Comfort & Rested Buffs in Valheim - Full Guide!

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while adventuring through the tenth world you've probably noticed this little icon from time to time nice i'm rested that's probably a good thing right but you might not have realized just how tremendous this rested effect is so good in fact that you should aim to have it active certainly while doing any kind of exploring or combat in the game this is because the rested effect gives you three really great buffs increasing your health regeneration by fifty percent stamina regeneration by a hundred percent and increasing the rate at which you gain experience points by 50 percent very important for grinding your skill levels to get the rested effect and these great buffs you must have the resting effect either for 20 uninterrupted seconds or as you sleep in a bed in order for the resting effect to be applied there must be no enemies nearby and you must be near a heat source close enough to activate the fire effect be aware that you will also not get the resting effect if you are wet or burning because that doesn't look very relaxing there are several heat sources in the game that will activate the fire effect when you are within range of them the hot tub smelter charcoal kiln blast furnace standing brazier hanging brazier campfire stone oven path and finally the bonfire which extends the fire effect furthest of all sitting outside within range of either of these heat sources will give you the resting effect as indicated by the icon in the top right corner note that in order to rest outside you must be sat down while resting you'll get a 200 health regeneration buff and 300 stamina regeneration buff so if you're ever in a sticky situation and need to heal up or recharge stamina fast try building a fire or resting at an in-world fire source you'll notice under the resting icon that there is a comfort score this comfort score is calculated based on your surroundings as you rest your resting comfort does not affect how strong your rested buffs will be but instead how long they will last the base buff duration is seven minutes with every additional comfort level prolonging your rested effect buffs by an extra minute adding seven to your resting comfort level will tell you how many minutes your rested buffs will last so for example resting in an area with a comfort level of 6 will give you 13 minutes of rested buffs resting outside by a lip fire will give you a comfort level of 1 and make your rested effect buffs last for 8 minutes you can actually boost the duration of this buff to 27 minutes and beyond by increasing your resting comfort to increase your comfort past level one you not only need to be near a heat source but you also need to be resting under a shelter this shelter doesn't have to be anything substantial or even something you've built you just have to make sure that you're out of the wind and rain when you're under an eligible shelter you'll get the shelter effect icon in the top right corner unlike when resting outside you don't have to be sat down when you rest inside your shelter in itself resting with the shelter effect will only give you one extra comfort point but crucially it will enable you to gain additional comfort points from surrounding items including the type of heat source you're using to get the fire effect only specific items will contribute towards your comfort level and some will contribute more than others these items don't need to be in the shelter with you to add to your comfort level but they do need to be within a 10 meter radius of you while you're resting in most cases items within the same general group won't stack their comfort scores so only the item with the highest comfort level will apply multiples of an item also won't stack comfort so it's important to have a good variety of furniture within your base this 10 meter radius extends in all directions so items on multiple levels of your base will also count towards your comfort however when placing the larger qualifying items it's important to keep in mind that the 10 meter radius will have to reach the center of the item to be included in your comfort score before i run through all of the craftable items that can contribute to your comfort level i have to talk about the only in-world comfort booster no it's not your good doggos but the maypole recent updates have cut spawn rates for the maypole with this rare item only spawning in about half of world seeds now if your world seed is one of the lucky ones a maypole will spawn in an abandoned village in the meadows normally within 1500 metres of the center of the map the maypole won't respawn and can't be moved so don't go chopping it down if this item is within a 10 meter radius of you when you're resting in a shelter it will add an additional level to your comfort and therefore give you an extra minute of rested buffs if you want to create your base around this item go for it but in my opinion the extra minute is not worth it if it means your base will be in a less ideal location far from resources or the ocean so how can you maximize your comfort from buildable items well depending on where you are in the game you may be limited to what you can build but this guide will run you through the items that you should eventually look to add to your base if you want to maximize comfort of the heat sources in the game resting near the campfire bonfire hanging brazier and standing brazier will add one level