Community Center Glitchless Speedrun

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all right more runs ev keck w true it's always pv keck w uh the day that i can finally do something else is the day that we all hope for we just we've had attempts that have been close all right i haven't played stardoo in a few days though hopefully i'm not that rusty [Music] oh yeah thank you for the prime food not terrible [Music] i great animation counseling oh i must say uh that ass bank thank you for the prime as well for six months it is greatly appreciated you cut it no i did not cut it it is still as long as ever i guess it's just more to the side to die i don't know i didn't do anything special to it what are we doing today uh what the title says community center glitchless speed runs ideally we pb though worst luck to best luck huh uh it's still not really long enough for it to be a good one i feel like bad bus stop no just cc a lot the including the missing bundle will make the run about an hour longer and i would have to kill about 90 of the runs that i do so i would basically never finish a run the missing bundle is a really speed run to actually play there's about a 50 chance that the run just instantly dies an hour into not getting an ancient seed and there's about a 90 chance the run dies 30 minutes or i'm sorry three hours into not getting the dino egg it's really not fun to run imagine just losing 90 of your runs three hours in and there's nothing you can do about it i can thank you for the prime missing bundle is just not fun to run yeah i did almost like a month of streams and i think i finished four runs which is an even worse completion rate than my community center and i'm already very picky about my community center runs [Music] thank you for the tier one for two months really appreciate it i don't think i need those two could be wrong about the top one but hmm [Music] at least i turned on the bot but it seems to still not be working correctly thank you both [Music] was that like three doggies i'll just [Music] it sounded like a lot of doggies so those are just obsolete which is kind of funny even entity thank you for the tier one we're doing okay on money it's not insane but it's not terrible hey for a sport guys it doesn't mean a lot uh i can't tell if there's a freebie based off of that i'm gonna break these crates oh good call actually genius i have a third sensor or something okay i'm so confused how it broke that rock when my mouse was clearly over the rock on the right some things just are left a mystery in this game i don't know why stuff happens but sometimes it just happens uh without a bunch of cave carrots on 24 i don't see how this run completes at the moment a little too low on energy you didn't get club a few cave carrots at least 6k carrots it looks like seven can't read or can't see fully oven should be enough of course i pick up the wood before the cave carrots somehow even though like i'm on top of the cave carrot i i just don't know how that works sometimes it's so confusing uh am i gonna get that many bugs me i feel like i'm not i think it's a better idea to pick up the mushroom at the same time when you get that it's like i would need like 15 to 16 uh bugs meat for it to be worth the silver mushroom is the difference and if i get a crab from the sky then it doesn't matter [Music] yeah it's an emote or uh i believe thank you for z so you don't have that installed if you just look bottom left when it appears in the chat menu you'll know what i mean it's literally just a gif of a cat meowing uh i won't be getting much more bugs meat so there's no point that barrel almost made me think or made me think for a second that there was a freebie on the floor based off of getting a geode rock right next to a uh geode thing wow i got a lot of money right there holy moly there's no freebie on the floor yet pretty bad that took way too long possible freebie on this floor crypto thank you for the tier one for 13 months appreciated [Music] not recommended though [Music] [Music] let's see a freebie on the right hand side i'm running out of food i'm just gonna take 35 and just say it's fine because this is actually trolling me at this point this pace is so gross kelly thank you for the prime this is so gross we had such good pace too like what the ah that's so sad it was so fine like we were literally on the dark floors by five but the dark floors have just been like straight up trolling me [Music] it's so sad [Music] see i'm not comparing against pbs let's or splits the sun so it doesn't matter like yeah i mean my pb splits is in 1843 but i'm not comparing against those though blitz i just picked up the topaz apparently if i was gonna get that many nodes so that be vibing sometimes it is a monday so people are probably just lurking and working or at least attempting to i guess the guy didn't slow me twice yeah we're lurking and just playing themselves i'm going to do the stream we're getting some pretty good rolls on the oars when we're breaking them at least no point of killing these guys i'm already way too good on like two iron down there it's not really worth i did go out on the seventh