How to sell your old coins. I appraise a coin collection.

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well hello everybody i am spectacular the silver stackular today in this video i have a coin collection and i'm going to appraise the value of this thing for a friend and it's actually the friend's mother's collection so i want to go through it and i'll talk a little bit about what i'm going to do as far as how i'm going to value things um what i use to value things and who knows maybe we could find something really cool in here 1944 steel cent um the the legendary 1964 peace dollar i mean you know the sky is the limit in here so we're gonna get in here and look around stay with me because we might find some cool things we want to see if mom's going to get any money [Music] [Applause] all right here we go so i kind of just want to show you exactly what i'm seeing when i first go through this thing looks like a heavy tupperware container some craft miracle whip with wow 59 cents do you remember when that was 59 cents whoa prices have gone up we got a few old looks like whitman uh books here let's see getting it out a pile of coins that are in flips and some loose coinage here in the corner let me get those out and a couple baggies and then that's it we're empty maybe some cat hair dog hair in there but we don't want to appraise that we want to kind of just evaluate what we have here so um i mean where do you start with a coin collection you know one thing i will say is i did notice that in the miracle whip it did seem like there was some silver coinage in there so maybe that's what mom did she put some silver coins in the jar and that'll be really easy to uh to go through well there's a buffalo nickel there too so that's not silver so we're going to go through each one of those let's see what's in this tupperware this was interesting these are all scents looks like yes um okay so this might be like a wheat cent collection so a whole collection of those that's going to be a lot of work i said it's going to be a lot of work because well i'll show you one of the tools that i use i do use a red book this is an old red book of course it's 20 21 right now but uh the mintage numbers generally stay the same so that's going to be important for me i don't care what the prices say in this red book because the red book is notorious for having just really really inflated prices that nobody's ever going to get for a coin but i do get the mintage numbers i can find out a coin's rarity quickly at a glance and then i got the trusty internet that i can go look up anything i really want to uh foreign or you know us coins are going to be just that fast to look up no big deal and i also have a calculator on the computer too because i'm going to want to keep track of the value of what i'm finding here so if i do find something rare or interesting i definitely want to pause the video and come back to you on that but that's one of the main things i'm using and i'll be using a different you know several different websites to to find values if there is a rare coin or a coin i'm curious about i have plenty of avenues on the internet uh i will say that typically if you do a um evaluation from like a coin dealer uh you know you're going to get the real quick you're not going to be able to get the kind of job i'm doing here my friend kind of entrusted me to to hold this at my home he was just like hey you know take this back home with you look it over and uh let me know what you think so i have as much time as i would like to go through everything whereas you go to a coin shop and uh you know you you show this right there to them they got to go through quick i mean they can't spend all day um on some on some coins unless there's a lot of rare stuff in here so far just at a glance i haven't seen anything too rare here's a cool uh 1903 barber dime but again not great condition not rare just cool you know it's cool it's 90 silver so that's fun but let me start getting through uh some of it maybe i'll start with the wheat cents and i'll come back and tell you what i find all right so i just finished going through the tupperware of wheat cents these are just all really common i mean nothing special whatsoever and in fact there was really to be honest with you uh you know sorry to surprise you there was nothing really rare in there unfortunately i would have loved to have found something crazy like a 1909 svdb i did find one regular 1909 not a vdb though man that would have been that would have been a lot of fun just to find something like that you know even though those are pretty common too just to find it just to just to get it out of there the red book is kind of essential and i just want to show you this real quick i mean many coin collectors that watch my videos are familiar with these things right here so this is kind of a back to basics moment but just because you have an old coin does not immediately make it valuable i get emails almost daily uh from people saying hey i have an old coin you know how much is it worth and it'll be just a really really common scent or you know nickel dime whatever the case may be just because it's an old date does not make it valuable and i can say that right now but it's gonna you know go over a lot of deaf ears for sure because