Counterfeit coins - with a local coin shop owner.

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all right so I'm spectacular the silverstack and I'm here with mr. coin guy from the coin guy shop in Spring Hill Florida you have some fake stuff do you want to show me today yes the counterfeit stuff just a few counterfeits I mean being a coin shop I figure you probably get some things in once in a while that aren't legit you sometimes get them in quality when you get it sometimes I show you was in a box and I took the time to sort them the other day if I cannot Regis amount so these are all real these old fake still fake these are all fakes um some really good fakes some are not some I've seen people try to sell very similar watch out for flea markets and places like that where I've seen this type and they'll have like 1899 to have 1896 first giveaway as the edges bust dollars back in these days did not have reeded edges no reeded edges will not put on coins until 1836 that's the first giveaway IRA's over it a flea market north and east of here of years ago and i pointed it out to a person who wanted $1,400 for an 18 that is 17 $99 they said can I see that then I took one look at it say can't you tell was fake already and I held it to the side said this counterfeit she start screaming at me and I said you know there were no reeded edge coins in those days and this is a counterfeit I've seen silver eagles that they're selling for $12 but on cause to expect and they're fakes because there's no date on them yeah or there's something I could do about them that they make it obvious but if they're not they're not outwardly telling you that these account effects that this is a little counterfeit and this is just the tip of it my son is opening a store down in st. Augustine and I got a mail him a bunch of odds and ends here's the better stuff this fake these are all fakes as well yep yeah some are obvious this is where you got to know the Diagnostics like the key date to the Indian Head pennies some are obvious some take a little research I mean there is material out there [Music] probably kept this on Amazon okay coin grading and counterfeit detection yep just put up a PCGS I'm sure there's a newer edition but and then when I see articles I add new pages to it I add new information no that's what you that's how you do it and what I do is I'll pull stuff out when they highlight the 14d the O 9s I mean I'll pull out the diagnostics and the things to point out to look for and it makes it easier to spot it I saw a 14 deed that somebody tried to sell me when this D was all the way down here oh I mean it was just ridiculous some of them are very obvious you know when you're buying the toy when you're picking up some date you got to be careful on the 14 d it's common to get though people will try to take a 44 Dell erase the 1 and if there's too big a space here it'll look it'll be a 44 D you get somebody like a jeweler or somebody who has a skill set where they can take the 4 out of here and take the one out and turn a 4 into a 1 to make it look like a 14 day that's what you got to be careful how do you come up on all this stuff are you buying this from people that are trying to stay up to you and say hey I know it's because I'm right I got from there some of it I get from I got some of this stuff I got from Rubinstein's when I grew up in that place learning part of my craft he would give me a couple every now and he because he had books like this he had tons of this stuff will stop some of this gold is real this one you'll see in the red book it'll even note that any 1915 D Indians or counterfeit I have seen that I read this is a counterfeit and it's boldly written but I kept it only because it's in red books it's a gout of it but it is made our gold I mean it's made of gold it stores 100% gold I mean yeah wow I mean it's got a gold value this one isn't gold this one isn't I think this one might be gold kind of 14-karat gold so now there's a piece like this because it is actually gold and it's a known counterfeit it's kind of a famous counterfeit almost like a book is that does actually have some value as a counterfeit uh it would be up to the person I mean you know you're looking at a coin I bought this as ribbon Steen's back in May of oh one I bought this almost twenty years ago I guess the reason why I ask is because have you heard of like the Omega coins sure yeah so those actually demand a bit of a premium if famous the Omega coins were discovered in the early 70s when a large number of key date gold coins were sent in to be graded these coins were counterfeits and were done very skillfully many coins full professional graders until the discovery of a small marking thought to be an Omega symbol on the coins the identity of this legendary counterfeiter is still unknown this is another one this is a counterfeit also this is the pan-american I had a person come in with one of those was actually going that's so crazy to me yeah but they made a 14 karat gold not 21 karat 90% gold is about 21 and a half