Fake proof silver eagle purchased from China.

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hello everybody it's spectacular this silverstack Euler I have three proof coins here from 2019 one is a fake whether it be number one number two number three I want you to go ahead and put in the description what you think it is just based off of looks alone for now then we'll try to test them and look and see for sure what it is now tell you right now I'm not gonna have these fakes in our hobby so whichever one is the fake is getting the old Clippers to it [Music] all right so I actually received this fake from a member of our community and I'm gonna go ahead and read the message they sent me and it says dear spectacular this is the coin that we have previously discussed via email it is supposed to be a American Silver Eagle proof I purchased this one online and with the price being the first red flag I purchased it anyways weeks later it finally arrived in a nondescript gray plastic bag with customs forms filled out in Chinese characters [Music] red flag number two I have not checked it out with any of the detectors that you have used in the fake Morgan dollar video please have a crack at this one and let's see what it really is mark so thank you very much mark for sending me this fake Proof Silver Eagle so I will give you some swag stuff right there you know as a thank you and I send that out to you via mail but first of all what do you think it is I mean as a viewer quickly looking at these things you know do you think it's you know this one this one this one let's look at them real quick let's go over just the look of these so here is one and these are all again from 2019 we're gonna call this number one and we're gonna see if you think that this is the fake one so take a good look at that we're won by looks alone because as I say when you go to shops for coins and and your precious metals oftentimes you don't have you know calipers with you or a precious metals verifier a scale you don't have all that stuff you have your eyeballs so that's the first tool that we have in the biggest tool realistically because that's well we have what does at all times right our eyeballs most of us I mean some people are you know not blessed with the eyeballs and it is what it is and I apologize to those people because I'm sure I just offended somebody but here it is number three so we have one two and three you know put in the comments which one you think is fake and we're gonna go over which one it actually is so I have a few things here I have you know some loop here that can help us to to see better some of those fine details I have calipers I have of course the destroyer that I call it now I have a scale which can help now they're all in a plastic capsule and so one of the best things I can do because it's in a plastic capsule is start with the signal metal Eric's precious metals verifier because it can go through thin pieces of plastic to determine what the metal is alright so the first thing I'm going to do is turn it on so here we go I have it placed on 999 pure it's ready and that's what silver eagles are is their triple nine fine I have heard some rumors that some proof coins have issues being read on the signal metal etics I personally have never ran across that yet we'll go backwards to start this out so here is number three again these are all 2019 bomb it shows that within these brackets right here so as long as there's any worth in those brackets it's reading as triple nine fine silver which is what we want here is number two whoa the thing is way off to the right whenever it does that it means it it's not registering as triple nine fine silver doesn't always mean you know that's the end-all be-all test to mean so you know maybe double check it or a really you know look at it carefully but for us it's probably going to be a dead giveaway but let's go ahead and go with number one and see what number one says number one says triple nine fine silver okay so there's number one there's number three number two right here did not read so good we're gonna get rid of this machine which you know is easy for me I love this thing because look how quick that was yes they're expensive my good is they're expensive but at the end of the day could it save you some money if you have our a big collector yes absolutely all right so I need to get this out of the capsule alright so here it is out of a capsule and one of the biggest things to me that I notice this topic capsule is that it's just not right you look at some of the museum and here for us you look at some of the fonts right and I noticed that on my other video people said you know the fonts aren't right on the other the Morgan Dollars right here you can see it again look at the end God We Trust look how thin those are right and then you look at another coin like this the good coin and it's much thicker it's a different style you know I mean it's totally totally different so look closely right not not liking it and let me put this one the fake one up against the number one that we had and show you the font there again thicker not not the case every everything is a little bit different a little bit off look at the Y's the different sizes here the T's are a little different you know it's just just things aren't correct so your eyeballs are your first tool look at the flag they try to put these little lines all in the flag there it looks terrible when you know what the real thing looks like but they tried and you look here and the lines are kind of there but it kind of within the coin much more it's it's almost faint where you can't even see the lines here they're just so pronounced and not looking good let's look at the reverse and see if we can see any differences alright so again the fake ones on the right hand side we know it's fake because it just tested way off the scale not even close look at the W the W is wrong right here on the MITM are at the West Point you know the W is weird look at the initials right here the initials there on the right hand side the fake one first is the initials here on the left it's just terrible very very bad very bad way more detail in the good ones wings on the on the eagle look at the detail here versus the detail and these wings almost non-existent there's almost no little individual feathers here look what this is the detail they put a little little indentations on the top awful so not a lot not a lot of good things going for this coin on the right so yeah spoiler alert it is number two this time we don't need other things to find out if it's is real or fake but I do want to show some other testing that can be done with these just because I like to see what they ring up at my man so here we got a scale alright so now I have my scale set to grams and I have the red look here for reference so I never have to worry about what things should be because I have it right here the red book says the weight should be thirty one point one zero one grams so let's see what this bad boy rings up as and let's let's move it down so we can really enjoy this twenty nine point one and this is not like a worn out coin it shouldn't be that many grams off you know two grams off right there not a good sign you know sometimes a worn cone can be off a little bit but I mean this is an eagle eagles typically aren't used you know so they're never worn and this one is definitely not a worn coin it's just you know like because it's not the right type of metal okay so let's go