Common silver coins that are actually counterfeit! How-To identify.

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👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Rich_Anxiety_4297 📅︎︎ Jul 17 2021 🗫︎ replies

No post whatever I was just saying I have a a tester thing that I posted.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Rich_Anxiety_4297 📅︎︎ Jul 17 2021 🗫︎ replies

The more momentum silver gains the more scum will try to profit from it.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/ComprehensiveBar1586 📅︎︎ Jul 17 2021 🗫︎ replies

For new apes: just buy from a real shop (local or online but from your own country)

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/kdjfskdf 📅︎︎ Jul 17 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] hello everybody i am spectacular the silver stackular and i have four coins right here and there's a reason right we're going to use some some counterfeit detecting skills in this video to find out if there are any fakes right here on my table and you're going to help me do that by going along and watching really we're going to learn together i think but what i want you to do is i want you to put your uh your detecting shoes on and go ahead and look over these very very common bullion coins these are supposed to be silver coins each and every one of them but there may be a fake or two or more on this table we're going to find out together so i've assembled these coins in no real particular order but we're going to call this number one this is a 2015 australian kookaburra with a privy mark right there so remember number one right there because you might have to go ahead and put something in the comments here in a second if you think that number one is a counterfeit here is number two a 2016 one ounce australian kangaroo should be four nines fine silver we're going to find out here in a little bit if that's going to be the case so this is a one dollar and that's number two here's number three this is an australian funnel web spyder these are very cool aren't they 2015 one ounce triple nine fine silver check that out real quick tell me what you think in a second hold your horses this is number four this is the same thing as number one except it doesn't have that privy mark right there so this is a 2015 australian kookaburra and take a quick little gander at that one right there and let's look over this side and now this is what i want you to do i want you to take a moment i know you yes you the person that never does this i want you to quickly leave me a comment okay just tell me if you think number one two three four or any combination of those four are counterfeit and we're gonna go ahead and find out if in fact any on this table are not actual silver buoyant coins [Music] before we find out if you were correct i want to read this little note because these were actually sent to me by a viewer so let's see what this says says hey speg these are yours to keep of course and possibly maybe sort of kinda educate even one person regarding fake bullying these are my first ever and hopefully last never fix i only have one local coin store and so i resort to ebay a lot i've just always loved ebay and the chance that somebody could just want to get rid of an item or even not know what exactly they have resulting in a great deal for me these came from spain where i paid about 25 a piece after converting the euros i spent i truly love your youtube channel brother i saved them to watch later so they received my full attention wow i appreciate that a youtuber for the people you always respond to the reasonable comments and that's awesome for any fan like we're talking to a celebrity haha enjoy the fake silver buddy damian damian thank you so much uh i'm no celebrity i'm just a guy trust me uh this says right here p.s if i can even save one person one single dollar from being ripped off it's worth being out 100 damien that is awesome man i wish i wish more people were helpful like you that's kind of my goal here is to try to educate um you know through my experiences i'm no pro at all but we're going to do this together right we're going to find out what's going on and ask questions you know do research and find out what's going on in this hobby this lifestyle this that we love we love this right stacking precious metals collecting coins we love this stuff we don't want to see counterfeits get into our hobby so spoiler if you actually followed along with the page that i just read um these are all for counterfeit they're all fake so i'm going to be very curious what you put in the comments but don't feel bad at all if you you know made a mistake a little pat on the back if you were correct on all four for sure or any one of them why not you know because hey you should have put at least one of them right so these could fool a lot of people really i mean these are well done they look silver in color they have like this australian funnel whip has a really nice finish to it it looks alright it really does i mean it doesn't look bad and at a glance you're you know somewhere real quick you're doing a deal you're passing money back and forth maybe you have other coins in the lot uh these could get mixed in there and it could be something that you know you just don't really recognize until maybe much later maybe you go to sell one of these 20 30 years down the line and uh there's some really good detecting devices then at this point and they go whoa brother hey man your coins are fake i'm not going to give you any money at all for those in fact you just need to give them to me because i got to destroy them now you know that might be the case could you imagine spending good money on something and just having it fake i've been there i've been there and i think many of you probably have too anyways so what can we do uh to detect these things well interestingly enough i have a few methods first and