Interview with a coin shop owner. Ultra rare coins!

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[Music] how do you want to do this you want to just wing it yeah we can just wing it all right let's just wing it are we filming now yeah we've been looking for let me let me give myself a little second look look good all right put my put your face wow okay so i'm here with uh the world famous coin guy i am spectacular the silver stackular and we're going to talk about what today whatever comes up i picked up some some new acquisitions in the last month or so some pretty tight coins um interesting coins beautiful coins so very recently you got these 20 cent pieces you normally see at the 75 s you don't usually see a 75 or 76 p um what can i say something that you don't even normally see 20 cent pieces they're kind of hard to find by themselves and the reason they got rid of them is the reason you have problems with the susie b anthony's you think they would have learned that's why i'm saying you need somebody at the at the bureau of engraving and the mint who knows something about coin history they got rid of these because they used to come confuse them with quarters with seated quarters i mean here's the seed quarter because they were too similar yep and in those days a nickel was a pitcher of beer i mean like they are very similar aren't they yeah somebody would shoot you for that for a beer yeah see and when you grade when you grade 20 cent pieces they were struck a lot higher so normally what would pass is let's say a vg in a seated in a 20 cent piece would be a fine you have one extra grade their grading is one grade higher just that's because you'll have beautiful backs a lot of detail feathers everything and they're going to be a vg and it looks like an extra fine or vf so you always give it that extra grade in 20 cent pieces i've actually got a couple of proof type coins this is a proof type coin proof type coin barber proof again uh 670 of these 1 000 were made 975 made that's wild huh the condition of these right here for such an old coin i sold the seated half um about a week ago pretty seated half i think it was a five i got if i don't sell these in the next week or so i'm probably going to send them in to be graded they look good graded even the bus dollars i got there these are the first bus dollars i've gotten over the counter in in all the years i'm in this store probably the last seven years when i was next door i think i picked up a couple talk about rarity yeah pretty stuff it'd be good to have these greater don't you think yeah and that'll be the next step this one's not a proof right this is just no that's just another coin and it's net because it's been cleaned but i'm selling it at half the going price so much history right here in my hand huh oh yeah oh yeah it's kind of the allure of the uh with the other coin that didn't live last long three cent nickels they had three silver pieces three cent nickels what was the deal with the you know the shortage of change yeah it was a shortage of change right after the civil war and they uh they had to make they had to produce stuff to buy stamps and things like that you had to give them like six half pennies to get a stamp so they made this and then they made a silver piece and silver piece was very thin i heard somebody telling me that i my grandmother used to tell me they used to the baby used to teeth on three cent silver piece i think the kids would swallow that oh yeah kids did you lose i mean goodness these are these are hard to find right here oh yeah oh yeah they i read somewhere maybe it's in the overton book not the overton halves but in one of the books on dollars they don't think that there's 30 000 bus dollars that survived and of those half of them are 17.99 the bus dollars made less than 30 000 exist that's wild so this right here says that it was repaired and that's probably what right up here by the arc right at the top yeah right there you can see where the e or right there lauren liberty has been a jeweler would repair that nathan does good work i mean no you could do that a lot of people would back off from a coin like that but such a old and rare coin i mean you never see these i told you about these before that i've gone to many coin shows and i remember 50 years ago going into rubenstein's 48 years ago when i was in my teens and you could see you could buy a bus dollar back then for 125 and they would have a hold one would be like i remember buying hold ones at shows for 45 bucks in the 70s i hold one yeah i don't think you can buy a hold one now especially one that's in high detail like this one's a pretty high detail but i don't think you buy a hold one for 300 anymore no they i mean it almost like with certain coins it doesn't matter as much i mean people just need that coin this is a really pretty one i kind of want to get this one from you like somebody else who wants that too but he wants to go to the i heard funny's only got 200 dealers everybody's scared you know well i i understand that i can understand that i know i got my shots and and i got the the frozen uh the frozen things and and the uh all the medicine and everything but i uh i don't know well if i'm in a crowd i get a little antsy i don't know it's you know two years ago you looked in japan or china they walked around with mass didn't help them i guess but then again they tell you only one person died during the last year i don't know that's if you believe the chinese but uh i'm a little apprehensive but i'm not wearing a mask and i let people as when they come in if you want it or not the wife yelled at me yesterday you can still get bronchitis i said okay okay my nurse told me that i have to wear the mask when people around that i don't know you don't know stranger danger it's well i can't afford they told me if i get pneumonia again i'm going to die so you know i better i better be on the side of caution um we don't need that stuff in our lives we need you man no i don't want to be going i'm not ready to leave yet i got too much to say about things yeah i'm going to join that republican club that meets the second tuesday steve champion's going to be there and some others and yeah we're going to have some fun i'm going to have some fun talk to him he called me the other day he's one of the dealers around here and he sits on the