbit and now we need to buy a milk pail and then just a bunch of a for the animal themselves and we're good to go um so now that we have forging level three we need to place these on trees because we need a maple syrup and an oak resin and now we gotta go out and love our animals for those wondering why are you not building a silo if you have a deluxe coop and a deluxe barn the reason being is i already have to enter uh the given area anyways uh due to the or i already have to enter the barn and such anyways to pet the animals because i need to get them a high enough friendship to be able to get the goods that i want so there's really no point of building a silo because it doesn't really prevent me uh it doesn't really lose me any time for having to feed them since i'm already going inside the the place anyways i did hit forging level three already mainly because i did the bat cave entire forge but what i'm doing right now is i'm getting all the wood i need for the house upgrades and the bridge repair since it's very expensive to buy wood i'm not going to have that much money left over so i actually have to farm a lot of the wood myself now ideally we don't have to build the bridge but it happens so we're just gonna be using the energy that we get in these mornings to clear out uh trees for wood here [Music] our inventory is a failed i'm probably gonna need another uh chest here i was hoping i wasn't gonna have to make another chest but my inventory is just too filled here now well i clear out trees now than earlier in the run because my axe is upgraded it's my axe is upgraded now plus on top of that i don't have as many trees earlier in the run nor do i have as much free time that doesn't really make a difference if i do it now or then the argument could be why didn't you just pay for more wood earlier in the run and my issue with that is uh money i i need money for other things so i can't pay for extra wooden year one i actually bought more wood than i normally do in year one on this file uh i put red cabbage away on accident so it's like i just got unfortunate or i just got unlucky where i actually have to uh repair the bridge so i'm down an extra 300 wood i need about 900 total because i need 300 for the bridge i need 450 for the uh house repair and then i need uh 200 for the bundle plenty about 900 i'm gonna get 750 though and then see how much i can buy and then get the rest so i'm good now did i pet the animals today i don't think i did i kind of just glossed over them no i didn't beat them this route has been being made over several years now so uh i did a majority of the routing but there's a lot of other people who help so i can i'm i'm not going to take sole credit for it not at all so many different inspirations from people in chat from the speedrunning community from people outside the speedrunning community just it's how it works another uh quick answer to probably a quick question people are having why aren't you bothering petting the pig every day uh the pig always produces one truffle a day i i should say not always it doesn't produce if it's raining obviously but uh the first truffle that the pig produces cannot fail so no matter what its love is or friendship is with you it will not fail its first truffle if it decides to place it so all it has to do is decide to place it and the odds of it deciding to place it it checks like once a frame every single frame that passes by it checks and there's i forget what that actual number is there there's a a pretty decent chance that it places it every time it checks the frame i think it's like one in a 100 or something like that so 60 times a second it has a one in nah nah it's not a one 1-100 what is the number i haven't i don't remember the exact number off the top of my head but basically every second it has 60 opportunities to place a truffle on average it takes about like it takes two hours in game for it to produce a truffle if it's outside the entire time so the likelihood if you stand out the entire day for it to not produce a truffle is so out or so astronomically low that you're basically guaranteed a truffle no matter what the friendship is and i only need one truffle in this run um also another thing people are probably thinking doesn't milking the cow get you extra friendships yes but it's not enough for it to matter it just reduces having to pet him by a day overall or a day or two which is not a huge deal for the amount of extra time that it takes to uh milk so we just i just don't bother milking it's there's no point to it yes i need a jelly [Music] hey early duck brother uh so there's actually a unique interaction with animation cancelling milk which we consider a glitch so i can't do it actually there is a very specific uh interaction that we consider a glitch it's one it's one of those small uh situations where we have to do that basically what happens is if you animation cancel the milking process it acts like you never melt but it gives them friendship points instantly so you could just spam animation cancel milk a cow and instantly get him to full friendships in a day by doing it so we consider it a glitch to animation cancel it [Music] do of course you can just say uh just only milk them once per day and then you're fine but again there's still no point hey he's free money i'm gonna need the money for uh wood anyways no rabbit's foot yet unfortunately all right starting tomorrow uh the chickens and the cows have about a 50 chance of giving me their large products whenever i uh milk and or pick up their egg you know so we're hoping to uh hit those we don't need to hit all of them but the more i hit the butter cow didn't hit well animals did not hit classic all right time to do turn-ins [Music] uh u u u u u u u u u you you you you and then we can just go uh yes as long as there's space and every single tile in the coop is space so i don't have to worry about it there is plenty of room for them to keep producing ah still need a grape unfortunately we have to do multiple turn-ins here so i need to specifically complete the entire vault today and i also need to specifically uh complete the artisan uh bundle today so that's what i'm doing right now in particular um i need that we're just gonna bring that um i already have that turned in don't need any of that bring this bring this we can bring that at that already have that turned in bring that have that turned in all right all right good to go [Music] i mind stardew best stardu i do plan in the future to do a chat plays and when i say chat plays i mean i turn off my monitors so i can't put i can't see stardu and chat tells me what to do so it's a blindfold playthrough of stardoo since there's no sound cues in the game i can't actually do it blindfolded by myself because walking into the wall makes the same sound is just walking so there's no way for me to actually like do it normally i didn't need that reward unfortunately but we can do uh that instead all right have this turned in right yeah all