to the next so one thing if you don't have calipers you can also use an air-tight right so these air tights are designed for American Silver Eagles these are the ring types right with the phone rings so the American Silver Eagle fits so snug in these rings right here almost to the point really where you got to wrap the ring carefully around the coin because it's so tight on there I mean it's meant to be with an American Silver Eagle so we can kind of use these as a test to see how a silver eagle would fit in there so let's go ahead and put that in there you see how fast that was I mean it fell into place it literally was not you know pushed in there whatsoever it was it just falls into place so it's kind of a loose fit within here you can see how it just kind of falls off actually the fit is not terrible compared to something I've seen but it's not supposed to be that loose it's supposed to be to where that thing is on there fit and this is just falling off so a little bit of a red flag but now just for the sake of doing it we're gonna go to the calipers and see exactly what the diameter is looking like and again go back to the red book red book says it should be forty point six millimeters so let's go ahead and turn this thing on maybe on Oh all right that's it powering up and we want to make sure it's all the way left so it is zeroed out good and what we gotta find again forty point six all right so now we're gonna go ahead and open it up and try to find out how the diameters look on this bad boy there it is thirty nine point seven eight so again it should be forty point six and just for the sake of the fun of it we're gonna use a magnet to see if the magnet sticks to it these are the rare earth magnets and we're just gonna look at that that is my first magnetic shake very very cool all right so I've often said in my videos that I've never found a magnetic fake yet here it is here it is so there's no doubt that this is not a real coin because silver is not magnetic I want to get the big magnet out now and see just how crazy that thing sticks to it nice now here's the big magnet that I have you remember this from the other video we're nearly tore down my work area because it is very strong these rare earth magnets are no joke it has effect on the lights around me pulling on them and everything my camera stand it's falling because of this thing it's very very strong I want to see just how magnetic it's very see from the other ones that are silver there is no sticking to it whatsoever and it's because they are silver they are triple nine fine silver and that's that yeah not a good sign not a good sign at all not good it's fun it's fun playing freaky a little scary I mean if you had four of them you can take it at least a car out of this thing and that would be fun I guess but yeah don't buy from China if you see coins that are being sold from China you get tracking from China just guaranteed that that coin especially if it's United States coinage is going to be fake you know there are some reputable companies out there there are Chinese companies and it's a shame that they have so many fakes coming out of China because it gives them a bad name it makes people not want to do business with them but you know the places on eBay bitter like little little tiny sellers most likely if they're coming out of China with coins they're gonna be fake just just take it from me anyways not good sorry mark this is not good you want to go ahead and cut it we should cut it right that should be the next step after I get done playing with it oh man I almost just smashed my finger on the magnet ow that's no joke be careful with magnets everybody godly very strong all right so we're gonna use a boost and we're gonna cut it somebody said hey you should use a dremel hey she should do this how you should do that I want to cut it in a way that I get you know what's going on inside on like the tip or the edge of it without destroying it all together I want people to never be able to use it again or scam anybody with it but I don't want to completely utterly destroy it to where I can't use it as a teaching tool in the future if that makes sense so that's why I use these just to nip the tip so I'm just gonna get I'm just just the tip that everybody just the tip is what I'm gonna do here so there we go so this is not the typical brass inside you know it's it's it's some other kind of metal obviously and you metallurgist out there may know what type of metal it may be more than me obviously it's a magnetic metal but it's definitely the silver in color it's not that gold color from the brass that we had been used to and some of the other fakes that I put out I don't want anybody to go like oh it was just damaged a little bit but it still wants out when I was a silver so I will go ahead and catch fake into this so that everybody knows that it is fake so yeah I wrote fake in there it is fake it's no good mark and you know I apologize to you about that there are fakes in our hobbies there's people out there that want to take advantage of good people like us I just want to have a nice collection of coins or bullion and it's a shame it's a real shame but it's no good this one I hear is no bueno so sorry about that mark this one is no good but you know think of it this way you've helped other people to learn how to identify fakes and you know that should be worth a little bit to you it's worth something to me I enjoy helping others find out you know how to be strong in our hobby how to get the right coins and and identify those fakes and call out those shady sellers whenever you see them call them out in this case right here we had to call out the Chinese sellers because that's all we know as far as who sold it to this man was somebody from China just be so careful be so very careful and I'm sorry if there's you know a few good Chinese sellers out there but you've just there's just too much bad reputation out there between the other sellers to even even take a chance we'd have to do much with the other ones 1 and 3 because they are good you know so the metal it expressive era fight it immediately this is actually the enhanced reverse proof from the West Point mint and the other one is just a regular 2019 Proof Coin that I got from the fun show locally so be careful out there with the scams and the fakes there are so many good coins out there ii don't like these videos scary to the point you don't want to collect just you know use these right here as a reference and a guide to make sure that you're protected and you're not wasting your money so that's all i got for this video if you liked it please thumbs up go ahead and leave a comment down below let me know what you think and be sure to subscribe if you haven't spectacular in the coin from China is [Music]
Channel: SpegTacular
Views: 58,895
Rating: 4.9126329 out of 5
Keywords: Silver, investing, coins, bullion, hedge fund, inflation, gold, investment, copper, savings account, money, how-to, youtube editor, bank, coin, penny, coin roll hunting, bank roll, bank hunting, bank roll hunting, coin collecting, Lincoln cent, wheat cent, epic, silver, currency, junk silver, walking liberty, franklin, kennedy, mercury, dime, half dollar, quarter, constitutional silver, 90 percent, live, live show, counterfeit, eagle, silver eagle
Id: VT3SKrrufu0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 57sec (1017 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 17 2020
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