brooksville board and we're going to talk about a few things i said i can participate oh certainly i said okay now you have unleashed the tiger oh boy i'm coin related apparently huh on coin related but related to america i love these yeah i like all these like i said it was a time i wouldn't sell these but circumstances that's palladium okay palladium it says the first palladium coin ever made tonga tonga who knew maybe back then palladium was six dollars an ounce well it's so cheap right now right what is what is palladium right now radium swings incredibly it'll move two hundred dollars eighty dollars in a day i was just checking the numbers rhodium went up fifty nine hundred dollars today yeah it's like bitcoin yeah well sure this is about 2700 but it's hard you know you got to see what you can get for it i'm thinking of sending that in to be certified only because they only made 513 of them that's it they only made 513. so how many exist did 100 make it for the last you know 54 years how many made it that's amazing you know who collects tonga i had a person offer me a couple of u.s rhodium coins and i gave her a price but then the price of rhodium dropped i mean they're not easy to sell really it's a bullion related thing and they have mintages of fifteen and twenty thousand this only is a mintage of uh as i said five hundred five hundred and thirteen i doubt if there's a hundred left that's wild palladium yep i only ever had one palladium coin and i just i flipped it so you know what the funny thing is about palladium i remember buying palladium for somebody about a dozen years ago she wanted palladium i paid 350 an ounce for it and i sold it for 400. look at it now i mean in those 10 years it's gone up 800 percent yeah i mean it's uh and i remember talking to a dealer who bought a bunch for somebody when it was like 85 dollars i mean it's it's volatile it's like the bitcoin thing that's taking a shellacking no oh yeah losing 30 thousand dollars in a couple of like weeks there that's not bad i was reading in the journal the other day first about manganese now manganese is used in making the golden dollars the susie bees they're made of manganese right okay it's an element but manganese china controls 90 percent of the production and the being able to turn it into things in manganese manganese is used in hardening steel i didn't know that they control ninety percent of world production and and and that and um once again they know where to be at the right time and they're going to control the output of magnet does that mean we can't get golden dollars well i don't know if that's going to stop the presses but uh and what's the story about silva i keep reading in the paper oh the new dollars coming out here the new silver eagles coming out they said the middle of the month middle of the year well this is this june 1st is next week i don't know if they can get the silver blanks where's that i got a feeling they don't have enough uh planchets well i have some of the eagles on pre-order so i'm hoping my fingers are crossed they're going to send them to me yeah when's the delivery day uh i thought it was middle of june i thought was it like june 12th maybe it was july i don't know i think it was june 12th the new eagles i thought so well how come you got to pay for the new centennial dollars and you weren't going to get them until october i know i i felt this makes me wonder you know where where is this guy i had two people in here were really upset they sat and sat and put it on and bang they couldn't even get in they were sitting there for an hour and they got on to is all gone i want to know if certain people would certainly certain coin houses have 500 for sale and a thousand for sale i think it's all crooked i really do i'm sure i've heard that there's some you know deals that uh those let's call them coin houses kind of get that they don't have to fight like we do for these coins so they do get a certain i've heard these things i don't know u.s mint doesn't contact me and tell me if these are if somebody has a 100 employees they all get a number sure and you all get to 10 limit before you know it somebody got a thousand coins so you didn't go on uh you forgot about it i blamed the wuhan pandemic for it i was the same thing i was asleep for it luckily my wife's awesome she uh she went to battle for me and she was frustrated she doesn't even collect coins but she was like i couldn't get the cc's i only got the o's for you she got one that's pretty good yeah she got it and i was like i was like man i really wanted those ccs though i think the ccs are cool and i'll tell you something that i seen the trend in the last i'll say it's the last year peace dollars see what i got there i got what six piece dollars i cannot keep peace dollars in the trays down on the bottom over here yeah yeah yeah i can't get my 21s there was a time when i'd have 12 or 14 21s i had two calls for 21s on monday i cannot get 21 piece dollars i think with the advent of the 100th anniversary and new piece the one i want is the peace follower you do i'm going to try and get 10 of those i think if any of them that's going to keep a premium because there's only one variety one type and i think that that has you know potential i'm not a modern collector or i don't go i don't buy directly from the men i usually get everything secondary and it's a lot cheaper and um you know that's just what that's what i do but i'm wondering about the silver it's what they tell you and what they what you perceive and then what really happens are two different things i think they're snookering us a little bit on that um i'm hearing that there's problems in the silver refining in different parts of the world culvert outbreaks and they had a shutdown lines so i hear a lot of stories like that um the other thing i was reading in today's journal was about uh the crypto where the chinese are going to crush it it's basically what they told you they don't want to have a cryptocurrency because they're coming out with a crypto one they want i can understand it i think it's the way of the future i think you're going to see a crypto but i want to see federal i want to see swiss american cryptocurrency if you're going to have it not like i said before you know i've seen pundits who are a lot smarter than me and no finance and know the markets and they