Fake Graded Silver Eagle Coins! How to test for fakes.

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howdy there everybody i am spectacular how are you i got this letter with some things inside from joe and spoiler alert uh he sent me some silver eagles in graded slabs and they are all fake i'm going to talk about these fakes go over joe's letter and we're going to try to figure out how we can tell if a coin is fake that's in a slab because what a weird thing to do right [Music] all right so we know the chinese fakes are out there they're all over the place the counterfeits are big in this hobby it's sad because a lot of new people want to try to invest in precious metals and it makes it kind of difficult if they don't know what they're doing and now one thing that people do is they'll buy a grated slab coin because they figure they that's another check right there how you know if i trust a company to slab the coin and grade it and authenticate it then it's not going to be fake right well now they're making fake slabs too they've been doing it for a while so joe sent me these coins you know coins and this letter right here hey spag happy new year i pray for peace and contentment for you and close our items to be destroyed a very attentive friend of mine got very thoughtful but didn't check the spot price and didn't realize his order total was too good to be true one ase was removed from the slab and put into a puzzle of a box very cool item and when i got to the other four in fine wrapping paper a few flags came out ms70 with a smear a speck of dirt and the same crotch in lady liberty's dress did not meet any standards so he's staring at lady liberty's crotch kind of weird joe what's wrong with you i did the ping test with an app also um let's see uh zero slash three bad every test and they'll weigh about 25 grams i'm not sure what he paid but for november and december these would have been under spot scammer ran paypal gave him 50 back so i want you to destroy these with a drill and retire them into your remove from circulation bucket i can definitely do that let's see i'm a big fan you may read this on camera oh good i did it before i knew it was okay and do test yourself and even point out the red flags of the slabs to help the public especially those new to stacking once i got word of this refund i knew exactly where to dispose of these fakes you've taught me some tricks and i knew you will help others keep up the great work and forgive me for my handwriting regardless of being regardless of it being a long day um my handwriting's not so good either joe don't worry this actually looks a lot like what i um write like so maybe that's why i can read it so well anyways thank you very much joe for thinking about me and thinking about others because we're going to destroy these things for sure um but man okay first let's look at a couple right so what do we got here we got a 2011 2012 13 14 and 15 silver eagle uh typically that'd be pretty cool right nice little setup right here let's start with the 2011 let's look at it real quick first of all this has a crack that could have been shipped like that it could have been when it shipped to me uh who knows not necessarily meaning that you know that's fake by any means but we're gonna look at these things right here so first thing that i notice uh when i pick this up is if you look at the label the ngc label right here it's already peeling off so i don't i haven't seen that before where the label is peeling off um usually they're kind of like it's kind of like underneath the slab a little bit like there's like a little flap that comes down and around and they kind of stick the label up underneath it so it's not like it's just stuck like with tape or glue so this is very different but it says 2011 eagle one dollar ms70 so yeah okay and it has a barcode and everything so i mean to the untrained eye this would look official right and if you see these right here and you're thinking under spot or something like that some of them might go like oh wow this is this is great you know what a what a deal nothing on the back either very interesting so we're just looking at some normal things here we're gonna we're gonna look them over and then we're gonna go over some ways to test them and i might break one out here and and scratch it up and see what's actually inside of it but you look at liberty here and she doesn't look very good at all first of all the cartwheel is weird if you look at the cartwheel i see a cartwheel here and a cartwheel there so like two different two different spots where the light is bending in a weird way it's almost like small cartwheels usually with a silver eagle it will be a giant cartwheel right here and it will you know take up the entire coin so the luster is kind of weird in my opinion let me show you a good example so here on the right hand side is a silver eagle that is legit this is not fake by any means and you can look at the cartwheel see how it kind of goes throughout the whole coin that line right there that that whitish line that luster it goes from left to right all the way one big giant cartwheel here you look at it and it's like two it's hard to see because she's in the way but there's like too many ones very interesting so the luster is wrong the luster is wrong now that doesn't always mean a fake by any means but it just means you got to look at it a little bit now you look at the two coins let me try to get a little bit more zoom here and you can see there are some weird things going on for sure the texture of the flag right here is much more pronounced on the fake than on the reel the reel is just very subtle um texturing right here these right