which was a mistake because now i'm not gonna have like any ore or i'm sorry any good barrels i have some but a double magnet ring is pretty funny i don't have to circle back for anything i'm gonna go down there that's a lot of iron i know it's a little spread out probably a little too much to give up on got nothing for it though it's kind of like whatever get the remaining money that we need here all that i'm not hoping to get a ladder from that guy wow we need three from this guy down that's not on the here then we have plenty of money this one's fine not the fastest not terrible should be saba is it going to be sub 20 i'm very happy with anything below sub 20. i'll probably just miss it but it's fine we take runs like this any day of the week so [Music] i just i love having this many magnet rings it's actually so funny uh it's so powerful you just pick up everything from like everywhere it's so much so much magnetic power having two large magnet rings at this point wow one two three four five there's five daffodils right there kind of funny [Music] ah you should never look you should never compare speedrunning to me like but there's even like even if you don't want to learn animation canceling there's a category for no animation canceling now so it's like you can literally just learn from the start you don't have to start as good as me people improve it took me years to get to the point that i'm at just have fun with it look to improve yourself for the matter i have way too many hours put into this game we like rain give us more rain game fun ow well i ever retire i mean i won't say that i'll ever specifically retire from stardu but i will probably take a break from stardew when haunted chocolatier comes out at least and see if i enjoy that game more because if i enjoy that game more and i enjoy the speed run of uh hot chocolatier more i'm probably going to switch my main speed game to haunted chocolatier if i'm having more fun speedrunning it that said i'm gonna be playing it casually first but i do plan on speedrunning that game whether or not it will be a good speed game is questionable but we'll see you never know uh really depends on a few things if i'll play it on stream casually and that's mainly due to uh but i'll probably play it on stream casually quote unquote [Music] they i'm really hoping for beta access all right so it's like i probably won't be able to stream that so it's like i have already would have played it casually before you guys get to see it hopefully [Music] that was very questionable also thank you for the resub vvv i hope your day is going well [Music] so hmm a lot of quality strawberries or the beta offline well i don't know what i don't know i'm assuming that i would have to sign an nda or something unless this is just gonna be very casual about it but i'll ask him for permission before i do anything obviously it's like yeah i'll i'll definitely record it but it's like i won't be able to post it right away probably have to wait until the game comes out and again like i have no uh insight of when it would be ready to or when ca would want a want beta testers i have no insight on that could literally be a year from now could be next month who knows oh oh gnarly thank you for the prime for three months sorry i missed that when i'm on when i do the hoeing segments of this run i generally like focus on not messing it up especially this one that one has to be super that one's like super tight about whether or not i lose time or not that was frame perfect would you say it's the most hardest or delicate part of the run of sturgeon yeah sturgeon's probably the hardest part of the run in terms [Music] of yeah thank you sturgeon or mine's day three i wouldn't say mine's day three is that delicate though but sturgeon's delicate pomegranate pomegranate is pretty funny fast turn-ins is also another uh small element being able to do turn-ins quickly is uh is like a small thing but it's noticeable on uh saving time being able to find the items in your inventory quickly and being able to turn them in uh quickly is actually a lot harder than you may think so rabbit's foot it's not neces rabbit's foot's not necessarily delicate it's rng it's like we get two rabbits so it's not necessarily our fault if we don't get it we do we do the best job that we can to ensure that we get the rabbit's foot uh as often as we can get it so i wouldn't say rabbit's foot is necessarily delicate it's just one of those moments where it's like you either get it or you don't it sucks but that's how it is you get it you generally get it within a reasonable time though it's not often that you lose time to it i say that as i lost a run recently to it but that happens [Music] sag hope your day goes better body it do be a monday weeds have caused damage yeah i don't know why that message shows up like half the time it actually means that in half the times it doesn't it's a very weird message that doesn't make sense a lot of the time [Music] [Music] that's my boy i think for the prime whoo you too we're looking for a good luck day here now not neutral good luck day please this is depressing i'm gonna have hardly enough days to