say the same thing this thing's they think it's a ponzi scheme yeah yeah what what backs this you know it's the wink and the nod 21 million 20 million 500 000 who counted them i remember two and a half years ago when my son was saying buy some crypto it's going to 20 000. and it went to 20 000 within the week but then somebody broke into some bank and stole 80 million so everybody's looking at each other who's 80 million did they steal it's not going to be the fat cat billionaire's 80 million some little guy lost his how do you how do you keep track of this yeah i mean yeah about things like enigma and i've said this before and my son mentioned it to me too i think this should be two different prices i may have mentioned this before i think there should be a price for physical gold and silver and the price for the etfs because they're two different things in a way i mean you don't really own physical gold when you buy a thousand ounce contract and you can sell the same contract ten times and if if you know if it ever hits the fan and you want to get your bullion what do you do they're going to say sorry we only have to give from what i've read in it the death of money tells you the story about that that if you ever really need it all they have to give you is the paper and they might be giving you they might be giving you this paper or this paper meanwhile you want the physical stuff the old zimbabwe notes huh yep 50 trillion dollars i mean you still got people coming in hot and heavy and scared um it just you know you get a new person it was a time when every every two months i'd get a new customer who come in and was worried but this year i'm getting one i get one or two a week who'd never bought gold and silver before and you just can't keep it i don't i'm as i said i'm not a bullion dealer i get bullion i sell it as it comes in uh i'm a rare coin dealer and uh and i get but i do both but if i started the week with 50 100 ounces of gold and a thousand eagles i can get rid of them in a week i mean there's there's a lot of fear and i'm getting and almost the fear is paddleball you know you're getting scared with them in a way and it's like i've seen what's happened i'm fearful for this you see this you see that i mean i don't know how all of us little people see it and those who pretend to know everything don't see what's happening and there's a lot of fear uh you know you're scared for the u.s dollar you're scared fruit in the world they were talking about how china i was watching on maria barcoma they were talking about china and russia buying up all they've increased their buying of physical gold what's that about they've been doing that for for a decade i guess they know something we don't know but then again they look out for their country first i forgot about that isn't that what countries are supposed to do look out for themselves first well that's what you know that's why they're a country and that's why those countries have been around 5 000 years yeah they have a revolution every now and then but they've been there a long time yes there is you know it's just that kind of a thing right um so you don't have much in the way of uh bullying right now but you have some cool coins i have this that's a bullion coin i bought this the other day this is the one everything was going crazy about oh yeah show us that all right so what do you got here this is the 19s reverse enhanced reverse proof the one that the world went crazy over about a year and a half ago around thanksgiving yes i bought and sold three of them and made money bought the last one paid 1100 sold it for nine that's not good business so i'm paying a little less i still think that coin has a potential i mean the w proof has the same mintage within a couple of hundred and that coins two thousand dollars in that great i mean that's just where they're settling right now i don't know what the story is but i have one um it's a stunningly beautiful coin it's a very pretty coin i got rid of mine and i know it's a low mintage this particular you know the 19 or 2019 s is low mintage but the pride of two nations when it came out with a canadian coin i'm happy with that one too it's you know it's the same i bought one in a collection uh yesterday sold it within the hour somebody came in and bought it they're pretty that's a it's a stunning stunning coin right there yeah pretty coin yeah so the kid the kids bought this when i wasn't here they called me i was in charleston that's a pretty city the wife wants to go on vacations while i'm still around i guess she's trying to tell me and uh charleston was a really pretty city very very friendly to tourism free buses all around and if you got a handicap sticker you park your car you don't got to pay for it that's pretty cool yeah you got a b you got museums there uh they had fort sumter went over there where the civil war started um carriage rides um it was it was a very pretty very food oriented where we were you know there was a cotton club next door to us and we're looking in the window like oliver like oliver twist you know you're looking in the window and it's like lamb chops are 52 dollars but potatoes nine dollars the green beans are left everything is all caught i mean everything like a glass of water probably cost you five dollars but it would cost you we we're not drinking so we don't drink liquor but you know when appetizers 150 dollars a couple sure and uh you're looking through the windows and the people some are eating out front to a lot of high-end restaurants like that and most places were 100 to two hundred a couple to eat uh you know the south lost the civil war but i think they buried the gold because i'm looking at all these fancy ladies and gentlemen and they're in white linen and dressed to the max and hats and and this is you know five o'clock on a thursday after thursday evening or afternoon and it was it was well dressed it was it was it was nice it was right by the hotel we were staying at it sounds like a nice place i wish i'd never been there before and and you know i took the ride and stopped by my sons on the way back down to saint augustine over at the walton company and we spent a few hours there had dinner and then headed back home got home late that night but it was good the kids did good here they they were selling things they picked that up they picked up a