right we're not really missing many items fortunately the main one we're missing is the sea urchin but we should be fine i can actually get that today i will actually go get now we also still need an oyster and did i ever hit fishing level three i did not there's rc urgent empty beach today even though it's a saturday that's pretty surprising all righty uh so now i need to complete the vault here super quickly now since i actually uh have money uh then we need to buy the house upgrade and then we're just going to buy the remainder of the rest of our money we're gonna spend on wood down to like 500 g friday though it happens ready it's one more down we are chilling on money i have enough money where i could actually buy the backpack upgrade if i wanted to but we're good we are good okay perfect unfortunately i do need a little bit more cash due to the fact that uh i need to buy a crab pot but other than that we're basically done here that's a large brown egg that being said we should be able to get the money from selling animals okay so now we just need a rabbit's foot and uh large white egg along with sand fish cactus fruit coconut wine which we're going to about to get uh oh again it's a 50 chance of getting a uh a large white egg right now by the way ira split 50 50 by the way how do i not have a large white egg jesus is he bugged no he's not all right let's cook our recipes there we go and we're really about to finish up we just need to get the last few stragglers of items a little bit of luck to go our way but um all right now we just need a rabbit's foot i need tiger trout still as well that is one item that i am missing but i can pick that up on uh i'm gonna pick it up i'm gonna do everything tomorrow due to the fact that i know willie is open on uh thursdays that being said it's not surprising that i don't have the rabbit's foot yet it's a pretty low percent chance while on top of the fact that uh they don't produce every day so it only makes sense that i don't have it just yet we are going to go out for it tomorrow though so i have until pam uh gets to the bus stop which is about 9am to get the tiger trout without losing time so we have plenty of time it's just ideally we get it super quickly unfortunately these rabbits are not blessing us very much here [Music] [Music] [Music] fun fact real life rabbits don't know off their own feet and give it to them as a gift yeah you're right let me get the axe out i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna start pulling out the axe if these rabbits don't want to fork them over themselves you have oak resin it's producing on a tree oh the odds for the time i whatever it's probably just due to my low fishing level that i keep getting garbage here this is just a salmon there we go oh wow two wood uh okay oh was i okay i just realized i was fishing behind the timer wasn't i oh well it was the optimal place to fish sorry boys oh pam's not here yet oh it's 10. she gets onto the screen at like 9 40 right here yep you can walk in front of an npc slow them down for a little bit but then they start sprinting it so uh yeah it's faster than them walking even though you do have to slow them down for a little bit all right last fish we need to catch right here which is the old sand fish fortunately the sandfish is the only fish we can catch in this pond right here so it's either we get garbage or the sand fish so it's a very high likelihood that we get garbage which just feels bad uh i picked up a coconut there's our cactus fruit uh you have to be uh fishing level five to be able to catch the scorpion carp and i'm only fishing level three so i literally cannot get the scorpion carp on the line which is why it's either sand fish or not all right so the only item we actually need left is one crab pot item and one uh one rabbit's foot we're really just waiting on the rabbit's foot now i might be missing no there's no way i'm missing exotic i had both red mushrooms and uh i had both red mushrooms there's no way i'm missing exotic or i'm sorry both red and both purple mushrooms there's no way i'm missing exotic we are literally just waiting on rabbit's foot now all right we just gotta check every day and hope we get a rabbit's foot they produce uh they have a chance of producing a rabbit's foot once every four days and the higher friendship they have the higher odds that they actually produce the rabbit's foot so that's why i keep going out and petting them and loving them i'm actually going to start letting them outside so they can start eating grass which will give them even more friendship points than uh giving them pay the reason i don't let them outside at first is because there's too many of them and i need to be able to keep track of all them so i just choose to lock them up in the coop because there's six of them and now there's only two so much much more manageable i was gonna let him eat that super quickly but now that guy actually has a really high or a much higher chance of giving me a rabbit's foot than the other one all right again last item's rabbit's foot it's all down to this uh depending on what the daily luck is we have anywhere between a zero and a basically i think we're at like an 18 chance if it's max luck a day of getting a rabbit's foot each time we check here there we go gg eg we should have everything if not this is going to be a little unfortunate but i'm 90 sure we have everything i gotta wait until tomorrow was there a large milk in the chest that i forgot thank you for pointing that out it's a festival can't go to town what a noob doesn't even know it's a festival day keck w rip that coffee though there's no way the wine isn't done so wasted seconds what a fake speedrunner yikes okay this is the bundle that i'm most scared about no we're good nothing to worry about nothing to worry about look at this easy peasy i have resin [Music] [Music] god damn it i put large brown egg away [Laughter] i don't want to hear it yep it's a memory game what can i say you forget one item and then you got to go back for it i have it i know i have it but [Music] glitchless by the way uh no pb is a 131 or i'm sorry a 231 we're about uh 20 minutes behind pb right now our rng was pretty abysmal this run the holy relic the final item what are these times these are previous uh run splits i run that i uh a run that i previously ran this week let's not eat the egg and voila the committee center completed timer ends on the flash of the last bundle completion why not 50 or 253 15 not bad rng kind of cocked us but this is kind of the expected time we got but anyways yeah that is uh stardew valley's community center restoration uh thanks for watching hope you enjoyed and uh yeah take care peace
Channel: TheHaboo
Views: 140,696
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch
Id: AyRHVorw-a8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 182min 1sec (10921 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 11 2021
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