people just are firm believers that an old coin is going to be you know making a lot of money uh not the case and like i said you can see that uh throughout a lot of these different dates i'm just going to use a few as an example 1925 139 million were minted 1926 157 were minted so you add all these up man you got you know billions of coins and as the year started getting into the later years which is what most of these are 40s and 50s you started having a lot made here's a year right here where literally in 1945 over a billion over 1 billion cents for just that one year we're minted so um you got to really kind of go through the wheat cents carefully because there could be that diamond in the rough i mean everybody's hoping for the 1955 double die or the 1909 s vdb of course or just a really nice condition one there were no nice conditions here like i said i just kind of kept the older ones to the side here um i for my personal collection i do like tens 20s 30s 40s 50s and i just keep them like separated kind of like that by decade that way and that's just a personal thing um for instance my friend's mother here she put just all the stuff in the tupperware and that was her personal thing so collectors are all different and you're going to find if you do have a coin collection that everybody's going to have things done differently because it's just how they want to do things i found some common like 1983 lincoln cents looking for some doubling on the 1984 didn't find anything there's a few varieties out there so you know if you're a variety hunter you gotta look for that if you do give like a bunch of like uh wheat cents to like a coin dealer they're not gonna sit there and pick out the varieties for you so it's important that if you want the maximum value for your collection do a little bit of research and try to look up varieties specific years and try to pull those out you know specific years and mint marks i should say and condition like nice conditioned coins pull those out yourself set those to the side or put them in flips because the dealer's probably not going to do that for you they're just going to buy them as a lot because like i said they oftentimes don't have time to just go every go through everything like i did here some cool i'll show you a few of these real quick and move these out of the side these are just the common uh lincoln cents but here i do have some uh you know common but neat uh foreign coins except for this right here this is a blank planchet and you probably think oh man uh you know a blank penny or a blank scent uh that's got to be like a rare error it's actually pretty common for an error it's really neat as a collection as a you know piece you can talk about with people but it's in by no means rare but that's a cool piece for sure some of these you know coins are actually really neat i really enjoy this one right here this little little sea star and this one has a different back so it's a bahama little 1980 bahama coin and i really enjoy that but yeah a few little odds and ends i did find this which i thought was interesting in all those scents uh you know at a glance it's kind of like looks like you know scent color a little bit but actually it was a buffalo nickel and no date on this old one right here unfortunately there are techniques to bring the date out of the buffalo nickels i'm not going to be doing that but you can definitely do some research and try to figure that out um it involves i think a little a little bit of acid and not the kind that people were experimenting on just you know totally different but that's a that's a total horse of a different color right there and i won't be doing that on this video this is a pretty coin too oh again another sea star yeah i love that sea star uh why don't you call them starfish spectacular well uh you know they're technically not starfish they're sea stars that's the technical terms for them um so that's what i got right there so let me put those to the side all these the foreigns um the old scents and i'm not um totally sure if i'm going to offer a price to my friend and tell them what everything is what i would pay for everything and it's up to them if they want to you know go with it so i'm not trying to say any this is mine right now this is just me appraising it for the friend and they can do what they want they can go get another appraisal they can hold it for the rest of their lives whatever they want to do i'm just offering them my opinion um there are some foreign coins here so let's go through the foreign coins next and see what we got a little baggie with foreign so there's that uh sometimes the foreign coins have a little bit of silver in them let me get some some zoom here for you and luckily i have a lot of large world books to help me go through these and there's a lot of information on the internet too for world coin so i'm gonna have to use some of that stuff because i am by no means a world expert and i told my friend that i said hey when it comes to the ford stuff you know i'm not not by any means an expert i will say that at a glance some of these coins do look silver which automatically means there's a little value in there so i'm going to pick a few of these out and then later i'm going to skip the video forward and we'll talk about