smell now i literally don't know if i'll have enough days to smelt like i need a good luck day tomorrow otherwise i'm gonna have to bring the furnaces with me to the vines [Music] [Music] what the man what am i supposed to do [Music] what like what the hell am i supposed to do [Music] [Music] i literally can't even do the day three i actually can't do day three i got two neutrals at the start and it has been bad luck after bad luck after it's like i couldn't even take a neutral like i would have settled for a neutral there's literally not enough time at this point i'm just curious if i would get a good luck day oh there we go time to make four furnaces all right quick seizure warning i'm gonna try it i'm very curious if i can get away with it i don't think i can but i rather have the practice i guess do i am just shocked that it took until the 25th i don't need to smelt any copper i just need to smelt the iron i basically need to get four fire quartz i i am essentially required to get four fire quartz i have to open up with going to the iron floors because i need to start smelting the iron asap foreign well we'll find out you're getting very lucky with resources though [Music] one or five six seven eight and you like apprentices ah that's fine i think four is enough technically [Music] foreign uh we got my way to pick up like every little bit of thing that i can smell right now it's kind of gross i keep thinking that i have to cycle back to pick stuff up but then i realize i have two large magnet rings so i don't have to do that [Music] hmm bruh bruh bruh this game is such a troll it wants the game to stay alive but it doesn't [Music] how did i just get a gold bar i actually have enough smelting time with four furnaces is like the sad part [Music] [Music] yay [Music] yeah i saw the game crash it's so that's an inconsistent crash too by the way cord i don't i know what what causes it but i can't consistently do it because i i've crashed that before i really don't understand it i think you have to can i stop getting slowed you have to do it on like a specific frame i feel like it's like half it's probably not frame perfect but it was within a small window where you click and it's super dumb so i need to smelt one more so i don't need any more quartz just probably iron at this point i don't really know how much iron i still need though i know the weird part foreign for time apparently i'm very confused goddammit [Music] [Music] [Music] way more than enough iron you do need to die and a copper bar thank you this game is so troll uh i just need 45 gold ore [Music] i'm trying very hard not to die ah this is too important uh but then i'm down a i'm down so much on the exotic and i still need to carry the furnaces home somehow it picked up a third purple i thought i was gonna die there i saw my life flashed before my eyes i thought that i was gonna dash at me and i had no chance of surviving it not that but i can't pick it up i have inventory man yeah weapon weapon will be for furnaces as well upgrade just to make this kill faster i swear to god if i get crab i don't need a weapon anymore amethyst oh amethyst can't go i need one more gold i'll take the copper pick the gold ore uh i have everything else okay what the is this day how is this run alive like at all how is this run even alive i just need to smell at least one more iron and then i need to smelt how much gold nine gold [Music] [Music] [Music] whatever [Music] personal best and smelt one more iron bar [Music] foreign hmm [Music] or one two three four one two three four one two three all right we should be good rubble mushroom down there funny funny wow okay i just need a smile uh um with two so i need three more [Music] i need three more copper bars i need one more iron three more copper bars one more iron bar well i technically need five more copper bars because tapper as well but i'm not going to count that right now i get that later pretty fast could have been faster morning but it wasn't terrible the menu was not terrible up top the fact that i made this run work even with a like super late uh good luck day is like a shock [Music] ah come on i stand in the wrong spot bro [Music] uh that's so bad that gmo me actually an apex predator [Music] uh it's slightly annoying [Music] i worked hard thank you for the tier one for 19 months greatly appreciated hey glitchless funny funny uh [Music] the glitch this is supposed to skip that well you're allowed to you're allowed to animation cancel out that cutscene englishless and that is the result of being allowed to because all i'm doing is animation cancelling to get out of that cut scene uh i have okay i just need one more copper then that's fine but it looks buggy as hell which is why i ironically say glitchless because it's like if you don't know what's going on that look that it just looks like i'm glitching or using english why am i i love how the one day that i just randomly checked the luck because i'm not paying attention it's a star drop why couldn't have i why couldn't i have gotten that earlier in summer plum no hazelnut kind of sucks i have common mushrooms so it's like i got hazelnut i would be chilling i