couple of pieces of gold which i promptly got rid of on monday and um in and out that's what it still is there's a lot of fee and a lot of buying people buying gold like crazy hard to keep that stuff in you can't keep it in there's people who i just don't have any more you know you got you got i get a i got a phone call from somebody who's looking for a bunch and he wants a substantial amount and i said i don't first of all i don't deal in numbers like that and it's just you know out of my league to buy 40 ounces of gold for me i just don't do that yeah you know and uh yeah i've sold 10 ounces but uh not 40 ounces it's a little much uh what else we got it can be dangerous too especially with like uh the way things are going with the ups and downs i mean you're talking about and with you and your margins i mean yeah that's the whole thing when you're looking at the margins you got to leave yourself room and i can't you know it's like i tell people when i buy something it's not that i'm paying you if gold let's see gold is 2 000 and i'm paying you full spot well you're going to get 2100 to 21.25 or i pay you 2020. the listen to 2000 i spent that you're handling the money twice you're handling four thousand dollars i can't make a hundred bucks if i'm doing four thousand dollar deal between buying and selling the coin you're handling four thousand dollars give or take nowadays yeah and i'm not doing it for 25 dollars because the price of gold can can drop palladium can move 70 to 80 in a day yeah you know and uh and something like that gold can move 30 in a day very easily uh it's just too it's just too volatile what you got in here there's some other cool stuff in here i had the china patent coin in 1921 somebody come in and bought that the other day pattern coin yeah it was a padded coin 1921 uh 10-1 i'm not sure but you know when you look at patterns seven to ten usually are made so you know this coin was an unk it gracious it was in the cal it was a catalog book i got less than a thousand for it but it's in the catalogs for 2 400 i mean i think that was a great buy how do you still have this coin i don't know i've had a couple of phone calls nobody wants to pull the trigger i may have to drop the price down to a thousand it's so cool it's not made of gold it's not made of gold that's why this one i have a couple of people inquire about and nobody has another one 471 made what happened in the philippines you had a japanese invasion back in 41 when the japanese brought in pearl harbor they simultaneously invaded the philippines we're talking you know fire bloodshed and how many of those actually survived through that and everything else they only made 470 of them in 1905. another coin i don't think there's 100. when you had all those foreign coins you said you couldn't keep the philippine stuff in not the time it's the only philippine i think i have right now yeah oh yeah that's from that original group and i've had inquiries and nobody is pulling the trigger one gentleman wants it for his wife she's from the philippines and he you know i i want a reasonable price for it i mean the last one we saw sold in an au 58 for 11.50 this is a proof 61. i got room were you kind of amazed with that that foreign like and what sold and what didn't sell were you kind of amazed by that i didn't realize that the stuff that sold the best was anything uh outside of the philippines which sold very well it was all the spanish-speaking countries the mexican the uh panamanian the cuban uh all the spanish countries and well you got chile in your hand i mean all those countries i need the boxes related to those countries right out the door i mean i sold a percentage of canadian and german and i still have some german and canadian left the one that really surprised me is the canadian those canadians don't want to buy their own currency i've got a bunch of that stuff left but i sold quite a bit i mean 90 of it is gone uh and we're still selling more from you know one week here a coin there a coin there crown here stole all the crowns that went quickly but there was a lot of curious stuff and every now and then i'll get a phone call from somebody out of state they'll say i want 350 worth of a foreign and i usually give them twice that much in a box so they're happy and i'm just wheedling i'm just you know i'm working it down i'm having fun they enjoy it and they order again and i mean there were people who called and said i want two thousand dollars worth of world coins and they would say these countries i don't want but i'll take everything else just like that just like that and i was surprised at the numbers two thousand fifteen hundred twelve hundred holy cow and uh it was it was a mad cap time and was really heady and uh we had a lot of fun in it then i got sick that slowed down the year but i got back here so that's that's all it really counts it's back in action now i'd like to tell you work to me and i've talked to other people that is uh that that to me is therapy keeps you working i got a person who comes in he's a client but he still sells coins on the side he's 95 95 years old and he's buying peace dollars for clients that's cool um i mean just yes i could tell the wife how many uh how many episodes of castle can i watch i'm a game of thrones kind of person but um you know it's it's that kind of thing you know let's talk about real quick uh something i've always recommended and i know you've recommended people that have written books have recommended these uh constitutional silver 90 junk silver whatever somebody really wants to call it that's kind of like you like that when they come in and they ask me what to buy i said in the ratio of actual silver value to what you're getting in hand and what you have to pay i said junk silver is your closest yeah i mean i'm selling like dimes and quarters at 22 times space i buy it for 20 i sell it for 22. that's the spread i get 10 percent but you've noticed a bit of you've noticed a bit of a decline and people find that it's slowed down they still want eagles i had a bunch of 999 i moved that um but as i said with constitutional a lot of people discover they want to get it the next event and i'm afraid there's going to be a real event in the world i'm not talking about i'm talking about gunfire blood in the streets and i'm not talking chicago i'm talking about you