foremost many of you probably have some kind of digital scale now i'm not saying this is the first thing you should go to but this is the first thing i'm going to do for this video is we're going to check the weight of these little coins here the first thing i got to do is take them all out of these plastics so bear with me i'm just going to fast forward the video and get to that all right now just fyi sometimes these cheap plastic right here this kind of like a a way to deter people from using methods to find counterfeits so um to really get to the bottom of things we have to take them out of all plastic that something may be in but realize sometimes they come real good too like fully sealed up you know so you can't get in there and touch it and play with it and weigh it correctly so first i have the australian kangaroo i want to set this to troy ounces hopefully you can see what i'm doing there because these should be one troy ounce a piece and let's see what we're working with here so this one right here is a little light this comes at 0.92 and next we got the australian kookaburra sits in the old gum tree again 0.92 so these are showing up as less than an ounce and this is very short this is 0.80 that was the australian kookaburra with the privy very interesting right and this last one is the funnel web again pretty good looking coin i mean you know for a counterfeit right i mean it looks alright uh 0.092 so they are shy of a full ounce i do happen to have a legit coin right here now this is not the exact same um this is a 2018 version of the kangaroo so pretty similar though and you can see uh there's a bit of a difference when it comes to just the luster yes there's some milk spotting on there let's try to ignore the milk spots hey that means it's real silver right because it's milk spotting but look at the difference can you see anything different on there right now already i can see some difference differences and we're going to go through another really cool method here but i do want to take it out and i want to weigh it i just want to show you what the thing should weigh and this is a genuine airtight here so this is going to probably take me a moment to get out of there i need a razor blade for this one and uh you know what i'm just going to go ahead and put this on camera and take this nasty hair off of there that's one of my wife's ears man she's like shedding like a dog uh don't tell her i said that please but what you can do with the uh genuine airtights is just find the little lip with a with a razor blade and then once you find it you can just twist it and uh you should be able to pop it right open just don't cut yourself because if you cut yourself and you blame me uh you know maybe you're gonna sue me or something like that i don't know let's see so there we go it's already junked up but i still want to use a glove because i don't want my fingerprints all over this thing i know some people are like dude it's just bullying who cares i actually need to because these air tights man that's stuck in there real good i do want to get this out pop it out okay cool put that razor back before i cut myself and there we go all right now i have the coin out and again where's that other one at so this is the one that is counterfeit put that weigh in at 0.92 ish and the legit one we're going to go ahead and put on there and you can see i hope it says it actually is 1.01 so it actually is a troy ounce like it is supposed to be i want to show you something else and a lot of people still don't have one of these things they are so easy to get i don't even feel like i need to put a link to my to these things anywhere just because it's so easy to find literally please do yourself a favor on ebay on amazon either one of these places or on just google i think there's some companies that sell them outright probably a little bit more expensive that way amazon is probably the best fastest way right now find yourself a rare earth magnet this these right here are super strong these are way above and beyond your regular like fridge magnets this stuff is no joke it'll stick to a lot sometimes if i let these things go they shoot around to find something metal i mean it's absolutely wild be very careful with them they do shatter easily too if you drop it from a you know somewhat decent distance it will shatter i have a bunch over there that i actually shattered from dropping it just almost at no distance at all anyways so silver does not really stick to metal like iron you know it just has a different ability typically a magnet will slide down slowly over a silver bullion or vice versa if you put silver bullion on a magnet it should slide down slowly over that magnet so it definitely should not stick silver will not stick to a magnet if it is actual silver so let's see what this does as you can see these have stuck to the magnet or the magnet is stuck to them depending on how you want to look at it that shouldn't happen to silver bullion in fact we can do this and yes it is in the airtight but it really doesn't matter because these are strong magnets you can see where it goes it goes to this coin right here because this coin is not magnetic and i know you're probably thinking oh it's an airtight really it's not the same dude i could put this right here there and i could just still through the airtight it's coming up airtight and all because that's how strong these magnets are so that's a really easy test and these things are dirt cheap ladies and gentlemen if you don't have a rare earth magnet please do yourself a favor and get one if not for the not for testing metals just for fun man it's fun playing with these things be careful though they are a little dangerous uh make sure make sure they're not splintering off into your eyeballs if you were to break one but anyways this one right here kookaburra fake uh this kookaburra right here let's see oh