would be big challenge if i got hazelnut oh spot dead [Music] hey now i probably should have caught that even though i immediately thought that was a red snapper just because cord had a sunfish last night that looked like a tilapia to me of course that one's actually a snapper [Music] floppier sardine that was a snapper really interesting only snappers don't wiggle at the start i'll take a perfect catch because i do do fishy level two uh this could be a snapper or a tilapia i don't think it's an albacore it's not moving fast enough okay apparently i don't know what fish what what type of fish these ocean fish are these are some of the most odd ocean fish i've ever seen it should be a snapper though yeah okay that was my fault i have never seen a sea cucumber do that this is probably a uh apple corer but i'm gonna hope it's a tilapia it's not doing the albacore movement yeah okay it wasn't doing the funny albacore movement this is one of the weirdest runs i've done in a while and i hope it pbs because of it thursday two clams all right give the person the benefit of the doubt and it was a cat on their keyboard whenever i see a message like that it's literally just probably a cat on their keyboard let's be real happens great start great start meow bruh to be fair if it's not a fish i want i'd rather it be uh crash because it doesn't pause uh game time let's not talk about that mistering i'm bad my gender is broken thank you for the prime for three months meow back to you the skill issue it's always a skill issue your tiger trouts already i agree it's a scale issue then big yawn oh unfortunately it's not a guaranteed chad because now it's 12. but it was still a shot a third tiger trout no catfish or meow fish i guess oh i feel like this might be a fake but it wasn't hey just needed catfish okay i accidentally feel called out happens normally you get catfished before all the other fish is kind of surprising i haven't gotten on the line yet i say that as i get a catfish on the line and i fail it because i'm bad that wasn't even a hard one bro i'm so scared about fishing about fishing for sturgeon if i'm missing a catfish like that that just does not put a good taste in my mouth that was much cleaner it's that's annoying bruh only if you could be useful like why couldn't you be like a fishing buff or something plus two mining omega law [Music] and what do i even do with it it's literally plus two mining i guess i could have just planted that gonna die [Music] when does gus get back even lewis is just sitting there before gus gets back man it sucks at the fourth is like the only day that you can can't buy coffee early [Music] oh go by rock [Music] that's back at four that's just annoying [Music] not fishing close enough to the rock apparently on mega ball [Music] is it is an appointment day i thought it was at pierce [Music] air the rockets you better fish oh i hear the opposite but i'm doing it anyways because funny joke [Music] fish in the rock well it looks pretty on the rock [Music] [Music] well there goes all the time saved trying to catch uh with fall fish come on you don't need to be this menial really ugh fishing by the rock how could you yeah the rack is just the sprite it does nothing contrary to popular belief like watch fish over here i'll get the same luck if not better this is terrible by the way though 7 p.m and i don't have an eel oh even worse luck i go off [Music] it's not terrible if i one shot bream [Music] uh this is like average luck to be fair it's not terrible could be better could be worse probably should have only bought like 12 coffee but it's fine i do have an early turn-in if i can get a hazelnut on the monday we'll be sitting in a very good spot where i won't have to worry about money but if we don't then i'm kind of a little worried about money hazelnuts a pretty big deal because it allows me to get a seed packet i really losing time on this split that's kind of sad but at a 40 second time soon i don't save any of it yeah well getting a hazelnut would be super beneficial uh well i guess i did lose like 30 to 40 seconds to menuing so that's kind of why i guess it makes a little bit more sense i was in the fit i was in the fish tank menu [Music] they'll probably shouldn't be losing this much time but again upgrade uh yeah we'll just roll with this i got [Music] hazelnut kind of sucks is the brave thing for the tier one uh i think they want to finish it so i'll probably fill in for the rage quitter z at least [Music] just watch the minecraft stream from a few perspectives and your arrival was fun any more planned [Music] foreign maples can drop hazelnuts yeah that's why i was shaking the trees i know that they can drop from trees which one's maple this tree uh it has like a crooked thing these ones are straight so they don't drop it these are uh oak this is a maple i didn't personally stream it but uh there was like a 3v3 uh bingo lockout or whatever and uh z rage quit so i filled him for him he be bad at minecraft to be fair his chat was being a little bit of a about it because he hasn't played minecraft and i don't know how many years so he has no idea what any of the new items were and chat