know countries getting into it i just afraid it's going to happen and and then you're going to see another search but what the thing is about 999 when somebody comes in they want 500 face they want 300 face one or two sales like that and i got no more 999 and that's okay that's more you know like a member dealer once saying there's always more i mean more always comes in another collection shows up um you know and that's just what happens you buy you sell and you and you move it and and for me i have i got all this stuff i got to go through yet i mean i got all kinds of odds and ends and i could imagine the stuff that you have in here that you just forgot that you even had what's that doing in there it's like what's this magna carter no uh what is this piece right here the one that has a little little pen set on it this i think somebody worked something this looks like um australian see look at that stuff that stuff he didn't know about somebody made a button out of this no medically unfit oh you should have this it says medically unfit and it's uh it looks like it's australian volunteered for active service issued by department of defense medically unfit this way somebody didn't beat up the 30 year old guy walking in the street how come you're not starving it's got a serial number and all in the back too and you see the way this is made yeah i'll bet you this is world war one what's the other side with the medical underfoot yeah that's the symbol you see on your silver coil i was staring at your ring again good i love that ring this is definitely gonna catch up on now i'm staring at my thumb i've been pouring my own silver man i can't i can't stop hitting my thumb you know what i mean as i'm uh that has to burn it's not cool it's not cool at all they say that once you do it once like you learn but i'm a slow learner i got another one of these that's really cool right there there was one in the collection i bought the big collection and i actually picked up another one that's cool that's politically that's uh politically wrong there you got the british lion standing on the neck of the german eagle obviously the end of world war ii and that symbolized it taking them down it's cool art though i mean you know art so much with coins what's some of this old gold you have right here can we see some of that i'm sure by the time this video comes out that stuff will already be gone it goes little by little people see it's like somebody i had a young person call me uh yesterday at home and he called me again today and he had a quarter real guatemala 1921 and he said that there was pcgs graded ms65 and according to their website it's worth 500 i don't really know exactly what we could have got together on but i looked it up in a book that was a couple of years old but you know those things are really hard to sell i mean you're talking about a coin that has you know what has it got does it have ten dollars worth of gold in it and nobody wants to spend hundreds of dollars on that it's like when you look at something like like this one this is like the princess i mean this is a twelve hundred dollar coin it's a type three it's in a really high grade but it's a hunk but it's been cleaned so i'm cutting the price almost in half but there isn't a hundred dollars worth of gold in that coin same with this there isn't a hundred dollars worth of gold in them they are so cool though they are they're really pretty they were very i saw a bunch of gold came in today i gave the person a price he had a bracelet most of it is gone but it was five dollar two and a halves it was five dollar indians and two and a half dollar indians and they were all sorted together they had links to make it so you could be a brace there were only three of them but he said it used to be a full bracelet and then his his father was grandfather got alzheimer's and he started breaking them off and using them to go to the store to buy stuff that must have been interesting yeah yeah here's a pack of cigarettes so it'll be five dollars here you go there's a gold piece for you thank you that's wild huh how come these uh this design just kind of ended right here the incuse uh indian design i don't know died out in 29 and in the uh in the 10 and while they died in 29 with the fives they were only on the two and a halfs and the fives that's a shame huh my favorite is the ten the big war bonnet big heavy warbonner i think that's such a beautiful coin um you know where in those days they were classic they made classic coins they make pretty coins now you want to put people on them that you know unfortunately they don't teach much history you give the actual you know you give a kid a kennedy half he doesn't know who's on the charlie sheen who is this you know they don't they don't know for nothing history isn't taught and uh and you know it's just a sad thing and i i like the old classic coins right the mercury dimes walking liberty halves but like i said the there's been the explosion in the peace dollars in the case i think i have a i picked up a certified 28 the other day somebody came in looking for it the key date i had to pee and i forgot i had it there it is it's up front we're at right here oh yeah you can take it out and everything huh pcgs certified i mean it's all there that's one of the top grading companies the key date all going to find now i mean you actually have a call from there's a time you'd have 28 you might be sitting on them for six months now i get somebody every month looks for 28 and every week somebody's looking for 21. i had two people looking on monday for 20 months i don't got to look anymore i actually finished that album thanks to you you helped me out a lot good appreciate that you get that a lot with people that come in and they're so thankful to have you around because you helped them finish an album well that's what it's about i mean i understand those kind of people you know i've been collecting my whole life and uh and that's what you do and like i said collecting coins to me is a therapy when i used to come home from 12 hours shift working at the hospital and you've had a long day and 100 decisions to make and you're coming you're leaving the dock you leave the house at 4 30 and you're getting home at six o'clock and it's dark again up in new york and you're tired and the kids are yelling or they're fighting and