okay so that's an interesting sign this kookaburra is actually not geez sticking to the magnet so that's something else we can do we're gonna do another test with this one because this one right here is not magnetized this was the uh the privy mark interesting all right funnel whip magnetized man look at that and it's a like i said man it's a good looking fake isn't it pretty oh geez once you get them on there sometimes and depending on which ones you have um you really have to have some help getting these off of there i have a large rare earth magnet which i'm not going to break out because last time i did that i ended up crashing my work area here it can really stick some stuff to it but anyways uh real simple test real simple test get that rear magnet um look at that three coins those ones are not legit this one right here is not sticking so i got another test for that one right there all right i'm here with my good friend the widow maker and i want to show you this little uh slide well i say little slide but obviously it's pretty large here's my hand here's the giant slide you don't have to have something this big there's other methods you can even use just a small little tiny round rare earth magnet and just do it right down the coin i went crazy and i used the widowmaker now these coins right here are magnetic so it's going to stick right to the slide it's not going to move it's just going to stick and that's going to ruin anything i was trying to do with the slide all right so what i want to do now is actually want to take the one that's not magnetic and go ahead and put it down the slide now one interesting thing about silver is when you put it down one of these slides it has the ability not to stick but it goes really super slow down there and so we're going to see what goes on here so there we are it is sliding pretty slow actually i'm pretty impressed by that slowness now there is another metal that typically does something similar to silver when it doesn't stick to magnets and that's copper so if i was a counterfeiter and i wanted to avoid people detecting my counterfeits with a simple magnet what i would do is take copper and go ahead and plate it ever so slightly maybe with silver and that would right there would you know solve a lot of my issues i had the weight would be off like we've seen earlier and which it is the weight is a little bit off is it not so now what i want to do is i have this counterfeit one and i have this legit one it even feels the difference in weight in my hand just by just by a little bit i want to take my legit one and put it down this slide and show you what happens so much slower actually than this one right here and you can see that this right here will probably eventually catch up with the other one because a little bit faster but still i bet you anything that there is copper or maybe some copper alloy inside of this thing because it's pretty close it's not as slow as the genuine silver one the first one right here this one's genuine silver i'm trying to straighten up my my widowmaker a little bit but this right here again it's going to catch up with it see so you can tell the difference though plain as day between the genuine how slow that goes down the widowmaker versus the one in question catches it so the next thing we can do is make some noise so let's go ahead and do that now i do want to go ahead and show you this little bit of a ping test as we call it so it should make different noises depending on what metal these are you know made out of here so here's the ones that are absolutely magnetic i'm just going to take another coin it could be any coin and just hit it against this right here and we should hear some type of noise that comes out of it oh sounds like a rock does it not does not even ping we'll do the other one just for fun for people that have never done the peng test you're going to see why this is significant in a second oh man just sounds terrible doesn't it like you just like you just hit a rock all right so next we're going to switch to the one that is not magnetic and we're going to go ahead hit this one no ping that ladies and gentlemen is a free test all right so now we're going to take the legit kangaroo and we're going to hit it and it should be different from all those other ones should be just a little different we're going to find out right now so there you go now a lot of you that may be used to pinging things like morgan dollars or other kinds of coins you might be like wow that's totally different well each coin is different these were made differently these have a lot of different uh you know markings on them which causes sound to travel differently so that right there though does sound differently than the ones that just go boom boom much different next i have one of my favorite little tools right here is the sigma metallics before anybody asks no i don't work with them they don't owe me money it's nothing like that at all i just think it's an easy machine to use it does have some problems for sure is it perfect no does it sometimes detect counterfeits when there is none or vice versa absolutely but for this purpose right here i think you're gonna like it now one thing that the sigma does have kind of an effect on is um like iron okay so there's iron in a coin um round bullion whatever the case may be it like resets the machine so i think you're going to see that here and i think if you read the instruction booklet on the sigma i think it does say something about it doing that but right here is the funnel web we're going to put the funnel web on here and sure enough it says remove sample it wants me to redo that process again because for some reason iron messes with the machine so we're going to go back to triple nine try it again and see if it resets it again boom it reset it again so that's an easy way to find out that uh what you have there is not silver so