what i find out so that won't bore you with all the particulars but um some of these coins right here this is a canadian 10 cents um this right here to my untrained eye i believe this is a silver coin so i'll hold that to the side this right here this type of wear on a coin is just really really typical of old silver coinage so i would definitely say this is a has silver in it and so again although it's not a ton of value there is some value there just by being a precious metal in your coinage and i believe this right here this canadian piece um some of these have silver but this is probably not one this is too late of a date but i'll look through some of these and i'll come back to you with what i was able to find out all right so i am back from doing the foreign um i'm actually surprised some of these canadian coinage i guess they stayed silver longer than i thought they did and uh these quarters right here actually 50 silver and um you know with silver being 25 and 50 cents an ounce it's easy to get some value here uh just just out of silver coinage um the regular foreign stuff i didn't find anything special i looked through each one a lot of like 80s and and such um nothing special cool to see though let me say that uh foreign coins are awesome i wanted to show you this one right here in particular this is to me just a really really pretty coin and uh those out there in australia are going to be like hey it's just no big deal it's one of our normal coinage you know me but it's just really nice so here's a coin from 1977 this is australia and it's got this uh like a platypus or something on there right is that a can we can we agree that that's a duckbill platypus about five cents just a little nickel of theirs so i thought that was kind of cool um so you know not valuable by any means but a neat coin i also found this right here uh this is some kind of a little uh token and it's got a hole in it so you could make it into a little necklace the perfect linen suit shanty loom so that's kind of fun and just a just an oddity there in the uh you know the foreign collection also found some v nickels this is actually ours man we can claim this united states this is our stuff 1904 1906 v nickels so um probably assume that those were foreign just by the way they look because they do look kind of different don't they they have a different look about when they get worn out like that it looks a lot different but the v nickels um these unfortunately the dates 1904 1906 pretty common uh millions were made nothing special but cool to see you know those are neat and this one right here is just well that's just regular but uh right here just the silver coinage um a few 80 percenters a few 50 percenters and uh actually the value was 12.72 just for this little pile right here in my hands so a few coins right there made made mom some money right so there we go there's a start i'm going to put those to the side the silver coinage just because that's easy to make a value on with the rest of the stuff if you go to a a dealer a coin shop what they usually do with foreign stuff is just it's just like a bulk deal man they just by the pound on this stuff as well similar to like the wheat cents they're not worth a whole lot unless you find that one diamond in the rough that old coin that's worth a lot of money so you don't get a lot for this stuff but yeah it's fun to have it's fun to look through for sure it's neat to see what all the different countries are doing with their coinage um i love seeing how like australia puts like animals on their coins and a lot of other countries do that too fascinating to see next i want to go through some of these right here these uh flips and then after that we'll go through the jar of miracle whip and see what we got and then we still have the books we got a lot to go through here it's gonna be a decently long video is it not this is i don't know what this is it says austria on the flip 7 30 uh just some kind of like little charm it feels very light i would say this is not gold unfortunately it's a cool little charm if anybody in the comments wants to tell me what this actually is i mean it looks like flowers but i don't know much about it and i'm not that kind of collector but cool you know comes something neat here's a 1903 barber dime it says 60 on there you wish it was 60 but uh but but alas it's not that's my friend's mother's name is lynn so you know lynn this is uh a barber dime so you're worth a a little bit just based on its silver value 90 silver so i'll put that to the side as being valuable that way it's not a rare uh year unfortunately even though it's old again 1903 you think hey that's worth something because it's old not the case another case right here 1944 s walking liberty half dollar a very neat um coin i mean it's got that nice s mint mark right there in the corner that you love to see but alas again pretty common coin but still worth something because it's actually 90 silver so value there as well these are neat right here so this is a 1970 philadelphia denver and san francisco kind of like little trio there man it's old huh all these staples are all rusted so let that be a reminder to you be careful about these staples uh that when you put them in the flips if you don't have some kind of anti-humidity device