you sit at your desk and i sit at my desk and i did my coins and that used to that used to wind me down and that's what i used to do was therapy me for me then and i sold quite a bit uh i used to sell coins to people i worked with um yeah since then you you no longer collect coins right you've stopped collecting coins no i collect coins i still put away coin every now and then yeah i picked up a couple of interesting gold coins in the last month um one is an early two and a half dollar gold piece and the other one is a french i think it's like 1835 french piece they've both been cleaned but i still want to get them certified because they think they're pretty cool coins yeah and i don't mind it they'll don't sell themselves coins like this is easier for me to explain to somebody and sell than having tara or my son trying to sell them years from now because i know the history of this i mean these coins these do here the uh the carved out 13 s type 2 and the one on the wrong plan should have been in my collection for years and i can explain them and tell you what they are better than they could because i know their history better um that's what i do you know and they're still collectors i'm happy to see young people coming in i mean i get young people in and you know it's really good some of these young collectors i mean like real young kids like like under 12 they blow me away with their knowledge i had i had this kid who was in here the other day when i say the other day was probably two weeks ago and he just he just amazed me with his knowledge of coins and he was 11 years old and he talked really intelligent he was an intelligent kid and he uh he just surprised me and i'm glad to see that um that might be the next coin guy he could be he told me he'd want to be doing what i'm doing years from now i said well wait at least 10 more years give me a little more room in here you know and then who knows at any time i'm ready to sell i guess but you know he's a little he was a little too young still but he knew his coins and he understood coin and the way he spoke was intelligently you know some kids don't know what they're talking about but i like the little ones that come up to 10 12 year olds when i used to do the great american teaching i don't know when that'll start again but you know and have outside people come in i doubt if they even got to do that later this year but i did that for six years and that was fun uh that was really good i see i was the kid that didn't know what he was talking about that you know was a dumb kid you know now later i want to get into the coin collection it's hard hard to you know learn as much when you got to work and you got other things going on but i try little by little i try to try to be a student too i was lucky in that i when i was going when i was collecting coins i would go to rubenstein's and bayshore those who live on long island know where they are they're all gone now but i used to go to rubenstein's and i learned a lot there i was 17 the first time i stepped in that store and i went there for god i guess the next uh 40 years anytime straight through for 30 years and then we moved here and anytime i was in town i would go there but i i grew up in that store and the 110 uh coin show i grew up there i watched and i learned and the setup of this is a rubenstein set up with an extra case here for newer stuff or better stuff and i learned a lot there and i watched the way they graded and i pretty much just absorbed that and grading has come a long way you know when i collected coins back in the day in the 70s you had no you didn't have as many multi-grades of let's say very fine 20 25 30 35 you just had very fine it went really it went from good to fine then very fine and then it would be there wasn't an au there was extra fine uncirculated you know it's amazing and then when it was uncirculated sometimes they would say blazer there was no 10 grades of uncirculated or 10 grades of proof but you didn't have the third party greatest you didn't have any of that then either that didn't come in until around 1985 and i remember the old timers telling me this will never last we want to hold our coins and then there's some truth to that but well they've gotten over 35 years for it and i think it's gonna it's gonna hang in there oh yeah i think it's gonna hang in there it's gonna hang in there hey uh let's try this real quick uh maybe not real quick it depends on how crazy we get with this your five coins give me five coins that you just wish that you had no you could just you can never seem to get these coins but you wish you had them i want number top of my list that i've been looking for since 1995. number one is that the uh 1794 silver dollar we've talked about that one yep 1794 silver dollar if somebody has one they don't like if it's got a hole in it just send it to me i'll be very apprec i'll send you a signed dollar with my picture on it i can do this this i can do what a good deal all right so back to it you get uh some after hours company you know tell me that you never get any company while you film it like nobody's ever here i said that's why the door is locked and it's after hours that's why nobody's knocking on the door but this guy just kept knocking on the door so we had to go talk to him yeah your fans need you man yeah that's okay that's good i enjoy all right so number two coin can you give me that one uh 1916 standing quarter oh yeah 1916 standing quarter that's on one on my list with the breast hanging out now i had one of those believe it or not i cherry-picked one of those 25 years ago 30 years it was a long time ago i bought it in a bunch of silver that was on a pile in the dealer's tray i looked at it and i'm thinking i paid 62 cents for it took it home checked the diagnostics i was convinced i showed it to rubenstein's he said no i sent it into annex they sent it back gave me an ag3 had no date no date but i get an ag3 on it i sold that to a dealer for four hundred dollars geez they bought the plastic it was a 16. because the way the reverse was you could tell that it was a 1916 by the start well it was a type 1 it had to be a 16 or 17 but the waiter tells you there's a a bun the the woman standing has two buns on the 16 there's only one bun and it's the full of the skirt at the bottom there's a squareness to it or a loop and the other