was just like berating him like how do you not know this why the do you not know this what are you doing just get good stop being bad woof it good is the most useful advice yeah money is going to be painful you shadow pit yeah uh do 80. i don't even need the extra copper i have the five bars i just need to buy 70 coal i could have kept it actually a little surprising [Music] i wouldn't even necessarily say it's just these chat i think that's just youtube in general that just roasts you for any little thing that you do wrong i think that's more youtube culture than like just z's chat in general [Music] the great equalizer is a shutdown chat for 90 seconds true don't think i don't have it prepared epic pickling yeah i just like as much as like the youtube comment section can be kind from the people that like you know especially like when i see pew when i see you guys like commenting on the youtube uh that i know from twitch chat it's a good feeling but it's like half the other ones are kind of just like why are you sending me this how many brain cells do you have thank you fairy it's like i know i lack brain cells a lot but like come on how can you have less than me it's a very nice fairy spot it's gonna hit how many crops [Music] i don't know why i went out that that was kind of bad uh i actually want to pick up that red mushroom so i don't have to remember to pick one up later uh so we're done with exotic the the only other weird bundle that i have to worry about is fish tank i have a crack i'm sorry crab pot i have a crab but i don't have a cockle i didn't really catch many extra fish on the fishing day though we're gonna go right here it's a little unfortunate uh classic i'm at 1.4 so i can't even uh do remixed remix isn't a thing [Music] uh no i don't chop wood for bridge that's a waste of time even if i chop wood for bridge it's still only an eight percent chance that it shows up as four well it's not it's more than an eight percent when the game is deciding to place a forage on a given tile it's an eight percent chance for that forge to be a cockle so every forge that you see was an eight percent chance of being a cockle it's even less on the right hand side because you have access to the sea urchin and the um other thing coral why 1.4 explosive ammo was pre nerf or i'm sorry it was uh nerfed on patch 1.4.1 so i'm specifically running on patch 1.4.0 to uh use explosive ammo it makes the run about 15 to 20 minutes faster you gain way more time from it than any of the quality of life features that 1.5 adds and it's not even close the explosive ammo is still worth it on 1.5 not in speed runs so you can't get it reasonably in speed runs on current patch you have to be level 8 combat to be able to buy it [Music] uh on this patch you just have to have a slingshot in your inventory also it's three times the price on current patch so for every explosive ammo on this patch it's 100 gold for every explosive ammo on current patch it saw 300. yeah 1.5 would be faster with the perfect remix cc but the odds of you getting that are so low that it's not even worth running and the main reason it's not worth running is because you don't know if you have the correct remix or you know you don't know if you have the correct remix bundles until like an hour and a half into the run optimally [Music] so it's literally just reset for a i don't even know what the odds are it's probably like a one in like 300 every one and a half hours [Music] i don't know what bundles work and which bundles don't off the top of my head oh yeah the one for the pan for the pantry alone it's a one in 16 i believe for the pantry alone what z got for his pantry is the perfect one that you can get and that's the one that you want for a community center the issue is is then you have to avoid getting certain bundles in the fish tank the boiler room the uh the pantry and the bulletin board also i just now realized that my shirt is slightly invisible and i've been streaming for one and a half hours that's kind of funny depends on like the lighting or whatever smiley face i leave face i have just enough embryo that's kind of funny uh yes it's the only version that it's possible on you can't get 100 well [Music] uh there are ways if you exclude the casino no you could still you could probably make 100 mil on older patches if you uh were dedicated enough to craft and buy the stone for staircases keep in mind on the patch that i'm referring to i believe staircases don't stack and you can only buy five at a time we're down a lot of money now 1000g left what i want to see but you know what it's fine i think if i like put my light down a little bit more i should be less invisible so what makes it worse what makes it better now now i kind of just look like i have a buzzing effect on me instead of being actually see-through this shirt's not great fine sure yeah i want to say it's terribly comfy but it's not terribly uncomfy why am i losing so much time here what did i do wrong so [Music] [Music] um just you right one so for forage i need carbon or i'm sorry i need spice berry and uh what's the other one hazelnut and fall done with exotic i just need to get the cactus