carat and this turns out to be 14 karat Wow yeah interesting well I guess if you of getting one of those for close to melt you wouldn't be too mad huh oh yeah exactly this you have some gold in there but some of these aren't precious metals whatsoever no some of these are not precious metals at all hey you have an 1815 penny large penny which is a counterfeit since there was a fire at the mint in 1815 and they made no pennies ah but they did make half dollars they started production of the half dollars and that's the reason the 1815 bust half dollars are so expensive their mintage is only like twenty three thousand or something like that and they were all expensive but there was a fire that year 1815 so it pays you know a little bit of the history then to history is important to everything history is important in everything that's when you had a big volcano explode counterbore I think it is 1815 and the world had know some of that year Mary Shelley wrote Frankenstein that summer because they went on vacation to Switzerland and her and her husband was a poet and they couldn't go out was so cold that she wrote horror stories and she became very famous with that story how in the world you knew all this stuff I don't know it just comes to me stuff I read a lot and I remember a lot of that kind of stuff you must be Mary Shelley yeah she's pretty famous for that Lord Byron let's say so these are all altered see this one is a 44 I don't know if you can get this I don't what resolution you may have what some of the the scents are hard to pick up if they're really dark yeah you can see that the distance on the 44 no no if you could pick it up and they say that's where I was telling you they'll do the same thing with a 44 D where they turn a 44 D into a 14 T right as crooked yeah I don't know why they would try out a 44 s looks to me like it was more like an experiment hey if I can get away with her 44 s I can do it to a D where the real money is interesting yeah that's now with Nathan from coin guy's shop Nathan you have something you want to show me that I found very interesting this the pant bar here has a technology attached to it yeah it came out I believe like the 2017 error is when they started putting these things on their bars and what it is is called verification scan it's pretty cool system that they use an apparently what happens is after they make the bar during the bar making process they actually photographed the bars and so when they come out then you have it you have the information on there so all I have to do is upload the verification scan system app on my phone you hit a new product okay I'm gonna hit scan product code and well that's gonna ask me is it the UPC code I don't know things quality of the QR code I've seen those QR code okay so you do need a smartphone to do this yes can't have a dumb phone no and then next is gonna ask me a couple things so it gives me a sign and packaging so what I'm gonna do is I will do a front scan okay sometimes I go and I hit the front button now it's gonna pull up the camera again our website it's gonna ask me is it nan or is it a cert pant and this one certifies instill in the packaging then I pull up the camera guy give me a figurine look to it and actually that's it you know I naturally match her up to the figure and they'll tell me that tell me not actually so it is legit mm-hmm you can use those verifying certain ones that's really cool I mean they're more more expensive bar or two so I guess you know they need to have some kind of verification on it to justify that price very cool thank you dude not that I'm gonna use this phone and do it you don't have a smartphone flip phone what is that those are the Smithsonian Jersey so you have to hold the phone for right this way apparently okay and then it's gonna ask me and this one since momins will let me do the front pantry so it's a cert PAMP one because it's certified and then now it's gonna bring up the camera I basically have to when you match that little image right there that's smaller smaller bars won't make it fast OOP it's the smaller bars a little harder to do them but that's absolutely the same facial technology yeah so there we go that's the facial technology I want to see in coins so can it could exist no problem Adira yeah but you have all types of ones here here you go this is a fake 44 steel penny why would they fake that because the 44 steel is about a eighty thousand dollar coin oh yeah it was a big one yeah forty-three gets all of the publicity only forty please okay here we go gives you 43 coppers I see how many I got here for you this one I found the other day in a bunch of Wheaties your heart stops for a second million dollar monitor I got a two hundred fifty thousand there's a bunch these all plated he's a little forty three top this 1943 copper and they should be steel yeah well the off steel Oh flying pennies so you got a magnet for that purpose that's the easiest way it's all a matter of tools it's whether you're using the machine a magnet there's certain ways that you