one is the 16. when you combine all of that see was a low grade and on the 16 her drapery doesn't go over the wall where her arm is resting but on a low grade you can't you don't have that option because it's worn off but i did it by diagnostics and i was right that's that's being a collector yeah that's really taking the time to dig it out but the 16's on my list um number three this is tough the 94's like i have the 1794 halves i've gotten most of them um i don't think they really i couldn't tell you there were five i've either owned them or have them now uh but those two especially the 94 dollar i always wanted one of those that's on my bucket list what about i'm gonna throw some at you what about like like an original half dime hard to find sure they never you know you're talking a bust halftime i mean i've seen those with with cracks on them and bent because they used to give them the kids to teeth on i was told i can't believe that but uh now it was too small i like bigger coins i never collected pennies i never really collected pennies i collected walking liberty halves and i collected bigger coins yeah and uh and i got into the the bus dollars back around in the late 90s and foolish me i tried to put that collection together from around 1980 to around 1995 and i spent thousands on it and i just couldn't do it i have three 1794 hats but i don't have the seventeen ninety four dollar now in ninety five the ninety four dollar was five thousand dollars which was a serious amount of money but i went looking for it and nowadays you can't buy a good 60 grand 50 grand wow i mean it's just explode there's only about 150 of them out there you know it's just that kind of a coin what about some of that old gold some of that stuff's wow crazy i like the big old gold the 1700s but i don't drool over it i like owning it the only gold gold i have i have um the last year of the facing right the 1807 i have in an au 53 i have an 1807 and a in a three certified that coin hasn't appreciated i paid like 8 500 for that coin i don't know 10 years ago 12 years ago bought it at a show and it never went anywhere the 17 the same thing with the 1907 wire rim 20. i bought one of those about seven years ago at the um at the show what was it the uh tampa show no clearwater show clearwater show when it was held over in the country club uh i bought it off a dealer there for trade with money and coins that's another coin i'm barely breaking even it was over twelve thousand dollars but i got one i always wanted one i remember talking to a pharmacist when i worked at a s and i'm talking 50 years ago maybe this was 45 years ago i was talking to him his name was i think his name was sid and what he was a coin collector and i was talking about coins and i said what coin did should i buy at this age and he told me buy the 1907 wire rim 20 gold piece yeah and buy it in a nunk it's not a big d i have an au 58 that i believe is every bit of an unk uh the difference between au 58 and the lunk is about 500 in those coins it's not a big deal but you know back then that coin was probably 500 45 years ago but that coin is appreciated well but not when i bought it um that's about it there isn't a whole lot i've got i've owned many of them uh or i still have them i sold a few recently because of circumstances but i still have a lot of bus dollars i have a lot of bus halves that i've accumulated i look at the codes on the back and you'll look at the back of a coin that'll say rubenstein nine uh it'll say like 993. i bought that in september of 93 or september of 85 i mean i see codes like that on backs of coins crazy uh but i've been collecting my whole life some people smoked and gambled and um you know and did the while i married young and my hobby and my advice are the same thing and i enjoy it it's like i said it keeps me calm and you learn a lot you read a lot you're always learning something new and i think that that's very important that's so cool well i appreciate you being around and helping us get some knowledge from you and uh how how's this uh youtube thing man it's been pretty good uh lately for people coming in talking about youtube tremendous i thank you and i get a tremendous outcry from it a lot of thank yous a lot of orders through it i get to talk to people i talk to young people old people i get people now that we're opening up some and florida's always basically been open but people are driving down and they come in to see me i mean that that's every week somebody comes in looking for me and uh and that's a cool thing that really is cool uh you know i understand what those people go through on the red carpet now i see it more up front but what's the weirdest place you've been if somebody recognizes you i was at the fun show with my daughter of this last winter no not this one the winter before when covert just before covert started okay so we're talking january of 2000 january of 2020 2020 january the fun show in orlando yeah i was there with my daughter and my granddaughter and somebody was behind the counter for a big company out of california i think it was or pittsburgh they had like four dealers back there and we were talking and the guy had an owl coin which i want to thank that person who sent me an hour point and uh my daughter said do you want that i said someone will come into the store and then the guy goes to your store and then my wife my daughter said to the guy well this is a coin guy he looked at me and he was a young guy early twenties you're the real coin guy are you already carried on and he i gotta get your picture the guys are not gonna believe this and he goes to get his camera and i grabbed my granddaughter and he took our picture together that was pretty cool that was cool you know but uh it's weird when like you go to a coin show or something like that and like for me i'm just a guy that talks you know you never see my face really and uh you people look like looking at me and they're like they recognize the voice they're like i know that voice and it's like man really like i just thought i had a regular voice but yeah it's kind of wild huh yeah well the woman who was in here when you came in today she recognized that what's that voice just realized who you are i think last time i was in here a gentleman was in here and same thing he's like i know that voice i'm like oh man if you watch