fruit and coconut and then i just need beach forge oh i actually don't know the pattern difference between the small mouth and the sunfish i don't know if there even is one i wonder how the difficulties compare they're probably just like five off if anything but they're both mixed there's really no way to tell annoying we just want to like stop bleeding time randomly here at this point don't necessarily like obviously i would like to save time but i'm not too worried about it yeah you off so i basically you're just telling me i have no shot of telling the difference between it realistically [Music] so [Music] it hit level two fishing at least [Music] [Music] waiting a little bit of time because of uh fishing but that's not the end of the world i have to i had to go for it anyways i probably should have only done the one fish and then just try to catch it in summer that's a little bit my bad but again like we really just need to stop bleeding time and then we're good well hopefully happens soon [Music] [Music] [Music] mm-hmm gotta harvest it a few more [Music] do oh they don't lose time there at least hmm okay so now there's our spice berry i'll pick that up on the way back make sure i have inventory i probably don't even need to worry about picking it up though because i'll just get one from the batcave all right well it's everybody's favorite part of the run tuna baby will we get it will we get it reasonably screwed me eel has the same pattern as tuna so that means it's gonna be the reverse right eight percent chance [Music] uh so the fact that i'm gonna get three rings before nine is pretty impressive yeah the fact that i got three rings is pretty insane [Music] i'll take that any day of the week it has been very nice to me recently like stupidly nice i said tuna and i already have tuna that's sad sturgeon on the other hand has not virgin's been pretty funny you can get a purple mushroom from that i don't need it but what the hell oh all right [Music] mayor lewis doing some shrooms at night monka s the mayor of our town by the way that's why him and marty were hiding in the bushes true [Music] whoops oh i need sunfish still i can do it on the 28th woof hmm [Music] your steel axe is ready yeah hmm [Music] [Music] you fairies this run wow that sucks [Music] useful hmm do hmm job art great algae bullhead largemouth sturgeon this just another chub or is it a large mouth that's a large mouth it wasn't wiggling like chubs do that's why i was hesitant right there good thing i caught that though wow that was very calm [Music] well ahead this happened last time where i got all the other four fish really fast so then bull had never spawned [Music] yep [Music] come on okay that's not terrible actually this is a largemouth god damn it [Music] what a bait this is disgusting should be plus if it's another bait maybe four times i still need ghost fish you mean ice pep now i mean ghost fish [Music] [Music] yeah i'll probably end up getting a lot of trash before i get the ghost fish apparently i'm fishing that way even though my cursor is over here i hate this game how okay apparently fishing down gives you ghost fish first what an absolute cursed run hmm [Music] ah [Applause] hmm okay game please have a pomegranate it's been like two runs in a row now that you haven't had a pomegranate thank you do [Music] we got five gold quality melons this time good good i already have common mushroom turned in i had one die the other day yes the first time ever yeah i got four to be fair i didn't fertilize every crop i was pretty low on fertilizer i think only like half of them were and i only did 20 so like 10 of them were fertilized and i did 20 total so there there was a there was an okay margin for it to happen should have happened no but it did ah i don't see a cockle over there [Music] urgent's nice i'm missing muscle as well [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] yes [Music] taco animals hazelnut sunfish sand fish coconut cactus fruit technically missing a muscle as well [Music] yep uh what do i need i need one thing in particular and oh i remember need this do [Music] can you catch sunfish in the forest river or do i actually have to go to town i don't need white chicken [Music] oh we're good on crab pot i just need a muscle now vicky says yes [Music] please just give me a quick wood skip [Music] doesn't matter i'm fine getting either it'd just be funnier it would be funnier if i got cockle before muscle but either one works come on game woof do [Music] long way i think for the tier one for four months really appreciated oh you can cool [Music] [Music] so [Music] i i i trusted you guys saying that uh you could get it that's why i did it there otherwise i would have just gone to town [Music] so um uh oh this run can technically do it i just need to play my cards right the only like the only big items i'm missing are the animal products and then i just need to make sure i get uh muscle because i'm done with crab pot i'm done with exotic i just need to get the sand fish yeah just animal products yeah and hazelnut [Music] um [Music] [Music] so [Music] uh i'm gonna have the purple mushrooms already it's the best part [Music] oh early foot sad first round foot is super funny to get [Music] hmm i don't need anything from the cart the only thing that i can get from the cart would be uh rabbit sweater truffle fish oh how are you not eating of course the pig eats over the cow i'd rather have the cow eat over the pig how annoying eat grass get your mood help happy again i'm gonna have to pay you a few extra days i guess i could just milk you instead to get that extra friendship uh hmm huh [Music] yeah hazelnut uh muscle or cockle doesn't matter which one animal products sand fish coconut cactus fruit that should be it that should be it oh and then uh cooking the the maki roll and the fried egg [Applause] not petting the pig petting the pig does nothing [Music] it doesn't make the pig any more likely to give me a truffle not going out my way to pet the pig he said going out of my way to pet the pig i didn't go out my way there mm-hmm hmm rabbits get one more production cycle before i start losing time to them [Music] [Music] foreign i'm just going until i get brown egg and i'll do the [Music] hmm uh you you you you you you oh i need the honey that's what i miss i block the pagan because i i want to know if you produce me a truffle or not like i visibly want to see it do [Music] do ain't 3 000 more g i need that pig to produce i need i need the money from it now produce it peace produce please i need the money i need to sell you like desperately please don't take this long do please i need your money like now jesus christ it's not this bad normally that's just terrible i cleared as much debris because if he's over if he's on certain tiles the pig can't produce so that's why i purposely was removing stuff i was trying to get him to produce [Music] [Music] um foreign so ideally if i just sleep until like friday the oh like i can finish straight up on friday if i have uh rabbit's foot i still need a hazelnut but ideally a hazelnut would have spawned by then oh look a hazelnut already spawned i can see it all right just need a rabbit's foot this rod lives or dies off of a rabbit's foot at this point oh my lord nope i don't well i need a muscle or a cockle and i'm going to assume that i get one come on uh do i have an extra fish somewhere you you you you real quick let's do this rabbit's foot oh my lord we're gonna do it oh it's already oh there's no shot that we don't do it at this point oh it's actually just over oh it's actually just over oh my lord it's it's finally over there's no way i can throw this right i mean if there's not a muscle at the beach and somehow there's not a coconut or cactus fruit coconut and cactus fruit at the desert it should be over i'll get hazelnut in a second i still need to sleep a few days note the self um i still need to sleep a few days [Music] wine's not done specifically [Music] i need frozen geode as well [Music] ah [Music] i'm like hunched for this i need that is that i don't need anything else okay as if i need another red mushroom now i finished that bundle large egg that those two fish could be a crescent yeah i need wine to finish so it's fine i have okrezn available i hate this game bro really i don't need either of that any of that check cart i have to sleep days anyways so i'm just not gonna bother i rather not chuck cart should still be fine cutting it closer bring 300 wood i don't even know if there's anything across the bridge that is worthwhile is the issue okay so i need coconut cactus fruit sand fish here coconut cactus fruit and then first try sand fish right bro i have to go i have to go to the bathroom so bad right now um [Music] [Music] all right i literally i think i get one shot at this maybe two actually no i only get one so i'm gonna sleep until uh i don't know probably thursday of next week and if i have muscle it probably some it i do it in time if i don't have muscle it's over that's so dumb it's always something these runs i hit level three fishing if i known that i would have just gone to willy's right then and there but nothing i can do oak resin's gonna be finished i already have the tapper down i grabbed a hazelnut to my inventory get one shot at this hahaha it's all down to the speech check i can get a cockle or a muscle it doesn't matter which one please gabe please just this once oh my lord there's a cockle too i'm picking up wolf just in case oh my this game is such a troll but i love it yup oh my god it's happening it's actually happening unless if i somehow forgot an item it's happening please say i haven't forgotten an item oh i'm gonna be so devastated if i forgot an item [Music] i'm gonna be devastated if i forgot an item i don't think i did oh it's over it's actually over oh my god it's over got it that's a really flat time oh it's over i i am just relieved at this point oh it was three seconds off of real time too bro how is it three seconds off of a real time sub 230 oh oh my god holy was i here
Channel: TheHaboo
Views: 370,597
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch
Id: F-5gLKYhdbo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 151min 19sec (9079 seconds)
Published: Tue May 10 2022
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