and around you it's gonna probably cause some rust with those and that rust could leach onto your coins so be careful but um just some nice looking coins nothing too special here it's just neat to collect and you know every collector like i said is different and this is just something different to have alright next we have a 1964 kennedy half dollar these are cool because in 1964 and prior our half dollars dimes and quarters were 90 percent silver so at 1965 that little thing kind of stopped unfortunately but with the half dollars 1965 to 1969 still retained 40 silver content so those do still have some value but this one right here is 90 silver so a lot of value there uh with as far as silver goes not rare by any means the kennedy 1964 half dollars but 90 silver makes them valuable we'll go and calculate the value here in a second i have a 1977 s proof jefferson nickel uh nothing too special here a lot of times the dealers when they have their proof coins man they just they're everywhere i mean proof sets that that dealers have there's so many of them i mean they have like just droves of them in the back somewhere so not a lot of value there but cool cool to see proof coins for sure 1970s nothing too special but it's a nice looking coin it's fun to keep that kind of stuff all right i do want to show you something i was doing while i was doing this video which is looking for variety sometimes with varieties you can make a little extra money it includes a little bit more work but like i said you could make some more money off of a coin collection if you do this and make sure you do this prior to handing it to a dealer because the dealer's not going to be able to look for varieties uh right there with you you got to do it on your own and then present that to the dealer so for instance in 1970s lincoln cent there is a small date in a large date variety you can see that unfortunately this one that len had was a large date based on the nine in the date kind of going off at a downwards angle instead of like a straight right angle that the small date needs to have on the nine so the difference is quite a bit of money a small date right now um on ebay you can probably get around 50 or so dollars for a small date in nice condition whereas a large date is you know only only a little bit maybe maybe a dollar or two if you're very lucky in a really nice condition so unfortunately lin had a large date which is not the big money maker on this but i thought it'd be interesting to show you an example of a variety of a coin that you can look for when you're doing coin roll hunting or just looking through the lincoln sense that you may have saved over the years uh you know there's plenty of other varieties and errors and double dies you can look for while you're coin roll hunting and uh you know holding on to your lincoln cents or wheat cents or other coins so that's why it's important to have a red book too because they show you a lot of these varieties and there also is a lot of other books out there that talk about varieties and coins you're not going to make a whole lot of money off of these kind of things but you know it's it's nice to see nice looking coins is not 1970 quarter it's in pretty good shape but again 1964 and prior has the silver that's not worth very much at all besides a quarter just some spending money but it's a pretty example it might go good in a book if you want to go ahead and make a a set here's a 1971 brilliant uncirculated according to what the flip says eisenhower dollar so you know eisenhower dollars are are neat there's a like couple that you want to look for um there's a 1972 certain types of those are actually worth some money and uh you know some differences right there and little keys by florida you gotta look for that for kind of like a type coin this is not that of course this is 1971 but there are also some silver eisenhower dollars too so those have some value unfortunately this is pretty much just spending money you can go to the bank sometimes and just say hey i'd like to have some large dollars and they'll still have eisenhower's here is a 1937 s buffalo nickel so 1937 s pretty cool and you know if you're not a pro with all the all the buffalo nickels and the entire set you can just get like a red book out look for the message real quick and see where you're at 1937 and we're going to the s right here 1937 s there was five and a half million made so actually a lower amount than typical on some of the uh years for sure like here you have 118 000 i'm sorry 118 million and then 58 million but this was just five and a half um it's definitely a decent grade but uh you might get a couple bucks out of it maybe but uh it's it's neat to see for sure more of something for just the the collector just to look at um and hold on to not worth a whole lot but neat neat stuff here is a 1970 s choice brilliant uncirculated it says according to the flip huh and i don't know the reverse seems to have a little wear to it but uh you can agree or disagree on that one tell me what you think but regardless nothing too special here just cool to see i like coins so i'm a coin collector 1971 kennedy half dollar no silver in this one you can still find these today you know ask for half dollars at the bank and you might be able to get some of