here come out quite a bit there's some rubbed spots right here on like her breasts and on her arm uh very unusual where these rub spots aren't here and and like rub spots don't mean fake either but it definitely doesn't mean a perfect coin ms70 is a perfect coin now you're gonna tell me there's rubs and all kinds of weird stuff going on with the coin and it's gonna be perfect makes no sense right so you know you see a lot of differences for sure a lot of rubbing you look at the lettering look at the lettering here just take a look at the e on both coins look how on the fake the e is much thinner whereas right here on the real the e is much thicker so definitely a different font going on um even the lines in the sun rays are much thinner here much thicker on the reel yeah let's look at the reverse real quick and then we'll get to some more some more tests right here so you look at the coin right lots of dinks and scratches all kinds of dinks and scratches actually now how are you going to give that a perfect grade you know if you have all these i mean you wouldn't even want this coin right here um as a collectible coin for sure i mean you might just consider it bullion uh but not any kind of you know collectible coin that's a of a perfect grade an ms70 the shield right here is all scratched up you look at this coin right here you don't see a whole lot on there maybe some dust but it's not all scratched up and all dinked up for sure um definitely some differences here so now very interesting whereas the font on this side was very thin now we're going to a very thick font in fact it's actually even thicker than the real one on this one so kind of kind of different there so uh a lot of things going for it that makes it kind of questionable right a lot of things so let me zoom back out real quick and he said that there was all kinds of other spots on some of these so now i got the 2015. let's look that one over real quick it's a shame man these chinese counterfeiters just just really really they're jerks they're jerks i mean i'm trying to think of a nice word to say but they're jerks um i can't stand it now the luster here is a little bit different it doesn't seem like it's so much to the point where it's no no it's still that double cartwheel you can even see one cartwheel is going this way one cartwheel is going kind of diagonal there's a big spot in the middle but now milk spots don't necessarily mean it's going to be a lesser grade but uh yeah they're all they all have that kind of rubbing to them for sure and uh let's see i also want to go back to the slab for a second talk about the slab there's some nasty detracting spots there but that you know you could call that toning if you really wanted to yeah they're pretty nasty okay um let's move the reel in a way so i don't mistake it you know i mean they're so hard to tell the difference uh so the slabs let's let's put all these see how this that is slid out like that like i almost dropped it onto the floor but i'm gonna put all these slabs together and i want you to see a little phenomena here so i'm gonna just take my finger just push them see how they just slide off so with the ngc slabs one cool thing is they're very stackable when you have more than one slab and i actually have three right here and of legit these are legit slabs from ngc and i'm going to try to push push the top one you can see when i push the top one the whole thing goes because they kind of like lock into place and maybe you can kind of see how the that little lip right there kind of like locks it in and they're stuck whereas these ones they don't have that little lip they don't stick into place they're not stackable that's that's one big red flag for sure now let's take a legit coin from ngc and the fake coin on this side and look at the differences here first of all see how the lip right here kind of keeps the label inside where this one is obviously taped so that's different the barcode everything else looks pretty similar now the real one does have a holographic um kind of like little labeling right here but you know the older ngc probably didn't have that holographic right there all the time so the newer ones definitely do obviously and this one does not have it here but other than that you know the the artwork is somewhat similar for sure um little differences this looks more printed doesn't it it has like almost like a pixelation to it look at that look at the the lines right here just on the little scale see how it just kind of looks all funky we look at the lines on this one and it's much different so uh very interesting very interesting let's scoot to the back of it so the back of it actually has a hologram right here for ngc now listen i've actually seen these fake holograms on some of the slabs too so don't think oh because it has this hologram it must be real you gotta look at the whole picture for sure this one doesn't have anything that got lazy on me uh it is what it is and uh you know this looks much cleaner too the whole thing but sometimes they do get kind of you know people smoke or whatnot and they kind of get like a yellowish to them or they're just stored in some interesting places and they get that yellowish tint to them it doesn't necessarily mean fake but you know overall uh overall a lot different aren't they i want to just pry this out looks like there's like a little little lip right there i might be able to pry one out if not i'm gonna go get the hammer to these things and uh try to hammer one out oh never mind okay they just pry right out uh meanwhile let's take this right here let's try to pry one of these out you're not prying this thing out of there i don't i don't want to