gotta you gotta prove to yourself to what you're buying is real that's the thing you got proved to yourself because it's just too many grifters out there especially in Florida where they follow the older people here looking to take advantage of them is expensive I mean this could really hurt your business if you start buying a bunch of fakes yeah I mean look at all these these are really good fakes I mean they're not you know you look at these these were the black beat-up looking ones like these I mean when you compare these to these these give it away I mean these look really good yeah I mean the time this is a real silver to half dollar but he made turned it into a 21s they turned a 44 s a 44 44 41 ass into a 21s because the 21s an extra-fine is 3500 amigo for into it - huh yeah how in the world that's wild yeah well if you got a skill set yeah I mean that's if you if you're talented you know you're talking about a coin that if this was done 40 50 years ago when what are you risking a 80 cent coin right you know tell me so I gotta get a you know a song for Mel that you can see how these are much much better quality than these lead weights here's another one of the ones like this which ones these will leads to the do forth I mean you only have 13 of these known and they sell for 4 million 3.5 million Tina grab that one sure so so not not a million dollar or plus going on for the door but that's crazy yeah but these are these are really amateur night ones thank you these came in the other day I bought actually the guy gave me him so disgusted I tested these that these are very deceiving these are actually expensive these are pretty expensive coins two dates are like five $700 these are the Netherlands and a 125 grams have started weighing them now on first blush you put them on a machine they say real they say they're 90% or at supposed to be for 94% so they're going to pass 90% okay and when you run them through the Machine a station is spitting right between the lines but the machine is just a tool you've got to go through multiple phases to make sure before you start buying especially when someone's in you know 18 of them even if you're gonna buy in four Silva you know you gonna pay 10 12 bucks apiece you want make sure they will now this looks pretty good I mean the guy who sold him to me they said they fell out of a piece of furniture works in a junkyard and he brought him in and they looked good then I started weighing him and he got away 25 grams there were 26 day with 24 9 24 9 it's okay a little where's okay but when he start coming into 24 that's a little too much 25 and a half they're not going to weigh more than they're supposed to weigh a little less is acceptable with wear but to be 1/4 percent heavier no so then what I did was I got the stone out and the first one I put on here that's a cop I don't know we got to put the answers I got copper interests these work he was disgusted you know you say keep them can you show me how the acid test would work now do you see now what you do is when you test and silver and here's what I'll show you so this is a legitimate point but it's got damage so okay well first of all you can see the color difference you put your 18 karat on it this should turn blue if it's legit all be blue yeah see blue and the other one just disappears yeah maybe it's gold no so take these and make them out of gold that's that's really going to if that's what you want you want that sky-blue the only problem with that test the only problem with that test it'll turn blue if it's even 800 it'll turn blue with different qualities but it just one more process as I said first thing we did is we waited we put it on a machine that we waited now we scraped it now we asked it so we went through four phases to really confirm it's no good yeah and it's got to prove to you to you that it's real different 12 there's too many counterfeits I mean as I said I've got all kinds here over the years over the decades this one you've seen his betrayed dollar he has dollars he's dollars always yeah you should all decent more amateur this isn't too bad this could almost pass for real and what they're doing is the lease are not giving you 93 asses that right away you're going to get suspicious one in this gauge grade in 93 yes or $7,000 chance and the colors looks a little funky right I mean see these are fakes eighty-five CC 9d CC 95 oh yeah and it's usually a dead giveaway when they're 1393 em when they're using tea dates and stuff like that yeah that's that's when you definitely want to raise our red flag got burned on one of these as a counterfeit very similar to this hold it was fake because to label on the back the PCGS label one of the things is the label the hologram is embedded it's underneath the plastic this was on the outside of the plastic it was a counterfeit and three you take a coin like this and very fine a 93 s and very fine is probably seven thousand dollars let's see this is Gracie going back to the gray sheet 93 s very fine forty-three hundred extra fine seven thousand