those here's a 1969 so this is an example of a 40 silver half dollar a little value there i'll put that to the side and last another well 1972 okay so 1972 eisenhower dollar if you want to find that type that have that has the special little area um on the little world right there that you're looking for it'll have like little squiggly lines rather than the little like uh round kind of areas for the keys by florida so unfortunately this is not the one that you're looking for but um you know it's worth at least a dollar because it's a it's an old dollar and sometimes people you know give these away and change as a fun way to do change sometimes when you go to places that sell coins they'll sell eisenhower dollars for like a dollar 25 just to make some money on them but not too much value there but the silver stuff is worth a little bit so i will put that into the silver pile and calculate that when i start going through this jar let's do the jar next all right this was a lot of work trying to make sure that i had everything all right um so i added up basically the silver content um no rare dates i checked for all of that um i want to show you some of the some of the things i found though here is a standing liberty quarter always get excited to see those unfortunately there is no date on it the date gets worn off really easy on the earlier standing liberty quarters the rest of them were washington quarters but still 90 silver on those ones had some wartime nickels so those are cool always identifiable by the large mint mark right there above the monticello building so you can see the d and that's uh you know always indicative of the wartime nickels so a little bit of silver in those i had three of those and um 30 dimes total again no rare dates anywhere in all of this unfortunately um a mixture of roosevelt dimes and mercury dimes and no great condition on anything either i looked for that let's see i had two of the franklin half dollars so 90 silver again i had the flipped um walking liberty flipped 1964 so both 90 silver and the one barber dime and a flipped 19 was it 69 yeah 1969. um kennedy half dollar a lot of going on here and uh let's see a total of 11 other 40 kennedy half dollars so 1969 and uh prior to 1965 and those are um 12 total so yeah so a little bit of silver there also found a um here's a 1943 steel scent so that's kind of cool always identifiable by the fact that you can take a magnet to it and pick it up so here is a rare earth magnet that i'm going to get out and i will show you the fact that all these other coins not going to pick it up but the old steel scent will go right to it so those are actually pretty common too now if you were to find a 1944 steel cent or a 1943 copper scent you'd be in the money but today not so much at least for this collection unfortunately there was some buffalo nickels in that lot those are not silver but uh still cool a lot of times i see like grab bags of buffalo nickels or i should say grab areas of buffalo nickels people can just kind of pick out certain ones or you know just grab some out of there and they'll be like 75 cents usually a piece some of these have no date again you can use a technique to get that uh date sometimes get that date coming through but some of them were dated again no rare dates some are really really poor condition some are okay some are not too bad but you know hoping for some some nice dates right there unfortunately did not get any but there's a little value there for sure this stuff right here is was confusing um probably to her thinking it was silver because it looks like she tried to get the silver in one pile um a 1966 washington quarter uh unfortunately not silver you had to get 1964 and prior in 1969 even though it looks like it would be like a silver coin this uh roosevelt dime not 1971 not um here's a bicentennial eisenhower you know worth at least a dollar so that's that's cool so there's a couple of dollars in change here um and uh another bicentennial kennedy so no bueno a lot of people will collect like older um jefferson nickels here's a 1941 seems like it would be kind of have some silver in there but unfortunately it does not you always look for that large mint mark on there like you see in the wartime nickel right there above the monticello building you can see that large d right there and uh this is you know worth really a nickel uh not not even great condition on that but those are to the side still spending money i mean still worth something just because it is you know us currency but just the silver added that up so far and uh with the 40 with all the 90 silver and the wartime nickels 161.77 is what i came to and uh that's pretty cool right so that along with these right here so far i mean you're talking what one uh 73 173 actually almost 174 for just the foreign and the us silver so far there's still a lot more to go here's a little anomaly i found earlier i thought it was actually kind of cool it's a 1981 lincoln scene nothing too special about it except for it's got this uh really cool little football helmet that somebody went ahead and stamped in there so i thought that was kind of fun all right so now what i have left are the books and i have a little baggie which looks like american dollars let's see i'm gonna try to open the bag and