enough of my if you're like my wife and you watch my videos every month all 20 of them or whatever there are then you're going to hear that voice often not 20 of your wives 20 of the videos 20 of the videos yeah be careful she actually comments on the videos too i've noticed that she does she answers a lot of my questions she does she tells me about the mean people who talk about me but that's okay listen they talk about me too it's okay that's okay it's it's the internet everybody's you know really talkative on there they say whatever they really want to say sticks and stones sticks and stones up all night drinking and they're like i'm gonna get on the internet and start talking yep yep you know you get a lot it's like i've told people before there's a lot of types of arrows and coins out there and and you get a lot of people have been locked up for a year and they're looking at their pennies and they're looking at their quarters and they call me and they tell me well i've got this quarter it's 1973 it's worth 3 800 and i'll say no it's not and they try and explain to them but somebody put one up on the internet i said they're on a fishing trip it's just not that easy right well the person that tells me he's got a 1969 s double dot and it's like eight in the world at a hundred thousand a piece or eighty thousand a piece and he has four of them four of them you're a real lucky guy you know just bring it in i'll take a look but don't give up your day job right that's what i tell them but they're having fun we're rocking and rolling um another summer's upon us and for you canadians come see me you guys were locked out at the border this year and i got a bunch of canadian for you yeah they're gonna come by i guarantee it before we go there's one coin in here i really like and it's canadian can i can i see this one before we go this uh it's a three ounce canadian i like this thing i was talking to a canadian buddy of mine about this coin i was like man to me that's unique three ounces am i right that's yup proof 70 and it's a reverse proof and it's huge the holder is massive i never understood why they had to use such a big holder no i mean why couldn't you have a holder half that size i mean really it needs to end right around here you know and it could be this big you need one holder slightly bigger then you know why can it just be slightly bigger than this canadians have a weapons band so this is the next best thing look at that it almost fits under it really will fit in there so if you had a half an inch on all sides you put it in there yeah that's cool 2018 i thought it's cool yeah but yeah you have all those canadian foreign coins you you never could sell because the canadians didn't want them i guess right i got a whole box of canadian lodge pennies by dates tell me i've got a couple of better ones out over there i got some of the keys of the small ones uh i've got quite a bit of canadian uh dollars earlier dollars quarters i got a whole box of canadian i started sorting out the pennies because there's so many i'm anticipating somebody coming around and buying some canadian uh but we'll hang in there tell me get in here uh when is the next coin show do we have one coming up we have one the western end of coin club has a show on the 19th of june it's going to be at the veterans hall on uh off of anderson snow road on the 19th of june it's there from nine to three it's a saturday um you could probably nate nate's the president it's the president do you have it up on the web he's going to look now to see if it's on the web but it's next uh it's in a couple of weeks actually i will be there if you come early i have to be a little more cautious um my daughter will be there probably nathan or somebody else that i once trained many years ago is talking about maybe doing a show so i might give him a little space at my table um you were just advised not to be around a lot of people yeah because of the code i'll be there to set up and i'll probably stay for the first half hour so and then i'll come and open up the store because we get a lot of people here and i just have stepped back from a lot of shows uh i want to do the fun show but not do it as a table tara we're going to be we're going to be visiting my son up in saint augustine that weekend of the fun and we're probably just going to take a ride over to the fun from there because it's probably only about an hour away give or take and nathan and i or tara and i'll just drive down i got a couple of coins to show and um we'll see what we can uh you know we'll see what we can do i have this coin i've seen his eyes light up he's got this coin it's gonna be a good one this is the rarest gold eagle there is in 1990 what makes it so rare is it's in a 70. last one sold a month ago you'll see prices all over the place on these um they only have 31 in a 70. pcgs shows a population of 31. only 31. they only made 40 41 000 only ever made so a raw one is worth about 1200 1300. um i found a raw one sent it in and came back to 69 and i sold it and i think it was nicer than this but i who am i to say but uh you know but i don't see any problems with this this is a legitimately nice coin and it's a rare coin i mean it's gonna cost you three and a half ounces of gold but you get a quarter of an ounce of gold what a great deal they sell but there's only 31 of them it's a rarity kind of thing super rare super rare very cool thanks for that yep you got anything else you want to go ahead and uh shut it down that's about it um that's about it god bless america and hang in there hang on better times are coming yes sir thank you guys you
Channel: SpegTacular
Views: 30,525
Rating: 4.9378238 out of 5
Keywords: silver, gold, rare coins, rare, coins, coin collecting, coin guy, coin guy spring hill, coin guy florida, coin guy videos, coin guy youtube, spegtacular, coin shop interview, coin shop owner, shop interview, coin interview, coin shop, how to buy coins, how to buy gold, how to buy silver, 2021 morgan, 2021 peace, 2021 morgan dollar, 2021 peace dollar, peace dollar, morgan dollar, silver dollar, gold coin, silver coin, low mintage coin, low mintage silver coins, rare silver
Id: -GVlWJh37Jo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 59sec (3299 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 04 2021
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