well yeah the vf+ this is a high B F so just probably five to six thousand dollars so you get the expensive coins gotta raise a red flag before you even look at me this is another one you're gonna wait a coin you're gonna you don't want to have to scrape the coin because god forbid it's real and you rubbed it across the stone well now you just cost yourself a lot of money I've been where dollars yeah hundreds of dollars of every script I brought some some fake ones too I've showed these off before on my channel but you know it is funny how I came across some of these especially this one right here this little seeded Liberty you know I had a guy that was actually he was in his garage doing a garage sale and he was selling all kinds of fake coins and he originally told me this coin right here was $200 and he talked himself down to five dollars he was trying to get people you know ripped people off that's that's so wrong it's terrible yeah and he no one that day he probably got a couple people now the CC on this is absolutely wrong there's a style of CCD used this is it's got to look like cartoonish almost big fat CC thin at the ends this is this is thin all the way there it's almost two circles you'll see the circle CCS on the 78 CC then they went to a different style that's pretty common for all the rest and both see both of these are very different too and you look at it I mean they should be kind of uniform yeah yes right he's counterfeit pieces of me were there okay here's what they call a bit this is two bits and in these days when they used to cut up coins this would be four bits you took a pill a dollar you cut it in half made it four bits but because it had the same mark this rectangular here or this circle in here I mean somebody has saved it for purity on on real ones a tube it becomes a three bit when it's been certified with that of same walk a four bit is counted as a five bit that's just a little kind of thing that I know that people in the business know but if you bought a tube it that was certified in plastic they're like $1,100 they're crazy money you just don't see them well this is obviously fake you see the brass yeah I cut that without to actually prove that there was something else inside a different kind of metal but yeah you can definitely see that one and here's a bunch these are these are two nice bust halves now this looks this is a pretty good one you got to understand back in these days a person may not have earned fifty cents work in a whole week they work for ten cents a day this is the 18th this - I did what a circulating right through the Civil War 1860s fifty cents was money in your pocket yeah I mean you could get by you live on the road a meal might cost you a nickel you could get in those days you could go to a bar and get two beers in a free buffet for maybe ten cents hmm I mean it was it was a lot of people say why I mean I have counterfeits I think there's some here that adorns data quarters I have some kind of food quarters that 1972 and stuff I mean you say why bother and his counterfeit well there was a time when this was bigger money then it's a 65 its 1965 so the counter person 36 I think it's 65 you did it just to see if you could do it you just wanted to see if you had the skill set well I mean what's a quarter even as a kid in 1965 a quarter could get me through the weekend because you know things were a lot cheaper than did get a soda for a nickel well yeah 1865 oh yeah so some of these weren't done like let's say today it was done back in the day oh yeah yeah just to get it by like you said it's the the lot of them would have been in these days even once again this bother cawing 1893 this might have been faked in in 1899 once again it was a lot of money in those days he has a bunch of really good counterfeits I got burned on this bunch this is where I get scared is the ancients yeah and these ancients are really good I'm gonna I've took him to your show I know someone who now works she's in the ancient apartment I'm gonna show her I paid a quite a few hundred for these got burned on them but you know what when you look at a coin like this if this is real it's thousands of dollars the same with this I took the chance when I bought him I needed one two of them to be real just to break even I lost but you know what this would still look good in the holder yeah you know it's just say oh it's a it's a piece to kind of commemorate the time for sure yeah I mean this these are cool but they didn't turn out to be the real deal but you know that still happens that happens in the game that you're playing doesn't look as many coins as me I was suspicious the guys swore they were real and you know it's a funny thing the guy came in here I've bought tees about five years ago the guy was in here about four months ago he was with a not a handler he was with an aide and I recognized him he had heavy tattoos I said you and you once before he was looking at ancients over there and I said you were here once before didn't you sell me boy yeah that's it let's coin set