get these out um yep so you have what is that that is a 1943 another steel scent so we're going to put that for now put that over here um some sacagawea dollars susan b dollars sacajawea of course the sacajawea you're looking for the cheerios dollar a lot of people think they have it um most people don't you can look on the internet to try to figure out if you happen to have one and susan b i mean they're all worth a dollar each so right there you have seven dollars so um you know that's cool you might be able to charge a little bit more if you had a really nice condition one they all look pretty circulated really to the naked eye um susan b is kind of nicer but still nothing too special except for it is u.s currency you can spend it still go to the banks today if you want to and ask for you know dollar coins and sometimes you get these sometimes you get the new presidential dollars but i've gotten plenty of these before just a regular change asking for it so those are really no big deal put those over here roosevelt roosevelt head dime starting in 1946 is this book right here um let's see what we got here let's let's open her on up uh with roosevelt dimes there's really no rare date if you had a really really nice conditioned roosevelt dime you might be able to get a couple dollars for it or something like that over the melt value but there's nothing really special you're looking for here and that's my opinion you can have your own opinion on that one if you'd like but i see one two three four five six seven roosevelt dimes so you have a little value there again with silver these are 90 silver coins so with silver being 25 and a half dollars um an ounce you have a little bit of value there but um i wish i would have seen that whole book filled up that would have been cool but that's the roosevelt head dime i think one just kind of fell out but i move that to the side here is a buffalo nickel book let's see what we have here oh look at that you have some paper money inside of here so here's a two dollar bill right on top kind of interesting not rare by any means you can get two dollar bills today easily just go to the bank after two dollar bills they'll usually have them and this is a 1976 so um something you don't see very often a lot of places they'll just you know ship them right to the bank they don't carry them too much but you know it's fun to see some people you know carry these just for the sake of giving out a tip in two dollar bills i have a silver certificate you can always tell that by the blue seal here and the fact that at the bottom it says one dollar in silver payable to the bearer on demand so of course back in the day prior to you know 1965 you could take one of these right here and say hey i want a silver dollar so a morgan or a peace dollar and trade your paper for actual value and silver so that was always fun nothing too special here if you have a really nice one or a fun serial number those can have some value but these are pretty tattered except for this one right here which still is kind of tattered to be honest it has a lot of creases but uh nicer than the other ones um no real value though uh i i was giving these away for a second as like a bonus when people were buying stuff from me but um i ran out i've run out so but that's still you know you still have some money here and uh something to talk about and they're still kind of cool i mean this is this is still money you could use today if push come to shove i wouldn't do that just because maybe the two dollar bill but you know the silver certificates are fun just to collect and hold and have a little bit of extra value just a little bit um let's go through the buffalo nickel collection here's a 1920s again 9.7 million on that right there so nothing too special and you look at the date you can barely even see it it's so worn down so nothing fancy there looks like some of these might have been filled at one point but not right now what else we got um with these books too you kind of want to really go in them and make sure that those dates that they are put into are the actual date for instance this right here has the uh it's back turned to us hold on a second so i mean can we really even know what the date is with the back turn nope so let's see it says it's a was a 1927 s um how do you tell that you know what i mean it's got the big uh line through right there somebody cut a cut a line through it unfortunately and you can't even see the date but they just put it there so again the the buffalo nickels with the date they're worth a little bit extra um like you know dealers when they sell them they'll sell them sometimes for like 75 cents a piece sometimes a little bit more sometimes a little bit less so you know when you when it comes to appraising a collection like this what are you going to pay for because down the road the ultimate goal is to either fill one of your books or maybe sell it um if you are buying a collection so you know dateless buffalo nickels are you going to be able to sell those or are you going to try to you know do the technique where you bring the date out you have to really kind of evaluate that kind of stuff and kind of think about what you would do with it and uh how you would value it based on that um you probably want me to say hey you know