do it but i'm showing you that no matter how much i use my man strength i cannot get this thing pried out of there because that's they lock them into place pretty good so here's the coin [Music] this is kind of kind of flimsy let's take this off let's see what this is actually stuck on there with real quick this is like a tape so no glue or anything like that it's just like a like a little literal tape this is kind of kind of thin where these right here look more like cardboard these uh labels right here this is like very thin just yeah just i don't know like label material okay here is the coin in question and uh you know i mean like really from a distance you know if somebody just really quickly said hey you know look at that silver eagle great right you'd be like yeah cool you know that's sure that is a silver eagle uh let me find my scale real quick because that'll tell us the weight and then we'll do some other tests real quick on it too i'm back i found calipers and i found a little scale right here i also found the red book these are great make sure let me just show you the front right it doesn't have to be the same date as today it could be in the future or in the past right 2016 doesn't matter so much the date as long as the coins are in there they're the same from year after year and the silver eagles for right now are until they change them here in the middle of 2021 but regardless um it gives us some information which is great it's a great reference point if you can't find this information because you don't have a red book go on the internet that information is there of course too but so we're talking about uh 9993 silver and some copper that's you know not that important to us right there but the weight is one ounce of pure silver and the weight overall is 31.101 grams so let's put this bad boy over here to grams and we're going to see what we're working with i'm going to get this camera on here for you i'm set to gram so again 31.1 or so grams is what this should be a little little tiny more a little tiny less won't kill us but way different is going to be a big time red flag so again it's supposed to be 31.1 i'm at 25.7 kind of like what joe said about 25 grams uh not great not great at all so that's you know much less weight you wouldn't want this right here because it's not an ounce of silver i mean if it was silver um it's much less i'd call the united states met and be like what are you doing to the people but don't get me wrong this did not come from the u.s mint let's turn that off real quick and we're going to go to the calipers because it also gives us the diameter here i believe yes 40.6 millimeters so got the handy dandy calipers go ahead and turn these on digital calipers i got these at lowe's or home depot one of the two probably lowes so you can find these no problem amazon has them whatever the case may be no big deal i'm just going to put them right there and what is it supposed to be again 40.6 millimeter so i'm a little little shy i'm 39 it's supposed to be 40.6 so about a millimeter short just about you know is that a huge red flag well for a worn coin it wouldn't be uh two off the wall but uh these are not worn coins these are supposed to be you know perfect ms70 silver eagles so uh that is a red flag for sure turn this back off i also have one more machine i have the sigma metallics that we're going to use on these right here and let's get this over and zoom this back out now this is a great machine if you haven't seen this before it's handy in my opinion because it just quickly tells you you know what something is could it be fooled yep for sure is it always perfect nope but it definitely does the job 99 point more than 99 of the time you know what i mean it does it quite often so what i did is i went to silver triple nine pure and i'm gonna push run calibrate and what i'll do is i'll put this coin on this little green sensor and what you would want to see is it being right in the middle of these brackets right here if it's not in the middle of the brackets if it's off to the right or left it's kind of a little bit more questionable you got to do some more research on it we've already done a few things to kind of prove it is not real but we're going to go ahead and use this machine so you can see the arrow maybe you can see it with the light shining on it the arrow points way off to the right not a good sign i would call this fake in fact let me show you a real one this is that real one that i showed you earlier and put this on the machine to see what comes up so boom the real one shows right in the middle what's nice about the machine too is oftentimes it can actually go through the plastic so we can actually test these right here that's already in these you know grated slabs and we can just put that right there again it shows it off to the right let's do another one shows it off to the right another one again to the right not so good ladies and gentlemen and joe not so good but you already knew that joe you were you were wise to it um unfortunately you know these sellers out there they see people that don't know enough about you know this kind of stuff and they think oh you know we can offer it at a discount and it'll fool some people and oftentimes it does apparently i was given an email that there's some chinese sellers out of california and they're actually using my videos to show off silver eagles and uh suggest that they have some that are real which they are not they're fake too uh somebody pointed that out to me in an email that's crazy they're actually using my videos so be very careful if you see like some facebook advertisement that says hey you know silver eagles for 15 dollars but