here's the other one this is a the kookaburra without the privy mark and we're gonna put that on there and man it's thinking it really really doesn't even register anything does it it's almost like a coin doesn't exist it really messes with the machine and it puts it over there to the right it does not like these coins quote-unquote coins i won't even test it yeah man crazy big red flags for this machine here's the last one this is the kookaburra with the privy and then we're going to go to the kangaroo off to the right the bracket should be i'm sorry the little cursor should be within the brackets meaning that it's legit now sometimes slightly to the left or right could mean that there's some issues that need better testing and we've already done other testing so this is the one of the last tests we've done so we don't need to keep going too much further we've had many red flags so far anyways arrow off to the right this is the australian kangaroo this is the one right here that's uh very interesting because it's not magnetic right so let's go ahead and put that one here oh wait i'm sorry i'm sorry this is four nines fine silver very important that we go to four nines one more nine makes the difference okay here we go boom it does it doesn't even want to measure anything look at that it's like it's like what do you want me to measure spectacular you got nothing in there brother there ain't no silver it reset it though too which means that there might be a little bit of uh iron in this one very interesting though that it doesn't actually stick to a magnet let's try that again yeah man it resets it crazy crazy crazy crazy all right so i bet you want to see a legit one right so this is the legit kangaroo this is four nines fine let's go ahead this one should not be counterfeit if it is i want my money back right now so four nine's fine it shows it good it shows it right in the middle no problems and if we don't believe that we can turn it over whatever the case may be four nine's fine no problemo very good so that is the sigma it's a very expensive machine compared to any of the other methods that i showed but you know it kind of gets to the bottom of things in a lot of cases and it gives you just something else to work with now one more thing that we can do and i just happen to have it up here conveniently is go to the internet so we're going to go right now to a couple cool sites to show you some things you can use all right so i'm on the website fake and the first one i have is the kookaburra and we can see that right here and you can see uh where they're showing there's issues and the issues is with the feathers right here on the fake versus the real and it looks like it's just the coloration but really what's going on is on the counterfeit kookaburra so this one right here now we can't probably see it the feathers are very rough and they're just very pronounced i mean it just looks differently than the authentic because the authentic the feathers are just much lower on the coin less relief much more smooth and that's what they're pointing at here is the fake one can't get the feathers right they're just not looking good so that's one sign right here and another interesting sign i think all these coins across the board that are australian are having this issue right here on the counterfeit the counterfeit and i don't know if you can tell right here but the little bit of a lip on elizabeth's neck right here towards the front it actually kind of goes into a point and almost curves upwards whereas the genuine on the left hand side just kind of stops it doesn't have that real deep point to it it does point but not as deep as the counterfeit right here and i think we can look at her and you can see that she has that very deep point on her neck very very deep again had the counterfeit australian funnel web they kind of mentioned the same thing kind of the the hair um on the spider right here um or where the feathers were on the bird it just it's very um thick it's much kind of like higher raised it's not as smooth as the genuine on the left-hand side also they say that some of the fields are a little different too on the genuine versus the counterfeit but definitely the hair on the spider way way different i'm going to scroll down a little bit here and it's the same thing with the neck too on the neck you can tell that it's comes to a point here whereas here it's just much more neck like i guess you could say there's also some information down here we can read uh let's see the lettering around the outside of the coin on both the obverse and the reverse is raised on the counterfeit where it is recessed into the coin surface on the genuine example ah so there you go that's a super easy way to tell uh reading is is great isn't it so um should be more of an ncus design on the uh genuine versus right here the fake one the letters come out come out towards you so you can see that they're raised so that's a simple way to tell is it not so there you go that's the funnel web and next i have the kangaroo up there so the kangaroo one interesting thing about the fake one is that the lines the radial lines here they don't actually touch all the time on the counterfeit now a few of them do but for the most part i think if you look around the edge of it you'll see that they stop just short of all these anti-counterfeit lines all the way around the edge versus the authentic where the lines pretty much touch that in every single spot so i have the counterfeit on the right and i have the authentic on the left i'm going to put them close together and you can see how the lines actually are touching that little outside any counterfeit area on the left here whereas the right coin they kind of stop don't they they kind of just cut off a little bit short and we can again we can put them right up there and you can easily identify that and just for fun i'm going to