out to be fake oh oh I'll make it good and he bought a couple of hundred and coins with a credit card but he's telling me to didn't have enough money still on the credit card cowboy I said okay I'll be here in two weeks I swear it it's been three months huh you think he's coming back now I suspect not but oh man sometimes it's lessons learned I'm still gonna have a second opinion on someone I know who can take him and check them in you know I suspect that I got burned on them but tell me about this this piece doll you have right here it's kind of a specialty sterling well this came out of an old collection this is really well made this looks like in 1964 doesn't it sure does look like 1964 tell me the story real quick about the 1964 piece dollar for people that don't know well them supposedly they were going to come they were going to restart the peace dollars in 1964 and they they did a run of them and Johnson President Johnson okayed it and then right afterwards they had been made and supposedly they had given him to members of Congress who you can totally trust and you what happened was they stopped making a silver coinage so now he couldn't put the Souths when the price of silver went to more money than the coins were worth and supposedly somebody's got out and this looks pretty good doesn't it and it looks good yeah well there's a lot of those fakes out there huh yeah a lot of faith unless this is one that came out of maybe the House of Representatives for Dean but okay this came out their own collection that had a couple of the two-headed ones you know a lot of people say collect constitutional silver you know the 90% silver we'll call it that because they say like that's not often fake but we see right here that these are probably old fakes Kennedy some of the walkers you have I've come across I mean I've I said when you're buying when you're buying the the walk is you're boring the whole bunch or for somebody and you're counting them out and one will slip ask you I mean it spin just one this is one I picked up it's not this one this one I would have spotted right away this one you would the spot I brought that is real it was in with a bunch I mean at first glance it looks like the real deal yeah but then when you look at it close and you look at the heavy the great strike on the feathers that would be a phenomenal coin for that for that is that the 17 yeah this would be this would be a breath-taking strike when I looked at the strike if said this is fake put it under the microscope yeah so that goes back to talking about the tools you got the microscope as a tool it's funny because they say like oh well that's why the coin grading companies exist to help with counterfeiting but I've even heard of slaves getting fake have you heard about that I'm not gonna go away so we got a fake slab here PCGS yeah [Music] 1875 CC nice corn I paid 500 for that oh no she'll look good to me it took it to a fun show about three years ago shoulder two dealers they said they think the coin is real they weren't sure went back and forth so I finally got to a guy while I was talking to him a PCGS grater walked by he called him over he took one look at it fake holder fake coin this is trying to made China gives out permits to factories that make counterfeit coins for America this is another form of stuff another thing that should be looked into tons of this probably most of these counterfeits well Chinese made especially stuff like this like this I've had people come in here with loose lips of Morgan dollars data counterfeit China made I've heard people tell me my son bought these in Hong Kong while he was on leave or he bought it in Indonesia on leave China gives permits to factories that make fake American coins and when they go to the trouble of counterfeiting the PCGS holders and everything this is fraud yeah this is fraud I'm out 500 lesson learned but that happens but the point is it's not just you know it's just not intellectual properties that could counterfeit it or they try to get in on us they do this kind of stuff which is not a hobby mr. guy I really appreciate you letting us come by and see these counterfeits and giving us some knowledge about them hopefully them come back again sometime definitely definitely thank you so much and have a good day thank you ever Great Depression [Music]
Channel: SpegTacular
Views: 192,860
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Silver, investing, coins, bullion, hedge fund, inflation, gold, investment, copper, savings account, money, how-to, youtube editor, bank, coin, penny, coin roll hunting, bank roll, bank hunting, bank roll hunting, coin collecting, Lincoln cent, wheat cent, epic, silver, currency, junk silver, walking liberty, franklin, kennedy, mercury, dime, half dollar, quarter, constitutional silver, 90 percent, live, live show, Counterfeit, fake coin
Id: 1L9Nq0rOURc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 32sec (1832 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 28 2020
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