spectacular what are you paying for those um for dateless buffalo nickels i'm really not even interested in them to be honest with you dateless buffalo nickel dated buffalo nickels i have a little interest in them you know most of them are common though and especially in this collection so far they've been common uh not a whole lot of value there um you know i don't want to throw a number out at you because you yell at me but there's not a lot you can do with those you know fill your own books for fun for sure pass them on to some friends collect them in a big pile but a lot of that stuff is just you know just very common very common unfortunately here are some wheat cents this is a lincoln cent collection starting in 1941 this is the number two book hopefully the number one books in here so nothing too rare in all of these i'm looking for anything that might be out of place a lot of this is actually filled which is nice this is actually kind of a neat book because you could uh just finish this up already i'm seeing that a few things are in the wrong place like right here is a steel cent 1943 and it's in the 1960 spot so that is a steel cent not supposed to be there so um interesting what happened here with the collection here is some canadian stuff on this side um older canadian sense nothing of real value here and again you know you put 1963 it looks like it's been scratched in here with this uh canadian set i'm trying to try to get this out because i just want to see if that truly is the date you know so let's punch out the back of it a little bit 1963 so yeah so again you know the collector um right here just made their own thing out of the book which is what people do a lot of times man they just make their own collection and coin collection coin collecting is for an individual you know it's just what the individual wants and this is what what they wanted maybe this was len what she wanted to do just put some canadians in the back right there and that's totally fine there's no you know laws against that at all um but when you appraise something that's what you're going against kind of you're kind of going against what the um collector wanted to do and uh not a lot of value there's nothing too rare in that lincoln set book it's nice to see it's almost complete i can probably finish that one up no problem um this this might be cool a type collection of 20th century united states coins so this potentially could have some real value in there i want to see it i want to see let's see what we got here type collection come on uh oh look at that a 1902 indian headset so again um off the top of my head that's not a rare coin but luckily for me i have access to the red book of coins right here at my fingertips it's so easy just to go ahead and go into the book find small sense you're looking for indian you're looking for was again 1902 and you will find 1902 [Music] like i want to see like a flying eagle or something like that but that was a little bit earlier 1902 indian head 87 million were minted unfortunately and again ignore these numbers try to get two dollars out of a 1902 indian headset you will not do it you will not be able to get that price unfortunately um you can wish all you want but that's not going to happen here is so you got a regular wheat cent here there's the memorial sent so it came a little later um 1899 liberty head 1899 liberty hold on a second is that a little special let's see again luckily we have the red book i don't memorize the dates i'm not uh you know the coin dealer's been doing this all his life they remember stuff i got other things that i have to do and i came into coin collecting a little bit later in life thank goodness for red books um i can put a lot of my thoughts over here that are important and then uh mintage numbers in this book that can help me out um 1899 right and 26 million were minted um might be a little bit better of a coin just by a little bit but not too much it's not too special at all but and especially with the condition the v nickel it's pretty rough not silver unfortunately here is a 1967 jefferson nickel 1930 buffalo not special mercury dime 1943 very common date on the mercury dime but it is 19 90 silver a little value there here's a little bit more value because you got two half dollars that are common but 90 silver a 90 silver quarter and a um 1965 kennedy so 40 silver on that sorry i had the book down there and please be some value over here on the end oh man i wanted to see it i wanted to see these spots right here filled the morgan and the peace dollar that would have been fun but unfortunately we don't have those filled here's a 90 silver quarter oh so this is birthier so um i guess len was born in 1960. so that's kind of neat that they have a little birthier spot so [Music] len had 96 or a 90 silver quarter and 90 silver roosevelt dime for her birth year that's cool i've never seen that before so a few coins in here have some value just based on silver price but there's nothing special condition wise anywhere nothing special rarity i'll add up the silver price here when i'm done with the books and get you a total and let's see a jefferson nickel collection looks like that's going to finish us out darn you think this would be all filled up um okay hold on a second hold on a second