to your comfort but building and resting near the larger half or hot tub will add two comfort points the hot tub is unique compared to these other heat sources in that its plus two comfort will also actually stack with the comfort scores of any of the other heat sources so for example having both the hot tub and hearth in your shelter will give you an additional four comfort points the hot tub does however still have to be hot to count towards your comfort level so make sure it has fuel to get those extra minutes of buffs it's also worth noting that the hot tub is the only place you can get the rested effect while being wet so feel free to rest in or out of it the four rugs currently in the game will each add one level to your comfort so it's well worth having a deer rug wolf rug lux rug and the new red duke carpet where you rest to get an easy four extra minutes of rested buff having a banner of any color will also add one comfort point but note that these items do not stack unlike the carpets so while you can obviously have as many banners as you desire decorating your halls only one will count towards your comfort level next you need somewhere to sit like with the banners these items don't stack comfort level so only the seat with the highest comfort points will contribute to your comfort level the stool bench or sitting log will add one point to your comfort level while the chair or dark chair will add two comfort points building either the raven throne or the stone throne will beat all of these by adding three comfort levels you'll also have to choose between the tables in the game with the regular table adding one comfort point and the late game darkwood varieties the round table and long heavy table providing two comfort points as we've already mentioned you can get the rested effect by sleeping in a bed but even just having a bed in your vicinity will increase your comfort as you rest early on you'll only have access to the basic wooden bed which will give you one extra comfort point but once you've mined some iron and ventured into the mountains you'll be able to upgrade to the dragon bed which will give you two comfort points the armor stand is a mid-game item that will contribute one point to your comfort even if it doesn't have any armor hung on it having all of these items within 10 meters of you as you rest will give you a comfort level of 20 and 27 minutes of rested bath but as i mentioned earlier it's possible to even go beyond that with seasonal items we've already talked about the maypole which iron gate made temporarily buildable to celebrate mid-summer last year but last december the devs temporarily added another seasonal item which also increases comfort by one point the yule tree make sure you keep an eye out for these seasonal items as although they are only temporarily buildable once you have them they will continue to boost your comfort level long after they've been removed from the game now you've maximized your surrounding comfort as much as possible you can kick back and rest in your shelter after 20 seconds with the resting effect you'll get a message saying you're rested with your comfort level in parentheses this level will be based on your comfort the moment that the rested effects became active even if you spent most of the 20 seconds in an area with higher comfort under the effects icon in the top right corner you'll notice a countdown this shows you how long you have remaining of your baths the countdown will start when you move into an area of lower comfort or if you lose the resting effect altogether if you haven't left your shelter and lost the resting effect moving to an area of your shelter with a higher comfort level will cause your countdown to immediately increase as if you had originally rested there if you have left your shelter or lost the resting effect since getting your buffs you will have to rest again for 20 uninterrupted seconds or go to sleep to overwrite and restart this countdown part way through it doesn't matter what the comfort level is where you re-rest but obviously the countdown will only be overwritten if your remaining countdown is lower than the new buff duration would be once the countdown has run out you'll get a message saying that you no longer feel rested but of course you can immediately rest again to get the rested effect and your buffs back note that you'll also lose your rested buff if you log out of the game irongate has recently introduced pausing to the single player game so make sure to use that feature if you want to safely go afk without losing your rested effect buffs and that's probably everything you need to know about comfort and the rested effect in valheim i'll make sure to create an update if iron gate brings in any big changes please leave a like or comment if you enjoyed it and subscribe if you'd like to see more valheim videos and guides like this in the future until then have a great day
Channel: Embr
Views: 160,824
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gaming, valheim, iron gate, comfort, maypole, rested effect, rested buff, xp gain, health, stamina, valhiem, guide, explained, resting, fire effect, hot tub, update, game, pc gaming, steam, comfort in valheim, 27 minutes, 28 minutes, valheim base, valheim new, valheim let's play, valheim game
Id: eM7jcnk0o2s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 25sec (625 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 20 2022
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