put the two together and you can see the neckline out in front of the two see how the neck on the top one right here top right actually comes out to that point whereas the bottom one kind of just stops doesn't come out to that unusual looking point on the neck so that's very cool we have one more site to show you oh shoot that's actually my website a little shameless plug right there on my own website if you do want authentic bullion this would be a fun place to go ahead and get it because i actually made it you know and a lot of the stuff i made with my hands anyways that's enough about that now one thing i do like to do is i like to destroy things when they're fake so i won't do them all in this video but i will do them all eventually but i do want to destroy one so you can see the inside and i do want to pick this one right here the kangaroo just because it's the most interesting to me so i'm going to go ahead and try to get to the middle and show you the inner contents of the fake coin all right i'm back from pretty much destroying this nasty little thing and sometimes the camera you can't pick it up that well but i see it very copper color looking areas inside of these spots where it got all jacked up so you know copper brass whatever you know is in there um some kind of alloy they made up who knows but it's not silver because silver would be silver throughout there are no copper spots so that is definitely not a legit coin um you know it's unfortunate a lot of these companies that uh i don't know if they're companies i don't know what they are people and there's you know outside somewhere but they're coming from china a lot of these fakes and uh you know flooding the hobby and it's just more and more here's an entire bucket i have of fakes that i've destroyed over time on this channel and it's just kind of ridiculous some of them are actually in slabs as you can see here here's slabbed fakes um and the sky's alone let's show some of these off let's not not mix that one up but some people don't watch all my videos so i do want to show some of the fakes some of them are you know they'll actually say copy on there which is fine because then you know it's a copy but then some are just really trying to just pull the wool over your eyes so here's a 1879 completely counterfeit morgan dollar and i'll show you real quick a difference between the ping between like a a morgan and those other coins see how it resonates different just because it's differently shaped than these coins right here so that's why you got a different pang all in you know all together but um not real either just because it's pinging at all doesn't mean it's real i put it up to a real morgan you totally see those differences and i got those videos on my channel too definitely check those out if you haven't again fake 1964 kennedy half dollar isn't that crazy to see that stuff what is this one another morgan dollar a lot of morgan fakes out there be very careful here's a fake chinese panda and that's completely counterfeit all of these i've showed off on my channel so if you missed any of these right here you know please go back and watch them if you had the time it'd be pretty interesting i think to have you watch some of those older videos where i show some of these fakes off just to show that there are a lot and this is my small collection of bullion that are counterfeits that people have sent me here's a fake commemorative this is a oregon trail fake commemorative half dollar so that's kind of sad here's a fake gold coin this is pre-33 but it's fake terrible here's an old seated liberty counterfeit here's a nice silver talon bar that's counterfeit here's a real small little fake piece of gold right here these are very clever because you can't get rid of these right here on the sigma you can't have them read anything so really small thin gold got to be very careful though but anyways that's an example of some fakes i'm gonna put the other ones in the fake pile once i go ahead and stamp them out and destroy them and uh just be careful be careful with the fake stuff out there because you know it's there it's there i've given you some tools that were completely free to use like the ping test and some that only cost a few dollars and then some again that you know like the sigma they cost a lot more than that and shoot use the internet like we did here the internet doesn't cost you any more than that monthly fee that you're already paying might as well go ahead and do something positive with it and that negative stuff you've been doing with it you know i'm talking about anyways i gotta go for now if you enjoyed the video if you got any kind of benefit from it please give it a thumbs up if not for me then do it for damien because he was nice enough to send me these fakes right here that he you know he paid for um so we really appreciate you damian for sending those and this video is for you man to help you help others and we appreciate that subscribe if you haven't of course leave a comment down below hey even check out my new website link it down in the description no big deal just for fun i gotta go for now spectacular is out
Channel: SpegTacular
Views: 28,398
Rating: 4.9293938 out of 5
Keywords: investing, coins, bullion, inflation, gold, savings account, how-to, coin, coin collecting, epic, junk silver, walking liberty, franklin, kennedy, mercury, dime, half dollar, quarter, constitutional silver, 90 percent, fake silver, silver coins, counterfeit silver, silver slide, magnetic slide silver, ping test, fake silver coins, fake silver bars, spegtacular, counterfeit coins, fake coins, australian coins, australian bullion, australian silver, common silver, common coins, silver, speg
Id: RooWVQlwPuc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 44sec (1724 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 16 2021
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