meanwhile you know any of the reputable websites like appmax um jm bullion sd bullion monument medals any of those places are selling a silver eagle for you know close to 30 bucks um that should be a huge red flag if somebody like on some local like craigslist or some facebook marketplace are selling them for much less too be very careful be very careful unless you have a keen eye and you know what you're looking for because these are obviously fake i mean they're so so crazy fake i wonder if my knife can kind of get through one of these to see what's on the inside let's see i'm going to scratch it up a little bit i'm going to zoom in while i'm doing it let's zoom in see if we can see the inner metal here so i know there's a billion other tools i could be using for this don't get me wrong i'm just kind of using what's on my desk right now you want some music while you wait music while you wait uh uh music while you wait it's the american eagle fake music while you wait okay so let me put this away before i cut my finger off and when we look inside we see it has that golden color to it right so that's actually going to be probably brass or something silly inside there it's not all silver you should see nothing but a silver color in there not real joe not real he said he also did the ping test he used an app there is an app out there that you can use to to actually i'm going to show you what a ping test is but you can use that to kind of test silver and other metals because each one has a has a specific sound that resonates off of it after you hit it and so we're going to see what this one is too i guess i just ping it with this thing doesn't matter see now if you had the app it would say like hey that's not an american silver eagle and i don't really want to take this one out my real one and ping it but i guarantee it will sound much different it'll have a sound that resonates kind of like a little bit longer and it'll have just a different tone completely i've done this a few times now and the tone of this one is very very high pitched it sounds like brass it doesn't sound good at all no it sounds ugly so yeah joe i'm gonna destroy all these but uh they are a great teaching tool they have no use in my life other than teaching people so it's not like i'm gonna go try to pull the wool over anybody's eyes it's gonna go to my fake bucket they're going to be destroyed so they won't trick anybody else but unfortunately even when i destroy these five coins and destroy the slabs um china's gonna make you know a thousand more of these things you know tens of thousands of these things they just flood the market with this junk and it's frustrating for sure and they're getting better and better all the time with the fakes uh you know it is what it is we gotta we gotta be vigilant and we have to know what to look for and hopefully videos like this exist out there to where you see them and you kind of save yourself a couple of bucks so hopefully you looked at this you kind of see some more things to look out for and and you know is this the end-all be-all is this going to help you determine every single silver eagle whether it's real or fake absolutely not absolutely not you're going to have to you know do some more research find other things there's going to be some that are so real you know are so real looking i mean the it's going to be much better looking than this thing right here and you just got to be you got to be aware of what what's going on what you're doing buy from reputable sources that's the best thing i can tell you for sure anyways that's my rant about that hopefully this video was helpful hopefully you learned a little bit hopefully you realize that just because there's a slab coin doesn't mean that it's going to be real and you got to be careful you got to be careful do your homework watch videos like this if you find fakes man please i mean i don't mind you sending them to me for sure i'll destroy them i'll get them out of the hobby and i'll teach other people at the same time um appreciate it joe appreciate you thinking about me i'll end up just scratching these to death and taking all these uh apart and you know using them for a teaching tool for sure that's one benefit we can get out of these fakes as a teaching tool i'm not trying to get these back into the hobby that's for sure anyways i hope you all enjoyed the video if you did please thumbs up the video comment down below um and you know subscribe if you haven't i love subscribers uh working my way towards 30 000 subscribers it would be great in 2021 if i could achieve that with your help and uh if you'd like to see more of these videos man that's that's what you gotta do you gotta subscribe hit that little bell icon get the notifications coming right to your mailbox wherever that not like your real mailbox like your internet mailbox like the world wide web style mailbox i gotta go spectacular is out
Channel: SpegTacular
Views: 43,509
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Silver, investing, coins, bullion, inflation, gold, investment, copper, money, how-to, bank, coin, penny, bank roll, bank hunting, coin collecting, Lincoln cent, epic, silver, currency, junk silver, franklin, kennedy, mercury, dime, half dollar, quarter, constitutional silver, 90 percent, live, live show, Fake coins, fake Silver Eagles, fake silver, fake silver coins, sigma Metalytics, testing fake coins, testing fake silver, how to test silver, American silver eagle coins, American silver fake
Id: _Q6F0JhXwZM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 7sec (1387 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 15 2021
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