i this toning right here that's going on i can tell from a mile away what that is that nasty toning on the jefferson nickels generally is from a wartime nickel so let's pop a couple of these out and let's see if that is the case wartime nickels just tell them so gross uh unfortunately but they are you know they do have some silver content in there so yeah big d right there big denver that does signify a wartime nickel and uh p one of the few coins actually have the p mint mark on them it's a philadelphia and that is a wartime nickel so i think that these are our wartime nickels i'll look into them add them all up and get back to you on the value of those all right so i'm done going over the value of this box of coins now this is what i came up with now this is only the silver coinage is inside of here so 228 dollars and 16 cents is what i got uh with the silver value alone i use coinflation uh the website a lot to determine what the value is of a silver coin um i ended up going to ngc's website um for some of the foreign stuff it was just really easy at a glance to see what some of the content was with that silver and then i came up with a price based on silver being 25.50 per ounce now already the silver has come down a little bit so realistically that price is already a little bit lower that's the way it goes and that's also why a coin shop doesn't take this and you know do it over a couple days time or a days period of time you know they just boom they try to evaluate as quick as possible gather everything up and then try their best to sort it out and flip it as quick as possible usually that's that's the goal right buy and sell so that is only the silver value now i do want to say that some of the silver coins um here like the um uh 40 half dollars or the wartime nickels these guys right here they tend to bring in a little bit less on average and some people will agree that to that some people will disagree um in my experience like like dealers uh people that sell to me man they've offered to sell me like 40 percent half dollars at less than silver price at less than the spot because they're just trying to move them and oftentimes they buy those at less than spot and some dealers only buy silver at less than spot because of the situation where i just mentioned where silver drops pretty uh you know instantaneously sometimes so you know that's the silver only price uh do with it which you would like to um as far as the rest of the collection uh you know there was some spendable money in there quite a bit of u.s currency i'm in the united states so it would be easy for me to take that and just literally just spend it so there was around probably um 20 30 worth of just regular spending money and so that's obviously some value right there so um you know you can add another 30 to this i mean you're almost at 260 right there from just spending money and then the rest of the stuff you know the buffalo nickels and um you know there's an indian headset a little bit of uh poundage as far as the wheat cents go not even that many of the foreign coins you could probably put this somewhere just under 300 for a value as a dealer i wouldn't want to pay anything over like 270 dollars for this because you know you got to really try to flip it you know and this kind of collection is going to be something you have to peace out i mean some people are only into silver coins some people are only into buffalo nickels so it'd be a lot of work even though it's just a small amount of coins this is a great starter set for somebody that you know would like to get into coin collection that would be awesome for them to have this and just start their journey but yeah somewhere under 300 i think is a decent price for this right here um a dealer is going to pay you much less even that 270 dollar number that i kind of gave you you'd probably pay much less than that just because it's it's a lot to move and um a lot of different things here and some things are like i said a little bit more difficult uh the foreign silver the wartime nickels the 40 silver coins it's those are difficult more difficult to move than just regular 90 so uh that's my evaluation and uh you know lynn you got some money here that's that's cool it's always nice to see that you got a little bit of money but i got to go for now let me know down in the comments what you think if you agree if you disagree if uh if you like what you saw if you want to see more stuff like this i gotta go for now though spectacular this guy is out [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: SpegTacular
Views: 12,778
Rating: 4.8684211 out of 5
Keywords: Silver, investing, coins, bullion, hedge fund, inflation, gold, investment, copper, savings account, money, how-to, youtube editor, bank, coin, penny, coin roll hunting, bank roll, bank hunting, bank roll hunting, coin collecting, Lincoln cent, wheat cent, epic, silver, currency, junk silver, walking liberty, franklin, kennedy, mercury, dime, half dollar, quarter, constitutional silver, 90 percent, Sell coins, how to sell coins, selling coins, coin appraisal, Spegtacular
Id: 1s9LyattHkU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 44sec (2684 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 06 2021
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